PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Tel: (021) 403-2556/2110 Fax: (021) 461-9460 National Council of Provinces PO Box 15 Cape Town 8000 E-mail: DRAFT CONCEPT DOCUMENT FOR FOLLOW-UP VISIT TO KWAZULU-NATAL 15 – 19 August 2005 On the week of 1-5 November 2004 the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) held its programme Taking Parliament to the People at Empangeni, KwaZuluNatal, as part of its drive to promote public participation in the affairs of Parliament. A number of issues were raised during public meetings. The NCOP has dedicated the week of 15 August for a follow-up visit to look at progress, or lack of, on the issues raised by the people and where government was expected to act. The visit will focus on those issues that the NCOP has identified as critical and where action is expected to have been taken. The rest of the issues will still remain part of a follow-up by select committees and these will be expected to be reflected in the committee reports. Areas to be covered: Education Lack of ablution facilities or running water at schools The NCOP visited a number of schools and the issue of water and sanitation was raised during site visits and at public meetings. It is recommended that follow-up visits be made to the schools, especially Macekane, Tholokuhle and Bhekulwazi which had serious water and infrastructure problems. There is a need to establish what support from the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry is being rendered to ensure access to water and sanitation at schools in the province. Lack of sufficient classrooms including school laboratories and libraries Members must assess the classroom backlog in the province and look at what government plans are in place to address this challenge. 1 Shortage of educators or teachers, especially in relation to Mathematics and Science Members must assess the reported shortage of educators (focusing on Mathematics and Science) in the province and in the particular schools that were visited by NCOP delegations. Health Increasing rate of teenage pregnancies This was reported as one of the things that impacted on education as a number of teenage learners fall pregnant and are disturbed from, or discontinue, their studies. Members must assess whether there are systems in place to ensure that learners are equipped with life skills through education and whether sex education is offered in schools. High rate of HIV/Aids infections Members must assess the impact of the spread of the disease and whether government interventions are being implemented, such as the roll-out of antiretrovirals and support to families affected by the disease. It is important to also look at the provision of education about the disease. [NOTE: These issues to be dealt with together with issues pertaining to education as they relate mainly to schools or schoolchildren.] Social Development Insufficient support for orphaned and/or child-headed homes due to the scourge of HIV/Aids Members must assess the nature of support government provides for orphaned children and/or child-headed homes and whether this support is provided to all affected homes and how does it assist the families. It might be important to identify at least five child-headed households in the Uthungulu District, and in other districts in the northern part of the province, for purposes of visits by the delegation. The issue must be dealt with when dealing with education as it affects mainly schoolchildren. [NOTE: These issues to be dealt with together with issues pertaining to education as they relate mainly to schools or schoolchildren.] 2 Safety and Security Lack of security and high crime rate in the vicinity of schools Members must establish the nature of crime that is reportedly committed around schools and whether government and communities are employing the necessary measures to fight crime in and around schools. [NOTE: These issues to be dealt with together with issues pertaining to education as they relate mainly to schools or schoolchildren.] Local government Lack of capacity by some municipalities resulting in service delivery backlogs Members must meet with representatives of organised local government to look at how the issue of lack of capacity is practically being addressed. Organised local government should also give an assessment of the impact of programme Project Consolidate in affected municipalities. KwaZuluNatal has a total of 29 priority municipalities under the programme (see attached list of all municipalities under Project Consolidate). The delegation will also need to visit at least two municipalities under the programme. Strengthening of community participation through ward committees in local government affairs Organised local government must brief the delegation on mechanisms to promote community participation in municipalities (through ward committees) as envisaged in the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act and which municipalities do not have ward committees as well as municipalities where ward committees do not function properly and reasons for this. Absence of or insufficient Local Economic Development (LED) strategies to support and develop local entrepreneurship and/or small businesspeople What strategies are there to support local economic development and local entrepreneurship projects/programmes supported by government? A meeting with local entrepreneurs, or their representative bodies, should be planned and the relevant municipality or Salga should assist in preparing for the meeting. 3 Presidency Women in rural areas are continuously engaging in small businesses but lack the information and support on business and marketing strategies What strategies are in place to assist women in small businesses and to ensure that their businesses are sustainable? Absence of disability desks that are sensitive to people with disabilities within municipalities. Organised local government must brief the Members on measures taken in all the municipalities in the province to ensure that buildings and offices are friendly to people with disabilities and what challenges municipalities face in this regard. [NOTE: These issues to be dealt with together with issues pertaining to local government as they affect this sphere of government.] Agriculture Lack of capacity building and skills training programmes leading to poor management of women co-operatives Members must establish the nature and form of capacity building and skills training for local entrepreneurs and how (practically) has the training or support assisted them, as well as any future needs. Unsustainability of farming projects due to lack of funds Members must establish the nature of financial assistance that is provided to farmers and how this has assisted farmers to develop. Lack of adequate infrastructure such as access roads hampering access to and from cane fields Members must establish what government needs to do to assist farmers by improving access to farms and what government is currently doing in this regard. The delegation should also visit the farms visited last year, Phezukomkhono Women’s Co-operative, Thathunyawo Cane and Citrus Farm and Jabulani Centre. Water Affairs and Forestry Insufficient water supply to farms and schools. 4 Members must investigate challenges experienced by government with regard to the supply of water to farms and schools in the province and what government needs to do to address the issue. Trade and Industry Problems pertaining to access to finance that face women in business and the new initiatives that are looked at in order to address these constraints Members must establish what form of assistance is provided to enable women in business to have access to finance and to also look at recipients of such support, how they accessed it and how has it assisted them, as well as challenges being experienced. Public Works The roll-out of Expanded Public Works Programme Members must assess progress with regard the roll-out of Expanded Public Works Programme in the province and what impact does the programme have in reducing unemployment. The delegation must visit at least two projects under the programme which have been successfully implemented. Public Service and Administration Lack of details with regard to the commencement and training of Community Development Workers Members must assess the roll-out of the programme for Community Development Workers and the training of such workers, as well as mechanisms of engaging communities. Draft programme outline for the follow-up visit. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 14h00-16h00 08h30- 13h00 08h30 – 13h00 08h30 – 12h30 08h30-10h30 Meeting with provincial leaders (MECs and Chairpersons of Standing Committees) to look at education Meeting with Salga on capacity building and state of municipalities under Project Consolidate (meeting to Visits to schools (Macekane, Tholokuhle and Bhekulwazi) and farms (Phezukomkhono Women’s Cooperative, Thathunyawo Visits to two municipalities under Project Consolidate (proposed Mbonambi and Ntambanana) Visit to Amangwe Village and Sokhulu Community Garden 5 09h00 – 12h00 Public Meeting 14h00 Departure of all SUNDAY issues (to include social services, health, safety and security issues linked to schools or affecting schoolchildren as identified in the concept document) MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY involve MEC responsible for local government and relevant Councillors) Cane and Citrus Farm and Jabulani Centre) 14h30 – 17h30 14h30-16h30 Visits to two Expanded Public Works Projects in the infrastructure sector (to be identified in consultation with province) Visit to child and femaleheaded homes 14h00 – 17h00 Meeting with Salga and representatives of small business to look at local economic development, financial assistance to women in business and other strategies to assist women (meeting to involve relevant MECs, Chairpersons of Standing Committees and Councillors) 14h30 – 17h00 Meeting to look at agricultural issues (government assistance to farmers and building of infrastructure such as roads to assist farming communities) delegates N.B: The NCOP must request national Ministers to assist with providing reports in line with the areas identified in the concept document to enable the NCOP delegation to effectively follow up on the issues when visiting KwaZulu-Natal. The NCOP delegation will be divided into two. Dated 27 July 2005 6