Alphabetic order AAnAlyse AbbrSwap AccentAlyse AccentPicker AcceptFormatting AcceptSpecificTrackChange AcronymFinder AcronymLister AcronymToSmallCaps AcuteAdd AddCommentMarkersInText AddQuotes AddSectionNumber AddWordToStyleList AllCapsToInitialCap AlphabeticOrderChecker Ampersand ApplyAttribute 30.12.15 24.11.15 03.01.15 10.05.11 20.08.11 02.03.11 11.02.11 28.11.11 31.12.13 24.07.15 30.12.11 28.11.11 07.02.11 26.05.12 14.12.11 15.02.15 09.05.13 19.10.13 AuthorCaseChange 09.11.13 AuthorDateFormatter AuthorNameSwap AutoCurlyQuotesOFF AutoCurlyQuotesON AutoIndent AutoListLcaseAll AutoListLcaseOne AutoListOff AutoListOff2 AutoTagger BackgroundColourOff BasicIndexer BasicIndexer2 BlankLineRemover BodyTexter Boldiser BoldKill BookmarkTempAdd BookmarkTempClear BookmarkTempFind BookmarkToCursorSelect BorderParaOff BoxTextIntoBody CaseNextChar CaseNextPara CaseNextWord CaseSecondNextWord CaseSecondNextWord2 CellsAddChar CentreText ChangeNotTracked ChapterChopper 30.07.15 01.10.14 14.02.13 14.02.13 01.01.10 30.01.12 30.01.12 01.06.10 21.02.12 19.01.13 20.10.11 27.12.10 22.10.12 28.10.11 02.02.11 27.10.15 11.08.11 12.01.16 12.01.16 13.01.16 12.01.16 06.08.11 08.10.15 03.12.15 12.08.10 10.02.16 12.08.10 12.08.10 20.10.11 07.05.10 03.11.11 28.01.15 Check a's and an's for agreement with following word Swap abbreviation into or out of brackets Analyse the words in a word-frequency list Call up the Insert Symbol window set to accented characters Accept just the formatting track changes Accept all occurrences of one specific track change Find a group of words for an acronym List all acronyms Convert all acronyms to small caps Add an acute accent to an e Add comment initials and numbers to text Adds quotes round a phrase Add indexed section number Add the selected text to the style list file Initial cap any words in all caps Find any suspicious non-alphabetism Change ampersand to 'and' Apply attribute to current cell, row, column, paragraph, sentence, word or selection lowercase author surname (e.g. SMITH, J. to Smith, J.) in references list Check/correct author/date formatting of reference list Change author surname and initials/given name Switch off auto curly quotes Switch on auto curly quotes Automatically indent a macro listing Lowercase initial letter of all auto-bulleted/numbered list items Lowercase initial letter of one auto-bulleted/numbered list item Auto-lists to text Change auto-bulleted listing to real bullets Tag/code automatically Remove background colour Basic indexing Basic indexing Remove blank line from double-spaced paragraphs Apply 'Body Text' to every paragraph in 'Normal' Toggle selected text bold Remove bold from selected text or current line Add temporary marker Delete temporary markers Go to temporary marker Select from temporary marker to cursor Remove the borders applied to the paragraph Copy text out of textboxes, then delete the boxes Change case of the next character/selection Change case of initial letter of the paragraph Change case of initial letter of next word or selection Changes case of next-but-one word Changes case of next-but-one word Check that there is a full point ending each cell Centre the text Change (or add) some text, but don't track the change Chop text into chapters ChapterMarker CharacterSwitch CitationListChecker CitationLister CiteCheck CiteFileLink CiteFileLink2 CiteFindName ClipToText ClipToTextWithEmphasis CodeBoldParas CodeFirstLines CodeIndentedParas Colon ColonLowerCase ColonUpperCase ColourMinus ColourPlus Colourtoggle ColumnTotal Comma CommaAdd CommaAddUSUK CommaInDialogue CommentAdd CommentAdd2 CommentAddMenu CommentCollectTabulated CommentCopier CommentListNumbered CommentNext CommentNumbering CommentPicker CommentPickerInserter CommentPrevious CommentsPane CommentTextNormalise CompareTexts ConsolidateTracking ContentsListChecker ContentsListerByNumber ContentsListerByStyle CopyComments CopyComments2 CountAll CountCase CountHighlightColour CountPhrase CountRemainder CountRemainderSimple CountWordsInHighlightColour CustomKeys Dash DeleteAllBookmarks DeleteAllComments 17.05.10 07.03.12 13.01.16 13.01.16 29.11.11 18.04.12 25.06.12 21.10.11 04.01.10 23.02.11 13.01.11 05.12.12 07.07.11 06.04.13 01.06.10 01.06.10 07.01.12 30.07.10 05.05.10 12.05.15 06.04.13 18.03.15 28.11.10 23.07.15 13.01.16 01.06.13 15.02.16 24.10.15 18.01.12 08.06.15 15.03.14 30.12.11 09.11.13 14.11.13 15.03.14 06.01.12 21.01.15 07.12.13 12.11.14 09.02.12 25.09.15 16.07.13 01.06.10 01.06.10 12.03.13 23.11.11 04.03.11 20.02.14 13.03.13 01.01.10 10.02.16 03.02.10 14.02.14 18.06.10 21.02.12 For use with ChapterChopper Scripted character switching (was called 'QuickSwitchChar') Checks citations against references list Create a list of all citations Check reference citations Link text and references files for CiteCheck Link text and references files for CiteCheck Jump back from date to name Get pure text from pdfs and websites Get pure text from pdfs and websites Tag/code every bold heading Prepare the file by adding codes, etc. Add codes to indented paragraphs Make adjacent words into colon separated Changes the initial letter after a colon to lowercase Changes the initial letter after a colon to uppercase Remove or add font colour in a choice of colours Add font colour in a choice of colours Red text on/off Check the column total Make adjacent words into comma separated Add a comma Add a comma Give adjacent words a comma link Add a comment Add a comment Add a comment off a menu Collect comments into a table Create an author query list List all comments in file with index numbers Go to next comment Add or remove fixed comment initials and numbers Copy a comment out of a list of comments Copy a comment from a list and paste into text Go to previous comment Open the comments pane Get rid of "funny effects" in the comment boxes Select non-identical text (was called IdenticalTextCheck) Turn split tracking into a single change Confirm the page numbers in the contents list Create a contents list from numbered headings Create a contents list from numbered heading style Create a list of all the comments Create a list of all the comments Count text inc footnotes, endnotes and textboxes Count the numbers of upper and lowercase characters Count how many times a highlight colour occurs Count this word or phrase Count words below the cursor Count words below the cursor Count the number of words in a given highlight colour Open the Customize Keyboard dialogue box Remove punctuation, add dash and lower case next char Delete all bookmarks Delete all comments DeleteAllLinks DeleteComments DeleteEndnotes DeleteFoots DeleteSomeLinks DeleteWord DictionaryFetch DisplayQuote DocAlyse DocAlyseForMac DocAlyseThiersBits DoNowt DoublePrime DoubleQuote DuplicatedWordsFind DuplicatedWordsFind2 DuplicatedWordsFind3 DuplicatedWordsHighlight DuplicatesRemove EmailFormatter EnclosureFixer EndNoteFiddleSuperscript Equation EtAlElision ExclamationMark FandRapostrophe FetchThisMacro FieldsUnlink FigCallouts FigStrip FigTableBoxLister FileChopper FindAdvanced1 FindAdvanced2 FindAdvanced3 FindAndDo FindAnything FindBack FindBackCase FindClip FindClipTop FindColouredText FindColouredTextUp FindFwd FindFwdCase FindHighlight FindHighlightUp FindInContext FindNextNumber FindPreviousNumber FindReplaceAdvanced FindReplaceGo FindReplaceStay FindSamePlace FindStyle 30.10.12 18.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 31.10.12 09.11.13 11.11.13 11.08.11 08.11.15 18.11.14 28.11.11 01.01.01 01.01.10 09.11.15 03.02.16 03.02.16 03.02.16 03.02.16 09.02.14 05.11.13 09.02.16 25.07.11 03.01.10 30.07.15 06.04.13 22.04.11 27.01.13 07.12.15 18.12.10 01.09.10 19.08.15 29.08.15 22.02.11 22.02.11 01.06.11 08.02.12 12.03.13 16.11.15 16.11.15 24.05.13 14.05.13 28.02.12 28.02.12 16.11.15 10.11.15 13.08.15 04.02.12 28.01.13 09.01.13 08.01.13 04.06.11 05.02.11 06.02.10 02.01.14 30.12.10 Delete all hyperlinks Delete all comments Delete all endnotes Delete all footnotes Delete hyperlinks that are not URLs Delete current word, but no punctuation Launch selected text to Display a hightlighted (or selected) quote Analyse various aspects of a document Analyse various aspects of a document Thiers Halliwell’s medical bits: Do nothing at all! Add single prime Change next quote mark to double Find next consecutive duplicate word (idea from Douglas Vipond) Find next consecutive two-word duplicate Find next consecutive three-word duplicate Add a highlight to any duplicate words in a text, e.g. "the the" Remove duplicate items from a list Format paragraphs in an email Check and correct the order of enclosure symbols Make changes to all endnotes Insert an equation Crop multi-authors to a given number before 'et al' Make adjacent words into sentence end F&R text that contains curly quotes/apostrophe Find and copy the current macro Selective field removal Figure callout inserter Strip out all figures and leave a callout Find figure/table/box elements and their citations Chop text into a number of smaller file using page breaks Call up Advanced Find dialog box Call up Advanced Find dialog box Call up Advanced Find dialog box Find something specific and do things to each one Just find this text/note/page/etc NOW! Next find backwards Next case-sensitive find forwards Find whatever is in the clipboard From the top, find whatever is in the clipboard Find coloured text Find coloured text Next find forwards Next case-sensitive find forwards Find next highlighted text Find highlighted text upwards Find certain words within a given word range Jump from one number to the next - section, fig, table, etc Jump back to the previous number Call up Advanced Find & Replace dialog box Find, replace and move to next Find and replace but don't move to next Find the same place in another file Find text in this style FindStyleOld FindStyleOldUp FindThisOrThat FindThisOrThatSetUp FirstNotIndent FontEliminate FontHighlight FootNoteFiddle FootNoteFiddle3 FootnoteNext FootnoteNextUp FormatAlyse ForumTextFormat FRedit FReditCopy FReditCopyPlus FReditCopyWholeWord FReditListProcess FReditSame FReditScriptRun FReditSwap FrenchQuotes FullNameAlyse FullNameType FullPoint FullPointInDialogue FunnyChange GermanQuotes GoogleFetch GoogleFetchQuotes GoogleTranslate GreekPicker HeadingSentenceCase HeadingStyler HighlightAllOff HighlightAllQuestions HighlightCount HighlightIndentedParas HighlightLister HighlightListerDeLuxe HighlightLongQuotesDouble HighlightLongQuotesSingle HighLightMinus HighlightOffWord HighlightPlus HighlightSame HiLightOFF HiLightOffALL HiLightOffCurrentLine HiLightON HiLightTurquoise HyphenAlyse Hyphenate HyphenationToFRedit HyphenationToStylesheet 17.11.10 16.11.10 24.02.14 22.02.14 01.06.10 16.02.13 03.10.11 01.06.10 01.06.10 13.10.10 13.10.10 28.08.15 25.06.15 17.02.16 20.01.16 22.07.15 17.01.12 22.01.16 22.01.16 31.03.11 20.01.16 14.02.13 12.02.16 31.03.11 06.04.13 23.07.15 01.06.10 14.02.13 08.05.12 08.05.12 16.10.13 20.06.14 09.04.13 02.02.11 02.04.13 15.02.11 26.02.15 01.03.11 26.05.11 27.05.11 11.08.11 11.08.11 19.12.14 28.01.12 30.07.10 28.08.15 01.01.10 01.01.10 22.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 13.02.16 28.01.10 22.01.16 27.01.16 Find text in this style Find text in this style Find the next occurrence of certain specific words Set-up for finding the next occurrence of certain specific words Full-out paragraph under all headings Restore anything in this font to the default font Highlight all fonts NOT named in the list Make changes to all footnotes More footnote fiddling Jump to next footnote Jump to previous footnote Hightlight various formatting features Convert text from Word to Forum and vice versa Scripted find and replace Copy word to make FRedit script item Copy word to make FRedit script item + highlight + case insensitive Create FRedit item for whole-word F&R Tidy up a FRedit list from cursor downwards Create FRedit item with ^& Load, run and close a specific FRedit script Swap the two sides of a FRedit item Switch UK quotes to German quotes Creates a frequency list of all full names Types out the full filename of the open file Make adjacent words into sentence end Make adjacent words into sentence end Make various complicated changes to all paragraphs Switch UK quotes to German quotes Launch selected text on Google Launch selected text - with quotes - on Google Launch selected text to GoogleTranslate Call up the Insert Symbol window set to Greek characters Sentence case this selection or paragraph (but not acronyms) Styles all headings by depth of section number Remove all highlighting, including in boxes Highlights all questions Count highlighted areas of this colour Highlight all indented paragraphs List all the highlight colours used List all the highlight colours used Highlight all long quotes (double) Highlight all long quotes (single) Remove or add highlight in a choice of colours Remove highlight from all occurrences of this word Add highlight in a choice of colours Highlight all occurrences of this text in this colour Remove highlight (text colour) from selected text Remove ALL highlights (text colour) from whole text Remove highlight (text colour) from selected text or current line Add highlight in currently selected colour Add highlight in turquoise Compare all hyphenated words with single/double words Hyphenate two words Create a FRedit list from a HyphenAlyse file Create a word list from a HyphenAlyse file HyphenSpaceWordCount Ignore IndentChanger IndentFirstSelector IndentLeftSelector IndentRightSelector IndentsMeasure IndentsSet IndexChecker IndexElide ing InitialCapItalicInNotes InitialCapItalicText InitialCapOnly InitialNext InstantFindBottom InstantFindDown InstantFindDownWild InstantFindFormatDown InstantFindFormatUp InstantFindTop InstantFindUp IStoIZ ISwords ItalicCount Italiciser ItalicKill ItalicQuoteToggle ItalicWordList IZIScount IZtoIS IZwords JoinTwoWords JumpScroll JustifyOFF KeystrokeLister LanguageHighlight LanguageSetUK LanguageSetUS LetterDecrement 03.08.11 11.12.14 07.07.11 18.02.13 18.02.13 18.02.13 01.02.13 01.02.13 09.02.12 23.12.10 22.12.14 03.12.11 03.12.11 29.05.10 29.05.10 25.02.11 12.01.16 12.01.16 10.09.10 10.09.10 18.11.10 12.01.16 04.01.16 09.01.14 22.07.10 27.10.15 11.08.11 14.01.12 03.09.10 05.03.14 04.01.16 09.01.14 15.07.15 20.02.14 01.06.10 03.02.10 05.12.11 03.01.13 03.01.13 07.03.13 LetterIncrement 07.03.13 ListBulleter ListCheckStart ListHighlighter ListItemFinder ListLowercaseNoPunct ListLowercaseSemicolon ListOfFound ListofHeadings ListSemicolon ListUcase ListUcaseAll LongSentenceCheck 09.06.12 28.08.14 19.10.10 28.08.14 31.08.15 17.12.14 11.07.11 10.02.10 15.02.11 07.01.10 07.01.10 06.01.11 Count hyphenated word forms Toggle strike-through (or remove all if no text selected) Change paras of one indent value to another Set left indent settings to specific values Set left indent settings to specific values Set left indent settings to specific values Measure and display current indent settings Set indent settings List all pages on which this word(s) occur(s) Add elision to an index "splodge" -> "splodging" or vice versa Initial caps on significant words in italic text in notes Initial caps on significant words in italic text in notes Reduce all-capitals to initial cap Find run of caps I couldn't possibly comment! Find selected text downwards Find selected text downwards wildcards set Find format similar to this Find format similar to this Find this from the top Find selected text upwards Correct text to give -iz-, -yz- spellings Exceptions for IStoIZ Count the number of words that are initalic Toggle selected text italic Remove italic from selected text or current line Toggle between italic and single quote Create a list of all words in italic Count IS/IZ spellings Correct text to give -is-, -ys- spellings Exceptions for IZtoIS Join two words Scroll this line to top of page Turn format off on all paragraphs Create a list of custom key allocations Highlight all text not in main language Set language as UK English Set language as US English Pick up the current character and replace with the numerically previous character Pick up the current character and replace with the numerically next character Add a bullet to every paragraph in a list Jump to an auto-list number This highlights all 'short' paragraphs in a text Jump to an auto-list number Lowercase initial char + remove end punctuation Add semicolons to bulletted list + lowercase initial char List all occurrences of a word/phrase Create a list of all headings Add semicolons to bulleted list Upper case initial letter of list item Upper case initial letter of all list items Colour long sentences LongSentenceHighlighter LowercaseGlobal Macro list – latest versions MarkFinalOnOff MatchBrackets MatchDoubleQuotes MatchSingleQuotes MultiChoiceTidierGlobal MultiChoiceTidierSingle 19.05.12 Highlight all sentences more than a certain length 10.02.11 Lowercase this phrase throughout text MultiFileComment MultifileCopier MultiFileCount MultiFileFRedit MultiFilePDF MultiFileText MultiFileWord MultiSwitch NextChange NextNumber NextNumberPlus NextNumberPlusUp NextNumberUp NonCurlyApostrophe NonCurlyQuote NoteDeleteDblSpace NoteJumper NotesEmbed NotesUnembed NotesUnembedBySections NumberDecrement NumberIncrement NumberParasAuto NumberSequenceChecker NumberToFigure NumberToText NumberToText2 NumberToTextUK NumberToTextUK2 OUPFetch OvertypeBeep OvertypeBeep2 PageHopper PageHopper2 PageNumberChecker ParaShort PasteUnformatted PasteWithEmphasis PDFfunniesToLigatures PDFhardHyphenRestore PDFpagerOddEven PDFpagerSimple PDFsoftHyphenRemove PDFspellAll PDFspellIgnoreProperNouns 20.10.15 20.10.15 07.12.15 20.10.15 20.10.15 20.10.15 07.12.15 13.01.16 23.10.13 11.10.10 11.10.10 11.10.10 11.10.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.06.10 21.05.12 27.08.15 29.08.10 28.12.11 19.09.15 19.09.15 21.05.11 06.02.12 22.09.15 26.12.12 30.05.10 14.09.11 14.09.11 06.02.14 01.01.10 01.01.10 08.12.10 18.12.10 09.02.12 06.11.10 30.01.10 30.12.10 18.04.13 18.04.13 11.05.11 11.05.11 04.01.14 19.04.13 19.04.13 14.05.11 07.12.12 07.12.12 09.03.15 26.01.12 28.01.11 Switch "Mark as final" facility on/off Check whether brackets match up Check whether double quotes match up Check whether single quotes match up Lower case first word and remove end spaces and punctuation Lowercase initial character of answer + remove end spaces + punctuation List all comments in a set of files Save a folder full of files as PDFs Count words in a group of files Multi-file version of FRedit Save a folder full of files as PDFs Collecting pure text from multiple files Multiple Word file concatenation Scripted word/phrase switching Find next change (not! comment) Find next section number Find next section number Find previous section number Find previous section number Add non-curly single quote Add non-curly double quote Delete double spaces from endnotes Jump back and forth between notes and main text Embed footnotes or endnotes Unembed footnotes or endnotes Unembed endnotes that are numbered in sections Subtract one from the following number (or decrease the letter) Add one to the following number (or increase the letter) Add hierarchical section numbering Check the sequence of section numbers Convert the next number to a figure Convert next number into text Convert next number into text Convert next number into text Convert next number into text Launch selected text to OUP Sound warning beep on overtype Sound warning beep on overtype + visual Go to page x Go to page x Check that the text page number = Word's page number Finds medium-length paragraphs Paste unformatted Paste with emphasis Restore ligatures that have been converted to odd characters Hyphenate falsely concatenated words Highlight all the page numbers alternately left & right Highlight all the page numbers Unhyphenate split words Underline all spelling errors Underline all spelling errors PDFunderlineToLigature PerCent PhraseCount PictureShow PrepareToReplaceDown PrepareToReplaceDownTCoff PrepareToReplaceFromTop PrepareToReplaceWithMarker PreviousChange ProperNounAlyse PubMedFetch PunctAlyse PunctoffBothEnds PunctOffRight PunctuationFormatChecker PunctuationOff PunctuationSwitcher PunctuationToDash PunctuationToHyphen PunctuationToMinus PunctuationToSpace PunctuationToThinSpace QuestionMark QuotationMarker ReferenceDateShift ReferenceNameFinder RenumberNotes RenumberSuperscript ReverseList RibbonMinMax SampleFindAndDo SaveWithPrompt ScareQuoteAdd SciMarkPicker SelectCurrentPage SelectHighlightedText SelectParagraph SelectSentence SelectTheseWords SelectWord SelectWordSmart Semicolon SemicolonEndPara SentenceAlyse SerialCommaHighlight SerialNotCommaHighlight SetTextBoxStyle ShortTitleLister ShowFixedSpaces ShowHideAllTracking ShowHideTracksOnly ShowStyles ShowTabs SinglePrime SingleQuote 04.01.14 25.02.13 04.05.10 31.08.11 09.12.10 03.08.11 09.12.10 09.12.10 23.10.13 11.02.16 06.12.13 18.10.11 01.06.10 17.07.15 06.08.15 30.01.11 04.10.12 06.04.13 14.05.13 26.03.14 06.04.13 06.04.13 06.04.13 10.03.12 13.04.11 08.04.11 18.12.10 18.12.10 07.08.10 18.12.14 08.02.12 29.02.15 01.06.10 10.05.11 26.01.11 05.09.11 24.11.10 04.06.11 06.12.11 28.11.14 23.09.15 06.04.13 09.02.11 04.11.10 26.02.13 26.02.13 01.06.10 19.05.13 09.02.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 06.05.12 09.02.10 01.01.10 09.10.15 Restore underline characters into ligatures Change percent symbol to words Count a selected phrase Switch pictures on and off Copy text into the F&R box Copy text into the F&R box Copy text into the F&R box from top Copy text into the F&R box from top leaving marker Find next change (not! comment) Analyse similar proper nouns Launch selected text to OUP Produces usage statistics of various punctuation Remove punctuation from both ends of a word Remove the punctuation off a word end (and quote off beginning) Variously highlight italic/roman punctuation Delete the next punctuation item Change order of next two punctuation marks Change next hyphen/em/en dash to an em/en dash Change the word break punctuation to a hyphen Find punctuation and change to minus sign Change the next punctuation item to a space Change the next punctuation item to a thin space Make adjacent words into sentence end Mark all quotes + displayed text Move date from end of reference to after author Get date from reference and add after author citation Renumber all note numbers Renumber all superscript numbers Reverse the order of items in a list Toggle between maximize and minimize of the ribbon Find something specific and do things to each one Prompt the user about saving the file Add single quotes round a word Call up the Insert Symbol window set to Greek characters Select the current page Selects all text in a given highlight Select current paragraph Select current sentence Extend selection to whole words Select current word Select current word, and then those before it Make adjacent words into semicolon separated Lowercase first character + add semicolon at end Analyse the size of sentences Highlight or underline text that appears to have a serial comma Highlight or underline text that appears not to have a serial comma Apply style to all textboxes Create a list of the named references in the notes Fixed spaces visible Toggle showing track changes and comments on and off Toggle showing just track changes on and off Show style names as <A>-type codes in the text Make tabs visible Add double prime Change next quote mark to single curly SortAndRemoveDups SortCaseSense SortIt SortNumberedList SortTextBlocks SpaceAfterSelector SpaceBeforeSelector SpecialCharList SpecialSortsLister Spellcheck SpellcheckWarn SpellcheckWordCurrent SpellcheckWordUK SpellcheckWordUS SpellcheckWordUSUK SpellingErrorHighlighter SpellingErrorLister SpellingSuggest SpellListAdd SpellWordChange SpikeCopy SpikeCut SpikePaste StyleCopy StylePaste SubscriptSwitch SuitToText SuperscriptNoteNumber SuperscriptSwitch SuperSubConvert SwapCharacters SwapCharacters2 SwapNames SwapThreeWords SwapWords SwapWordsOldVersion SymbolFontCheck SymbolToUnicode TableCallouts TableEdit TableEmDasher TableStripper TagA TagBulletLists TagList TextBoxFrameCut TextProbe ThatWhich ThesaurusFetch TitleHeadingCapper TitleInQuotesCapper TitleUnCapper ToCback ToCupdate ToggleNextCharCase 30.12.11 17.02.11 03.07.11 03.07.12 23.01.12 18.02.13 18.02.13 28.02.10 22.03.12 06.12.10 30.04.11 10.12.11 25.08.11 25.08.11 19.12.11 21.01.16 25.01.16 16.02.16 04.06.11 21.01.16 26.02.11 26.02.11 26.02.11 04.01.11 04.01.11 05.09.11 21.07.11 11.08.11 05.09.11 24.10.13 01.01.12 01.01.12 06.10.14 31.12.11 01.01.12 30.01.10 23.02.10 31.10.13 14.12.10 13.01.12 05.03.13 19.06.12 16.02.11 30.04.12 19.01.13 01.06.10 19.12.10 26.07.10 11.11.13 20.03.15 21.01.13 27.10.15 18.07.10 16.12.13 28.06.09 Sort the selected text Sort into separate lists: Lcase/Ucase Sort the selected text Sort references, ignoring the number at the beginning Alpha sorts blocks of text by first line Increase and decrease space after paragraph Increase and decrease space before paragraph Create a list of the unicode characters Collect all special sorts in a file Run a spellcheck Run a spellcheck, but beep if not UK or langauges are mixed Spellcheck single word in current language Spellcheck single word UK Spellcheck single word US Spellcheck single word in NOT the current language Highlight all spelling errors List all spelling errors Check FRedit list and add suggested change Take current word and add to FRedit list Accept Word's spelling suggestion for current word Copy to spike Cut to spike Paste the whole contents of the spike Copy style Paste style Toggle subscript Convert playing card suit symbolks to text Superscript note number Toggle superscript Change weird super/subscript format to proper ones Switch chars either side of caret Switch the previous two chars Swap adjacent names Swap three adjacent words (A and B to B and A) Swap adjacent words, including formatting Swap adjacent words Greek symbol font checker Convert Symbol font characters to unicode Table callout inserter Edit items in the cells of some or all tables Empty cells and hyphen/en dash to em dash Strip out all tables into a separate file Add a tag to the current paragraph Add tags to all bullet lists Add tags to a numbered or bulleted list Remove textboxes and frames Find funny character codes Change that to which and vice versa Launch selected text to Uppercase initial letter of all major words (title case) Uppercase initial letter of all major words (title case) Uppercase initial letter only on first word Jump back to table of contents Update (and customise) the table of contents Change case of the next character/selection ToggleNextCharCase2 TooDifficultWordHighlighter TrackChangeAccept TrackChangeReject TrackChangeShowHide TrackingShowSwitcher TrackingShowSwitcherExtreme TrackON TrackOnOff TrackOnOffAudible TypeA TypeThat TypeThe TypeThinSpace UKUScount UKUShighlight Un UnHighlight unHighlightExcept UnifyFormatBackwards UnifyFormatForwards UnitSpacer UnlinkCitationsAndRefs unTextColour URLlauncher URLlink URLlinker VisibleTrackOff VisibleTrackOff2 VisibleTrackOff3 VisibleTrackOff4 WhatChar WhatDirectory WikiFetch WikiSwitch WikiToStyles WikiToText WordPairAlyse WordSwitch WordTotaller YearMoveToEnd Yesterdate zTOs 28.09.09 15.02.12 23.11.11 23.11.11 16.07.15 23.02.11 23.02.11 12.02.13 01.01.10 26.02.11 31.08.15 15.05.13 06.01.15 28.01.13 04.01.13 22.11.14 07.01.10 07.01.10 11.01.11 14.03.14 14.03.14 07.12.15 02.05.13 07.01.10 20.03.12 26.02.15 06.05.12 01.01.10 01.01.10 24.09.11 27.07.15 16.12.15 25.01.12 02.12.11 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 08.11.15 08.01.15 21.01.11 10.05.14 09.01.12 24.07.10 Change case of the next character/selection Highlight any words not included in word list Accept the track changes on the current line Accept the track changes on the current line Set up track changes to taste Toggle visibility of track changes Toggle visibility of track changes Check that track changes is switched on (for use with FRedit) Toggle track changes on and off Track on/off with audio feedback Type 'a' or 'A', (or 'an' or 'An') between two words Type 'that' between two words Type 'the' or 'The' between two words Type and shade a thin space Count relative spellings between UK and US English Mark US spellings within UK text and vice versa Remove highlight and font colour of this colour Remove highlight of this colour Remove all highlights except one/two chosen colours Make start of para (or selection) same format as the end Make end of para (or selection) same format as the start Find units with numbers and add a thin space Unlinks reference citations (ignoring equations) Remove font colour of this colour Launch successive URLs from the text Make the URL/email at the cursor a clickable link Find URLs in the text and link them Visible reminder that track changes is off Visible reminder that track changes is off Visible trackchange reminder - using wiggly lines! Visible trackchange reminder - yellow background Show ASCII and unicode and character names Insert the directory name at the cursor Launch selected text on Wikipedia Convert text to and from Wiki format Convert from Wiki format to text Convert from text to Wiki format Analyse the words that are in pairs or as a single word Scripted single-word switching Adds up word numbers in selected texts Move the year to end of reference Type yesterday's date into the text Change the next z to and s 01.01.01 28.06.09 28.09.09 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 Do nothing at all! Change case of the next character/selection Change case of the next character/selection Automatically indent a macro listing Count words below the cursor Add single prime Remove highlight (text colour) from selected text Remove ALL highlights (text colour) from whole text Add highlight in currently selected colour Sorted in date order DoNowt ToggleNextCharCase ToggleNextCharCase2 AutoIndent CountRemainderSimple DoublePrime HiLightOFF HiLightOffALL HiLightON HiLightTurquoise NonCurlyApostrophe NonCurlyQuote OvertypeBeep OvertypeBeep2 ShowHideAllTracking ShowHideTracksOnly SinglePrime TrackOnOff VisibleTrackOff VisibleTrackOff2 WikiSwitch WikiToStyles WikiToText Equation ClipToText ListUcase ListUcaseAll Un UnHighlight unTextColour HiLightOffCurrentLine Hyphenate PasteUnformatted SwapWordsOldVersion CustomKeys KeystrokeLister FindReplaceStay ShowFixedSpaces ShowTabs ListofHeadings SymbolFontCheck SpecialCharList PhraseCount Colourtoggle CentreText ChapterMarker InitialCapOnly InitialNext NumberToText2 AutoListOff ColonLowerCase ColonUpperCase CopyComments CopyComments2 DeleteEndnotes DeleteFoots FirstNotIndent FootNoteFiddle FootNoteFiddle3 FunnyChange JustifyOFF NoteDeleteDblSpace PunctoffBothEnds ScareQuoteAdd 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 01.01.10 03.01.10 04.01.10 07.01.10 07.01.10 07.01.10 07.01.10 07.01.10 22.01.10 28.01.10 30.01.10 30.01.10 03.02.10 03.02.10 06.02.10 09.02.10 09.02.10 10.02.10 23.02.10 28.02.10 04.05.10 05.05.10 07.05.10 17.05.10 29.05.10 29.05.10 30.05.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 01.06.10 Add highlight in turquoise Add non-curly single quote Add non-curly double quote Sound warning beep on overtype Sound warning beep on overtype + visual Toggle showing track changes and comments on and off Toggle showing just track changes on and off Add double prime Toggle track changes on and off Visible reminder that track changes is off Visible reminder that track changes is off Convert text to and from Wiki format Convert from Wiki format to text Convert from text to Wiki format Insert an equation Get pure text from pdfs and websites Upper case initial letter of list item Upper case initial letter of all list items Remove highlight and font colour of this colour Remove highlight of this colour Remove font colour of this colour Remove highlight (text colour) from selected text or current line Hyphenate two words Paste unformatted Swap adjacent words Open the Customize Keyboard dialogue box Create a list of custom key allocations Find and replace but don't move to next Fixed spaces visible Make tabs visible Create a list of all headings Greek symbol font checker Create a list of the unicode characters Count a selected phrase Red text on/off Centre the text For use with ChapterChopper Reduce all-capitals to initial cap Find run of caps Convert next number into text Auto-lists to text Changes the initial letter after a colon to lowercase Changes the initial letter after a colon to uppercase Create a list of all the comments Create a list of all the comments Delete all endnotes Delete all footnotes Full-out paragraph under all headings Make changes to all footnotes More footnote fiddling Make various complicated changes to all paragraphs Turn format off on all paragraphs Delete double spaces from endnotes Remove punctuation from both ends of a word Add single quotes round a word SetTextBoxStyle TextBoxFrameCut DeleteAllBookmarks DeleteComments ToCback ItalicCount zTOs ThatWhich ColourPlus HighlightPlus ReverseList CaseNextPara CaseSecondNextWord CaseSecondNextWord2 NotesUnembed FigStrip ItalicWordList InstantFindFormatDown InstantFindFormatUp NextNumber NextNumberPlus NextNumberPlusUp NextNumberUp FootnoteNext FootnoteNextUp ListHighlighter SentenceAlyse ParaShort FindStyleOldUp FindStyleOld InstantFindTop SelectParagraph CommaAddUSUK Spellcheck PageHopper PrepareToReplaceDown PrepareToReplaceFromTop PrepareToReplaceWithMarker TableCallouts FigCallouts PageHopper2 RenumberNotes RenumberSuperscript TextProbe IndexElide BasicIndexer FindStyle PasteWithEmphasis StyleCopy StylePaste LongSentenceCheck unHighlightExcept CodeBoldParas WordTotaller SelectCurrentPage 01.06.10 01.06.10 18.06.10 18.06.10 18.07.10 22.07.10 24.07.10 26.07.10 30.07.10 30.07.10 07.08.10 12.08.10 12.08.10 12.08.10 29.08.10 01.09.10 03.09.10 10.09.10 10.09.10 11.10.10 11.10.10 11.10.10 11.10.10 13.10.10 13.10.10 19.10.10 04.11.10 06.11.10 16.11.10 17.11.10 18.11.10 24.11.10 28.11.10 06.12.10 08.12.10 09.12.10 09.12.10 09.12.10 14.12.10 18.12.10 18.12.10 18.12.10 18.12.10 19.12.10 23.12.10 27.12.10 30.12.10 30.12.10 04.01.11 04.01.11 06.01.11 11.01.11 13.01.11 21.01.11 26.01.11 Apply style to all textboxes Remove textboxes and frames Delete all bookmarks Delete all comments Jump back to table of contents Count the number of words that are initalic Change the next z to and s Change that to which and vice versa Add font colour in a choice of colours Add highlight in a choice of colours Reverse the order of items in a list Change case of initial letter of the paragraph Changes case of next-but-one word Changes case of next-but-one word Unembed footnotes or endnotes Strip out all figures and leave a callout Create a list of all words in italic Find format similar to this Find format similar to this Find next section number Find next section number Find previous section number Find previous section number Jump to next footnote Jump to previous footnote This highlights all 'short' paragraphs in a text Analyse the size of sentences Finds medium-length paragraphs Find text in this style Find text in this style Find this from the top Select current paragraph Add a comma Run a spellcheck Go to page x Copy text into the F&R box Copy text into the F&R box from top Copy text into the F&R box from top leaving marker Table callout inserter Figure callout inserter Go to page x Renumber all note numbers Renumber all superscript numbers Find funny character codes Add elision to an index Basic indexing Find text in this style Paste with emphasis Copy style Paste style Colour long sentences Remove all highlights except one/two chosen colours Tag/code every bold heading Adds up word numbers in selected texts Select the current page MultiChoiceTidierSingle 28.01.11 Lowercase initial character of answer + remove end spaces + punctuation PunctuationOff 30.01.11 Delete the next punctuation item BodyTexter 02.02.11 Apply 'Body Text' to every paragraph in 'Normal' HeadingStyler 02.02.11 Styles all headings by depth of section number FindReplaceGo 05.02.11 Find, replace and move to next AddSectionNumber 07.02.11 Add indexed section number SemicolonEndPara 09.02.11 Lowercase first character + add semicolon at end LowercaseGlobal 10.02.11 Lowercase this phrase throughout text AcronymFinder 11.02.11 Find a group of words for an acronym HighlightAllQuestions 15.02.11 Highlights all questions ListSemicolon 15.02.11 Add semicolons to bulleted list TagA 16.02.11 Add a tag to the current paragraph SortCaseSense 17.02.11 Sort into separate lists: Lcase/Ucase FindAdvanced1 22.02.11 Call up Advanced Find dialog box FindAdvanced2 22.02.11 Call up Advanced Find dialog box ClipToTextWithEmphasis 23.02.11 Get pure text from pdfs and websites TrackingShowSwitcher 23.02.11 Toggle visibility of track changes TrackingShowSwitcherExtreme 23.02.11 Toggle visibility of track changes InstantFindBottom 25.02.11 I couldn't possibly comment! SpikeCopy 26.02.11 Copy to spike SpikeCut 26.02.11 Cut to spike SpikePaste 26.02.11 Paste the whole contents of the spike TrackOnOffAudible 26.02.11 Track on/off with audio feedback HighlightIndentedParas 01.03.11 Highlight all indented paragraphs AcceptSpecificTrackChange 02.03.11 Accept all occurrences of one specific track change CountHighlightColour 04.03.11 Count how many times a highlight colour occurs FReditScriptRun 31.03.11 Load, run and close a specific FRedit script FullNameType 31.03.11 Types out the full filename of the open file ReferenceNameFinder 08.04.11 Get date from reference and add after author citation ReferenceDateShift 13.04.11 Move date from end of reference to after author FandRapostrophe 22.04.11 F&R text that contains curly quotes/apostrophe SpellcheckWarn 30.04.11 Run a spellcheck, but beep if not UK or langauges are mixed AccentPicker 10.05.11 Call up the Insert Symbol window set to accented characters SciMarkPicker 10.05.11 Call up the Insert Symbol window set to Greek characters PDFpagerOddEven 11.05.11 Highlight all the page numbers alternately left & right PDFpagerSimple 11.05.11 Highlight all the page numbers MarkFinalOnOff 14.05.11 Switch "Mark as final" facility on/off NumberParasAuto 21.05.11 Add hierarchical section numbering HighlightLister 26.05.11 List all the highlight colours used HighlightListerDeLuxe 27.05.11 List all the highlight colours used FindAdvanced3 01.06.11 Call up Advanced Find dialog box FindReplaceAdvanced 04.06.11 Call up Advanced Find & Replace dialog box SelectSentence 04.06.11 Select current sentence SpellListAdd 04.06.11 Take current word and add to FRedit list SortIt 03.07.11 Sort the selected text CodeIndentedParas 07.07.11 Add codes to indented paragraphs IndentChanger 07.07.11 Change paras of one indent value to another ListOfFound 11.07.11 List all occurrences of a word/phrase SuitToText 21.07.11 Convert playing card suit symbolks to text EndNoteFiddleSuperscript 25.07.11 Make changes to all endnotes HyphenSpaceWordCount 03.08.11 Count hyphenated word forms PrepareToReplaceDownTCoff 03.08.11 Copy text into the F&R box BorderParaOff 06.08.11 Remove the borders applied to the paragraph BoldKill 11.08.11 Remove bold from selected text or current line DisplayQuote HighlightLongQuotesDouble HighlightLongQuotesSingle ItalicKill SuperscriptNoteNumber AcceptFormatting SpellcheckWordUK SpellcheckWordUS PictureShow SelectHighlightedText SubscriptSwitch SuperscriptSwitch NumberToTextUK NumberToTextUK2 VisibleTrackOff3 FontHighlight PunctAlyse BackgroundColourOff CellsAddChar CiteFindName BlankLineRemover ChangeNotTracked CountCase TrackChangeAccept TrackChangeReject AcronymLister AddQuotes DocAlyseThiersBits CiteCheck WikiFetch InitialCapItalicInNotes InitialCapItalicText LanguageHighlight SelectTheseWords SpellcheckWordCurrent AllCapsToInitialCap SpellcheckWordUSUK NotesUnembedBySections AddCommentMarkersInText CommentNumbering SortAndRemoveDups SwapThreeWords SwapCharacters SwapCharacters2 SwapWords CommentsPane ColourMinus Yesterdate TableEdit ItalicQuoteToggle FReditCopyWholeWord CommentCopier SortTextBlocks WhatDirectory MultiChoiceTidierGlobal 11.08.11 11.08.11 11.08.11 11.08.11 11.08.11 20.08.11 25.08.11 25.08.11 31.08.11 05.09.11 05.09.11 05.09.11 14.09.11 14.09.11 24.09.11 03.10.11 18.10.11 20.10.11 20.10.11 21.10.11 28.10.11 03.11.11 23.11.11 23.11.11 23.11.11 28.11.11 28.11.11 28.11.11 29.11.11 02.12.11 03.12.11 03.12.11 05.12.11 06.12.11 10.12.11 14.12.11 19.12.11 28.12.11 30.12.11 30.12.11 30.12.11 31.12.11 01.01.12 01.01.12 01.01.12 06.01.12 07.01.12 09.01.12 13.01.12 14.01.12 17.01.12 18.01.12 23.01.12 25.01.12 26.01.12 Display a hightlighted (or selected) quote Highlight all long quotes (double) Highlight all long quotes (single) Remove italic from selected text or current line Superscript note number Accept just the formatting track changes Spellcheck single word UK Spellcheck single word US Switch pictures on and off Selects all text in a given highlight Toggle subscript Toggle superscript Convert next number into text Convert next number into text Visible trackchange reminder - using wiggly lines! Highlight all fonts NOT named in the list Produces usage statistics of various punctuation Remove background colour Check that there is a full point ending each cell Jump back from date to name Remove blank line from double-spaced paragraphs Change (or add) some text, but don't track the change Count the numbers of upper and lowercase characters Accept the track changes on the current line Accept the track changes on the current line List all acronyms Adds quotes round a phrase Thiers Halliwell’s medical bits: Check reference citations Launch selected text on Wikipedia Initial caps on significant words in italic text in notes Initial caps on significant words in italic text in notes Highlight all text not in main language Extend selection to whole words Spellcheck single word in current language Initial cap any words in all caps Spellcheck single word in NOT the current language Unembed endnotes that are numbered in sections Add comment initials and numbers to text Add or remove fixed comment initials and numbers Sort the selected text Swap three adjacent words (A and B to B and A) Switch chars either side of caret Switch the previous two chars Swap adjacent words, including formatting Open the comments pane Remove or add font colour in a choice of colours Type yesterday's date into the text Edit items in the cells of some or all tables Toggle between italic and single quote Create FRedit item for whole-word F&R Create an author query list Alpha sorts blocks of text by first line Insert the directory name at the cursor Lower case first word and remove end spaces and punctuation HighlightOffWord AutoListLcaseAll AutoListLcaseOne FindHighlightUp NumberSequenceChecker FindAndDo SampleFindAndDo ContentsListChecker IndexChecker PageNumberChecker TooDifficultWordHighlighter AutoListOff2 DeleteAllComments FindColouredText FindColouredTextUp CharacterSwitch QuotationMarker URLlauncher SpecialSortsLister CiteFileLink TagBulletLists ShowStyles URLlinker GoogleFetch GoogleFetchQuotes LongSentenceHighlighter NoteJumper AddWordToStyleList ListBulleter TableStripper CiteFileLink2 SortNumberedList PunctuationSwitcher BasicIndexer2 DeleteAllLinks DeleteSomeLinks CodeFirstLines MatchBrackets MatchDoubleQuotes NumberToText LanguageSetUK LanguageSetUS UKUScount FindPreviousNumber FindNextNumber AutoTagger TagList TitleInQuotesCapper FetchThisMacro FindInContext TypeThinSpace IndentsMeasure IndentsSet TrackON AutoCurlyQuotesOFF 28.01.12 30.01.12 30.01.12 04.02.12 06.02.12 08.02.12 08.02.12 09.02.12 09.02.12 09.02.12 15.02.12 21.02.12 21.02.12 28.02.12 28.02.12 07.03.12 10.03.12 20.03.12 22.03.12 18.04.12 30.04.12 06.05.12 06.05.12 08.05.12 08.05.12 19.05.12 21.05.12 26.05.12 09.06.12 19.06.12 25.06.12 03.07.12 04.10.12 22.10.12 30.10.12 31.10.12 05.12.12 07.12.12 07.12.12 26.12.12 03.01.13 03.01.13 04.01.13 08.01.13 09.01.13 19.01.13 19.01.13 21.01.13 27.01.13 28.01.13 28.01.13 01.02.13 01.02.13 12.02.13 14.02.13 Remove highlight from all occurrences of this word Lowercase initial letter of all auto-bulleted/numbered list items Lowercase initial letter of one auto-bulleted/numbered list item Find highlighted text upwards Check the sequence of section numbers Find something specific and do things to each one Find something specific and do things to each one Confirm the page numbers in the contents list List all pages on which this word(s) occur(s) Check that the text page number = Word's page number Highlight any words not included in word list Change auto-bulleted listing to real bullets Delete all comments Find coloured text Find coloured text Scripted character switching (was called 'QuickSwitchChar') Mark all quotes + displayed text Launch successive URLs from the text Collect all special sorts in a file Link text and references files for CiteCheck Add tags to all bullet lists Show style names as <A>-type codes in the text Find URLs in the text and link them Launch selected text on Google Launch selected text - with quotes - on Google Highlight all sentences more than a certain length Jump back and forth between notes and main text Add the selected text to the style list file Add a bullet to every paragraph in a list Strip out all tables into a separate file Link text and references files for CiteCheck Sort references, ignoring the number at the beginning Change order of next two punctuation marks Basic indexing Delete all hyperlinks Delete hyperlinks that are not URLs Prepare the file by adding codes, etc. Check whether brackets match up Check whether double quotes match up Convert next number into text Set language as UK English Set language as US English Count relative spellings between UK and US English Jump back to the previous number Jump from one number to the next - section, fig, table, etc Tag/code automatically Add tags to a numbered or bulleted list Uppercase initial letter of all major words (title case) Find and copy the current macro Find certain words within a given word range Type and shade a thin space Measure and display current indent settings Set indent settings Check that track changes is switched on (for use with FRedit) Switch off auto curly quotes AutoCurlyQuotesON FrenchQuotes GermanQuotes FontEliminate IndentFirstSelector IndentLeftSelector IndentRightSelector SpaceAfterSelector SpaceBeforeSelector PerCent SerialCommaHighlight SerialNotCommaHighlight TableEmDasher LetterDecrement 14.02.13 14.02.13 14.02.13 16.02.13 18.02.13 18.02.13 18.02.13 18.02.13 18.02.13 25.02.13 26.02.13 26.02.13 05.03.13 07.03.13 LetterIncrement 07.03.13 CountAll FindAnything CountRemainder HighlightAllOff Colon Comma ExclamationMark FullPoint PunctuationToDash PunctuationToSpace PunctuationToThinSpace QuestionMark Semicolon HeadingSentenceCase PDFfunniesToLigatures PDFhardHyphenRestore PDFspellAll PDFspellIgnoreProperNouns UnlinkCitationsAndRefs Ampersand FindClipTop PunctuationToHyphen TypeThat ShortTitleLister FindClip CommentAdd2 ContentsListerByStyle GoogleTranslate ApplyAttribute 12.03.13 12.03.13 13.03.13 02.04.13 06.04.13 06.04.13 06.04.13 06.04.13 06.04.13 06.04.13 06.04.13 06.04.13 06.04.13 09.04.13 18.04.13 18.04.13 19.04.13 19.04.13 02.05.13 09.05.13 14.05.13 14.05.13 15.05.13 19.05.13 24.05.13 01.06.13 16.07.13 16.10.13 19.10.13 NextChange PreviousChange SuperSubConvert SymbolToUnicode EmailFormatter AuthorCaseChange 23.10.13 23.10.13 24.10.13 31.10.13 05.11.13 09.11.13 CommentPicker 09.11.13 Switch on auto curly quotes Switch UK quotes to German quotes Switch UK quotes to German quotes Restore anything in this font to the default font Set left indent settings to specific values Set left indent settings to specific values Set left indent settings to specific values Increase and decrease space after paragraph Increase and decrease space before paragraph Change percent symbol to words Highlight or underline text that appears to have a serial comma Highlight or underline text that appears not to have a serial comma Empty cells and hyphen/en dash to em dash Pick up the current character and replace with the numerically previous character Pick up the current character and replace with the numerically next character Count text inc footnotes, endnotes and textboxes Just find this text/note/page/etc NOW! Count words below the cursor Remove all highlighting, including in boxes Make adjacent words into colon separated Make adjacent words into comma separated Make adjacent words into sentence end Make adjacent words into sentence end Change next hyphen/em/en dash to an em/en dash Change the next punctuation item to a space Change the next punctuation item to a thin space Make adjacent words into sentence end Make adjacent words into semicolon separated Sentence case this selection or paragraph (but not acronyms) Restore ligatures that have been converted to odd characters Hyphenate falsely concatenated words Underline all spelling errors Underline all spelling errors Unlinks reference citations (ignoring equations) Change ampersand to 'and' From the top, find whatever is in the clipboard Change the word break punctuation to a hyphen Type 'that' between two words Create a list of the named references in the notes Find whatever is in the clipboard Add a comment Create a contents list from numbered heading style Launch selected text to GoogleTranslate Apply attribute to current cell, row, column, paragraph, sentence, word or selection Find next change (not! comment) Find next change (not! comment) Change weird super/subscript format to proper ones Convert Symbol font characters to unicode Format paragraphs in an email lowercase author surname (e.g. SMITH, J. to Smith, J.) in references list Copy a comment out of a list of comments DeleteWord DictionaryFetch ThesaurusFetch CommentPickerInserter PubMedFetch CompareTexts ToCupdate AcronymToSmallCaps FindSamePlace PDFsoftHyphenRemove PDFunderlineToLigature ISwords IZwords OUPFetch DuplicatesRemove Dash CountPhrase JumpScroll FindThisOrThatSetUp FindThisOrThat IZIScount UnifyFormatBackwards UnifyFormatForwards CommentNext CommentPrevious PunctuationToMinus YearMoveToEnd GreekPicker ListCheckStart ListItemFinder AuthorNameSwap SwapNames ConsolidateTracking DocAlyseForMac UKUShighlight SelectWord Ignore ListLowercaseSemicolon RibbonMinMax HighLightMinus ing AccentAlyse TypeThe WordSwitch CommentTextNormalise ChapterChopper AlphabeticOrderChecker HighlightCount URLlink SaveWithPrompt MatchSingleQuotes CommaAdd TitleHeadingCapper ColumnTotal CommentListNumbered 09.11.13 11.11.13 11.11.13 14.11.13 06.12.13 07.12.13 16.12.13 31.12.13 02.01.14 04.01.14 04.01.14 09.01.14 09.01.14 06.02.14 09.02.14 14.02.14 20.02.14 20.02.14 22.02.14 24.02.14 05.03.14 14.03.14 14.03.14 15.03.14 15.03.14 26.03.14 10.05.14 20.06.14 28.08.14 28.08.14 01.10.14 06.10.14 12.11.14 18.11.14 22.11.14 28.11.14 11.12.14 17.12.14 18.12.14 19.12.14 22.12.14 03.01.15 06.01.15 08.01.15 21.01.15 28.01.15 15.02.15 26.02.15 26.02.15 29.02.15 09.03.15 18.03.15 20.03.15 12.05.15 08.06.15 Delete current word, but no punctuation Launch selected text to Launch selected text to Copy a comment from a list and paste into text Launch selected text to OUP Select non-identical text (was called IdenticalTextCheck) Update (and customise) the table of contents Convert all acronyms to small caps Find the same place in another file Unhyphenate split words Restore underline characters into ligatures Exceptions for IStoIZ Exceptions for IZtoIS Launch selected text to OUP Remove duplicate items from a list Remove punctuation, add dash and lower case next char Count this word or phrase Scroll this line to top of page Set-up for finding the next occurrence of certain specific words Find the next occurrence of certain specific words Count IS/IZ spellings Make start of para (or selection) same format as the end Make end of para (or selection) same format as the start Go to next comment Go to previous comment Find punctuation and change to minus sign Move the year to end of reference Call up the Insert Symbol window set to Greek characters Jump to an auto-list number Jump to an auto-list number Change author surname and initials/given name Swap adjacent names Turn split tracking into a single change Analyse various aspects of a document Mark US spellings within UK text and vice versa Select current word Toggle strike-through (or remove all if no text selected) Add semicolons to bulletted list + lowercase initial char Toggle between maximize and minimize of the ribbon Remove or add highlight in a choice of colours "splodge" -> "splodging" or vice versa Analyse the words in a word-frequency list Type 'the' or 'The' between two words Scripted single-word switching Get rid of "funny effects" in the comment boxes Chop text into chapters Find any suspicious non-alphabetism Count highlighted areas of this colour Make the URL/email at the cursor a clickable link Prompt the user about saving the file Check whether single quotes match up Add a comma Uppercase initial letter of all major words (title case) Check the column total List all comments in file with index numbers ForumTextFormat JoinTwoWords TrackChangeShowHide PunctOffRight FReditCopyPlus CommaInDialogue FullPointInDialogue AcuteAdd VisibleTrackOff4 AuthorDateFormatter EtAlElision PunctuationFormatChecker FindHighlight FigTableBoxLister NotesEmbed FormatAlyse HighlightSame FileChopper ListLowercaseNoPunct TypeA NumberDecrement NumberIncrement NumberToFigure SelectWordSmart ContentsListerByNumber BoxTextIntoBody SingleQuote MultiFileComment MultifileCopier MultiFileFRedit MultiFilePDF MultiFileText CommentCollectTabulated Boldiser Italiciser TitleUnCapper DocAlyse WordPairAlyse DoubleQuote FindFwdCase FindBack FindBackCase FindFwd AbbrSwap CaseNextChar FieldsUnlink MultiFileCount MultiFileWord UnitSpacer WhatChar AAnAlyse IStoIZ IZtoIS BookmarkTempAdd BookmarkTempClear 25.06.15 15.07.15 16.07.15 17.07.15 22.07.15 23.07.15 23.07.15 24.07.15 27.07.15 30.07.15 30.07.15 06.08.15 13.08.15 19.08.15 27.08.15 28.08.15 28.08.15 29.08.15 31.08.15 31.08.15 19.09.15 19.09.15 22.09.15 23.09.15 25.09.15 08.10.15 09.10.15 20.10.15 20.10.15 20.10.15 20.10.15 20.10.15 24.10.15 27.10.15 27.10.15 27.10.15 08.11.15 08.11.15 09.11.15 10.11.15 16.11.15 16.11.15 16.11.15 24.11.15 03.12.15 07.12.15 07.12.15 07.12.15 07.12.15 16.12.15 30.12.15 04.01.16 04.01.16 12.01.16 12.01.16 Convert text from Word to Forum and vice versa Join two words Set up track changes to taste Remove the punctuation off a word end (and quote off beginning) Copy word to make FRedit script item + highlight + case insensitive Give adjacent words a comma link Make adjacent words into sentence end Add an acute accent to an e Visible trackchange reminder - yellow background Check/correct author/date formatting of reference list Crop multi-authors to a given number before 'et al' Variously highlight italic/roman punctuation Find next highlighted text Find figure/table/box elements and their citations Embed footnotes or endnotes Hightlight various formatting features Highlight all occurrences of this text in this colour Chop text into a number of smaller file using page breaks Lowercase initial char + remove end punctuation Type 'a' or 'A', (or 'an' or 'An') between two words Subtract one from the following number (or decrease the letter) Add one to the following number (or increase the letter) Convert the next number to a figure Select current word, and then those before it Create a contents list from numbered headings Copy text out of textboxes, then delete the boxes Change next quote mark to single curly List all comments in a set of files Save a folder full of files as PDFs Multi-file version of FRedit Save a folder full of files as PDFs Collecting pure text from multiple files Collect comments into a table Toggle selected text bold Toggle selected text italic Uppercase initial letter only on first word Analyse various aspects of a document Analyse the words that are in pairs or as a single word Change next quote mark to double Next case-sensitive find forwards Next find backwards Next case-sensitive find forwards Next find forwards Swap abbreviation into or out of brackets Change case of the next character/selection Selective field removal Count words in a group of files Multiple Word file concatenation Find units with numbers and add a thin space Show ASCII and unicode and character names Check a's and an's for agreement with following word Correct text to give -iz-, -yz- spellings Correct text to give -is-, -ys- spellings Add temporary marker Delete temporary markers BookmarkToCursorSelect InstantFindDown InstantFindDownWild InstantFindUp BookmarkTempFind CitationListChecker CitationLister CommentAdd MultiSwitch FReditCopy FReditSwap SpellingErrorHighlighter SpellWordChange FReditListProcess FReditSame HyphenationToFRedit SpellingErrorLister HyphenationToStylesheet DuplicatedWordsFind DuplicatedWordsFind2 DuplicatedWordsFind3 DuplicatedWordsHighlight EnclosureFixer CaseNextWord CountWordsInHighlightColour ProperNounAlyse FullNameAlyse HyphenAlyse CommentAddMenu SpellingSuggest FRedit 12.01.16 12.01.16 12.01.16 12.01.16 13.01.16 13.01.16 13.01.16 13.01.16 13.01.16 20.01.16 20.01.16 21.01.16 21.01.16 22.01.16 22.01.16 22.01.16 25.01.16 27.01.16 03.02.16 03.02.16 03.02.16 03.02.16 09.02.16 10.02.16 10.02.16 11.02.16 12.02.16 13.02.16 15.02.16 16.02.16 17.02.16 Select from temporary marker to cursor Find selected text downwards Find selected text downwards wildcards set Find selected text upwards Go to temporary marker Checks citations against references list Create a list of all citations Add a comment Scripted word/phrase switching Copy word to make FRedit script item Swap the two sides of a FRedit item Highlight all spelling errors Accept Word's spelling suggestion for current word Tidy up a FRedit list from cursor downwards Create FRedit item with ^& Create a FRedit list from a HyphenAlyse file List all spelling errors Create a word list from a HyphenAlyse file Find next consecutive duplicate word (idea from Douglas Vipond) Find next consecutive two-word duplicate Find next consecutive three-word duplicate Add a highlight to any duplicate words in a text, e.g. "the the" Check and correct the order of enclosure symbols Change case of initial letter of next word or selection Count the number of words in a given highlight colour Analyse similar proper nouns Creates a frequency list of all full names Compare all hyphenated words with single/double words Add a comment off a menu Check FRedit list and add suggested change Scripted find and replace