Introduction to World War II

Introduction to World War II
Scavenger Hunt
Visit the websites on my reference page and find the answers to the questions listed below! You have two class
periods to complete these questions. This assignment is due: Monday, Feb. 11. Happy Hunting and GOOD LUCK!!!
1. According to your understanding, list
1931 -1935 and explain why.
FIVE of the most important events that occurred in-between the years
2. Many United States WWII posters told citizens who our friends were. Name five. Why are these people our
3. American soldiers fought in three THEATERS: Name each theater and WHY war broke out in that area.
4. What happened on December 7, 1941 that changed U.S. involvement in WWII?
5. Listen to Roosevelt’s address to Congress…Describe his tone, pace, and message.
6. Watch the Secret Army Video:
A. What was the SOE? What major purpose did it serve?
B. Describe an SOE officer and what they were trained to do.
C. What did the SOE do in 1944? What did they face? What did they achieve?
7. What did General Wemer Von Fritsch of the German High Command say about aerial reconnaissance in 1938?
8. Watch “WHY WE FIGHT” video. List all the reasons the film gives for going to war. What imagery does the film
use to capture the viewer’s attention?
9. Name the four major allied and three major axis powers in World War II. NAME THE COUNTRIES AND THEIR
10. Watch the Dunkirk Video:
A. What happened in May of 1940?
B. What was the outcome of the Battle at Dunkirk? Why is this battle significant?
C. What does Winston Churchill say in response?
11. A United States WWII poster declared, “For Defense buy….” what?
12. List six places that the Japanese attacked around the same time as Pearl Harbor. How does Roosevelt interpret
these attacks?
13. What/when was the Tripartite Pact?
14. What was the Battle of the Atlantic? When and were did it take place? Who won?
15. View the D-Day Photo Gallery: Picture #4
A. What specifics did aerial reconnaissance have about the beaches of Northern France before any fighting
took place?
16. Describe the “wolf pack” tactic? Where was it used and by whom?
17. At WATU, visit Escort Tactics:
A. Give a brief description of the Creeping Tactic. When is this tactic most useful?
B. Give a brief description of the Pineapple. When is this tactic most useful?
C. Give a brief description of the Beta Search. When is this tactic most useful?
18. What does President Roosevelt say the Japanese deliberately did to conceal the upcoming attacks on Pearl
19. On WWII posters, The United States Division of Information declared, “He is Watching You”. Who is “he”? How
do you know?
20. At WATU, visit ASDIC:
A. What is ASDIC?
B. What is the American system?
c. Give a brief description of the Q System and the Search Light
21. Watch the Evacuees video:
a. In 1939, what does the British government order all citizens to do?
b. What did children do in their new homes?
22. What/when was the Nazi-Soviet pact?
23. At WATU, visit Armaments:
A. What does your convey consist of?
B. What does your convey have as an advantage over a U-boat?
C. Give a brief description of your on-board defenses.
24. WWII posters declared, “Women in the war, _____________________________”.
25. At WATU, visit the Operations Room:
A. What is the reported sighting?
B. What tactic did you choose?
C. Was it successful? Why or why not?
26. Describe three myths about the attack on Pearl Harbor. Why are they myths?
27. What was the main purpose of aerial reconnaissance during WWII? What are the two main headings?
28. View the Auschwitz Photo Gallery: Picture#5
A. What is the smoke in the picture?
29. View two other pictures in the photo gallery. How did aerial reconnaissance play a vital role? Explain.
30. Chose one other video to watch and describe what it was about.