STRATEGIC ENROLLMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING FOR USDE TITLE V-FUNDED PROJECT V-COACH, HIALEAH CAMPUS TITLE PAGE Miami Dade College’s key contacts at SEM WORKS are listed below. Dr. Jim Black will be your lead consultant, Pete Lindsey your primary contact, and Maggie Killoran your project manager. SEM WORKS Dr. Jim Black, President/CEO 407 Pebble Ridge Court Greensboro, NC 27455 E-mail: Toll Free: 800/494-3710 Fax: 336/644-7393 Primary Contact Pete Lindsey, Director of Business Development E-mail: Toll Free: 800/494-3710 Direct: 336/339-3571 Fax: 336/644-7393 Project Manager Maggie Killoran E-mail: Direct: 828/894-3092 ext. 288 336/339-3571 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART DESCRIPTION PAGE 1. A. Introduction 4 Staffing and Experience 4 Community College Clients 6 Partial Client List 8 2. B. SEM Best Practices 3. C. Assessment of Campus Enrollment Programs E. Assessment of Campus Retention Programs 10 10 4. D. Strategic Enrollment Planning 13 5. F. Development of Campus Recruitment, Marketing, and Communications Plans G. Development and Deployment of SEM Technology Systems 14 14 6. Table 1 and Schedules (Timeline) 15 7. Appendices 20 336/339-3571 Dr. Black’s Vitae (unbound) SEM WORKS Brochures (unbound) SEM WHITE PAPER (unbound) Endorsement Statements 9 20 3 1. A. INTRODUCTION—STAFFING AND EXPERIENCE The SEM WORKS staff is comprised of twenty-one individuals, primarily current or former practitioners in the field, with over 252 years of experience in higher education and consulting. SEM WORKS has worked with over 300 higher education clients and has extensive experience with community colleges. Recently, over sixty percent of our current and former clients were from community colleges. Also, Dr. Black presented at Miami Dade’s 2007 faculty and staff professional develop conference. Finally, as a testimony to our commitment to community colleges and the students you serve, SEM WORKS hosted the third annual Community College Enrollment Management and Student Marketing Symposium in Cary, North Carolina, with support from the League for Innovation in the Community College and NISOD, a corporate partner of SEM WORKS. Also, last year we offered the Community College Student Success Institute, which was held in Palm Springs, California. Through these annual events, market research we have conducted at numerous two-year institutions, and related publications, SEM WORKS will continue to invest in and support the mission of community colleges. Jim Black, Ph.D., President and CEO Project Responsibilities: Lead Consultant The president and CEO of SEM WORKS, Dr. Jim Black, is the founder of the National Conference on Student Retention in Small Colleges, and cofounder of the National Small College Admissions Conference and the National Small College Enrollment Conference. He formerly served as the director of 336/339-3571 4 1. A. INTRODUCTION—STAFFING AND EXPERIENCE AACRAO’s Strategic Enrollment Management Conference. Dr. Black has published a monograph titled, Navigating Change in the New Millennium: Strategies for Enrollment Leaders, and three books, The Strategic Enrollment Management Revolution, considered to be a groundbreaking publication for the enrollment management profession, Gen Xers Return to College, and Essentials of Enrollment Management: Cases in the Field. Among his other published works are numerous articles and book chapters including a feature article in College & University, “Creating Customer Delight”; a chapter, “Creating a Student-Centered Culture,” for a book on best practices in student services published by SCUP and sponsored by IBM; a chapter on enrollment management in a Jossey-Bass book on student academic services; as well as a bimonthly feature in The Greentree Gazette. Black was honored as the recipient of the 2005 AACRAO Distinguished Service Award. He has been interviewed by publications such as The Chronicle of Higher Education, Converge Magazine, The Enrollment Management Report, The Lawlor Review, and was interviewed for AACRAO’s Data Dispenser. Black also was featured in an international teleconference on enrollment management sponsored by The Center for the Freshman Year Experience at the University of South Carolina, and a PBS broadcast on “Blending High Tech and High Touch Student Services.” Since 1999, Jim Black has been an IBM Best Practices Partner, one of only twenty-three in the world. He was invited by The College Board to Heidelberg, Germany, to evaluate the APIEL Exam and most recently was invited to lead conferences on enrollment management and student services in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. 336/339-3571 5 1. A. INTRODUCTION—STAFFING AND EXPERIENCE Dr. Black has served on the boards of several technology companies and has consulted with companies such as Microsoft, Blackboard, and the SAS Institute. Higher education clients have included two-year, four-year, public, and private institutions. Jim earned a B.A. in English education and an M.A. in higher education administration from the University of South Carolina, as well as a Ph.D. in higher education curriculum and teaching from The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 1. A. INTRODUCTION—SEM WORKS’ COMMUNITY COLLEGE CLIENTS Seminole Community College: enrollment audit St. Petersburg College: enrollment management audit of the system and enrollment management plan Randolph Community College: marketing study, image analysis, marketing/ communications audit Quinsigamond Community College: enrollment audit, recruitment training, and market research North Shore Community College: marketing and branding, market research, enrollment planning retreat, marketing retreat, enrollment projection model Springfield Technical Community College: enrollment audit, marketing, market research, and Web development Capital Community College: enrollment audit, one-stop consulting, customer service training—part of a Title III grant St. Louis Community College: marketing and branding, market research Trident Technical College: admissions and registration audit 336/339-3571 6 1. A. INTRODUCTION—SEM WORKS’ COMMUNITY COLLEGE CLIENTS Community College of Baltimore County: enrollment and student services audits and enrollment planning, market analysis, student recruitment audit Confederation College (Canada): enrollment and marketing audit, enrollment planning, market research, process reengineering, and business analytics Aiken Technical College: enrollment audit, SWOT analysis, market analysis, enrollment planning process Durham College (Canada): enrollment management audit South Carolina Technical College System: student services workshop Truckee Meadows Community College: enrollment plan and customer service training George Brown (Canada): enrollment management audit Northwestern Michigan College: enrollment, student services workshops Trenholm State Technical College: enrollment audit 336/339-3571 7 1. A. INTRODUCTION—PARTIAL CLIENT LIST St. Petersburg College Michigan Community College Association South Carolina Technical Community College System Northwestern Michigan College (2year) Robert Morris College (2-year) Sir Sandford Fleming College (2-year Canada) Quinsigamond Community College Terra Community College Community College of Baltimore Central Carolina Technical College County Randolph Community College Aiken Technical Community College University of Vermont North Shore Community College Ferris State University Southern Piedmont Community South Texas College College Buffalo State College Sierra College Southeast Missouri State University Edison Community College University of Maine at Machias Truckee Meadows Community College Slippery Rock University Capitol Community College University of California at Santa Cruz Lansing Community College Adams State College Seminole Community College Medical University of South Carolina St. Clair Community College Cochise College St. Louis Community College Arkansas State University Trenholm State Technical College University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire Springfield Technical Community Washington Community College College Lexington Community College George Brown College (2-year Canada) System University of Texas at Dallas Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Durham College (2-year Canada) 336/339-3571 8 2. B. SEM BEST PRACTICES We are SEM WORKS, and as our name suggests, strategic enrollment management is what we do best. Our collaborative approach fosters buy-in across campus and educates key constituents regarding best practices in enrollment management. Common enrollment management methodologies employed by SEM WORKS include: strategic plan-aligned; objective-based; student-centered, promise-oriented; market-driven; and net revenue driven. Examples of tools and techniques include strategic enrollment management audits, interviews and focus groups with key constituents, SWOT analyses, affinity diagrams, enrollment management planning, and on-site observations of key enrollment offices. PROJECT PHASES SEM WORKS will approach the project in four phases. Assessment Planning Implementation Evaluation 3. ASSESSMENT C. ASSESSMENT OF CAMPUS ENROLLMENT PROGRAMS E. ASSESSMENT OF CAMPUS RETENTION PROGRAMS 1. Develop a detailed consulting visit agenda for MDC 2. Review of MDC trend data, competitor information, survey data, publications and Web sites, strategic plans, enrollment plans, organizational charts, and related documents 3. Review of related workflow in enrollment and retention offices 4. Audit existing enrollment and retention practices 5. Observations in enrollment offices 336/339-3571 9 3. ASSESSMENT C. ASSESSMENT OF CAMPUS ENROLLMENT PROGRAMS E. ASSESSMENT OF CAMPUS RETENTION PROGRAMS 6. Submit a written enrollment audit report complete with observations, detailed recommendations, and a prioritization of initiatives. Four-day Enrollment Management Audit Dr. Jim Black, your lead consultant, will conduct a four-day enrollment management audit to assess MDC’s enrollment management structure, marketing and recruiting strategies, and retention programs, and SEM software to support the V-Coach Systems Initiative. During the off-site preliminary review, Dr. Black will examine institutional trend data, market research, competitor information, retention data, yield data, survey data, publications and Web sites, strategic plans, enrollment plans, marketing, advertising and recruiting budgets, organizational charts, and satisfaction and service data. This review will inform and direct the four-day audit and student focus groups. Marketing, retention, and recruiting initiatives will be assessed based on their fit with the College’s mission and vision and return on investment (ROI). The relative value of strategies and tactics will be measured by the potential and actual impact each has on increasing the College’s enrollment. SEM WORKS will recommend enhanced allocations of financial and human resources for high-yield low-cost strategies and tactics. Objectives also will be examined and assessed for synergy, duplication, and potential conflicts. This process could result in the reallocation of funds and staff time as well as possible requests for additional financial or human capital. Dr. Black also will assess SEM software vendors and their products and offer recommendations for software procurement in support of the V-Coach Systems Initiative. 336/339-3571 10 3. ASSESSMENT C. ASSESSMENT OF CAMPUS ENROLLMENT PROGRAMS E. ASSESSMENT OF CAMPUS RETENTION PROGRAMS On-site Audit Visit During the four-day audit, Dr. Black will conduct interviews with Dr. Miles, enrollment, financial aid, and retention staff, marketing professionals, Enrollment Management Committee (if appropriate), and faculty to assess existing marketing, recruiting, retention, budgets, and staffing, barriers to new and returning student enrollment and opportunities, market penetration, gap identification, and effectiveness of institutional branding. Three student focus groups will be conducted consisting of: traditional students (1); nontraditional/adult learners (1); and workforce development students (1), all balanced for gender and ethnicity. This informed and collaborative approach will generate strategies for MDC to create an integrated strategic enrollment management plan that includes plans for retention, student recruitment, marketing, and communications that will have broad institutional support. Dr. Black will spend time in the enrollment offices observing daily operations and analyzing workflow to identify opportunities to improve recruiting (inquiry generation, application processing, and conversion strategies, etc.), marketing, retention, and communications strategies (Web marketing, media mix, resource allocation, etc.). Audit Report At the conclusion of the visit, Dr. Black will provide an executive summary of findings and submit a written report for review and feedback in four to five weeks. The final 336/339-3571 11 3. ASSESSMENT C. ASSESSMENT OF CAMPUS ENROLLMENT PROGRAMS E. ASSESSMENT OF CAMPUS RETENTION PROGRAMS report will reflect changes that do not compromise the integrity of the report. Using a combination of the physical evidence described above along with secondary data sources, on-campus interviews, focus groups, and direct observations of existing practices, Dr. Black will utilized a research method known as “triangulation” to validate findings. Any finding supported by all three research techniques will be considered to be valid. A complementary method called “pattern matching” will be used to validate findings that did not appear to be triangulated. Pattern matching describes reoccurring themes that emerge from one or more of these research techniques. The report will include an introduction, college context, strategic opportunities, integrated marketing opportunities, inquiry generation, prospective student cultivation, service delivery, student retention strategies, and antecedents for success, (staffing, resources, organizational structures, leadership support, etc.). Dr. Black also will offer recommendations for software procurement in support of the V-Coach Initiative and evaluative feedback on developed V-Coach systems. Recommendations will be prioritized as MC (mission critical), E (essential), and D (desired). MDC is encouraged to work first on items denoted as “mission critical.” In year two of implementation, address the items listed as “essential,” and in year three, work on items that are identified as “desired.” Based on the off-site preliminary review and four-day audit, Dr. Black will recommend appropriate measures and strategies to evaluate progress and success. The focus will be on activities and strategies that will lead MDC to maximum return on investment (ROI). Recommendations will be prioritized as mission critical (MC), essential (E), and 336/339-3571 12 desirable (D). 4. PLANNING D. STRATEGIC ENROLLMENT PLANNING 7. Kick off the SEM planning process and strategic enrollment management retreat with designated enrollment leaders, retention leaders, marketing staff, and related work teams. 8. Facilitate the creation of an overview of the enrollment context from student focus groups, audit results, and on-going initiatives. 9. Decide on a planning model that takes into account and leverages existing structures and planning processes. 10. Assist in the identification of key performance indicators and other evaluation metrics. 11. Review and prioritize recommendations using small groups for designated areas of interest and large groups for prioritization. 12. Organize high priority items by affinity group (e.g., recruitment, marketing, retention, academics, enrollment, research). 13. Identify work teams organized around high priority items. 14. Submit brief reports to the V-Coach Project Director outlining progress to date, recommended midcourse adjustments, and related implementation strategies. 15. Conduct a formative evaluation of the planning process, related deliverables, and the early stages of implementation. 336/339-3571 13 5. IMPLEMENTATION F. DEVELOPMENT OF CAMPUS RECRUITING, MARKETING, AND COMMUNICATIONS PLANS G. DEVELOPMENT AND DEPLOYMENT OF SEM TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS 16. Provide ongoing feedback and coaching. 17. Based on the audit findings and recommendations and Dr. Black’s research, facilitate the development and deployment of SEM Technology Systems. 18. Dr. Black will submit a final comprehensive SEM Plan that will include marketing/communications and retention plans. The SEM plan will include an introduction, enrollment vision, environmental scan, market position, guidelines for SEM planning, internal EM planning campaign, and easy-to-read tables that include strategic opportunities, related strategies, antecedents for success, lead unit/ individual, target audience, action items, start time, objective, effectiveness measure, and objective outcome. 19. Conduct a summative evaluation of the execution of the plan and the degree to which objectives have been met. 20. Submit a written report describing the findings and related recommendations for improvement and sustainability. 336/339-3571 14 6. TABLE 1 AND SCHEDULES (TIMELINE) PROJECT TIMELINE The following chart outlines a suggested work plan and schedule with an estimated start date in the first week of June 2008. This schedule may be modified by mutual agreement between SEM WORKS and MDC. Activity Timeline Methodology Develop a planning June, week 1, team and detailed 2008 consulting visit agenda for MDC Dr. Black will work in collaboration with the VCoach Project Director to agree on a schedule, composition of an Enrollment Management Planning Committee (EMPC) and MDC will be responsible for making related arrangements. Conduct off-site review in preparation of audit June, week 1 Dr. Black will review institutional trend data, competitor information, survey data, publications and Web sites, strategic plans, enrollment plans, organizational charts, retention plans, and related documents. Review of related workflow in enrollment and retention offices June, week 1 Staff in enrollment offices will be asked to provide process maps that outline workflow and will be discussed during the interviews with staff. Four-day enrollment management audit of enrollment and retention practices, and assessment of the V-Coach Systems Initiative ($16,000) June, week 2 Student focus groups and interviews of faculty and staff will assess existing practices and barriers to enrollment, retention and student services, and the VCoach Systems Initiative. College offices included will be from the functional areas of the president, recruitment, marketing, financial aid, enrollment management, retention, counseling and advising, etc. Observations in enrollment offices June, week 2 Dr. Black will spend time in each functional area observing daily operations to identify barriers and improvement opportunities. On-site report June, week 2 An executive briefing of preliminary findings will be provided on-site at the conclusion of the four-day audit and recommendations that require immediate action in order to impact next semester’s enrollment outcomes will be identified. 336/339-3571 15 6. TABLE 1 AND SCHEDULES (TIMELINE) PROJECT TIMELINE Activity Timeline Methodology Submission of a written audit report ($2,500) Approximately one month after the initial visit Kick off the SEM planning process and strategic enrollment management planning retreat (three 2-day visits, $24,000) July August September Dr. Black will provide a preliminary draft for review and comment, and the final draft will incorporate suggested changes that do not compromise the integrity of the report. The report will be complete with observations, detailed recommendations, and a prioritization of initiatives to impact enrollment and retention, evaluative feedback on the V-Coach systems, and recommended SEM software vendors to support the V-Coach Systems Initiative. Dr. Black will kick off the planning process with a SEM planning retreat that will include designated enrollment and retention leaders, marketing staff, and related work teams. The focus will be on issues that may derail or impede implementation of the SEM plan. Facilitate the creation of an overview of the enrollment context July August September As part of the SEM planning retreat, Dr. Black will facilitate the development of MDC’s enrollment context from audit results and on-going initiatives. Decide on a planning model July August September As part of the SEM planning retreat, Dr. Black will facilitate a decision on a planning model that takes into account and leverages existing structures and planning processes. Assist in development of effectiveness measures July August September As part of the SEM planning retreat, Dr. Black will assist in the identification of key performance indicators and evaluative metrics related to strategic opportunities. Review and prioritize recommendations July August September Recommendations will be prioritized using small groups for designated areas of interest and large groups for prioritization. Organize high priority items July August September High priority items will be organized by affinity group (e.g., recruitment, marketing, retention, academics, enrollment, research). Implementation facilitation (two 2-day visits, $16,000) October Work teams will be organized around high priority items. 336/339-3571 16 6. TABLE 1 AND SCHEDULES (TIMELINE) PROJECT TIMELINE Activity Timeline Methodology Submit brief reports to the V-Coach Project Director Ongoing Conduct a formative evaluation of the planning process, related deliverables, and the early stages of implementation (one 2-day visit, $8,000) October Submit brief quarterly and annual reports to the VCoach Project Director Ongoing Dr. Black will provide a preliminary draft for review and comment, and the final draft will incorporate suggested changes that do not compromise the integrity of the report. Review and comment on the final plan Upon completion of the final plan Provide ongoing feedback and coaching ($12,000) Ongoing for one year (September 2009) Phone, e-mail, fax, mail exchange will take place between Dr. Black and the V-Coach Project Director Unlimited phone, e-mail, fax, mail exchange with Dr. Black and the V-Coach Project Director. 336/339-3571 Reports will outline progress to date, recommend midcourse adjustments, and related implementation strategies. Using Stake’s Countenance Model, Dr. Black will compare intended objectives with observations on three levels: (1) implementation antecedents, (2) transactions or execution, and (3) outcomes. 17 6. TABLE 1 AND SCHEDULES (TIMELINE) PROJECT TIMELINE Activity Timeline Submit a final SEM plan ($6,000) One month after final visit Conduct a summative evaluation of the execution of the plan and the degree to which objectives have been met (one 1-day visit, $4,000) The final visit will occur within six months of the completion of the strategic enrollment plan Submit a written report describing the findings and related recommendations Approximately one month after the visit 336/339-3571 Methodology Dr. Black will submit a final comprehensive SEM Plan that will include marketing/communications and retention plans. Plans will be presented in easy-toread tables that include strategic opportunities, related strategies, antecedents for success, lead unit/individual, target audience, action items, start time, objective, effectiveness measure, and status of objectives. Using Stake’s Countenance Model, Dr. Black will compare intended objectives with observations on three levels: (1) implementation antecedents (2) transactions or execution (3) outcomes. Dr. Black will provide a preliminary draft for review and comment, and the final draft will incorporate suggested changes that do not compromise the integrity of the report. 18 6. TABLE 1 AND SCHEDULES (TIMELINE) PROJECT TIMELINE # ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 5.6. Conduct SEM review to assess current status of campus enrollment programs and make recommendations to align efforts to achieve enrollment outcomes. Perform strategic enrollment planning by supplying templates for organizing enrollment goals to facilitate campus-wide dialog to develop a comprehensive set of enrollment goals with institutional consensus. Conduct an analysis of current campus retention efforts; identification of areas of greatest need; and assistance in developing a retention plan for long-term success. Supply strategies, tools, and techniques to project staff for the development of campus recruitment, marketing, and communications plans. Assist the campus in implementing automated SEM systems by: Introducing SEM principles to project staff through consultation sessions and workshops, Analyzing and improving targeted outcomes for systems implementation, Conducting high-level review of campus business practices, offering recommendations for revisions to align practices more effectively with the new strategic enrollment management systems, Advising the project staff in the organization and prioritization of implementation steps, Assess SEM software vendors and their products, offering recommendations for software procurement in support of the VCoach Systems Initiative, and Offer evaluative feedback on developed VCoach systems. 336/339-3571 EST. HRS. 18.52 (Four-day audit & report/3) 72.07 (3 two-day visits) PRICE PER HR. $333/hr. TOTAL COST $6,166.68 $333/hr. $24,000 18.52 $333/hr. (Four-day audit & report/3) 18.52 $333/hr. (Four-day audit & report) 138.14 $333/hr. (Seven days of site visits, written SEM plan, and 12 months of remote consulting assistance) $6,166.68 $6,166.68 $46,000 19 7. APPENDICES Dr. Black’s curriculum vitae, list of publications, writing sample, and SEM WORKS brochure are included unbound. ENDORSEMENT STATEMENTS University of West Florida Deborah L. Ford Vice President for Student Affairs 1100 University Parkway Pensacola, FL 32514 850/474-2214 or “Jim Black and SEM WORKS have supplied our institution with a thorough review of the challenges and opportunities related to improving recruitment, retention, and service for our students. He and his staff took the time needed to get to know us and then offered their insights and ideas about how to make enrollment management work for us. I highly recommend Jim, and I know he provides sound advice from an educator's point of view.” Deborah L. Ford, Vice President for Student Affairs 336/339-3571 20 7. APPENDICES— ENDORSEMENT STATEMENTS Community College of Baltimore County Maryland, 2006–2007 Sandra Kurtinitis, Ph.D., President 7201 Rossville Blvd. Baltimore, MD 21237 416/918-4015 or SEM WORKS conducted audits for the areas of enrollment management and student services. Following these audits, SEM WORKS will facilitate the development of a comprehensive enrollment plan, the creation of a back office processing center, and onestop student services at each of CCBC’s three campuses and two extension centers. “We have been very pleased with the work of Dr. Jim Black and the SEM WORKS team. It was clear from the start that Jim had thoroughly prepared for the enrollment management and student services audits before he stepped foot on our campus. This preparation and his analytical and approachable manner during the audits enabled him to understand our culture, identify our critical issues, and move to smart strategic recommendations. Jim clearly understands the complexities of a multicampus community college system. We look forward to an integrated enrollment management plan that will improve our student services and grow our enrollment.” Sandra Kurtinitis, Ph.D., President 336/339-3571 21 7. APPENDICES— ENDORSEMENT STATEMENTS St. Petersburg College, 2007 Doug Duncan, Director of Human Resources P.O. Box 13489 St. Petersburg, FL 33733-3489 727/341-3246 or SEM WORKS conducted a four-day enrollment management audit of St. Petersburg College’s ten campuses and centers. The audit included such functional areas as recruitment, marketing, enrollment management, retention, counseling, and advising, as well as career planning and placement. The comprehensive audit served as the basis for the development of an integrated strategic enrollment plan for all campuses and centers. “We are grateful for Dr. Black's work in helping St. Petersburg College consolidate and streamline the way in which we recruit, retain, and enroll students. He clearly understands the issues faced by colleges as they evolve from a single entity into complex, multicampus institutions with diverse programs and methods of delivery. Jim's knowledge and expertise are evident through his insightful and collaborative approach to information gathering and problem solving." Doug Duncan, Director of Human Resources 336/339-3571 22 7. APPENDICES— ENDORSEMENT STATEMENTS St. Louis Community College, 2005 Pat Crowe, Director of Communications 300 South Broadway St. Louis, MO 63102-2810 314/539-5141 or SEM WORKS consulted with the four college campuses of St. Louis Community College and conducted a comprehensive audit of existing communications and branding practices including the College’s recruitment publications/Web site, logos and marks, promotional materials, standards and graphics, etc.; analyzed existing market research; administered a competitor analysis; developed a brand identity and marketing strategies; completed Web site development; created strategies for Internet Marketing; and developed collaterals, print, broadcast, and Out-of-Home Advertising. SEM WORKS established a detailed consulting agenda consulted with the college to include: a comprehensive audit of communications and branding practices; brand identity and marketing plan; Web site development; Internet marketing; collateral development; and print and broadcast out-of-home advertising. "We have been impressed with the branding and marketing consulting work that SEM WORKS has done for St. Louis Community College. Dr. Black and the SEM WORKS team have carefully explored and assessed our culture and image. Dr. Black is highly skilled at analyzing complex issues and providing smart, realistic, and creative solutions. Thanks to SEM WORKS we are building a powerful brand through a focused strategic marketing plan that will enhance our market position and sustain us for many years to come." Pat Crowe, Director of Communications 336/339-3571 23 7. APPENDICES— ENDORSEMENT STATEMENTS Springfield Technical Community College, 2005–2006, eighteen months Dr. Patrick E. Tigue, Vice President of Enrollment Management One Armory Square, P.O. Box 9000, Suite 1 Springfield, MA 01102-9000 413/755-4402 or SEM WORKS performed an Enrollment Audit, conducted market research, developed a marketing plan and branding strategy, redesigned the College’s Web site, hosted an enrollment management retreat, and presented a customer service workshop. "We have been delighted with the careful and insightful work that Dr. Black and SEM WORKS have done for Springfield Technical Community College. The enrollment audit was comprehensive and the report was detailed, focused, and very easy to read. Also, as we work with Dr. Black on our marketing plan, it is clear that he is an attentive listener who demonstrates a deep understanding of our issues and the unique culture of community colleges." Dr. Patrick E. Tigue, Vice President of Enrollment Management 336/339-3571 24 7. APPENDICES— ENDORSEMENT STATEMENTS Quinsigamond Community College, 2005–2006, one year Steve Sullivan, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services 670 W. Boylston Street Worcester, Massachusetts 01606-2092 or 508/853-2300 SEM WORKS provided the following consulting services for Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester, Massachusetts: an audit of data collection, analysis, and tracking procedures; prioritization of recommendations for improving existing communication, marketing, and recruitment plans; clarification of QCC’s message and mission as they relate to the enrollment process and outcomes; an instrument and a process for collecting, analyzing, and incorporating customer service feedback into continuous improvement of enrollment processes; an assessment of Admissions Office staffing needs based on national staffing patterns, the scope of the operation, and the objectives of the institution; an analysis of the existing and potential student markets using institutional data as well as external data regarding demographic, economic, and job trends; an image study specific to the institution’s influence of student enrollment decisions on the local community; a competitor analysis of the top five competitors for students; a branding strategy with a clearly defined brand identity and detailed action plan; a market demand analysis for instructional programs; Web site development; and recommendations regarding the optimal use of portal and e-mail technology to support and enhance enrollment management practices. 336/339-3571 25 7. APPENDICES— ENDORSEMENT STATEMENTS “Jim was sensitive to the culture of our school and in recognizing our uniqueness, which was taken into account when dealing with the issues at hand. Due to this, we were given a terrific report with appropriate objectives tailored to our institution. No cookie cutter analysis and solutions from SEM WORKS! Most important of all, our spring headcount is up 7% from last year and 4% compared to the previous spring. Our fall comparison numbers for new student inquiries, apps., and accepts are literally up in the 20% area from a year ago. We are delighted!” Steve Sullivan, Vice President for Enrollment and Student Services Enrollment Success: Enrollment increased 2% from fall 2005 to fall 2006, and 7% from spring 2006 to spring 2007. The fall 2007 headcount and credits are the highest in the college’s history. Compared to last fall, the headcount is up 10.55% and credits are up 11.20%. 336/339-3571 26 7. APPENDICES— ENDORSEMENT STATEMENTS Salem College Krispin Barr Dean of Students Winston-Salem, NC 27108-0548 Phone: 336/721-2627 E-mail: SEM WORKS conducted a comprehensive retention audit that included a review of existing practices and retention trend data. Opportunities for improvement as well as gaps in retention strategies were identified in areas such as academic advising, the first-year experience, support services, and the Salem Signature. “Dr. Black’s extensive experience in enrollment management and his understanding of how things work inside the Academy enabled him to identify retention issues at Salem College that we did not see and provide a review and implementation process that was exceptional. He helped us focus our valuable time and energy on customized retention solutions where we could have the greatest impact and see positive results right away. We learned how to work smarter, not harder, which has been a tremendous gift given our limited staff and resources.” Krispin Barr, Dean of Students 336/339-3571 27