Name: Teacher: Hour/Subject: Date: WMOD Intro to Silence, Reticence Unit 1. impertinent, adjective, Def 1: rude or overly bold synonyms: insolent, impudent; antonyms: polite, respectful Def 2: irrelevant, synonyms: unrelated, unimportant; antonyms: pertinent, relevant 2. impudent, adjective, offensively bold synonyms: insolent, impertinent; antonyms: respectful, courteous 3. stupefied, adjective or verb p/t , Def 1 (adj): struck as dumb with wonder or surprise, Def 2 (vb p/t): (was) stunned, or made stupid synonyms: astonished, dumbfounded; antonym: unsurprised 4. futile, adjective, producing no result, synonyms: fruitless, vain; antonyms: fruitful, rewarding 5. reticence, noun, hesitancy to speak or act synonyms: taciturnity, restraint; antonym: outspokenness 6. taciturn, adjective, using few words; soft spoken synonyms: reticent, uncommunicative; antonyms: garrulous, talkative 7. strive, verb, to exert a great deal of effort, synonyms: labor, toil; antonym: surrender 8. laconic, adjective, brief or to the point synonyms: terse, succinct; antonyms: verbose, loquacious 9. telepathy, noun, the ability to read another’s thoughts or to communicate by thinking, synonym: mind-reading, sixth sense 10. belligerent, adjective, hostile or warlike synonyms: bellicose, violent; antonyms: peaceful, nonviolent 11. truculent, adjective, brutal or savage, synonyms: fierce, barbaric; antonyms: calm, sedate 12. charlatan, noun, con artist or fake, synonyms: fraud, quack 13. vilified, adjective or verb p/t, Def 1 (adj): (was) spoken badly of Def 2 (vb p/t): spoke badly of synonyms: defamed, reviled; antonyms: commended, lauded 14. denounced, adjective or verb p/t, Def 1 (adj): (was) spoken badly of, or publicly accused synonyms: defamed, blamed; antonyms: commended, lauded Def 2 (vb p/t): spoke badly of or publicly accused synonyms: defamed, reviled; antonyms: extolled, praised 15. serene, adjective, quiet or peaceful synonyms: tranquil, sedate; antonyms: agitated, troubled 16. tranquility, noun, peace or quietness synonyms: calm, serenity; antonyms: turmoil, chaos 17. novice, noun or adjective, a beginner Def 1 (noun): a beginner or rookie synonyms: neophyte, amateur; antonyms: ace, veteran Def 2 (adj): inexperienced, synonyms: amateurish, inexpert; antonym: skilled 18. neophyte, noun, beginner, synonyms: novice, tyro; antonyms: expert, pro 19. sanctuary, noun, a place of refuge or safety, synonyms: haven, shelter Name: Teacher: Hour/Subject: Date: WMOD Intro to Harbinger Unit 1. harbinger, noun or verb, Def 1 (noun): omen, or sign of future events synonyms: precursor, forerunner, Def 2 (vb): foretell, synonyms: predict, divine 2. euphoria, noun, a state of extreme happiness synonyms: elation, ebullience; antonyms: despair, melancholy 3. jejune, adjective, boring or uninteresting synonyms: insipid, tedious; antonyms: exciting, original 4. prosaic, adjective, common or ordinary synonyms: insipid, tedious; antonyms: exciting, original 5. banal, adjective, lacking originality synonyms: mundane, insipid; antonyms: fresh, original 6. pedestrian, noun or adjective Def 1 (noun): someone traveling on foot synonyms: walker, runner, jogger Def 2 (adj): common or uninteresting synonyms: jejune, banal; antonyms: interesting, imaginative 7. mundane, adjective, ordinary or commonplace synonyms: banal, prosaic; antonyms: extraordinary, unusual 8. sojourn, noun or verb, Def 1 (noun): temporary stay, synonyms: visit, break, respite Def 2 (vb): to stay temporarily, synonyms: visit, vacation 9. respite, noun, a temporary rest , synonyms: stay, reprieve 10. enveloped, adjective, surrounded or encased, synonyms: encircled 11. incredulity, noun, disbelief synonyms: astonishment, stupefaction; antonyms: gullibility, credulity 12. morose, adjective, gloomy or depressed synonyms: glum, somber; antonyms: cheerful, lighthearted 13. penchant, noun, tendency or strong desire synonyms: affinity, inclination; antonyms: dislike, aversion 14. symmetry, noun, an arrangement of balanced or harmonious proportions synonyms: equilibrium, balance; antonym: asymmetry 15. raconteur, noun, one who excels at telling stories synonym: storyteller 16. agenda, noun, list of things to do synonyms: plan, schedule 17. exult, verb, to express extreme joy synonyms: rejoice celebrate; antonyms: lament, mourn 18. conflagration, noun, disastrous or uncontrolled fire synonyms: wildfire, blaze, inferno 19. mosaic, noun, image composed of many small, colored tiles or pieces 20. epiphany, noun, sudden insight or moment of clarity synonyms: revelation, realization 21. revelation, noun, astonishing discovery synonyms: epiphany, realization 22. supremacy, noun, the state of being the highest or greatest synonyms: ascendancy, preeminence; antonyms: inferiority, lowliness