BW: SAT List 10

English III Syllabus – Dumas/Fall 2015
First Quarter
The focus of this class is depth rather than breadth. While every effort will be made to address all aspects of the syllabus,
each class is unique and student learning, special events, and unforeseen circumstances may require revisions to the
syllabus as the semester unfolds
A/B schedule
Thurs. 13 / Friday 14--Half Days
● Intro to course; expectations; software, etc. Online at Blackboard or at my faculty page Log in to Blackboard in class.
● Intro to Quizlet SAT Vocabulary online; log in
● Inherit the Wind Study Guide available on Blackboard; group discussion of questions
● Read, print and sign Course Expectations (Parental signature/Sign agreement);
● The Tao of Composition book check next class: ⧫ Be sure to download before or bring a copy to class. ⧫ Follow
the link to purchase the pdf:
Monday 17 / Tuesday 18
Syllabus/Signed agreement due for grade
● SAT Vocabulary List 1
● Quiz/Discuss Inherit the Wind (PPT posted on Blackboard)
● Quotes, characterization, themes
● The Tao of Composition analytical paragraph construction (notes)
● Small Group Assignment: Each group will have one topic to discuss and outline for a formal introductory
Topic 1:
a. What does the Golden Dancer symbolize (3.1)?
b. How does this representation relate to a theme in the play?
c. Why is this theme important to understand?
Topic 2:
a. What does Howard argue during his conversation with Melinda?
b. How does this relate to a theme in the play?
c. Why is this theme important to understand?
Topic 3:
a. What is on trial according to Drummond (2.2)?
b. How does his cross examination of Brady illustrate Drummond’s assertion?
c. Why is this assertion important to understand?
● Study for TEST next class
Wednesday 19 / Thursday 20
● Test: Inherit the Wind
● After exam:
Individually now, choose one of the topics discussed last class and write an introductory paragraph according to
The Tao of Composition format discussed in class.
DO NOT RESEARCH YOUR TOPIC. Secondary sources will not be included, so you should not use anyone else’s ideas.
Plagiarism of someone else’s ideas or words will result in a zero. Avoid using the passive voice and linking verbs. MLA
format is required. **Due on Friday / Bring hard copy to next class
● Final Draft due on Blackboard Safe Assign (under Assignments) folder by 8:00 A.M. of Friday 23rd
Friday 21 / Monday 24
SAT List 2
● Discuss Intro Paragraph/Peer Review (Blackboard submissions reviewed on Smartboard)
● Introduce Into the Wild (PPT on Blackboard)
Answer the Personal Response Questions for Into the Wild, bring hard copy to next class
Tuesday 25 / Wednesday 26
SAT List 3
 Quiz / Discuss Into the Wild
 Discuss Personal Response to HW Questions
 McCandless Influences PPT
 Written Assignment:
1. What do you believe is the best way to live this life?
2. How has what you have read (or possibly seen) influenced this worldview? (literary, philosophical
3. Why is it important to understand what we believe and what has shaped our identity?
● Bring typed personal essay to next class for a grade.
Thursday 27 / Friday 28
SAT List 4
● Discuss Personal Essay / Peer Review
● Team Assignment: Review Game for Test
● Study Guide on Blackboard
 Study for a Wild test
Monday 31 / Tuesday 1
SAT List 5
● Into the Wild TEST
● Log in to to study for Vocab Quiz 1-5
● Study SAT List 1-5 for Quiz NEXT CLASS
Wednesday 2 / Thursday 3
Study Vocab for Quiz
● Read Primary Text: “Red Jacket Defends Native American Religion, 1805” at
Written Assignment: Red Jacket, a Seneca chief and orator, proved more than a match for a missionary by
skillfully using reason and irony in rejecting a proposal to allow proselytizing among the Native Americans in
northern New York.
1. How does Red Jacket characterize the arrival of the white man and the Native Americans’ response?
2. What were two of the things that opened the Indians’ eyes?
3. What is Red Jacket’s logic against the Christian claims about their “religion written in a book?”
4. What were three of the things the Native Americans’ religion taught them? How did those teachings
compare with those of the missionaries?
5. What irony does Red Jacket point out about the missionaries claim about not seeking money?
6. Red Jacket said his people would watch the whites to whom the missionaries had preached. What would
make the Indians reconsider the missionaries’ words?
7. In a sentence, how does Red Jacket argue for freedom of religion (and why is it ironic that he should have
to, considering why the white man said he came to this new land)? How does this characterize the white
8. What are some arguments against or rebuttals to Red Jacket’s speech?
9. Why is it important to read primary texts from Native American authors?
10. How should the Native American literature be read and/or incorporated into education today?
Friday 4 / Tuesday 8 (Monday 7 Labor Day)
SAT list 6
● Read How the World was Made retold by James Mooney (Cherokee creation myth);
● Read The Earth on Turtle’s Back
● Answer these Essential Questions:
1. What does Native American literature reflect about their beliefs in creation, man and nature?
2. How are the Native American beliefs expressed in the literature?
3. Why is it important to understand the storytelling tradition of the Native Americans?
4. What challenges do Native Americans face in conflict with Western culture?
● Introduction to Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony PPT
 Read Ceremony, pages 1-34, begin to annotate text for important clues about the key elements of indigenous
literature and / or ceremony
 Notes will be checked in next class
Wednesday 9 / Thursday 10
SAT List 7
● Quiz/Discuss Ceremony pages 1-34
● Close reading / analysis of key passages
 Read and annotate pages 35-71
Friday 11 /Monday 14
SAT List 8
● Quiz / Discuss pages 35-71
● Read comparative literature: The Way to Rainy Mountain by Momaday
● Read and annotate Ceremony pages 71.5- 98
Tuesday 15 / Wednesday 16
SAT List 9
● Quiz/Discuss pages 71-98
● Read Ceremony pages 98- 121.3 (top third of the page)
Thursday 17 / Friday 19
SAT List 10
Quiz/Discuss pages 98-121.3
Personal Response/Analysis Questions as guides to self-discovery
Read Ceremony pages 121-147.5
Study for SAT Quiz 6-10
Monday 21 Senior Retreat No classes
Tuesday 22 /Wednesday 23
Study for SAT quiz
● SAT Quiz 6-10
● Blackboard Assignment:
● Read and annotate “Language and literature from a Pueblo Indian perspective” (1972)
● Must have written notes!
 Read Ceremony pages 147-174
Thursday 24 / Friday 25-- ½ day FAIR DAY
SAT List 11
● Quiz/Discuss pages 147-174
● Working with a partner, using the article and your notes, make a presentation (PPT or Prezi) that identifies the
key elements of the Pueblo Indian perspective (according to the article) in the novel using passages from
Ceremony as examples
● READ Ceremony pages 174-198
Monday 28 / Tuesday 29
BW: SAT List 12
 Quiz/Discuss pages 174-198
● READ excerpts from the following selections (in class textbook):
1. La Relacion, Alavar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca
2. The Life of Olaudah Equiano
3. A Narrative of Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson
 Read pages 199-222
Wednesday 30 / Thursday 1
SAT List 13
● Quiz / Discuss 199-122
● Comparative Literature: Quiz/Discuss Exploration and Captivity Narratives
● Complete Presentations / Begin Presentations in class
 Read pages 122-END
Friday 2 / Tuesday 6 (Monday 5 Founders Day No Class)
SAT List 14
● Quiz/Discuss 122-End
 Presentations in class of the Pueblo Indian perspective
Read the following sections:
● Wonders of the Invisible World by Cotton Mather
● “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” by Jonathon Edwards
● Puritan Penal Code
Wednesday 7 / Thursday 8
SAT List 15
● Quiz / Discuss Wonders, Sinners, and the Penal Code
● Introduce The Puritan Dilemma and the Play as Narrative—Through Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, we will
explore Miller’s understanding of the spiritual, psychological, and physical conflicts that plagued New England
● The Tao of Composition Format
● Read and study Act I of The Crucible by Arthur Miller
● Vocab Quiz Next Class
● Read and study Chapters 4-7 for a quiz next class
● Put your paragraph on the Blackboard Safe Assign and bring a copy to class
Friday 9 / Monday 12
Study for quiz
 SAT Quiz 11-15
● Discuss The Dramatic Elements of Miller’s Drama and the birth of a Tragic Hero-● Act I: We will discuss the historical, social, and personal dimensions of Miller’s play, along with the concept of a
tragic hero. Prepare to take notes!
● View scenes from The Crucible (1996 film)
● Write an outline for one body paragraph. Requirements:
➢ Must be in the Tao of Composition Body Paragraph format
➢ Follows MLA guidelines for in-text citations
➢ Do not research your topic (or risk plagiarism)
● Prompt:
a. What conflict does Miller establish in Act II?
b. How does Miller develop this conflict?
c. Why is this conflict important to understand?
Tuesday 13 / Thursday 15 (Wednesday 14 National Testing Day)
SAT List 16
● Quiz Act II of The Crucible
● Discuss The Psychology of Fear and the Development of Conflict in Act II of The Crucible.
● Discuss: Tao of Composition essential elements. We will spend time exploring some of the essential form and
content elements found in the Tao of Composition. Be prepared to listen and take notes. I will show you
requirements for all future writing assignments!
● Homework: Read and Study the first half of Act III of The Crucible. Your quiz will not cover any material after
Mary Warren says, “I cannot lie no more. I am with God, I am with God” (1084). You will have a quiz over the
first half of Act III at the beginning of next class.
Friday 16 / Monday 19
SAT List 17
● Quiz first ½ of Act III
Discuss The Witchery of Unrequited Love (“Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”) and other ulterior motives
in the first half of Act III
Discuss The Tao of Composition essential elements of Body Paragraphs
Read the last half of Act III