Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 Osceola School District's WEEKLY MEDIA TIP SHEET Tip: No Early Release On Four Wednesdays During Statewide Testing - April 13, April 20, April 27, and May 4, 2016 The Osceola County School District is planning ahead for the upcoming spring administration of the Florida Standards Assessment by allowing students to have a full day of school on the Wednesdays when statewide tests will be administered. As such, parents should be advised that there will be no early release of students on the following Wednesdays: --April 13, 2016 --April 20, 2016 --April 27, 2016 --May 4, 2016 Students will be dismissed from school those days as they normally would on a Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. By lengthening the Wednesdays during testing, it allows more flexibility of the school-wide testing schedule. Schools will now have options to build in more opportunities for breaks between the different testing sessions to allow students to stretch, relax, and refocus. Parents and students are also reminded that the 2016-2017 academic calendar for next school year can be found on the district's website at www.osceolaschools.net. The first day of school for students will be on Wednesday, August 10, 2016. This earlier start date than in the past allows for the first semester and end-of-course/semester exams to finish before Winter Break. Contact: Dana Schafer, Community Relations – 407-870-4007 Tip: Florida Music Educator Association (FMEA) Selects Osceola Educator For State Leadership Award The Florida Music Educators Association (FMEA) has announced that Debbie Fahmie, Fine and Performing Arts Resource Specialist for the Osceola School District, is the recipient of its 2016 FMEA Leadership Award. Mrs. Fahmie was selected in honor of her outstanding contributions to music education throughout the state, for her notable achievements as a leader in the promotion of music education, and for her continued commitment to the profession. Since taking her district-level position in 2008, student participation in the arts across the Osceola School District has increased by 51%. FMEA Past President Sheila King points out that Debbie leads with a commitment to standards-based instruction and with the philosophy that music and the arts are for all students and are a vital part of a complete education. Jeanne Reynolds, the Performing Arts Content Specialist for the Pinellas County Schools, notes that when there is a music education task to be done in Florida, you can be sure one of the first names mentioned to help lead the way is Debbie Fahmie because her work ethic and leadership skills are unparalleled. Mrs. Fahmie has served on the boards of many organizations including the Florida Alliance of Arts Education, United Arts of Central Florida, Osceola Arts, The Education Foundation-Osceola County, Osceola Coalition of Arts for a Complete Education, Dr. Phillips Performing Arts Center Circle, Orlando Repertory Theatre Advisory, Orlando Philharmonic Education Committee, Central Florida Orff Chapter, and more. She currently serves the Florida Music Education Association as Awards Chair and on the Conference Planning Committee. She has been involved both state and nation-wide in curriculum and assessment development, and served for many years as a trainer for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. In addition, Mrs. Fahmie is an adjunct professor for the University of Central Florida. Contact: Dana Schafer, Community Relations – 407-870-4007 ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 Tip: Three Outstanding Musicians From The Osceola County School for the Arts Named To 2016 Jazz Band of America Three student jazz musicians from the Osceola County School for the Arts have been selected to represent Florida in the Music for All's 2016 Jazz Band of America, one of the nation's finest honor assemblies: -Eric Gonzales, sophomore - Trumpet -Tyler Bonilla, senior - Trombone - Contact: Dana Schafer, Community Relations – 407-870-4007 Jacob Britton, senior - Vibraphone Music for All’s tradition of outstanding national honor ensembles showcasing the finest high school musicians includes the Jazz Band of America. The Jazz Band of America is comprised of high school musicians, selected by recorded audition. The Jazz Band of America will perform in concert on Friday, March 11, at 8:30 p.m. at Clowes Memorial Hall, located on the campus of Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. The students will come together from 10 states representing 16 high schools for the first time on the Wednesday before the concert. Contact: Dana Schafer, Community Relations – 407-870-4007 Tip: Osceola School District To Host Academic Resource Fairs For Parents And Students The Osceola School District offers many free academic resources for use at home to help students in Grades K-12 succeed. To learn about free digital resources, academic programs, tutoring assistance, and more, parents and students in all grade levels are invited to attend one of the upcoming District Academic Resource Fairs: February 18 at Koa Elementary Located at 5000 Koa Street in Poinciana 6:00 p.m. - free pizza dinner provided for attendees February 25 at Narcoossee Elementary Located at 2690 N. Narcoossee Road in St. Cloud 6:00 p.m. - free pizza dinner provided for attendees Parents and students who attend will learn about the many free resources available to support the learning taking place in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Highlights of the events will include breakout sessions that parents can select from based on what best suits their student and display booths from district departments and community youth organizations. Free child care will be provided, and free food will be served. Contact: Dana Schafer, Community Relations – 407-870-4007 Tip: Four Osceola Schools Recognized As Models For Positive Behavior Support For Students Four Osceola County public schools have recently earned the distinction of being named as Florida's Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Model Schools for 2014-2015 for outstanding efforts in addressing student behavior through positive support. The schools recognized include: Gold Level: Neptune Middle Bronze Level: Flora Ridge Elementary, Horizon Middle, and St. Cloud Middle All four Osceola schools were awarded Model School status by the Department of Child & Family Studies at University of South Florida, as part of its Positive Behavior Support: Response to Intervention for Behavior Project. A PBS Model School is one that has been extremely successful in developing effective interventions for inappropriate student behavior, and in teaching and reinforcing basic social skills to help children be successful in the school setting. Each first-time Model School will receive a banner, and returning schools will receive a certificate from the University of South Florida's PBS: RtIB Project. "I am extremely proud of the efforts of these Osceola schools in earning Model School status," said ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 Superintendent Melba Luciano. "One of our primary goals is to develop a safe and caring educational environment so that student achievement can increase. Across the district, we work to address problem behavior through positive support so that our students can focus on learning." The PBS initiative has been in Osceola County schools since 2003. Today, 25 Osceola schools and the Transportation Department are implementing PBS programs. Contact: Dana Schafer, Community Relations – 407-870-4007 Tip: Osceola School District To Hold Voluntary Prekindergarten Registration Roundups Osceola County parents with a child who will be four years old by September 1, 2016, are invited to register him or her for the Osceola School District's 2016-2017 free Voluntary Prekindergarten Program (VPK). VPK classrooms offer high-quality programs that include high academic standards, developmentally-appropriate curricula, manageable class sizes, and qualified teachers. The Osceola Center for Early Learning will host a series of VPK Registration Roundups. Parents must first start by getting a Certificate of Eligibility by logging on to https://vpkcp.floridaearlylearning.com. Parents are then asked to choose a prekindergarten school site, and attend the Roundup for that school: --Central Avenue Elementary and Kissimmee Elementary Roundup - February 16 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Roundup Location: Osceola Center for Early Learning (located at 1200 Vermont Ave. in St. Cloud) Schools: Central Avenue Elementary, Kissimmee Elementary, and Chambers Park Community Center **To register for these locations, a child must be zoned for Central Avenue Elementary or Kissimmee Elementary and you must bring your child with you to register. --Poinciana Area Roundup - February 18 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Roundup Location: Osceola Center for Early Learning (located at 1200 Vermont Ave. in St. Cloud) Schools: Chestnut Elementary School for Science and Engineering, Deerwood Elementary, Koa Elementary, Liberty High, and Poinciana Academy of Fine Arts **To register for any of these schools, you must be zoned for any one of the schools listed above, and you must bring your child with you to register. --St. Cloud Area Roundup - February 23 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Roundup Location: Osceola Center for Early Learning (located at 1200 Vermont Ave. in St. Cloud) Schools: East Lake Elementary, Harmony Community, Hickory Tree Elementary, Lakeview Elementary, Narcoossee Elementary, Partin Settlement Elementary, Ross E. Jeffries - Osceola Center for Early Learning, St. Cloud High, and Zenith Career Center **Due to limited space, please do not bring your child with you to register. --Kissimmee Area Roundup - February 25 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Roundup Location: Osceola Center for Early Learning (located at 1200 Vermont Ave. in St. Cloud) Schools: Boggy Creek Elementary, Cypress Elementary, Highlands Elementary, Mill Creek Elementary, Reedy Creek Elementary, Pleasant Hill Elementary, Sunrise Elementary, Ventura Elementary, and Westside K-8. **Due to limited space, please do not bring your child with you to register. For questions regarding the VPK Roundups, please contact 407-870-4911. Contact: Dana Schafer, Community Relations – 407-870-4007 Tip: Osceola School District’s $2.27 Million Grant for STEM Partnership Continues to Improve Teaching and Learning In 2014-2015, the Florida Department of Education awarded the Osceola School District funding through the 2014-2017 K-12 Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). In addition to its Year 1 amount of $567,543.58, the project received ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 $819,036.85 for 2015-2016. The grant project’s comprehensive budget reflects a Year 3 sum of $883,368.00 for a three-year total of $2,269,948.43. The MSP program is intended to increase the academic achievement of students in mathematics and science by enhancing the content knowledge and teaching skills of classroom teachers through partnerships between high-need school districts and the STEM faculty in Institutions of Higher Education (IHE). Osceola’s project partners include two Florida school districts, Okeechobee County School District and Volusia County Schools. The IHE/University partners are Dr. Yiping Lou, Dr. Luanna Prevost, and Dr. Brad Gemmell from the University of South Florida and Dr. Pamela Blanchard with Louisiana State University. The project will: • Help science teachers form Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) that can integrate cooperative learning strategies and use formative assessments and science argumentation that teaches students content through the process of science (inquiry-based activities) in multiple science content areas. • Facilitate lesson study for science teachers in PLCs through the creation of new 5E lessons and by building on existing Inquiry Activity Portal (iAP) lessons developed by Lou and Blanchard (2010) as a way to incorporate technology into science instruction. • Provide professional development to science teachers on using technology to assess students on their inquiry skills and to remediate struggling students, through a partnership with faculty in the Instructional Technology Program at the University of South Florida. • Assist teachers in increasing student engagement and incorporating cooperative learning strategies through a partnership with Kagan Publishing and Professional Development. • Partner science teachers with scientists from the two collaborating universities to improve the science teachers’ content knowledge. • Use the Inquiry Skill Analyzer (iSA) to assist teachers in analyzing their own and their students’ science inquiry skills to identify areas of need and/or strength and to monitor progress. • Develop and share via CPALMS a bank of rigorous STEM model lessons and professional development modules that are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards and the Florida Science Standards, as well as the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards. Expected outcomes include a technology-enhanced, inquiry-based process for science learning and remediation through formative assessment and cooperative learning that will better engage middle and high school students, leading to higher student success on standardized science tests. The project will also yield lesson plans and assessments that help teachers best instruct science content and science process/inquiry areas that cause students to struggle. The Middle School Curriculum and Instruction Department, under the leadership of Michael Allen, Assistant Superintendent, will oversee the project. The MSP-funded Grant Project, Heather Miller (407870-1485 Ext. 66512 / chapmanh@osceola.k12.fl.us), coordinates and implements the activities. Contact: Kim A. Beekman, Grant Management – 407-870-4058 Tip: Osceola School District Seeks to Expand Its 21st Century Community Learning Centers The Osceola School District intends to submit a 2016-2017 proposal to the Florida Department of Education for federal-through-state 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) discretionary grant funding. The goal is to expand the availability of 21st CCLC services by adding another group of schools to existing projects. This year’s proposal will include Deerwood Elementary School, Highlands Elementary School, and Denn John Middle School. The proposed project plan will incorporate input from parents, students, and community partners. The draft will be available online for comment during the development phase at http://www.osceolaschools.net/cms/one.aspx?portalId=567190&pageId=733482 and http://www.osceolaschools.net/departments/grant_management. If funded, stakeholders will fulfill ongoing collaborative roles in project implementation. Furthermore, community partnerships will assist in meeting the program’s needs and goals through support that may include in-kind contributions of goods and services. Following receipt of the award notice, the approved application will become available to the public on the project website. The 21st CCLC Program targets low-income families and students, low-performing schools, and schools ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 designated as in need of improvement under Title I. The program purpose is the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools. The program: helps students meet state student standards in core academic subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can complement their regular academic programs; and delivers literacy and other educational services to the families of participating children. The range of high-quality services supports student learning and development and includes: tutoring and mentoring, academic enrichment (e.g., homework assistance, reading, math, science, and technology programs), service learning, character education, physical education/recreational activities, dropout prevention, and projectbased activities that integrate a number of subject areas. Adult family members receive services designed to equip them with the tools necessary to support their student’s academic achievement goals. Osceola’s SPIRIT (Students Participating in Recreation and Instruction Together) Program currently operates in 10 participating schools. The existing 21st CCLCs are located at the following schools: Cohort 7 – Denn John Middle School and Discovery Intermediate School (The five-year project expires on July 31, 2016.) Cohort 8 – Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies and Parkway Middle School (The five-year project ends on July 31, 2017.) Cohort 10 – Boggy Creek Elementary School, Central Avenue Elementary School, and Koa Elementary School (The anticipated final year of funding is 2018-2019.) Cohort 12 – Michigan Avenue Elementary School, Narcoossee Elementary School, and Narcoossee Middle School (The anticipated final year of funding is 2018-2019.) Michael Allen, Assistant Superintendent of Middle School Curriculum and Instruction, will lead a highlyqualified staff to provide this effective before- and after-school programming. Additional program details are available on the website at http://www.osceolaschools.net/cms/one.aspx?portalId=567190&pageId=733482. Contact: Kim Beekman, Grant Management – 407-870-4058 Tip: Elementary All County Music Festival The Elementary Music Educators of Osceola County will proudly present the 2016 Elementary All County Music Festival, under the direction of Katie Grace Miller, at Osceola High School Performing Arts Center on February 18 at 7:00 p.m. Katie Grace Miller teaches at Three Points Elementary where, in addition to her weekly load, she directs an after-school program. Katie is one of the children's choir directors at First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, where she also teaches Musikgarten in the summer. She has been a featured clinician for Orff chapters and universities in Florida. Katie is a regular contributor to Activate! and co-authored Get to the Point: A Collection of Pointing Pages and Powerful Plans with her aunt, Artie Almeida. Master of Ceremonies will be Assistant Superintendent Lissette Brizendine. This event features 235 of Osceola County's finest young musicians united through music. A $5.00 donation will be taken at the door. Students under 12 and school district employees with IDs are free. Contact: Debbie Fahmie, Fine and Performing Arts - 407-870-4904 Tip: Boggy Creek Elementary – Rocks and Ropes Adventure Boggy Creek Elementary will be having a Rocks and Ropes Climbing Adventure February 16-18. Students will participate during P.E. classes with approval from their parents. The cost is $10 to $20 according to the type of activities, and the number of times for each. Contact: Randy Shuttera, Boggy Creek Elementary School - 407-344-5060 Tip: Boggy Creek Elementary - Father/Daughter Dance Boggy Creek Elementary will be hosting a Father/Daughter Dance on February 17 from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. This dance is for girls and their dads or guardians. The cost of the dance is $12.00 each, with the ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 cost for an additional daughter for the dance is $3. Contact: Randy Shuttera, Boggy Creek Elementary School - 407-344-5060 Tip: Boggy Creek Elementary - Guest Reader Day Boggy Creek Elementary will host a Guest Reader Day on February 18 from 8:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. If interested in reading to a class of students, please call to speak with Mrs. White. Contact: Randy Shuttera, Boggy Creek Elementary - 407-344-5060 Tip: Chestnut Elementary School for Science and Engineering – Upcoming Events - February 12 – Swap-A-Top fundraiser - February 13 - Chestnut University for invited students - February 15 - Valentine picture fundraiser - February 16 - SAC meeting in the media center from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. - February 16 - Class pictures - February 16 – 18 - Band, Media, and National Honor Society fundraiser - February 17 – Pre-K STEM visitors - February 18 - First grade field trip to Lowery Park Zoo, second grade to Legoland, fourth grade to KSC - February 19 - Rodeo Day: student/teacher holiday Contact: Julie McClintock, Chestnut Elementary School for Science and Engineering – 407-870-4862 Tip: Cypress Elementary – School Events In support of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Cypress Elementary is collecting Pennies for Patients during the month of February. The class that collects the most will win a pasta party from Olive Garden. The next SAC/PTO meetings at Cypress Elementary will be held on Tuesday, February 16, in the media center starting at 3:45 p.m. All parents and business partners are encouraged to attend. Cypress Elementary’s fifth grade is going on a field trip to the Environmental Center February 15 and 16. They will learn about different types of rocks and dig for fossils. Cypress Elementary will be having a McTeacher Night on Thursday, February 18, at the McDonalds on Simpson Road. Stop by to visit with the teachers and support Cypress. Cypress Elementary will be having a Scholastic Book Fair February 22 - 26, 2016. It will be open extended hours on Tuesday, February 23. Contact: Susan Compton, Cypress Elementary – 407-344-5000 Tip: Cypress Elementary - Counting Down To College Cypress Elementary is “Counting Down to College” with a math parent night on Tuesday, February 23, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Each grade level will have an activity for parents and students. Students who participate will receive a Math Grab n' Go bag with math activities to do at home. Nachos and cookies will be provided. Contact: Susan Compton, Cypress Elementary – 407-344-5000 Tip: Deerwood Elementary – School Events -February 12 - Progress reports go home -February 17 - Bingo for Books from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria -February 19 - Rodeo Day - no school. -February 22 - PTO/SAC meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the media center Contact: Louise Steuer, Deerwood Elementary - 407-870-2400 Tip: East Lake Elementary – Upcoming Events -February 11 - 12 - Jump Rope for Heart -February 11 - Read with a Teacher from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at both the BVL and St. Cloud Libraries ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 -February 12 - Progress reports go home -February 16 - Spring Picture Day - Class pictures and individual pictures to be taken -February 16 - PTO meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the media center -February 19 - Rodeo Day – no school -February 29 - March 1- FSA Writing for Grades 4 and 5 Contact: Lisa Basinger, East Lake Elementary School - 407-943-8450 Tip: Hickory Tree Elementary – Upcoming Events -February 12 - Progress reports go home -February 16 - SAC/PAC meeting at 3:50 p.m. in the media center -February 18 - All County Choir at Osceola High School at 7:00 p.m. -February 18 - Spirit Night at Gator’s Dockside from 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. -February 19 - Rodeo Day - teacher/student holiday -February 25 - Dress Down Day -March 4 - College Day Contact: Latricia Karlskin, Hickory Tree Elementary - 407-891-3120 Tip: Koa Elementary – Upcoming Events -February 16 - LifeTouch individual and classroom pictures -February 18-19 - Digital Learning Days - Minecraft and Computer Coding -February 17 - Free Title I Parent Resources from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. -February 18 - Legoland field trip, Grade 2 -February 18 - Chick-fil-A biscuits for sale from 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. -February 18 - District Academic Resource Fair from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. -February 22 - March 13 - Online Book Fair <http://bookfairs.scholastic.com/homepage/koaelementaryschool > -February 24 - Writing Boot Camp - Grades 4 and 5 -February 24 - Bellalago McDonald's Family Night from 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. -February 26 - “Wear What You Want” fundraiser -February 26 - Dance - Grades K-2 from 2:45 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. -March 2 - Free Title I parent resources from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. -March 3 - Chick-fil-A biscuits for sale from 7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. -March 5 - Spring Fling, Book Fair -March 7 - 11 - Book Fair open during the school day -March 8 - Book Fair Family Night from 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Contact: Corie Klinger, Koa Elementary – 407-518-1161 Tip: Lakeview Elementary – Upcoming Events -February 12 - Swap-a-Top - students will be able to wear red or pink tops for $1.00 -February 15 - Silver Spurs Rodeo Queens visit first graders -March 3 - Group pictures Contact: Lecy Martin, Lakeview Elementary – 407-891-3220 Tip: Mill Creek Elementary – Upcoming Events -February - Pasta for Pennies fundraiser all month long -February 10-12 -"Breakfast with Buddies" from 7:40 a.m. - 8:10 a.m. -February 11 - Annual Healthy Heart Night from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. -February 15 - 16 - Pet Alliance will be visiting first grade classrooms -February 19 - Rodeo Day - teacher/student holiday Contact: Maryless Lopez Ducos, Mill Creek Elementary - 407-935-3660 Tip: Narcoossee Elementary School - Upcoming Events -February 8-12 - Winter Book Fair -February 12 - Father/Daughter Dance from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. -February 16 - SAC/PTO meeting from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 -February 16 - Class and individual spring pictures -February 17 - 18 - Jump Rope for Heart -February 19 - Rodeo Day - no school -February 23 - First grade field trip to Brevard Zoo Narcoossee Elementary School now has a volunteer calendar link on its website which can be accessed through NCES News or under Parent Resources. Visit: www.nces.osceola.k12.fl.us Contact: Sasha Britenriker, Narcoossee Elementary - 407-892-6858 Tip: Neptune Elementary – STEM Parent Night Neptune Elementary’s STEM Parent Night will be held on Thursday, February 11, from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. You are invited to join in science learning with your child in the cafeteria and taking turns in the Mobile Lab that will be at the school. Contact: Dayana Duval, Neptune Elementary - 407-892-8387 Tip: Neptune Elementary – Walk-A-Thon Neptune Elementary’s annual walk-a-thon will be held on Thursday, February 18, during special area time. The students will be accepting donations that will go toward improving special area programs. Contact: Dayana Duval, Neptune Elementary - 407-892-8387 Tip: Neptune Elementary – Upcoming Events -February 11 - STEM Parent Night from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. -February 12 - Progress reports -February 18 - Walk-A-Thon during special area -February 19 - Rodeo Day – no school -February 26 - Celebration Assemblies Contact: Dayana Duval, Neptune Elementary - 407-892-8387 Tip: Poinciana Parent Center All Poinciana school parents are invited to use and visit the Poinciana Parent Center. Resources and books are available for check-out and use at home. Digital Learning Day at the Poinciana Parent Center will be held on February 17 from 3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Come learn about online resources, games, and activities for your child to use at home. On February 23, the Poinciana Parent Center will host Chocolate Science from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. There will be interactive activities for families using reading, science, and math using chocolate. Kindermusik and Footsteps2Brilliance are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the Poinciana Parent Center. Parents and pre-school age children can interact together with songs and music. Free sign-up for the Footsteps2Brilliance app is also available. Contact: Nomary Diaz, Program Assistant, 407-870-4934 for questions or to RSVP for an event. Tip: Reedy Creek Elementary – Informational Meeting Reedy Creek Elementary’s second annual Title I informational meeting will be held on Monday,February 15, at 9:00 a.m. in the media center. Contact: Nicole Burda, Reedy Creek Elementary – 407-935-3580 Tip: Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies – All Pro Dads All Pro-Dads at Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies meet on the second Wednesday of the month. It runs from 7:20 a.m. - 8:05 a.m. in the media center. Dads will enter and exit campus through the front car rider gate. The schedule for 2015-2016 is as follows: -March 9 -April 13 -May 11 ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 Contact: Cheryl Vicari, Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies - 407-935-3540 Tip: Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies – Robot Project Second grade students at Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies participated in a handcrafted energy robot project that they created using recycling materials. The purpose of this activity was for the students to demonstrate their understanding of the different types of energy by creating a robot and explaining how the robot used each type of energy. Contact: Cheryl Vicari, Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies - 407-935-3540 Tip: Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies – Upcoming Events -February 11-12 - Spring class pictures -February 8-22 - Book Fair -February 24 - STEM Lab Bus from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Contact: Cheryl Vicari, Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies - 407-935-3540 Tip: Ventura Elementary – Upcoming Events -February 12 - Third quarter progress reports -February 12 - First and second grades Dance from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. -February 12 - First grade Dress Up Day -February 15 – Title I Parenting Center open from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. -February 16 - Fifth grade IB Program presentation -February 17 - SAC/PTO meeting at 3:30 p.m. -February 19 - Rodeo Day – no school -February 23 - Tiger of the Month Ceremony, Character trait: Fairness -March 3 - Read Across America from 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. -March 3 – iMOM at 7:15 a.m. -March 7 - Title I Parenting Center open from 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. -March 11 - End of third quarter -March 14 -18 - Spring Break – no school -March 21 - Student holiday/teacher workday – no school -March 22 - Fourth quarter begins -March 22 - Tiger of the Month Ceremony, Character trait: Effort -March 22 - SAC/PTO meeting at 3:30 p.m. -March 22 - Parent Resource Night from 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. -March 28 - Third quarter report cards go home Contact: Mala Cruz, Ventura Elementary - 407-344-5040 Tip: Denn John Middle School – Fundraisers The eighth grade at Denn John Middle is selling t-shirts all year for $7 each. Funds collected go towards all eighth grade events and activities. Purchase a Denn John Middle 2014-2015 yearbook for $25.00 or pre-order a 2015-2016 yearbook for only $20.00. Smencils are on sale at the school for $1 each. Contact: Jaja Richards, Denn John Middle – 407-935-3560 Tip: Denn John Middle School – Upcoming Events -February 23 - Osceola High School schedules at 8:00 a.m. in media center -February 23 - Military History Museum at 8:30 a.m. -February 23 - Wellness Family Fun Night from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. -February. 24 - Student Council - Kissimmee City Hall and downtown trip -February 25 - Orchestra Music Performance Assessment at 9:00 a.m. at Dr. Phillips High -February 25 - Dragons of Distinction at 2:10 p.m. in media center -February 26 - Avid field trip at 8:30 a.m. at the University of North Florida ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 -February 26 - Positive Picnic Food and Fun -February 27 - Orchestra Music Performance Assessment at 9:00 a.m. at Dr. Phillips High -February 29 - Band Clinician - Scott Tobias -March 2 - History Fair from 4:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. -March 4 - Choral MPA at 8:00 a.m. at Osceola High School -March 5 - Chorus performing National Anthem for Astros game at Osceola Heritage Park -March 1 - All Stars are Bright Drills and Skills Camp from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Contact: Jaja Richards, Denn John Middle – 407-935-3560 Tip: Denn John Middle School – Parent/Student Assistance Offered The 21st Century Community Learning Center is offered at Denn John Middle on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2:50 p.m. – 5:50 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 1:50 p.m. – 4:50 p.m. through the end of the school year. Activities include project-based learning, technology through photography, culinary arts, girls mentoring program, team sports, and game club. Contact: Jaja Richards, Denn John Middle – 407-935-3560 Tip: Discovery Intermediate – Volunteers Needed Discovery Intermediate encourages anyone interested in volunteering in any of the following categories at the school to complete an online OASIS school volunteer application: class volunteer, SAC member, office/health volunteer, field trips/school activities chaperone, or media center helper. Whether you are new or a returning volunteer, everyone must complete an online application and an orientation. Orientations will be held by appointment only. Discovery Intermediate is looking for OASIS volunteers to help run the PBS store. Hours will be Thursdays from 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Please contact Ms. Maria Cuevas 407-343-7300 ext. 17608 if you are interested in volunteering. Contact: Maria Cuevas, Discovery Intermediate – 407-343-7300 Tip: Discovery Intermediate – Upcoming Events -February 11 - SAC meeting at 4:30 p.m. -February 12 - Honor Roll ceremony -February 15, 22, 29 - Cheerleading practice -March – 7, 28 – Cheerleading practice Contact: Maria Cuevas, Discovery Intermediate – 407-343-7300 Tip: Discovery Intermediate – Ronald McDonald House Pop Tab Recycling School Contest Students/parents, teachers/staff, Business Partners, and community residents, please feel free to join Discovery Intermediate as it takes on the challenge to collect soda pop tabs from beverages, soda cans, etc. All proceeds will benefit the children and families who are staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Orlando during their child’s medical crisis. Contact: Maria Cuevas, Discovery Intermediate – 407-343-7300 Tip: Discovery Intermediate – Second Annual Title I Meeting Teachers. parents, and students are invited to join Discovery Intermediate on Thursday, February 11, at 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in the cafeteria for information on AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination), ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), the FSA state assessment, and FOCUS. Food and refreshments will be served. There will also be a small recap on Friday, February 12, 2016, in Rm. 5-103. Contact: Maria Cuevas, Discovery Intermediate – 407-343-7300 Tip: Horizon Middle School – School/Parent Events -February 11 - Valentine's Day Dance -February 13, 27 - Writing Academy from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. to help prepare for the FSA -February 16 - Parent Conference and Parent Portal Night from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. -February 18 - 7th Grade Honor Roll 7th period ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 -February 18 - Osceola Jazz Band MPAs at St. Cloud High School -April 23 - Spring Festival from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Contact: Annette Kalloo, Horizon Middle School - 407-943-7240 Tip: Horizon Middle School – Sports/Clubs -February 15 – Girls’ basketball semi-finals -February 16 – Boys’ basketball semi-finals -February 18 - Basketball finals at Osceola High Contact: Annette Kalloo, Horizon Middle School - 407-943-7240 Tip: Kissimmee Middle – Upcoming Events -February 11 - Football practice from 4:00 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. -February 11-12 - WIDA State Assessment for ESOL students -February 12 - Valentine's Dance from 5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. -February 12 - Open gym from 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. -February 15, 16, and 18 - Football practice at Kissimmee Middle at 4:00 p.m. -February 18 - Buffalo Wild Wings school fundraiser at Lake Buena Vista -February 29 - First day of FSA writing test Contact: Karen Hernandez, Kissimmee Middle – 407-870-0857 Tip: Narcoossee Middle School – Upcoming Events -February 16 - STEM Club at 4:00 p.m. -February 16 - NJHS meeting at 4:00 p.m. -February 16 - Cheer practice at 4:00 p.m. -February 17 - Honor Roll activity at 8:00 a.m. -February 18 - Seventh grade field trip to Kennedy Space Center -February 18 - Eighth grade field trip to MOSI museum -February 18 - Jazz MPA at 9:00 a.m. -February 18 - History Club at 4:00 p.m. -February 19 - Rodeo Day - no school Contact: Monica Phillips, Narcoossee Middle School – 407-891-6600 Tip: Neptune Middle – Upcoming Events -February 12 - Valentine’s Day Dance at 7:00 p.m. -February 15 - Sea Horse Team Breakfast at 7:30 a.m. -February 15 - Lifeguard Business Meeting for Enterprise Village -February 15 – Girls’ basketball semifinals -February 15 - Cheerleading practice at 2:30 p.m. -February 16 – Boys’ basketball semifinals -February 17 - Parent conferences -February 17 - History Fair -February 17 - Digital Learning Day -February 17 - SAVE Club at 7:30 a.m. -February 18 - County Spelling Bee -February 18 - OCMSAC Finals at Osceola High School -February 18 - Cheerleading practice at 2:30 p.m. -February 18 - Student Council meeting at 2:30 p.m. -February 18 - Dolphin Team field trip to Kennedy Space Center Contact: Maritza Luciano, Neptune Middle -- 407-935-3500 Tip: Neptune Middle – Student Recognitions Congratulations to Neptune Middle’s basketball teams for winning the OCMS basketball tournament this past Saturday. Both the girls’ and boys’ basketball teams are participating in the Semifinals playoffs. ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 Congratulations to Neptune Middle School’s Spelling Bee winners Erin Lowry and Owen Lewis. They are both sixth graders, and will participate in the All County Spelling Bee. Contact: Maritza Luciano, Neptune Middle -- 407-935-3500 Tip: Celebration K-8 – Hop, Skip, Jump and Learn Celebration K-8 School has been awarded a grant to help children "Hop, Skip, Jump, and Learn!" Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation sponsors a grant program for schools called "Lowe's Toolbox for Education." Funds through this grant will add new activities to the recess area with the goal of encouraging K-5 students to be more physically active during recess. Parent volunteers will complete the work in March so children have time to play before school ends. Contact: Cheryl Cassano, Celebration K-8 School - 407 566-2300. Tip: Celebration K-8 – Fuel Up to Play60 Celebration K-8 School has received a grant from the National Dairy Council called FUEL UP TO PLAY60. This grant will allow the school to refresh the cafeteria with reminders for healthy eating by adding student artwork to newly-painted walls. To increase student activity at recess, the grant also provides painting new activity stencils on the playground concrete. Contact: Cheryl Cassano, Celebration K-8 School - 407 566-2300. Tip: Harmony Community School – Upcoming Events -February 15 - Rodeo Queen visits kindergarten and first grades, PTO/SAC meeting at 5:30 p.m. -February 16 - Middle School Band Recital Night from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. -February 17 - Cowboy Community Day - kindergarten -February 18 - All County Elementary Chorus at 9:35 a.m. -February 18 - Middle school visit from Narcoossee for orientation for incoming sixth graders Contact: Amanda Yontz, Harmony Community School - 407-892-1655 Tip: Celebration High – School Events The second Celebration High School PBS 101 reward event will take place on Friday, February 12, from 8:00 until 11:00 a.m. Over 1,200 students will be treated to the Storm Prize Bingo, an original game created by science teacher Richard Byrd. Celebration High School’s music students will participate in the All-County Choir at Liberty High School on February 12 starting at 7:10 p.m. The Celebration High band will participate in the Solo and Ensemble Band MPAs at St. Cloud High School on February 12 and 13. Mark calendars now for the spring musical at Celebration High School, Little Shop of Horrors. -February 19 and 20 at 7:00 p.m. -February 21 at 3:00 p.m. -February 26 and 27 at 7:00 p.m. -February 28 at 3:00 p.m. The Celebration High School boys’ volleyball team will host a tournament/fundraiser on February 13 and 14. Sports in season: -February 11 – Girls’ Lacrosse -February 11 and 15 - Baseball -February 12 – Boys’ Lacrosse -February 15 - Track Contact: Brenda Allen, Celebration High – 321-939-6600 Tip: Gateway High School – JROTC Drill Competition Gateway High School's Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) Unit will host a county-wide drill competition on Friday, February 12, 2016. During the competition, seven JROTC units ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 from Osceola County will demonstrate their military prowess in armed and unarmed drill performances. The competition will begin at 9:00 a.m., and events will include: Color Guard, Armed Drill, Unarmed Drill, Armed Exhibition Drill, Unarmed Exhibition Drill, a Personnel Inspection, and a physical fitness challenge. For more information, contact Master Sergeant Wright at 407-935-3600 extension 02697. Contact: Doris Cobb, Gateway High School - 407-935-3600 Tip: Gateway High School – School Events Gateway High’s French Honor Society will host "Une soirée marocaine," a Moroccan cultural evening on Thursday, February 11, at 2:30 p.m. in building 23-108. Moroccan food will be served, and a presentation on Moroccan culture will be made. AVID Family Night at Gateway High will be on February 11 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in the cafeteria. Contact: Doris Cobb, Gateway High School - 407-935-3600 Tip: Liberty High School – Science Competition On February 4, five Liberty High Environmental Science students competed against 200 students at the Regional Envirothon at Leu Gardens in Orlando. Tanzania Brackington, Monica Castano, Joalee Rivera, Kevin Rivera-Figueroa, and Misael Serrano, under Ms. Brenda Colon’s advisory, came in third place for our district. Contact: Cathy Igo, Liberty High School - 407-933-3910 Tip: Liberty High School - Seventh Annual Charger Dash 5K Enjoy the scenic beauty of Kissimmee at the 7th Annual Charger Dash 5K at Liberty High School on Saturday, March 12, 2016. Registration begins at 6:30 a.m., festivities at 7:30 a.m., and the race at 8:00 a.m. Young and old alike can walk, jog, or stroll around Liberty High School and down Pleasant Hill Road, where they will enjoy a wonderful tour of a growing community. The Charger Dash 5K is a chipped-timed road race where local vendors will be on site to offer services and share information. For the runners, there will be many prize drawings and goodies bags containing useful items and tasty treats. The pre-registration fee for the charger Dash 5K is $20 or $30 on day of the event. Participants can register online at active.com. The Charger Dash 5K goes a long way toward helping various student organizations and funding the Liberty Ambassadors’ Valencia College Scholarship Program, helping fellow students who need it the most. Also, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a local charity. For more information, please visit the Liberty High School website at www.lhs.osceola.k12.fl.us. Contact: Cathy Igo, Liberty High School - 407-933-3910 Tip: Liberty High School – SAC Meeting Liberty High will hold a SAC meeting on February 16 at 6:00 p.m. in the media center. All are welcome to attend. Contact: Cathy Igo, Liberty High School - 407-933-3910 Tip: St. Cloud High School – Visual Arts Partners With Artegon Marketplace St. Cloud High School Visual Arts is partnering with Artegon Marketplace. Part of the partnership includes creating opportunities to showcase and promote student art and activities. Student artwork is currently on display at the Artegon Mall Student Exhibit Wall. The students created works that portrayed their perspective on "glamour." The free art exhibition Artwork will be on display the whole month of February. Artegon is located at 5250 International Dr., Orlando. (photo available upon request) Contact: Joela Lowe, St. Cloud High School - 407-891-3100 Tip: St. Cloud High School - Art Celebrates Chinese New Year With Panda Express In honor of a century old tradition, St. Cloud High School with new art business partner Panda Express ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 conducted a Chinese New Year celebration. Contact: Joela Lowe, St. Cloud High School - 407-891-3100 Tip: St. Cloud High School - Art At Gaylord Palms St. Cloud High art students, with Gaylord Palms Orlando and A Gift For Teaching Osceola, proudly presents "Love is in the Air - A Tribute to Hayao Miyazaki." The artworks can be viewed in the student display window at the Gaylord Palms Resort, located at 6000 West Osceola Parkway, Kissimmee. Contact: Joela Lowe, St. Cloud High School - 407-891-3100 Tip: Zenith – Night School Opportunity Zenith Career Center is offering an evening program for seniors to earn their high school diploma. The program runs Mondays through Thursdays from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Students need to enroll at Zenith. As this program focuses on getting students the credits they need to graduate, daily attendance is a necessity. Students need to provide their own transportation. Please contact Mr. Dunham at 407-8463976 (extension 39705) to schedule an appointment. Contact: Ellen Whitman, Zenith – 407-846-3976 Tip: Zenith - Media Center Happenings In the month of February, Mrs. McKenna is offering two fun activities for students: Blind date with a book and Speed Dating with a book. Sign up on the media center door or at the book check out station. Contact: Ellen Whitman, Zenith – 407-846-3976 Tip: Zenith - Valencia Manufacturing and Valencia Construction Program A representative from the new Valencia Manufacturing facility and a representative from the new Valencia construction program will be at Zenith on February 16. With the growing industry of manufacturing in this area and the increase of employment that is needed to keep with up with this demand, this is a wonderful opportunity for students to learn about different exciting career opportunities that only require training for 12-14 weeks with a competitive starting salary .Students interested in learning more about all the career opportunities available, such as welding, computer numerical control production specialist, certified production technician, and certified quality improvement associate, should sign up in the Career Center. Contact: Ellen Whitman, Zenith – 407-846-3976 Tip: Zenith – Valencia Transition Coach Every Monday, Ms. Gomez, the Valencia transition coach, will be on campus at Zenith in the Career Center. Students wanting information on Dual Enrollment or applications for Valencia enrollment, along with scholarship and financial aid information, are invited to make an appointment in the Career Center. Contact: Ellen Whitman, Zenith – 407-846-3976 Tip: Zenith - TECO Transition Counselor Every Wednesday, the TECO Transition Coach Counselor will be on Zenith’s campus to meet with students who are interested in finding out more information about TECO for their postsecondary plans. Contact: Ellen Whitman, Zenith – 407-846-3976 Tip: ALCO – ALPFA Students Attend Southeast Regional Student Symposium Four ALCO students traveled to Atlanta on February 5 and 6 to represent the ALPFA-ALCO student leadership chapter at the ALPFA Southeast Regional Student Symposium. The students were joined on the trip by members of the Valencia College, UCF, and Full Sail University chapters. The event was held at the United Parcel Service (UPS) Corporate Headquarters, and the theme of the symposium program was "Align Your Passion, Purpose and Career.” The event kicked off on Friday evening when students were invited to attend a special ticketed event to see the Atlanta Hawks basketball game with event sponsors and business representatives. On Saturday, students attended a series of interactive sessions including career development workshops, a Leadership Panel, and a mentoring luncheon with corporate sponsors. The workshops were designed to help students develop flexible skill sets adaptable to various industries. The event concluded with a Career Fair where students could apply their recently acquired skills. ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 Participating corporate sponsors of this event included: ALDI, Altria, Bank of America, Chic-Fil-A, CIA, Country Financial, Dell, Emory University, EY, FDIC, Georgia Power, Georgia State University, Hispanic Corporate Council of Atlanta, Mercer, New York Life, PNC, PwC, TEK Systems, UPS, and Verizon. Contact: Natalie Roberts, Adult Learning Center Osceola (ALCO) - 407-343-7348 Tip: ALCO – Fulfillment Center On Wednesday, February 3, ALCO students participated in a tour of the Staples Fulfillment Center in Orlando. Eight students and two staff members had the opportunity to personally experience the packaging process, the technology used, how elaborate the entire production process is, and the various roles that make the fulfillment center successful. Fulfillment Center Manager Nicole Sparkman and Yadira Delgado, Human Resources Consultant, warmly greeted the ALCO team, had snacks and refreshments ready, and answered various questions regarding job opportunities, qualifications, room for growth, training, employee incentives, etc. The Staples staff is looking forward to hosting another tour for ALCO students in the near future. Contact: Diana Martinez, ALCO – 407-518-8140 Tip: ALCO – Speed Networking at ALCO The Career Pathways Team at Adult Learning Center Osceola (ALCO) is looking for businesses who would like to participate in an exciting and engaging career event that will be taking place on Wednesday, March 9, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This career event is titled “Speed Networking.” It is an opportunity for industry participants to interact with adult students in short, one-on-one networking interviews. Speed networking is designed to bring jobseekers and employers together in a structured and timed networking environment. Students will be assigned to employers based on their backgrounds, experience, and career interest areas. If your company is interested in participating, please register at: https://alcospeednetworking.eventbrite.com. If you have additional questions about the event, contact Natalie Roberts directly at 407-343-7348 or by email at robertsn@osceola.k12.fl.us. Contact: Natalie Roberts, ALCO – 407-343-7348 Tip: ALCO – Job Fair ALCO's annual Job Fair will be held on Wednesday, April 13, from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Every year, 20 - 25 local companies participate, and approximately 300 job seekers attend. In addition, representatives from ALCO, TECO, Valencia, and The Osceola County Library System are present to offer information on their educational resources. This is a free event provided for the students and the community. Companies interested in participating may contact Diana Martinez at ALCO for more information. A list of companies that are participating will be provided when it gets closer to the date of the event. Contact: Diana Martinez, ALCO – 407-518-8140 Tip: ALCO – Conversational Spanish ALCO is offering Basic Conversational Spanish (Level I) and Intermediate Conversational Spanish (Level II) during the spring 2016 semester. These are adult training classes that are open to the community. School district employees receive a $50 early registration enrollment discount, and are awarded inservice points for successful completion of these classes. Employees can earn up to 30 points for each class. Intermediate Conversational Spanish (Level II) This 30-hour course is designed for adult students with some Spanish background who want to improve their conversational skills. Dates and Times: March 29—April 28 (Tuesdays/Thursdays - 5:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.)—30 hours Register by March 22 and pay just $149. Cost is $159 after March 22. Location: ALCO Main Campus Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Spanish or Level I class ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 Registration is now open for these classes. To register, you may contact ALCO at 407-518-8140 or come in person to the main campus at 2320 New Beginnings Road, Kissimmee. Contact: Diana Martinez, ALCO - 407-518-8140 Tip: TECO (Technical Education Center Osceola) St. Cloud – Cosmetology Services TECO’s Cosmetology program is now open to the public for a variety of beauty services for hair, skin, and nails. Their prices cannot be beat! Contact: Colleen Dixon, Technical Education Center Osceola - 407-344-5080 Tip: TECO (Technical Education Center Osceola) – Adult Scholarship Available Did you know that a scholarship is available to all adults in Osceola County? The St. Cloud Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with Education Foundation, is sponsoring an adult scholarship for all prospective adult students. Don’t delay, take advantage of this awesome opportunity to change and/or advance your career skills today by enrolling in one of TECO’s rewarding and exciting programs. Contact: Colleen Dixon, Technical Education Center Osceola - 407-344-5080 Tip: TECO (Technical Education Center Osceola) Main Campus – Campus Express Tours TECO’s main campus Express Tours are given to Osceola middle and high school students on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Contact: Colleen Dixon, Technical Education Center Osceola - 407-344-5080 Tip: TECO (Technical Education Center Osceola) - Pet Grooming Call TECO today to have your pet pampered by the Career and Skills Enrichment program (CASE) students. This exciting course is one of the newest programs TECO has to offer. Allow students to treat your pet to a "Doggie Spa Day." Schedule your appointment today by coming into the main Kissimmee campus, located at 501 Simpson Road in Kissimmee, or by calling 407-344-5080 ext. 15850. Contact: Colleen Dixon, Technical Education Center Osceola - 407-344-5080 Tip: TECO (Technical Education Center Osceola) – Accepting Applications TECO is currently accepting applications for the fall semester. Don’t delay - get started on the process to a great career in as little as a year! TECO (Main campus): A/C, Refrigeration and Heating; Automotive; Culinary Arts; Digital Design; Electricity; Practical Nursing; Legal and Medical Administration; Medical Coder & Biller; Medical Lab Assisting; Network; Phlebotomy; Public Safety Telecommunications. TECO (Poinciana): Medical Assisting; Medical Coder/Biller; Patient Care Technician; Pharmacy; Phlebotomy TECO (St. Cloud): Cosmetology; Practical Nursing; Nursing Assistant and Home Health Aide; Pharmacy Technician Contact: Colleen Dixon, Technical Education Center Osceola - 407-344-5080 Tip: Kissimmee Charter - Title I Parent Resource Center The Title I Liaison from the Mobile Parent Resource Center will be in the office at Kissimmee Charter every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Don’t miss this opportunity to check out fun and interactive learning resources for free. Parents can request two supplemental educational items per child for a two-week period to use at home. These materials are designed to help students in areas such as reading, math, and more. Please call the Parent Resource Center at 407-870-4934 for more information or to make a request for materials that will be dropped off when the Liaison visits the school. Contact: Julissa Cardona at 407-870-4934 ---more--- Osceola School District’s Weekly Media Tip Sheet – 02/11/2016 Tip: PM Wells Elementary - Title I Parent Resource Center The Title I Liaison from the Mobile Parent Resource Center will be outside of the office at PM Wells Elementary every 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Don’t miss this opportunity to check out fun and interactive learning resources for free. Parents can request two supplemental educational items per child for a two-week period to use at home. These materials are designed to help students in areas such as reading, math, and more. Please call the Parent Resource Center at 407-8704934 for more information or to make a request for materials that will be dropped off when the Liaison visits the school. Contact: Karen Serrano at 407-870-4934 Tip: Renaissance Charter - Title I Parent Resource Center The Title I Liaison from the Mobile Parent Resource Center will be in the office of Renaissance Charter every 2nd and 4th Thursday from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Don’t miss this opportunity to check out fun and interactive learning resources for free. Parents can request two supplemental educational items per child for a two-week period to use at home. These materials are designed to help students in areas such as reading, math, and more. Please call the Parent Resource Center at 407-870-4934 for more information or to make a request for materials that will be dropped off when the Liaison visits the school. Contact: Karen Lebron at 407-870-4934 ---end---