Addendum to the Scholars' Day Task Force Report

Addendum to the Scholars’ Day Task Force Report
May, 2009
After submission of the Scholars’ Day Task Force Report, the Faculty Development committee requested
the Task Force attend to a few additional matters regarding the feasibility and requirements for
implementation of Scholars’ Day 2010 at Nazareth College. We have responded to the committee
requests on a point-by-point basis below.
1. Suggestions regarding possible dates for the event, following a consultation with Campus Facilities
and whoever else you deem appropriate.
More than half of the faculty and staff respondents to the Scholars Day survey suggested holding
the event in April before the last week of classes. Considering the faculty and staff feedback, in
our original report, the Task Force recommended that Scholars’ Day should be on a Tuesday,
Wednesday, or Thursday during mid-April, 2010. Based on this recommendation the following
dates were suggested via email to all Department Chairs and Charles Loray, Campus Events
Manager, to determine if there were any conflicts or preferences: April 13th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 21st, or
22nd, 2010. Based on the feedback received from Department Chairs and Mr. Loray, the proposed
dates that remain without conflict include: April 15th, 20th, 21st, or 22nd. The Task Force
recommends that the specific date for Scholars’ Day be established by the Scholars’ Day
Committee. However, the Committee is asked to consider the public school spring break schedule
(Inclusive Education) and the already established Music and Theatre schedules for Spring 2010
before deciding on a date.
2. The preparation of a list that contains the names, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc., of
potential contacts and/or resources.
Select members of the Scholars’ Day Task Force attended or communicated with the organizers
for Scholars’ Day events at other local colleges and universities. We have included a list of
contacts and information provided based on these communications.
1. SUNY Brockport
 Contact: Colleen Donaldson, Chair of Scholars Day Committee
Phone: 395-5118
 Website:
 Event: “Scholars Day/Night”
April 15, 2009 - 8:30am-5pm Main Campus, 6-7:30pm Metro Center Campus
 Details: Information about Scholars Day costs was provided and is included in
item #3 for reference.
2. SUNY Oswego
 Contact: Jack Gelfand, “Quest” Chair 2009
 Website:
 Event: Scholars Day is entitled “Quest”
3. SUNY Cortland
 Contact: R. Bruce Mattingly, Chair of Scholars Day, Interim Dean of Arts and
Phone: (607) 753-4312
 Website:
 Event: “Scholars Day”
April 17, 8:30am to 5pm
 Further Details: Support for Scholars' Day has been received from the offices of
the President, Provost, and VPAA, The Cortland Fund, The Cortland College
Foundation and Auxiliary Services Corporation.
 Scholars Day Committee:
Cynthia J. Benton, Childhood/Early Childhood Education
Philip Buckenmeyer, Kinesiology
Christopher P. Cirmo, Geology
Daniel M. Harms, Library
David Miller, Geography
Lisa Mostert, Classroom Media Services
Gigi Peterson, History
Kevin Pristash, Campus Activities
3. An investigation into probable costs, followed by some preliminary recommendations regarding
a budget.
Select members of the committee communicated with Colleen Donaldson, Chair of Scholars Day
Committee at SUNY Brockport to discuss the potential costs associated with implementing
Scholars’ Day at Nazareth College. The costs reported by representatives from SUNY Brockport
included the following: (1) a luncheon for 325 presenters and mentors (~$4000), (2) an evening
reception (~$200) paid for by Student Government, (3) printing and publicity costs including
posters, abstract & schedule booklets, name tags and ribbons for presenters, and community
advertising abstract booklets (~$3000).
Although all students will be expected to attend Scholars’ Day, and the Task Force anticipates the
number of presenters to be fewer than at SUNY Brockport, we feel that light refreshments should
be available at presentation areas throughout the day. Therefore, we feel the cost of food
associated with the event should be similar to that reported by SUNY Brockport. In addition, the
college needs to consider the cost associated with faculty time for a Scholars’ Day coordinator.
As recommended in our original report, this would include a total of 9 credits of workload release
time for a faculty coordinator (3 CR Summer 2009, 3 CR Fall 2009, 3 CR Spring 2010). This
release time is recommended for planning and development of the first Scholars’ Day event at
Nazareth over the next 12 months. The appropriate college committees then should evaluate the
need for release time for future Scholars’ Day events once the model has been established.
Based on all of this information and our recommendations, a summary table (Table A) of potential
costs associated with implementing a Scholars’ Day at Nazareth College is included on the next
Table A - Estimated Costs for Nazareth College Scholars’ Day 2010
Potential Cost
Printing and Publicity
$ 3,000
Luncheon, Reception, & Refreshments (200 + participants) $ 4,000
Scholars’ Day Coordinator (faculty time)
9 CR total workload
$ 7,000 + time
Last, as suggested in our initial report, we recommend that the Scholars’ Day Committee at Nazareth
College be composed of members from Faculty Development Committee, Faculty Executive Committee,
as well as a broad representation of faculty members, key staff and students from across the college.
Specifically, we feel that Mr. Loray, Campus Events Manager and key staff from Information Technology
should either be included on the committee or act as close consultants with the committee during the
planning process. Also, depending ultimately on the Faculty Development Committee’s
recommendations regarding composition of the committee, the following members of the Scholars’ Day
Task Force are interested in serving on a Scholars’ Committee at Nazareth College: Jim Black (Graduate
Education), Carol Brownstein-Evans (Social Work), Marrlee Burgess (Student Transition / First Year
Center and representing Student Development), Catherine Doyle (Library and Media Center), C. Yousuf
George (Mathematics), Sara Gombatto (Physical Therapy), David McGough (Education), Marjorie Roth
(Music), Rochelle Ruffer (School of Management).