What to study: Previous quizzes/tests/textbook exercises and homework, chapter 6 vocabulary. Teacher websites: Go to Simpson County Schools, click: “Schools” “FSHS” the on the left column look for teacher websites. Click my name go to Spanish 2- Chapter 6 Test has 5 questions you are to answer replacing the D.O. with the D.O.P., 4 statements with infinitives that you have to change to a command, 4 matching commands, 2 paragraphs to read then answer multiple choice or true/false. 5 ser / estar questions, 4 Pedir/Servir/Poder fill in the blank, 5 fill in the blank with the appropriate command, 5 fill in the blank commands using a direct object pronouns, 7 questions using ir + a + infinitive PEDIR, Verb conjugation fill in the blank using correct form of: preferir, probar, almorzar. Test has 54 questions worth 64 points. 1. http://quizlet.com/ Type in sbuelow Window will show: Looking for the Quizlet user sbuelow? Click on my name. Click on the sets to study. Chapter 6 Each set has Flashcards, 2 study session and two games sessions; Scatter and Space race. Under the test session uncheck the box on the right hand side for True False questions. I have found errors in the on line answer key for T/F questions. 2 If you need basic conjugation practice: http://www.quia.com/rr/338611.html or www.conjuguemos.com click sign in as student. You do not have to actually sign up just look to the orange column on the left and go to Spanish Verbs. Click the form you want to practice, Present tense, Irregulars, Stem changing etc. Once you get on the page, you can also select specific verbs by hold down the CNTRL key and clicking the verbs you want to practice. 3 Chapter 6 vocabulary http://www.quia.com/jg/1266322list.html 4 WWW.quia.com Click: Visit Quia Web Shared activities: click Spanish Search: Keywords – type in: exprésate 1 specific chapters… Have Fun! Note: Alt keys for accents: á = Alt + 160 é = Alt + 130 í = Alt + 161 ó = Alt + 162 ú = Alt + 163 ñ = Alt + 164 É = Alt + 0201 ¿= Alt + 168 ¡= Alt + 0161 Know all vocabulary and exprésate boxes. SER / ESTAR: características de un plato / del sabor (taste) en un momento especifico. (p.200) Write 2 ser sentences, / 2 estar sentences. (Remember ser –to be inherent characteristics and estar- to be temporary conditions, locations. Read the following sentences and write why the verb in the sentence was chosen. 1. Soy de Franklin. inherent characteristics. I am from Franklin, the verb SER is for permanent or 2. ¿Dónde está el camarero? temporary conditions. Where is the waiter?, the verb ESTAR is for location or 3. Este pollo está riquísimo. This chicken is delicious, the verb ESTAR is this sentence is used to describe this particular chicken, not all chicken. 4. Me gusta chocolate porque es delicioso. I like chocolate because it is delicious; the verb SER in this sentence means ALL chocolate is delicious. A permanent characteristic of chocolate is “delicious”. Direct Object pronouns: Me – me te – you lo/la – him/her/ it nos – we os – ya’ll Spain los/las – them, ya’ll Direct object pronouns go before the conjugated verb or after/attached to the infinitive. p. 214 Commands (Mandatos) : Commands are formed by putting the verb in the Tú form and dropping the “s”. There are 7 irregular commands listed on page 214 (we also talked about the command for decir (to say, tell) which is irregular- Di . Location of direct object pronoun and commands- remember this phrase: Affirmative command = Attached/After p.216 When using a direct object pronoun with a command, attach it to the end of the command. Count three syllables back and put the accent on the stressed vowel. (No accent if not more than 2 syllables.) VERB Conjugations: Be sure to write both the meaning of the verb and the conjugation! Meaning of verb Conjugación Poder (o-ue) to be able, can ella puede Pedir (e-i) to order, to ask for Ud. pide Servir (e-i) to serve él sirve Probar (o-ue) to try, to taste Ella prueba Dormir (o-ue) to sleep tú duermes Preferir (e-ie) to prefer Uds. prefieren Poner go verb to put, to place Tú pones Traer igo verb to bring yo traigo Calentar (e-ie) to heat up él calienta Mezclar to mix tú mezclas merendar (e-ie) to have a snack ellas merienda Empezar (e-ie) to begin, to start nosotros Entender (e-ie) to understand Yo recordar (o-ue) To remember él