UNIT I: GLOBAL CONCEPTS A. WORLD HISTORY I REVIEW What is culture: People’s way of life determined by their ethnic background, language, and belief system. 1. What are things that make one culture different from an other? Food, clothing, language, beliefs (religion) and political systems. 2. What is the importance of language? COMMUNICATION 3. What is the purpose of government? Stability, organization, security and an orderly society. 4. What does codified mean? Laws that are written down…….to be seen and referred to by all. 5. What is the importance of things that are codified? So there are no questions as to what the laws says and whom it applies to. 6. ETHNOCENTRICITY- The belief that your culture is superior to all others. B. What is the importance of BELIEF SYSTEMS to a culture? A guiding force that directs the lifestyles of people. 1. Monotheism- The belief in ONE God. 2. Polytheism- The belief in MANY gods. 3. Divine Right/Mandate of Heaven- The belief that the Monarch’s power comes from God (Eastern Europe)/ Belief that the Emperor’s power comes from Heaven (Asia). 4. With the help of Copernicus and Galileo, what challenged religion (the Catholic Church)? SCIENCE 5. People like scientists and philosopher used what to challenge The church? Reason (ability to think) and Knowledge. C. Political Systems/Social Order, what's the purpose? To keep order and stability in society. (Keep people safe) 1.Hierarchy- A ranking of individuals according to their place socially, politically and/or economically in society. a. Label two examples of hierarchies: King/Queen Lords Vassals Knights Peasants Feudal Europe 2. What was the process of being able to move up a social ladder or hierarchy known as? Social Mobility 3.In civilizations prior to 1500 CE, if you were wealthy and powerful you owned much? Land 4. What does CE stand for? Common Era 5.Government ruled by king or queen? Monarchy 6. Government where citizens vote directly for leader? Direct Democracy D. Economics: 1. Prior to the Neolithic Revolution, people obtained food by? Hunting and Gathering 2. Paleolithic Civilization? Old Stone Age 3. Neolithic Revolution? New Stone Age 4. Barter System? Exchange of goods and services WITHOUT exchanging money 5. When people produce just enough to survive? Subsistence Farming 6. Society based on farming? Agrarian 7. What is the name of the economy based on the exchange of goods and services? Barter Economy 8. A coastline suitable for trade is? Irregular 9. When one nation relies on another? Interdependence Conclusion: A)What lead to the change from a traditional society to a modern society? A lack of animals for food and new technology. UNIT II GEOGRAPHY A. Geography? The study of the earth, its plants, animals and people. 1. Geography concerns? Land, Water and Plants 2. 5 Themes of Geography: a) Location b) Place c) Human Environment Interaction d) Movement e) Region 2. What are two types of location? Absolute and Relative. B. Geographic Tools and Measurements: 1. Globe-Spherical tool showing location of areas of the world. a. It shows? Measurment and location of areas of the world 2. Maps-Tools used to show location and physical features of the earth. a. Physical-Map that shows landforms of the earth b. Political-Map that shows cities and nation….man made boundaries 3. Imaginary Lines-Grid system used on maps to show distance. a. Equator-Imaginary (LATITUDE) line that divides the earth in half into a Northern and Souther Hemisphere at zero degrees. b. Prime Meridian- Imaginary (LONGITUDE) line that divides the earth in half into an Eastern and Western Hemisphere at zero degrees. c. Hemisphere-Half of the earth d. Latitude-Imaginary lines that run East to West on a map but measure North and South of the Equator e. Longitude- Imaginary lines that run North to South on a map but measure East and West of the Prime Meridian. C. Geographic Features are: Landforms on the Earth’s surface 1. MOUNTAINS, what is their role? Protection and Isolation a. Examples: MOUNTAIN RANGE NATION/AREA Himalyas China and India Andes Peru (South America) Fuji Japan 2. DESERTS-Dry, arid areas of land…..sandy a. Examples: DESERT NATION/AREA Gobi China Sahara Africa Kalahari Africa 3. OCEANS, role? Isolate, trade, provide food a. Examples: OCEANS BORDER WHAT CONTINENTS Atlantic North and South America, Europe and Africa Pacific North and South America, Asia, Australia Indian Africa and Asia 4. RIVERS, function? Isolation, protection, invasion, food, bathing, recreation a.Examples: RIVERS NATION Ganges India Tigris Turkey and Iraq Nile Egypt 5. CLIMATE, effects on an area? The conditions of the earth’s atmosphere a. Examples: CLIMATE AREA OF WORLD Mediterranean Southern Europe Polar Antarctica, Northern Russia Desert Africa and Asia 6. SEAS, importance? Isolate, trade, provide food a. Examples: SEAS BORDER WHICH NATIONS Mediterranean Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Turkey Black Russia, Ukraine and Turkey Red Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen 7. COASTLINES? Where the land touches the water a. Examples: COASTLINE CONTINENT Irregular Asia Regualr Africa D. QUESTIONS: 1. Deserts and Mountains have historically Isolated people from one another. 2. Closeness to waterways and easy land travel has caused much Cultural Diffusion throughout the centuries. 3. A variety of geographic features in a region has lead to Heterogeneous groups of people in one nation. (different ways of life). 4. If people in a region all share the same culture and same way of life, they are said to be? Homogeneous 5. If people in a region do not share the same way of life or culture, they are said to be? Heterogeneous 6. The destruction of the forest? Deforestation 7. The growth of the desert? Desertification 8. Process of farming on a mountain? Terracing 9. Process of bringing water to an area without? Irrigation 10.Seven Continents: Africa, Australia, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, South America 11.Developed nation- A country that is industrialized with a strong gov’t and economic system. 12.Another name for a key on a map? Legend 13.Process of creating power with use of water? Hydroelectric UNIT III: POLITICAL SYSTEMS A. Reasons for developing Political Systems: 1. Stability 2. Organization 3. Protection 4. Creation of Laws B. Parts of Political Systems: 1. LAW- Written rules 2. Enforcing laws-Creation of police system to be sure rules are followed for organization 3. Interpreting law-Describing what the rules mean 4. Justice-Administering punishments C. Political Organization: City-state- An independent political area used in Ancient Greece a) Examples: 1. Athens 2. Sparta 2. Nation-country a) Examples: 1. Colombia 2. Egypt 3. Empire-A doctoral political set up controlled by an emperor a) Examples: 1. Ancient Rome 2. Byzantine D. Political Systems: 1. Monarchy- Government controlled by a King or a Queen a) Examples: (Who and from where?) 1. James II - England 2. Catherine the Great -Russia 3. Louis XIV- France b) Absolutism- Government controlled by a king or queen who has total control over the lives of their people c) Limited Monarchy- Government where the king and queen must share power with Parliament 1. EXAMPLES: What limited the Monarch's power in England (12151689) DOCUMENTS: 1. Magna Carta 2. Petition of Right 3. English Bill of Rights WHAT DOCUMENT SAID: Monarch must share power with Parliament, not dismiss Parliament Monarch must share power with Parliament, not dismiss Parliament, not have trials w/o jury Monarch must share power with Parliament, not dismiss Parliament, not have trials w/o jury, No Catholic monarch to ever sit throne d) Glorious Revolution-Turning Point- Bloodless overthrow of King James…leads to limited monarchy in 1689 e) Divine Right-Political idea that a monarch’s power comes from God f) Autocracy-Individual who rules by self. g) Democracy-Government where citizens participate by voting and making laws Examples: (Where?) 1. Athens 2. India Direct Democracy-Gov’t where citizens directly choose their leader. Liberal party (England)-Party made up of business owners, and middle class who wanted new gov’t based on ideas of the Enlightenment. d.) suffrage-Voting rights of men and women. Republic-Political system where a leader is chosen through a representative a) Examples: 1. Roman Republic 2. U.S. 2. Dictatorship-A form of government where the leader controls the lives of the people…no elections a) Examples: (Who and where?) 1. Ayatollah Khomeni-Iran 2.Lenin-USSR b) Totalitarian-A form of government where the leader has total control over the lives of the people 1)Example: 1. Mussolini- Italy c) Military dictatorship-Aform of government where the military controls the people. 1)Example: Napoleon- France 3. Feudalism-The political system of the Middle Ages, exchange of goods and land for loyalty and protection. a) Examples: WHERE Western Europe Japan WHEN 600-1200s CE 1100-1868 CE b) decentralized government Power is broken down amongst different levels (European Feudalism) c) centralized government-Power is concentrated in the hands of one leader E. Codified Law: 1. Codified-Laws that are written down a) Examples: LAWS AREA 12 Tables of Rome Roman Empire Hammurabi’s Code Babylon (Mesopotamia) UNIT IV: ECONOMIC SYSTEMS A. ECONOMICS- Is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services B. Types of Economic Resources: 1.Natural –Natural Resources, Raw Materials 2.Human -Skilled workers 3.Capital -Money used for investing 4.Time -Time it takes to produce goods C. Scarcity: Not enough of something 1. If there are not enough people to work, this Can increase the cost of labor. 2. If a nation is short on natural resources, it can lead To interdependence, which is relying on other nations for help. 3. Capital shortages may force people to go bankrupt. 4. Wants-Goods that are desired, but not needed to survive 5. Needs-Goods or materials that are needed for survival 6. Capital-Money the is used for investment 7. CAPITALISM-Economic system based on the exchange of goods and services and the opportunity for free enterprise D. Types of Economic Systems: ECONOMIC SYSTEM Traditional Economy Hunter-Gatherer DEFINE Economic system based on the past..father was a sheep herder, junior will be a sheep herder Means of surviving is based on collection of fruits, berries and animals for eating Economic system based on farming Agrarian Trading Economy Economic system based on the selling of goods and services to make a profit 1. Nomads-People who move from place to place and follow food source 2. Barter System-Exchange of goods and services without the use of money 3. Colonies-Territories taken over politically and economically by a foreign nation 4. Diversity-Difference, variety 5. Cultural Diffusion-The spreading of goods and ideas from 1 place to another E. MANORALISM- Economic system of the Middle Ages based on producing goods on a manor 1. The time period was called? Middle Ages 2. In what part of the world? Western Europe 3. When? 500-1200s 4. MANORS were Self- Sufficient, everything needed to survive was produced on manor. 5. Manoralism was an exchange of land (food) and protection 6. If a peasant used a Lords oven for baking, the peasant was required to leave Bread as a Payment. E. Commercial Revolution: 1. When did it occur? 1300s 2. By this time period, nations were competing for new Markets 3. Commercial Revolution introduced new method of investing money, to increase the flow of wealth and reduce risks. 4. Individual merchants who wanted to help with the payment of sailing ventures, raised money by combining their resources in to joint-stock companies (Organizations that sold stock, enabling small investors to share in the profit.) 5. If a loss occurred, investor only lost what was invested 6. Mercantilism-Economic policy of the 1600s when the colonies relied on the Mother Country for goods and services and the Mother Country used the colonies as markets. 7. Favorable balance of trade-When a nation exports more than they import. F. Industrial Revolution: 1. Began in 1750 2. Why? a) Raw materials b) Labor source c) Strong Gov’t e)Capital d) irregular coastline 3. How did the Industrial Revolution affect the rest of the world economically? Nations of the world now interacted frequently with each other. G. SYSTEM Socialism Communism Non Capitalist Economies: DEFINE Economic system where SOCIETY as a whole owns the MEANS of production Economic system where the government controls all aspects of gov’t and economy 1. Karl Marx-German economist who believed that Capitalism was evil and caused there to be a clash between ‘Haves” (Employers) and “Have Nots” (Employees) a) Believed conflict between the classes was inevitable. b) He felt the working class, those involved with the production of goods, should rule. c) Proletariat-Working class (Have Nots) d) Bourgeoisie-Middle Class (Haves) e) Marx wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1848. 2. Vladimir Lenin-First Communist leader of the USSR a) He led the Bolshevik (Communist) Revolution. b) He brought Communism to Russia in 1918. c) A policy where all major industries are brought under state control? Nationalization d) NEP stands for? New Economic Plan 3. Joseph Stalin-Second Communist leader of the USSR…Dictator a) Implements a Five Year Plan to improve heavy industry and industrialize the Soviet Union. b) A system of farming in which the government joined many small farms together and used peasants to work on them? Collectivization UNIT V: BELIEF SYSTEMS A. ANIMISM WHERE Africa 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. BELIEFS WHO IS WORSHIPED *Polytheism Ancestors *Ancestor Worship Gods *Use of Masks *Everything living and nonliving has a spirit Diviners are-Medicine Men Griots are-Story tellers If you obey the gods, you will be Blessed with good harvest and many children. If you fail to obey gods, you will be punished with hardships, crop failure and death Animism is a polytheistic religion. B. HINDUISM WHERE India BELIEFS *Polytheism *Caste System * Dharma * Karma WHO IS WORSHIPED * Brahma * Vishnu * Siva HOLY WRITTINGS *Vedas *Upanishads 1. 2. It is the world's Oldest religion. Hindus believe in reincarnation, where the souls are reborn into another body. 3. Each Hindu is born into a caste, a station of life. 4. Dharma? Rules and duties of one’s caste 5. Karma? Deeds committed in a previous life 6. Ultimate goal in Hinduism is?Moksha 7. The top of the varna is?Brhaman 8. Bottom of varna is? Untouchables C. BUDDHISM WHERE FOUNDER BELIEFS India Siddartha Gautama 1.Karma 2.Reincarnation 3.Nirvana 4.Non violence *4 noble truths *8 fold path 1. Buddha was in search for the meaning of Human Suffering 2. Buddha means? Enlightened One 3. In order to eliminate earthly desires, a person needs to follow the EightFold Path 4. The form of relaxation used by Buddhists is Zen Buddhism D. CONFUCIANISM WHERE FOUNDER China Confucius BELIEFS *Filial Piety *Ancestor Worship HOLY WRITING * The Analects THE FIVE RELATIONSHIPS *Father to Son *Husband to Wife *Older Brother to Younger Brother *Ruler to Subject *Friend to friend 1. Confucianism began as a philosophy, not a religion. 2. Respect for parents and elders? Filial Piety 3. Dynasty-Form of government ruled by families who received the Mandate of Heaven 4. Mandate of Heaven? Theory that the power to rule came from the Gods **Daoism is another Chinese religion emphasizing self-knowledge. Stresses personal freedom. a) Opposites in nature are symbolized by the Yin-Yang E. JUDAISM WHERE FOUNDER -BELIEFS HOLYBOOK? - Place of worship WRITINGS Israel-Middle East Abraham *Monotheistic *Old Testament *Ten Commandments *Synagogue *Talmud 1. Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion of the Middle East. 2. God's promise that the Jews were his chosen people is known as the covenant 3.When the Jews were forced out of their land and scattered to of the world, it was known as the Diaspora 5. Jewish religious teachers? Rabbi F. CHRISTIANITY: WHERE FOUNDER Jesus Middle East/Roman Empire -BELIEFS - Place of worship * Monotheism * Salvation *Heaven all areas HOLYBOOK/ RULES *10 Commandments *Bible 1. Jesus is considered the Messiah, or savior. 2. The Roman Catholic Church became the most powerful institution in Europe from the time of the HOLY Roman Empire through the Middle Ages 3. This occurred because of different religious authority and teachings in Constantinople and Rome? Great Schism G. PROTESTANT REFORMATION: 1. 2. 3. Began in what country? Germany By Whom? Martin Luther Why? Because Luther was angry that the Catholic Church was selling Indulgences H. 4. What is a certificate called, that is sold for the forgiveness of sins? Indulgence 5. 95 Theses? 95 Complaints Martin Luther had against the Catholic Church ISLAM: WHERE Mecca, Saudi Arabia FOUNDER Muhammad BELIEFS *Monotheism *5 Pillars HOLYBOOK *Koran *Worship in Mosque *Equality *Jihad 1. A follower of Islam is a? Muslim 2. Muslims believe that Muhammad was the last and greatest prophet of Allah or God. 3. As Islamic Holy War?Jihad 4. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is? Ramadan 5. A pilgrimage is known as a? Hajj 6. Two different sects of Islam are the Sunni and the Shitte 7. Islamic religious leader is a? Caliph