NBAJOBS Employee jobs - Montana State University

Intermediate Banner
Human Resources
CONTACTS .................................................................................................................... 2
Protecting Your Electronic Signature.......................................................................... 3
Change Your Password ................................................................................................ 3
Confidentiality and Responsibility............................................................................... 4
Organization Campus Identifiers ................................................................................. 5
Navigation Terminology ............................................................................................... 6
Key Navigation terms in the Oracle environment ...................................................... 6
Key Block .................................................................................................................... 6
Next Block – navigates to information blocks ......................................................... 6
Rollback ...................................................................................................................... 6
Exit............................................................................................................................... 6
Query ........................................................................................................................... 6
Status bar (Auto Help line) ........................................................................................ 6
Common Navigation Commands ................................................................................. 7
General System Flow Diagram of Banner Relational Database ............................... 8
UNIQUE BANNER HR CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................. 9
Human Resources Query Forms and Contents from Introduction to Banner ....... 10
Human Resources Query Forms and Contents in Intermediate Banner ................ 10
PEAEMPL – Employee Identification Form ............................................................... 12
NBAJOBS – Employee Jobs Detail Information ..................................................... 143
PWADATA – MSU Unique HR Data ............................................................................ 16
Intermediate Banner HR Review Exercises - 1 ......................................................... 17
NHIDIST – Labor Distribution Data Inquiry ............................................................... 18
Intermediate Banner HR Review Exercises - 2 ......................................................... 20
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Banner Icon Installation....................HELP DESK..........……….……….994-1777
Password Problems......………….....Justin van Almelo....………….……994-7464
MSU Institutional Security………….Adam Edelman………………….…994-5091
Training .............................................Eric Wold…….…..………...……...994-7601
ID Generation & Data Integrity…...…Debra Felkey….…..…………….…994-7366
For questions about Banner Applications, or module specific Banner security issues
please contact one of the following Module Team Leaders:
Student or Financial Aid….........................Mary DeGraw…………………994-4696
Finance……………………………………...Dave Court………..……….…..994-2704
Human Resources……………………........Paul Lindsay …………………...994-3585
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Protecting Your Electronic Signature
Your Banner USERNAME has two primary functions:
 It determines your personal authority within the various modules (that is, your access to
menus, forms and data elements required for query and maintenance activity).
 It is recorded as an electronic signature on each update transaction completed during your
logon session.
Because access within Banner forms is based on individual job responsibilities, it is important
that only you use your personal electronic signature. To keep that USERNAME secure, when
you first receive an assigned password for a Banner instance, use the password-change form
described below to change the original assignment to a personal code that cannot be easily
guessed by others. Use the password-change form whenever you feel your logon might have
been compromised. In addition, it is good practice to change your password periodically (at
least once every 3 months).
Consider the following when choosing a password to secure your electronic signature:
 Passwords must be a minimum of eight characters long.
 Choose a password that contains at least two letters of the alphabet and at least one
number (*but* do not start with a number!).
 Do not use a word that could be easily associated with you personally (for example, James
Bond should not use IAM007).
 Consider using a pass phrase that will help you remember your password. For example:
“Bobcats are number one” = “B0bktzR#1” (note that the letter “o” is replaced with the
number “0”)
Once you have selected your new password, DO NOT SHARE IT WITH ANYONE.
Change Your Password
1. Access the Change Password form by clicking on ‘Change Banner Password’ link
under My Links on the Main Menu or enter ‘GUAPSWD’ in the Go To…field.
2. Key your old code in the Oracle Password field, and click in the New Oracle
Password field.
3. Choose a personal code based on the considerations outlined above
4. Key your new code in both the New Oracle Password and the Verify Password fields.
5. Click the Save icon
or press the F10 key.
6. Use your new password the next time you log on for a Banner session.
Important note: If you forget your password, contact the Banner Security Coordinator
for your campus.
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Confidentiality and Responsibility
I understand that this administrative office account is assigned to me at the
request of the Department Head to be used only in connection with my
assigned duties as an employee of the University and may be revoked
without notice upon the request of this administrator. I understand and
accept the following terms and conditions:
 I am aware that passwords are the first line of security on BANNER. I
agree not to reveal my password nor allow anyone to use the account
assigned to me. I am responsible for any changes made to the
database under my user name.
 I agree to abide by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of
1974 (FERPA) regulations. Under this act, information about current
and former MSU students is legally designated as private. I agree to
refer all outside request for student information to the Office of the
Registrar, unless I have been authorized by the Registrar to release
pre-designated information.
 I must maintain the confidentiality of any and all data that I retrieve
from BANNER in the course of my job duties, including data that I use
for reporting purposes or in other software products.
 Access to administrative data will be determined by the requirements
of my job, and therefore I am only authorized to retrieve this data on a
“need to know” basis.
 I agree to comply with all institutional policies on security, computer
access, confidentiality of data, data standards, and data integrity.
I am aware that any violation of these policies may lead to the immediate
suspension of my computer privileges. I understand that unauthorized
release of sensitive or restricted information is a breach of data security
and may be cause for disciplinary action, which could include dismissal.
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Organization Campus Identifiers
First Digit of Organization indicates Campus or Agency
 3-MSU COT-Great Falls
 4-MSU Bozeman (including Ag Experiment Stations,
Extension Service & Fire Services Training School)
 6- MSU Billings
 7-MSU Northern
Human Resources Organization Security
MSU implemented Human Resources Organization security in Banner similar to
that already used in the Finance module. There are a number of reasons for
tightening the HR security in Banner; however, two stand out above the rest
 to reduce the exposure of employee's personally identifiable information in
Banner, and
 to pave the way for implementing new functionality in the future, such as
departmental time entry, approval queues, etc.
You will need to fill out the Request for Banner HR Orgn Access form requesting
access to your department's Finance orgn's that include personnel services'
budget or salary expense which you need to access in the course of performing
your job. Please note this will NOT affect any Banner access you have in the
Finance module. We realize that most of you are more familiar with your Index
numbers than Orgns, so you might want to go into the FGIBDST form, put in your
Index, and it will automatically populate the Orgn associated with that Index.
Please work with your supervisor in filing out this form as they need to sign it
before you send it back to your HR MTL. Fax number, phone number and
mailing address are all on the bottom of the form.
The online form to request Banner HR Orgn Security is available on the SAIS
website , then choose the link HR Organization Security
Request . The online form to request a ‘New’ user account or to ‘Change’ your
Banner account is available on the New Banner Account Request link.
Paul Lindsay
Banner Human Resources Module Team Leader
Tele: (406) 994-3585
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Navigation Terminology
Key Navigation terms in the Oracle environment
Block- Working area for maintaining and displaying information from
tables (validation, rule or data)
Record- Grouping of related fields (example: address lines, city,
state, zip, county, nation)
Field- Item (element) of information
Blocks are used to access records stored in tables, and records are
made up of fields.
Key Block
Area for entering over-riding criteria for display or
Next Block – navigates to information blocks
Action required to move through records related to criteria
defined in Key Block
Returns to the top of current form or Key Block
Closes current form- returns to prior form or
Way to locate specific records or limit information displays.
Two Steps:
1. Enter query
2. Execute query
Status bar (Auto Help line)
At bottom of form- check here for messages related to any
action taken!
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Common Navigation Commands
Next Block – Moves the cursor to the following block on a form
From the menu bar, choose Block then Next
Click the icon titled Next Block
Previous Block – Moves the cursor to the preceding block on a form
From the menu bar, choose Block then Previous
Click the icon titled Previous Block
Rollback – Moves the cursor to the key block
From menu bar, choose File then Rollback or
Click the icon titled Rollback
List of Choices – Populates a list from which to choose
Click the icon titled Object Search
Select – Chooses or selects a record
Click the icon titled Select
Double click the record of choice
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Common Navigation Commands continued
Initiate Query – Will clear the form so a query can be entered
From the menu bar, choose Query then Enter
Click the icon titled Enter Query
Execute Query – Sends the query to the database for execution
From the menu bar, choose Query then Execute
Click the icon titled Execute Query
Exit – Will take you out of a form
From the menu bar, choose File then Exit
Click the icon titled Exit
General System Flow Diagram of
Banner Relational Database
Banner Finance
Banner Student
Banner Utilities
General System
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
FTE (full time equivalency) indicates the decimal equivalency of a full time job.
1.00 FTE represents Full Time
.50 FTE represents Half Time
.33 FTE represents 1/3 time
The FTE is reflected in the hours per pay which is used to calculate Assign
Salary and Annual Salary. The Rate is not affected by FTE.
Longevity, incremental pay increase afforded Classified staff for each 5 years of
service, is not reflected in the rate fields on the NBAJOBS form, but may be viewed
on the special “MSU Unique” form, PWADATA.
Several fields are associated with both budgeted position and employee
(encumbrances, grade, etc.)-always make sure you are orienting your interpretation
on either the position or the employee.
There are several date types associated with HR forms:
Query Date- generally defaults to “today”; query usually include information from
the query date forward, however a few forms (NBIPINC for example) include
data from query date back in time. Please be aware of dates included in the
Begin/End Date - span of time for a particular job
Effective Date - date a change (for benefits, rate, etc.) affects pay for an
Personnel Date - actual date of a personnel action, regardless of the effective
Examples of Effective Date different from Personnel Date:
1. A personnel termination date of May 15th may require an effective date of
June 30th to allow pay-out of leave balances.
2. The effective date of a retroactive job change would be the first day of the
following pay period, while the personnel date would be the actual date of the
Suffix (found on NBAJOBS) provides another layer of detail for differing pay rates
within a single position number.
Faculty/Staff suffixes are normally 00; work study suffixes range from 00-99;
suffixes on student positions range from S1-S9.
Employee Class - associates attributes such as earn codes, leave accruals and
available benefits to groups of employees.
Examples of Employee Class:
AF - full time administrator
HP - Classified hourly part-time
SF - Classified salary full-time
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Human Resources Query Forms and Contents from Introduction to
Where do I find…?
Incumbent GID
Incumbent Name
General Position Information
from Query date back
Employee Status
Employee Class (ECLS)
Employee Leave Category
Employee Benefit Category
Employee Full Time or Part
Employee Service Dates
Employee Home Department
Employee Check Distribution
Department (Orgn)
Employee Campus Location
Employee I-9 Information
Employee Termination
Form Name, access
Position Number
Form Description
Position Incumbent List
PEAEMPL – by Name Employee Information
or ID
Human Resources Query Forms and Contents in Intermediate Banner
Where do I find…?
Employee Name
Employee Addresses
Employee Generated ID
Employee Biographic Info
Employee Veteran Status
Job Begin Date
Job End Date
Job Type
Job Accrues Leave?
Job On Board of Regents
Job Salary Encumbrance Balance
Job Status
Job Title
Job Effective Date
Job Personnel Date
Job Assigned FTE
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
Form Name, access
Form Description
PPAIDEN – by Name or
Person Identification
NBAJOBS – by Name,
by Position Number,
Jobs-Ties the Person
(Employee) to the Position
December, 2010
Job Hours per Day
Job Employee Class (ECLS)
Job Hourly Rate
Job Hours per Pay
Job Assigned Salary (Rate per
Job Annual Factors/Pays
Job Annual Salary (Base Rate per
Job Change Reason
Job Employer Code (Campus)
Job Default Earnings by Code,
Hours or Rate
Job Labor Distribution by……
Index, Fund, Orgn, Acct, Program
and %
Longevity Increment (Classified)
Base Hourly Rate
Longevity Hourly Rate (Classified)
Total Hourly Rate
Base Annual Rate
Administrative Stipend (Non
Total Annual Rate (Non Classified)
Additional Comp as Posn 4ADCMP
PWADATA – by Name
or ID
Information unique to
Montana State University
(longevity, admin stipend,
additional comp as a
separate position)
Human Resources Query Forms and Contents in Intermediate
Form Contents
Pay Event
Employee Class
Rule Code
Fund, Orgn, Acct, Prog
Document Number
Fiscal Year
Earn Code
Benefit/Deduction Code
Dr/Cr Indicator
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
Form Name, access by..
NHIDIST – by Finance
Document Number,
Finance Index or Fund,
Orgn, Acct, Program, Date
Range, Expenses,
Liabilities or
Form Description
Labor Distribution Data
December, 2010
PEAEMPL – Employee Identification Form
Employee’s employment information
o Employee Class – what type of employee
o Leave Category – eligibility to what type of leave
 Annual + Sick, Sick Only, or No Leave
 Eligible for Overtime or Not Eligible for Overtime
o Benefit Category – eligibility for benefits
 Retirement + Benefits, Retirement Only, No Benefits or Retirement
 Union or Non Union
 Employee paid 9, 10, or 12 months of the year
o Dates of Service:
 Campus Curr Hire: Employee’s most recent hire date (could be brand
new employee, or the date an MSU employee returned to MSU after a
5 day break in service)
 Campus Orig Hire: Date of first employment with MSU
 Longevity Date: Track classified employees who will receive an
increase in pay for every 5 years of un-interrupted state service.
 Annual Lv Accrual: Drives an employee’s annual leave accrual rate for
employee’s eligible for annual leave.
Enter ID or click ‘Search’ key
Ctrl + Page Down or Select the Next Block icon
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
for ‘person’ search by name
December, 2010
NBAJOBS – Employee Jobs Form
Job assignment information tying an employee to a position.
Enter ID or click ‘Search’ key
Enter Position Number and Suffix or click ‘Search’ key , List of Employee’s Jobs
(NBIJLST) and select Position Number. (Query Date may need to be changed).
Next Block
for ‘person’ search by name
Select Base Job tab or from menu ‘Options’ or right click in canvas choose Base Job to view the
Job begin and end dates, job type, job reported to IPEDS, job accrues leave, job on
Montana University System Contract, salary encumbrance remaining and fringe benefit
encumbrance remaining.
Select appropriate tab or from menu ‘Options’ or right click in canvas choose:
Job Detail Information – see page 14-15 for form description and information
Default Earnings – must check for appropriate Query/effective date from menu
‘Options’ or right click in canvas and choose ‘View Earn Code effective dates to
view: types of earnings by Earn Code that default each pay period (Regular, Admin,
Stipend, etc.) Extra compensation shows only on Posn 4ADCMP.
Job Labor Distributions – distribution of pay by Index (FOAP) for the job. From ‘Options’
choose View Labor Dist Effective Dates to be certain you are looking at the appropriate
labor distribution (usually the most recent date).
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Excluded Deductions – used for special situations
Work Schedules – not currently used
Special Notes:
ID, Position Number, Suffix, and Query Date are required.
Job Type – for external reporting purposes – ‘Primary ’- job with the largest % of time;
‘Secondary’ jobs relate to an individual with more than one job
The salary and fringe encumbrances reflect remaining amounts to be paid for the fiscal
NBAJOBS – “Job Detail” tab: Employee Jobs Detail Information
Detail in this Jobs block specifically relates to the employee in this job.
Displays effective date, personnel date, status, title, FTE, employee class, grade, base
salary, employment duration, as well as past and future changes to the job.
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Select appropriate tab or from ‘Options’ choose:
 Payroll Default –
o Shows timesheet department (ORGN)
o Pay ID #
o Whether longevity pay is applicable
 Default Earnings – pay that will default each pay period if no adjustments reported
 Job Labor Distribution – same as on General Job form
 Exclude Deductions – used in specific situations
 Deferred Pay, Miscellaneous, Work Schedules – not currently used
Special Notes:
 Change history under the View Job Detail Effective Dates option lists the most recent
changes first.
 FTE will reflect the % of ‘full-time’ worked but will have no affect on pay. Pay will be
determined by hours per pay.
 Change Reason – explanation of change to record (new effective date).
 Appt % - always 100% for current calculation of leave.
 Compensation amounts represent Base Salary only and do not include longevity
or Admin Stipend – see form PWADATA for those additional pay elements.
 Hours per pay–determines pay calculations and reflects default hours for a payroll cycle
(for students & temporary staff, the default is 1 hour and adjusted during time entry).
 Factor and Pays – reflects months worked and paid.
 Rate – Hourly Base Rate
 Assign Salary – Rate * Hours per Pay (at BZ reflects monthly base rate)
 Annual Salary – Assign Salary (monthly base rate) * Pays (# of months worked)
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
PWADATA – MSU Unique HR Data
Stores and displays data elements unique to Montana State University.
Enter ID click ‘Employee ID’ for ‘person’ search by name
Displays Position Number and Suffix, Longevity Increment, Base Hourly Rate, Longevity
Hourly Rate, Total Hourly Rate, Base Annual Rate, Annual Stipend, Total Annual Rate.
Special Notes:
 Base Hourly – Base Hourly Salary Rate for all employees
 Longevity – Additional Hourly Rate for Classified staff only, based on longevity
increments times the relevant percentage.
 Total Hourly – Base Hourly + Longevity = Total Hourly Rate for all employees except
those with Additional Compensation. Annual Rate for Classified = Total Hourly * # hours
 Base Annual – Base Annual Salary Rate for all employees
 Stipend – Annual Administrative Stipend Rate for Department Heads
 Grant – Not currently being used – See Additional Compensation below
 Total – Total Annual Salary Rate for non-Classified employees except those with
Additional Compensation. Represents Base Annual Rate only for Classified employees.
 NOTE: Additional Compensation can only be viewed as a separate position 4ADCMP
Billings Data, COT Data, Board of Regents Data, Group Code and Special Code are all
reserved for reporting purposes.
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Intermediate Banner HR Review Exercises - 1
1 What is the base hourly pay rate for Hupka, Connie, as of:
2 What significant status change occurred on 7/31/08 for the above employee’s
Leave without pay
Employer Code change
3 By accessing the NBAJOBS or MSU Unique form(PWADATA), what is:
The hourly longevity pay attributed to DuHoux, Jamie?__________
Brett Gunnink’s annual Stipend amount? ____________________
Annual Additional Compensation amount for Larry Baker? ______
a 22.827597, b 23.077597, c 24.964929
a .573791, b 14,4000.00, c 6,000.00
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
NHIDIST – Labor Distribution Data Inquiry
Important Note:
Data viewed on NHIDIST will display more quickly if the query can be refined to a
smaller group. For large inquiries, please be patient!
 Displays expenditure detail by person, earn codes and/or benefit codes within an index
(FOAP elements), category and date range (for a Finance posting range) entered in the
key block.
Special Instructions:
 Enter the desired Index (not organization) which will populate Fund, Orgn and Program.
Note: you must have both Finance and HR Fund and/or Orgn security to view data
associated with the Orgn related to this Index; contact your supervisor if you do not have
 Enter the desired From Date and To Date range. This form is extracting data from
Finance, so orient your request to the check date rather than to the earning month. For
example, to see the data for the July 2005 pay cycle, paid in August 2005, enter or use
the calendar icon to enter the following:
From Date:
o 01-AUG-05
To Date:
o 31-AUG-05
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
NHIDIST – Labor Distribution Data Inquiry continued
Leave the Category set to “expenses” – this will provide the most effective search for
departmental purposes.
Move to the Next Block.
To view all detail for the Index and Date ranges specified in the key block, execute a
query with no additional criteria (click the Execute Query icon or press F8). Searches
may also be limited to a specific person, earnings code and/or benefits (BDCA) code.
However, SSN searches will not work for person queries – you must use a GID
number or Name. Remember, the Working message in the bottom left may be there for
a while.
If no records are retrieved from your query, click on Exit to return the form to “active
mode”, then either change the Next Block criteria or Rollback and change the key criteria
as required.
When records are retrieved, note that Net Hours and Amount columns represent the
sum of amounts viewed only. To see the totals for all data returned, click ‘Options’ and
‘View Full Totals’. Record Count in the lower left of the screen will indicate which record
of the total records you are viewing.
Special Notes:
NHIDIST detail will not be current until the HR-to-Finance feed has been completed for a
payroll cycle.
BDCA (Benefit) codes for limiting queries (first digit is a number, last two are letters)
Regulated Benefits:
0SO FICA (Social Security) – Employer Share
0SM Medicare – Employer Share
0SU Unemployment
0WC Worker’s Comp
Medical Benefits:
Prior to 03/01/2010
1ES Employer Contribution – Medical
1ER Employer Contribution – Medical Reserve
After 03/01/2010
1ES Employer Contribution – 12 month employee
1EB Employer Contribution – 10 month employee
1EC Employer Contribution – 9 month employee
Retirement Benefits:
2PE Public Employees Retirement – Employer Share
2TC TIAA-CREF Retirement (Classified) – Employer Share
TIAA-CREF Retirement (Non Classified) – Employer Share
2TL TIAA-CREF Retirement (Professional) – Employer Share
2TM MPERA Portion of TIAA-CREF Retirement – Employer Share
2TR Teachers Retirement System – Employer Share
2TS TRS Portion of TIAA- CREF Retirement – Employer Share
2GW Game Wardens Police Officer Retirement – Employer Share
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
NOTE: ‘%’ in BDCA column will return all employer benefits associated with a query.
‘%’ in Earn column will return all salaries associated with a query.
Intermediate Banner HR Review Exercises - 2
Please find the dollar amounts for the following in Index 443600 for the month
of March 2007:
a. Total earnings _____________________________
b. Total benefits _____________________________
c. Total costs for employee ‘Slade’ ______________
d. Total employer costs for retirement _____________
1. a 6,249.03 b 2,129.69 c 4,834.61 d 507.67
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
December, 2010
Position # Position Title
Classified Salaried
Classified Hourly
# of Hours
Full FTE
Based on
hours in
Acct Code
Full Time: SF
Part Time: SP
OT Exempt: SE
Full Time: HV
Part Time: HP
Example Titles
Administrative Assistant II
Custodian I
Classified Temporary Fixed Term Salaried
Classified Temporary Fixed Term Hourly
Based on
hours in
Custodian I
Vice President
Assistant to Provost
Assistant to President
Assistant Director
Research Assistant
Assistant Director
Executive Salaried BOR
Professional Salaried LOA
Fiscal Year Faculty MUS
Full Time: AF
Part Time: AP
Full Time: PF
Part Time: PP
Full Time: PF
Part Time: PP
Full Time: FF
Part Time: FZ
Professional Salaried MUS Administrator
Professional Salaried MUS
Fiscal Year Research
Faculty USRA appointment
Fiscal Year Research
Faculty LOA
Faculty 10 months MUS
Faculty 9 months MUS
(Should only be researchers)
Full Time: FF
Part Time: FZ
Full Time: FF
Part Time: FZ
Full Time: FA
Part Time: FZ
Full Time: FA
Part Time: FZ
Faculty 10 months LOA
Faculty 9 months LOA
(Should only be researchers)
Professional Hourly
Short Term Worker
Graduate Students
Work Study
Intermediate Banner Human Resources
Associate Prof
Assistant Prof
Associate Research Prof
Assistant Research Prof
Associate Research Prof
Assistant Research Prof
Adjunct Instructor
Research Faculty
Professional Hourly
Temp Hourly
Graduate Students
GTA = 61126
GRA = 61127
Federal =
State = 61228
Administrative Assistant II
Program Coordinator I
December, 2010