UNRESTRICTED Mar-16 Document ID: PR-1797 Filing Key: Business Control Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. Logistics PDO Airports Safety Management System User Note: The requirements of this document are mandatory. Non-compliance shall only be authorised by the Document Owner or his Delegate through STEP-OUT approval. A controlled copy of the current version of this document is on PDO's EDMS. Before making reference to this document, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that any hard copy, or electronic copy, is current. For assistance, contact the Document Custodian or the Document Controller. Users are encouraged to participate in the ongoing improvement of this document by providing constructive feedback. Please familiarise yourself with the Document Security Classification Definitions They also apply to this Document! Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Document Control Authorisation Sheet Report Title: PDO Airports Safety Management System Report Number: PR-1797 Issue: Rev 9.1 Date of Issue: 18th May 2011 Page 1 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Control of Copies i. This Safety Management System Manual shall only be issued in printed form as ‘controlled’ copies to recorded copy holders. ii. The Safety Manuals will otherwise be made available to staff and contractors as necessary via the PDO ‘LIVELINK’ document control system. Each page of the manual will clearly indicate the page becomes ‘UNCONTROLLED’ when printed. Aerodrome Manual Amendment procedure iii. The Aviation Contract Holder may, follow any review or whenever necessary, amend and distribute such amendments to the Safety Management System. The Aviation Contract Holder will consult with the Airport Safety Committee and gain approval from PDO Logistics Senior Management team before making any changes. iv. The Aviation Contract Holder in consultation with the Heads of Airport Services and PDO Logistics Senior Management team is responsible for ensuring that the Safety Management System is reviewed and amended annually or when significant changes take place to the infrastructure, procedures and or staff as promulgated in the “current” edition. v. The Aviation Contract Holder will be responsible for ensuring that the detail contained within the Safety Management System Manual remains current. vi. All users of the Safety Management System Manual may submit an amendment form to instigate change in light of operational experience. In principle any change will be considered by the Aviation Contract Holder in consultation with the Heads of Airport Services and PDO Logistics Senior Management team before being approved. vii. When submitting amendments, consideration should be given to the effect any change in detail may have on other sections of this SMS and other associated documents (i.e. Emergency Plan) with the amendment form annotated accordingly. viii. Any change to the Infrastructure, Procedures or Staff which requires urgent promulgation prior to an amendment of the SMS, Aerodrome Manual, Emergency Plans or Security Plans should be undertaken by NOTAM in consultation with CAA and the Aircraft Operator. Page 2 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Revision History Part Ref: Section Paragraph Ref: Ref: All All All Sep 2007: Ver 1 drafted for initial (informal) review by DGCAM All All All Oct 2007 Ver 2. updated to Ver 2.1 for formal Submission to DGCAM All All All 20 Dec 2007 Ver 2.1 Updated to Rev 4 following further internal review. All All All 15 Jan 2007 Rev 4 Updated to Rev 5.0 following DGCAM review. All 1st Feb 2008 Rev 5.0 Updated to Rev 6.0 following organisational review dated 19/01/2008. All 16th Feb 2008 Rev 6.0 Updated to Rev 7.0 updated to include contact details for Fahud airport. All 10th Mar 2008 Rev 7.0 Updated to Rev 8.0 updated to include contact details for Qarn Alam airport. All All All All All All All All All All Page 3 All All Comment: 7th Mar 2009 Rev 8.0 Updated to Rev 9.0 formatted to Live link Requirements. 18th May 2011 Rev 9.0 to 9.1 up-dated to change documents authoriser, change of some Ref Indicator and minor amendments. PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 PDO Airports Safety Management System Amendment Form Manual Reference Number: From: Position: Department: Organisation: Tel: Please use the following form as a master for copying additional forms. Please return amendments marked for the attention of: Aviation Contract Holder Petroleum Development Oman Sultanate of Oman Prepared By: ………………………Title: Aviation Contract Holder Endorsed By:………………………Title: Logistics Manager Date:……………………….. Page 4 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Distribution List Copy Number Owner PDO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 HSE and SD Manager (MSEM) Logistics Manager (UWL) Logistic Operations Team Leader (UWLO) Aviation Contract Holder (UWLC3) Logistics HSE and SD Team Leader (UWLP) Aviation Coordinator (UWLC31) Logistics HSE Facilitator - North (UWLP1) Logistics HSE Facilitator - South (UWLP2) Corporate Emergency Management Coordinator (UIC4). Corporate Emergency Coordination Centre (CECC) Local Emergency Coordination Centre (LECC) Head Airport Services –Marmul and Fahud and Qarn Alam Airport Operations Controller - Marmul and Fahud and Qarn Alam Senior Airport Fire Officer- Marmul and Fahud and Qarn Alam RFFS Watch Commander - Marmul and Fahud and Qarn Alam RFFS Crew Commander – Marmul and Fahud and Qarn Alam Refuelling Operator Group Representative Office Oman Emergency Services 16 17 18 ROP Offices Marmul and Fahud and Qarn Alam ROP HQ, Muscat RAFO HQ, Muscat Government Bodies 19 20 21 22 Chief of Domestic Airports (CAA) Ministry of Oil and Gas Ministry of Transport and Communications Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment and Water Resources Aircraft Operator 23 24 25 26 Page 5 Aircraft Operator Flight Operations B737 Fleet Chief Pilot, Aircraft Operator Emergency Planning Manager Supervisor – Marmul and Fahud and Qarn Alam Aerodromes PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Contents PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT OMAN L.L.C. .......................................................... 1 DOCUMENT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION DEFINITIONS...................................... 1 DOCUMENT CONTROL ............................................................................................ 1 Control of Copies ...................................................................................................... 2 Aerodrome Manual Amendment procedure .............................................................. 2 Revision History........................................................................................................ 3 PDO Airports Safety Management System Amendment Form .................................. 4 Distribution List ......................................................................................................... 5 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 8 1 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 8 AERODROME ADMINISTRATION................................................................ 9 2 2.1 Organisation ............................................................................................... 9 2.2 Periodic Rotation of Staff .......................................................................... 10 AERODROME SAFETY COMMITTEE ........................................................ 11 3 3.1 Attendance................................................................................................ 11 3.2 Terms of Reference .................................................................................. 11 3.3 Stakeholder Involvement ........................................................................... 12 SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (SMS) ................................................. 13 4 Page 6 4.1 Safety Policy ............................................................................................. 13 4.2 HSE – PDO Business Policy ..................................................................... 13 4.3 Safety Policy Statement for PDO Aerodromes .......................................... 14 4.4 Structure of SMS ....................................................................................... 15 4.5 PDO Corporate Safety Management Organisation .................................... 16 4.6 Airport Safety Management Organisation.................................................. 18 4.7 Staff roles and responsibilities ................................................................... 19 4.8 Training and Competency ......................................................................... 26 4.9 Safety Promotion ...................................................................................... 27 4.10 Contractors ............................................................................................... 28 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 4.11 Hazards & Effects Management ................................................................ 28 4.12 Change Management................................................................................ 29 4.13 Planning and Procedures .......................................................................... 29 4.14 Regular Safety Activities ........................................................................... 29 4.15 Implementation & Monitoring..................................................................... 30 4.16 Near Miss and Incident Reporting ............................................................. 30 4.17 Audit ......................................................................................................... 32 4.18 Review ...................................................................................................... 34 4.19 Records .................................................................................................... 34 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 36 Figures Figure 2-1: Organisation chart 9 Figure 4-1 : PDO's HSE Management System 15 Figure 4-2 : Document Map and Devolvement of Requirements 16 Figure 4-3: PDO Logistics Organisation 17 Figure 4-4 : Airport Safety Management Organisation 18 Tables TABLE 4-1 : REFERENCES .................................................................................... 36 TABLE A1- 1 : CONTACT LIST ............................................................................... 37 Page 7 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 1 Introduction 1.1 Introduction 1.1.1 PDO is the premier hydrocarbon exploration and production company in the Sultanate of Oman. As a part of their Logistics operation they own and operate a number of airports within the Sultanate. These include Marmul, Qarn Alam and Fahud. 1.1.2 PDO has an extensive and well developed HSE Management System [Ref 1] that applies to all operations and activities undertaken by or on behalf of the company. This applies equally to the PDO airports. In addition to the corporate safety requirements the local Civil Aviation Regulator (CAA) requires that safety at the airports is managed in accordance with international requirements as defined by ICAO. 1.1.3 This document describes how the PDO HSE Management System is applied at the PDO airports. It should be read within the context of that system. This document describes how safety is managed at the airports to ensure that the safety requirements of CAA and ICAO are satisfied as well as those of PDO. In cases where airport specific operating procedures and processes are required for safe operations they are included in the Airport Manuals. 1.1.4 The PDO SMS requires that all hazards associated with a hazardous operation are systematically identified and appropriately managed. The Hazard Identification and Management process for each of the PDO airports is documented in the relevant Airport HSE Safety Case and associated Interface Documents. Page 8 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 2 Aerodrome Administration 2.1 Organisation Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 The organisational staffing structure of each PDO Airport is shown below: Head Airport Services Senior Airport Fire Officer Air Operations Supervisor Watch Commander Aircraft Operator and Ground Handling Crew Commander Fire Fighters Airport Security Officer ROP Aircraft Refuelling Operator Figure 2-1: Organisation chart Page 9 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 2.1.1 The Head Airport Services reports upwards to The Production Coordinator who is based at the local PDO Camp. 2.1.2 The Senior Fire Officer reports to the Head Airport Services (or in his absence the Operations Supervisor). He is responsible for all RFFS matters at the Aerodrome. For all other matters, the Senior Airport Fire Officer reports to the PDO Chief Fire Officer based in Muscat. 2.1.3 The Airport Security Officer Reports directly to the Head of Airport Services and is responsible for the coordination of security matters where they affect safety issues. 2.1.4 The Head Airport Services has Overall Safety Responsibility at the Aerodrome. (Contact details in Appendix 1). 2.1.5 Refuelling is undertaken at Marmul and Fahud airports. There is no refuelling service at Qarn Alam. 2.2 Periodic Rotation of Staff 2.2.1 PDO Desert Oilfields in Oman operate a staff rotation system (known as “back-to-back”) and there are local rules that govern the length of stay in an oilfield for Omani citizens. All personnel covering any particular post are trained to the same standard. The existing system will be extended to cover all aerodrome personnel to ensure that the integrity of the Safety Management System is maintained 2.2.2 The day to day responsibility for Aerodrome Operations will lie with the Head Airport Services or may be delegated to the Airport Operations Controller. These personnel will be on duty at all times when flying operations take place. These jobs are “back-to-back” and in order to maintain continuity, the PDO handover procedure PR-1000 is followed. Page 10 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 3 Aerodrome Safety Committee 3.1 Attendance 3.1.1 Each Airport will have an Airport Safety Committee (ASC) consisting of representatives from the key stakeholders in the airports. Chairman: Present: Head Airport Services Airport Operations Controller PDO Production Co-ordinator Senior Airport Fire Officer/Watch Commander Aircraft Operator Ground Handling Representative Aircraft Operator Crew Representative ROP Engineering/Maintenance Refuelling Operator (where applicable) Logistics HSSE Facilitator Other Invitees as necessary 3.1.2 The Head Airport Services chairs the Safety Committee and is responsible for the minutes and ensuring the timely closure of action items. 3.1.3 Meetings of the Airport Safety Committee shall be convened at the request of the Head Airport Services. Meetings shall take place every 3 months or more frequently if required. Attendance at ASC meetings shall be compulsory; if a committee member is unable to attend his nominated deputy should attend. 3.2 Terms of Reference 3.2.1 The Committee has the following objectives: To promote a safe airside environment at the Airport; To review operational safety matters; To promote the continuous improvement culture in safety matters; To promote effective liaison between all parties involved at the airport. 3.2.2 At every meeting the committee will review: Any Accidents or Incidents that have occurred; Any Safety Issues that have been reported; Any new or updated safety assessments relating to the Airport; Proposed updates/amendments to procedures; Page 11 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 3.2.3 Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 In addition on an annual basis the committee will: Review the Aerodrome Emergency Plan; Review the Aerodrome Manual. Participate in safety audits as required including follow up of non-compliances and observations. Plan and Organise Emergency Exercises. 3.2.4 Where appropriate the committee will bring safety issues to the attention of CAA. 3.2.5 Minutes of ASC meetings shall be produced and circulated to all committee members as well as the PDO Logistics Safety Officer. 3.3 Stakeholder Involvement 3.3.1 The Airport Safety Committee includes members from all the key stakeholders at the airport. This ensures that key stakeholders are involved in safety related decisions and review. It also provides a forum for communication of safety matters to those stakeholders and for raising awareness. 3.3.2 All contractors working on the airport are required to have their own SMS to ensure that they actively manage safety in their own area of responsibility (see section 4.10). Additionally, contractors may be members of the Airport Safety Committee. 3.3.3 Suppliers of safety related equipment and materials are required to demonstrate that any relevant standards and specifications are satisfied. Suppliers are subject to audit. Page 12 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 4 Safety Management System (SMS) 4.1 Safety Policy 4.1.1 CAA Regulation CAR 139 requires all Omani Aerodromes to implement an Aerodrome Safety Management System. Further details may be found in AC139-1 para 2.3.14 and AC139-8 4.1.2 ICAO Annex 14 incorporates as a standard that a certified aerodrome “shall have in operation a Safety Management System”. This is defined as “A system for the management of safety at aerodromes, including the organisational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes and provisions for the implementation of aerodrome safety policies by an aerodrome operator which provides for the safety at and the safe use of the aerodrome” 4.1.3 PDO has a comprehensive Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) already in place. This document provides details of how safety is managed at PDO airports, under the PDO HSEMS. The following Safety Policy statements are taken from the current PDO HSE Policy PL04. 4.2 HSE – PDO Business Policy 4.2.1 It is PDO policy that a HSE Management System shall be applied in order to: deliver compliance with the law of the Sultanate of Oman and PDO internal standards; achieve continuous improvement in HSE performance by setting objectives and targets; measure, appraise and publicly report HSE performance; require contractors to manage HSE in line with this policy and include HSE performance in the appraisal of all employees and reward staff accordingly. 4.2.2 Page 13 The impact of this policy is the continuous improvement in the management of the risks to the health and safety of employees, contractors and others affected by our operations together with a continuous reduction in the impact of operations on the environment in line with the Sustainable Development aspirations of the Sultanate of Oman. PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 4.2.3 Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 The purpose of this policy is to: Protect the health and safety of PDO employees and others affected by our operations; Protect the environment and prevent pollution; Achieve efficient use of materials and energy; Manage HSE as any other critical business activity; Create a culture in which PDO and contractor employees share our commitment to HSE at work and home; Play a leading role in promoting best HSE practice within the oil and gas industry of the Sultanate of Oman, and be recognized as a good corporate citizen; Reduce potential long-term liabilities; Implement individual accountability to comply with HSE MS requirements; Empower employees to start work ONLY when conditions are safe and to stop work when it is unsafe. 4.3 Safety Policy Statement for PDO Aerodromes 4.3.1 PDO recognises its moral and legal responsibilities to comply with the laws of the Sultanate of Oman through its Civil Aviation Regulations and in particular regulation CAR 139 and International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices for aviation. It also remains committed to providing the highest level of safety to its employees and all users of PDO Aerodromes. 4.3.2 This will be achieved by: Page 14 Maintaining a high level commitment from PDO Management to ensure that a proactive Safety Management System for PDO Aerodromes is developed and continually enhanced. Ensuring that all Management, Staff and Contractors comply with the Safety Standards and Regulations published in this manual and PDO Health Safety and Environment documentation. Identifying major risks and putting in place appropriate controls to manage these risks. Promoting an “open” Safety Culture where staff can freely identify potential hazards. Ensuring that staff are trained and their competency levels maintained in order to perform their duties safely and efficiently. Ensuring regular reviews and bi-annual audits of the Safety Management System take place by Internal and external organisations. PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Petroleum Development Oman LLC 4.4 Structure of SMS 4.4.1 The Safety Management System (SMS) adopted at Marmul, Fahud and Qarn Alam Aerodromes is the PDO Health Safety Environment Management System (HSEMS). Airport specific hazards and risk management strategies are identified within the HSE Case for each aerodrome. 4.4.2 The diagrams below illustrate how this document, the HSE Cases and Interface Documents and other safety records relate to each other and to the wider PDO HSE Management System. Figure 4-1 shows how specific documents fit into the overall PDO HSEM and Figure 4-2 illustrates how Safety Requirements are devolved between the various documents. HSE Management System Manual (CP122) Leadership and Commitment Policy and Strategic Objectives Organisation, Responsibilities, Resources, Standards and Documents Hazards and Effects Management Planning and Procedures Implementation and Monitoring HSE Management System Documentation Airport Documents and Records PL38 Health, Safety & Environmental Protection PL30 Emergency Response PR1171 Contract HSE Management procedure C-9 HSE Specification, Standard Contract Emergency Plan PDO Air Operations Safety Case Environmental Assessment Report CP123 Emergency Response Part I PR1065 Emergency Response Part II PR1172 Permit to Work System Manual PR1418 Incident Notification Analysis, Reporting and Follow-Up Audit Review Monitoring data Non-compliance report forms Corrective Action Plans Incident Reports Follow up Action Plans Audit Reports Audit Follow-Up Actions Minutes of Meetings Figure 4-1 : PDO's HSE Management System Page 15 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Figure 4-2 : Document Map and Devolvement of Requirements 4.5 PDO Corporate Safety Management Organisation 4.5.1 Overall Safety responsibility within PDO lies with the HSE and SD Manager, MSEM. Full details of the PDO Safety Management Organisation can be found in the PDO HSE MS Manual. 4.5.2 Within the PDO Airports Team; the overall responsibility for safety rests with the Logistics Operations Team Leader UWLO. The Head Airport Services are responsible for all aspects of HSE on their respective airports. 4.5.3 UWLO is accountable to Logistics HSSE & SD Team Lead, who is in turn accountable to MSEM, corporate HSE & SD Manager. Page 16 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 PDO Logistics Safety Management Organisation Figure 4-3: PDO Logistics Organisation Page 17 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 4.5.4 The Logistics HSE Facilitator (UWLP 1/2 provides advice and assistance to the Head Airport Services on matters related to safety. He reports directly to the head of safety in the Logistics Department, who in return reports to the Logistics HSE &SD Team Lead (UWLP). 4.6 Airport Safety Management Organisation 4.6.1 The organisational structure for Airport Safety at a PDO Aerodrome is shown below: Figure 4-4 : Airport Safety Management Organisation Page 18 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 4.7 Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Staff roles and responsibilities Head Airport Services 4.7.1 The ultimate responsibility for the Aerodrome SMS lies with the Head Airport Services. The Head Airport Services is responsible for the day-to-day running of the airport and ensuring the safe and efficient operations of the airport including staff and passenger safety. 4.7.2 The Head Airport Services has overall control of Aerodrome and Terminal Operations and Maintenance, Security, Rescue and Firefighting and is responsible for the management of all staff. The Head Airport Services delegates responsibilities to members of the airport organisation but shall at all times remain accountable for these delegated responsibilities. 4.7.3 The Head Airport Services is responsible for: Page 19 The overall control of the Aerodrome Ensuring the safe and efficient operations of the Aerodrome. Ensuring a safe transit and working environment for all passengers, staff, and contractors whilst on the Aerodrome site. Ensuring all staff operating on the Aerodrome (including Aircraft Operator Services, Operator and other contractors) do so in accordance with agreed procedures, specifically the Aerodrome Manual and the Emergency Plan. Ensuring that all Safety concerns and operational issues which cannot be resolved at a local level are brought to the attention of Senior Management at the earliest opportunity. Ensuring that all staff who report to the Head Airport Services are given regular safety briefings and are kept informed about changes to Operating procedures and PDO policies. Ensuring that all documents appertaining to the safe operation of the Aerodrome are maintained as per the Aerodrome Manual and Emergency Plan. Ensuring that all Safety related incidents are recorded/reported to the PDO HSE staff assisting with investigations as appropriate and promulgating any “lessons learned” to staff. Ensuring attendance at Safety Committees and other meetings, which review or promote Safety at the Aerodrome. Ensuring that his/her competencies for undertaking the required duties for the role of Head Airport Services and those of his/her staff are maintained at all times and that appropriate training is organised to maintain such competencies. PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Ensuring that Risk Assessments are undertaken when changes to staff, equipment or the operating environment at the aerodrome are proposed. Ensuring that in periods of his absence a person who has been appropriately trained in Aerodrome Operational Management and Emergency Procedures is able to deputise. This will be the Operations Supervisor. Being the key point of contact with the Royal Oman Police with respect to all Security, Safety and Emergency Procedures. Undertaking regular assessments of staff competencies of his direct reports. Ensuring that they are recorded and appropriate feedback and action is taken to maintain the competencies required to perform their duties. Ensuring Aviation and Safety related information is promulgated to the appropriate departments / personnel at CAA, PDO, Aircraft Operator and the ROP as detailed within this Manual. Operations Supervisor 4.7.4 The Operations Supervisor is responsible for the provision of a safe and effective ground operations service and environment that meets all regulatory and statutory requirements for the Airport. His role is to ensure that day-to-day operations are carried out in safe and expeditious manner. In the absence of the Operations Supervisor, the Head Airport Services assumes the role. 4.7.5 Safety Accountabilities: Ensuring safe working practices and standard operating procedures are followed at all times by all staff working airside. Reporting all airside related safety incidents and to provide recommendations for safety improvement as appropriate. Ensuring that all vehicles operating airside have a valid airside vehicle permit and comply with PDO Airport Safety procedures. Ensuring that met observations are undertaken and that Aircraft Operator and Flight Crews are advised of the latest Weather Information. Ensuring all equipment used at the aerodrome is safe and fit for purpose maintaining an environmentally safe workplace. Ensuring that appropriate Operational cover is provided at the Aerodrome to maintain safe operations for Aircraft Movements in accordance with The Aerodrome Manual, ICAO Annex 14 and Oman CAR 139. Page 20 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Participation in internal and external safety audits of the Aerodrome’s Physical Characteristics and Safety documentation. Ground Handling Supervisor 4.7.6 The Aircraft Ground Handling Services Supervisor is responsible for assisting the Operations Supervisor in providing a safe and effective Ground Operations Service and for ensuring compliance by all subordinate staff with procedures in the Airport Manual. 4.7.7 During the absence of the Airfield Ground Handling Services Supervisor, a competent member of staff will assume the role together with all associated accountabilities. 4.7.8 Safety Accountabilities To ensure that safe working practices and operating procedures are followed at all times, with risk assessments undertaken as required, to ensure that Ground Operations conform to all regulatory and safety requirements to provide for the safe operation of aircraft. Airport Security Officer 4.7.9 The Airport Security Officer is responsible for the provision of airport security at the appropriate level during aircraft movements, airport operations and when the airport is closed. The Airport Security Officer operates in conjunction with the Senior Airport Fire Officer in accordance with the Security Plan. The Senior Airport Fire Officer (SAFO) 4.7.10 Page 21 The Senior Airport Fire Officer (SAFO) is responsible for the provision of aviation fire services at the airport. The SAFO reports indirectly to the Head of Airport Services. The SAFO is responsible and accountable for the safety and the overall operational efficiency of the airport RFFS to meet all statutory and regulatory requirements. The Senior Airport Fire Officer is specifically responsible for all aspects related to aviation fire safety, general fire safety and rescue and fire-fighting techniques. This includes maintaining records and reporting systems for preventative maintenance of fire-fighting and rescue equipment, and fire vehicles. The Senior Airport Fire Officer is also responsible for drills and training regarding emergency response. PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 4.7.11 Safety Accountabilities 4.7.12 To manage available resources to ensure that adequate RFFS cover is maintained at the airport. To advise Head of Airport Services on the status of RFFS cover and to alert him if full cover is not available. To liaise with external emergency services to establish and achieve effective co-operation in all safety related areas associated with the aerodrome Emergency Procedures. To ensure that safe working practices are followed at all times in accordance with the Airport Safety Management System (SMS) To participate in investigation of any safety-related incidents as required by the Head of Airport Services. To ensure mandatory and continuation training is carried out in accordance with CAA and PDO requirements and that staff training records are maintained. The SAFO is responsible for: Page 22 Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Ensuring that all appropriate Rescue and Fire Fighting staff and equipment are available at the aerodrome to meet the standards (as a minimum) required by the Aerodrome Manual, ICAO Annex 14 and CAR 139. Maintaining a daily record of activities in accordance with this manual. Ensuring that his competencies for undertaking the required duties of Senior Airport Fire Officer and those of RFFS staff are maintained at all times and that appropriate training is organised to maintain such competencies. Ensuring that all Safety concerns and operational issues which cannot be resolved at a local level are brought to the attention of Senior Management at the earliest opportunity. Ensuring all staff which report to the SAFO are given regular safety briefings and are kept informed about changes to Operating Procedures and PDO policies. Organising Internal and External Safety audits of the Emergency Response staff, equipment and documentation. Ensuring all documentation appertaining to the safe operation of the Aerodrome in particular the daily records of movements, inspections, wildlife observations, records of incidents / accidents are maintained as per the Aerodrome Manual and Emergency Plan. Ensuring all Safety Related incidents are reported to the PDO HSE staff and that each incident is investigated with any “lessons learned” promulgated to staff. PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Page 23 Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Undertaking Risk Assessments when changes to staff, equipment or the operating environment at the aerodrome are proposed. Ensuring that in periods of absence a person who has been appropriately trained in Aerodrome Emergency Response and Management is able to deputise. (Normally the Watch Commander). Ensuring that appropriate Operational cover for the Rescue and Fire Fighting Service is provided at Fahud Aerodrome in order to maintain safe aircraft operations in accordance with the Emergency Plan, Aerodrome Manual, ICAO Annex 14 and CAR 139. Undertaking regular assessments of staff competencies of his/ her direct reports. Ensuring that they are recorded and appropriate feedback and action is taken to maintain the competencies required to perform their duties. Organising regular response exercises and other training for Rescue and Fire Fighting staff as deemed necessary to ensure that the staff are able to perform their duties efficiently in accordance with the Aerodrome Manual and Emergency Plan. Records of all exercises and staff training are to be maintained by the SAFO and made available for auditing. Ensuring that all Aviation and Safety related information is promulgated to his staff, the appropriate departments / personnel at CAA, PDO, Aircraft Operator, and the ROP as detailed within this Aerodrome Manual and the Emergency Plan Undertaking aerodrome surface inspections as requested by the Head Airport Services Ensuring participation in and policing of aerodrome safety initiatives by the RFFS team Ensuring that the Wildlife Hazard Management Plan is updated and maintained and that all staff are trained to undertake Bird Control and other duties as required to minimise the Wildlife Hazard to aircraft movements at Fahud Aerodrome. PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 The RFFS Watch Commander 4.7.13 The Watch Commander reports directly to the SAFO. responsible for:- He is Deputising for the SAFO when required. Undertaking Rescue and Fire-fighting duties as directed by the SAFO. Ensure that all Rescue and Fire-fighting equipment is maintained in accordance with International and PDO Standards in order to ensure that the appropriate fire cover is maintained. Plan, organise and undertake regular checks on Fire Prevention and Fire Detection systems of all Field Facilities. Ensure all staff are correctly trained to use the Rescue and Fire fighting equipment and staff competencies on the equipment are maintained. Ensure that training records are updated regularly. Assist the SAFO in the planning and organisation of regular response exercises and other training for Rescue and Fire Fighting staff. Assist in record keeping as directed by the SAFO. Coordinates with SAFO in updating and evaluating emergency and operational procedures. Makes recommendations for update of procedures. Participates in Fire Investigations, making any recommendations for change or update of procedures as required. Ensure that the spills kit is maintained in compliance with the regulations and is available for use when required and in response to an incident or accident. To undertake Risk Assessments when changes to staff, equipment or the operating environment at the aerodrome are proposed. Ensure that all Safety concerns and operational issues which cannot be resolved at a local level are brought to the attention of SAFO at the earliest opportunity. Undertaking aerodrome surface inspections as requested by the Head Airport Services Ensuring participation in and policing of aerodrome safety initiatives by the RFFS team. Participation in Safety Initiatives and Policing of Apron Safety Assist in the implementation of the Wildlife Hazard Management Plan. Ensuring that all staff are trained to undertake Bird Control and other duties as required to minimise the Wildlife Hazard to aircraft movements at the Aerodrome. Page 24 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Setting out the commander. responsibilities of the RFFS crew The RFFS Crew Commander 4.7.14 The Crew Commander reports directly to the Watch Commander. He is responsible for the crew and equipment on one fire-fighting vehicle. His responsibilities include: Deputising for the Watch Commander when required. Undertaking Rescue and Fire-fighting duties as directed by the Watch Commander. Ensure that all Rescue and Fire-fighting equipment on his vehicle is maintained in accordance with International and PDO Standards in order to ensure that the appropriate fire cover is maintained. The RFFS Fire Fighters 4.7.15 There are ten fire fighters on shift at any time. Their principle safety accountabilities are: Undertake Rescue and Fire-fighting duties as directed by SAFO / Watch Commander / Crew Commander. Assist Crew Commander with periodic checks of the fire prevention and fire detection systems of all field facilities. Coordinate with Crew Commander to assess and enhance emergency procedures and rescue services. Assist in undertaking Risk Assessments for all safety and emergency related incidents / accidents. Ensure that all Safety concerns and operational issues which cannot be resolved at a local level are brought to the attention of the Crew Commander at the earliest opportunity. Undertake Bird and Wildlife Hazard Management Duties as directed by Senior RFFS staff. Ensure that their competency on all Rescue and Fire-fighting equipment is maintained. Participate in emergency and response exercises as directed by Senior RFFS staff. Make any observations regarding enhancement to procedures available to the Crew Commander for incorporation to the procedures. Page 25 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Refuelling Operator 4.7.16 The Refuelling Supervisor is responsible for safe refuelling of aircraft and safe operation and maintenance of the fuel storage and refuelling facilities at the airport. 4.7.17 Safety Accountabilities To ensure a safe and efficient airport refuelling facility and operation that meets with all regulatory and statutory requirements. To ensure that all refuelling staff are appropriately trained and are competent to perform refuelling duties. 4.8 Training and Competency 4.8.1 The purpose of staff training and competency management is to enable all those engaged in work at the Airport to: Safely and competently carry out their work responsibilities; Comply with relevant provisions Airport Safety Management System; Comply with any statutory training or licensing requirements; Comply with PDO HSE training requirements; Ensure the safety of all users of the Airport. 4.8.2 The Head Airport Services is responsible for ensuring that all staff at the airport are suitably trained and qualified. A detailed list of staff training requirements is provided in a Competency Management Plan that is maintained by the Head Airport Services. All staff shall receive initial and regular refresher training in all matters relevant to their duties, both in normal roles and any roles for which they might act as deputies. All training undertaken shall be recorded in an individual’s staff training record. 4.8.3 On an annual basis the Airport Supervisor will ensure that an Assessment of Training Needs is conducted for all staff. Individual line managers will normally undertake this. This Assessment will identify any training required to enable staff to work safely and to support PDO’s efforts to maintain a safe place of work. Page 26 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 4.8.4 Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 The assessment will take into account matters including: Duties and responsibilities, including any changes. Mandatory legal training requirements. Statutory licensing requirements. Known or anticipated workplace risks. Plant, machinery or other equipment used. Organisational requirements. Prior training, skills and experience. Staff training and records will be checked by internal and external audits on a regular basis. The PDO Logistics Manager shall be responsible for the scheduling and completion of such audits. 4.9 Safety Promotion 4.9.1 PDO will seek to utilise whatever means available to it, in order to provide and dissemination safety related information to staff, contractors and other airport stakeholders. These systems may include but are not limited to: 4.9.2 PDO Logistics Forum –The PDO Logistics Forum involves HSE Managers, Contract Managers and other key Stakeholders. The forum discusses company wide HSE issues and meets regularly in Muscat, approximately twice a year. Any safety issues discussed at the forum pertaining to the Airport operations will be communicated to staff by line management and through the methods described below. 4.9.3 Airport Safety Committee –The committee will meet regularly and provide a forum where issues can be discussed and resolved together with airport stakeholders. 4.9.4 Intranet -PDO staff and contractors will have access to PDO policies and documentation via the PDO intranet. 4.9.5 Safety Notice Boards -these are used to display safety information, posters bulletins etc. in a centralised location in each airport. 4.9.6 Notices and Warnings -these include regulatory notices such as video surveillance advice and emergency exits signs. 4.9.7 Safety Bulletins -these might include changes to procedures and operations or advice on specific safety related matters. 4.9.8 Video Screens -these are installed in the airport buildings and can be used to display safety information Page 27 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 4.10 Contractors 4.10.1 All Contractors or Sub-Contractors working within the airport shall be required to comply with the requirements of the Airport Safety Management System. It is a requirement of the Airport SMS that contractors must have their own Safety Management System in place and operating effectively. Contractors’ SMSs will be audited as required by PDO. 4.10.2 There shall be a single person identified within the Contracting organisation responsible for Safety. 4.10.3 All staff working on the Airport site shall receive safety training appropriate to the areas in which they will be working. Any staff that needs short-term access to airside areas, including the apron, runway and taxiways shall receive basic airside safety briefing and will be supervised by a nominated airport representative. Staffs that require long-term access to airside areas shall receive full safety training and will be issued with an airport security pass. 4.11 Hazards & Effects Management 4.11.1 The PDO HSE MS Chapter 4 [Ref 1] describes the Hazard and Effects Management Process (HEMP) for Identification, Assessment, Control and Recovery of Hazards and their effects. This process applies equally within the context of the PDO airports and shall be applied as defined in the PDO HSE MS, namely: When planning for new facilities or operations; When reviewing existing facilities or operations; Before first operating an existing facility; Before maintenance of a facility or part thereof; When establishing or renewing a contract; Before abandoning or decommissioning an existing facility. 4.11.2 The HEMP assessment for the airport shall be updated every 3 years or more frequently if required. 4.11.3 The Head Airport Services is responsible for initiation of the HEMP process. The Airport Safety Committee shall be involved in the process and will need to be assisted by technical specialists and experts as appropriate. 4.11.4 The PDO Air Operations HSE Case [Ref 6] contains details of the output of the HEMP process including details of all controls and mitigations necessary to adequately reduce unacceptable risks. Page 28 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 4.12 Change Management 4.12.1 Changes to the management system affecting people, procedures and equipment are effected through the processes of internal and external audit, management review and documented actions in the form of change forms, meeting minutes and other means as appropriate. 4.13 Planning and Procedures 4.13.1 Each Airport will have an Airport Manual [Ref.s 3, 4 & 5] in accordance with the requirements of ICAO Annex 14. These manuals contain detailed operating procedures to ensure that all airside operations are undertaken safely. 4.13.2 The PDO Air Operations HSE Case [Ref 6] provides details of identified hazards that require procedural controls. The details of the necessary procedures are described in the airport manuals. 4.14 Regular Safety Activities 4.14.1 A number of regular activities are undertaken in the interest of managing safety at the airport. Full details of the responsibilities and procedures for these activities are included in Part 4 of the Airport Manuals. A summary of the main safety management activities are included here: 4.14.2 The Head Airport Services or his delegated deputy will hold a meeting with all duty staff to brief on issues of the day. This will take place at the start of each working day. 4.14.3 An initial aerodrome safety inspection will take place prior to declaring the airport operational at the commencement of operations each day. 4.14.4 An inspection will also be undertaken prior to the arrival of each aircraft and after each departure 4.14.5 The SAFO or Watch Commander will check the serviceability of the entire Rescue and Fire-Fighting equipment and vehicles and the availability of RFFS staff. He will report the available status and category of RFFS cover (as defined in the aerodrome manual part 3) to the Head Airport Services or his delegated deputy. 4.14.6 Following the inspections, the Head Airport Services or his delegated deputy will initiate any action required to rectify any deficiencies before declaring the aerodrome operational. Page 29 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 4.14.7 All inspections will be recorded in a log kept by the Head Airport Services along with details of deficiencies, the action taken to resolve them and the date of their resolution. 4.15 Implementation & Monitoring Safety Record Keeping 4.15.1 The Head Airport Services ensures that documentation is retained in the office covering the following items: 4.15.2 4.16 Aerodrome Manual and Airfield Plans Aerodrome Security Plan Aerodrome Emergency Plan Aircraft Movement Log Aerodrome Inspections Log Aerodrome Daily Log Wildlife Reports Bird Strike Reporting Forms RFFS Equipment Inspections Log Maintenance Records for Airfield Facilities and Equipment (This is also known as the “Action List”) Aerodrome Permits to Work Staff Competence and Training Records In accordance with PDO procedures, these records will be kept for a minimum period of 5 years. The SAFO will maintain a daily record of events appertaining to the Rescue and Fire Fighting Service. Head Airport Services will ensure that all these records and plans are easy retrievable. Near Miss and Incident Reporting The STOP System 4.16.1 The Safety Training Observation Program (STOP) is used for reporting un-safe act/condition within PDO. This is a no-blame reporting system which most staff and contractors with safety responsibility are trained to use. All near-misses and safety observations at the airports shall be recorded via the STOP system or the FOUNTAIN system (see below). The FOUNTAIN System 4.16.2 Page 30 Incident reporting will utilise the FOUNTAIN incident reporting system as used throughout PDO for reporting and tracking of HSE incidents. All safety-related incidents shall be reported and tracked by means of this system. Additionally, any near misses or observations that are judged to be sufficiently severe shall be PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 escalated from the STOP system to the FOUNTAIN system and will subsequently be tracked within FOUNTAIN. 4.16.3 All PDO staff have access to the PDO intranet by means of their own log-in. Contract staff who do not have direct access to the PDO intranet will have a nominated PDO site representative who will enter incident details to the system on their behalf. 4.16.4 The FOUNTAIN system generates an incident number and initiates an incident tracking and investigation process. Responsibility for the investigation is assigned to an appropriate responsible person dependent upon the identified severity level of the incident. 4.16.5 The FOUNTAIN incident investigation process will result in one or more action items and follow up action items which will be promulgated as appropriate within the MSE department, Airport Safety Committee and to airport staff. Monitoring and Evaluation 4.16.6 For PDO to adequately manage HSE risks it is important for those safety critical activities identified within the HEMP processes to be implemented effectively. This involves: 4.16.7 PDO shall establish and maintain procedures to monitor and measure HSE performance on a regular basis. These procedures shall provide for: Page 31 Setting performance measures and indicators used to monitor how HSE risk management is achieved. Establishing a monitoring programme to measure HSE performance against targets. Addressing non-compliance within PDO’s HSE requirements and ensuring that corrective action is taken. Reacting to incidents to make sure that they are notified, analysed, reported and followed-up. both qualitative and quantitative measures, appropriate to PDO’s needs; monitoring of the extent to which PDO’s HSE objectives are met; proactive measures of performance that monitor compliance with the HSE arrangements, operational criteria and applicable legislation and regulatory requirements; reactive measures of performance to monitor accidents, ill health, incidents (including near-misses) and other historical evidence of deficient HSE performance; PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 recording of data and results of monitoring and measurement sufficient to facilitate subsequent corrective and preventive action analysis. 4.16.8 Where monitoring equipment is required for performance measurement and monitoring, PDO will establish and maintain procedures for the calibration and maintenance of this equipment. Records of calibration and maintenance activities and results shall be retained. 4.16.9 The Head Airport Services will establish and document a HSE Monitoring programme that will identify performance measures (Asset Level HSE Records), methods, frequency of measurements, roles and responsibilities for measurement, processes for non compliance reporting, incident management and follow up, appropriate to airport operations. 4.16.10 These Asset Level HSE Records will be in addition to those identified by the Corporate HSE Records generated by HSE Manager (MSEM). 4.16.11 As a minimum the following documents will be generated, maintained, monitored and evaluated in the monitoring process: Monitoring data Non compliance report forms Corrective Action Plans Incident Reports Follow up Action Plans 4.16.12 PDO’s arrangement for Implementation and Monitoring activities and other supporting information is set out in PDO HSE MS Chapter 6]. 4.17 Audit 4.17.1 Auditing is an essential tool to ensure that the arrangements for HSE management remain effective in addressing current operational issues and the arrangements are improved in response to any shortcomings whenever these are identified. 4.17.2 An audit can be defined as “a structured, independent means of demonstrating that a framework of business controls is appropriate and effective”. Page 32 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 4.17.3 The purpose of the PDO audit programme and procedures for periodic HSE audits is to: 4.17.4 Determine whether or not the HSE Management System: conforms to planned arrangements for HSE management including the requirements within Safety Management System (this document); has been properly implemented and maintained; and is effective in meeting PDO’s HSE policies and objectives; review the results of previous audits; provide information on the results of audits to management. 4.17.5 The audit programme shall be based on the results of risk assessments of activities at each airport, the results of previous audits and in taking into account operational experience at similar facilities. 4.17.6 Audit procedures shall cover the scope, frequency, methodologies and competencies, as well as the responsibilities and requirements for conducting audits and reporting results. 4.17.7 Wherever possible, audits shall be conducted by personnel independent of those having direct operational responsibility for the activity being examined. 4.17.8 PDO’s arrangements for audit set out in PDO HSE MS Chapter 7 [Ref 1]. Internal Audits 4.17.9 PDO arrangements for internal HSE Audit require that these are carried out at three levels i.e. Corporate (Level 1) organised by HSE Manager (MSEM), Asset Level (Level 2) ) organised by Asset Manager and Workplace Inspection Activities (Level 3) also organised by Asset Manager. 4.17.10 In the context of airport operations Level 2 audits the HSE audit programme will be drawn up by the Logistics Manager (UWL) for agreement with HSE Manager (MSEM) or their deputy. 4.17.11 Findings from the audit process will identify areas where arrangements are satisfactory and those that need attention. These findings will be formulated into recommendations within the formal Audit Report. The distribution for this report will be agreed with the Head Airport Services. 4.17.12 On receipt of the Audit Report the Head Airport Services will develop an Audit Follow-up Action Plan containing actions that manage the issues raised in Audit Report. The progress of each action shall be Page 33 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 tracked formally to closure in the Asset Level tracking System by the Head Airport Services. Inspections 4.17.13 The Head Airport Services will arrange for regular Task Verification and Workplace Inspections to be conducted to supplement the audit processes in Level 1 and 2. 4.17.14 Where the individual conducting the inspection discovers unsafe work practices or conditions the opportunity will be taken to reinforce safe working practice and a STOP Safety Observation Card will be issued. The work activity will be suspended until conditions are addressed. 4.17.15 PDO’s arrangements for inspection activities and other supporting information is set out in PDO HSE MS Chapter 7 [Ref 1]. External Audits 4.17.16 The Head Airport Services will host a programme of external audits that will be arranged by CAA Oman. These may take place before operations to receive aircraft commence and at regular intervals thereafter. 4.18 Review 4.18.1 PDO’s top management shall, at intervals of no more that 3 years, or more frequently if deemed appropriate, review the HSE management system, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. The management review process shall ensure that the necessary information is collected to allow management to carry out this evaluation. This review shall be documented. 4.18.2 The management review shall address the possible need for changes to policy, objectives and other elements of the HSE management system, in the light of HSE audit results, changing circumstances, experience gained from similar activities elsewhere and the commitment to continual improvement. 4.18.3 The issues discussed and actions agreed at the review meetings shall be formally recorded and distributed. 4.19 Records 4.19.1 PDO shall establish and maintain procedures for the identification, maintenance and disposition of HSE records, as well as the results of audits and reviews. HSE records shall be legible, identifiable and traceable to the activities involved. HSE records shall be stored and maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable and Page 34 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 protected against damage, deterioration or loss. All records shall be retained for a minimum of 5 years. Documents Retained by Head Airport Services 4.19.2 The Head Airport Services shall retain the following documentation in his office: 4.19.3 Aerodrome Manual and Airfield Plans Aerodrome Security Plan Aerodrome Emergency Plan Aircraft Movement Log Aerodrome Inspections Log Wildlife Reports Bird Strike Reporting Forms RFFS Equipment Inspections Log Maintenance Records for Airfield Facilities and Equipment Aerodrome Permits to Work Staff Competence and Training Records The Head Airport Services also keeps documentation and plans relating to the design and construction of the aerodrome and all its facilities. Documents Retained by SAFO 4.19.4 Page 35 The SAFO will maintain a daily record of events appertaining to the Rescue and Fire Fighting Service. PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 References Table 0-1 : References 1 PDO Health, Safety and Management System Manual; 2 Civil Aviation Rule Certification and Use 3 Fahud Airport Manual PR1800 4 Qarn Alam Airport Manual PR1806 5 Marmul Airport Manual PR1803/Rev8.0 2009 6 PDO Air Operations HSE Case 7 PDO Handover Procedure Page 36 Part 139, Environment Online Document, PDO Intranet. Airports – DGCAM, Oman, October 2006. March PR-1000 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Appendix 1 Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 CONTACT LIST Table A1- 1 : Contact list Emergency HOT LINES Contact Marmul Airport Out of operational hours emergency landing at 243 85555 Marmul Airport Emergency Telephone Operator (ETO) PDO 246 75555 Head Airport Services/Security Officer Tel: 243 86642 Fax: 243 86566 Airport Operations Controller Tel: 243 86090 Fax: 243 86566 ROP Security at Marmul 243 86222 Senior Airport Fire Officer 243 86973 PDO Fahud Airport Out of operational hours emergency landing at 243 85555 Fahud Airport Emergency Telephone Operator (ETO) PDO 246 75555 Head Airport Services/Security Officer Tel: 243 84426 Fax: 243 84735 Airport Operations Controller Tel: 243 84238 Fax: 243 84735 ROP Security at Fahud 243 84979 Senior Airport Fire Officer 243 84817 PDO Qarn Alam Airport Out of operational hours emergency landing at Qarn 243 85555 Alam Airport Emergency Telephone Operator (ETO) PDO 246 75555 Head Airport Services/Security Officer Tel: 243 85631 Fax: 243 85852 Airport Operations Controller Tel: 243 85938 Fax: 243 85852 ROP Security at Qarn Alam 243 85559 Senior Airport Fire Officer 243 85623 Telephone Directory Contact Civil Aviation Affairs Director General Of Safety & Aviation Services 24519315 (DGSAS) 24519210 24607207 99367891 (Emergency contact after working hours) 24 519332 DGSAS Duty Officer 24519332 24519202 Head of Airport Operations GSM (24hrs) 99340141 Page 37 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Telephone Directory Air Traffic Service Tower (24 hrs) Air Traffic Services Centre (24 hrs) ATC Briefing Room (NOTAM office) Technical Control Unit (24 hrs) Airport Fire Services Watch room (24 hrs) Airport Emergency Clinic (24 hrs) Oman Air Duty Officer - Emergency Number (24 hrs) Manager Ground Handling Div. Manager Operations Operations International (24 hrs) Oman air Ops. Control Engineering (24 hrs) Royal Air Force of Oman ( RAFO) RAFO Air Defence Notification Centre RAFO Switchboard RAFO Rescue Coordination Centre refer RAFO Switchboard RAFO Muscat International Airport refer RAFO Switchboard Royal Oman Police - Directorate of Police Aviation Directorate of Police Aviation Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Contact 99422495 24518005 24519551 24519550 Tel: 24519350 Fax: 24518350 24519256 24519255 24519718 24519400 24519285 24519288 24519741 24562360 24519302 24519287 9101998 24519369 24519702 24519892 24521291 24519299 24519460 24535877 24320565 24334211 24334211 24320516 24519574 24510440 24510370 Headquarters 24560099 Royal Oman Police - Qurm (Switchboard) Director of Operations Royal Oman Police - Regional Divisions Muscat Division Salalah Division Sohar Division Al-Buraimi Division Sur Division Haima Division Nizwa Division Khasab Division Government Officials H.E. Under-Secretary for Transport Page 38 24569256 24560021 24290099 24840099 24650099 24440599 24436211 24425222 24660299 24698581 24698587 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Telephone Directory H.E. The Minister of Communications H.E. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Hospitals Armed forces Hospital Royal Hospital Khoula Hospital AL Nahdha Hospital Oil and Gas Installation Headquarters Nizwa Hospital Ibri Hospital Royal Oman Police S.Q.U. Hospital Ambulance Division Security Petroleum Development Oman Logistics Manager Logistics Ops Team Leader PDO Aviation Contract Holder PDO Emergency Co-ordinator PDO Operations Office, Muscat Airport Emergency Operator ( 24 hrs) (ETO) Emergency Centres: CECC/LEBC MaF (on activation) LECC/LEBC MaF (on activation) LECC/LEBC Marmul (on activation) LECC/LEBC Nimr (on activation) LECC/LEBC Bahja (on activation) LECC/LEBC Fahud (on activation) LECC/LEBC Yibal (on activation) LECC/LEBC Qarn Alam (on activation) LECC/LEBC Lekhwair (on activation) Personal Centre Arabic (on activation) Personal Centre English (on activation) Press Centre (on activation Shell Aircraft, London Advisors Page 39 Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Contact 24697000 24697111 24699533 24634103 24331931 24599000 24560455 24837800 Police 24739099 25449361 25691990 24603988 24413355 24571205 24571206 246 78431 246 75952 246 75228 246 73968 246 77081 246 75555 246 78888 246 75300 246 75312 243 86033 243 86349 243 82414 243 82355 243 88755 243 88711 243 84349 243 84317 243 84333 243 81182 243 81158 243 81430 243 85771 243 85772 243 85999 243 81928 243 81828 243 81830 246 75481 246 75480 246 77471 +44 (0)20 87305220 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Telephone Directory Switchboard Duty Manager FAX Security Committee – Marmul Airport Head Airport Services/Security Officer Marmul Airport Operations Controller ROP Security at Marmul Senior Airport Fire Officer Logistics HSE & SD Team leader UWLS Representative of the Aircraft operators Representative of the ground handler Representative of PDO security department Representative of DGSAS AVSEC Section Security Committee – Fahud Airport Head Airport Services/Security Officer Qarn Alam Airport Operations Controller ROP Security at Qarn Alam Senior Airport Fire Officer Logistics HSE & SD Team leader UWLS Representative of the Aircraft operators Representative of the ground handler Representative of PDO security department Representative of DGSAS AVSEC Section Security Committee – Qarn Alam Airport Head Airport Services/Security Officer Fahud Airport Operations Controller ROP Security at Fahud Senior Airport Fire Officer Logistics HSE & SD Team leader UWLS Representative of the Aircraft operators Representative of the ground handler Representative of PDO security department Representative of DGSAS AVSEC Section Page 40 Revision: 9.1 Effective:May’11 Contact +44 (0)20 87304224 +44 (0)20 87305200 +44 (0)8700 555 500 and leave message on pager SALMGT3 +44 (0)20 8730 5234 Contact Tel: 243 86642 Fax: 243 86566 Tel: 243 86090 Fax: 243 86566 243 86222 243 86973 99355319 mohammedz@omanair.aero 243 85641 998 82551 246 74411 24519 765 Contact Tel: 243 85631 Fax: 243 85852 Tel: 243 85938 Fax: 243 85852 243 85559 243 85623 99355319 mohammedz@omanair.aero 243 85641 998 8 2551 246 74411 24 519 765 Contact Tel: 243 86642 Fax: 243 86566 Tel: 243 86090 Fax: 243 86566 243 84979 243 84817 99355319 mohammedz@omanair.aero 243 85641 998 82551 246 74411 24519 765 PR-1797 PDO Airports Safety Management System The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.