CPR & First Aid Class Notes: Steps, AED, Choking, Shock

Health: CPR Class Notes
What does CPR stand for?
What is CPR?
Pre-CPR Steps
Make sure the scene is safe
__________the victim on the shoulders and shout “______________________________?”
If no response send someone to call __________or you call
Open the airway ________________________________________
Check if the victim is __________
Look for signs of __________, __________, __________, or __________
Look for a Medic Alert Tag
Begin CPR
CPR Steps
Lay victim on their back and perform the head-tilt chin-lift
Check for breathing if there is no chest rise give __________breaths
After __________breaths give __________compressions then check for breathing
Continue to give __________ compressions and __________ breaths until help arrives
How to Perform Chest Compressions
Place the heel of your hand in the __________of the __________
Place the other hand on top of your first hand and lock fingers
Exert enough pressure to depress the chest, by keeping your elbows slightly bent and using
your body to exert the force
Infant CPR Steps
Lay victim on their back and perform the head-tilt chin-lift
Check for __________if there is no chest rise give __________ breaths
After 2 breaths give __________ compressions, then check for breathing
Continue to give __________compressions and 2 breaths until help arrives
How to Perform Infant Chest Compressions
Find the center of the chest
Place __________fingers on the center of the breastbone
Exert enough pressure to depress the chest
Hands Only CPR
Hands only CPR is done the exact same way CPR is performed without the Breaths
It has been proven that there is enough oxygen in the blood to circulate to the brain
This new technique will also increase bystander involvement
Hands only CPR Video
First Aid for a Heart Attack
What is a heart attack?
The heart is deprived of __________
Cardiac Arrest:
Aftermath of a ____________________
Signs of a Heart Attack
Chest discomfort, usually in the center of the chest
Nausea, __________, __________
How to use an AED
What is a AED?
How to Use it :
Turn AED on and follow __________
Attach the __________as shown in the __________
Allow the AED to check for a heart __________
Make sure nobody is __________the victim while checking for heart rhythm (verbalize)
If shock is needed make sure nobody is __________the victim (verbalize)
Press the __________button
Begin the steps of CPR immediately
First Aid for Choking
Universal Distress Signal
Steps for a Conscious Choking Victim
Ask the victim if they are choking if the victim is __________encourage them to continue to
__________it may __________the object
If the victim cannot __________or __________have someone call 9-1-1
Give Abdominal Thrusts
o Abdominal Thrusts
How to Perform Abdominal thrusts
1. Stand __________ the victim with _________________ in between the victim’s legs and
wrap your _______________ around the victim’s __________________
2. Make a _________________ with one hand and place the _________________ side of
the fist into the victim’s abdomen, above the _________________ and below the
_________________ and grab your fist with the other hand
3. Apply pressure _________________ and _________________ towards the victims
diaphragm in one smooth motion
4. Keep performing these abdominal thrusts until the object is _________________ or the
victim becomes _________________
When an Infant is Choking
Place the victim face __________on your __________and upper leg
Support the victim’s __________by placing your hand around the lower jaw and chest
Use the heel of your other hand and give __________ thrusts to the back between the
Place the victim on their back with the head on a __________angle on your upper leg
Press __________ fingers in the center of the breast bone and give __________ thrusts
If the object does not dislodge __________the __________
Once the object is out, the victim may still need recovery breaths
Can you give yourself abdominal thrusts if you are choking and your alone?
Give yourself quick ____________________, by applying pressure __________and _______
Repeat until the object is dislodged
First Aid for Bleeding
How to Control Bleeding
Make sure the scene is safe
Send someone to get a ______________________________
Take __________precautions
If able to ask the victim to place __________on the __________with a large clean dressing
Place pressure over the wound with the __________of your hand
If the bleeding continues __________another dressing on __________of the first one and
apply more __________
Check for signs of __________
Call 9-1-1
First Aid for Shock
Any serious injury/illness can lead to shock
Shock can lead you to __________, put into a coma, or __________if untreated
Warning signs include:
____________________, ____________________
____________________, ____________________
First Aid for Shock
Steps to treat a shock victim
Make sure the scene is safe
Call 9-1-1
Help the victim lie on his/her back
If there is no leg injury or pain __________the victims __________just above the level of the
__________ (box or chair)
Use pressure to stop any __________
__________the victim to keep the victim __________