ExecLeadership Profile

Brian L. Kelly
(202) 253-9983 / bkelly@bkstrategies.com
Alexandria, VA
Consistently Recognized Public and Global Governmental Affairs Leader and Valued
Risk Manager with a Reputation Reaching the Highest Levels of Both Public and Private
Sectors — a Dynamic Leader Who Builds Cultures of Success and Thrives When Stakes
are Highest — Uniquely Wide-Ranging and Diverse Experience from Fortune-Listed
Multinationals, Corporate Boards and CEOs to the Highest Echelons of Government
— Specializing In —
Communications Strategy Development / Operations Management / Public Relations / Media
Relations / Policy Development / Crisis Management / Multimillion-Dollar Budget Management /
New Media & Marketing / Lobbying / Brand Identity / Core Message Development / Marketing
Materials / Strategic Relationships / Legislative and Regulatory Initiatives / Political Action
Committee (PAC) Management / Board Memberships, Presentations
Career Profile
Repeatedly risked own reputation to help companies prosper, rebuilding damaged images, working
closely with high-level political leaders. Proven ability to cure bad company reputations and rebuild
deteriorated brands, and rebuild relationships across the organization.
Successful record of 25+ years merging/integrating the political and business communities in
Washington, DC, and as Senior Executive for two Fortune 100 companies, translating risk and
opportunity into actionable corporate decisions.
Noted for ability to ensure widespread brand awareness, building stellar reputations globally as
company spokesman and face for such broadcast giants as Comcast and Disney.
Represented large independent producers of oil & gas in creating environments conducive to
optimal sales, leveraging high-level political influence and the media, organizing forums for hedge
funds, and giving speeches to large organizations.
Currently manage own successful politically oriented consulting firm in Washington creating
new revenue streams for a client list of unusual diversity, ie, large multinational and multibilliondollar companies, small startups, foreign corporations, and grassroots organizations.
Served as political and policy advisor to the last 7 Republican presidential campaigns. Currently
advise several Asian and European countries on the US Government and political system.
As Board Member or Chairman, delivered numerous presentations from both corporate and
association perspective, ie, profit and nonprofit organizations, including to 10 CEOs from large
multinational companies, and a Defense equipment manufacturer.
Successful international negotiator who has taken part in talks with Chinese government on
development of wireless networks.
Lifetime of experience transforming the most difficult problems into actionable objectives, whether
for CEO or head of nonprofit, or the President of the US.
Involved in countless corporate mergers and political crises, injecting a dose of reality into PR,
including during budget negotiations for President George W. Bush in 2000.
Drafted 20-year public policy legislation for telecomm, technology, energy, entertainment, and tax
issues, and developed policy impacting business on a global scale.
Helped design world policies with military on joint program to defeat IEDs in Iraq and Afghanistan.
As industry spokesman conducted extensive interviews in all media, ie, print, TV, local and
national publications, in both the US and around the world. Gave interviews to the Wall Street Journal
and the Washington Post for comments and perspectives.
Helped Disney ensure and expand intellectual property and copy protection of its most iconic
images, helping secure an act of Congress to extend copyright. Advised the Dept. of State and
governments in Europe on the spate of intellectual property theft by Chinese and Russians and
developed policies to protect IP globally.
Advisor and Intermediary to Foreign Governments in Japan, UK, Norway, Brazil, Australia, India,
Poland, Mexico, Argentina, France, agreeing to personal requests for help in understanding current US
policy on areas such as energy and technology. Personally advised ambassadors, foreign ministers,
energy secretaries, and worked with the Dept. of State and other federal entities.
Demonstrated ability to change hearts and minds regarding brand, including for Disney and
Comcast all over the world, interfacing with foreign governments to ensure credibility.
Ran major political campaigns and branded both Presidents Bush, Governors, Senators and
Members of Congress for several campaigns across the country.
Worked effectively in hostile international environments in China, Europe, and South America
ensuring profitability and cost-efficiency of products with respect to manufacturing, including microchips
and chemicals.
Extremely well-connected to all facets of government from both sides of the aisle, frequently called
upon by Congress and the White House for honest, agenda-free advisement.
Helped successfully promote Americas Natural Gas Alliance’s mission in spending $30-40M on
advertising as the organization’s face in the media.
Managed budgets up to $100M covering public affairs, public relations, digital marketing, operations,
staffing, external outreach.
Career Milestones
Risked reputation to mitigate a $4B tax liability by having one line inserted into the tax law
which resolved the issue — convinced CEO to address elements under tax code to unwind at
cost of $3-4B, working with leaders and get the law changed, yielding savings of $2B over time
Acted as advisor to the President of the US and the US Senate between multiple
stakeholders regarding China’s push for trade promotion authority
Key role in building and successful launching of a thriving Disney theme park in Hong Kong,
working collaboratively with teams in US, China and Japan on a multi-year project
(202) 253-9983 / bkelly@bkstrategies.com
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Positioned CEO as leader to participate in political summit with 30 others with Canadian
Foreign Minister, US Energy Secretary and Secretary of State (John Kerry)
Helped negotiate and design early stages of the energy section of the European-US trade
agreement to ensure US companies received all requested, e.g., global tax treatment and access
to specific land for development
Helped negotiate successful NAB agreements between broadcasters and dish/satellite
providers, reducing fees for cable and satellite services
Successfully negotiated to restore a very popular TV show to New York City broadcasting after
being dropped by cable provider (“Who Wants To Be A Millionaire”)
Additional Accomplishments
 Positioned the Natural Gas industry’s largest independent producers to achieve all legislative and
public policy goals by successfully managing relationships with key decision makers at the federal,
state, and local levels (ANGA)
Partnered with US State Department to advance global energy initiatives
Advised foreign governments on the role of regulations and legislation in energy development
Led major multi-successful effort to pass key legislative and regulatory policies for the Energy
 Led Comcast within the domestic and global public sector and helped guide from #7 to #1 in
service/business nationally
Helped CEO make sense of the regulatory impact on business to prepare potential planning
changes, giving speeches around the country and lobbying the White House, Congress, states
and local organizations in promoting corporate interest
Developed new revenue streams by identifying business development and branding
opportunities that expanded Comcast’s cross-platform products
Implemented interface among a selection of Comcast channels (E!, Style, SportsNet, Golf
Channel, Versus) that resolved issues with sports/news programming, digital management,
retransmission consent, and the Satellite Home Viewer Act, in promoting business growth in
voice, video and data business streams
 Facilitated the global success of more than 2,500 high-tech companies by managing global public
policy, communications, and public relations initiatives, necessitating travel to multiple continents (EIA)
Advocated for issues impacting the Electronics industry including copyrights, intellectual
property and global trade, representing organizations across Europe, Asia, and the Americas,
implementing industry messages across international print, radio, TV, and Internet platforms
 Directed complex and diverse global governmental affairs and public policy for the Walt Disney
Successfully protected Disney’s countless cross-platform IP and copyrights by effectively
managing legislative and regulatory initiatives
Positioned all Disney sector leaders (ESPN, parks, animation, film and TV) to meet all financial
and business bottom line goals by providing advisement on global public policy issues
(202) 253-9983 / bkelly@bkstrategies.com
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Worked with CEO Michael Eisner on film, sports and ABC Studios on business development,
and with film producers and embassies to enable production in foreign countries
Worked on sports programming with major leagues, including NBA and NFL, to ensure
contracts were developed for maximum return
Career History
2014 – current
ANGA (America’s Natural Gas Alliance), Washington, DC
Senior Director
2011 – 2014
2008 – 2010
Senior Director
2003 – 2008
Senior Vice President for Communications and Government Affairs
2001 – 2003
1999 – 2001
1997 – 1999
Additional Experience
Assistant to the Governor for Policy – Nashville, TN (1995-1996)
Political Director for Education for the Republican National Committee (1989-1994)
Education & Development
BS, Public Administration
Samford University, Birmingham, AL
Other Notables
Government Security Clearance, Top Secret
Board of Directors, IGRIS, LLC, Proof Research
(202) 253-9983 / bkelly@bkstrategies.com
Brian Kelly
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