INSTRUCTIONS: Cost Center: 763 Document Type: 11 Hospital: 1 - Parnassus Letterhead normal : CC763 NEPHROLOGY AND HYPERTENSION FACULTY PRACTICE 400 Parnassus Avenue Box 0532 San Francisco, California 94143-0532 Tel: (415) 353-2507 Fax: (415) 476-3381 BILL AREA: NHP For CC637 and CC763, we now have templates for Initial Renal Consult and Follow Up Note. These will be in normals for these below. as RenalConsult and RenalFollowup. Please see the templates When dictating, they are going to follow the template. They want everything transcribed exactly as they say it. If a section is missed being dictated, leave the section in and they will edit. Under Review of Systems, "All other systems were reviewed and are otherwise negative" should always be at the end of that section. The attestation is to be left in if dictated by a fellow. If dictated by an attending, the attestation should be removed. Special instructions for Stephen Gluck: Dr. Gluck does not want the templates used for his reports. Please type free-form as dictated. Send any "ADDENDUM" reports of his straight through without a doubt reason. Dictating physicians: NISHA BANSAL, M.D. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DIVISION OF NEPHROLOGY KERRY C. CHO, M.D. ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF CLINICAL MEDICINE DIVISION OF NEPHROLOGY PEDRAM FATEHI, M.D. ASSISTANT CLINICAL PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE DIVISION OF NEPHROLOGY Page 1 of 4 Confidential Property of Acusis INSTRUCTIONS - CC763 (continued): STEPHEN L. GLUCK, M.D. Do not use templates for Dr Gluck. PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE NEPHROLOGY FACULTY PRACTICE CHI-YUAN HSU, M.D. PROFESSOR IN RESIDENCE NEPHROLOGY FACULTY PRACTICE LOWELL LO, M.D. MEI ZHU PENG, M.D. CARMEN A. PERALTA, M.D. Fellows: Peter A. Lee, M.D. Rishi Kapila, M.D. Asha Ravikumar, M.D. Neiha Arora, M.D. Vanessa Grubbs, M.D. INITIAL RENAL CONSULT TEMPLATE: (headings all capital, rest of text mostly lower case) CC: Thank you for asking us to see your patient in consultation for [type in what is dictated]. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: [type in what is dictated] REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: [type in what is dictated] All other systems were reviewed and are otherwise negative. MEDICAL HISTORY: 1. [type in what is dictated] 2. [type in what is dictated] 3….. ALLERGIES: [type in what is dictated] MEDICATIONS: 1. [type in what is dictated] 2. [type in what is dictated] 3….. SOCIAL HISTORY: [type in what is dictated] FAMILY HISTORY: [type in what is dictated] PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: VITALS: [type in what is dictated] CONSTITUTIONAL: [type in what is dictated] EYES: [type in what is dictated] ENMT: [type in what is dictated] RESPIRATORY: [type in what is dictated] CARDIOVASCULAR: [type in what is dictated] GASTROINTESTINAL: [type in what is dictated] MUSCULOSKELETAL: [type in what is dictated] SKIN/INTEGUMENTARY: [type in what is dictated] NEUROLOGIC: [type in what is dictated] PSYCHIATRIC: [type in what is dictated] HEME/LYMPHATICS: [type in what is dictated] LABORATORY DATA: [type in what is dictated] URINE MICROSCOPY: [type in what is dictated] DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. [type in what is dictated] 2. [type in what is dictated] 3….. Thank you for asking us to see this patient in consultation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I personally reviewed the urine sediment which showed [type in what is dictated, leave blank if nothing dictated]. I personally examined outside medical records which showed [type in what is dictated, leave blank if nothing dictated]. I have seen and examined the patient. I reviewed and discussed the case with the fellow, Dr. [insert name] and agree with the findings and treatment plan as documented above. [put in this attestation if dictation done by fellow] Sincerely, FOLLOW UP NOTE TEMPLATE: (headings all capital, rest of text mostly lower case) We had the pleasure of seeing our mutual patient in follow-up today for [type in what is dictated] Since last visit, [type in what is dictated] REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: [type in what is dictated] All other systems were reviewed and are otherwise negative. MEDICATIONS: 1. [type in what is dictated] 2. [type in what is dictated] 3….. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: VITALS: [type in what is dictated] CONSTITUTIONAL: [type in what is dictated] EYES: [type in what is dictated] ENMT: [type in what is dictated] RESPIRATORY: [type in what is dictated] CARDIOVASCULAR: [type in what is dictated] GASTROINTESTINAL: [type in what is dictated] MUSCULOSKELETAL: [type in what is dictated] SKIN/INTEGUMENTARY: [type in what is dictated] NEUROLOGIC: [type in what is dictated] PSYCHIATRIC: [type in what is dictated] HEME/LYMPHATICS: [type in what is dictated] LABORATORY DATA: [type in what is dictated] DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. [type in what is dictated] 2. [type in what is dictated] 3….. Thank you for allowing us to participate in the care of this patient. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. I have seen and examined the patient. I reviewed and discussed the case with the fellow, Dr. [insert] and agree with the findings and treatment plan as documented above. [put in this attestation if dictation done by fellow] Sincerely, Page 4 of 4 Rev. 08/13/10 Confidential Property of Acusis