
Running Head: IMC PLAN OPC3
Integrated Marketing Communication Plan for OPC3
in APA Style
Erin Sherwood
Roosevelt University
Integrated Marketed Communication Plan for OPC3
Table of Contents
1.0Executive Summary
2.0Situation Analysis
2.1 Internal Analysis
2.2 SWOT
3.0 Market Communications
3.1 Competition
3.1.A Competition Strengths
3.1.B Competition Weakness
3.2 Competitive Strategy
4.0 Marketing Objectives
4.2 Price
4.3 Place
4.4 Promotion
5.0 Market Communication Objectives
6.0 Strategic Idea
7.0 Target Audience Analysis
8.0 Environmental Analysis
8.1 Social Factors
8.2 Technological Factors
8.3 Economic Factors
8.4 Competitive Factors
9.0 Tactics
9.1 Advertising
9.2 Personal Selling
9.3 Public Relations
9.4 Event Marketing
9.5 Online Marketing
9.6 Direct Marketing
10.0 Conclusion
1.0 Executive Summary
OPC3’s mission is to educate consumers on the intense health benefits of consuming the
isotonic dietary supplement compared to taking a solid dietary supplement, causing them
to switch to consuming OPC3 regularly. OPC3 is not a onetime purchase, but a lifelong
commitment. To create lifelong commitment among consumers OPC3 needs to target
consumers who are health conscious, specifically athletes and physicians. By gaining the
interest of physicians OPC3 can be recommended to patients on a daily basis from a
trusted professional source rather than advertisements. While OPC3 will target athletes
through sports drink advertisements which are already being consumed regularly. Both
marketing strategies provide a desirable and easy-sell marketing approach.
OPC3 will educate physicians about the benefits of OPC3, provide sample bottles, and
provide informational reading for the waiting room. In doing so patients can become
educated on the product and ask about it if interested or if it is not mentioned during their
appointment by the physician.
By creating a partnership with sports drinks such as PowerAde and Gatorade OPC3 can
be seen as a performance enhancer rather than a dietary supplement. With trusted athletes
endorsing OPC3, young athletes inspiring to make it professional one day will be
influenced to enhance their own performance in the same way as their idols do before a
Both athletes and physicians are dedicated to products they use and brands that they trust.
By becoming regular OPC3 users and those who refer it, will create a dedicated long term
customer base.
2.0 Situation Analysis
2.1 Internal Analysis
OPC3 is an isotonic dietary supplement manufactured and distributed by Market
America. In comparison to competitors OPC3 is easily differentiated due to the fact that
it is a liquid as opposed to the usual solid dietary supplements one must swallow. OPC3
is the one of the rare dietary supplements, and only liquid, on the market which contains
Pycnogenol. Pycnogenol has been proved through extensive research to be the world’s
strongest known antioxidant. OPC3 has no age limitations or diet restrictions; it can be
taken by anyone at anytime.
2.2 SWOT Analysis
2.2. A. Internal Strengths
 Contains the most effective antioxidants know to human health
 No competition in the isotonic dietary supplement market
 Ability to distribute to a large target market due to an online store
 Proven to positively benefit your skin, cognitive health, cholesterol,
cardiovascular system, menstruation cycle, sperm quality, blood vessel dilation,
blood glucose levels, flexibility
 No swallowing of pills since it is a liquid
2.2. B Internal Weaknesses
Consumers are uneducated about the difference between solid and isotonic
dietary supplements
Those without access to the World Wide Web are less likely to purchase the
Lack of face-to-face consumer relations
Consumer loyalty to solid vitamins which they have been taking for years
 Costs may be seen as extreme ($68 for a 90 day serving) compared to over the
counter dietary supplements
2.2. C.Potential Opportunities
 Provide consumers with a travel size bottle so that it can easily be taken with
them at all times
 Invest in an endorsement deal with celebrity athletes
 Sponsor local sports teams so that our product name can be worn on uniforms
and gain recognition
 Run educational advertisements on the benefits of isotonic dietary supplements
versus solid dietary supplements
 Supply doctor offices with reading material for the waiting room on the product
and its benefits
 Allow product to be purchased in vitamin retail centers such as GNC
 Advertise with sports drinks such as PowerAde and Gatorade
2.2. D Potential Threats
 A company replicating the isotonic formula
 The economy continuing to plummet causing prices to increase
 Large amounts of regional distributors purchasing more from the site than they
are able to sell
 An internet hacker breaking into the online store
 Any research that could differ to the research that has already been done
3.0 Market Communications Situation
3.1 Competition
All products which fall into the category of dietary supplements
3.1. A Competitor’s Strengths
 Household name
 Been around longer therefore they are trusted
 Cheaper
 Currently sold in retail stores
 People aren’t willing to change products if they don’t see a clear reason to do so
Celebrity Endorsements
 Recognition
3.1. B Competitor’s Weaknesses
 Products not changing with the time
 Solid supplements hard to swallow
 Restrictions on consumption based on age
 Need more than one supplement to provide all nutritional benefits
3.2 Competitive Strategy
Instead of using traditional advertising medium, OPC3 will rely highly on referral and
word of mouth advertisements. This will be done through physicians, coaches, and
professional athletes. Along with usual television, radio, and print media.
4.0 Marketing Objectives
4.1 Product
OPC3 is an isotonic dietary supplement the packaging consists of a plastic bottle which
comes attached with small shot sized cup which the supplement will be mixed in. Due to
the isotonic, or liquid, formulation of this dietary supplement the body is able to absorb
the maximum amount of nutrients from it straight into the bloodstream. To promote
cardiovascular and visual health and the reduction of menstrual cramps. Stabilize healthy
glucose levels, cholesterol levels, joint flexibility, skin complexion, sperm quality, and
platelet activity. Fight off free radicals, which promote disease, by neutralizing them.
Proven to be up to 20 times more powerful then Vitamin C and 50 times more powerful
then Vitamin in E in fighting free radicals
4.2 Price
Pricing begins at $28.95 for a 30 day supply bottle, $67.50 for a 90 day supply, or $15.50
for a travel size bottle designed specifically for athletes
4.3 Place
Purchased from the manufacturers website,, face-to-face
with a local distributor of Market America products, through a vitamin retail store such as
GNC, or through a physician.
Push method through advertisements target to athletes. Establishing a mentality that by
taking OPC3 young athletes can also achieve an enhanced performance like their idols
Pull method through the use of informational pamphlets in physician offices allowing
patients to ask for more information and to be intrigued to discuss the idea of taking
4.4 Promotion
Investing in celebrity athletes to be official OPC3 spokes people.
Informational packets throughout physicians’ offices
5.0 Marketing Communication Objectives
Currently marketed to athletes in order to enhance their performance are energy and
protein supplements. OPC3 is the first product that will be marketed to athletes that can
not only help their performance in the long run, but will also benefit their overall health.
By taking OPC3 athletes will overall have better mental stability while performing,
sustained endurance, and less risk of injury
Dietary supplements are being put on the shelves and pulled right back off faster than
anyone can tell. By creating awareness in a physician’s office, and relying on referral
from the physician themselves, OPC3 will have a cutting edge on other dietary
supplements. Through education on the benefits of OPC3 physicians will easily be able to
see the differentiation of it against all other dietary supplements. By supplying the
waiting room with information about OPC3 patients will realize that their physician
trusts the product, as they trust their physician they will most likely be eager to learn and
try OPC3
6.0 Strategic Idea
With the use of celebrity athlete’s admiration will be created in adolescent, college, and
young professional’s athletes to invest in a performance enhancer that their idols rely on.
By advertising with sports drinks such as PowerAde and Gatorade, OPC3 will be that
other key ingredient athletes turn to in order to achieve the best possible performance
that they can.
With informational packets through physician offices, patients will feel responsible for
their own well being. By educating themselves before their appointments, questions will
be relevant in their mind in time for them to be with the physician. Physicians will be
educated on the benefits of OPC3 in order to properly refer patients to become regular
Both approaches offer an easy and desirable sell by creating a new way for consumers to
consider dietary supplements. For health conscious patients OPC3 will be seen as an
overall health benefiter their physicians rely on. Rather than one of many dietary
supplements promising to improve your health seen through unmemorable advertising
and overstocked on supermarket shelves.
Currently there is no one product in the market that can be targeted to such a wide variety
of athletes to physicians to anyone that is health conscious. For the most part dietary
supplements on the market today promise one or two specific benefits. Where OPC3 can
be used for a variety of needs such as enhancing an athletic performance, to increasing
blood flow and muscle endurance to lessen risk of injury, to promote healthy skin,
lessen menstrual pain, to improving joint flexibility. OPC3 is the only dietary
supplement that can be taken by anyone and improve any factor of their health.
7.0 Target Audience Analysis
Young adults, athletes, men, women, and senior citizens. People who are health
conscious. Those who have a desire to take care of their health now and in the long run.
Physicians who are educated in what an isotonic dietary supplement will provide in
contrast to a solid dietary supplement. Those with a positive attitude towards taking
control of their health and feeling. Those who have a steady income seeing that OPC – 3
is not a onetime purchase but a long term one in order to be highly effective. Family
oriented individuals willing to educate themselves and their family members about the
importance of living a healthy lifestyle. Active individuals.
Specifically OPC3’s market plan will target two groups, physicians and athletes. Through
targeting physicians referrals will be made to all other health conscious consumers.
Referral from a trusted physician will be seen as more valuable than an advertisement.
With a constant flow of traffic of individuals who are looking for a way to take control of
their health and live a better lifestyle, the ability to recommend and refer to patients to
OPC3 would increase sales phenomenally. The strategy is desirable, a promise from a
physician that one dosage a day of a small tasty drink will provide an individual with all
the nutrients they need and then some
Athletes are constantly looking for a way to achieve the best performance while
remaining healthy in order to perform longer. Regular consumers of sports drinks which
can quickly and easily be partnered with OPC3. A capful of OPC3 into each sport drink
hydrates athletes in the same way they are used to while providing their body with the
nutrients they need to play their best. OPC3 will be seen as a necessity in athletic
performance in the same way athletes view sports drinks. Also by investing in celebrity
athlete spokes people, OPC3 will be seen as the way professionals enhance their
performances. Creating a desire to want to be like their idols, other athletes will turn to
OPC3 to improve their health also. The strategy is a desirable and easy sell.
8.0 Environmental Analysis
The market for dietary supplements is continuing to increase and shows no signs of
slowing down. Market growth is in response to the baby boomers now falling into the
senior citizen category creating a much larger population of elders than the market has
seen in the past.. Consumers want to be educated about their choices; OPC3 provides a
website filled with research to withhold promises made in connection with consumption.
Due to the education of consumers and their willingness to be open minded with new
products that do meet up to their expectations, OPC3 has endless opportunities to move
noticeably to the top of the dietary supplement market.
8.1 Social Factors
Education - Consumers of OPC3 with an education will be more capable of
understanding fully the benefits of taking an isotonic dietary supplement such as
OPC3 as opposed to any other dietary supplement on the market.
Behavior – Consumers with active lifestyles, a dedication or aspiration to live a
healthy lifestyle, athletes, willingness to try a new product
8.2 Technological Factors
With technology in rapid progression it will only be a matter of time before
someone is able to duplicate the OPC3 formula
8.3 Economic Factors
Consumers should have a steady income being that OPC3 is a product one must
regularly purchase in order to reap the full benefits promised. Pricing, though not
extreme, is higher than an “everyday” solid dietary supplement sold in
supermarkets or drug stores
8.4 Competitive Factors
Hundreds of dietary supplements grace the shelves in any supermarket/drug store.
Yearly hundreds of new dietary supplements are introduced to consumers while
even more or taken off the shelves. Causing it to be easy for consumers to
become lost in the wide array of promises being advertised along with every
dietary supplement However, with using word of mouth referral through
physicians in order to create brand awareness, and targeting athletes through
sports drink advertisements and celebrity athlete spokespeople OPC3 will be
easily differentiated as the brand trusted among professionals.
9.0 Tactics
9.1 Advertising
OPC3 will be advertised in correlation with sports drinks such as Gatorade and
PowerAde. This will be done through television, print media, and radio. OPC3 will
be advertised as the sports drinks new addition. Just mix in the OPC3 with your sports
drink and be hydrated and maximize your performance.
Strengths - will create the vision of OPC3 as being an athletic performance
enhancer easily mixed with an athletic hydrator, not a typical solid dietary
supplement pill.
Weaknesses - athletes not wanting to take the time to mix OPC3 into their drink,
or not liking the flavor mix of OPC3 grape and their sports drink flavor
OPC3 will also utilize celebrity athletes as a form of advertisement. Televised games will
show during timeouts and commercial breaks OPC3 as the athlete’s choice of vitamin
before playing. Print advertisements will also utilize celebrity athletes by picturing
them in their element with OPC3.
Strengths- will generate admiration among non professional athletes to want
to enhance their performance like their idols.
Weakness - when non-professional athletes have negative feelings about a
celebrity athlete, possibly correlating such negative feelings to OPC3.
OPC3 will be advertised through informational brochures throughout physician offices.
Take home packets with information and research will be provided to take home, while
informational signs and charts comparing OPC3 with other dietary supplements will be
displayed through the waiting room of physician’s offices.
Strengths- allows patients to feel in control of their own health by going into the
physician and already knowing the basics of OPC3 making the conversation
easier about inquiring about taking OPC3.
Weakness – leaving it to the client to read up on the information provided to
educate them on the product may leave them to believe OPC3 just as
another dietary supplement that is already on the market. If they are unable to
comprehend the information provided they may not inquire about OPC3 to their
9.2 Personal Selling
OPC3 will rely heavily on word of mouth advertising. OPC3 will directly educate
physicians on the benefits of OPC3 for all and any health needs one may have. In doing
so, physicians will then be able to tailor the message they deliver to patients.
Whether the patient is suffering from severe menstrual cramps, feels their vision is
not what it used to be, or just feels the process of aging weighing on their body the
physician will be able to specifically tailor the message of OPC3 to each patient.
Strengths – Physicians most commonly have a matured relationship with their
patients, knowing them and their needs better than any advertisement or sales
personnel allowing the message to be as specific and relevant as need be.
Weakness – If patients do not inquire about OPC3, physicians being so busy may
not remember to mention it.
Market America, distributors of OPC3, is a company made up of personal distributors
who create personal relationships with consumers and sell OPC3 face to face. By
partnering local distributors with athletic teams in the area, athletes and coaches alike can
have a personal relationship with their OPC3 supplier. This will allow the team to remain
stocked with OPC3 at all times, while also allowing the distributor to tailor the needs of
the team whether they’re lacking in endurance, want to improve flexibility, or are hesitant
about injuries.
Strengths – Allows a relationship to be built between team and distributor
promising a higher return of purchases.
Weakness – If a few team mates, or a coach, are not educated about the benefits
of OPC3 or are not open minded about learning, the entire team may suffer and
choose to not purchase.
9.3 Public Relations
Intensive research studies on the benefits of OPC3 will be expressed through press
releases from the public relations department. These press releases and research results
will be directed towards news stations, news websites, medical journals, sports illustrated
and health magazines.
While public relations will also release stories of celebrity athletes and their dedication to
using OPC3. Along with any consumer testimonials of OPC3 healing health problems
that other dietary supplements could not.
Strengths – Public Relations is the most trusted tactic of marketing therefore
research results will not be questioned
Weakness – If Public Relationships sends a story to a medium where it is
irrelevant, negative feelings towards OPC3 may arise.
9.4 Event Marketing
OPC3 will host meet and greets with celebrity athletes in specific cities. OPC3 will be
providing children with the opportunity to meet with their favorite athletes and even
have some time on the court with them. OPC3 trial packets will be available for all
guests to take home, while tee shirts with the OPC3 logo will also be a keepsake for
children and adults that attend.
OPC3 will also sponsor local sports teams while having their logo displayed upon the
uniforms. In doing this OPC3 will generate excitement among players by allowing
them to wear a brand that their favorite celebrity athlete endorse.
OPC3 will also sponsor and hold health care events such as breast examinations, blood
drives, cancer walks, and Aids awareness events. Such events will allow OPC3 to
become part of the community of those concerned about their health. While also allowing
them to be recognized as a dietary supplement that though may not cure diseases, will
help to prevent them, or improve one’s health if they have been previously diagnosed.
Strength – Will generate a feeling of community among consumers and OPC3 by
recognizing the effort OPC3 puts into the community in order to educate residents
on how to live a healthier longer life.
Weakness – Such health events, meet and greets, and support of local sports
teams may not be relevant or possible every location, which will disregard some
9.5 Online Marketing
Market America has an extensive online store which provides OPC3. The website is easy
to follow, and provides all and any information imaginable about OPC3. From where the
isotonic dietary supplement came from, research proving benefits, all and any negative
health symptoms OPC3 can prevent along with any health benefits that come with taking
OPC3 regularly. Links to the website to purchase OPC3 would be on athletic team web
pages, physician web pages so that patients could refill orders easily, sports drink
Strength – Allows the convenience of purchasing OPC3 online, though the face to face
relationship is not lost since it is also available.
Weakness – Linking OPC3 to sports drink, health, and doctor’s websites may be viewed
as just another advertisement and quickly dismissed
9.6 Direct Marketing
Surveys will be mailed to those who purchase and take OPC3 on a regular basis. In
hopes to obtain consumer research to perfect the sales approach of OPC3. Along with
surveys sent will be monthly reminders sent to regular consumers of OPC3
reminding them to restock their OPC3 before it runs out. The card will include the
number of their local distributor of they prefer to do the purchase face to face, along
with website information to quickly purchase online, and a list of local vitamin retail
locations where OPC3 can be purchased.
Strength – A reminder will be viewed as convenient to consumers, also create a
personal relationship between OPC3 and consumers by showing that we
remember them and their purchases each time.
Weakness – Direct mail itself is seen as an annoyance, those negative feelings
may be correlated to OPC3 itself
10. Conclusion
OPC3 is a one of a kind isotonic dietary supplement which can easily break way into the
market of athletes, physicians, and those who are health conscious. This will be done by
targeting athletes in a way that shows OPC3 as a unique performance enhancer. While
physicians are targeted specifically in order to use them and their education as word of
mouth referrals to patients they feel are health conscious and would be open minded to
use OPC3, or those patients they have and know would benefit from taking OPC3.