Texture - Fine Arts HomePage

Model Lesson
Grade: 2
Previous Learning:
22.Students will understand the
concepts of accompanied and
unaccompanied. (1st grade)
Master Objective – Texture
28. Students will identify textural types
including monophony and homophony,
and polyphony, visually and aurally.
Strand: TTD
Future Learning:
25. Students will understand and describe
the role of texture in musical expression.
(5th grade)
Revelant Goals:
Show Me Standards
National Standards for the Arts
6, 7
FA 2
SJSD 9 & 11
Materials Needed: Spotlight on Music GRADE 4, Row, Row, Row Your Boat p. 268 CD 14:28. Spotlight on Music
GRADE 3 p. 277 Little Tommy Tinker CD 12:39. Piano, recordings of Gregorian chant, and Bach’s Little Fugue in g
minor. Spotlight on Music GRADE 2 p. 16,17. LM.2 CD1:24
Suggested Strategy (ies) / Method (s): (with Essential Question [s])
1 – Motivate : Invite students to sing “Row, Row, Row your Boat” with you. Then play the piano while you sing it together.
Then expand it to singing in a round. Then teach them “Little Tommy Tinker” sing it in unison, add the piano, then as as round.
2- Develop: Ask students how the songs sound and feel different when they are sung together, then as a round. Then explain
the concepts of Monophony – occurs when the MELODIES are sung with no accompaniment. HOMOPHONY – occurs when
the MELODIES are accompanied by a piano or other instruments. POLYPHONY occurs when the MELODIES are sung in a
round (melodies starting at different times)
3- Apply and Close: Play a recording of some Gregorian chant, (Monophony example) play recording of Country Gardens
– Spotlight on Music Grade 2 p. 16/17 CD 1:24 (Homophony example) and a recording of J.S. Bach’s Little Fugue in g
minor. ( Polyphony example).
Essential Question: Can Students identify textural types – monophony, homophony and polyphony?
Assessment: Teacher Observation
Possible Curricular Connections:Art – monophonic( one color, shape, etc.) homophonic (clear symmetry or vanishing
point) polyphonic – lines that stop and start in different places.
Ethnicity / Workplace / Disability / Gender Bias Connections: