Da’ fruto no tempo certo … 2011. 10~12. October~December 1 6. Pray for SEED to become a model mission agency recognized by God and man for integrity of financial SEED Missionary Prayer handbook 중보기도수첩 SEED Prayer Partners Won Sang Lee, President seed international Greetings in the precious name of our Lord! On August 24, 2011 we experienced a 40-second earthquake with a magni- tude of 5.9 here in Virginia. Also, on August 27 and 28, 2011, Hurricane Irene passed through our area. We had initially thought that earthquakes and hurricanes would only occur in other parts of the world, not in the Washington DC area. However, the Capital of the United States experienced these natural dIisasters without exception. t is said that the Day of the Lord comes like thief. The task for the world missions is, however, not yet completed. In light of the 1.6 billion Muslims’ strategic plan to conquer the world, we should be even more motivated in our mission-minded task to overcome cross-cultural conflicts by the power of the Holy Spirit. There are nearly 2 billion unreached people, including 1.34 billion Chinese people with a materialistic worldview, 24 million North Koreans without the Gospel, not to mention the rampant spiritual deficiency spread throughout WTestern civilization. herefore, we, SEED, need to pursue professionalization in missions (Training, Mobilization, Financial Support and Management, and Field Development), and consistent development of spirituality. Through strict self-management and professionalism in missions, we, SEED, can restore our integrity and achieve the biblical mandate of missions with the help of our suppSorting churches and partners. EED has 135 missionary units including candidates serving in 35 countries. The year 2011 was a very difficult time for SEED. However, our faithful God allowed our support- ing churches and individual sponsors to continue to support SEED through His grace. In Romans 16, the Apostle Paul greeted 36 people who supported his ministry by name. Without these supporters Paul’s ministry would not be possible. I would like to offer you these prayer requests. I thank you so much in advance for your prayers for us. 1. Pray for SEED missionaries to be spirit-filled men and women of prayer. 2. Pray for the God’s blessings upon the support- ing churches and families in the new fiscal year of 2012. 3. Pray for the second SEED Missionary Confer- ence which will be held on Monday, June 25, 2012 through Friday, June 29, 2012 at Hyechon College in Taejeon, Korea. 4. Pray for SEED BRAZIL, SEED CANADA, SEED KOREA, SEED USA, and furture SEED locations which will be established in the future. 5. Pray for SEED International Prayer House and MK Dormitory to be built in Virginia. “Da’ fruto no tempo certo” (He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.) ⊃ SEED International 1. That may serve Korean churches both in Korea and in the world to be united for world mission 2. That local churches may be transformed to mission churches through SEED National Home ministries in USA, Korea, Canada, and Brazil. 3. That may be added new believer everyday and churches be established in where about 120 SEED family units serve, and for those 6 regional directors and national team leaders in 36 countries that they may serve missionary families effectively 4. That may anoint Rev. John Oh, the international chairman, and bless His vision to serve all nations be realized through new building project 5. That may raise new board churches and professional board members to serve SEED International ministries. ⊃ SEED Brazil 1. For the formation of SEED Brazil Board among local pastors so that Korean Diaspora community can cooperate with the Board. 2. For the challenge of the mission vision of pastors for five pastors’ community that is in progress. 3. For the unification of the intercessors of united prayer meeting for world mission on Monday. ⊃ SEED Canada 1. Pray that partner churches and missionary workers are raised up for pioneering works among unreached peoples in Hindu and Muslim countries 2. Pray for a home missionary family and co-workers to be recruited for Toronto and Montreal. 3. Pray that new missions schools may be started in Edmonton and Calgary. ⊃ SEED Korea 1. Pray for the president, Rev. Young Bok Kim as he travels around the world for ministry of caring and counseling. 2. That the board meeting will be achieved through God’s grace, and that missions may be revitalized through this. 3. Pray for home office staff that they may serve with wisdom and strength provided by God. 4. May God bless annual board meeting and 10th anniversary of supporter family night of December 5th. Then His name will be glorified. 5. Pray for God’s wisdom on fulfilling God’s calling with unity, joy, , gratitude, and harmony. ⊃ SEED USA 1. That may establish SEED missions prayer groups and multicultural missions bodies in every city of the Sates. 2. That Korean churches may open eyes for multiethnic peoples in the States and unengaged peoples in he world. 3. That may raise 1.5 & 2nd generation missionaries and Silver missionaries in the States. SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … Northeast Asia NA-N(6), NA-C(20), Japan(9), Mongolia(4), Korea(2) 1. For unreached people group strategy and CPM(church planting movements) in C nation 2. For infrastructure for partnership in mission together with the nationals 3. For visas and security of M workers 1. Joseph & Hannah Boo/USA NA-N/2001/Supporting ministry 1. For multiplication through corporation between team members and ministry partners. 2. For a sufficient amount of financial support to be filled. 3. For both spiritual and physical strength to continue the business. 2. Anna Song /USA NA-N/2005/Medical mission 1. May God bless NK so that national leaders and the people would come to know the salvation and love of Jesus Christ. 2. May God bless the successful economic development of Rajin City so that the daily needs of the people could be met. 3. May God provide necessary funds for the kindergarten ministry (100thousand dollars). Then may God establish team ministry for kindergarten so that God would be glorified through this project. 4. May God bless physical health of all family members and our faith, wisdom, and love to grow as more mature attendants. 3. Stephan & Joy Ma/ Esther, Joshua, Lydia /USA NA-N/2007/Supporing ministry 1. God may restore physical strength and give complete healing. 2. May God bring angels to look over the growth of our children. 3. May the Lord bless the supporters and so that they may experience the blessing of “an overflow, “and glorify God. 4. Jason &Joan Lee/ Eugene, Jane /USA NA-N/2009/Supporting ministry 1. May God opn the door of the country so that pro-democratic movement will happen soon to transform the country. 2. May God bless suffering peoples from hunger before winter. 3.Thepreparationof recyclingtechnologyschoolcanbemetintime. 4.My mission partner, Mrs. Joan can receive her citizenship as soon as possible. 5. Hangyul & JongriohChae/ John, James /USA NA-N/2009/Supporting ministry 1. For the preparation of vegetable farming using organic methods that would restore the barren land. 2. For us to help ladies with their faith that married Korean at the Culture Center. 3. For us to share Gospel with the people we encounter. 4. For a wise spouse for our first son, for our second son’s couple would begin graduate school, for the healing for my wife’s foot. 6. Daniel & Esther Suh/Canada NA-N/2009/Medical mission 1. May SK and NK is united in Christ. 2. May the Lord bless NK Child so that the child grow healthy and happily. 3. May God provide us His strength to help 3 hospitals and 1 kindergarten continuously. 4. May God bless NK governors and leaders in understanding Jesus and opening their hearts. 5. For the spiritual and physical health of mission team and to do His mission joyfully. 6. May God provide us wisdom to plan new mission. 7. Moonahn & Young Suh/Hae, Hyun/USA NA-C/1996/Youth, young adults leaders training 1. For the nation who is called for the 21century: A nation lightened in the 21 century, 2 hope to be the nation and country in his hand. 2. For the local factories to export soul food to the gentiles: based on the growth of local factories in quantity & quality, they will take over his commission soon. 3. For the localization & indigenization of the high educated & trained: His dream is on the man whom he trusts. This dream comes true with the localization & indigenization done by the sent. 4. For the study and scholarship of my two children in college, with the hope to be the doctors who heal this land. 8. Peace & Grace Lee(Furlough)/Joong, Shin, Yeon/USA NA-C/1991/Web ministry, Training ministry 1. Prayer for One to One discipleship training to be built up well and BCF training to be prepared in time among local leaders. 2.Prayforthelocalfamilycounselings;also,forthe safetyofministries. 3. May O’s family grow into mature faith family according to God’s heart. 9. Widae & Sarang Wang(Off-field-Educational Furlough)/Chan Ju, Sung Ju, Jin Ju/USA NA-C/2004/Training for planting inland churches 1. May the Caleb Team be able to minister BM tribe with commitment and for bible school for young people and discipleship of the graduate students. 3. Pray for JuChan’s study and adaptation of his school. 4.May we serve continental people better through the trial and error process. 10. Luke & Dogo Lee/Kyusang, Kyuyun, Kyuran/USA NA-C/2006/Pastor training, healing ministry 1. C country missionaries can go and deliver the gospel to Muslim regions in the last days before 2nd coming of Jesus Christ. 2. For successful operation of Korean company, CIMP, which support our ministry. 3. For raising future leaders through campus ministry and for their strong faith in Jesus Christ. 4. Bless intercession team leaders so that they can be united by the grace of God. Bless physical health of three children and three grand children 11. Hwapyung Oh /Youn Kwan, Il Kwan/Korea NA-C/ 2003 / Itinerant ministry, discipleship 1. MaytheLordprotectChristianswhilepersecutionworsens. 2. MaythetravelingministersbefilledwiththeSpiritandthetruth. 3. That the Lord may grant lots of trained leaders and ministers on OD Church and all the members are strong in Faith. 4. Local leaders and believers are to keep their faith and to fulfill their missions inside of H river region. 12. Jay & Eunice Oh/Samuel, Daniel, Grace/Korea NA-C/2001/after school program, church support 1. Current employees will work hard for our projects after graduation ceremony. 2. Local leaders can go for foreign missions to maximize their potentials and abilities. 3. Local office works can be done efficiently and can hire local employee for office duty. 4. For physical health of all family members and healing of nasal congestion of Yuna and Yunseok. 13. Pyung-gang & Sa-rang Kim/Shinhae, Eunhae, Jihae/USA NA-C/2003/Community development 1. Please pray that these four believers will indigenously take over the leadership of the group. 2. Pray that they will have an unquenchable passion to reach out to their 20 million who are living in the darkness. 3. Pray for double portion of the Spirit and abundant fruit bearing in their SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … lives. 4. Pray for abundant fruit- bearing through the chicken farming. 14. Paul &Joyce Kang/David, Mihyun, Nahyun/USA NA-C/2007/Leadership training 1.For the encountering with Christ through BCC 3 month study and a specific vision from God. 2. For dedicated faithful workers who can serve local university and DTS and BCC. 3. For new seminary students and pastors who will enroll next year and can meet the physical and financial needs. 4. For my children’s knowing God . 15. Timothy & Grace Lim/Joyce, Sarah/USA NA-C/2006/Leadership training 1.“Mission Panorama” Seminar to be published by Timothy B Ministries; Introduction to Korean Co. Lead- ers, Introduction to NA-C Co. Leaders. 2. Women’s Retreat in Shanghai and Qingdao. 3. Men’s Retreat is in great demand soag roup of teachers will start to create a seminar for men. NA-C Church Leadership Extension Program. 16. David & Helen Chun/Jin, Min/Canada NA-C/2010/Language training 1. For the building of mission infrastructure which logistics that will help to carry out new team ministry. 2. For skillful local language acquisition through language traing course. 3. That local leaders will be raised up through music ministry. 4. That we will adjust well to the local culture, language, and will stay healthy. 17. Huntae & Sunshim Lee/Areum, Woram/Korea NA-C/2009/Language training 1. Prayer for nation and ethnic groups so churches can be planted peacefully. 2. Cattles and cows can be distributed well to support local churches next year. 3. Focus on condensed training for 10 trainees and one leader. 4. May my children can participate the mission project aggressively. 18. Heather Jeon/USA NA-C/2009/Missions training, young adults ministry 1. For the records of short term mission trip in this year. 2. For long term team ministry between KM minor ethnic people leaders and Chinese company. 3. For the itinerary of short term mission team and its ministry direction in latter part of 2011. 4. For the guidance of women’s Bible Study class and smooth communication with them. 19. HanGil & HanDuk Park/HanKyul, HanMam/Canada NA-C/2010/Training ministry 1. For the progress of local language acquistion. 2. For the visa status(PR) in process to serve long-term. 3. For wife to fully recover from the gallbladder removal. 20. Caleb, Julia/Canada NA-C/ 2010 / Teaching ministry 1. That we may always abide in the joy of the Holy Spirit as we do mission work. 2. That we may cooperate with the local church leaders to advance His missions. 3. That doors may be opened in N. Korea to preach the gospel. 4. Doors for evangelism and local leaders training in Southern region will be opened through music training students. 21. Yohan & Suhyun Ju/D1,D2,S/Korea NA-C/2009/Teaching ministry 1. For the leaders of country A to be able to serve their people with love. 2. For the religious leaders of city J to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 3. For protection and guidance of the work of the University of Y & P. 4. For college entrance of D1 and physical exam of D2 and peace for S. 3 22. Wangsuk &Younghyun Ko/Minsoo, Hyunsoo/Korea NA-C/2009/Church planting, seminary ministry 1. For discontinued students because of the closure of technology school so that they can receive their di- ploma until next year. 2. For God’s guidance on seminary ministry. 3. For revival of Korean and local layman leader class and pastoral leader training center which held once a week consisting of youth and general public. 4. For obtaining spacious beauty salon so that we can continue to support seminary students and to pray. 23. Kook-rin & Jo-chung Yang(Off-field-Preparational Furlough)/Korea NA-C/2009/Church planting, medical mission 1. Help me to decide well where to start the ministry. 2. Help me to prepare wisely for the ministry. 24. Jae-wook Kim/Korea NA-C/2009/Church planting, seminary ministry 1. Give me your wisdom on co-working at the Seminary that God will bring everything for good. 2. May the Lord give us co-workers in church planting, the sending church and supporters would be one accord. 25. Geum-Rae & Na-Yeong Joo/Enoch, Anna, Jonah/USA NA-C/2010/Teaching & counseling 1. Let the abundance of necessities and empty mentality be an opening spiritual gate. 2. Let the spread of the good news be a miracle of salvation trhough diverse encounters. 3. Let families be recovered through the counseling ministry and become a firm foundation of building a wholesome church. 4. Let His vision guide Annah to learn Chinese for the following year and Aenok and Yonah to study in the United States. 26. Esther Oh/Korea NA-C/2011/Hospital, campus ministry 1. May God receive glory from minor people groups through medical mission. 2. May inner being can be strengthen through deep relationship with God. 3. May God provide necessary financial support for master degree. 27. Young-jae & Eunhee Yu/Jane,Jannifer/USA Japan/2005/Church planting 1. For safety of local residents from radio active contamination(food, water, air). 2. For smooth delivery of all necessities to the Tsunami victims in the region. 3. For spiritual growth and fruits of 4 Japaneses who are in Bible class. 4. For God open the door for evangelism and ministry by the Holy Spirit. 5. For the health of family members not risking from the dangerous radio activity. 28. Geunbae & Ok-ki Lee/Jiwon, Jiwoong/Korea Japan/2005/Church planting, cultural teaching 1. May God humble the hearts of Japanese so that they can return to the God. 2. May God heal Japanese suffering from disaster and restore Japan. 3. Fast recovery from the nuclear atomic meltdown in Sendai region. 4. May God bless Sendai Glory church so that the church can carry out its mission with power and love in times of earthquakes disaster in the region. 5. May God bless two children’s health, faith, and school life. 29. Daniel & Soomin Lee/Jonathan, Allie, David/USA Japan/2003/Church planting 1. For the building of God’s kingdom inside of many lost Japanese through 311 disasters. SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … 2. For multi-purpose Christian center building in the town. 3. For 3 outreach events, Costume party (Oct), Thanksgiving dinner(Nov), X-mas celebration (Dec). 4. For deeper love for Jesus & for each other. 30. Woon-sung & Minja Baek/Gwanghyun,Gwanwon/Korea Japan/2004/Church planting 1. 2011 slogan: “With all our heart” (Joshua 1:7-8) (Challenge of faith) Disciples can bear fruit through “Oycos culture exchange program” and revitalize of the program. 2. Recover of Japan after the earthquake and to obtain new supporters. 3. For the spiritual and physical health of whole family members and to r ecover from my son’s asthma and Woonsung’s high blood pressure. 4. To obtain a green card after resubmission of application because it was denied. 31. Minsook & Esther Kang/Sarah, Rachel/USA Japan/2004/Church planting 1. For smooth progress of summer Bible camp. 2. For safe removal of radio activity in the contaminated area. 3. For spiritual reformation of the investigators and spectators who show in- terests in the gospel. 4. For new ministry partners Jin Soo Park, Min Kyung Song, and Sol mi Lee who are going to serve Japan as a short term missionary. 5. For more supporting and partner churches. 32. Min Kyong Song/USA Japan/2011 1. To stand firm physically and spiritually so that I can be faithful from the beginning to the end. 2. To be a pure pathway for Jesus Christ for those who I will meet in Japan. 3. To be unified with Pastor Joshua Kang, Jinsoo Park and Solme Lee as we minister together in Japan. 4. To be fully trained by God and become a mature Christian even after I come back from the mission. 5. May God bless all of the families and friends in Christ who pray for us with a heart of missionary. 33. Sol Lee/USA Japan/2011 1. To be intimate with God more than ever so that I may be able to witness Jesus powerfully. 2. To be strong spiritually and physically. 3. To be united with the Pastor Joshua Kang, Jinsoo Park, and Minkyong Song with whom I will minister in Japan. 4. For God to meet all my financial needs and fill me with the wisdom neces- sary for the ministry. 5. For Him to take care of my family. 34. Jin Soo Park/USA Japan/2011 1. Let there be the desire of true God and the Truth be formed and developed in mind and heart of Japanese people. 2. May there be more people to share the gospel as well as more partners for God’s mission be found in language school and its course. 3. Let the ministry of praise leading and teaching at English worship be well- handled. 4. Physical and spiritual health for the family members in United States. 35. Sung-jong Eung-young Yoon(Off-field-Preparational Furlough)/Mire/Korea Japan/2009/Church planting ministry 1. God’s mercy for the recovery from 311 disaster and leadership of govern- ment officials and God’s grace upon Japan. 2. To prepare North Korea missionary and be filled with joy for serving His Kingdom. 3. For the love and encouragement among family members in the new area. 36. Paul & Jungah Choi/ Sunjung, Sarah, John, Joseph/USA 4 Korea /2006/Lecturer Missionary 1. Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theology can be instrumental in raising up effective Christian leaders among students from Asia, and such missionaries would be sent there. 2. For the revival on Kyung Ju which has the lowest rate of Christianity in Korea. 3. Paul would be trained to be a worthy vessel used by God. 37. Mike & Priscilla Choi/Paul/USA Korea/2003/Torch Trinity Graduate School of Theologe 1. Resigning SEED Missionary membership to start new ministry at Torch Trinity Seminary in Seoul to teach the students from the third world. Pray for anointing of the Holy Spirit on new ministry. 2. Thank to everybody who faithfully prayed for my family. Please continue to pray for my future students at the seminary that they may go back to their country to serve their people. 38. Moonchan Oh, Youngeui Song /Sangik/Korea Mongolia/2009/Leadership developing 1. Be merciful for the chosen people and open the door for His Kingdom. 2.Forthe graciouspreparationofBibleSchoolwhichwillraisegodlyworkers 3. May Ago Itzel youth culture center flourish so that it can deliver good Chri- sistian culture to the youths. 4.Localleaderscangrowspiritually andenjoyvictoriouslifethroughG12 ministry. 39. Shin-Kook Kim, Sang Hee Lee /Korea Mongolia/2006/University ministry 1. Current 2.6% Christian rate can be increased to 10% of Mongol population. 2. May university students and youths of Darcan habor can hear the gospel. 3. May Kaemyung cultural center be a foundation for education missionary and God’sdirectionforSindarharbor university. 4. 8 Short term mission teams can serve effectively during 2011 summer. 40. David &Christin Park/Eliana,Karis,Michael/USA Mongolia/2007/Church planting 1. For the ongoing growth in our personal walk with God. 2. For the leadership of New Life Church, New Light Church, and New beginning Church. 3. For my interaction with the Mongolian Campus Crusade for Christ ministry. 4. For the growth of Karis and Elina spiritually and educationally. Also for Michael’s health. 41. Seung- Ah Yoo/Korea Mongolia/2008/Business mission 1. For the growth of Mongolian church according to His will. 2. For the establishment of job training center for Mongolian women. 3. For obtaining resident visa through business or NGO. 4. For the health of parents and for faith growth and for spiritual spouse. Southeast & west Asia Indonesia (2), Cambodia (4), Thailand (3), Philippines (5), Singapore (1), India (5),Nepal(1) 1. For bearing fruits in making disciples and training leaders 2. For the mobilization of spreading Words through children ministries 3. For opening doors for the unreached people groups 42. Daniel Shinjong & Esther Baeq(Off-field-Educational Furlough)/Jiwon,Jiwoo,Jimin,Jisu/USA Cambodia/2004/Study absent 1. For the wisdom of God needed for research at Trinity which will aid in expansion of God’s kingdom. SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … 2. For many needs be provided to missionaries and national leaders at Seed Church, Logos language school and Star kindergarten. 3. For tuition and ministry funds, and wisdom and health to be filled in national leaders entering seminary. 4. May SEED prayer group in Chicago serve effectively churches in the area and missionaries with intercessions. 43. Haeja Christine Ha/USA Cambodia/2005/Mercy ministry 1. Through deep relationship with Lord Jesus, let me always hear His voice and follow only His instructions. 2. The Morning Star Kindergarten become very famous Kindergarten in Cambodia so that all the rich families want to send their kids to this kindergarten and the Good News of Jesus could spread to rich families in Kampong Cham. 3. Lord our God send us good teachers for His work in Bangsnai, Knait Crossang, and The Morning Star Kindergarten. 4. Pray for the Cambodian student who work together in “The Morning Star” become true Christian. 44. Joshua &Shinae Kim/Sun-Jong,Ja-Eun/USA Cambodia/2007/Mercy ministry 1. Open the Cham’s heart for the Jesus. 2. Jesus will reveal Himself to the Cham. 3. For health and needs. 4. May God heal the crystalline lens so that her eye sight can be fully recovered. 45. Ji Woong Jung,EunYong Cho/Onyoo,Juean/Korea Cambodia/2010/Missionary professors in NPIC 1. May more Christians come to Cambodia to love and serve. 2. May the group we meet weekly accept Jesus as a Savior soon and start worship together. 3.MayGodkeepourfamilystrongbothspirituallyandphysically. Thenourchildren can be educated properly without worrying about worrying about their tuitions. 46. Samuel & Bongsoon Shin/Tae-Hwan,MyungHwan,Mi-Hwan/USA Thailand/1992/Leadership development 1. For political peace and stability of new government, for the health of the king of Thailand (84), the northern and northeastern Thailand that has been hit with heavy rain. 2. for the nationwide Thai Protestant’s 2020 motto “Be 1 out of 100,000 to bring 1,000,000 to Christ,” for the raising up of many missionary candidates, for the open hearts of many Thai people in the midst of inflation and uncertainty. 3. for the celebration of 70th year anniversary and the second semester of the BIT teaching ministry, Indochina Mission accreditation paper, joint retreat for the 16 churches/agencies. 4. for the spiritual and physical health of Esther and children, for the wisdom of the children as they study, Daniel’s sinus (allergy in the nose) would be cured. 47. Joel & JunyaPromsan Hwang/Ethan,Abigail/USA Thailand/2002/Children & Youth ministry 1.MayThaigovernmentpartiesbeunitedwithoneheart. Bothsidesneedto give in little to make this compromise to happen. 2. May God bless and guide our new ministry opportunity in Chiang Mai. 3. May God bless our supporters who met during our USA mission trip and to work together to save the lost souls in Thailand. 48. Steven & Eunjoo Jang/Soon-Ho,YaeYoung/USA Thailand /2004/International school teacher 1.Pro-democratic movement in the Middle East will lead to the gospel movement. 2. Process of changing presidential leadership to be done in a peaceful way. 3. We will be away from the Middle East for next 2 years. Opportunity to 5 spread the gospel to those we met in Yemen. 4. For us to finish the ministry in Yemen and continue that ministry. 49. Choi Junghee, Petrus Verqueil/Johan,Anna,Tia /USA Philippines/2000/Community development 1. Pray for the ongoing construction of the church in Barilli and for the finances to finish the construction. 2. Pray for the youth group Bible study that is meeting every Saturday in Barilli. Pray that they will grow in their faith and for the development of leaders in the group. 3. Pray for the pastors of the Badjao churches that God will fill them with a vision and fire to fulfill their calling. 4.PrayfortheMuslimsinthePhilippines(15%ofthepopulation). Praythattheywillopentheirheartsto the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 50. Sun-Kwan & Kyongok Jin/Hannah/USA Philippines/2006/Leadership training 1. For “Dream Center” and good workers to join. 2. For ministry of Kyongok and for Hannah to find a spouse in the Lord. 3.Forthoseteachersvisitedheretoopentheireyestothedirectionof Godtobecome spiritual warriors of God. 51. Il-Kwan Kim,Eun-Joo Choi/Sun-In/USA Philippines/2009/Church planting, Leadership training 1 For the change of Filipino who just know Jesus’ name, they may believe in Him and devote their life to Him. 2. For the churches in Philippine, they will stand firmly in the Gospel and be used as a channel of blessing. 3. SMTC(training course for the church leaders) batch5(April4-Jul30), and for the long-term project for the brethren living. 52. Moses Lee, Junghee Min /Young-Hee/Korea Philippines/2009/Church planting 1. To improve the living conditions and environment in the area. 2 To become a mature Christian staying away from Shamanism and cults.. 3. To use 8,000 books which were brought from South Korea wisely and can be distributed properly among 10 church libraries. Then musical instrument ‘Handchime’willbeusedfortheadvancementofGospel. 4. To live healtily and be a vessel for His Kingdom. 53. Won-Hyung & Sueng-Kum Lee(Off-field-Health recovery)/Sung-Joon,Ha-Jin/Korea Philippines/2001/Church planting 1. For the complete healing and recovery of missionary. 2. For the faithful service of Elderly Day Center with Words. 3. For God’s direction and guidance for new ministry opportunity. 4. For God’s will be done among East North Asia mission fields. 5. For God’s blessing upon Sueng Joon and Ha-Jin. 54. Greg & Young Mi Lee/Sun-Young/USA Indonesia/2006/Church planting 1. New Testament Survey, which started September, could be finished by the end of this year. 2. Printing of the Old Testament Survey material, which was finished last June, and trained leader could have passion for the Word and wisdom of the Lord. 3. I could be a faithful and wise mentor through the help of Holy Spirit. 4. Gospel of Jesus would be advanced more actively by Indonesian Christians 5. Health and energy for Greg and healing and restoration for Young’s back. 55. Pil-Goo Kang, Elia Park(Off-field-Preparational Furlough)/Sul,Hwee-Sung,Esther/Korea Indonesia/2008/Yogya Karta Korean church 1. That there may be a dispatch church for the ministry of local people. 2. That there may be a sponsor church. 3. That the environment and expense for the education of Sul (3rd grade) and Hee Sung (preschool) may be provided. 4. That the chance to preach at Pastor Kang’s church every week while visiting Korea may be provided. SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … 6 running the welfare center. 56. Mark & Myung-Sook Oh/Justin,Hyunjoon,Sora/USA Singapore/1996/CCC Asia regional ministry 1. For the oneness of AIT team leaders and members that they may have same vision and ministry direction. 2. Justin (13 years) would have no problem returning to US after graduating high school, and for the children’s tuition to be provided. 3. For studying of Doctor of Missiology program. 57. Ok-Ryong Kim/Young-Ji,Young-Ook/USA India/2002/Southern Tamilnadu ministry 1. May God bless 9 pastors discipleship training courses so that they can be transformed by the grace of God and churches can be planted. 2. May God send a mission partner who can cooperate with God’s Words and love in Combai School. 3. May God bless the construction of Quabatour church facility and team members Maesak pastor and Jerry brother. 58. Jong Soo Park(Off-field-Non resident ministry)/USA India/2002/Seminary ministry in southern Vadagur 1. Pray that I can go to the mission field as soon as possible. 2. That I may understand God’s direction well. 3. That I may become a good worker before the Lord. 59. Soon-Hee(Jang) & Uhnil/Uhmulrhuh/USA Central Asia, Middle East CA-T(1), CA-K (4), CA-U(1), ME-T(7), ME-Y(1) 1. For the Lord’s genuine love to be introduced to Muslims 2. For creative methods of evangelism to be developed 3. For the power of Holy Spirit which have already given us the victory in the spiritual battle 63. Abraham &Sara Lee(Off-field-Educational Furlough)/HunIl,Ki-Rim/USA CA-T/1992/Leadership development 1. For God’s wisdom with new religious law (Minors under 18 are prohibited from participating in church meetings. This resulted many parents from coming to church also.). 2. For my exam for acupuncture license in Korea and US, for myw ife’s safety and health as she will be alone by herself. 3. For God to use acupuncture to touch many local leaders so that they may reap the fruit of salvation. 4. For our seminarians in MC Seminary to be prepared as ministry partners. India/2003/Northern India region Nepalese ministry 1. For the Holy Spirit filled life of Uhnil and myself. 2. For team unity and God’s love to meet our needs. 3. For God’s anointing on staffs and elders so that they continue to dedicate themselves for maturity and for church growth. 4. For God’s protection on every ministry trips and for health of our children and education. 5.For Autobuy generation(Roru, Rample, Simra) and for computer of Rampulan. 64. Daniel & Anna Shin/Lee-Jung,Lee-Eun/USA 60. Jung-Il & So-Young Park (Off-fieldFurlough)/Juhae,Jumi,John/USA 65. Grace Lim/Korea India/2007/Seminary and church planting 1. For the 1.2 billion of lost sheep in India and for the poor peoples approximately half of India population. 2. For the peoples around the city to live in better circumstances with road pavement, establishment of sewerage system. 3. For many home churches to be planted with independent leading of the people of peace through DTS/CPM training. 4. For development of NJ Elementary School(125 students) and for the evangelism in that area. 5. For the better health after Sabbatical year(7 month) both physically and spiritually and for the blessing of three children’s family. 61. Dong-Soo Choi/Korea India/2009/Mercy ministry, children’s ministry 1. Corruption would be reduced and welfare for the poor would be implemented. 2. Many educational institutes in Greater Noida will provide education to develop creativity. 3. God would protect Tugalpur Slum ministry from the power of the dark. Children from Tugalpur and Sapling would grow in faith and the word of God and have good character. 4. Good health for parents (Father has arrhythmia and high blood pressure, Mom is suffering from leg pain and blood pressure). Nephew and niece who are preparing for college entry exam. 5. More student enrollment of kindergarten. 62. Jihae Choi/Korea Nepal/2010/Orphanage ministry 1. That through children’s nurturing and education in the angel’s home ministry may spread to all parts on Nepal, and that the Lords’ grace may be upon those who commit to the ministry. 2. That the Sunday school and hairdressing volunteering in maranatha church may be handled well. 3. That we may rely on and be obedient to the Lord. 4. That the Lord may open doors and give wisdom to those who are CA-K/2005/Establishing university 1. For the western-friendly democratic government to be established. 2. For the friendship and cooperations from the village residents. 3. Hoping to open school this Fall, please pray: for successful remodeling and university license, for financial and personnel needs to be filled. 4. Valerie and Josh, their daughters, Julia and Ella: health and finance, Leslie: health and future spouse, wisdom/creative thoughts for her doctoral dissertation. CA-K/2006/ Planting churches, seminary, discipleship, and children ministry 1. Political stability and healthy economy of K country. 2. The spread of gospel in all regions of K country and churches will be planted. 3. The operation of missionary college and faculty ministry. 4. The anointing and filling of Holy Spirit. 66. Yisean Song, Mi-Kyung Woo/Juhun, Chaehun, Shihun / Korea CA-K/2005/Reasearch, Church planting 1. Good political leaders who can serve the nation and people will be elected coming presidential election. 2. Christians in Kirkigistan be blessed financially. 3. God’s guidance on church planting. 4. Health of family members and schooling of our children. ]67. Peter Park, Meriam Moon/Korea CA-K/2009/Establishing University 1)For the political and economical stabilities on and after October the 30th of presidential election. 2) For the sufficiency in supply of high octane gasoline fromh te resource supplying country. 3) For the most opportune time of opening of the University. 4) For the quick recovery from Merim’s aftereffect of anticancer. 68. Bokum Ju, Hari Jeon/Samuel,Esther,Joshua/Canada CA-U/2009/Language training 1. For the reformation of country through anti corruption and no dictatorship so that the development of industry and road to welfare country can happen. 2. For the creation of stable new jobs and stable price index can bring positive stimulus to the economy of the whole country. 3. For the opportunity for BAM and Coffee Meals business can be SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … prepared through finding business place and visa extension. 4. For the spiritual maturity of my family with faith and love. 69. Joseph & Jung Jin Kim/Ka-Eun,Hyun-Ah,SooBin/USA ME-T/2003/Interntional Church ministry 1. For government political leader who can open the door for Gospel. 2. For my Turkish sermons with passion and grace. 3. May local women’s conference be filled with grace and strong faith. 4. May God bless summer church visit schedules so that we can ahve more financial supporters for our ministry. 70. Paul & Eunkyung Kim/John,Joel,Joseph/USA ME-T/2006/Church planting, Prayer movement 1.Pray for Un Kim’s complete healing and recovery from Esophagus Dilation Operatoins in UCI medical hospital 2.Pray for the participants to apply the principles what they have learned. 3.Pray for OHANA seminar to learn how to make contacts via English Learning Center 4.Pray for Kingdom Operation (July 1-29) to help 6 regions to plant new churches. 71. David & Rachel Park/Joshua,Josephine,Deborah/USA ME-T/2007/Media ministry 1. Media Presentation for the SEED Unreached Peoples’ Group: Crimea Tatars & Turkish Kurds. 2. May the DVD projects result in many fruits. 3. Safety, wisdom, and knowledge during extensive travels in the coming summer. 4. Financial/Spiritual/Physical health for our two daughters and one son through the summer months apart. 72. Samuel & Hana Kim/ Susan,Steven /USA ME-T/2008/Language training 1. This country not to be Islamized again socially, politically, educationally, and culturally in all aspects of life. 2. Hope for the jobless people who are in poverty and frustration. 3. Positive results for the preparations and attempt of house church planting. 4. All family members be filled with Holy Spirit(Susan, John, Charoltte, Steven, Sammul and Hana). 73. Light Lee, Yurdaer Elay(Off-field-Maternith leave)/ Korea ME-T/ 2010/ Church ministry, media ministry 1. May God bless sister Bushira suffering from hardships so that she does lose her faith. 2. May Holy Spirit be with sisters who is attendingW ednesday women’s prayer and Bible Study meeting. 3. May Light Lee missionary healty and safe delivery on coming October. 4. May my husband can learn Korean well and may God provide supporting churches and partners for the foundation of cultural ministry. 74. JilRi Kim, Saem Choi/Sae-Il,Ki-Bum/Korea ME-T/2010/Professional ministry 1. May God bless Hosanna church and its legal approval as a branch from denomination headquarter. 2. May God save brother, Jedak and his family. 3. May God bless Bible study group called “Truth Spring”. 4. May Sae-il can meet good teachers and friends when he enter missionary kid school in September. 75. Kevin &Grace/Thomas/USA ME-T/2010/Professional ministry 1. For removal of social instability due to the gap between the poor and the rich. 2. For the Korea Cultural Council to be opened on September in A city. 3. For learning more wisely intermediate level of language training. 4. For being a good family in His eyes. 76. Kyun-Min Park, You-Sung Yang/KOREA ME-Y/Missionary candidate 7 1.May God destroy the obstacles of Satan so that people of this country can meet and seek Jesus Christ. 2.May God open the door for evangelism and gospel can be preached to every city. 3.May we draw near to God and listen to His voice to follow His direction. 4.May God provide financial support and prayers from churches and friends and salvation of family members. Europe & Africa Israel (1), Ukraine (2), Russia (3) Tanzania (1), Kenya (2), Cameroon (1), AF-M (2), Uganda (1), Burkina Faso(1) 1. Strategy for establishment of multi-ethnic communities in the hub-cities of Europe 2. For SEED media team base in Europe 3. For doors to be open for the Gospel in rapidly changing North Africa 77. Hyun-Il & Eun-Jung Kim/Gloria/USA Israel/2009/Church ministry, mercy ministry 1. May we trust God’s faithfulness to the end in any circumstances. 2. May God bless Tuesday adult Bible class of Asel Harvest Church and all church members can grow spiritually through Sunday school program. 3. May my special reporter status can be a blessing channel for many by delivering that Jesus Christ is the Messiah. 4. May the healing and comforting of Jesus Christ be upon all suffering disability families in Israel. To accomplish this purpose, Gloria disability foundation will be used. 5. May Joo young can grow and learn advanced Hebrew fluently frmo new semester. 78. Jung-hik & In-Soon Jung/Jonathan,Vanessa/USA Ukraine/1997/Training ministry 1. That we could help the Christians on the farmlands to be faithfully equipped with Scriptures. 2. That we could supply the surrounding areas with farming and leather tanning tools. 3. That God would send a partner in missions to work with youth and children, and that God would use Canaan Center for training and discipleship ministries. 4. That our family would unite and become an example to others. 79. Han-Kyu Jung, Hae-Kyung Kim/JinSan,Sun/USA Ukraine/2003/Church planting 1. For the continuing education of native pastors and deeply concluding the relationship with the Bethany church. 2.For bearing fruits abundantly the farming of Ukrainian Koreans and obtaining the prepared man for the planting church in Obidiopol. 3. For God’s guidance of the Hallelujah church litigation and belief of Hangul school students and preparing the Test of Proficiency in Korean at September. 4. May God bless the military service of Jinsan and the Seon’s study in abroad. 80. Joseph Lee,-Hannah Kim/Euh-Joon/Korea Russia/2003/Church, seminary school planting 1. How to deal with high increase in divorce rate and destruction of family due to high price index and economy difficulty. 2. Spiritual revival of local Chinese church and church growth and revival in Black Dragon City, Heukha City, Haeulbin City, Milsan City, and Gamoksa area. 3. Return of lost souls to Jesus through Bible ministry and related phamplet. 4. Financial needs for ministry auto can be met and spiritual strength. 81. Dosu & jeonghe kim/Roy,John,Gina/USA SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … Russia / 1994 / Church planting, Seminary 1. For the spiritual revival of the church in Russia Pray for the manifestation of the Holy Spirit during worship The Christian population in Russia will increase from 1% to 10%. 2. Pray that God chosen students will come to Mir Seminary. 3. Pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit among the young adults at Yedamwon that there may be revival in the church. 4. Pray for our brother Kostya’s family, that their family issues may be resolved through the Word (they are having divorce issues). 5. Pray that all 3 of our children (Roy, Gina, and John) will be captured by God’s love and live according to their individual callings. 82. Young-Mook & Natasha Lim/Korea Russia/2009/Church planting 1. for the revival of gospel in this country. 2. for getting together with prayer warriors in the mission fiedl. 3. for accompaning by God always. 4. for family to make nation of God to the end. 83. Chang-Geun & Hwa-Kyung Ro/HyunSung,Hyun-Gook/USA Tanzania/1998/Leadership training 1. God would grant harvest time to Rindi village suffering drought and famine in the past 3 years. 2. Rindi Bible College students would meditate and memorize the Word and make good progress in their walk with the Lord. 3. God would grant Hwa-Kyung Samo’s health, overcome her weakness with His passion, love the souls in this land, and serve more joyfully. 4. Rindi Bible College needs would be graciously met. 84. Dong-Hoon Choi, Soon Ja Jang/John,Esther/USA Kenya/1997/Pioneering ministry for the unreached 1. For the Nursery School Building process. 2. For the Dispensary Building process. 3. Pray for Children growing in gospel. 85. Jin-Soo & Mi-Sook Yoon/Joy,Love,Peace/USA Kenya/2010/Church planting, Community development 1. For Kenya may become a country used by the LORD to transform the whole Africa. 2. For Mt. Elgon area that the chains of all kinds of tribalism, superstitious belief, and idol broke away from people completely. 3. May the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ be honored by the construction of Kalemnyang High School in Pokot. 4. For Grace(11yrs), Sarah(9yrs), Joshua(4yrs) for their educational needs and spiritual and physical strength. 86. Choung-Suk Park, Kyung-Hee Oh/Eun-Jin/Korea Cameroon/2007/Establishing educational facilities 1. For peaceful year’s presidential election in October. 2. For missionary medical school and hospital which can serve local residents suffering from all kinds of diseases. 3. For financial support and good laborers for the construction of elementary school facility in the latter part of 2011. 4. For physical strength and safety of family. 87. Kane &Joy Woo/Rachel,Andrew,Rebekah/USA AF-M/2009 / Professional ministry, language and adaptation training 1. Gospel can be preached in Bumaldades of M country which is 100% Muslim. 2. Faithful language training to equip us for the gospel before we enter the land. 3. God would help our children to adjust well and enjoy home schooling in the changing environment. 4. Blessing on our physical health. 88. Stephan &Sarah Kang/Hyun Gyu,Hyun Soo/USA AF-M/2011/Professional ministry 1. That the 35 million people in M would come to understand the grace of Jesus, and also that the church of Christ would come into fruition in that nation. And one day, the family of God can joyfully praise and worship our Father. 2. Pray that through the “Wind of Change” that is currently taking place in the Northern African region, strongholds would be broken and that the 8 name of God would be wonderfully testified to others. 3. That we would joyfully cooperate with God in His mission, and that His plan would come into completion and be fulfilled as He pleases. 4. For a supporting group that would help assist and work together with us so that we can faithfully serve our Lord. Also that we can come to understand the language and culture of the M people to effectively spread the Gospel of Christ. 89. Young-Ja Kim/USA Uganda/2010/Seminary, Establishing churches 1. for me to learn the African English. It is difficult to understand what the students are trying to tell me. 2. for the wisdom from God and for me to be filled with the Holy Spirit when teaching 3. for the relationships among missionaries 4. for me to understand and learn about Africa. 90. Sung Pyo Kim, Hae Kyung Suh/Nam Hyun,Dong Hyun/Korea Burkina Faso/2010/Church ministry, School ministry 1. May God calm many riots rising from Feb to June due to 23 years of long term dictatorship so that the peace be in the country. 2. One church can be built at $8,000. Many new churches are to be built so that many souls can be saved. 3. For the completion of three story pastor retraining center and elementary school facility so that freshman new students can enroll in September. 4. For spiritual and physical strength of all family members and led by Holy Spirit daily. Latin America Mexico (5), Honduras (2), Guatemala (1), Nicaragua (1), Peru (2), Bolivia (1), Argentina (2), Brazil (4) 1. May God use churches in Middle and South America regions to send out missionaries in Islamic area. 2. May Bolivia and Venezuela political leaders among left-wing politics have godly leadership and Words of truth through the power of Cross. 3. May Middle and South America regions missionary retreat be held in Taejon City before or after 2nd SEED missionary conference in June 2012. 4. For the unity, one mind, and the heart of Lord of all missionaries serving Peru. 5. For the fund raising activity of missionary SukJong Hong who plans to build a Herbal University in Bolivia. 91. Dong-Chul &Soon-Mi Lee/Ezra,Sun,Deborah/USA Honduras/2006/Christian school ministry 1. His grace will give the school a good start with faithful, loving, passionate teachers interacting with students. 2. God’s grace will continue the construction of Esperanza church. 3. That a junior-high school may be set up on the hills of Buenos Aires. 4. That a church may be constructed on the hills of Santarita so that children and the local residents may be reached. 92. Segyun Jang, Eun-Kyung Choi/Myung-Kun,YuKun,Hee-Kun,Yu-Jin,Hae-Jin/USA Honduras/2001/Church planting, leader training 1. Faithful focus on “Good Example Life” and “Sharing Bread Ministry”. 2. For the construction of Monkekakua church building within this year. 3. God’s plan can be fulfilled through the unity among team members(Pastor Paz, Pastor’s wife Blanca, Antonio, Yadira, Andres). 4. For the start of 3rd Bible School( 8 students) and Monteverte Bible School. 93. Jeeung Park, Yoo-mi Han/Eunsun,Eungyu/USA Brazil/1994/SEED Brazil President 1. Delivery of spirituality and specialty for youth groups and raising up SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … 9 as Godly people through cultural center “Kum”. 2. Many youths will be evangelized by cultural activity, “Fresch Festival”, in August. 3. May God reveal His plan and pour out grace to short term mission teams during July and August. 4. May God give us peace and bless our joyful ministry. anything. 4. My son adaptation in Argentina. He is questioning why we have to stay in Argentina, but he is much better now. For his friendship and Spanish study. 94. Shin Ahn, Guen-Hyung Kim/Jiwon,Heewon/USA Brazil/2010/Christian Culuture Nicaragua/2005/Education, Medical ministry 1. A grateful perspective that focuses on God’s loving and guiding hand to be evident in ministry. 2. License would be granted for the land for Santa Ellena School. 3. Homeless people would experience the peace that the Spirit brings. 4. Medical ministry would be used to bring love, healing, and the gospel. Center 1. Grasp a new our God, our community, and our culture. 2. Properly learn the language and the culture. 3. Be endowed with wisdom and leadership. 4. Discernment and perseverance. 95. Jang-Ho Kim, Ae-Kyung Kwon/Lucas,Deborah,Rebekah/USA Brazil/2006/Seminary ministry 1. President Dilma and political leaders can govern the people with love and the fear of God . The government does not allow same sex marriage. 2. Brazilian church becomes healthy by the word of God (Pentecostal churches might return to the faith by the Gods’ word apart from the faith of prosperity). 3. We may purchase the land to build my house and for the mission trip to Ami in first week of October with seminary students. 4. Health of Jang and Ae, to have healthy, happy and sacred family for Lucas, to have healthy, happy and sacred family for Rebeca, Blessings upon Pr.Paul (son-in law)and Deborah ministry and family. 96. Youngho Ju, Young-mi Ham / Yeon-Soo, YeonJung, Young-Eun / USA Brazil/2011/Teaching 1. For the decision of the seminary where we will teach, for a plan to visit Brazil in November. 2. For God to send prayer partners so that we may depart to the field in the first part of next year. 3. For our ministry preparation and translation of teaching materials in Portugues and English. 97. Nam-Eun &Sung-Sook Park/USA Peru/2006/Church planting, Leadership trainin, Couples Class 1. Spiritual growth of Peru Protestant churches and raising up spiritual church leaders. 2. Safe construction and financial needs of New Life church faclity in shamanism village, Wasao. 3. May God bless senior pastor, Woogo, of New Life church so that Wasao village can be evangelized by the grace of God. 4. May I serve Him more faithfully with discernment and with pure heart. 98. Dong-Yoon Yoo, Na-Yoon Kim/Jin/Korea Peru / 2009 / Church planting, medical ministry 1. May new government fear the LORD so that government leaders can serve the country with honesty and sincerity. 2. May God provide lunches for kids in the village. 3. May we press on toward the goal to respond to the calling of Christ Jesus. 4. May all our activity in our life be filled with worships . 99. Sung-Yup Kim, Ji-Hyung Choi/Timothy,Anna/USA Argentina / 2006 / Education, seminary ministry 1. Wisdom and power to carry out ministry at church, school, seminary, locals. 2. Children will overcome educational challenges in the suburban areas. 3. Many fruits may be granted to my wifes’ ministry. 100. Steve Kim, Ae Rim Choi/Paul/USA Argentina/2009/Seminary teaching, Mobilization 1. The government of Argentina has too much corruption. Many people in the government are working for their benefit, rather than fo rtheir people. 2. Change of mind. Too much strike and protest in Argentina. 3. Open a branch of SEED in Argentina. I need to find Korean churches willing to join to this effort in Argentina, without them I could not do 101. Jun Gyu, Mi-Kyung Han/Elise,Emily,Joshua/USA 102. Peter & Hae-Myung Yoo/John,Joe,Sohee/USA Mexico/2003/Native children, youth ministry 1. For God’s leading in the life ofA ngela who dedicated her life as missionary. 2. For our supporting churches and supporters. 3. For our need to be met, for us to show faithfulness before the Lord. 4. For God’s leading as we begin our 2nd term. 103. Don Barnabas & Suki Grace Lee/Canada Mexico/2008/Discipleship training, leader training 1. Pray for Mexico; for strong leadership of governors, and for deliverance from suffering drug war. 2. Raising spiritual young leaders through the discipleship training ministry and helping Mexican indigenas in the farming areas of Baja Mexico spiritually and physically. 3. Pray for the work to contact and to connect local leaders in priority, finding colaborers, establishing mission center on education and relationship oriented. 4. Pray for the health for Grace on her heart and for Dons ’first ministry on contacting local leaders . 104. James Cheon & Younghee Na/David,Christine/USA Mexico/2008/Juarez Seminary & supports all the graduates in Mexico 1. May God provide spiritual power to the Mixico to overcome corruption. 2. May God keep Christians in spite of financial bankruptcy. 3. May God bless and prosper seminary students and graudates. 4. May God bless our health and strengthen David & Christine spiritually. 105. Gon & Soonhee Yeo/Sun,Joon/USA Mexico/2007/Missions center, church establishment 1. Leaders of Mexico, who will return to the Lord, need to serve orphan, widow, old people, sick people then they will built facilities and care for them. 2. Churches will cooperate to preach the gospel and to revive the suffering residents from drugs, crimes, sexual immorality, and mammonism in the city of Tijuana, Mexico boarder area. 3. Deeper love for my Lord and living according to the Words. 4. My wife(soon)’s health, my son jun(Richard)’s completion of his study, and won(Charles)’s settle down in the new environment. 106. Pablo & Eunhee Lee/Gabriel,Jonathan,Ethan/USA Mexico/2008/Seminary ministry 1. For the unsettling situation in Juarez, Mexico, and regardless of the disturbances, that All Nations Seminary could continue to do its work. Also, that we may experience God’s working amidst us as in the book ofA cts. 2. For the training of worship leaders that began in January through the Worship School, so that it can affect the churches in Mexico. 3. That God would send 20 more seminary students for the new semester that begins in August 2011. 4. That Gabriel, Jonathan, and Ethan may grow in the Lord, and that we may give our all for All Nations Seminary to become a ministry that is pleasing to God. Also for the mission work of Eunhee No missionary. SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … 10 107. Suk-Jong Hong, Sung-Eun Noh(Off-field-Furlough)/Bu Young, Josue, Bu Hee/USA 112. Jim & Mary Thurber/USA Bolivia/2006/Educational ministry 1. For the strength of our family spiritually and physically. 2. For the active support of the Bolivian Government to establish the Clinic and College of Acuputrue. 3. For the adaption of Josue’s new life in USA. 4. For being covered fully with all the needs of the 2nd term. 5. For a book of missionary Grace that would be written by the fullness of the inspiration of God. North America/2010/Mobilizer, Lecturer 1. Please pray that God, if He permits it, that many will host this clinic and many will be trained to become trainers in evangelism with this clinic. 2. Pray that God will make it clear how I should serve Him. My ministry is in transition. 3. In October I plan to be in India and Bangladesh conducting mission mobilization and Bible doctrine clinics. 108. George H. & Mi Hae Chang/USA 113. Chandler &Debbie Im/Sabrina,Isaiah/USA North Guatemala/2009/Educational ministry 1. May God provide faithful teachers for 2012 school year. 2. May we establish the foundation of raising church leaders through seminary which was built in July, 2011. 3. May we complete the construction of ten classrooms for mission school in 2012. 4. May we plant a Model church in the mission center through prayer. North America, Multiethnic North America (5), Army ministry (2) 1. For SEED to serve our member churches with multi-ethnic ministry vision 2. For Russian speaking community group in NY and Spanish speaking community group in So. Cal. 3. For necessary time and support for North American workers who are involved in multi-ethnic ministries North America /2001/Multi-ethnic ministry (Billy Graham Center) 1. for attending two international conferences in Korea and networking with Korean pastors/leaders who minister to internationals (Oct. 24- Nov. 13, Korea). 2. for planning of the Ethnic America Network’s leaders retreat (Jan. 4-7, Chicago). 3. for editing of the Regnum book on global diaspora and missions, scheduled to be published in late 2012. 113. Taylor &Deborah Kim/Jinah,Joseph/USA North America army pastor/2009 1. For new ministry at the new base. 2. For the health of my father. 3. For my injured ankle. 4. For family seminar, counseling ministry, singles ministries, and finances. 114. Won Bok Hyun, Eun Kyun Lee/Bin,Eun Bin,Gyu Bin/USA North America army pastor/2009 1. For the obedience to the calling as army chaplin and faithful service. 2. For doors of ministries to open in new places ti which God leads. 109. Moon-Kyu Song, Sung-Hae Kwon/Ho Sung,Eun Sung/Korea North America /2008/Multi-ethnic ministry 1. For the spiritual revival in Alaska through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. 2. For the active ministries of our Multinational Mission Ministries. - people’s spiritual growth / true transformation and restoration of people in Christ - land and building. 3. Family members be filled with the Holy Spirit and physical health/ Grace’s work place ministry. 4. For the staff’s dedication and spiritual maturity. 110. Sung-Kwang & Yoon-Ri Kwon/USA North America /2010/Multi-ethnic ministry 1. For the revival of the Gospel of the cross in the United States and for the restoration of hardened hearts by the love of Christ in these last days. 2. For a revival of natives and multinational people who live in Alaska so the Gospel of Jesus Christ will spread throughout all the nations. 3. For only God’s glory be seen and the cross of Jesus to be lifted up through our ministry of homeless, disabled, prison, and outreach. For God’s compassion for the lost souls so they can come back to the Lord through our ministry. 4. For a healthy and blessed delivery of our baby boy (in early June), and a quick recovery of the mother. For God to be glorified through our family. 111. Sharon Cha, Daniel Song /Danny,Joy/USA North America /2007/1.5th, 2nd Generation Mobilizer 1.God will awake, revive young generation to become a spiritual leader for the world. 2. God will bring spiritual revival in USA. Especially church will repent, and focus on saving souls. 3. Joshua project: Alaska mission - 11 youth will go to reach out to American-Indians;we willl be filled with Holy spirit; bear much fruit. We need more spirit filled teachers. we have 20 students playing ugitar. 4. Unity for our family. We will have God’s vision and live for God. Ecuador mission will be blessing. Home Office 1. That with the serving heart of Jesus, we might be able to serve the surrounding churches and missionaries. 2. That we can become people that can faithfully serve the missionaries until they are sent out to the mission field. 3. That the Lord might pour down His wisdom upon us. 115. John & Ana Park/Moses,Sarah/USA SEED Int’l Excutive Director/1990 1. For more frequent Bible reading that I may preach the Gospel with power through deeper understanding of the Gospel. 2. For GBC radio broadcasting ministry that it may serve Korean diaspora churches for a spiritual revival and missionary movement. 3. For new leadership establishment of SEED USA that it may serve Korean - American churches to be missional church. 4. For Ana that the Lord bless her Christian film project. 116. Ike & Helen Rhyu/ Jenny, Hannah / USA SEED Intl General Secretary/1994 1. For spiritual revival in the midst of turmoil in Cd. Juarez, Mexico. 2. For people suffering from famine and instabilities in Africa. 3. For the 2nd SEED Missionary Conference in Korea next year from June 25-29. 4. For the start of Jenny’s graduate study and Hannah’s undergraduate study away from home. 117. Seong-Hen Jeong, Eun-Sook Kim/JooSEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … Won,Seung- Ki/Canada SEED Canada President/1995 1. For becoming a sincere God follower with love and spirituaflu lfillment. 2. For God’s wisdom and sincere co-workers to serve SEED Canada . 3. For Juwan’s college life to become a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ and Sunggi may encounter Jesus deeply. 4. For wife’s full recovery from the duodenum ulcerA SAP. 118. John & Soon-Hee Kim/Miriam,Daniel,Joseph/USA SEED USA VP / Church mobilization/1992 1. Prayer for the House Church in Symperapol UK and the church members. Natalia, Ernes, Yulia, Lynie, Syran and Evlyn who are serving for Crimean Tatar. 2. Pray for the establishment and revival of Russian church in Brooklyn NY and Pastor Oleg and his wife Lily. 3. Pray for me and my wife behalf of full of the Holy Spirit and healthy, and the marriage of two sons, Daniel and Joseph. 119. Kwang-Chul Kim, Jong-Hwa Lee/HaIl,Hayoung,Ha-Jin/USA ICTC Director/1998 1. Missionary candidates can confirm their callings according to God’s will for them at ICTC. Speakers, volunteers, and staff can gladly serve missionary candidates. 2.Please send prepared missionaries to the center so that worships be filled with anointing and prayers. 3.May God comfort my mother with gladness who spend many hours by herself. May God provide the obedience among my family members. 120. Sa-Hyun Nam, Hyun-Jin Lee/Elizabeth,Ian/USA SEEDUSA Home Office Administration/2003 1. For us to walk with Christ who is the only Counselor, for us to live a life of studying His Words. 2. For a sending church and partners who share our vision for reaching the unreached. 3. For the wisdom and staff for the website of SEED International. 4. That our family will grow in knowing Christ and become like Him. 121. Dae-Shik Bang, Hyung-Yup Park/YaeEun,Yae-Na,Yae-Hee/USA SEEDUSA Home Office General Secretary/1997 1. Pray for spiritual revival movement in Central Asia and God may open the door of mission. 2. Pray for being anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit to serve the field leaders in S church and S center. 3. Pray for wisdom and fund from above as how to best fill the eneds of SEED. 122. MooSu & Paula Song/Joseph/USA Missionary/mobilization/2008 1. May God provide supporting churches and prayer supporters for education ministry. 2. May God’s grace and transformation be upon nurturing teenagers(Steve, Joshua, Justin, Hannah, and Daniel). 3. May God bless Joseph’s college study, wisdom, and vision for future. 4. May Multi ethnic worship service and prayer meeting be filled with the anointing of Holy Spirit . 5. May God strengthen Paula missionary spiritually and physically. 11 nation. 3. That the Lord will lead them to the mission field faithfull.y 4. Prayer that there will be more new missionary candidates. 123. Jeeyeong Jang,Sunghee Kim/SaeYoon,Sae Hoon/Canada East Asia/Missionary candidate 1) May God lead our ways to job and seminary. 2) May God guide our study and establishment of Prayer House. 3) May God bless vision, education, and finance of our children. 4) May God always bless our family with thanksgiving and joy. 124. Eun-Hwa Song/Esther,Samuel/USA Studying at Seminary 1. For God’s peace be with our family. 2. For more NK workers to be mobilized through Sarang Church in Southern California. 3. For my theological study and necessary finances. 4. For the faithful spouses for our children. 125. Yongsang Oh,Hyunjoo Bae/Yoobin,Yooan,Yooyun/USA AF-M/Missionary candidate 1. God’s guidance for mission field. 2. God’s grace for the sending church(New York Presbyterian Church). 3. May the new born baby(Yooyun) be a wonderful daughter of God. 126. Won-Shil & Yoon-Shik Kim / Tae Sun, Sun / USA Missionary candidate 1. For God leading in deciding what church to minister in. 2. For Ebenezer Bookstore to find a buye.r 3. For us to be filled with the Spirit and effective ministries. 127. Hannah Lee/Cindy,Samuel/USA East Asia/Missionary candidate 1. For a life of profound communion with God. 2. For God to open the doors of ministries where I am needed. 3. For the finances and ability to pay off our school loans before our departure to mission field. 4. For our children to love God more deeply. 128. Byoung-Jin Kim, Eun-Young Lee/Yechan,Yesom,Lisa /USA Missionary candidate 1) According to the will of God to fulfill a life of serving Chri.st 2) Through the ministry headquarters to complete the vision of missions (on Monday Prayer Leading). 3) God gave children to parents offering to God out entirely. 4) Let our family be able to find the land that Gods ’mind staying. 129. Buhyun & Misun Gang/ Sunghyun, Sungmin/Korea Missionary candidate 1.Workers can be spread among many other cities including Bishikec. 2. Local workers can be filled with the power of Holy Spirit an dof Words. 3. May God bless my wisdom and understanding during my M-Div course. May Holy Spirit be with me during study time and other preparation times. 4. Do not conform to the pattern of this world but to live only by the Gospel. 130. Chun-Suk & So-Youn Jee/Sung Kyu/Canada Missionary Candidate 1. That we will prepare well as Christ’s faithful servants. 2. To truly love the nation that they are going to and to serve that CA-U/Missionary candidate 1. God will lead us into the mission field that He wants us to og. 2. Faithful completion of the mission candidacy training. 3. Daily God will bless my passion for mission. 4. God will provide a ministry opportunity and a spouse for our son who is in the seminary. SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … 12 131. Jong Il Choi/USA Missionary candidate 1. May God provide love for local lost souls as God loved us to the end. 2. May God bless all procedures to leave for mission field, Can ain Africa. 3. May God equip spiritually and bless physical strength. 4. May God bless and start a prayer supporters meeting. 132. Joo Kyu & Bo Hee Lim/David,Sarah,Esther/USA North America/Multi-Ethnic and Jail Ministry 1. I will knock on the doors of three Jails in LA area hoping for beginning of preaching Gospel in Jail as soon as possible. 2. I look forward to meeting American volunteers and ministers in Multiethnic ministry of LA area. 3. My family pray for prevailing of spiritual warfare in LA because LA is our mission field. 4. Everyone in the family seeks for new attitude and lifestyle as a Missionary longing for the Glory of God. 133. Taek H. & Won K Yang/USA Japan/Missionary candidate 1. For the fast recovery of suffering Japan and for the winning of many lost souls. 2.For Japan prayer supporters and financial support net work in the States and outside of the States. 3. For the meeting with coworkers and mission field through Oct - Nov Japan vision trip. 4. For the fulfillment of Great Commission and for the blessing of health and faith. 134. Seung Ho & Tae Cha/Chi Sook,Chang Sik/USA ICTC/Missionary candidate 1. Thanks God for being a missionary with same vision and for serving ICTC for missionary candidates. 2. Financial support and prayers for rebuilding of ICTC. 3. Multiplication of ministry talents by connecting Korean churches in Korea and Diaspora Korean churches in the world. 4. Spouses for our children and God’s direction for them. 135. Debie/USA MA-T/Missionary candidate 1. For the political and economical stability of T country and for opening the door of the Gospel. 2. For the preparation of team ministry in the future. 3. For the departure day for T country which was postponed by supporting issues. 4. For the invitation of senior pastor of New York Presbyterian Church. 7 Prayer requests for the missionaries Day 1 Relationship with God ■ Appreciation for God’s word ■ Sturdy prayer life ■ Holy spirit filled life and mature spirit ■ Progressive overcoming of personal sins Day 2 Physical and Emotional needs ■ Continuous prayer for health amidst the harsh climates and illnesses ■ Safety and strength for those constantly moving during ministry ■ Focused prayer on the sick ministers ■ Prayers to stand up against loneliness and depression Day 3 Family Relationships ■ For the children’s spiritual growth, health, and education ■ That they could be an example to the nonbelievers in the family ■ Prayers to stand up against all temptations that may disturb the family ■ If single, that they may be partnered with a strong spiritual companion or friend Day 4 Ability to Communicate ■ That what we testify with our mouths and lives will be understood by the natives ■ For wisdom and patience while learning the new language ■ Adaptation to the culture as well as language in order to engage in spiritual conversations ■ Ability to evangelize to other cultures also Day 5 Effective Ministry ■ Testimony, visitation, teaching, sermon, counseling, nurturing ministry and the subjects of the ministry ■ Boldness during ministry, open hearts, and to do their best during ministry ■ That many souls can be saved and that the Holy Spirit will pour his power upon us Day 6 Team Relationship ■ The relationship with other missionaries, native Christians, native ministers, and evangelists ■ That the different characteristics of people can be used to help build a stronger ministry ■ Praying for all the companions ■ That we could encourage each other in the midst of our differences Day 7 Country and People Group ■ For the whole nation the missionary is ministering at ■ The political issues, government, VISA, freedom of evangelism and a positive feedback after hearing the gospel ■ Dispatch/joint churches relationships, parents or families left behind, monetary needs Copyright OMF International, 1998. SEED Brazil Rua Lubavitch, 79 Bom Retiro Sao Paulo, Brazil 01123-010 (5511) 3337-1203 SEED International 중보기도 Da’ fruto no tempo certo … 13 seedbrazil2010@gmail.com parkjeeung@gmail.com SEED Korea 425-3 Seocho-Ku, Bangbae2-dong, Seoul, Korea 서울시 서초구 방배2동 425-3 82-2-521-0791 Fax 82-2-522-4394 91kyb@naver.com www.seedkorea.net SEED Canada 12969 Crescent Rd. Surrey, BC, V4P1J8 Canada 604.531.8848 Fax 604.535.1855 (778) 316-3579(Cell) uzjeong@gmail.com SEED USA 621 S. Virgil Ave. #450 Los Angeles, CA 90005 USA (213) 389-7221 Fax 800-272-0896 (626)703-6584(Cell) seedwo@gmail.com www.seedusa.wordpress.com SEED International PO Box 69 Merrifield, VA 22116 USA (703) 996-0717 Fax (703) 996-0740 seedintl@gmail.com www.seedtoday.org Serving Local Churches 교회를 섬깁니다 Equipping Missionaries 선교사를 양성합니다 Evangelizing Nations 선교지에 교회를 세웁니다 Discipling Nationals 현지 지도자를 양성합니다 SEED International 중보기도