Name:Heather Wilton Address: Heims Drive Contact no:111 8989 Doctor:Dr Ricky Medicare no:83332 45454 Date of birth:1960 Doctor’s contact no:333 3330 Pension no:22244 56565 C Individualised Care plan Care alerts (write in red) For example: allergies, drug reactions, smoker, falls risk, diabetic Falls risk Communication Preferred name: Heather Care needs: Comprehension difficulties Goal: (expected outcome) Comprehension difficulties will reduced Vision Aids Hearing Glasses Magnifying glasses Clean and fit glasses daily Able to clean own glasses Aids Place objects in range of vision Read aloud letters/documents Assist to write Assist to use telephone Hearing aids ( right left ) Adjust volume daily Check batteries and clean aids daily Gain attention before speaking Speak loudly, clearly and directly Allow extra time for response Give step-by-step instructions Use repetition when difficulty persists Other Other Eye care required Speech and language Ear care required Comprehension issues (For example: inappropriate Language/s spoken English responses) Short term memory loss Orientate to correct time Speech disorder/s Translate for care recipient Take time to listen Initiate conversation Use language cards Use picture cards Other Mobility Care needs: Walks independently, gait unsteady. Falls risk. Refuses to use walking aid. Goal: (expected outcome) Current level of mobility will be maintained in a safe manner. Ambulation (walking) ambulant (able to walk) non-ambulant (unable to walk) Aids Other Grange Home Care walking stick zimmer frame wheelchair quad stick wheeled walker Transfers independent weight bearing (able to stand) non-weight bearing (unable to stand) 1-staff assist 2-staff assist hip replacement knee replacement amputee ( left right ) Aids bed rail hoist slide sheet gait belt standing hoist Hoist sling type and position of loop Other Page 1 of 5 Name:Heather Wilton Address: Heims Drive Contact no:111 8989 Doctor:Dr Ricky Medicare no:83332 45454 Date of birth:1960 Doctor’s contact no:333 3330 Pension no:22244 56565 C Individualised Care plan Provide direction Supervise movement Encourage to maintain mobility Other Toileting and continence Care needs: Incontinent of urine Goal: (expected outcome) Client will remain comfortable and dry. Skin integrity will be maintained. Continence Bladder control continent incontinent Bladder management Toilet (times catheter ( occasionally frequently total incontinence ) ) Other Toilets self Bowel control Bowel management continent incontinent constipation colostomy ( occasionally frequently total incontinence ) Continence aids Toileting Day Small Pad Toileting aids commode over-toilet frame Toileting regime independent Adjust clothing high fibre diet encourage fluid intake aperients bowel chart Night Medium Pad urinal uridome kylie bed pan Other Uses toilet supervise Position on toilet some assistance/prompt fully assist Encourage self care Clean perianal area Other Showering, dressing and grooming Care needs: Unable to adequately complete personal care tasks self Goal: (expected outcome) Adequate level of personal care will be maintained Shower and washing independent shower supervise bath Frequency Daily some assistance/prompt bed sponge flannel wash fully assist Preferred time O830hrs Adjust water temperature Encourage to optimise self care Other Transfer walk to shower wheelchair Showering aids shower chair Other Prefers to stand to shower Toiletries normal soap deodorant Other aqueous cream moisturiser ( am pm ) Other Hair care Grooming wash in shower wash in bath Hair care independent supervise Hairdresser Every 6 weeks Facial hair wet shave Preferred days Every 2nd day some assistance/prompt dry shave Hair removal Nail/foot care Teeth Frequency Frequency independent supervise Podiatry visits NB: Clients Mother attends to nail care none fully assist some ( upper some assistance/prompt lower ) fully assist all Cleaning routine Prompt to clean after breakfast Dentures none partial full ( upper lower ) Night in out Cleaning routine Grange Home Care Page 2 of 5 Name:Heather Wilton Address: Heims Drive Contact no:111 8989 Doctor:Dr Ricky Medicare no:83332 45454 Date of birth:1960 Doctor’s contact no:333 3330 Pension no:22244 56565 C Individualised Care plan Dressing and undressing independent callipers supervise splints some assistance/prompt fully assist Other Cultural dressing Dressing assistance bra singlet stockings socks Assist with selecting clothing buttons jewellery belt make-up zips shoes Other Prefers to wear sheep skin boots in & outdoors Pressure area and skin care Care needs: Nil Goal: (expected outcome) [ x ] low risk [ ] medium risk Norton Scale Score Pressure relief aids bed cradle Pressure area regime Reposition in bed Reposition in chair special mattress (type ) sheepskin cushion [ ] high risk bedrail/protectors Other Frequency personal chair Other/specific orders Skin care emollient cream to dry skin areas ( daily twice daily ) Preferred time/s Eating and drinking Care needs: Client unable to prepare own meals. Carer assists with breakfast preparation and prepares lunch meal in advance daily Goal: (expected outcome) Clients nutritional needs will be met Eating independent right-handed supervise left-handed some assistance/prompt Preferred place to eat dining room bedroom Type of diet normal soft modified soft (minced) Special diet high fibre diabetic enteral feeding (PEG/NGT) fully assist Other Kitchen puree Special instructions Aids modified crockery built up cutlery modified cutlery clothing protector bowl lipped plate Other Drinking independent right-handed Aids modified cup Thickened fluids level 1 supervise left-handed some assistance/prompt fully assist clothing protector level 2 level 3 Type of thickener to be used Sleep and settling routines Care needs: Light sleeper, but maintains regular sleep pattern. Sleeps independently of sedative medication. Goal: (expected outcome) Current sleep pattern will be maintained Usual time to rise 0600hrs Usual time to bed 2130hrs Preferred sleeping position On back music Rest time Pillows required x1 Sleep Aids massage Room light on Night-time patterns Toilets upon retiring, rises at 5.00am to toilet, then returns to bed. Other preferences (For Hot cup of tea before retiring to bed (Mother makes) door open door closed ( am pm ) hot packs bedrail/protectors Other Other example: hot drinks or snacks) Grange Home Care Page 3 of 5 Name:Heather Wilton Address: Heims Drive Contact no:111 8989 Doctor:Dr Ricky Medicare no:83332 45454 Date of birth:1960 Doctor’s contact no:333 3330 Pension no:22244 56565 C Individualised Care plan Night checks every hour every 2 hours eye drops ear drops Other Medications Current medications Blood sugar level testing Other See list of medications independent pre-packed supervise measure some assistance/prompt self-administer fully assist independent supervise some assistance/prompt fully assist Frequency Specialised care plans Refer to specialised care plans for [x ] Medications [ ] Pain management [ ] Wound care [ ] Therapy [ ] Restraint management OHS Completed injury risk assessment forms Home environment Client assessment Yes Yes No No Social and human needs/activities Care needs: Goal: (expected outcome) Frequency of visit/contact by family/friends Client lives with Mother Molly Wilton. Sister visits weekly Religion beliefs/practices Pastoral requirements Attends place of worship (day/s ) Cultural needs Hobbies/interests Stamp/Coin collection Employment history Nil Pets Budgie Name/s Pippy Type/s Bird client manages pet requires prompt and assistance in pet care fully assist pet care Social group/s Attends Community Centre Preferred activity/games Lawn bowls Community care social outings Programme within Community Centre (Frequency: 3 times per wk Requirements Taxi vouchers Yes No ) Domestic needs/activities independent Frequency ( daily Requirements supervise nd every 2 day some assistance/prompt weekly fortnightly fully assist Other ) Shopping Washing clothes Cleaning Cooking Transport Gardening Other Grange Home Care Page 4 of 5 Name:Heather Wilton Address: Heims Drive Contact no:111 8989 Doctor:Dr Ricky Medicare no:83332 45454 Date of birth:1960 Doctor’s contact no:333 3330 Pension no:22244 56565 C Individualised Care plan Emotional support Behaviour Care needs: Confusion, Short term memory loss, withdrawn. Goal: (expected outcome) Episodes of confusion, withdrawn state will be reduced. Orientate to time and place Remind and reassure about appointments Spend time talking 1:1 Encourage to socialise, to attend community centre Additional comments (For example: special needs, restraint, routines, pain, palliative care, pacemaker) Terminal care recorded Yes No Date care plan evaluated (document in progress notes) Signature Grange Community Care use only Entered in progress notes Signed S Ward Date Print name Samantha Ward Position title Senior Care Worker Review date every 3 months Grange Home Care Page 5 of 5