Lisa Hoffman

Lisa Hoffman
Mr. Welling
English W233
17 March 2003
Infant Massage: An Annotated Bibliography
Andrews, Chloe. "Baby Massage." Parenting 13 Aug. 1999: 71-73. Health SourceConsumer Edition. Ebscohost. Helmke Library, Fort Wayne, IN.
6 March 2003 <>.
Teaches parents how to massage their child. It includes easy
instructions along with a few benefits.
Clark, Charles. “Unproven treatments gain followers, draw warnings of quackery”
CQ Researcher. Ebscohost. Helmke Library, Fort Wayne, IN.
6 March 2003 <>.
Alternative medicine is a fairly new procedure in America, even though
other countries have been practicing it for years. This reading deals with the
difference between holistic treatment and the “medication diet”. It talks about
different pros and cons related to this issue. The only problem is that this report is
about eleven years old.
Cullen, Christy, Angelica Escalona, Tiffany Field, Kristen Hartshorn.
“Father-infant Interactions are Enhanced by Massage Therapy” Early Child
Development and Care 164 (2000): 41-47.
Discussed the impact of fathers giving massages to their infants. This
consisted of a 15-minute massage each day before bedtime for a full month. By
the end of the study they found that the fathers that had massaged their infants
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showed more enjoyment and warmth when playing with their infants. Here is a
hyperlink to Touch Research Institute’s Homepage.
Ferber Goldstein, Sari, Eliana Arbel, Shawl Dollberg, Ruth Feldman,
David Kohelet, Jacob Kuint, and Aron Weller. “Massage therapy by mothers
and trained professionals enhances weight gain in pre-term infants.” Early
Human Development 67 (2002): 37-45.
A study to determine if massage by professionals or by mothers on pre-term
infants made any difference. They had three groups of infants that they studied.
One group was given massages by professionals; one group by the mothers, and
the third group was a control group, which had no massages at all. In the end they
concluded that mothers are able to achieve the same effect size as that of the
trained professionals. Here is another piece that Sari has put together about
Field, Tiffany, and Maria Hernandez-Reif. “Sleep Problems in Infants Decrease
Following Massage Therapy.” Early Child Development and Care 168
(2001): 95-104.
Infants that have sleeping problems were given a 15-minute massage
everyday prier to bedtime had fewer sleep delay behaviors. This was compared to
a controlled group of infants that were just read stories before bedtime. Here is a
page from Touch Institute that tells a little about Tiffany.
Field, Tiffany. “Touch Therapy Effects on Development.” International Journal of
Behavior Development 22 (1998): 779-797.
A review about touch massage and its improving effects on the growth and
development of pre-term infants, reducing pain, attention spans, and how it helps
heal depression. They found that the pressure receptors are what is being
affected causing favorable conclusions.
Gale, Georgina. “Massage Magic.” Australian Parents Aug/Sept. 2001
MasterFILE Premier. Ebscohost. Helmke Library, Fort Wayne, IN.
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6 March 2003 <>.
How to massage your infant and how oil therapy is beneficial to the baby
and parents. It also includes the best time to massage and some helpful hints.
Mainous, Rosalie. “Infant Massage as a Component of Development Care: Past,
Present, and Future.” Holistic Nursing Practice 16 Oct. 2002 1-7. Academic
Search Premier. Ebscohost. Helmke Library. Fort Wayne, IN. 6 March 2003
Gives insights on how massage has been a part of Africa, South America,
and the Far East for a long time. She also talks about how massage
decreases the stress level between the infant and parent.
Spehar, Jane. “Infant Massage.” The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine.
5 2001: 1-4. Gale Group. Info Trac. Ivy Tech Library, Fort Wayne, IN.
26 February 2003 <>.
This gives some history of the massage and some techniques. They
research how to get a certificate for massage and some more benefits. They also
have some pictures on the website.
Steptoe, Clara. Infant Massage One O One. 5 September 2002. Clara Steptoe
RNC NNP HNC CIMI. 26 February 2003 <>.
This website gives a lot of insight on step-by-step details of massaging your
infant. The pictures from this website are great. They also gives a lot more detail
about how to diminish the problem that your infant is having by massage. There
are a lot of useful hyperlinks on this website.