1 Introduction - Electrical and Computer Engineering

MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
Coding theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with transmitting data across
noisy channels and recovering the message. Coding theory is about making messages
easy to read: don't confuse it with cryptography, which is the art of making messages
hard to read! The key challenge coding theorists face is to construct "good" codes and
efficient algorithms for encoding and decoding them.
Following section 2 of this report, the reader may be more familiar with basic theory and
mathematics behind error coding science. We assume that our message is in the form of
binary digits or bits, strings of 0 or 1. We have to transmit these bits along a channel
(such as a telephone line) in which errors occur randomly, but at a predictable overall
To compensate for the errors we need to transmit more bits than there are in the original
message. A more conventional example is the typical spell checker. A spell checker
examines each word in your document, then compares it to the ones found in its memory.
If the word in your document is not found, the computer warns you. This is an example
of an error detecting code.
Our program which is developed in C++ gives the user the chance to generate, view, and
cross-reference the M-value and the actual “error-correction codes” for the particular
system that he/she is studying. The input parameters are n, q, and dmin. Please refer to
section 2 for more explanations of the symbols. The results are tested to be orthogonal
and fairly consistent compared to the theoretical calculations, using code bounds.
An integer value for k means the code is linear, whereas a real number means the code is
non-linear. For the orthogonal codes, looking at the chart reveals, once again, that for q =
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Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
2 the codes are linear, but for q = 3, the codes are mostly linear as well, except for the
cases when n = 9 and dmin = 4, 5, and 6. At first glance, it would appear that for the q = 4
case, the codes are partly non-linear, due to the fact that about half the values of k are real
numbers, as opposed to integers. But, if the k value is calculated using q = 2 in the above
equation, all the k values are indeed integers, making the code words all linear. This
expresses a unique property of code words generated using the number base q = 4.
The orthogonal and non-orthogonal programs were both run for q values of 2, 3, and 4.
For each of these q values, n and dmin were both chosen to be between 2 and 9, and all
possible combinations of n and dmin were tried. The programs displayed all the code
words fitting these three parameters, as well as M, the total number of code words. By
using the relation:
k = logq M -> q^k = M -> log10 q^k = log10 M -> k = log10 M / log10 q
At appendix D, our main project results are tabulated consistently, using the n, q, and
dmin as given parameters. The tables will give the resulting M-value that the user can
use to double-check his/her work. Also, by running the C++ codes attached to
Appendices A&B, the user could generate and get a printout of the error correction codes,
in only a few seconds.
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Mike Kooznetsoff
MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
1 Introduction
MK&RE® Telecommunications is a university group consisting of two electrical
engineering undergraduate students, supervised by Dr. Aaron Gulliver. Our research
focus is in developing computerized methods for creating Linear Binary/Non-Binary
Orthogonal Error Correction Codes, applied intensively in communications research.
The time duration for this work is four months as per University of Victoria’s
ELEC/CENG 499A course guidelines.
Wireless is revolutionizing telecommunications; new devices and personal connectivity
together will drive the wireless future - no cables allowed. The global demand for
wireless technologies is booming and is impacting our lives and business environments.
We are living in information driven world where people require flexible access to a
network in any conceivable situation. People no longer work in the traditional office,
they also work while sitting in traffic, riding a cab, or relaxing in a hotel room.
One of the most important topics in the field of communications is the theory of Error
Detection and Correction. The idea relies on the fact that any digital data, transferred
through channel of any sort, would be subjected to channel noise and errors. Error
correction theory came into existence shortly after the Second World War, and has
improved greatly, catching up with the wireless communication systems today. One
major task of a scientist in this field is to develop reliable and efficient “error-correction
codes”, in order to mathematically detect and correct any errors that occur at the receiver.
Up to now, things have not been easily done, since complex matrices and vector algebra
are not pleasant tools to utilize, due to their time-consuming and eye-tiring mathematics.
As an example, the error correction codes of a typical 16-bit system will require the
scientist to write 216-1 incrementing code vectors, provided that no mistakes occur in
locating the digits at their appropriate positions, then check for their linearity and
orthogonality to pick the certain code words, which satisfy all the requirements.
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MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
The MK&RE® Telecommunications project focused on developing a C program, which
generates the set of orthogonal and linear error correction codes, given the following
length of the code word (i.e. the number of bits),
the arithmetic base or MODULO,
the minimum Hamming distance (number of different bits) between any
two code words.
The designed program would work correctly for any given values of (n, q ,dmin), as tested
and verified accurately, using the Bloodshed Dev C++ Software compiler.
This document outlines the work conducted for the MK&RE design project, and may be
broken down into four major sections:
Background Information
Software Design and Details
Results and Discussions
The first section of this report shall provide background knowledge of coding theory,
greedy codes, and the exact mathematical meaning of the four basic parameters, dot
products, MOD addition, orthogonality, and linearity. The discussion will then introduce
three of the more popular coding schemes, and will eventually focus on greedy codes
The second section presents an in-depth explanation of software design, the tests
performed, the functions of the different sections of the program, the results, optimization
techniques used, and recommendations for the future. Our designed program may be
thought of more as a successful method of creating error correction codes, as well as a
more practical tool for research. Additional information would also be provided in the
second section, giving a precise illustration of the meaning of our results.
The conclusion will give a few other examples, and discuss the project as a whole.
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MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
2 Background Information
This portion of the report will emphasize on the Coding Theory, Self-orthogonal Codes,
Greedy Algorithm, Linear Codes, Orthogonal Codes, and Exact Interpretation of
2.1 Error Coding Theory
Coding theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with transmitting data across
noisy channels and recovering the message. Coding theory is about making messages
easy to read: don't confuse it with cryptography, which is the art of making messages
hard to read!
We assume that our message is in the form of binary digits or bits, strings of 0 or 1. We
have to transmit these bits along a channel (such as a telephone line) in which errors
occur randomly, but at a predictable overall rate. To compensate for the errors we need to
transmit more bits than there are in the original message.
Error correction coding is used to combat distortions that occur in the transmission and
storage of data. Encoding introduces redundancy into a stream of data, and decoding uses
the redundancy to correct errors and extract the original data. The key challenge coding
theorists face is to construct "good" codes and efficient algorithms for encoding and
decoding them. In the last five years a new approach, called iterative decoding, was
developed which is closely related to Bayesian inference and belief propagation
algorithms. Iterative decoding is a tremendous improvement over previous decoding
algorithms, both in efficiency and in the decoding success rate.
The “iterative algorithm” is not well understood mathematically, and the construction of
good codes is an active area of research. In particular there is a fundamental debate over
whether the best codes will be found by systematic methods or using randomly generated
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MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
Figure 1: Typical Transmission System
The simplest method for detecting errors in binary data is the parity code, which
transmits an extra "parity" bit after every 7 bits from the source message. However, this
method can only detect errors, the only way to correct them is to ask for the data to be
transmitted again!
A simple way to correct as well as detect errors is to repeat each bit a set number of
times. The recipient sees which value, 0 or 1, occurs more often and assumes that that
was the intended bit. The scheme can tolerate error rates up to 1 error in every 2 bits
transmitted at the expense of increasing the amount of repetition.
From the definition, an error-correction code is capable of detecting up to (dmin – 1)
errors, and correcting up to FLOOR{(dmin-1) / 2}. Please refer to Table 1 for a better
Code’s dmin
# of Detectable Errors (t)
# of Correctable Errors ()
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Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
Table 1: Relation of dmin with the Capability for Detection and Correction
2.2 Major Error- Coding Theory Problem
A well-developed (n, M, dmin) code (M being the number of code words) would have
small n in order to increase the transmission speed, high M value so that transmission of a
wide variety of messages would be feasible, and finally high dmin in order to be able to
correct many errors. As a matter of fact, coding theory is focused on optimizing one of
the three parameters for given values of the other two.
The major issue here is to find the most optimized code (i.e. the largest value of M, such
that there exists a q-ary (n, M ,dmin) code), given certain n and dmin, denoted by Aq(n,
dmin). Our program gets fed through a series of values for n, q, and dmin, all of which are
entered in by the user. Then, through a series of processes, the error-correction codes,
along with the M-value would be displayed on the screen, as well as being saved in to a
text file.
Example The results may then be used to generate the G-matrix, and the H-matrix, for
syndrome decoding, among with other decoding techniques, as showed on Table 2. The
syndromes are calculated via S(r) = r HT . If the vector r is the received code word, we
would calculate S(r) and match to the first column of the Table 2.
000 = 0
110 = 6
011 = 3
100 = 4
010 = 2
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Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
001 =1
Table 2: Syndrome Decoding Cross-Reference
If the received vector doesn’t not appear, we would ask for another try of transmission,
otherwise, we would find the matching “coset function”. Since S(r) = r HT = e HT,
where e is the error pattern, then we could easily subtract e to the received code word r,
in order to achieve the corrected transmitted code word, c.
This project utilized the conception of “Greedy Algorithm” to generate the error
correction codes, using the three key parameters.
2.3 Orthogonal and Self-Orthogonal Codes/Matrices
We will use the following notations from this point on:
The vector space of n-tuples with elements from Z2.
The length of the code.
The dimension of the codes subspace and the length of the message words.
A linear code of length n and dimension k.
The code vector with elements x1,...,xn written x = [x1x2...xn].
The message vector with elements m1,...,mk written m = [m1m2...mk].
The “n-k x n” parity check matrix.
The “k x n” generator matrix
The “k x k” identity matrix.
The “k x n-k” matrix with transpose AT
Orthogonal codes are vector spaces, at which all the code words are orthogonal to the
other code words inside the space.
Self-orthogonal codes are orthogonal codes, in which every single code word is also
orthogonal to itself. This could be easily defined as the inner product of any two code
words being zero.
For example, in (4,2) at GF(2), the two code words <1001> and <0001> are
“orthogonal”, since:
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Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
<1001> . <0001> = (1*1) + (0*0) + (0*0) + (1*1) = 2MOD2 = 0
However, 1111 and 1110 are “non-orthogonal”, since:
<1111> . <1110> = (1*1) + (1*1) + (1*1) + (0*0) = 3MOD2 = 1 ≠ 0
The dot products between two code words (code vectors) could be done in either binary
or non-binary formats.
For the “binary” case, the dot product is essentially a summation of the AND
operation between the same weighted bits. In this case,
uv . ij = 0, if ui = vj = 1
uv . ij = 1, if ui = 0 or vj = 0
For the “non-binary” case, the dot product is a summation of arithmetic products
between the same-weighted bits. For example, for a (3,8) code:
<143> . <127> = (1*1) + (4*2) + (3*7) = 30MOD8 = 6
2.3.1 Orthogonal Matrices
A square matrix A over Vn is said to be orthogonal if A . AT = I; where I denotes an
identity matrix of appropriate dimension. Equivalently, A is orthogonal just when each
row of A is orthogonal to every other row of A but has a scalar product of 1 with itself.
Note that A is orthogonal just when AT = A-1, and hence AT . A = I, so that AT is also
orthogonal. An orthogonal matrix is not only non-singular but always has a determinant
that is either +1 or -1 because 1 = det(I) = det(A . AT ) = det(A) . det(AT ) = (det(A))2. An
example of an orthogonal matrix over the finite field GF(2) is
Orthogonal matrices over the field, R, of real numbers are of great importance in the
theory of isometries of Rn. For a general non-square matrix A, we can say that it is roworthogonal if A.AT = I, as this is equivalent to the condition that each row of A is
orthogonal to every other row of A but has a scalar product of 1 with itself. A row-
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MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
orthogonal matrix always has full row rank and thus must have at least as many columns
as rows.
Note that if A is row-orthogonal but non-square, then A . AT cannot have full row rank
and thus cannot also be row-orthogonal. Deleting rows of an orthogonal matrix gives a
row-orthogonal matrix, but not every row-orthogonal matrix can be so constructed. For
instance, over the field GF(2), the matrix A = [1 1 1] is trivially row-orthogonal but there
is no orthogonal matrix having [1 1 1] as a row.
2.4 Greedy Algorithm
The greedy method is a “locally-optimization” method. It assumes that the path to the
best global optimum is a series of locally optimal steps. At each step, one adds the pairing
that has the next shortest distance.
The idea behind a greedy algorithm is to perform a single procedure in the recipe over
and over again until it can't be done any more and see what kind of results it will produce.
It may not completely solve the problem, or, if it produces a solution, it may not be the
very best one, but it is one way of approaching the problem and sometimes yields very
good (or even the best possible) results.
Greedy codes are constructed by an algorithm, which chooses code words, greedily, from
an ordered vector space. A fundamental criterion for choosing code words is that they
must satisfy a distance property. Other criteria may be introduced to get various types of
codes e.g. self-orthogonal greedy codes.
Different orderings of vectors and base field elements can result in codes with different
parameters and properties. We are interested in finding properties satisfied by these
Greedy Code (n, dmin, q) will return a Greedy code with design distance d over q. The
code is constructed using the Greedy algorithm on the list of vectors n. This algorithm
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checks each vector in n, then, adds it to the code if its distance to the current code is
greater than or equal to dmin. It is obvious that the resulting code has a minimum distance
of at least dmin. Note that Greedy codes are often linear codes, and we’ll explore this
property based on the results of our program later on in the report.
2.5 Linear Codes
This paper is limited to the field of integers modulo 2, which I will denote by Z2, though
many of the results can be generalized to any finite field. Vn will represent the vector
space of n-tuples with elements in Z2.
A linear (n,k) code over the finite field, Z2, is a k dimensional subspace of Vn(Z2). As a
result, the linear code of length n is a subspace of Vn which is spanned by k, linearly
independent vectors. In other words, all code words can be written as a linear
combination of the k basis vectors, v1,...,vk, as shown below:
x = m1v1 + ... + mkvk
Since a different code word is obtained for each different combination of coefficients we
have an easy method of encoding if we simply make m = [m1m2...mk] the message to be
Example 1
Let's take a look at how we would construct a (4,2) code.
Our code words will belong to the vector space V4 and our message words will be all of
the words of length 2; {[00], [01], [10], [11]}. We want to encode each of these message
words into code words of length 4 that will form a 2 dimensional subspace of V4. To do
this we simply pick 2 linearly independent vectors to be a basis for the 2 dimensional
subspace. (For now we'll do it at random but will see later that this is will not be
The vectors v1 = [1000] and v2 = [0110] are linearly independent since neither is a
multiple of the other so we'll use them.
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Now to find the code word, x, corresponding to the message m = [m1 m2] we compute:
x = m1[1000] + m2[0110]
Thus the message m = [11] is mapped to
x = 1[1000] + 1[0110] = [1110]
m = [00] is mapped to x = [0000]
m = [01] is mapped to x = [0110]
m = [10] is mapped to x = [1000]
We can shorten the notation a little bit by using the matrix G, called the generating
matrix, whose rows are the basis vectors v1 through vk. For the example above we would
have used
G = [ 1000
0110 ]
Then the message words can be encoded by matrix multiplication.
Notice that in example 1 the first two digits of each code word are exactly the same as the
message bits. This is especially nice for decoding since, after correction, retrieval of the
message can be achieved by discarding the last 2 bits (n - k bits in general). In general
this can be achieved by insuring that your chosen basis vectors form a generating matrix
of the form [Ik A].
Notice also that the Hamming distance (the number of places where the digits of the code
words differ) between the first and third is only 1. In general, to detect t errors the
minimum distance between code words had to be at least t+1, and to correct t errors the
minimum distance had to be 2t + 1.
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It could easily have been predicted that there would have been code words within
distance one of each other. Since the code words belong to a subspace we know that they
are closed under addition. Since 1000 is a basis vector we know it is in the code. Thus x +
1000 is also in the code for any code word, x. But the distance between x and x + 1000 is
only 1 since they differ only in the first place. This suggests that if we want a code with a
minimum distance of d we had better make all our basis vectors have weight greater than
or equal to d. In the next section we explore this further.
2.5.1 The Parity Check Matrix
The parity check matrix, H, is an n - k by n matrix created so that when multiplied by the
transpose of any code word, x, the transpose of the product, called the syndrome, will be
zero. In symbols,
H xT = sT = 0
It can be shown by matrix arithmetic that given a generator matrix of the form [Ik A] the
parity check matrix can be defined to be H = [-AT In-k] = [AT In-k] (remember that -1 = 1
in Z2).
In the discussion above we noted that for example 1 the generating matrix G would be
G = [ 1000
0110 ]
G is of the form [I2 A] where
A = [ 00
10 ]
The transpose of A is
[ 01
00 ]
So we have H = [AT I2]
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MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
2.5.2 Theorem
Let H be a parity check matrix for an (n,k) code. Then every set of s-1 columns of H is
linearly independent if and only if the code has a minimum distance of at least s.
What this says about example 1 is that if we want a minimum distance of 2 we must
insure that every column of the parity check matrix is linearly independent. The zero
vector can never be part of a set of linearly independent vectors (examine the definition
of linear independence). As you can see, in the parity check matrix of example 1 there is
a zero column.
H = [ 1110
0001 ]
Now AT = [ 11
00 ]
So A must = [ 10
10 ]
and G can be computed to
G = [1010
0110 ]
Using this generator matrix
m = [00] is mapped to x = [0000]
m = [01] is mapped to x = [0110]
m = [10] is mapped to x = [1010]
m = [00] is mapped to x = [1100]
(Remember that 1+1 = 2MOD2 = 0 in Z2) Now we see that each code word is at least a
distance of two away from any other code word. Thus this code could be used to detect
errors. It cannot correct errors however.
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MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
2.5.3 Decoding Linear Codes
Single error correcting codes are very simple to decode. All you have to do is find the
syndrome, s, (remember sT = H xT, where x is your received word) and compare it to the
columns of your parity check matrix. If the syndrome equals 000 then no error occurred.
If the syndrome is equal to the third column of H then you know you know the third digit
of your received word is in error. If the syndrome is not equal to any of the columns in
the parity check matrix then you know that more than one error occurred.
In general, if more than one error occurs the code will decode to the wrong code word in
a Hamming code. This is because in a Hamming code the code words are packed so
tightly that a distance of 2 away from one code word is a distance of 1 away from another
code word.
Example 2
Let's construct a single error correcting Hamming code and explore its encoding and
decoding mechanisms. For it to be a perfect code, as noted above, the length, n, must
equal 2n-k-1, where n-k is the number of check digits so if we choose 2 we get a code of
length 3 and message length of k = 1. We already created that code in example 2. Let's
consider a code with 3 check digits of length 7. In this code our message vectors can be
four digits long.
First we create our parity check matrix. We want H in the form [A T I3] so that we'll have
easy message retrieval. For the columns of A we just use the rest of the vectors of length
three that are left.
H = [1101100
Now G = [I4 A], or
G = [1000111
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Suppose now that we were to send the message vector [1100]. To encode this message
we'd multiply it by G to get the code word [1100010].
Suppose then that along the channel and error occurs and we receive x = [1110010]
instead. To decode this received word we multiply the parity check matrix by the
transpose of the received word to get the transpose of the syndrome.
H xT = sT
, which in this case equals [0] [1] [1]
This column matches the third column from the left in the parity check matrix so we
know that an error occurred in that position. Thus we know that [1110010] needs to be
corrected to [1100010]. We then take the first four digits and that is our message [1100].
3 Software
3.1 Introduction
These programs were written using the Bloodshed Dev-C++ compiler, but were coded
using C language and will also work on a C compiler. Two different programs were
written, one to develop orthogonal base q codes, and one for non-orthogonal base q
codes. The format of the two are relatively the same, except for the orthogonality check
included for the orthogonal codes. Both programs scan in values of n (length of the
desired code word, in bits), dmin (minimum number of bits that each code word differs by)
and q (the number base used), which uses these variables to determine how many loops
the program will perform. The programs scrolls through all the numbers between zero
and q^n – 1 and performs a series of tests to see if the current number is the minimum
distance away from (and orthogonal to, in the case of the orthogonal codes) the code
words already selected. If it is, the number is stored in an array, and the program moves
on to the next number to perform the same operations. Pseudo code for the orthogonal
codes has been written below (for the non-orthogonal codes, just delete the orthogonality
checks), as well as an in-depth explanation of each part. Software code for the two
programs are included in Appendix A and B.
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3.2 Pseudo Code
1. Declaration of variables
2. Use of “power” function to obtain the value of q^n
The C++ compiler did not have a function to generate the result of one number to
the power of another, so a function had to be written to perform that task. The
function consists of a simple loop that multiplies the base q by itself n times.
3. Ask user for values of q, n, and dmin and stores these values as variables of the same
4. Calculate q^n and store the result as “maxnumber”
5. Print the all zero code word (of length n bits)
This is the first code word in any set of code words. All “printing” is done to the
screen and to a text file called “ortho.txt” (called “codes.txt” for the nonorthogonal case) that can be opened once the program has completed.
6. Start of loop to cycle through all possible code words between 1 and maxnumber – 1,
incrementing the code word by one each time a new loop is performed
This loop ensures that all the possible code words are checked
7. Convert the current number from base 10 into base q, and store this result in a
1 x n array called test, where zeroes are placed in the unused bits of the array
Before any tests can be performed, the current code word must be converted
into the number base specified by the user, base q. Zero’s are added to the
unused bits of test (up to size n) so all the code words are of length n
8. Calculate the weight (number of non-zero bits) of the number in test, and
continue with the next step if the weight is greater than or equal to the
entered value of dmin. If the weight is less than dmin, exit loop and start from 6.
again with the next code word.
This builds on the property discussed in 5.2 where the weight of the code
words has to be greater than or equal to dmin. If the weight is less, ignore this
code word, and move on to the next one to check.
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9. Calculate the dot product MOD q of test to itself, and if the result is zero,
continue with the next step. Otherwise exit loop and start again from 6. with the
next code word
10. Start another loop to check test against all the values currently in the keeper array
(n x k array used to store the code words if they pass all the tests).
To become a code word in keeper, test must have distance greater than or
equal to all the code words in keeper (with the first code word in keeper
being the all zero code word) , plus be orthogonal to all values in keeper and
11. Calculate the distance of test against the first code word in keeper
12. Calculate the dot product MOD q (orthogonality check) of test and the first
code word in keeper
13. If the distance of test and the first code word in keeper is greater than or
equal to dmin, increment the value of dmin-counter by one.
dmin-counter is a variable used to figure out if test is the minimum
distance away from all entries currently in keeper. If dmin-counter is
equal to the number of entries currently in keeper (variable called
size_keeper), test passes the minimum distance test
14. If the dot product MOD q of test and the first code word in keeper is 0,
increment the value of orthocounter by one.
orthocounter is a variable used to figure out if test is orthogonal to all
entries currently in keeper. If orthocounter is equal to size_keeper, test
passes the orthogonality test
15. Perform steps 11. to 14. again, except calculate the distance and dot product
MOD q of test and the second code word in keeper, then the third, etc.
Keep cycling from 9. to 13. until the minimum distance and orthogonality
tests have been performed on test and every code word in keeper, then
exit this loop and continue to step 16.
16. If dmincounter and orthocounter are equal to size_keeper, put the code word
currently in test into the keeper array, print the new value of keeper, and
increase the value of size_keeper by one to account for the new entry. If
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MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
dmincounter and orthocounter are not equal to size_keeper, start again from 6.
with the next code word
3.3 Testing the Software
As a result of the numerous loops, iterations, and calculations involved in the program, it
was very difficult at times to tell what was wrong with the developing program when
incorrect results were displayed on the screen. To help remedy this, a test version of the
program was first created where majority of the calculations and iterations are shown on
the screen, so you can follow exactly what the program is doing. This test version prints
out each code word that it cycles through (from 1 to maxnumber – 1), and the results of
the tests that it performs against each entry of the keeper array. It states why a code
word passes or fails certain tests, as well as acknowledges when a code word is added to
keeper, and what entry number it is in the keeper array.
The displayed results make it
easy to do the calculations in your head as the program goes along to double check if the
displayed results are correct. This makes debugging a lot easier, as it narrows the
problem down to specific variable calculations and/or loops. To create the final program,
which is specified to just display the code words in the keeper array as well as the
number of code words in keeper, all of the intermediate calculations and variables used
for the test version were taken out. The test version was kept as a separate program, and
can be used to test further modifications to the code, if they are made. The test version is
also an excellent way to display how the program works, as it shows almost every
iteration and calculation for every loop. An example of the test version output is included
in Appendix C for values of n = 5, q = 3, dmin = 3.
3.4 Results of Running the Software
The orthogonal and non-orthogonal programs were both run for q values of 2, 3, and 4.
For each of these q values, n and dmin were both chosen to be between 2 and 9, and all
possible combinations of n and dmin were tried. The programs displayed all the code
words fitting these three parameters, as well as M, the total number of code words. By
using the relation:
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Mike Kooznetsoff
MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
k = logq M -> q^k = M -> log10 q^k = log10 M -> k = log10 M / log10 q
k values were obtained for all the values of q, dmin, and n. These results, for both
programs, are shown as a series of charts in Appendix D. By analyzing these charts, it
can be shown that for the non-orthogonal codes, values of q = 2 and q = 4 result in linear
code words, whereas for q = 3, the codes are mostly non-linear. This property can be
seen simply by looking at the k values. An integer value for k means the code is linear,
whereas a real number means the code is non-linear. For the orthogonal codes, looking at
the chart reveals, once again, that for q = 2 the codes are linear, but for q = 3, the codes
are mostly linear as well, except for the cases when n = 9 and dmin = 4, 5, and 6. At first
glance, it would appear that for the q = 4 case, the codes are partly non-linear, due to the
fact that about half the values of k are real numbers, as opposed to integers. But, if the k
value is calculated using q = 2 in the above equation, all the k values are indeed integers,
making the code words all linear. This expresses a unique property of code words
generated using the number base q = 4.
3.5 Software Optimization
To make the programs as efficient as possible, it is necessary to reduce the number of
calculations performed by reducing the number of iterations of the various loops. The
implementation of the weight test (step 8. in the pseudo code) was designed to reduce the
number of iterations performed. Simply by calculating the weight, and checking it
against the value of dmin, you can possibly eliminate a code word without having to
calculate the distance and dot product MOD q of the test value and all the entries in the
keeper array. This optimization technique will reduce the amount of iterations by a
small amount, but since majority of the code words tested will have weight greater than
or equal to dmin, the amount of time saved is minimal; a few seconds at best. The selforthogonal check at the beginning of the code (step 9. in the pseudo code), however,
greatly reduces the number of calculations and iterations performed. Since there are a lot
of code words that are not orthogonal to themselves, that simple calculation eliminates
possible code words without having to check against all values in the keeper array. For
example, the orthogonal program was run with values of n = 10, q = 4, dmin = 4 with the
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Mike Kooznetsoff
MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
self-orthogonal check where it is now for optimization (step 9. in the pseudo code), and
where it was initially, at the end of the program as a final check. The optimized code
took 40 seconds to complete, whereas the original program took 150 seconds to
complete. This is a significant improvement over the initial order the code was in. To
further optimize both programs, it is recommended that another check be performed, so
as soon as the test codeword is either non-orthogonal to, or not the minimum distance
from, one of the values in the keeper array, that it exits the loop and continues with the
next code word. At present, it calculates dot product MOD q and distance away from all
the entries in keeper, no matter what.
3.6 Problems Encountered
Majority of the problems encountered involved trying to track down where in the code
errors were occurring, since numerous iterations and loops are being performed. The test
version of the programs helped quite a bit in that respect, and a lot of time was put into
displaying and checking all the “background” calculations that the program was
One specific problem that arose was if the desired q value was greater than 10. To handle
this in the non-orthogonal program, we stored all the bits in the arrays as characters, and
used letters to represent the numbers above ten (for example, a = 11, b = 12, c = 13, etc.).
The part of the program that converts a number into base q would check if the number
base is above 10, and if it was, implemented the correct equation to convert the number
into a letter of the alphabet. For the orthogonal program, on the other hand, this method
could not be used, since the modulus operator (%) was used in the program to calculate
orthogonality and this operator can only by used between two integers, not characters.
Some research was done, and it is possible to convert a character into an integer, but the
integer returns the ASCII value, so some sort of offset would have to be used if the same
representation as the non-orthogonal program is to be used (a = 11, b = 12, c = 13,etc.).
Due to time constraints, and the main purpose of the programs being for q = 2, 3, and 4,
this was not implemented into our program, so for q greater than 10, the orthogonal
program will not display the correct codewords.
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Mike Kooznetsoff
MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
As the q and n values increased, and dmin decreased, the time the program would take to
complete increased significantly. To make these programs efficient for such values, it
will be necessary to perform the optimization technique discusses in section 3.5, as well
as looking into other optimization techniques to reduce the number of iterations and time
the programs take to complete.
Reza Esmailzadeh
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Mike Kooznetsoff
MK&RE® Telecommunications
Linear Orthogonal Error Correcting Codes
According to the findings of this report, the self-orthogonal and non-orthogonal error
correction codes are generated, using our developed C++ program, which gets the
parameters of n, dmin, and q as inputs.
The orthogonal and non-orthogonal programs were both run for q values of 2, 3, and 4.
For each of these q values, n and dmin were both chosen to be between 2 and 9, and all
possible combinations of n and dmin were tried. The programs displayed all the code
words fitting these three parameters, as well as M, the total number of code words. By
using the relation:
k = logq M -> q^k = M -> log10 q^k = log10 M -> k = log10 M / log10 q
The program scrolls through all the numbers between zero and q^n – 1 and performs a
series of tests to see if the current number is the minimum distance away from (and
orthogonal to, in the case of the orthogonal codes) the code words already selected. If it
is, the number is stored in an array, and the program moves on to the next number to
perform the same operations. However, it would appear that for the q = 4 case, the codes
are partly non-linear, due to the fact that about half the values of k are real numbers, as
opposed to integers. This expresses a unique property of code words generated using the
number base q = 4.
The full details of the software are described in section 3 and the necessary theoretical
background is mentioned in section 2. A complete cross-reference table of the results
obtained for several different input parameters is included at Appendix D.
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Mike Kooznetsoff