Final Exam: Radiographic Positioning Version “A” August 4, 1994 MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer from those provided. All questions have only a single best response unless otherwise indicated. 1. Which of the following views is NOT performed at a 72” FFD? a. AP lower cervical b. Cervical flexion c. Lateral cervical d. Left anterior cervical oblique e. Right posterior cervical oblique 2. Which of the following is true about an AP lower cervical exam? a. collimation should exclude the lung apices b. optimal kVp would be approximately 90 c. there are no filters required for this image d. there is 0˚ tube tilt e. we use an 8” x 10” film lengthwise 3. Which of the following views is NOT included in a 5-view cervical exam performed here at Logan College of Chiropractic? a. AP lower cervical b. AP open mouth c. Flexion lateral d. Neutral lateral e. Right posterior oblique 4. In which view would you most likely see the left intervertebral foramen at C4? a. AP lower cervical b. Neutral lateral cervical c. Right anterior cervical oblique d. Right posterior cervical oblique e. Swimmer’s lateral 5. According to Montgomery in the March ’94 issue of Postgraduate Medicine, which view should be performed first in a Davis series if the doctor suspects a cervical fracture? a. AP pen mouth b. Either right or left posterior oblique c. Extension lateral cervical d. Flexion lateral cervical e. Neutral lateral cervical 6. Which view in the typical thoracic spine series does NOT require secondary filtration? a. AP thoracic b. Lateral chest c. Lateral thoracic d. PA chest e. Swimmer’s lateral 7. Which of the following statements is true regarding a lateral thoracic? a. the central ray should be centered to the already positioned film b. the correct FFD should be 72” c. the optimal kVp is the same as a lateral cervical d. the patient directions will be “exhale and hold still” e. the upper 1/3 of the x-ray beam is filtered 8. What would be the optimal kVp for an AP thoracic? a. 70 kVp b. 80 kVp c. 90 kVp d. 100 kVp e. 110 kVp 9. Which of the following statements is true regarding a PA chest? a. the FFD is typically 40” unless the patient is over 25 cm in size b. the patient direction are for double expiration and hold c. the vertical collimation should be approximately the midclavicular line d. we take the film with slow expiration to blur out the ribs e. we use a special type of film/cassette for these films 10. Which of the following is true regarding a lateral lumbar film? a. a black border 10” x 12” film placed crosswise is typically used b. it is not possible to use a gonad filter on this view for men or women c. the central ray is 1” above the ASIS d. the correct FFD is 72” e. the patient direction are “breathe in, now blow it all out and hold” 11. A left posterior lumbar oblique would be the best way to see; a. the L5/S1 disc space b. the left lumbar intervertebral foramen c. the left pars interarticularis d. the right lumbar intervertebral foramen e. the right uncovertebral joints 12. What is true regarding a right posterior lumbar oblique? a. a left marker should be placed anterior to the spine b. the patient should have their right side touching the bucky c. the tube should be tilted 15” caudad d. we should aim the central ray 2” below the iliac crest in the midline e. we should use an 8” x 10” cassette lengthwise 13. Which technique would give us the best film for an AP lumbar film taken on a 25 cm male? (Assume the TCF for the machine is –1 at 40” FFD with a 12:1 grid) a. 70 kVp, 200 mA and 100 mAs b. 70 kVp, 50 mA and 25 mAs c. 80 kVp, 200 mA and 100 mAs d. 80 kVp, 50 mA and 100 mAs e. 90 kVp, 200 mA and 100 mAs 14. Which of the following statements is true regarding a Ferguson’s exam? a. collimatin should be open as wide as possible for our film size b. it is difficult to use a gonad shield on women for this exam c. the correct FFD is 72” d. the film should be 14” x 17” in a lengthwise direction e. the tube tilt should be between 15˚ – 40˚ in a caudal direction 15. Which of these statements is most true regarding the FFD with tube tilts? a. the FFD does not have to be changed for any amount of tube tilt b. we decrease the FFD five inches for every one degree of tube tilt c. we decrease the FFD one inch for every five degrees of tube tilt d. we increase the FFD five inches for every one degree of tube tilt e. we increase the FFD one inch for every five degrees of tube tilt 16. The 10 day rule states that we may perform pelvic radiographs of a female if; a. her menstrual period is never more than 10 days late b. she has had the chief complaint for more than 10 days c. she has not had sex within the last 10 days d. she is within 10 days of the start of her menstrual period e. she is within 10 days of the start of ovulation 17. Using a gray border cassette will result in a _____ screen/film combination and ____ detail on the film. a. faster, decreased b. faster, increased c. identical, increased d. slower, decreased e. slower, increased 18. Which of the following statements is true regarding a shoulder series at Logan College of Chiropractic? a. a baby arm view uses a 10” x 12” black border cassette crosswise b. the central ray should enter at the coronoid fosaa c. the patient is rotated so that the painful shoulder is about 10 cm in front of the bucky and the opposite shoulder is touching the bucky d. the tube should be tilted 15˚ cephalad e. there are 4 views in the series 19. Which of these should views will best demonstrate the greater tuberosity of the humerus? a. AP shoulder b. Baby arm shoulder c. External shoulder rotation d. Internal shoulder rotation e. None of these views demonstrate the greater tuberosity 20. What is the best kVp for an elbow series? a. 50 kVp b. 60 kVp c. 70 kVp d. 80 kVp e. 90 kVp 21. In what elbow view is the palm of the hand flat on the tabletop? a. AP elbow b. Lateral elbow c. Lateral oblique elbow d. Medial oblique elbow e. Tangential elbow 22. In what skull view will you best be able to see the occipital bone? a. AP b. Caldwell c. Lateral d. Townes e. Waters 23. According to Taylor in the September ’93 issue of JMPT, the _____ is NOT a clinical reason for taking a radiographic series? a. education of a patient b. evaluation of biomechanics c. identification of anomalies d. e. monitoring of degenerative processes screening for contraindications 24. Which view in the foot series allows us to see the cuboid-cuneiform joint space most clearly? a. AP (dorsal-plantar) b. Lateral c. Lateral oblique d. Medial oblique e. It is clearly seen in all foot views 25. How many cassettes are required to correctly complete an ankle series here at Logan College of Chiropractic? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 26. Which of the following views DOES NOT require the use of secondary filtration of the x-ray beam? a. AP full spine b. AP thoracic c. Lateral full spine d. Lateral lumbar e. Medial oblique foot 27. In which of these views would you be LEAST LIKELY to use a small focal spot? a. AP L5/S1 spot shot b. Lateral elbow c. Medial oblique foot d. Right anterior cervical oblique e. Sunrise view of the knee 28. Where should the central ray enter the hand on a lateral hand view? a. base of the proximal phalange of the 2nd ray b. base of the proximal phalange of the 3rd ray c. head of the 2nd metacarpal d. head of the 3rd metacarpal e. joint space 29. Which of the following structures MUST be seen on an AP full spine? a. frontal bone b. humeral heads c. intervertebral foramen of the cervical spine d. ischial tuberosities e. lung apices 30. Which of the following is NOT part of a wrist series here at Logan College of Chiropractic? a. AP b. Lateral c. Medial oblique d. Ulnar flexion (aka ulnar deviation) e. All of these are part of the standard wrist series MATCHING: Match the number of views on the right with the series listed on the left. Of course, each answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 31. Wrist a. 2 32. Shoulder b. 3 33. Knee c. 4 34. Foot d. 5 35. Elbow e. 7 MATCHING: Match the optimal kVp on the right with the series listed on the left. If the series uses more than a single kVp, pick the kVp most commonly used. Of course, each answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 36. Thoracic spine a. 50 37. Skull b. 60 38. Hip c. 70 39. Elbow d. 80 40. Cervical spine e. 90 MATCHING: Match the tube tilt on the right with the series listed on the left. If the series uses more than a single kVp, pick the kVp most commonly used. Of course, each answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all. 41. Tunnel view #2 knee a. 5˚ caudad 42. AP lower cervical b. 10˚ caudad 43. Posterior lumbar oblique c. 15˚ caudad 44. Posterior cervical oblique d. 25˚ caudad 45. Ferguson’s view e. 5˚ caudad ab. 10˚ caudad ac. 15˚ caudad ad 25˚ cephalad ae. No tube tilt TRUE-FALSE: Identify each statement as being either true (“A”) or false (“B”) 46. A correctly-positioned AP pelvis requires 15˚ lateral obliquity to both feet. 47. A lateral knee requires 5˚ of cephalad tube tilt because the medial plateau of the tibia is lower than the lateral plateau. 48. A swimmer’s lateral is taken at a 40” FFD with about 90 kVp. 49. A frogleg view is taken to see the humerus in a true lateral position. 50. When performing an AP foot, the toes should be pointed toward the anode end of the tube and we should filter them (the toes) with a wedge filter. answers * these answers have not been verified and may not be correct 1.a 2.c 3.c 4.d 5.e 6.d 7.a 8.b 9.e 10.e 11.c 12.b 13.c 14.b/e 15.c 16.d 17.e 18.a 19.c 20.b 21.d 22.d 23.a 24.d 25.b 26.d/e 27.a 28.c 29.d 30.a 31.c 32.b 33.c 34.b 35.c 36.d 37.d 38.d 39.b 40.c 41.d 45.d 46.b 47.a 48.a 49.b 50.a