UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices APPENDICES - CONTENTS Appendix I Minister’s Letter of Agreement Appendix II Position Descriptions Music Director, RE Administrator Appendix III Endowment Proclamation Appendix IV Construction Bid Process Appendix V Staffing Manual Appendix VI Rental Agreement Appendix VII UCF Organizational Chart Appendix VIII UCF Official Documents 1 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices APPENDIX I Letter of Agreement Between Reverend Sally White and the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship June 2013 INTENTION The intention of this Agreement is to set forth the responsibilities and obligations of the Minister to the Congregation and of the Congregation to the Minister as we seek to dwell together in peace, to seek the truth in love, and to serve one another and the larger community. It is recognized that no matter how carefully this Agreement is written and observed, the relationship between the Congregation and the Minister must be grounded in open communication, mutual trust, good faith, and open and fair process on both sides. 2. EXPECTATIONS 2.1. Shared Leadership 2.1.1. The Minister and the Congregation share responsibility for the leadership and ministry of the Congregation. Achievement and maintenance of this collaborative relationship must likewise be shared. It is a relationship of discovery, of both self and other, in a context of mutuality. 2.1.2. The Congregation looks to its Minister for spiritual leadership and initiative, for assistance in setting and articulating its vision, and for professional and inspired performance and oversight of the Congregation's programs in collaboration with the Board of Trustees and the Congregation's committees. 2.2. Pulpit and Worship Services 2.2.1. It is a basic premise of this Congregation that the pulpit is free and untrammeled. The Minister is expected to express her values, views, and commitments without fear or favor. 2.2.2. The Minister will be free of Sunday service responsibilities once per month. The Minister will be responsible for all worship services, including seasonal celebrations and rites of passage, such as weddings, child dedications, and funerals and memorial services except those for which the Worship Committee assumes responsibility. 2.3. Services to Persons 2.3.1. The Minister will serve members in their needs for pastoral care, including crisis intervention and visitation of the homebound, sick, dying, and bereaved, both directly and in 2 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices conjunction with the Congregation's own pastoral care team. The Minister will maintain awareness of her own limitations, and will refer members for professional counseling and other specialized services as appropriate. 2.3.2. The Minister will provide ceremonial services and counsel to members of the Congregation without fee or honorarium. When such services are provided to non-members, such fee or honorarium may be set by and is the property of the Minister. 2.4. Services to the Board and Committees 2.4.1. The Minister will be an ex officio member without vote of the Board of Trustees. The Minister will report to the Board at its regular meeting, bringing to its attention specific concerns as they arise. 2.4.2. The Minister will be an ex officio member without vote of all committees and task forces except the Nominating and Ministerial Search Committees and the Committee on Ministry, and will attend meetings of the Committee on Ministry except during executive session. The Minister will confer at least annually with each committee on how best to assist it. Attendance by the Minister at most committee meetings is welcome but not expected. 2.5. Community Activities The Minister is encouraged to act in the community beyond the Congregation on behalf of liberal religious values, and to inform the congregation of such action through periodic reports. When the Minister speaks in public, the Minister must clearly indicate that such speech is not on behalf of the Congregation unless the Congregation has otherwise authorized. 2.6. Office Hours and Days Off 2.6.1 The Minister will maintain regular and posted daytime or evening office other times available by appointment. hours, with 2.6.2. The Minister will maintain one day per week free of all Congregation responsibilities and one additional day devoted to study and writing wherein the Minister shall be available only for emergencies. 2.7. Committee on Ministry 2.7.1. A Committee on Ministry will monitor and nurture the health of the shared ministry of the Congregation. 2.7.2. The Committee on Ministry with staggered terms will be appointed by the Board from a slate jointly decided upon by the Minister and the Board. 2.8. Evaluation of the Minister An assessment of the work of the Minister will be conducted by the Committee on Ministry as 3 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices part of a periodic review and renewal of the leadership and ministry of the Congregation. 2.9. Minister's and Congregation's Conduct The conduct of the Minister and the Congregation will be in accordance with the Code of Professional Practice and Guidelines for the Conduct of Ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association. 3. COMPENSATION, PROFESSIONAL EXPENSES, AND BENEFITS 3.1. Total Cost of Ministry The Congregation will provide a Total Cost of Ministry in an amount to be approved by the Congregation at the Annual Meeting, by their approval of the Annual Budget. This amount is to be allocated by the Minister, in consultation with the Treasurer to the categories shown in Sections 3.1.1 – 3.1.5. Funds not expended within one category may be allocated to others by mutual agreement between the Minister and the Treasurer. The Minister must elect pension, health, and disability insurance coverage or provide the Board with adequate rationale for not doing so. 3.1.1. Salary 3.1.2. Clergy Housing Allowance, the amount to be designated in consultation with the minister. 3.1.3. Professional Expenses: Payable promptly on voucher submitted by the Minister in accordance with an Accountable Reimbursement Plan developed jointly by the Minister and Treasurer. Appropriate expenses for reimbursement include, but are not limited to, travel, automobile mileage, lodging, meals, incidentals, conference registration, entertainment, pulpit gowns, books, periodicals, dues, office equipment such as computers, and continuing education events. It shall be the practice of the Congregation to reimburse such expenses at the maximum rate allowed by the tax laws. 3.1.4. Pension contributions made by due date to the Unitarian Universalist Organizations Retirement Plan and/or other appropriate pension plan, of at least ten percent of total Salary and Housing. 3.1.5. Insurance, including the group term life and long-term disability insurance plans of the Unitarian Universalist Association (or their equivalent) and health insurance available locally, premiums paid by due dates. 3.1.6. The Congregation's Treasury will make all payments for pension contributions and insurance premiums by their respective due dates. 3.2. Annual Review of Compensation 3.2.1. The Board of Trustees will review the Minister's compensation annually in consultation with the Committee on Ministry and the Finance Committee, and will recommend adjustments to the Congregation, taking into consideration such factors as merit in meeting or exceeding expectations, increases in the cost of living, changes in the cost of benefits, and the financial 4 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices means of the Congregation. 3.2.2. The Congregation shall consider such recommendations as a part of the normal budgeting process, and shall act upon them at the annual congregational meeting held for this purpose. 3.3. Annual Leave 3.3.1. The Minister will be relieved of all responsibilities and may be absent from the area for a total of eight weeks per year. 3.3.2. Four of these weeks will be taken as vacation. During vacation, should an emergency arise requiring the Minister's return, all costs of such return will be borne by the Congregation. 3.3.3. Four of these weeks will be taken as study leave. During study leave, should an emergency arise requiring the Minister's return, all costs of such return will be borne by the Congregation. 3.3.4. Attendance at UUA, UUMA, or district events is a professional obligation, not leave. 3.3.5. With the specific approval of the Board of Trustees, the Minister may be relieved of all responsibilities and absent from the area for up to four Sundays annually, inclusive of General Assembly, for participation in UUMA chapter, Southeast District, and Unitarian Universalist Association functions and continuing education. 3.4. Sick and Family Leave 3.4.1. The Congregation will continue full compensation to the Minister during disability due to illness or accident for up to 90 days or until long-term disability insurance benefits begin, whichever comes first. 3.4.2. The Minister will accrue sick leave at the rate of one day per month. 3.4.3. The Congregation will continue compensation to the Minister for up to four weeks per occurrence during the illness, disability, or death of an immediate family member (child or spouse), or during pregnancy, birth, or adoption of a child. Further unpaid leave time may be negotiated as needed. 3.5. Sabbatical Leave 3.5.1. The Minister shall use sabbatical leave for study, education, writing, meditation, and other forms of professional and religious growth. Sabbatical leave accrues at the rate of one month per year of service, with leave to be taken after four but before seven years of service. No more than six months of sabbatical leave may be used within any twelve-month period. The dates of the sabbatical plan must be approved by the Board of Trustees at least one year in advance. The second period of accrual began with August, 2008, with one month remaining from the 2003-2008 period. 5 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices 3.5.2. The Congregation will continue full salary, housing allowance, and benefits during sabbatical leave. Professional expenses may be adjusted. 3.5.3. Every fiscal year, the Congregation will consider, at the recommendation of the Finance Committee, sequestering funds for use in funding the Congregation's additional expenses during the Minister's sabbatical. This sabbatical fund is the property of the Congregation. 3. 5. 4. In the event of the Minister's resignation, termination, or retirement, unused sabbatical leave is not compensable. 3.5.5. The Minister agrees not to resign from full-time service to the Congregation for a minimum of one year following the end of each sabbatical leave. 3.5.6. The Congregation agrees to take no action on ministerial tenure during a sabbatical leave. 4. TERMINATION 4.1. The Minister shall provide the Congregation with at least ninety days' notice of intent to resign or retire. The Congregation shall provide the Minister with at least ninety days' notice of intent to dismiss. This agreement will also terminate with the long-term disability or death of the Minister. 4.2. A decision to dismiss the Minister shall be in accordance with our bylaws. 4.3. At termination, accrued vacation will be compensated in the financial equivalent. Accrued study leave is not compensable. 4.4. In the event of dismissal, salary, housing allowance, and benefits will continue up to three months from the date of dismissal, or until the Minister has begun service in another position, if sooner. 4.5 The Minister may be dismissed with less than ninety days' notice, and without the severance payments described in Section 4.4 of this Agreement, if the Minister 4.6.1. is convicted of a felony 4.6.2. has his/her ministerial fellowship with the UUA terminated or suspended 4.6.3. is found by the Board of Trustees of the Congregation to have engaged in physically or sexually abusive acts toward a member of the Congregation, a Congregation employee, or a child, or 4.6.4. is found by the Board of Trustees of the Congregation to have grossly neglected his/her ministerial responsibilities under this agreement and/or to have engaged in activities that bring the Congregation and/or Unitarian Universalism into disrepute in the community. 6 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices 5. AMENDMENT 5.1. The terms of this Agreement may be changed by mutual consent of the Minister and the Board of Trustees, except that increases in Total Cost of Ministry, and changes in sabbatical and termination provisions require the approval of the Congregation in accordance with our bylaws. 5.2. This Agreement will be reviewed at least every three years as initiated by the Committee on Ministry. 5.3. This Agreement is subject to the laws of the State of North Carolina and the bylaws of the congregation. It has been drawn, offered, and accepted in the spirit of the Principles and Purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association. This Agreement represents a revision of the Agreement effective August 1, 2003 between the Reverend Sally B. White and the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship. For the Congregation: _______________________________, President and __________________________________________Secretary Date accepted __________________________________ By : ______________________________________________ Minister 7 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices Appendix II Position Description Descriptions Music Director This is a part-time, non-exempt professional position reporting to the Staffing Committee. Qualifications: Strong music background, including experience in Choral Conducting. Training and ongoing professional activities, including Unitarian-Universalist musical traditions. Responsibilities: Worship: Choir: Collaborate with the minister, Worship Committee and other service leaders in selection of music for services. Arrange for alternative musicians for services as needed. Support the development of congregational singing. Encourage adults to participate in the choir and related activities. Conduct choir rehearsals and lead the choir in Sunday services. Develop a children’s choir when the time is appropriate. Cultivate a new musician to assist with the music program. Professional: Work to develop musical activities that reach into the community. Maintain relationships with music colleagues in other churches and the wider denomination through participation in professional networks and workshops. Purchase music as appropriate for services and maintain a music library for UCF. Keep a record of expenses within the scope of our annual budget and account for expenditures to the Treasurer. Religious Education Administrator The Religious Education Administrator (REA) with the direction of the Minister and Religious Education ( RE) committee, is responsible for administrative support of the RE programs at UCF. This is a salaried, not an hourly position. The position pays $4,900.00, approx. 8 – 10 hours weekly, 43 or 44 weeks per year. The position also provides one week paid training. The REA is supervised by the minister. This document should be considered as merely a guide for the REA. Future REAs may find that the vision of the RE program has shifted. The REA may feel the need to morph the duties and 8 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices responsibilities of the position. The position should be considered to be fluid. Changes and creativity are welcome under the direction of the minister and the RE committee. The duties currently include: Communication- communication is crucial for the RE program and therefore should be a priority for the REA. The goal being that the activities of RE program will be communicated widely and effectively; thus encouraging greater participation in the programs. Some suggestions for Communication are as follows: Weekly emails to parents about up-coming RE programs. 1. Weekly emails for Order of Service containing the program description for the week and the RE volunteers. 2. Monthly written report to the leadership council 3. Monthly report for the newsletter 4. Weekly and monthly reports to be filed in the RE Education Journal 5. Maintaining RE bulletin board 6. Gathering feed-back from the volunteer teachers and the children about how they liked the programs and how everything went. 7. Welcoming, communicating and following up with families(especially visitors) Programs Implementing the RE programs (The REA is not solely responsible for these tasks but may be asked to assist in these areas) 1. recruiting volunteers from the congregation and the public to create and teach RE programs 2. Gathering materials and assisting the volunteers when needed. 3. Consulting with the minister, the RE students, and the RE committee to create exciting programs Meetings—Meetings can be considered a spoke in the wheel of communication for the REA. The REA will gain valuable insight into the workings of the church by attending meetings. 1. RE meetings –required—The REA (until such time as there is a RE committee chair) may be responsible for calling this meeting, recording the minutes and posting the minutes to the programs bulletin board. The minutes are also recorded in the UCF computer via email. 2. Represent the RE program at Leadership Council—required as staff— this meeting will inform the REA about the activities of the other committees. Hint—always read the minutes and try to keep up with the worship committee. The information from the Leadership council could lead to collaboration between committees and cross- pollination of ideas. Organizational and administrative—creating and maintaining an institutional memory for the RE program-- Theses tasks help the RE collective to avoid re-implementing programs that have failed in the past and to revisit programs that have been successful. Also these records provide the church leaders with information they may need to make informed decisions about space, budgeting, etc. 9 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices 1. Maintain attendance records 2. Maintain student RE registration forms 3. Maintain and post a teaching schedule 4. Maintain RE materials (curriculums and story books) as a RE library 5. Maintain the RE Journal 10 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices Appendix III Endowment Fund Proclamation (Passed By Congregation 10/3/2011) A. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, we, the members of the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship, whose address is 1300 Evans Street, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557, affirm the worth and dignity of our congregation and the work of our Fellowship; and pledge to support the work of this congregation through Stewardship of bequests in wills, charitable remainder and other trusts, charitable gift annuities, assignments of life insurance, special gifts and transfers of property (cash, stocks, bonds, real estate); and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the congregation to encourage, receive and administer these gifts in a manner consistent with the loyalty and devotion expressed by the grantors and in accord with the policies of this congregation; and WHEREAS, it is our desire to preserve, protect, and foster the presence of our Fellowship in perpetuity, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship, in meeting assembled on January 30, 2000, approve and establish on the records of this congregation a new and separate fund to be known as THE UNITARIAN COASTAL FELLOWSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND, hereinafter called the "FUND"; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the purpose of this FUND is to enhance the long-term presence of our Fellowship within our community and to increase its stature and mission apart from the general operation of the Fellowship. To this end, restrictions on the use of principal and income are incorporated into Part B2 of this Resolution; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Endowment Fund Committee (hereinafter called the "COMMITTEE") shall be the custodian and administrators of the FUND, and shall operate, 11 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices administrate and manage the FUND in accordance with the Plan of Operation as set forth in Item B of this Resolution. B. PLAN OF OPERATION 1. The Committee The COMMITTEE shall consist of five (5) members, all of whom shall be voting members or friends of the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship and shall meet monthly. One of the COMMITTEE members shall be a UCF Treasurer who is elected by the UCF congregation and who has the sole responsibility for moving monies within UCF’s accounts and Funds. The other four members of the COMMITTEE shall be volunteers. In the event UCF members do not volunteer to serve on the COMMITTEE, the Board will seek and appoint duly qualified people to serve on the COMMITTEE. COMMITTEE members may serve as many years as they wish and will elect annually a Chairperson who shall preside at all COMMITTEE meetings and who shall serve as the liaison between UCF and the Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund (UUCEF) to track and report to the congregation annually on UCF’s Endowment Fund activity within UUCEF. The COMMITTEE will also elect annually a recording Secretary who shall maintain complete and accurate minutes of all meetings of the COMMITTEE and supply a copy to each member of the COMMITTEE. Each member shall keep a complete copy of all minutes to be delivered to his or her successor. The Secretary shall also render a copy of the minutes to the Board and to the Leadership Council. All financial records and reports of the COMMITTEE shall be audited annually by a member of the congregation who is not a member of the COMMITTEE. The COMMITTEE shall report on a quarterly basis to the Board and to the Leadership Council; and at each annual meeting shall render a full and complete audited account of the administration of the FUND during the preceding year. Members of the COMMITTEE shall not be personally liable for any investment losses that may be incurred upon the assets of the FUND except to the extent that such losses shall have been caused by bad faith or gross negligence. No member shall be personally liable as long as he/she acts in good faith and with ordinary prudence. Each member shall be liable only for his/her own willful misconduct or omissions, and shall not be liable for the acts or omissions of any other member. No member shall engage in any self dealing or transactions with the fund in which the 12 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices member has direct or indirect financial interest and shall at all times refrain from any conduct in which his/her personal interests would conflict with the interests of the FUND. All assets are to be held in the name of the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship Endowment Fund. Recommendations to buy, hold, sell, exchange, rent, lease transfer, convert, invest, reinvest, and in all other respects to manage and control the assets of the FUND, including stocks, bonds, debentures, mortgages, notes, or other securities, as in their judgment and discretion they deem wise and prudent, are to be made by the COMMITTEE, with subsequent execution by the delegated member of the COMMITTEE. 2. Uses of Principal and Income The COMMITTEE shall determine what is principal and what is income, according to accepted accounting procedures, and shall be accountable to the Board in operating the FUND to comply within the constraints imposed by the following restrictions. 1. No principal, or the appreciation of principal, shall be used for annual operating expenses; 2. Income (meaning the normal accumulation of interest and dividends) shall be available to the congregation on an annual basis, if needed, as follows: a. Up to 50% of the annual income from the FUND may be used for Mission Possible Grants (see attached UCF Grant Policy as Approved by the Board on October 20, 2010). Any and all unexpended grant money will be rolled into the UCF operating checking account at the end of the fiscal year to be used for the annual operating budget; b. the remaining 50% of the annual income from the FUND may be used for operating expenses, capital expenses, programs or special needs, if approved by the Board and voted by simple majority of the congregations at the annual meeting. 3. In special circumstances, such as the rebuilding of the church facility due to fire or other disaster, acquiring land or a new facility, acquiring equipment for use by the Fellowship, startup of a day care facility for children or the elderly, or other need consistent with the long term preservation of the Fellowship, principal may be borrowed from the FUND and used, provided the amount to be borrowed is specified and approved by the Board and approved at a Special Congregational Meeting (per By-Laws Article 8.) A plan for borrowing must be developed by the COMMITTEE and must be approved by the Board prior to any such meeting. The plan must include a method of repayment over a set period of time and include a specified rate of interest for such a loan which shall be formalized by means of a Promissory Note between the Fellowship and the FUND. 4. At no time shall the FUND be depleted to an amount less than $50,000. The maximum allowable to be withdrawn in any given calendar year shall be determined by Table 1, as 13 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices shown below. However, any and all assets of the FUND may be used as collateral against a loan to the Fellowship for the purpose of a capital acquisition. If that occurs, Table 1 will not apply or will apply only to the unencumbered assets. In the latter case, the maximum percentage that may be withdrawn shall be adjusted by the COMMITTEE. Table 1. Percent of total assets that may be withdrawn in a given calendar year: FUND total assets at Maximum % of total assets allowed Close of previous Dec. 31 to be withdrawn in following year: $50,000. To 100,000. 20% (Cannot go below $50,000) $100,000. To 500,000. 30% $500,001. To 750,000. 40% $750,001. To 1,000,000. 50% Greater than $1,000,000. 60% 3. Amending the Resolution BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any amendment to this resolution, including any which will change, alter or amend the purpose for which the FUND is established, shall be adopted by a vote of 70% of the members present at a Type II business meeting. 4. Disposition or Transfer of FUND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship ceases to exist either through merger or dissolution, disposition or transfer of the FUND shall be in conformity with the currently approved congregational bylaws. Consultation with UUA may also be desirable for continuation of Endowment Fund obligations to grantors of gifts. C. ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION This resolution, recommended by the Board and accepted by the members of the Fellowship at a legally called congregational meeting, is hereby adopted as of October 23, 2011. 14 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices Appendix IV Construction Bid Process (approved by Board, 01/16/2008) The Board and the chairperson of the building and grounds committee oversee and implement UCF’s construction contract policy and procedures. The Unitarian Coastal Fellowship (UCF) follows a formal policy, as outlined below, when entering into a construction contract that exceeds $5,000 in value. The goal is to protect UCF’s economic and liability interests, as well as to incur that construction projects are performed in a professional and timely manner. Contractor Selection – A minimum of three (3) bids should be obtained for any project in excess of $5,000. The bids should be in writing, itemizing all the work to be performed. Each bidder should provide three (3) references, and a copy of his/her North Carolina’s contractor license. If possible, all references should be contacted in writing. Construction Contract – A written contract is mandatory for all construction projects in excess of $5,000. The contract should clearly outline the scope of the work, a proposed timetable for completion, and a payment schedule; the contract should specify that any advance payment will be less than 25% of the total price. Furthermore, the contract needs to delineate the responsibilities of both UCF and the contractor. It needs to specify that the contractor will be required to carry General Liability Insurance with a combined single limit of $500,000; the policy must name UCF as an additional insured for the duration of the project. The contractor must also provide statutory workers’ compensation coverage as required by the State of North Carolina. Additionally, the contract must have one year maintenance period on all workmanship and materials, commencing on the date of final completion of the project. Contract Management – The building and grounds committee assigns one member as UCF’s liaison to the contractor. This person meets with the contractor at least once a week to inspect the work, secure paid receipts for materials and to authorize the UCF treasurer to make payments to the contractor. He/she will make periodic progress reports to the UCF Board of Trustees. Cost overruns or change orders that exceed 20% of the original cost will require prior approval of the Board of Trustees. 15 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices Appendix V UCF Staffing Manual for Volunteers and Employers Building Community Together The Unitarian Coastal Fellowship is a religious community that nurtures the spirAppendiitual and intellectual journeys of its members, friends, and visitors. We do this by: Providing an environment of acceptance, caring, and trust Offering diverse opportunities for religious education and social outreach for all ages Engaging in small group ministry where a sharing of life experiences and religious aspirations are encouraged in a supportive setting Showing grace and humanity to each other, to all those who enter our church, and to all those who seek our help. By working and celebrating and covenanting together, we build a community which has the power and commitment to transform ourselves and our world. We do this by: Participating in weekly religious services exploring our shared humanity and the possibilities for a better society Fostering mutual trust through communal activities and right relationships, covenanted in respect Providing leadership opportunities to explore our shared aspirations and work toward their fulfillment Cultivating our gifts and talents through practicing shared ministry Using technology to improve communication within our congregation and with the larger world. To realize our vision, we engage the larger society and invite the wider world to share in our goal of universal social justice. We do this by: Being an inclusive and welcoming congregation that is enriched by the diverse religious backgrounds and life experiences of all of its members and friends Reaching out to the larger society to partner in action to better the lives and future of others Improving our facilities and making them available to the local community in support of shared goals Proclaiming our Unitarian Universalist faith whenever opportunities arise. Unitarian Coastal Fellowship Mission Statement Adopted January 27, 2013 INTRODUCTION The UCF “Building Community Together” is the result of an effort by the Staffing Committee to establish written goals, policies, procedures, and practices that will guide UCF staff and volunteers, during their working relationship. The title is purposeful, in that it marries the Mission of UCF with the actual work that is to be performed. UCF exists as a faith-based community to build community within our congregation, community within our neighborhood, 16 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices and community within our world. It is asked of all volunteers and employees to approach their specific tasks with this thought in mind. Furthermore, it is appropriate, as we interact with others, that we be ever mindful of our Unitarian-Universalist Principles as set forth below. 1. We believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person; 2. Justice, equality and compassion in human relations; 3. Acceptance of one another and encouragement in spiritual growth in our congregations; 4. A free and responsible search for truth and meaning; 5. The right of conscience and the use of democratic process within our congregations and within society at large; 6. The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all; 7. Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are all apart. So be it. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ................................................................................................................................. E MPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PRACTICES A. ........................................................................................................................... S TATEMENT OF PURPOSE………………………………..4 C. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY…………………..5 17 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices II. III. IV. D. SEXUAL HARASSMENT……………………………………5 E. HARASSMENT………………………………………………..6 F. RESOLUTION OF EMPLOYEE COMPLAINTS……………7 G. INTERNET POLICY …………………………………………..7 H. MEDIA INQUIRIES…………………………………………….8 I. CONFIDENTIALITY……………………………………………8 J. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST…………………………………..8 K. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT ……………………………...........9 M. PERSONNEL RECORD……………………………………….9 N. INITIAL REVIEW PERIOD…………………………………….10 O. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION……………………………...10 WAGE AND HOUR ADMINISTRATION…………………10 A. EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFICATIONS…………………………10 B. HOURS OF WORK……………………………………………..10 C. TIMEKEEPING AND OVERTIME……………………………..10 D. PAY AND PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS…………………………11 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS……………………………………11 A. GROUP INSURANCE PROGRAMS………………………….11 B. RETIREMENT BENEFITS ……………………………………..12 C. VACATION………………………………………………………12 D. HOLIDAYS……………………………………………. E. LEAVES OF ABSENCE………………………………………...13 F. VEHICLE USAGE AND REIMBURSEMENT…………………15 13 OTHER EMPLOYER POLICIES…………………...............15 A. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY………………………….15 B. WORK AND DISCIPLINARY GUIDELINES…………………...16 C. SEPARATION FROM EMPLOYMENT………………………...16 D. SAFETY AND ACCIDENTS……………………………………..17 E. PERSONAL PROPERTY………………………………………..17 F. WORKPLACE THREATS AND VIOLENCE…………………..17 G. PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR………………………………….17 18 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices H. INSPECTION RIGHTS…………………………………………..17 I. EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION…………………………….18 ****** PERSONNEL MANUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT FORM…………….19 GENERAL EMPLOYMENT POLICIES FOR EXEMPT EMPLOYEES………………………………………………..20 I. EMPLOYMENT POLICIES AND PRACTICES A. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE NOTE THAT THE POLICIES OUTLINED IN THIS MANUAL DO NOT APPLY TO ORDAINED MINISTERS CALLED BY THE CONGREGATION. We have prepared this Staffing Manual to help you to understand some of the policies and procedures of the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship (referred to herein as "UCF"). Employees and Volunteers should familiarize themselves with the Manual, as it will provide answers to some questions you may have about your job. Nothing in this Manual or in any other written or unwritten policies and practices of Employer creates an express or implied contract, promise or representation between UCF and any volunteer/employee. UCF’s policies generally will be applied consistently. However, UCF reserves the right to deviate from normal policy in certain situations. Since every employment situation cannot be anticipated, this Manual provides a general overview only. From time to time, changes in the Manual may become necessary. Therefore, UCF reserves the right to amend, supplement or rescind any provisions of this Manual as necessary. The Manual applies to all staff, whether volunteer, full-time, part-time, exempt or nonexempt, except where otherwise stated. This Manual does not apply to ordained ministers(s) called by vote of the congregation. Employment “at-will” means that a volunteer, employee or UCF may terminate the employment relationship at any time for any reason, with reasonable notice. 19 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices This Manual supersedes all previous employment/volunteer policies, whether written or oral, expressed or implied. If any provisions of this Manual are found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. If you have any questions or comments about this Manual, or if you need more information, please ask your supervisor or the Chair of the Staffing Committee. Your comments and suggestions are genuinely encouraged. C. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY UCF affirms its commitment to equal volunteer and employment opportunity for all individuals. Decisions about recruiting, hiring, training, promotions, compensation, benefits, and all similar volunteer and employment decisions must be made in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or any other classification protected by law or by the policies of this church. Any discrimination in the workplace based upon any protected classification is illegal and against UCF’s policy. Employees who have questions about discrimination in the workplace, or who believe this policy has been violated, should report their concerns immediately to the Chair of the Staffing Committee. Retaliation against individuals who make a claim of discrimination or participate in the investigation of such a claim is prohibited by this policy and will not be tolerated. D. SEXUAL HARASSMENT Sexual harassment is prohibited and will not be tolerated. This policy applies to sexual harassment by members of the same gender as well as opposite genders. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when: submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as a factor in employment decisions affecting an individual; or the conduct unreasonably interferes with an individual’s employment or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive employment environment. Some examples of conduct which may constitute sexual harassment, depending on the circumstances, include but are not limited to, the following: repeated and unwelcome suggestions regarding, or invitations to, social engagements or social events; or 20 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices any indication, expressed or implied, that any aspect of employment conditions, depends or may depend on the granting of sexual favors or on a willingness to accept or tolerate conduct or communication of a sexual nature; or unwelcome or coerced physical proximity or physical contact which is of a sexual nature or sexually motivated; or the deliberate use of offensive or demeaning terms which have a sexual connotation; or inappropriate remarks of a sexual nature. Any volunteer, employee, member or friend who believes he or she has been sexually harassed by another person encountered in the course of volunteering, employment, or simply attending UCF should report that conduct immediately to a supervisor or the Chair of the Staffing Committee If the report or complaint involves any member of the Staffing Committee, or if the Chair of the Staffing Committee is unavailable, the individual receiving the report or complaint should immediately report it to the president, or vice president of the congregation. Every complaint or report of sexual harassment will be promptly investigated. Although investigations will be conducted with sensitivity to confidentiality issues, investigative information will be communicated as appropriate to those with a need to know. If the investigation indicates that a violation of this policy may have occurred, timely and appropriate action will be taken. Retaliation or reprisal against employees who report sexual harassment claims is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Any violation of this policy will be treated as a serious matter and will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. E. HARASSMENT UCF prohibits conduct by any person that shows hostility or an aversion toward an individual because of his or her race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation or any other classification protected by law, and that: has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment; or has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s performance; happiness, and safety or otherwise adversely affects an individual’s employment and/or volunteer opportunities. Some examples of conduct which may constitute harassment, depending on the circumstances, include but are not limited to, the following: epithets or slurs; or threatening or intimidating acts; or written or graphic material; or written, verbal or physical acts that purport to be jokes or pranks. Any employee or volunteer who believes he or she has been harassed by another employee/volunteer, a supervisor, or any other person who the employee encounters in the course of employment should report that conduct immediately to his or her supervisor or the Chair of the Staffing Committee. If the report or complaint involves the Chair of the Staffing 21 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices Committee, or if the Chair of the Staffing Committee is unavailable, the individual receiving the report or complaint should immediately report it to president, or vice president of the congregation. Every complaint or report of harassment will be promptly investigated. If the investigation indicates that an act of harassment has occurred, timely and appropriate action will be taken. Retaliation or reprisal against employees who report harassment claims is prohibited and will not be tolerated. Any violation of this policy will be treated as a serious matter and will be dealt with appropriately. F. RESOLUTION OF VOLUNTEER, EMPLOYEE COMPLAINTS Effective communication is essential for productive working relationships. To that end, employees and volunteers are encouraged to discuss any concerns about work or suggestions for improving operations in the following manner: The volunteer or employee should present any complaint or grievance to his/her supervisor, or to the Chair of the Staffing Committee and together discuss the problem, applicable rules or policies, and possible resolution. If discussion with the supervisor or the Chair of the Staffing Committee does not resolve the matter to the party’s satisfaction, the party should submit the complaint or grievance in writing to the Chair of the Staffing Committee or President of the congregation who shall gather the evidence necessary to complete an investigation. The Chair of the Staffing Committee or President may interview the aggrieved party, involve the Staffing Committee, or appoint an ad hoc committee to advise him/her. The President of the congregation shall then recommend a resolution of the problem to the supervisor and employee. If the president’s recommendation does not resolve the matter to the grieved party’s satisfaction, the grieved party may then seek a review by the governing board. The resolution recommended by the board will be binding upon the congregation and employee. G. INTERNET POLICY Employer provides Internet access (including e-mail) to its staff members to assist and facilitate business communications and work-related research. These services are for legitimate business use only in the course of assigned duties. All materials, information and software created, transmitted, downloaded or stored on UCF’s computer system are the property of the UCF and may be accessed only by authorized personnel. Inappropriate Internet use includes, but is not limited to: transmitting obscene, harassing, offensive or unprofessional messages; or accessing, displaying, downloading, or distributing any offensive or inappropriate messages including those containing racial slurs, sexual connotations or offensive comments about race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or any other classification protected by law; or 22 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices transmitting any of UCF’s confidential or proprietary information, including member/friend data or other materials covered by UCF’s confidentiality policy. UCF reserves the right to monitor volunteers and employees’ use of the e-mail system or the Internet at any time. Volunteers and employees should not consider their Internet usage or email communications to be private. Personal passwords are not an assurance of confidentiality, and the Internet itself is not secure. Any software or other material downloaded into UCF’s computers may be used only in ways consistent with the licenses and copyrights of the vendors, authors or owners of the material. Prior written authorization from one’s Supervisor is required before introducing any software into UCF’s computer system. Only authorized staff members may communicate on the Internet on behalf of UCF. Employees may not express opinions or personal views that could be misconstrued as being those of UCF. Employees may not state their church affiliation on the Internet unless required as part of their assigned duties. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action. H. MEDIA INQUIRIES All requests for information about UCF from newspapers, television and radio media should be directed to the Minister or to a member of the Board. An appropriate response to a media inquiry would be, “I’m not the best person to answer that question. May I contact the appropriate person and have that individual get back to you?” I. CONFIDENTIALITY Volunteers and employees may have access to confidential information about UCF, including but not limited to information about members, friends or other staff members. Such information must remain confidential and may not be released, removed from UCF’s premises, copied, transmitted or in any other way used for any purpose by employees or volunteers outside the scope of their employment or position. All requests for information concerning past or present employees received from organizations or individuals should be directed to the Staffing Committee. J. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Volunteers and employees are expected to avoid conflicts of interest, defined as any situation where a volunteer or employee may attain personal gain or which may serve as a detriment to UCF, either monetarily or to its public image, because of the use of information or personal contact which is not generally available except through employment or volunteer work with UCF. Volunteers and employees shall not engage in any business or transaction, unless it a part of their job description, and shall not have a financial or other personal interest which is incompatible with their responsibilities or employment duties or which would impair their judgment or actions in the performance of their duties for UCF. Employees who have questions 23 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices about whether an activity violates this policy should discuss the matter with an officer of UCF or a member of the Board. K. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Volunteers and employees shall not engage in any collateral employment or business activity that is incompatible or in conflict with their duties, functions or responsibilities as an employee or volunteer. Activities that may constitute a conflict include use of UCF’s time, facilities, equipment or supplies, or the use of the title, prestige or influence of the congregation for private gain or advantage. Employees (but not volunteers) shall not engage in any outside activity which, by its nature, hours or physical demands, would impair the employee's performance of UCF duties; reflect discredit on UCF; or tend to increase UCF’s payments for sick leave, worker's compensation benefits or long term disability benefits. Collateral employment should not result in outside telephone calls while on duty for the congregation. M. PERSONNEL RECORD It is very important that employees keep up-to-date all the information provided to UCF at the time of hire. This information is essential for many purposes, including benefit administration, mailing information to the employee’s home, and contacting friends or family in case of emergency. The Staffing Committee should be promptly notified of any changes in: Address and telephone number; Marital status (including legal separation); Legal change in employee’s name; Dependents; Changes in beneficiaries; Person to notify in case of emergency; and Any relevant changes in licensing or education. N. INITIAL REVIEW PERIOD New employees and employees who are transferred to another position may be required to complete an initial review period of ninety days, but which may be shortened or lengthened in UCF’s discretion. Upon completion of this period, the employee will be considered a regular employee. Satisfactory completion of the initial review period does not alter the employment-atwill relationship. Employees must continue to perform satisfactorily even after the initial review period is completed. Although regular employees typically work on an ongoing basis, there is no guarantee that any job position will continue indefinitely. Any position may be eliminated at any time at the discretion of UCF. 24 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices O. PERFORMANCE EVALUATION In general, employees will receive a written performance evaluation once each year that will be maintained in the Employee’s permanent personnel file. Factors considered in assessing performance include but are not limited to quality and quantity of work; dependability; attendance and punctuality; effective interpersonal relationships with the congregation, and personal conduct. Employees are requested to identify goals and objectives in advance so that their work may be evaluated on the basis of clear criteria they have helped to develop. II. WAGE AND HOUR ADMINISTRATION A. EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFICATIONS For purposes of determining the applicability of various policies, practices, and benefits, employees are classified by the nature of the position to which they are assigned and by their regular work schedule. Regular full-time employees are regularly scheduled to work 35___ hours per week. Employees scheduled to work less than 20___ hours per week will be considered part-time employees and their eligibility for benefits will be pro-rated according to the percentage of time worked. Employees who are subject to state or federal minimum wage and overtime laws are referred to as “non-exempt” employees. Those in administrative, management, or supervisory positions who are not subject to such regulation are referred to as “exempt” employees. B. HOURS OF WORK A normal, full-time workweek consists of 35___ working hours. Normal office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The office is also open on Sunday from 9___ a.m. to 1 p.m., and some employees may be scheduled for work on Sunday mornings. Individual work schedules may change from time to time. Attendance at meetings at the request of the employee's supervisor will be considered time worked. Employees are expected to attend any staff retreats or off-site events to which are part of their employment. C. TIMEKEEPING AND OVERTIME Non-exempt employees must submit a written and signed record of their time worked at the end of each day. Any scheduled hours not worked or time worked in excess of their regular schedule must be noted. Where required by applicable law, overtime will be paid to non-exempt employees at the rate of one and one-half times the regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of forty in any one work week. Holiday, vacation and sick leave is not counted for purposes of overtime compensation. Employees should not work overtime without authorization in advance. 25 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices D. PAY AND PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Pay adjustments generally will be considered for all employees once a year and any adjustments will normally begin at the beginning of the fiscal year. There is no guarantee of an annual pay adjustment. Pay is usually based upon such factors as individual performance, job responsibilities and other appropriate factors. Employees are generally paid at the end of the month. Deductions made from employees’ wages are reflected on the stubs of their paychecks. Federal law requires deductions from pay for income tax, Social Security and Medicare. Other deductions may include state and/or local taxes or wage garnishments. Some deductions are optional and are made only if the employee has authorized their deduction. Employees are responsible for promptly notifying the UCF Treasurer of any changes to or errors in their deductions. Any necessary adjustments usually are made and reflected in the employee’s next paycheck. III. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS FOR FULL TIME EMPLOYEES The benefits outlined in this Manual represent significant additional compensation to eligible employees. Outlined below is a brief summary of the types of employee benefits currently available through UCF. This summary is not intended to and does not create an express or implied contract, promise or representation between UCF and the employee. These benefits are subject to change at any time in the discretion of UCF. In the event of any discrepancy between the benefits outlined below and the plan itself, the plan will govern. Any questions about employee benefits should be directed to the UCF Treasurer. A. GROUP INSURANCE PROGRAMS Health Insurance Benefits Employees who work half-time may enroll in the group health insurance plan sponsored by the congregation unless they have health insurance through a family member or collateral employment. Further information concerning the plan and any alternative health related benefits may be obtained from the UCF Treasurer. 26 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices Group Dental, Term Life, and Long Term Disability Insurance Employees who work half-time are offered the option of purchasing group dental insurance, term life insurance, and long-term disability insurance through the group plan sponsored by the UUA. Further information concerning these policies is available from the UCF Treasurer. Workers' Compensation Insurance UCF carries workers’ compensation insurance that pays for certain medical expenses and provides partial income protection in the event of illness or injury arising out of or in the course of employment. All on-the-job injuries or illnesses, regardless of severity, should be reported immediately to the employee's immediate supervisor or the UCF Treasurer. Employees may be required to provide a physician's statement in order to receive worker's compensation benefits, or to return to work. B. RETIREMENT BENEFITS The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) maintains a defined contribution qualified retirement plan to assist eligible employees to accumulate tax-deferred savings for retirement. Under the plan, the Employer contributes a percentage of the employee’s wages, and the employee has the option of making additional voluntary contributions on a pre-tax basis. Before an employee can become a participant, there are certain eligibility requirements that must be met. These requirements and other provisions are provided to all participants. Each employee should review this material carefully and discuss any questions he or she may have with the UCF Treasurer or with the appropriate staff members at the UUA. C. VACATION The Employer grants paid vacation only to regular full-time employees at their regular rate of pay based on their length of service with UCF as outlined below. Vacation eligibility is as follows: Length of Service Amount of Vacation 0- 5 years 1 week per calendar year More than 5 years but less 2 weeks per calendar year 27 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices than 10 years More than 10 years 3 weeks per calendar year Increases in vacation accrual rate will be made on the first day of the month following the anniversary date of the year in which an employee completes his or her 5th or 10th year of employment. Unused accrued vacation cannot be carried forward to the next calendar year. Vacation time must be requested in advance and can only be taken with the approval of the employee’s supervisor. In the event of conflicting vacations requests, vacation generally will be granted in accordance with length of service and consistent with workload requirements. Summertime vacations generally are encouraged. Employees who resign with at least two weeks’ notice may receive payment for the accrued vacation days that have not been used. D. HOLIDAYS The following paid holidays are observed each year: New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Day Memorial day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day If an observed holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday generally will be observed as the holiday. If an observed holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday generally will be observed as the holiday. If employees are required to work on an observed holiday, they generally will be granted another day off. E. LEAVES OF ABSENCE 28 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices 1. General provisions The policies in this section describe various types of paid and unpaid leaves of absence provided by UCF. Leaves must be requested in advance in writing and require the approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor. The exact nature of the leave and its anticipated length must be included in the written request. Employees are expected to return to work upon the expiration of the leave as granted. If prevented from returning as expected, the employee must immediately notify his or her supervisor. 2. Sick leave with pay All full-time employees accrue a 1/2 day of paid sick leave for every month worked, up to a maximum of 6 days per calendar year. No accrued sick leave may be carried forward into the following year. Sick leave is to be used only in the event the employee is unable to work due to the employee’s own illness, injury or other medical condition. Sick leave may be used as part of medical leave or sick childcare leave and as otherwise required by applicable law. Sick leave should be used for routine dental or medical appointments. Employees must notify their supervisor before their starting time if they are ill and unable to come to work. Employees may be required to provide a physician's statement regarding their medical condition, including why the employee was not able to work. UCF reserves the right to request employees who are repeatedly absent for illness or injury be examined by a physician chosen by UCF, and at the expense of UCF. 3. Medical leave without pay Unpaid medical leave may be granted in instances where an employee’s medical condition requires an absence from work for more time than the amount of available sick leave. This leave requires the approval of the employee's supervisor and the UCF Staffing Committee. Sufficient evidence of such a medical condition is required for a medical leave. Such evidence may include a request or requirement for authorization to speak with the employee’s treating physician. The maximum unpaid medical leave time that may be granted is three months or until a physician releases the employee to return to work, whichever is shorter. UCF also reserves the right to request a second opinion from a physician chosen by UCF on any medical leave of absence. 4. Personal leave without pay Employees who have been employed full-time for at least one year may be given unpaid personal leave of five days per year, which must be approved in advance by the UCF Staffing Committee. 5. Military leave without pay Employees who are members of the uniformed services of the United States (including the National Guard or other reserve unit) will be granted unpaid leaves of absence in accordance 29 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices with state or federal law to perform military duties on a voluntary or involuntary basis. Requests for military leave of absence must be made in writing and should include verification of the duty call from military authority, the date the leave is to commence and the expected date of return. Employees may choose to use any accumulated vacation time for all or part of the period of military service. Leaves of absence in excess of any available vacation time will be without pay. In accordance with applicable law, eligible employees will be reinstated to the same job upon returning from an authorized military leave of absence. 6. Funeral or bereavement leave with pay Full-time employees may be eligible for a leave of absence for up to three days with pay for the death of an immediate family member. The number of paid days off will be determined by the UCF Staffing Committee based on the circumstances. 7. Jury duty leave with pay Employees called for jury duty are paid their regular pay for up to ten (10) working days. Employees should appear for work upon being excused from jury duty on any day. 8. Parental leave without pay Full-time employees who become natural or adoptive parents may be eligible for a leave of absence of up to six weeks. The leave must begin within six weeks of the birth or adoption. Biological mothers may also be eligible for sick leave or medical leave without pay following the birth of a child. Such a leave may, in the discretion of the UCF Staffing Committee, run concurrently with unpaid parental leave. F. VEHICLE USAGE AND REIMBURSEMENT Employees who are not UCF members, using their own cars for church-related business, may be paid mileage at the current rate per mile as established by Internal Revenue Service. Mileage will be reimbursed monthly upon request by the employee and approval by the UCF Treasurer. Trips must be authorized by the employee's supervisor. Employees must have a current and valid driver's license and proof of insurance. Employees may not take unauthorized passengers on such trips. All tickets for parking and traffic violations are the responsibility of the employee. The employee must pay all fines promptly and will not be reimbursed by UCF. IV. OTHER EMPLOYER POLICIES A. ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY Each employee is expected to be prompt and regular in his or her attendance at work. Personal appointments should be scheduled before or after work hours, if possible. All 30 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices scheduled absences must be approved in advance by the supervisor. Employees who are unable to report to work at their scheduled time must call their supervisor as soon as possible to report the absence and the expected time of return to work. Employees must call in each day they are absent, unless otherwise authorized by their supervisor. Unscheduled absences (such as returning late from lunch or leaving work before the end of the workday) must be approved by the employee's supervisor. If the employee expects to be absent the following day, he or she should inform the supervisor of that fact at the same time. Any employee who fails to report to work without notice for three or more consecutive days will be considered to have voluntarily terminated employment, effective immediately. B. WORK AND DISCIPLINARY GUIDELINES Certain guidelines must be observed by all employees to protect the integrity of the congregation. Violations may result in disciplinary measures including verbal warnings, written warnings or termination. Engaging in any of the following examples of unacceptable conduct may result in disciplinary actions. These examples are intended only as a guide and are not all-inclusive. Failure to perform work in a manner acceptable to UCF. Absenteeism or tardiness. Leaving work without permission. Failure to report absences as required. Sexual harassment or harassment described in this Manual. The use, possession or sale, or being under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances (other than those used for bona fide medical purposes) while working or while on UCF premises (including meal and other breaks). Unauthorized possession of weapons. Disclosure of confidential information. Smoking in unauthorized areas. Failure to report-on-the job injuries. Working another job while absent. Failure to accurately complete or permitting another person to complete the employee’s timecard. Arrest and conviction for criminal offenses that are job related, including those that may affect the employee’s ability to perform his or her job. Theft or dishonesty. Falsifying records or information (or misuse or unauthorized manipulation of any computer or electronic data processing equipment or system). Discourteous treatment of others. Taking Employer property without paying for it or without written permission. Reckless, careless or unauthorized use of UCF property, equipment or materials. Improper or profane language. Violation of any other UCF policy. 31 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices C. SEPARATION FROM EMPLOYMENT Employees who resign are requested to give at least two weeks’ written notice in order for the congregation to find a suitable replacement. Any employee who is absent for three consecutive days without notifying his or her supervisor, or who fails to report to work on or before the expiration of a leave, will be deemed to have resigned, consistent with applicable law. D. SAFETY AND ACCIDENTS The safety of employees, as well as members and visitors, is of paramount concern. All employees are expected to abide by accepted safety standards at all times. They should know the whereabouts of fire extinguishers and the first aid kit. Any unsafe condition, equipment or practice observed by an employee should be reported immediately to the supervisor or UCF Treasurer. All on-the-job accidents or injuries to employees, no matter how minor, should be reported immediately to the UCF Treasurer. In the event of a fire or other emergency, the fire department and/or police should be called immediately, and all staff and members of the congregation should leave the premises. E. PERSONAL PROPERTY UCF cannot be responsible for damage to or loss of personal property, including loss or damage to vehicles or other property in or on church property. Employees should report any lost items to their supervisor so that the item can be returned if it is found. If an employee finds an item, it should be immediately turned in to the Church office. F. WORKPLACE THREATS AND VIOLENCE Threats, threatening behavior, or acts of violence against persons by anyone on church property will not be tolerated. Anyone who verbally or physically threatens another, exhibits threatening behavior or engages in violent acts on church property may be removed and will remain off church property pending the outcome of an investigation. If UCF determines that a violation of this policy has occurred, UCF may take appropriate disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to, suspension and/or termination of employment, and/or legal action as appropriate. All employees shall inform the Church officer or their supervisor of any behavior which they have witnessed or experienced, which they regard as threatening or violent, when that behavior is job-related or is connected to employment. G. PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR Employees should maintain a professional attitude and appearance that is appropriate to their position and the UCF congregation. Name badges should be worn when employees are on duty on Sunday. Personal mail and non-essential telephone calls at work are discouraged. 32 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices H. INSPECTION RIGHTS Churches, like other organizations, are sometimes the victims of thieves. The church has on its premises storage facilities such as desks, file cabinets, closets and storage areas for the use of employees, however, the church can make no assurances that they will always be secure. The storage of any unauthorized alcohol, illegal drugs or drug-related paraphernalia is prohibited on church premises. Therefore, UCF reserves the right to open and inspect any desk, file cabinet, storage closet or storage area at any time and without prior notice or consent. Employees may not use personal locks on church owned desks, cabinets, closets or storage areas. I. EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION Federal law requires that prospective employees must show proof of eligibility to work in the United States in the position for which they are applying. When applicable, employees must usually provide an original document or documents to the employee’s supervisors that establish identity and employment eligibility from the date employment begins. 33 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices Appendix VI UCF Rental Agreement The parties to this agreement are the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship, hereinafter called UCF, and ______________________________________________, hereinafter called RENTER. UCF hereby lets the following property to RENTER for the term stated below. a. The real Property known as 1300 Evans St., Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 UCF agrees to rent the following parts of the property to RENTER as follows: ( ) Sanctuary; ( ) Social hall; ( ) Office; ( ) RE Rooms for the period _________________ to ___________________. The rent for said property shall be $ _________ per ________, due and payable by check or cash by the first day of the term stated above. UCF agrees to furnish the following services and/or utilities as follows: ( ) Electricity, ( ) Gas, ( ) Water, ( ) Garbage collection. Renter will pay a $100.00 deposit upon signing this agreement. This amount will be refunded within three weeks following the termination of the tenancy; but unpaid rent, charges for damages beyond normal wear and tear, and costs for reasonable cleaning may be deducted. IN ADDITION, IT IS AGREED: 1. UCF may enter the premises at reasonable times for the purpose of inspection, maintenance, or repair. 2. Renter agrees there will be no tobacco or alcohol use on this property at any time. Violation of this agreement will result in automatic termination of this agreement. 34 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices 3. Renter agrees not to use the premises in such a manner as to disturb the peace and quiet of the neighbors nor to conduct business or commercial activities on the premises. 4. Cooking is not allowed in the kitchen, but renter may have use of the refrigerator, coffee machine, sink and hot water. 5. No food or beverages are permitted in the sanctuary. 6. UCF music, piano and electronic equipment may be used with special permission from the Music Director. 7. Renter is to provide its own plates, cups, utensils, etc. 8. Chairs, tables and furniture may be moved but must be returned to their original locations. 9. Renter must place refuse in plastic bags in the outside garbage can. 10. Upon departure, all lights must be turned off and all doors locked. 11. Renter, upon termination of this agreement, shall return the premises to the same condition in which it was received. We, the undersigned, agree to this Rental Agreement: Unitarian Coastal Fellowship ___________________________ (RENTER) BY: __________________________ BY: _________________________ Dated this _____ day of _______________________________ 35 UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 04-2013 Section 3, Appendices Appendix VII UCF Organizational Chart HOW UCF IS ORGANIZED The Minister Music Director, UCF Religious Education Administrator Congregation Committee on Ministry Board of Trustees* Leadership Council** Nominating Staffing Standing Committees Committee Committeee e 1. Membership 2. Social Outreach (includes Green Sanctuary) 3. Finance 4. Religious Education 5. Worship *The Board of Trustees enacts church policy, tracks long-range planning, approves 6. Facilities budgetary expenditures, and approves fundraising activities. Members of the Board are the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Leadership Council Trustee.Affairs The Minister is a 7. Denominational non-voting member. The President chairs the Board. The congregation elects all Board members. **The Leadership Council serves as a managerial board for the Fellowship. It addresses the cross-committee impact brought forward from individual committees into the decision making process. The Council is composed of the chairs of standing committees, the Music Director, the Religious Education Administrator, and a representative of the Committee on Ministry. The Minister is a non-voting member. The Leadership Trustee chairs the Council. Committee chairs are elected by their committees. 36