Why sign with my baby

Why sign with my baby?
Since babies have control over their hands long before they
develop verbal skills, signing enables them to express what
they are not yet able to say. This reduces frustration resulting
in fewer temper tantrums. Signing also exposes your child to
more words at an earlier age, helping increase language
When will my baby start signing?
Every baby develops differently, and babies start signing at
different ages. Most babies make their first signs between 7-10
months. I started signing with my son at about 3 months; he
made his first sign by 9 months and by the age of one he had a
vocabulary of over 50 words. Most babies at 12 months have a
vocabulary of 0-10 words. *you can see a video of my son
signing on my website under the Video page.
Instructor Biography
K’lyn D’Elia married her best friend in 1997 . She had her
daughter Kennedy in 2004. Her son Lincoln was born in
2007. That’s when she discovered baby sign language. She
began signing to Lincoln when he was about 3 months old. She
began learning everything she could about ASL and watched
Kennedy thrive with it also. As Kennedy learned how to sign
she was eager to help her mom teach Lincoln all that she knew.
They were amazed at the results. At 9 months old, Lincoln
began signing to them and they haven’t stopped. K’lyn was so
pleased about how quickly her children were learning
vocabulary and saw how learning to sign opened up a whole
new world to them. She was also very grateful that signing
strengthened the bond within their family. She is very
passionate about teaching other parents how to sign with their
babies as well.
Sign Language Classes
For hearing babies
And toddlers
My Smart Hands™
classes use 100% American Sign Language (ASL)
Parent/Child Classes
My Smart Hands - Level 1
These classes run in either 4 or 8-week sessions. The 4-week
session introduces you to every day words, family signs, food
and animals. In the 8-week session you will learn over 100
signs to use with your child. The 8-week session allows for
more review, discussions, songs and practice of signs. Classes
are 45 minutes in length and are created for parents/
caregivers and babies.
In a playful, educational and language-rich environment,
caregivers and children will build their American Sign
Language (ASL) vocabulary through instruction, interactive
games and songs. You will learn recommended first signs; we
will discuss the benefits of using ASL with infants and
demonstrate easy techniques for successfully integrating signs
into everyday life. Some of the ASL vocabulary covered for this
age group includes: everyday words, family, food, animals,
emotions, opposites, bed time and play signs.
My Smart Hands - Level 2
These classes are designed for graduates of Smart Hands
Level I class or for infants with basic ASL comprehension.
These classes run in either 4 or 8-week sessions. The 4week session introduces you to people, food, animal and
emotion signs. In the 8-week session you will learn over
120 signs to use with your child. The 8-week session allows
for more review, discussions, songs and practice of signs.
Classes are 45 minutes in length. We will review signs
learned in My Smart Hands™ Level I and continue to build
our signing vocabulary. Weekly themes covered in class
include: people, food, animals, emotions, opposites,
weather and color signs.
Sing & Sign Classes
Young children are active, creative and spontaneous. They love
to sing, listen to music and dance to different songs that have
various rhythms and beats. For ages, children have loved to
put actions to songs such as ‘The Itsy Bitsy Spider’ and
‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star. In the ‘Sing & Sign’ class we
teach the ASL signs that go along with traditional children’s
songs as well as learn new modern songs. We will learn how to
sign the key words in each song, play games, read books and
review signs. But more importantly, we will laugh and have