Scott A. Wood 5-24-2015 SERIES: HOW TO FIX YOUR SPOUSE PART 3A: INTIMACY IS A FOUR LETTER WORD John is a former air force pilot. He has always known what he has wanted, and he maps out a plan to achieve his goals and then he accomplishes them. Today was not different. On his drive home he is feeling really good about his “love pilot” plan that he has created for he and his wife Donna. He rehearsed his plan in his mind. I’ll pull into the garage, walk in the house, and loosen my tie. I’ll drop the briefcase, unwind a bit, have sex with Donna, change into my workout clothes, shoot some hoops, grab the remote, catch some news, and then close my eyes for a few minutes before dinner. When John got home, he walked into the back door, Donna looked up, and their eyes met. He pierced her eyes with “the look”. All day long Donna had been chasing to keep up with her two preschool boys. Her conversations had centered on a fictional purple creature named Barney and she had dealt with several catastrophes in the home: the belt on the washer had broken, the boys had spilled grape juice on the beige carpet, the cat had scratched one of the boys, and John’s mother had called to say she was coming to visit for a week. That “look” in John’s eyes was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. It put Donna way over the edge! John was no longer the companion and confidant she had looked forward to all day. He was now……the enemy! His look--that twinkle in his eyes--sent any number of possible messages to her: “Let me have every bit of the energy you have left.” “Let me take everything you have--and leave you with nothing.” Let me be like everyone else and stand in line and take, take, take.” 1 Donna threw her hands in the air and knelled, “No, not now!” Then she stormed out of the kitchen and went to her bedroom to be alone for the first time all day. She locked the door behind her. She normally was a very strong and resilient person, but today her fuel tank registered way below empty. There goes the ultimate plan of the LOVE PILOT, John thought to himself, but instead of overreacting and accusing her of being way too emotional, he knocked on the bedroom door and asked her if he could come in. Donna waited for about a minute and then she got up, opened the door and went back to a couch in her bedroom and sat back down. He walked over to her and sat down beside her. He gently reached over and took her hand and said, “I had no idea that you had such a terrible day. I am so sorry. I am here for you.” “I am so tired of cheerios and applesauce,” she said. “I miss talking to adults and having a conversation that isn’t interrupted by arguments and coloring books. The house is torn upside down. I go from room to room picking up, but I am barely out of sight when they pull out more stuff. I never feel on top of it.” What Donna needed at that moment was exactly what John gave her. He was a safe person for her to unload some of the stress that had been building up all day. John knew his wife so well that he recognized that at the moment she needed a safe connection with him, so he sat and listened to her. After listening to her for about 30 minutes, he kissed her on the forehead and said “Why don’t you take some time and just relax.” He went into the kitchen, rolled up his shirtsleeves, unloaded the dishwasher of clean dishes then reloaded it with the dirty dishes sitting on the counter. By that time Donna had come down from the bedroom and was sitting at the kitchen table. He peeked out from the kitchen and said, “Donna, I know you 2 have had a full day--why don’t you do whatever you want to do, and I will take the kids outside and shoot some hoops with them.” John’s sensitivity and willingness to step up and share the household chores not only validated Donna’s need but lessened her load. She was able to get some time for herself and refill her empty tank. After dinner John was still being sensitive and tender, making sure she was doing better. “How are you feeling sweetheart? Can I get you anything?” He asked at one point. He took her hand and said, “I know how hard you work for our family and I want you to know how much I appreciate all you do for the boys and for me. You are the best mother and wife I know and could ever hope for. I love watching how you are with them. They’re thriving with your loving touch and Godly influence.” Donna hugged John and said, “Thanks Honey.” At about 10:00 P.M. John turned off the news, got out of his recliner, locked the door, turned off the lights, and plowed up the stairs to crash before another day of work. But as he opened the door to their bedroom, he saw the glow of soft candlelight and Donna smiling at him from beneath the sheets. “The night is young, John,” she said. Guess what, John wasn’t tired anymore. Hey guys, while men listed sexual intimacy as their number two love need in marriage, women indicated that emotional intimacy was their second most important love need. The wise man will take heed. Song of Songs Chapter 4:16 says, “Awake, north wind! Rise up, south wind! Blow on my garden and spread its fragrance all around. Come into your garden, my love; taste its finest fruits.” 3 “15Drink water from your own well--share your love only with your wife. 16 Why spill the water of your springs in the streets, having sex with just anyone? 17 You should reserve it for yourselves. Never share it with strangers. 18 Let your wife be a fountain of blessing for you. Rejoice in the wife of your youth. 19 She is a loving deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love. 20 Why be captivated, my son, by an immoral woman, or fondle the breasts of a promiscuous woman?” Proverbs 5:15-20 How to be invited into the garden of your wife and taste her finest fruits. Men spell intimacy s-e-x, and women spell intimacy t-a-l-k. I. Men and women are wired differently. “Each man must love his wife as he loves himself.” Ephesians 5:33 Intimacy comes from a Latin word meaning “innermost.” Men please listen to me, what this translates into for us in the marriage relationship is a vulnerable sharing of our inner thoughts, feelings, spirit, and true self. Both men and women need to feel secure in this sharing and confident of their spouse’s support. Men, this support is achieved through listening, empathy, prayer, and reassurance. These important elements of your relationship must be in place before a woman will share herself physically in sexual closeness. Why? 4 A. A woman thinks about emotional connection and communication. 1) A woman’s sex drive is connected to her heart (emotions). In other words, a woman is aroused only after she feels emotional closeness and harmony with you. If you want to be invited into her garden more, than you will want to pay attention to how your woman is wired. You must pay attention to her emotional well-being. 2) A woman sees everything connected to everything else. She doesn’t compartmentalize like we do men. She is thinking and feeling about everything SERFVIP all the time. 3) A woman feels like a machine if sexual intimacy isn’t flowing from emotional intimacy. When your woman feels close to you because you pay attention to her and your sensitive to her moods, feelings, and rhythms of her life, it will be her natural instinct to be close to you sexually. This is what John did with Donna, and she allowed him into her garden when most of us thought that won’t happen anytime soon. But John truly loves his wife and knows how to put her first. B. A man thinks about intimacy as a passionate physical experience. 1) A man’s sex drive is connected to his eyes. Do you see one of the big differences between men and women? A woman’s sex drive is connected to her heart. A man’s sex drive is connected to his eyes. I can look at Kathe and have 5 amorous feelings. Not Kathe. I must be connecting with her on a regular basis if she is going to invite me into her garden. 2) A man compartmentalizes sex from everything else in his life. This is a critical difference between men and women. Guys this is important. I can often times reflect back on a time where Kathe and I connected. I will think about that for days. Not Kathe. If she does think about our connection it is with all of her other connections. Our kids, exercise, her friends, her responsibilities as a pastor and so on. There is nothing wrong with her or me. We’re just wired. When you respect the differences of you’re wife you will connect to her more and more often. 3) A man feels less masculine if his wife resists his sexual advances. You will be resisted less if you make sure that you’re establishing emotional closeness all throughout the day. To connect with your wife in her garden really takes paying attention 24/7. II. What happens when your wife’s intimacy needs are not met: A. She will withdraw. One indication that your wife may be starved for emotional intimacy is that she may withdraw. Chances are when your wife is turning away from you, you have most likely hurt her with something you did or didn’t do, or she isn’t having enough talk time with you, because remember all of her boxes are open and she is processing thousands of thoughts and 6 feelings and she needs you to listen, understand and be there for her. How do you fix your spouse when she is withdrawing from you? You take a good look at the guy in the mirror and ask yourself the hard question: What have I said or done to contribute to the wall my wife has built? Much of the time a woman will withdraw to protect herself if she is threatened by something you are doing or if she is feeling verbally attacked. When your words are positive, they strengthen the very foundation of your marriage. But if your words are critical, harsh, and destructive, your wife will retreat to protect herself. If you are using retaliation to hurt her, if you are belittling her, you are throwing bricks at her and bruising her heart; she may then take those bricks and continue to build the wall. When your wife’s emotional needs are not met she will withdraw. B. She will not feel free to respond to you sexually. Not responding to you sexually is another clue that her emotional needs are not being met. Often times a husband will feel rejected by his wife when she is not willing to sexually connect with him, but it may be an indication that she may not feel safe or that she can’t get beyond a conflict the two of you are having. If you want a real love connection in the bedroom, dear sir, you must be willing to make a consistent emotional connection with her outside of the bedroom. C. She will look elsewhere to get her needs met. Often times our minds will go to immediately to--we’re thinking an affair. But for many women they will simply turn their garden attention to their kids, their health, their own 7 pleasure and leisure, their work or their ministry. A woman can turn her attention to food, alcohol, drugs or exercise. Men, if your wife is not paying you the attention you want sexually all you have to do is look to how you have been paying attention to her emotionally life. Remember her emotions are connected to everything in this world. A wise man, a good lover is committed to studying his wife and knowing what motivates, energizes and encourages her and then spends his life meeting those needs. He is the man that gets a lot of garden time. III. How you can meet your wife’s need for emotional intimacy: A. Listen to her. If your wife or girlfriend is like Kathe, she is incredibly busy. Kathe is busy here at the church. She spends time with her friends. She reaches out to our neighbors. She is deeply connected to our children. She is focusing on her relationship with our future daughter-in-law. She stays up on the critical health issues for our age, and she is working hard with Whitney to help her get better. The point is she can reach points of overload. What she needs most from me and from you, sir, is to listen. The focus must be on listening and get connected to her feelings and not try to fix her. What is she telling you? Are you hearing the same comments over and over again? Do you always argue about the same things? Wake up, dear brother--these are unresolved issues. They are most likely eating at your wife. She might not know it. You would be wise to write down a few of the unresolved issues 8 you have with your wife. Then ask her if she is aware of any. Then take the time to truly listen to her and make the adjustments you need to so she can feel connected to you. As you do you will notice your garden time going up. That is a win-win for both of you. B. Demonstrate compassionate understanding of who she is. Are you judgmental with your wife? Do you, either by your words or your attitude, sometimes make her feel ashamed or silly about the way she feels? Do you tell her she worries too much? When she dreams big, do you offer reasons why it won’t work, or do you get defensive? Is she worried about how busy your family schedule is the next few months, and have you responded with “Don’t worry about anything. It always works out.” How about trying, “Honey, we really do have a lot going on. Let’s take a look at our calendar and talk through some of our plans.” If you do this you will give her a tremendous sense of relief. When a woman sees her husband willing to open up and share with her--and beyond this, to show understanding and the desire to help lift her burdens--she will in turn honor him and his needs. C. Shower her with attention and affection. 1 Peter 3:7 says, “Husbands, you must give honor to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together.” Has your wife ever said, “You are not paying enough attention to our marriage”? If she has, she is really saying, “I feel emotionally distant from you and you’re not 9 paying enough attention to me!” How did you win her in the first place? You gave her your undivided attention. You listened to her. You were thoughtful about the small things. A loving husband cares for and nurtures the real woman inside his wife. Be specific. Point out positive changes she has made in her life. Stop and take a good look at what she’s doing in her world. But do more than notice; say it out loud. Your wife also needs your closeness, your nonsexual touch that communicates genuine caring and reminds her that she is loved for more than just her body. Your gentle touch communicates to her; “I’m here. You’re not alone. I enjoy you. I’ll take care of you.” Give her a kiss and a hug when you leave and return home. Take her to an event she really likes. Make an effort to spend time alone together: go out to dinner, go for a walk, go out for coffee or tea. Show her and others that you enjoy the intimacy of being alone with her. D. Create rapport (mutual trust and emotional affinity) with her. When we men talk to each other we report in with each other. We can talk about scores, highlights, events of the weekend, new car performance--the list is endless. Women however are wired for rapport talk. Details are important to your wife. They don’t want the abridged version; they want the whole nine yards. As we talk to them, they discover who we are and why we think the way we do. Women process as they talk. Remember all of their boxes are open so they are processing a lot. Women resolve issues as they talk. Somehow a woman’s hearing, speech and thoughts are all interrelated and they need to have all three working at once to express themselves fully. 10 So if you want to connect emotionally with your wife, you must build rapport (mutual trust and emotional affinity. Your wife wants to know what you are thinking. She wants to process things with you. Pay close attention to your wife when she reaches out to you, but don’t always try to offer answers. Much of the time she simply wants you to join her as she processes her thoughts. She needs an audience that loves her. Here are a few guidelines as you develop rapport with your wife. Don’t see every complaint as an attack. Women think that as long as they feel the marriage is working, they can talk about it. Men often feel the relationship isn’t working if they have to talk about it. When your wife brings up a grievance, try to see it as an act of love. Resist the urge to solve it-whatever it is. Your wife needs you to acknowledge her feelings; she needs to know that what she is saying is registering with you. Even if you don’t agree with her, your acknowledgement of her emotions lets her know that you aren’t dismissing them by overlooking them and rushing to suggest a solution. Recognize her strong emotions as exclamation marks. When she is upset, angry, or frustrated, realize that these emotions are her way of letting you know how very much this matters to her. Reserve your judgment. Listen to her and empathize. Allow her to feel heard and understood. Have a respectful attitude. Don’t presume to know her thoughts and understand her feelings. Be there emotionally. If she is struggling, the last thing she needs to be told is why she shouldn’t be struggling. What she needs is for you to be there with her. Close in prayer. 11