Cash Management

Document Id: FCI User Guide -CM
Version 1.0
Document Id.: FCI User Guide - CM
June 2008
Version No.: 1.0
Copy No.:
Document Id: FCI User Guide -CM
Version 1.0
 2007 Tata Consultancy Services Limited
This document contains information that is proprietary and confidential to Tata
Consultancy Services, which shall not be disclosed outside Food Corporation of
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without express written permission of Tata Consultancy Services is prohibited. Any
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Version 1.0
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Mr. Amit Ruj
(i) Sign-off
Name of FCI Core Team
Mr. Amit Ruj
Process Owner
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Document Id: FCI User Guide -CM
Version 1.0
Notice No. :
: Food Corporation of India
: Oracle Application 11i Implementation at FCI.
Document Details:
FCI User Guide -CM
Version No.
User Guide for Cash Management.
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Version 1.0
: Food Corporation of India
: Oracle Application 11i Implementation at FCI.
Document Name : FCI User Guide - CM
Release Notice Reference (for release):
reports have
been moved
from discoverer
to oracle apps:
reconciled IOR
2. Bank
3. GL
reconciled IOR.
4. GL
5. GL
reconciled fast
6. GL
fast collection.
R utilization)
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Version 1.0
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Version 1.0
Table of Contents
1. Enter Bank Statement - Manually .......................................................................... 2
2. Enter Bank Statement – Automatically.................................................................. 5
3. Delete (Archive/ Purge) Bank Statements ............................................................. 9
4. View Transactions available for reconciliation ..................................................... 9
5. Reconcile Bank Statement Manually ..................................................................... 9
6. Unreconcile Bank Statement Manually ............................................................... 14
7. Reconcile Bank Statement Automatically ........................................................... 15
8. Reconcile Contra Entries ..................................................................................... 18
9. Marking a Bank Statement as Complete .............................................................. 19
Create a Cash Forecast Template ..................................................................... 20
Generate a Cash Forecast by using Forecast Template ................................... 25
Create a Cash positioning Template ................................................................ 26
Inter Office Remittances (IOR) ....................................................................... 27
Inter Office Fast Collection ............................................................................. 32
Journal Approval for InterCo Entries .............................................................. 34
Inter Office Fast Collection – Delayed Fast Collection ................................... 40
Stop Payment ................................................................................................... 41
Non Sufficient Funds – When Bank gives credit and then reverses the same
due to NSF ................................................................................................................... 42
Non Sufficient Funds – When Bank just levies the charges due to NSF ......... 44
Creating Miscellaneous Transactions for bank originated entries ................... 44
Run Reports ..................................................................................................... 45
FCI Interest Calculation Report ............................................................................... 45
FCI - Interest Calculation for IOR Unmatched........................................................ 47
Look up – Interest Rate Central CC account ................................................... 62
Look up – Penal Interest Rate .......................................................................... 65
CM Extract ....................................................................................................... 68
Cutover Issues - Reconciliation ...................................................................... 70
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The purpose of this training document is to give the intended users step by step
operating instructions in doing the Cash Management related activities in Oracle
Applications 11i ERP system.
The system is configured as per the CM Set Up document. All the required data to
configure the system are collected from the business process owners of Food
Corporation of India. To perform Cash Management related activities in the
configured system, it is essential for the business users to know the operating steps. In
this context, the training document is prepared and distributed to the intended users.
To perform the above, the user needs to login to the system and choose Cash
Management Responsibility.
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Version 1.0
1. Enter Bank Statement - Manually
Navigation Path: Cash Management > Banking Activities >> Bank Statements and
Note: Bank Statements can be uploaded only for those Banks which have been
set up in AP.
When a bank statement is entered manually, we enter the bank statement header and
the transaction lines. We can reconcile transaction lines as we enter them, or we can
reconcile the bank statement (manually or automatically) after entering all the
transaction lines and save your work.
1. Navigate to the Find Bank Statements window.
2. Choose the New button to display the Bank Statement window.
3. Enter the following bank header information: Account Number, Account
Name, Bank Name, Bank Branch, and Currency.
4. Enter the new statement Date.
5. Enter the Statement number. The default Statement Number is the statement
6. Enter the GL Date—the default is the Statement Date. The GL Date must be in
an open or a future–enterable period in Receivables or Payables.
7. Enter bank statement Control Totals:
Enter the opening and closing balances as needed. Enter control totals for
Receipts and Payments, as well as the number of statement lines for each.
8. Choose Lines to begin entering your statement lines. You can save the header
information now.
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9. After saving the Header Information, start entering the statement lines.
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10. Save your work when finished the statement lines entries.
11. Run the program ‘FCI Populate branch codes & date in bank lines’ to update
the number column with the combination of branch code and date, wherever
the branch code is present in the Descriptive Flex Field.
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2. Enter Bank Statement – Automatically
For loading Bank Statement automatically, we need to enter the data in specific
format and then the data will be loaded in the system with the help of JSP pages. The
data then will be imported to the Cash management Module responsibility.
Steps for Importing bank statement through customised page
Note: Bank Statements can be uploaded only for those Banks which have been
set up in AP.
1. Filling the data into the excel Sheet in Proper Format: For successful import of
the data into the system, the most important thing is to fill the details of the
bank statement in the proper format. The template in which the data is to be
filled is attached below.
Number format should not be exponential.
Modifications :
There should be no blank rows and fields should be in order mentioned in the
excel sheet .
Take care of the following points:
a. File name should be unique and should not contain special character and
spaces in name. But you can use underscores '_' in the file name.
b. Add branch code in the BRCD column wherever applicable. Branch code has
to be entered in case of IOR. So, the system will by itself in case of IOR, the
branch code will be concatenated with date and populated in the Ref
No./Cheque No.
c. BRCD are the depot codes of the corresponding bank with which your bank is
doing transaction.
d. In the the Ref No./Cheque No. field, the -/ character will be replaced by
NULL. This column is numeric, thus accept only numeric value.
Delete all the letters and “-/” signs from CHEQUE column.
e. Remove any blank lines between the header and transaction lines.
f. The account no. should be exactly as the bank account number.
g. Header lines and data lines will start from exactly the same place as mentioned
in the file. From 9th row onwards, bank statement should start as shown in
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h. If your opening Bank balance is a negative bank balance, please ensure that it
has or you add the ‘-‘sign in the opening balance in the header section.
i. Branch name should be as it is entered in the system.
j. Date Format should be ‘DD-MON-YYYY’(i.e. ’01-JAN-2011’)
k. The file format for excel sheet should be .xls only eg. Test.xls. Any other
format like .csv, .xlsx etc will not get uploaded and will return error.
Path for finding corresponding BRCD codes :
Click on General Ledger Super User >>Journals>>enter>>new
Sample excel file :
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2. Opening the Responsibility: To open the responsibility, login to the Oracle and
then open the responsibility ‘(UNIT) CASH MANAGEMENT USER.’
When the user clicks the above link a JSP page opens. In this page the user needs
to upload data file. To upload the file, click the browse button, Navigate to the
folder in which the file is stored. Once the file is selected, click upload so that
the data in the file can be uploaded into the temporary tables.
Once the records are successfully entered into the temporary tables, the User will
get the following window.
Note: Unit code should be all in capital letters.
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After completing this process submit the request set ‘FCI Bank Statement Master’,
Enter the parameters such as ‘File Name’ and the parameters for the Bank Statement
Import. Submit the request.
Note: The bank statement will get reflected only when the statement date is between
the date given in the input parameters Statement Date From and Statement Date To of
the Bank Statement Import request,
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After its successful completion, run the following reports:
FCI Populate branch codes & date in bank lines
3. Delete (Archive/ Purge) Bank Statements
If for any reason, bank statement is erroneously loaded, the same can be archived/
purged. However, deletion of Bank Statement is not allowed at unit level. For this
facility please contact Head Quarters.
4. View Transactions available for reconciliation
Navigation Path: Cash Management > View > Available Transaction
Entries from different subledgers namely Accounts Receivable, Accounts
Payable, General Ledger flow to Cash Management. Select the relevant
check box. Enter the required Bank account. Click on Find.
Only those journal entries will flow into cash management that use the
Bank account. The bank accounts are identified based on the code
combination given in the General Ledger account given while setting up
the bank in Accounts Payable.
5. Reconcile Bank Statement Manually
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Bank statements can be reconciled manually as well as automatically. We can use the
manual method to reconcile any bank statement whether imported or entered
When we use manual reconciliation, we reconcile each bank statement line with
available transactions. We can search for Receivables receipts, Payables payments,
miscellaneous transactions, GL journal entries and statement lines that meet specific
criteria, and reconcile the statement line against them.
Navigation Path: Cash Management > Bank Statement > Bank Statement and
To manually reconcile a Entered bank statement:
1. Navigate to the Find Bank Statements window.
2. Enter the statement information.
3. Enter the query criteria for the statement to be reconciled or leave the
criteria blank to query all existing statements.
4. Click on Find to see the Reconcile Bank Statements window containing
the statements that meet your query criteria.
5. Select the statement to be reconciled, and choose Review. Cash
Management displays the Bank Statement window, with the header
information for the account queried, including Bank Name, Bank Branch,
statement Date, bank Currency, Document Number, and Statement
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6. Choose Lines to see the Bank Statement Lines window.
7. Select the statement line that you want to reconcile.
8. Choose Available to search for transactions that are available for
9. Enter search criteria in the Find Transactions window.
10. Select the available transactions that apply to the current bank statement
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11. Reconcile the available detail or batch transactions.
12. Reconcile other statement lines.
13. When you have reconciled all the bank statement lines, mark your bank
statement as complete.
14. Save your work.
15. You can review the results of reconciliation in the following reports:
• Bank Statement Detail Report
• Bank Statement Summary Report
Note: While manually reconciling the bank statement, we can reconcile
more than one sub ledger entries or General Ledger entries against one bank
statement line. However, we cannot reconcile more than one bank statement line
against a single sub ledger entry or General ledger entry. If this is required to be
done the only option is to mark the statement as ‘External’ to prevent it from
appearing in the reconciliation statements.
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6. Unreconcile Bank Statement Manually
Once a line is reconciled whether automatically or manually, the bank statements
should be reviewed. There could be a need to manually unreconciled a transaction.
Navigation Path: Cash Management > Bank Statement > Bank Statement and
Open the Bank Statement. Click on the ‘Reconciled’ button.
Then Select the lines that are to be unreconciled and then click unreconcile.
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7. Reconcile Bank Statement Automatically
You can use the Auto Reconciliation program to automatically reconcile bank
statement in Oracle Cash Management.
 Note: If you want to reconcile electronics type bank statement (for which
bank does not provide any cheque number) automatically, use the request set
‘FCI AutoReconciliation’ in Oracle Cash Management.
The program runs before auto reconciliation run and populate bank
statement transaction number as electronic payable document number for
single payment and reference number for payment batch. The searching and
populating of the transaction number will be based on the following criteria.
For Single payment: The Electronic Document Number will be populated in
the bank statement, on the basis of bank, branch, amount, and date for
electronic payments. The program will search the electronics type payment
whose payment date falls in the date range, 0 to 4 days prior to the bank
statement transaction date.
For Batch Payment: The value of the Reference given for each payment
batch will be populated in the bank statement based on bank, branch,
electronic, date and amount. The program will search the electronics type
payment batch whose settlement date falls in the date range, 0 to 4 days prior
to the bank statement transaction date. The payment batch will be getting
reconciled if the reference value of payment batch is unique for the particular
bank account.
After you run the program or request set, you can review the Auto Reconciliation
Execution Report to identify any reconciliation errors that need to be corrected. This
report is produced automatically, or you can run it whenever needed. You can also
review reconciliation errors online.
After you automatically reconcile a bank statement and correct any reconciliation
errors, you can run the Bank Statement Detail Report or use the View Bank
Statements window to review reconciled and unreconciled statement lines. If lines
remained unreconciled, you can:
Update the bank statement and rerun the Auto Reconciliation program.
Reconcile the statement lines manually.
To reconcile a bank statement automatically:
Navigate to the Submit Request window.
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1. Select the Auto Reconciliation program.
2. Enter the Bank Branch for the statements that you want to reconcile. This field
is required.
3. Enter the Bank Account Number for the statement that you want to reconcile.
If you do not enter a bank account number, you reconcile statements for the
entire bank branch.
4. In the following fields, enter a statement number or select one from the list of
• Statement Number From: the beginning statement number in the
range of statements to be reconciled.
• Statement Number To: the ending statement number in the range.
If you do not enter a Statement Number, it will reconcile all the statements for
the Bank account number. If the bank account number is not specified, it will
reconcile the entire bank branch.
5. Enter dates in the following fields:
• Statement Date From: the opening day of the bank statement period.
• Statement Date To: the closing day of the bank statement period.
• GL Date: (Required). The default date for all General Ledger journal entries
generated by Auto Reconciliation. The date must be in an open or future–
enterable Payables or Receivables period.
6. Specify how to handle any NSF or rejected receipts that are in your bank
statement. Choose:
• No Action: to resubmit the check or request for transfer later
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7. Submit your request.
8. When the concurrent request is finished, review the Auto Reconciliation
Execution Report for reconciliation errors. Also review the Bank Statement
Detail Report, which shows reconciled and unreconciled statement lines.
9. Note: The number column is of significance in the cash book
autoreconciliation between bank statement and subledgers like Accounts
Payable, Accounts Receivable takes place on the basis of the number column
and the amount. In case of Accounts Payable, the number column denotes the
cheque number. For Accounts Receivable it denotes the receipt number. While
in General Ledger, the number column denotes the line level description and
reconciliation takes place when the amount and the line level description
10. In case of IOR done through General Ledger, the reconciliation is done on the
basis of three parameters – Branch Code In case of IOR, matching is done on
the basis of three parameters, branch code, date and amount. Hence the
parameters of branch code and date are concatenated into the line level
description in GL. In the bank statement, the branch code is entered in the
DFF. Then the number column in the bank statement is populated with the
branch code concatenated with the bank statement value date. After this
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reconciliation takes place, on the basis of the BranchCode + Date and the
11. In case of Fast Collection done through General Ledger, the reconciliation is
done on the basis of two parameters – PIF Number and amount. The PIF
Number is entered in the header level description of the Journal Entry and will
flow to the line level description of the Journal Entry. Then the PIF number is
also entered in the number column in the bank statement. After this
reconciliation takes place, on the basis of the PIF number and the amount.
12. The program to populate the General Ledger line level description and the
number column in the bank statement is scheduled to run automatically daily.
13. The program to populate the General Ledger line level description and the
number column in the bank statement can also be done by submitting a new
request. For this the request name is ‘FCI Bank Statement Update’.
14. If any statement lines remained unreconciled, or you need to correct a
reconciled line, use the Reconcile Bank Statement Lines window to manually
reconcile those lines.
15. Review the GL Reconciliation Report.
8. Reconcile Contra Entries
Reconcile Bank Entries – Reversal Method:
This deals with a situation where the Bank has given an entry in the Bank Statement
and then reversed the entry.
The two entries must be of opposite type – that is one entry of Misc Payment and one
entry of Misc Receipt. Both the entries must have the same number in ‘Number’
For reversal corrections, the statement line has the same transaction number,
same amount, and opposite transaction type (for example, Miscellaneous
Receipt and Miscellaneous Payment).
Run the reconciliation program as specififed .
Note: For this to work, ensure that in the Bank Transaction Code for Misc
Payment and Misc Receipt is set as matching against Misc, Stmt. In correction
method, select both.
Reconcile Bank Entries – Adjustment Method:
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This deals with a situation where say the amount of Rs. 100, has been recorded in two
parts by the bank say Rs. 90 and Rs. 10. In this case the transaction type of one entry
has to be payment and the other entry in the bank statement has to be Miscellaneous
Payment. The reference number for the payment and miscellaneous payment entry
would be the same.
For this to work, ensure that in the Bank Transaction Code for Misc Payment and
Misc Receipt is set as matching against Misc, Stmt
Run the reconciliation program
Reconcile General Ledger Journals:
This deals with a situation wherein a entry passed in General Ledger Journal has been
The net impact of such a pair of its Journal entry and its reversal is zero.
Hence, select the two bank lines and just reconcile them against an already existing
Bank Statement line manually. This will have no impact and the journal lines will be
9. Marking a Bank Statement as Complete
You can freeze a bank statement in Cash Management by marking it as complete.
Marking a bank statement as complete disables certain Cash Management features
and prevents you from making any changes to the statement or statement lines until
you specifically unmark the completed bank statement. You can view a statement
from the View Bank Statements window to see that the statement is complete.
Suggestion: You might want to freeze a bank statement after completing the
reconciliation process. However, you can mark or unmark the statement as complete
at any time.
To mark a bank statement as complete:
1. Navigate to the Find Bank Statements window.
2. Enter the query criteria for the statement you want to mark as complete, or leave
the criteria blank to query all existing statements.
3. Choose Find to see the Reconcile Bank Statements folder window.
4. Select the statement you want to complete, and then choose Review.
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5. In the Bank Statement window, check the complete check box.
6. Save your work.
To unmark a completed bank statement:
1. Navigate to the Bank Statement window, as above.
2. Uncheck the Complete check box.
3. Save your work.
10. Create a Cash Forecast Template
Navigation Path: Cash Management > Cash Forecasting > Forecast Templates
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A template contains cash forecast specifications. You can specify the number and
type of rows and columns to create custom forecast templates. Templates determine
the presentation of sources (rows) and forecast periods (columns) for your cash
1. Navigate to the Forecast Templates window.
2. Click on Create Template.
3. Enter a unique name for your template.
4. Enter a forecast period type of Days or GL Periods in the Forecast By field.
5. Enter a description for your template.
6. Choose include or Exclude in the Overdue Transactions field to determine
whether to include or exclude open transactions that have a cash activity date
before the forecast start date. Overdue transactions are collected into one
forecast period, displayed as the overdue column in the Cash Forecast
Amounts window and the Cash Forecast Report.
7. If you chose to include overdue transactions, you must enter a value in the
Cutoff Period field. The Cutoff period determines how far back to include
overdue transactions. Transaction volume increases with an increase in the
Cutoff period. If you choose a Cutoff period that is very long and you are
including many historical transactions, then the forecasts may take longer to
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8. Click Next and start filling the row details. Choose Add row of Source Type
and click Go.
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9. In Supplier Invoices, give the row number, description, operating unit, set of
books, payment priority and supplier type etc and click apply to save the line.
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10. Then choose other options from Add Rows of Source type e.g. Supplier
Payments, Expense Reports, Customer Invoices and Customer Receipts etc.
and fill the required fields and save it. Then choose next to go to Column
Details area.
11. The Forecast Template Columns window appears where you enter forecast
period ranges. You can specify it manually or automatically.
12. Enter a Column Number to specify the sequence of the columns (forecast
periods). Values must be integers between 1 and 999.Column Number
indicates the sequence of the columns in the forecast. You can define up to 80
columns in a forecast template.
13. Enter the From and To specifications as periods or days, depending on what
you entered in the Forecast by Field. The values must be integers between 1
and 999. The From value must be less than or equal to the To value.
14. Click Finish to save the Cash Forecast Template.
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11. Generate a Cash Forecast by using Forecast
Navigation Path: Cash Management > Cash Forecasting > Forecast Templates
To create cash forecast using the Submit Forecast window:
1. Navigate to the Forecast Templates window or the Cash Forecasts window.
2. Search the existing cash forecast template and click on Run Forecast.
3. Enter the appropriate parameters and press Submit to generate new cash
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4. Click on view forecast.
5. Click on Forecast Name and view the Cash Forecast created. You may take
printout of this or may also convert it into excel format.
12. Create a Cash positioning Template
Navigation Path: Cash Management > Cash Positioning > Forecast Templates
A template contains cash position specifications. The objective of a Cash Position
Template is to show Cash Position on a particular day. You can specify the number
and type of rows and columns to create custom cash position templates. Templates
determine the presentation of sources (rows) and forecast periods (columns) for your
cash position.
1. Navigate to the Forecast Cash Positioning Window.
2. Click on Create Template.
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3. Two default templates are also available Default Cash Position Worksheet and
Default Treasury Cash Position Worksheet. Enter a unique name for your
template, if you wish to create a template to cater to some specific needs.
4. Click on Generate Cash Position to generate a position.
5. Cash Management picks up data for the Bank Opening Balance from the
Control totals of the Bank Statement.
13. Inter Office Remittances (IOR)
Switch over to General Ledger Responsibility.
Navigation Path: Journals> Enter
1. To create a new manual journal entry, click on new journal in the find journals
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2. Journal Name: Enter the Journal Name as the Unit Code. To illustrate, if the
entry is being entered in the unit ‘SB16’, the Journal name would be ‘SB16’.
3. Effective Date: Enter the Effective Date. This date is of great importance as it
denotes the transaction date for which the day end balances are being transferred.
4. Period: The period will automatically flow as per the effective date chosen.
5. Currency: Enter currency details. The currency will be ‘INR’ for all transactions
in Indian Rupees for the category ‘FCI InterCo IOR’.
6. Category: Select the category ‘FCI InterCo IOR’. Intercompany entries can be
entered only if the user has the requisite rights and privileges. Intercompany
entries belong to the categories beginning with ‘InterCo’ and Intercompany entry
is created only on POSTING.
7. Enter the journal entry in the lines and save the transaction. In the Line Number
column of the Journal Entry, the numbering to be followed is in series of 10, i.e.
numbering would be 10 and 20.
Note: For this to work, only one pair of entries must be passed in InterCo
remittances. If you try to entry more than two line in the category InterCo
remittances, the system will give error and not allow the same. For each day
end balance transferred, a separate Journal entry needs to be created.
8. In the journal entry, the depot segment denotes the branch code for which day end
balance is to be transferred and needs to be carefully entered. If the depot segment
is wrongly chosen, the entry will flow to the wrong branch of the bank and will
not be reconciled. The depot segment denotes the branch code for which day end
balance is to be transferred and needs to be carefully entered. If the depot segment
is wrongly chosen, the entry will flow to the wrong branch of the bank and will
not be reconciled.
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For example if the following entry is passed on 30-May-2008 to transfer the day end
balance of 30-May-2008, for NC1407F (i.e. SBI Nilokheri in Karnal District) to
HA1101 (Central Cash Credit Account):
HA11.HA1101.3111.0000.0000.0000.0000 Dr. 200
NC14.NC1407F.3111.0000.0000.0000.0000 Cr. 200
9. Submit the request for populating description. Request name is ‘FCI Populate GL
Description’. This can be auto scheduled daily.
10. In the journal entry, do not enter any description either at the header level or at the
line level. The description entered by the user will be overwritten by the system
for the category ‘InterCo IOR’. The system byitself runs a program which picks
up the corresponding branch code from the counterparty depot segment,
concatenates it with the effective date and populates it in the description column at
line level. In this case for HA1101 , the corresponding branch code would be
NC1407F. Hence in the line level description for HA11 unit, the branch code
NC1407F would be appended with the date 30-May-2008. So, the complete
description of the HA11 line would be NC1407F#30-May-2008. The description
will be populated by the system. In the NC14 line, the corresponding branch code
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would be HA1101. So, the complete description of the NC14 line would be
11. The line level description will flow in Cash Management and will be displayed in
the number column of the concerned bank in the transactions available for
12. As Budgetary Control is enabled, Click on ‘Check Funds’ and ‘Reserve Funds’. If
Budgetary Control is enabled on those accounts, these actions will check and
reserve funds on the same. Budgetary Control is not enabled on Bank accounts
and hence no budget checks will take place.
13. Click on ‘Approve’. The journal will be forwarded to the approver for approval.
Post-approval the transaction will be available for posting. For approval process
see the step of ‘Journal Approval for Inter Company Entries’
14. Click on Post to post the transaction . This is done by JVs from Journals >> Post
window. Alternatively, it can be saved and posted along with other transactions by
running the Auto Post program. InterCo lines are created on Posting.
15. If you have errorneously entered a wrong IOR, reverse it as per reversal procedure
of Journal. However the original journal and the reversed journal will flow to CM
and will be shown as transaction available for reconciliation. Now, to reconcile
the same, we will do the same manually. Select both the entries and reconcile with
a reconciled bank line.
Switch over to Cash Management.
Navigation Path: Bank Statements > Bank Statements and Reconciliation
In case of IOR, matching is done on the basis of three parameters, branch code, date
and amount. General Ledger reconciliation with cash book takes place on the basis of
the line level description and amount with the bank statement.
1. Ensure that the number field is populated with branch code and date.
Reconciliation will take place only in the Number column is populated with
branch code and date concatenated. Branch code is populated in the bank
statement excel format. The procedure for adding branch code is explained in
Point 2 : Entering Bank Statements Automatically. This is explained in Step 1.a of
the same. Alternatively, branch code can be entered in the DFF after the bank
statement is loaded.
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Cash Management
Run bank statement reconciliation as explained in Step 4 Reconcile Bank
Statement Automatically
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14. Inter Office Fast Collection
FCI has appointed collecting Bankers at various locations for cheque collections. The
credit for these cheques collected is given at its Central CC account.
The Collecting banker gives its daily collections statement and this has to be
reconciled with the Journal Entry of Fast Collection IOR.
Switch over to General Ledger Responsibility.
Navigation Path: Journals> Enter
1. To create a new manual journal entry, click on new journal in the find journals
2. Journal Name: Enter the Journal Name as the Unit Code. To illustrate, if the
entry is being entered in the unit ‘SB16’, the Journal name would be ‘SB16’.
3. Effective Date: Enter the Effective Date. This date is of great importance as it
denotes the transaction date for which fast collection balances are being
4. Period: The period will automatically flow as per the effective date chosen.
5. Currency: Enter currency details. The currency will be ‘INR’ for all transactions
in Indian Rupees for the category ‘FCI InterCo Fast Collection’.
6. Category: Select the category ‘FCI InterCo Fast Collection’. Intercompany
entries can be entered only if the user has the requisite rights and privileges.
Intercompany entries belong to the categories beginning with ‘InterCo’ and
Intercompany entry is created only on POSTING.
7. Enter the PIF Reference No. has to be written in the ‘Description’ part of the
Journal Entry. Entering the PIF No. is mandatory. The PIF number flows from the
Header level description to the line level description and this is essential for
reconciliation. If for any reason, the header level description does not flow to the
line level, enter the line level description. Ensure that the line level description has
the correct PIF number and do not enter any other description or else
reconciliation will not take place.
8. Enter the journal entry in the lines and save the transaction. In the Line Number
column of the Journal Entry, the numbering to be followed is in series of 10, i.e.
numbering would be 10 and 20.
Note: For this to work, only one pair of entries must be passed in InterCo
Fast Collection . If you try to entry more than two line in the category
InterCo Fast Collection, the system will give error and not allow the same.
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9. In the journal entry, the depot segment denotes the branch code for which day end
balance is to be transferred and needs to be carefully entered. If the depot segment
is wrongly chosen, the entry will flow to the wrong branch of the bank and will
not be reconciled. The depot segment denotes the branch code for which the fast
collection is to be done and needs to be carefully entered. A separate natural
account has to be maintained for each Collecting Banks and individual bank
branches are distinguished by the depot segment. For example if the following
entry is passed on 30-May-2008 to transfer the fast collection done at district
Karnal on 30-May-2008, to HA1101 (Central Cash Credit Account) having PIF
No. 48357 for the amount Rs. 200
Enter the PIF no. only the number 48357 in the header level description.
Central Collecting Banker A/c Dr.
Unit Collecting Banker A/c
In terms of Oracle Applications, the following entry will be passed at district level:
HA11.HA1101.3116.0000.0000.0000.0000 Dr. 200
NC14.NC1407F.3116.0000.0000.0000.0000 Cr. 200
10. The line level description will flow in Cash Management and will be displayed in
the number column of the concerned bank in the transactions available for
reconciliation. Ensure that the line level description has the correct PIF number
and do not enter any other description or else reconciliation will not take place.
11. As Budgetary Control is enabled, Click on ‘Check Funds’ and ‘Reserve Funds’. If
Budgetary Control is enabled on those accounts, these actions will check and
reserve funds on the same. Budgetary Control is not enabled on Bank accounts
and hence no budget checks will take place.
12. Click on ‘Approve’. The journal will be forwarded to the approver for approval.
Post-approval the transaction will be available for posting. For approval process
see the step of ‘Journal Approval for Inter Company Entries’
13. Click on Post to post the transaction . This is done by JVs from Journals >> Post
window. Alternatively, it can be saved and posted along with other transactions by
running the Auto Post program. InterCo lines are created on Posting.
Switch over to Accounts Receivable Responsibility.
Navigation Path: Oracle Receivables > Receipts > Receipts
1. Create a new manual receipt, for recording the receipt to the Central CC from the
Main Collecting Banker. Refer to the user guide of Accounts Receivable for
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details on creating a receipt. This will give effect to the following at the Head
quarter level:
Main CC A/c Dr.
Central Collecting Banker A/c
15. Journal Approval for InterCo Entries
Responsibility: Workflow User Web Applications
Function Path: Advanced Work List
1. The Status of the Journal entries (Status is displayed in the top right
corner) is Funds Status ‘Passed’ and Approval Status ‘Required’ as seen in the
screen shot below.
2. All the journal entries have to be approved before being posted. Approval is
based on the limits of the employee. For seeking approval, click on the
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‘Approve’ button. The Journal entry would be forwarded to an approver as
seen in the snap shot below.
3. The approver will then switch to the responsibility.
Responsibility: First approver logged in with the responsibility ‘Workflow
User Web Applications’
Navigation Path: Self Service Workflow > Notifications
4. The approver can sort the transactions by date, by clicking on the small
triangle in the Sent Column. The dates can be sorted in ascending or
descending order.
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Click here to
sort by date
5. Open the required notification by clicking on it.
6. Rejection case of first approver: If the approver is not satisfied with the
journal entry, he can reject the journal entry. The approver can enter the
Comments in the Comments text box.
7. Need more information of first approver: If the approver needs more
information before approving or rejecting the Journal entry, he can click on
the ‘Request Information’ button.
8. Approval by reassignment in case of first approver:For Inter Company
(FCI InterCo) entries, these have to be reassigned. The logic for inter company
entries is that these have to be known for both the units involved. As these
would be passed by one of the units (say Unit A), involving unit A and unit B.
These would be in the approval workflow process of the manager of the unit
(Unit A). The manager of unit A would review the entry without clicking on
the Approve button, instead the manager of unit A if satisfied with the entry
would click on the Reassign Button. If the manager of unit A is not satisfied
with the Journal entry, he would click on Reject Button.
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Reassign Button to be
used for approval of
Intercompany entries
9. Second Approver: Once the manager of unit A is satisfied, the entry would
be reassigned for approval to the manager of the counterparty unit, say Unit B.
When the manager of Unit A, clicks on reassign, the reassignment screen
would appear. The manager of Unit A would have to choose the second
approver from the list, depending on to whom the intercompany entry pertains.
Click on the torch button besides the assignee name to conduct the search. The
name of the second approver would have to be chosen from the list by
selecting the radio button. Click on ‘Submit’ to submit the notification to the
second approver.
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10. The second approver would then need to log in to the system with the
Workflow User Web Applications responsibility. .
Responsibility: Second approver logged in with the responsibility ‘Workflow
User Web Applications’
Navigation Path: Self Service Workflow > Notifications
11. The second approver will also be able to see the user who has originated the
journal entry and the user (first approver) who has reassigned the journal
entry. The second approver has the option to ‘Reject’, ‘Approve’ or ‘Request
More Information’. The following snapshot appears to the second approver.
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12. On successful completion of Journal Approval, proceed to Journal Posting
explained in the section on Journal Posting.
16. Inter Office Fast Collection – Delayed Fast
FCI has appointed collecting Bankers at various locations for cheque collections. The
credit for these cheques collected is given at its Central CC account. For this typically
an agreement is entered with the Collecting Bank that it will give credit in say ‘n’
number of days – say 4 days. Now, this has to be compared with the Bank Statement
to see whether the credit has been received in 4 days or it has exceeded that.
For this the number of days for which agreement is made, is entered in the DFF while
setting up the Bank as follows:
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Now the Bank Statement should show credit in + 4 days. If it gives credit beyond that
date, it will be seen in the Delayed Fast Collection Report.
17. Stop Payment
For stopped transactions the payment must first be stopped or voided in Payables.
Switch over to Accounts Payable Responsibility.
Navigation Path: Invoices> Enter
Only those invoices can be stopped for which payment has been made. Void is done
at FCI end, while stop payment is done at FCI end in the system along with
instructions to the bank. In actions void or stop the payment
Switch over to Cash Management Responsibility.
The transaction type must be ‘STPD’ ( the same transaction code for which the
transaction type is Stopped in the transaction set up for the bank). The cheque number
vide which payment has been made must appear in the bank statement column of the
bank statement. The auto reconciliation program will reconcile the same.
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18. Non Sufficient Funds – When Bank gives credit
and then reverses the same due to NSF
Receipts rejected by the bank because the accounts on which they were drawn had
non-sufficient funds. These are identified in the Bank Statement, by the transaction
code ‘NSF’. An NSF transaction type only matches to reversed receipts in
Receivables. The auto reconciliation process gives options that while reversing,
whether it should take no option or whether it should reverse the receipt.
The following is a sample bank statement of NSF. The first line shows the credit
received for the cheque received, while the second line shows reversal due to NSF.
Submit the auto reconciliation request.
Navigation Path: Cash Management > View > Requests >Submit a New
Request>Single Request>Autoreconciliation
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The auto reconciliation request gives three options for NSF handling. The first Debit
Memo Reversal is not recommended for usage in FCI. No Action will not reverse the
receipt in AR and will also not reconcile the line in CM.
While reverse will reverse the receipt in AR, and reconcile the cash management line
to the reversal. The reverse option is recommended for usage in FCI.
The following is the output when running the receipt with Reverse. The following
screen shows the receipt as reversed in AR:
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19. Non Sufficient Funds – When Bank just levies
the charges due to NSF
Receipts rejected by the bank because the accounts on which they were drawn had
non-sufficient funds. In such a case, the bank may levy charges due to Non-Sufficient
Funds. In this case, the Bank charges are to be treated like any other bank charges and
the receipt would have to be manually reversed in AR.
20. Creating Miscellaneous Transactions for bank
originated entries
During the reconciliation process, you can create miscellaneous transactions for
bank-originated entries, such as bank charges and interest. You can also manually
enter Payables payments or Receivables receipts. The automatic reconciliation
process can be set up to create miscellaneous transactions automatically.
Record miscellaneous transactions that are on your bank statements such as bank
charges, or bank errors. If you plan to use Cash Management to record
miscellaneous transactions, then you must install and set up Receivables, since
miscellaneous payments in Cash Management are actually negative miscellaneous
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You can create miscellaneous transactions in Receivables directly from Cash
Management, to reflect bank-originated activities. For example, you can record
miscellaneous receipts for interest and miscellaneous payments (negative
miscellaneous receipts) for charges. You can reconcile these transactions at the time
you create them, or later. When you create a miscellaneous transaction, Receivables
uses the remittance bank account that you defined for the payment method and the
activity GL account or distribution set that you defined for the receivable activity to
generate the accounting entries.
The Cash Management AutoReconciliation program matches miscellaneous
transactions if the transactions meet the following criteria:
• If the transaction type matches to regular miscellaneous transactions:
• The transaction amount is within the reconciliation tolerance.
• The Receipt Number matches the statement line Transaction Number
Switch over to Cash Management Responsibility.
Navigation Path: Oracle Receivables > Receipts > Receipts
21. Run Reports
Function Path: Reports >> Request >> Standard
Alternative Function Path: From the Menu Bar at the top, view Requests.
a. Click on Standard, then choose single request . Select the required
Budgets variance analysis report.
b. Enter the parameters of the report.
c. View the output of the report.
d. The reports available in cash management are:
FCI Interest Calculation Report
This report calculates the interest chargeable on the central CC
account. The parameters required to run this report:
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The output of this file is as follows:
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This output is to be saved as a CSV file and can be opened in excel
FCI - Interest Calculation for IOR Unmatched
This report is similar to the FCI- Interest Calculation Report. However,
this report calculates the interest for the IOR unmatched transactions.
The parameters required to run this report are:
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The output of this report is as follows:
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FCI - Penal Interest Calculation Report
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This output is to be saved as a CSV file and can be opened in excel
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The output of this file is a CSV file, which can be opened in excel
FCI Transactions Available for reconciliation
This customized report FCI Transactions Available for Reconciliation Report. This report
shows all transactions available for reconciliation for a specific bank account. It lists
detailed transaction information for your Available Receipts, Available Payments, and
Available Journal Entries for reconciliation. Detailed information includes the Customer,
Supplier, Transaction Date, Payment Method, Transaction Number, Currency, and
Amount. It also lists detailed information for statement lines that are available for
reconciliation against other statement lines. It has been converted to excel.
Please follow the document attached below to run the Excel reports. It is just a sample
showing how to run FCI Debtor TB report which again is an Excel format report. You can
same process selecting this report name
How to run excel
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The parameters required to run this report are:
The output of this report is as follows:
General Ledger Reconciliation Report
Use this report to reconcile the General Ledger cash account balance to the bank
statement closing balance and to identify any discrepancies in your cash position. The
General Ledger cash account should pertain to only one bank account. This report is
available in Summary and in Detail format.
The Summary report lists the General Ledger cash account balance and an adjusted
balance for the bank statement. It also lists a separate adjustment amount for
unreconciled receipts, payments, and journal entries which have been recorded in the
General Ledger cash account, as well as bank errors. The Detail report provides
for the unreconciled items as well as the information contained in the Summary
The parameters required to run the report are as follows:
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The output of this report is as follows:
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FCI Bank Reconciliation Report
The difference between FCI Bank Reconciliation Report and General Ledger
Reconciliation Report is that the FCI Bank Reconciliation Report also gets
data about unreconciled Bank Statement receipts and unreconciled Bank
Statement Payments.
The parameters required to run this report are:
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Note: The closing balance parameter will allow only 17 digits including the – (negative) sign if
any and the . (decimal point).
The output of this report is as follows:
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Bank Reconciled IOR
This Report shows all the Reconciled IORs that are there in the bank statements
uploaded in the system.
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Bank unreconciled IOR
The output of this report shows all the unreconciled IORs (that were there in the Bank
Statements uploaded )under the Account number given in parameter while running
the report.
GL reconciled IOR
This Report shows all the IORs in GL that are already Reconciled .
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GL unreconciled IOR
This Report shows all the IORs in GL that are Unreconciled .
GL Reconciled Fast Collection
This report shows all the entries of fast collection category that are reconciled
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GL Unreconciled Fast Cost Collection
This report shows all the entries of fast collection category that are unreconciled.
Delayed Fast Collection Report
With every Fast Collection Bank, there is an agreement based on the number
of days in which the credit is to be given by the collecting Bank.
This is given in the Bank Set up screen as follows:
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This compares the date in the transaction in Oracle Applications with the date
in the uploaded Bank Statement and gives the report of delayed fast collection
in Discoverer.
IOR + Bank Amount Wise Unmatched Report
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This is a discoverer report. The parameters required to run this report are as
IOR Remittances (IOR utilization)
This is a discoverer report. The parameters required to run this report are as
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Unreconcile Bank Statements
This is not a report but rather a program to unreconcile bank statement. You can
unreconcile any transaction that you have previously reconciled. You can unreconcile
a specific transaction that applies to a bank statement line, or you can unreconcile all
transactions that you have reconciled against a statement. When you unreconcile
transactions, Cash Management changes the Reconciled Status of the statement line.
The unreconciled transactions are once again available for reconciliation.
Bank Account Listing Cash Management users can also check the Bank Account
Listing to see that their General Ledger accounts for Bank are correctly set up.
22. Look up – Interest Rate Central CC account
Switch over to Accounts Payable Responsibility.
Navigation Path: Lookups> Payables
For entering Interest Calculation, look ups have been provided for data entry.The look
up is to maintain the interest rates of the CC account.
Query on the screen by clicking F11.
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Type IR_CC to get the interest rate for Central CC account. The following snap shot
Go to the last record by clicking View -> Last record.
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Enter the next serial number for code. In this case it would be 10218. As interest is
compounded monthly, write 12 in description and the effective dates for that interest
rate. Save the information.
Go to Requests > View Requests > Submit a New Request
Run the FCI_INTEREST_POPULATE program to populate the interest code after
updating the same. Click on ‘OK’ to run the report with default parameters.
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23. Look up – Penal Interest Rate
Switch over to Accounts Payable Responsibility.
Navigation Path: Lookups> Payables
For calculating penal interest, look ups have been provided for data entry.The look up
maintains the Drawing Power. Drawing Power is mentioned in exact rupees.
Query on the screen by clicking F11.
Type IR_PI to get the drawing power. The following snap shot appears.
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Go to the last record by clicking View -> Last record.
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Enter the next serial number for code. In this case it would be 1043. Enter the drawing
power. Save the information.
Go to Requests > View Requests > Submit a New Request
Run the FCI_PENAL_INTEREST_POPULATE program to populate the interest
code after updating the same. Click on ‘OK’ to run the report with default parameters.
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24. CM Extract
The objective of the CM Extract program is to search the Bank Description for
numeric values of branch codes. The request set picks up the numeric vaues which
are of length
Navigation Path: View Requests > Submit a New Request
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Switch over to Accounts Payable Responsibility.
Navigation Path: Lookups> Payables
For CM Extract program, it matches the numeric value in the description found
earlier, with the branch code in the look up table.
Query on the screen by clicking F11.
Type CM_EXTRAACT to get the branch codes corresponding to the numeric values.
The following snap shot appears.
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Enter additional values as required.
25. Cutover Issues - Reconciliation
This is a one time activity at the time of cutover.
Unreconciled entries can come from both cash book and bank. The approach is in two
parts – one from bank and the other for cash book.
Further two approaches are suggested, one for district accounts other than ZCC,
where the volume of transactions is not as high. The other approach is for ZCC
accounts, where the volume of transactions is high.
Approach for District Accounts (other than ZCC):
Bank: To reconcile Bank Statement Lines which do not have corresponding
transactions in the System
All unmatched bank entries will have to be made into a bank statement and loaded.
Say the system cut off date is 1st October, 2007 for the pilot sites.
Certain transactions would have been passed in our books up to 30th September,
2007. However, credit would have been given by the bank on or after 1st October,
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2007. Hence, we would not be able to reconcile the bank statement lines in FAP, as
the corresponding entry passed in our books would not be available in FAP as it is
before the cut off date.
Otherwise, they will be always be on the reports as 'Unreconciled' Entries such as the
'General Ledger Reconciliation Report' and the 'Transactions Available for
Reconciliation Report'.
We would then mark the bank statement line as external.
The path to do this would be
CE>Bank Statement>Bank Statement Reconciliation: Select your bank
then select the statement line which you want to mark EXTERNAL.
>Click Mark: this will show you List of Values (LOV) select External.
This will make the Statement Line External.
Please note: External would indicate that the line does not correspond to any
transaction in General Ledger, Payables, Receivables, Payroll, or the Reconciliation
in another system, in our case Manual system. Cash Management treats
it as reconciled and hence those lines would not appear as unreconciled in the reports.
This would have to be followed at all sites for unmatched entries on their cut off date.
Approach for ZCC Accounts:
Cash Book: To reconcile Cash Book Lines which do not have corresponding
transactions in the Bank
For all unmatched IOR entries on the cut off date, journal entries will have to be
Pass Journal entries debiting and crediting the same bank account. The same bank
account has to be debited and credited to avoid impacting the bank account. However,
this will result in two entries flowing to cash management. To knock off, one entry,
one bank statement line of zero amount will be created, wherein one leg of the entry
passed will be matched. The other leg will be unreconciled and hence flow to the
Bank Reconciliation Statement.
If required, all unreconiled entries of IOR, can be passed as a single journal entry.
However, this will be have to be passed in the category ‘Unit Name Other’, as the
category IOR accepts only two bank statement lines. In this case, the unit name+date,
will have to be manually entered in the description column.
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