Reports/Hotsheets Keys & Symbols To view listings that are New, Back on Market, Expired, Withdrawn, or had a Price Change, simply point to Reports, then click on Hotsheet from the Navigation bar to choose from the following report options: “CTRL” key (where applicable) - To select more than one option from a list hold the CTRL key down while using the mouse to select all options. Price field - enter the entire price amount including all zero’s. No punctuation is necessary. “/” symbol - when entering dates, use the / symbol located on the same key as the ? key (i. e. January 1st 2003, enter as 01/ 01/ 03) . “-” symbol - when excluding a word from a search, place the - (minus) symbol in front of the word or phrase. For use in text fields. “%” symbol - when performing a wild card search, place a % symbol in front of the word, phrase or partial word. For use in text fields. (i. e. %fix, %HUD). (Do not put % at the end). Min/ Max boxes - The left box (Min) is for entering the minimum value. The right box (Max) is for entering the maximum value. “Or” radio button - Click the OR radio button to search listings with any or all of the options highlighted. “And” radio button - Click the And radio button to search listings that must contain all options highlighted. “Not” radio button - Click the Not radio button to exclude all options highlighted. “Tab” key - It is necessary to use the Tab key or the mouse to move from one field to another. Note: Do not use the Enter key. Printing Reports– Click the right mouse button anywhere on the page and select the Print option. Hotsheet - This report produces listings that are New, Back on Market, Withdrawn, Expired or had a Price Change since the last search. Today’s Activity - This report produces New, Back on Market, Withdrawn, Expired or Price Changes listings for that specific day the search is ran. The search begins at 12:00 am of the current day until the current moment. Days Back - This report produces the same types of listings as the Hotsheet, yet the dates searched are decided by the MLS Member. Custom Hotsheet - This report allows saved custom searches to be used to retrieve New, Back on Market, Withdrawn, Expired, or Price Changes within dates indicated by the MLS Member. Hints & Tips Log In Problems Because MarketLinx™ has several servers, it is necessary to enter the TEMPO™ system via Shortcuts and other links will not be able to connect to the correct server. Internet Explorer Settings To save paper launch IE, click File èPage Setup. Change browser’s print margin to .25 and delete the headers and footers. Font too small? Launch IE. Click View è Text Size. Make sure Medium is selected. To return to a previous Tempo page, use the Tabs, Navigation Bar, Revise Search or To List buttons provided. Avoid using the back button. NTREIS Listings Quick Reference Guide Technical Support Help Desk: 888-440-3687 AOL & MSN To use Tempo with AOL or MSN you must do a few Extra steps:…Non-Aol users need only to connect to internet and do steps 2-6. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Connect to AOL As you would normally Until You hear “You’ve Got Mail” message. Minimize by clicking the Minimize button (Single dash “-” in upper right corner of the screen.) Double click Internet Explorer (5.5+) Type the Tempo web address into the Address bar then click “Go”. Type in your Member ID as your Username Type in your Password under Password. Abilene BOR 325-692-9821 Website: MLS Number Search Custom Search/Reports 1. From the Navigation Bar, point to Search, then click MLS # Search . 2. Place the mouse pointer in the text box and click once. 3. Enter valid MLS number(s) using a comma to separate more than one. No spaces are necessary. Do not hit the Enter key. 4. View the listings by clicking on a report from the Available Reports box. 5. To Print the report, press the right mouse button on the report then left click on the Print option. 6. To Email the listings, simply enter valid MLS numbers in the text box, and then click on the Email Listings button. After filling in the Email form, click on the Send Email button. 1. From the Navigation Bar, point to Search, then click Custom Search/ Reports . 2. Select a Property type. 3. Click on the Create Custom Search button. 4. Select fields from the Available Fields box by clicking on each field individually. This will move the field to the Selected Fields box. OR Type the name of the field in the Search for Field box in order for the field list to narrow, then select the field. The field will move to the Selected Fields box. 5. Enter a name for the custom search in the Search Name box. 6. Click on the Save Search button. 7. Specify the criteria for each field. 8. Click the Save button. A confirmation screen will appear, click OK. 9. Click the Search button to run the search and view the listings. 10. Select the listings by clicking the box next to the MLS number. Quick Search 1. From the Navigation Bar, point to Search, then click Quick Search 2. Select the property category. Note: Tempo defaults to Residential property category. To search other property categories select appropriate tab. 3. Fill in the desired fields. 4. Click on the Search button. 5. Select the listings by clicking in the box located to the left of the MLS number or scroll to the bottom of the one line report and click on Check All Listings to select all of the listings. OR To view listings one at a time, click on the MLS number. Click the Select box for each desired listing, click Next to view the next listing or click Back to return to a previous listing. Click To List to return to the entire list of listings. 6. To print the selected listings, click on a report from the Available Reports box. When the report appears, click the right mouse button somewhere on the report, then click on Print from the Menu options. 7. To Email the selected listings, click on the Email Listings button. After filling in the Email form, click on the Send Email button. Note: Clicking on Tax ID # within a particular listing will hyperlink to that listing’s Tax Parcel. Auto-Notification The Prospect function is designed to search new or changed listings since the last search based on the client’s custom search criteria. 1. Be sure a custom search is already created and saved. See Custom Search. 2. From the Navigation bar, point to Prospects, then click Add New Prospect. 3. Fill in the client information and click on Add/Update. 4. The entire list of Prospects will appear. 5. Select the Prospect by clicking on the Prospects underlined name. 6. Click on Add New Custom Search to Prospect. 7. Select your Custom Search from the Stored Search box that currently says NONE. 8. To set up Auto-Notification click on the Yes radio button. 9. Check the email addresses to send to, enter the subject and message, next you select the type of report (s) to email, then click Submit. 10. Auto-Notification will now search every morning for new listings that match the Custom Search. Add/Edit Listings 1. From the Navigation Bar, click on the My Page icon. 2. Click on the Add/ Edit link 3. Click on the New Listings tab. 4. Fill in all of the required (blue) fields. 5. Click on the Get Tax Data Button to link the tax data. 6. Click the Save and Continue button. 7. Continue to fill in the entire input form of required fields. 8. Click on the Save Active option (located on the left side of the screen) to save as an Active listing. If you need to change listing information: 1. From the Navigation Bar, click on the My Page icon. 2. Click on the Add/ Edit link. 3. Type the MLS # in the View by MLS Number box, then click on the Show Listings by MLS Number button. 4. The one line listing will appear, then click on the Edit button. 5. The full listing will appear in order to edit necessary information. 6. Click the Save button to save changes. Adding Media In order to upload pictures onto your listing you will need to make sure the photos are saved as .jpg files and are less than 200 kb in memory size. 1. Click on MyPage. 2. Click on Edit Media. 3. Enter the MLS# and Click on Edit Media. 4. On the View Media Page go to the bottom right and click on Add New Media. 5. You will see a number of Browse buttons equal to the number of photos you can upload. Click on the first Browse Button. This opens a search window. Locate the first picture and double click on it. 6. Repeat for each photo. 7. On the right you enter text for each photo. 8. When the photos are located click on Submit. 9. To select a primary photo click on a photo name in the Current Media List and click the Set as Primary Photo button.