Sayre Study Guide Book 5

Sayre Book 5
Study Guide: Who’s Who
Balzac, Honre de
Beethoven, Ludwig
Berlioz, Hector
Bonheur, Rosa
Brahms, Johannes
Byron, Lord
Cassatt, Mary
Catlin, George
Cezanne, Paul
Chopin, F
Chopin, Kate
Cole, Thomas
Constable, John
Cooleridge, Samuel Taylor
Cooper, James Fenimore
Courbet, Gustave
Darwin, Charles
Daumier, Honore
Degas, Edgar
Delacroix, Eugene
Dickens, Charles
Dickinson, Emily
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
Douglass, Frederick
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Engles, Friedrich
Flaubert, Gustave
Foster, Stephen
Friedrich, Casper David
Garnier, Charles
Gauguin, Paul
Gericault, Theodore
Goya, Francisco
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang
Gordon, George
Haussemann, Baron
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm
Ibsen, Henrik
Joplin, Scott
Kant, Immanuel
Keats, John
Klimt, Gustav
Mahler, Gustave
Wrote 92 novel series “The Human Comedy”
Musician. Wrote “Eroica” symphony. Composed 9th Symphony
Composed “Symphonie Fantastique”
Painted “Plowing on the Nivernais”
Poet who wrote “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”
Painted “In the Loge”, “Modern Woman”
Painted “Four Bears”, “Big Bend on the Missouri River” and “The Last Race”
Painted “Gulf of Marseilles” and “Mont Sainte-Victoire”
Composed “Fantasie Impromptu”
Author of “Bayou Folk” “A Night in Arcadie” and “Awakening”
Painted “The Oxbow”
Romantic painter. Did “Landscape and Double Rainbow”, “The Hay Wain”
Wrote “Rime of the ancient Mariner”
Wrote novel “The Last of the Mohicans”
Painted “A Burial at Ornans” and “The Stonebreakers”
Wrote the “Origin of Species” and “Descent of Man”
Painted “Gartgantua”, Third-Class Carriage”
Painted “Dance Class” and “Aux Ambassadeurs”
Painted “Liberty Leading the People”
Wrotes “Past and Present” and “Hard Times”
Wrote “Crime and Punishment”and “The Brothers Karamazov”
Writes “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas: An American Slave”
Writes “Nature”, started the Transcendental Club
Wrote “Communist Manifesto” collaborating with Karl Marx
Wrote novel “Madame Bovery”
Composed “Oh! Susanna” and “My Old Kentucky Home”
Romantic painter. Did “Monk by the Sea” and “Wanderer above the Mists”
Designed the Eiffel Tower and the Paris Opera House
Painted “Day of the God”
Painted the “Raft of the Medusa”
Did “The Sleep of Reason”, “The Third of May”, “The Family of Charles IV”
Wrote “The Sorrows orf Young Werther”
Known as Lord Byron. Wrote “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”
Redesigned the city of Paris
Wrote “Philosophy of History”
Wrote play “A Doll’s House”, “Hedda Gabler” and “When We Dead Awaken”
Composed “Maple Leaf Rag”
Wrote “Critique of Judgement”
Wrote “Ode to a Nightingale” and “Ode on a Grecian Urn”
Painted “Judith” and “Die Jungen”
Composed “Symphony No. 1”
Manet, Edouard
Marx, Karl
Melville, Herman
Mill, John Stuart
Millet, Jean-Francois
Monet, Claude
Morisot, Berthe
Morris, William
Munch, Edvard
Napoleon III
Nietzche, Friedrich
Nightingale, Florence
Offenbach, Jacques
Perry, Matthew
Pugin, Agustus Welby
Renoir, Auguste
Rodin, Auguste
Sargent, John Singer
Schubert, Franz”
Seurat, Georges
Shelly, Mary
Shelly, Percy
Stowe, Harriet beecher
Sullivan, Louis
Thoreau, Henry David
Tolstoy, Leo
Turner, J.M. W.
Twain, Mark
Utamaro, Kitagawa
Van Gogh, Vincent
Vanderlyn, John
Verdi, Giusepipe
Von Goethe, J. Wolfgan
Wagner, Richard
Whistler, James Abbot
Whitman, Walt
Wordsworth, William
Zola, Emile
Painted “Le Dejeuner sur l’Herbe” and “The Execution of Maximilian” and “The
Bar at the Folies-Bergere” and “Olympia”
Wrote “Das Capital” and “The Communist Manifesto”
Wrote novel “Moby Dick”
Wrote essay “The Subjection of Women”
Painted “The Sower” and “The Gleaners”
Impressionist: “Regatta at Argentuil” “Impression: Sunrise” “Gainstack”, “Water
Lillies”, etc.
Impressionist who did “Summer Day”
Declared war on the Industrial Revolution and went back to handmade craft arts.
Painted “The Scream”
Ruler of France between 1852-1870
Wrote “The Birth of Tragedy” and “Beyond Good and Evil”, and “Thus Spoke
Zarathustra” calling for a society of higher men.
Established nursing as a profession
Composed operetta “La Vie Parisiense”
Initiates contact with Japan
Greek god who stole fire from Zeus and gave it to man. Served as a noble hero
Designed London’s House of Parliament
Impressionist: “Luncheon of the Boating Party”
Sculpture “The Kiss”
Painted “The Daughters of Edward Darley Boit”
Musician who set poetry to music in lieder form
Painted “Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte”
Wrote novel “Frankenstein”
Wrote “Ode to the West Wind”
Wrote “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
Architect who gave form to skyscrapers
Composed “Overture” “Swan Lake” “Sleeping Beauty & “The Nutcracker”
Wrote “Civil Disobedience” and “Walden, or Life in the Woods”
Wrote “War and Peace” and “Anna Karenina”
Painted “The Great Western Railway”, “Snow Storm”, “The Fall of an
Avalanche” in Grisons, the Whale Ship, etc.
Real name was Samuel Clemmens. Wrote novel “Huckleberry Finn”
Created the woodblock “The Fickle Type”
Painted “Starry Night”, “Night Café”, etc.
Painted “Murder of Jane McCrea”
Composed “Rigoletto” opera
Wrote “The Sorrows of Young Werther”
German composer of opera “Tannhauser”
Painted “Nocturne in Black and Gold: the Falling Star”
Wrote “Leaves of Grass”
Wrote “Tintern Abbey”
Wrote “Germinal”