Final Employment Service Organization Advisory Committee Minutes

Employment Services Organization Advisory Committee (ESOAC)
February 8, 2011 Meeting Minutes
DRS Central Office
Members Present: ESOAC Chair: Thalia Simpson-Clement, Chris Lavach, Robin
Metcalf, Sharon Harrup, Mark Peterson, Quintin Mitchell, Nova Washington. Sylvia
Ross and Beth Dugan via VTC
Members Absent: Phil Black, Gary Juskowiak and Charles Layman
Guests Attending: Alisha Meador, Karen Tefelski, Joanne Ellis, John Craig, Sharon
Taylor, Linda LaMona, Shirley Lyons, Cecil Kendrick, Dave Wilber, Chuck McElroy,
Kelly Lambert, Phil Nussbaum, Nicole Jewell, Ken Rush, Amy Thomas, Beth Tetrault,
Bruce Patterson, Thomas Johnson, Diana Messer, Marshall Butler, Rob Froehlich,
Ericka Umbarger-Neville, Ed Rice, Sharon Barton, Greg Ellis, Carmen Mendez, Evan
Jones and David Dean.
DRS Staff Attending: Kathy Hayfield, Donna Bonessi, Sandy Williams, Debbie Morris,
Doug James, Dale Batten, Margaret Gillispie, Jean Steveson, Judy Hill, Kirsten Rowe,
Joe Ashley and Carrie Worrell.
Call to Order:
Thalia Simpson-Clement, Chair, called the meeting to order at 9:30 AM and asked that
all present introduce themselves starting with the Committee members.
Draft Minutes Review and Approval
The chair asked if there were any changes or corrections to the minutes of the previous
meeting. The minutes were approved and are available on the ESSP Website under
Minutes at
Commissioner Rothrock Comments:
 Introduced Kathy Hayfield as the new FRS Director.
 Provided a brief overview of the General Assembly Session in terms of legislation
and budget issues related to DRS and people with disabilities.
 Commented that Joe Ashley is continuing to work with the Partnership Plus
program. Maximus and CESSI are looking for ways to make it easier for
organizations to become EN’s.
 The VR Commissioners of Virginia and Washington D.C. were invited to the
White House to meet with Kareem Dale, Special Assistant to the President for
Disability Policy. President Obama has issued an Executive Order directing
federal agencies to increase the hiring of PWD to 2% of the total work force.
Ability One Contracts will not be counted toward the 2% requirement. Federal
contractors will be encouraged to hire PWD. Federal agencies need to complete a
hiring plan that is due March and will need to address this executive order. The
Commissioner reminded the group that to use Schedule A a person does not need
to be a VR client.
 Provided a fiscal update for DRS and the federal VR Program. He stated that the
match problem has been resolved for 2012, but not for years after that. States,
including Virginia, are using capital outlay improvements as match.
 The Commissioner shared with the group that the VR program currently has more
people in the system (32,000) than ever before and that we have insufficient funds
to serve all eligible consumers at this time. This has created fiscal challenges to
the agency. As a result we will be tightening our belt and closing categories. He
reported that ESO’s received 60% of all case service dollars through purchased
services during the last three fiscal years, including the current year
Public Comments
Questions regarding data and ESO outcomes were asked and if this data can be accessed
through the AWARE system. One ESO representative asked how ESOs contribute to
successful job placements and closures. A small group will work to determine what
types of data are needed and how to gather.
Sharon Harrup, STEPS, inc. provided a comment regarding SWAM and the
Commissioner’s review of legislation proposed by Del. Pogge. She reminded him of the
importance of work that had already been done with the Governor’s Office in this area
and the need to keep all players in the loop.
Field Rehabilitative Services Directors Report:
Kathy Hayfield expanded on the fiscal situation facing our VR program and the need to
close Priority Categories under our Order of Selection policy due to insufficient funds to
serve all eligible individuals. She announced that effective March 1, 2011 all Priority
Categories will be closed. This includes Priority Category I (most significantly disabled).
Click here for more information about Order of Selection and to access the
“Understanding Order of Selection” brochure distributed at the meeting.
She further explained that all consumers in an Application status, who are found eligible
by 8:00 a.m. on March 1, will not be affected by the closing of the Priority Categories they may continue to be served. For all others, the consumer automatically will be placed
in Delayed status once the Eligibility is completed.
DRS will continue to accept new referrals, take new applications, and provide services
needed to determine a consumer's eligibility and functional limitations.
Consumers placed in Delayed Status (waiting list) will be notified in writing, provided a
copy of the Order of Selection Brochure and information regarding One-Stop Centers and
other federal, state and local resources that may be able to assist them in employment.
Kathy commented that this budget shortfall is a challenge for us all and asked that the
ESOs work with us over the next months to best serve our joint consumers. She stated
that our office managers and counselors will be using a prior approval process for the
purchase of services that are more costly. She explained that our priority will be to serve
people who are currently “in jobs” and need ongoing services to maintain those jobs. She
stated that the agency would strive to keep lines of communication with the ESOs open
during this funding shortfall and period of closed categories.
Old Business
GWU TACE Program Update:
Rob Froehlich updated the ACRE National Employment Certification program just
completed the first round of online participation. 80% of those who entered the
program completed it. The second round of the online component began on 1/31/11.
Three on site trainings have been scheduled for 2011. The trainings will be held in
Northern Virginia, Western PA and Easter PA. The onsite trainings fulfill the in
person component of the Certificate series. All training is at no cost to the
GWU recently began another grant funded scholarship Masters program. The
program can be completed online or on campus. There is also a 12 credit Job
Placement/Job development graduate certificate being offered. The funding is good
for 5 years and the program is 2.5 years. There will be additional opportunities to
GWU now offers professional courses that you can receive 6-8 CRC’s for
Rapid courses are also available. These courses offer 2 CRC’s. Once registered you
log in, read a lecture and take an exam.
Leadership training to ESO’s is being developed. Currently it is in the designing and
scheduling phase. ESO’s may offer input regarding what is most beneficial to the
ESO’s. Please send input to Rob Froehlich at
EES Data Statistical review:
Dr. David Dean reviewed the EES data in comparison to the previously distributed
LTESS data. The EES data showed that for every one dollar spent in EES funds only
68 cents was recovered in wages. This was compared to LTESS data that showed for
every 1 dollar spent $3.50 is earned in wages. The full EES presentation is attached.
New Business:
Business Practice Changes and Group Authorizations:
Sandy Williams and Debbie Morris, AWARE support team, presented on upcoming
business practice changes to move toward group authorizations and the implementation
of the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) in each DRS office. Presentation is attached.
Public Comments:
Amy Thomas commented regarding the inability to send any consumer information such
as RFA’s though email. This will be a barrier to CSB’s when implemented. Alternate
ways of sending and receiving the information will need to be arranged.
POS Restructure:
Donna Bonessi reported that the POS process will be replaced with a market driven
approach to rate setting. As part of this process several things will need to be developed.
1. An ESO “report card” detailing outcomes for each ESO.
2. CARF accreditation categories prescribed to services offered.
3. ESO Vendor manual.
Persons interested in working on the groups to develop this process should inform Donna
Bonessi by 2/18/11.
Public Comments:
Adjourn The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:00 PM
2011 Meeting Schedule:
April 13, 2011
July 13, 2011
October 4, 2011
Note: VTC sites at Abingdon, Roanoke, Portsmouth, Danville and Fairfax have been
confirmed for these dates.
ESOAC and LTESS Steering Committee Joint Meeting
began immediately after the ESOAC meeting at 12:00
LTESS Steering Committee joined the ESOAC
Alisha Meador reviewed the recommendations of the subcommittee.
Current Committee membership:
Committee members need to notify Donna Bonessi by February 28, 2011 of their desire
to remain on the new committee or rotate off.
New Committee Memebrship and Structure:
A nomination committee will be formed to fill vacancies if not enough current members
elect to stay in the committee
VA-APSE, vaACCSES and VGN need to send names of the two representatives of each
of their associations by February 28, 2011
How Merger will look:
New committee will meet on April 12, 2011. They will decide on next steps, such as
how to develop member guidelines.
New Member Orientation:
The full committee will decide how to conduct new member orientation
Nomination Committee:
Will be formed after current members determine if they wish to remain on the new
committee and if there are vacant seats as a result.
Attachment A
EES Presentation by David Dean
Double Click on the slide below to access complete slide show
Use of Extended Employment
Services by VR Consumers
Dr. David Dean, University of Richmond
Presentation to the Employment Services
Organizations Advisory Committee
Richmond, Virginia, February 8, 2011
AWARE Support Team Presentation
Double Click on the slide below to access complete slide show
January 11, 2011