1 2 Flounder (floun-der) Impulse (im-puhlse) (v.) to make clumsy attempts to move or regain one’s balance; to struggle Perverse (per-vurs) The young man began to __________________ after tripping in the bleachers. Her __________________ comments assured she would be expelled for a week. SYNONYMS: falter, waver, muddle, stumble ANTONYMS: continue, endure SYNONYMS: contrary, corrupt ANTONYMS: kind, decent (n.) a sudden wish or urge Stampede (stam-peed) I woke up early with an ________________ to eat chocolate cookies. Intuition (n) a sense of knowing; an insight (in-too-ish-uhn) My mother’s ____________________ told her I was upset. SYNONYMS: instinct, hunch, perception ANTONYMS: knowledge, reason (v.) to look intently, searchingly or with difficulty Jeremy tried to _______________ through the dark tropical forest. SYNONYMS: observe, gaze, inspect ANTONYMS: disregard, look away (n.) a sudden headlong rush or flight of a crowd of people or animals (v) to rush or take flight in a crowd Sometimes cows ____________________ when they hear a loud noise. SYNONYMS: feeling, inspiration, motivation Peer (peer) (adj.) turned away from what is right or good, improper SYNONYMS: charge, surge, flood ANTONYMS: orderly, calm Summit (suhm-it) (n.) the highest point or part; the top Chris was anxiously waiting for the climbers to reach the ____________________. SYNONYMS: peak, pinnacle, top ANTONYMS: base, bottom Tedious (adj.) boring, tiresome because of length, slowness (tee-dee-uh-s) or dullness Doing the same job over and over again can become very ___________________. SYNONYMS: dull, tiring, unexciting ANTONYMS: entertaining, exciting, interesting 3 SECTION II Choosing the Correct Vocabulary Term From the words for this unit, choose the one that best completes each of the following sentences. Write the word in the space provided. 1. The elephants started to _____________________ when they saw a mouse. 2. Being a champion gymnast, Gloria was able to balance _______________ on the beam. 3. The high waves caused our small sail boat to _______________. 4. Sue and Jill must _____________________ if they want to finish their English project. 13. Without good study habits, students will ________________ in school. 14. That comment was _______________ and totally inappropriate. 15. I had a sudden __________________ to scream because I was so frustrated. SECTION III Synonyms Choose the word from this unit that is the same or most nearly the same in meaning as the boldface word or expression in the given phrase. Write the word on the line provided. 1. Math can be so tiring ________________ 2. See the peak of Mt. Rushmore? ________________ 3. I woke with an inspiration to exercise. ________________ 5. We climbed to the ________________ of the mountain. 6. Everyone should _____________ with the class rules. 4. Mr. Bumbles continued to muddle his way. ________________ 7. The ________ (plural) of the boys did not impress Mrs. Daniels. 5. The shenanigans were hilarious. ________________ 6. I will endorse the honest candidate. ________________ 7. The whaling boat was upended. ________________ 8. We have to conform to the dress code. ________________ 8. Sometimes doing your chores can be very __________________. 9. The _________________ girls smoked in the parking lot before school. 10. Jamie decided to trust her ______________________ that the nan was telling the truth. 11. Joey attempted to _________________ through the small hole. 12. We hope the Secretary of Education will ________________ our class for the Wetlands Project we completed. 4 SECTION IV Antonyms 3. We (brazen, commend, capsize) you for your generosity. Choose the word from this unit that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the boldface word or expression in the given phrase. Write the word on the line provided. 4. Due to the storm, it was improbable that the climbers would reach the (commend, summit, antic) . 9. The man disregarded the picture. 5. Ten people were killed in the (comply, stampede, intuition) at the soccer game. ________________ 10. The kind man gained the trust of the class. ________________ 11. The volleyball player passed awkwardly. ________________ 12. James has decided to hinder the progress of his team’s project. ________________ 13. The orderly movement of the horses was frightening. ________________ 14. The little boy was fearful toward his siblings. ________________ 15. My decision was based on strong reason. ________________ 6. He popped some sunflower seeds into his mouth and (deftly, summit, capsize) removed the shells with his teeth. 7. Allison's (intuition, tedious, impulse) told her not to drive to the grocery store while it was snowing. 8. Until Kenneth practices his swimming event he will continue to (flounder, commend, stampede) in the water. 9. The wind blew hard, and the little boat threatened to (peer, brazen, capsize) . 10. The student's (peer, flounder, brazen) behavior toward the teacher showed a complete disregard for classroom rules. 11. Joe and I (peer, collaborate, flounder) often when we write for the newspaper. SECTION V Choosing the Correct Word Circle the boldface word that most accurately completes each of the following sentences. 12. Taking inappropriate pics and posting them on the net is (tedious, perverse, impulse) behavior. 13. Mr. Haskins did not find humor in the (brazen, flounder, antic) that was displayed by Roger in the cafeteria. 1. You must (comply, impulse, deftly) or go to detention. 2. Shoveling the extremely heavy snow was a slow and (capsize, impulse, tedious) job. 14. John's (impulse, collaborate, intuition) to cheat landed him in the principal's office. 15. I attempted to (intuition, capsize, peer) into the fox den. 5 SECTION VI Creating a List of Unit 1 Vocabulary Accurately spell each of the terms on the lines below. 1. __________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________ 4. __________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________ 8. __________________________________________ 9. __________________________________________ 10. __________________________________________ 11. __________________________________________ 12. __________________________________________ 13. __________________________________________ 14. __________________________________________ 15. __________________________________________