ID List Redesign 2015

Unit V I.D. List
Discussion: The Enlightenment, Religion, and Society
Words to look up: metaphysics, supernaturalism, toleration, regime, genre, & salon
Denis Diderot (Encyclopedia)
David Hume (Inquiry into Human Nature)
Cesare Beccaria (on Crimes and Punishments)
Adam Smith (The Wealth of Nations)
Discussion: The Enlightenment and Political Thought
8. Baron de Montesquieu (The Spirit of the Laws)
9. division of power
10. checks and balances
11. Jean-Jacques Rousseau (The Social Contract & Emile)
12. general will
13. Mary Wollstonecraft (A Vindication of the Rights of Women)
Discussion: Enlightened Absolutism
14. Frederick the Great
15. Joseph II
16. Catherine the Great
17. Treaty of Kuchuk-Kainardji
Discussion: The Crisis of the French Monarchy
18. Louis XVI
19. Jacques Necker
20. Charles de Calonne
21. Assembly of Notables
Discussion: Constitutional Monarchy, Republic, & War with Europe
22. Estates General
23. Abbe Sieyes (What is the Third Estate)
24. cahiers de doleances
25. National Constituent Assembly
26. Tennis Court Oath
27. Queen Marie Antoinette
28. Bastille
29. National Guard
30. Marquis de Lafayette
31. Great Fear
32. Refractory Clergy
33. emigres
34. “Flight to Varennes”
35. Declaration of Pillnitz
36. Jacobins
37. Girondists
38. Paris Commune
39. September Massacres
40. National Convention
41. Declaration of the Rights of Man and
42. Bread March of the Parisian Women
43. Constitution of 1791
44. Legislative Assembly
45. Olympe de Gouges (Declaration of
the Rights of Women)
46. departments
47. Chapelier Laws
48. assignats
49. Civil Constitution of the Clergy
50. sans-culottes
51. The Mountain
52. vendee
53. Edmund Burke (Reflections
on the Revolution)
54. First Coalition
Discussion: The Reign of Terror & The Thermidorian Reaction
Words to look up: radical, mobilize, de-christianize, virtue, mandate, faction, tribunal, &
55. Committee of Public Safety
56. Jacques Danton
57. Maximillien Robespierre
58. Lazare Carnot
59. levee en masse
60. Republic of Virtue
61. guillotine
62. enrages
63. Law of 22 Prairial
64. Cult of the Supreme Being
65. White Terror
66. Constitution of the Year III
67. Directory
68. Vendemiaire
Discussion: The Rise of Napoleon & European Empire
Words to look up: incumbent, plebiscite, primogeniture, ratified, coronation, conscript,
nationalism, ultimatum, & domain
69. 18 Fructidor
70. Egyptian Campaign
71. Admiral Horatio Nelson
72. Second Coalition
73. 19 Brumaire
74. Constitution of the Year VIII
75. Consulate
76. First Consul
77. Treaty of Amiens (1802)
78. Concordat of 1801
79. Napoleonic Code
80. Third Coalition
81. Battle of Trafalgar
82. Austerlitz
83. Confederation of the Rhine
84. Jena and Auerstadt
85. Friedland
86. Tsar Alexander I
87. Treaty of Tilsit
88. Continental System
Discussion: The Fall of Napoleon & The Congress of Vienna
Words to look up: liberalism, subordinate, collaborate, & guerrilla
89. Duke of Wellington
96. Castlereagh
90. Grand Duchy of Warsaw
91. “scorched earth”
92. Grand Army
93. Battle of Leipzig (Nations)
94. The Hundred Days
95. Elba
97. Quadruple Alliance
98. Tallyrand
99. Waterloo
100. Saint Helena
101. Holy Alliance
Discussion: Romanticism
Words to look up: pietism, critique, transcendental, & refutation
103.Rousseau (Emile)
104.William Wordsworth
105.Lord Byron
106.Ludwig van Beethoven
107.Eugene Delacroix
108.Caspar David Friedrich
109. Jane Austen
110. methodism
111. Jacques Louis David