SRECNA - Statement of Revenues and Expenses

LSUHSC nVision Reports Catalog
Business Unit: LSUSH
Report Description: LSUSH – SRECNA – Statement of Revenues and Expenses
Layout: LSUSH – SRECNA Statement of Revenue & Expenses.xnv
Report Request: STSREVEX
Dashboard Page/Button: LSUSH_YEAR_END\
SRECNA – Statement of Revenues Expenses and Changes in Net Assets
Report As of Date: Specify, e.g. 06/30/2007
The report produces a Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets for LSUSH.
The columns are labeled 2007 and Component Units. Only the 2007 column is populated during
the report process. The 2007 column utilizes the criteria ACTUALS ledger and the timespan of
YTD for current year to date values. The rows of the report are segregated into Operating
Revenues, Operating Expenses, Non-Operating Revenues and (Expenses), and Changes in Net
Assets. Within each section are unique rows for specific account, department and program
combinations. These rows are defined by Department from the DEPTROLLUP tree. The
Program codes are assigned form the STMT_REV_EX tree. The Account field on each row is
defined from the STMT_REV_EXP tree. The last section of the report, Changes Net Assets
section includes rows that STMT_REV_EXP tree. These rows also bring in additional criteria of
the ACTUALS ledger with the ITD timespan.
Report Example: