Found = Q: FCSC 13-14: FCMS vocabulary: 7th grade vocabulary

Found = Q: FCSC 13-14: FCMS vocabulary: 7th grade vocabulary: 7th grade semester 1 Definitions
Semester 1: Seventh Grade School-wide Vocabulary
Pre-test- Week of August 12th or August 19th in a class determined by team. Item analysis will need to be
entered on spreadsheet (see Kim for location)
Each week team item analysis will need to be entered on spreadsheet also.
Week 1= Sept 16th
1) n – a theory; a tentative explanation that accounts for a set of facts and can be tested by further investigation
2) n – something taken to be true for the purpose of argument or investigation; an assumption
Related words: hypothesize (v)/ hypothetical (adj) /hypothetically (adv)
Origin: Greek hypóthesis
Synonym: theory, guess, speculation
Antonym: calculation, proof, reality, truth
1) n – presenting the substance in a condensed form; concise
2) n – a presentation of the material by reducing the information to its main points; an abstract
Related words: summarize (v)
Origin: Latin summārium
Synonym: outline, short, abridged
Antonym: lengthy, long, unabridged
1) adj – likely to change or vary; changeable
2) n – In math: a quantity capable of assuming any set of values or the symbol that represents
such a quantity –in the expression a +b=c, a, b, and c are variables
Related words: variably (adv) / variability (n) / variableness (n)
Origin: Latin variābilis,
Synonym: changeful, inconstant, wavering
Antonym: invariable, unchangeable, unvarying
Week 2= September 23rd
1) v – to make simple or simpler; to reduce in complexity
2) v – in math - to reduce (an equation, fraction, etc) to a simpler form by cancellation of common factors
Related words: simplification (n) / simplifier (n)
Origin: French simplifier < Medieval Latin simplificāre to makesimple, equivalent to Latin simpli- Synonym:
abridge, break down, make plain, shorten
Antonym: complicate, confuse, make difficult
1) v – to modify or adapt so as to make suitable or acceptable by correcting, revising, or adapting
2) v – to eliminate; delete: edited the best scene out
Related words: editorial(n), editor(n)
Origin: Latin ēditus “published”
Synonyms: check, proofread
1) v – to demand as a right
2) n – an assertion of fact
Related words: claimable (adj ), claimless (adj)
Origin: (v.) Middle English claimen < AngloFrench, OldFrench claimer < Latin clāmāre to cry out; (noun) Middle English
Synonym: demand, request, requisition
Antonym: wave, drop, renounce, deny
Week 3= September 30th
1) n – a preference that inhibits impartial judgment; a prejudice
2) adj – slanting or diagonal; oblique
Related words: biased, biasing
Origin: middle French biais oblique
Synonym: preconception, partially, leaning
Antonym: impartiality
1) v – to find fault with
2) v – to judge the merits and faults of; analyze and evaluate
Related words: critic (n) /criticism (n)/ critical (adj) 1) inclined to find fault 2) characterized by careful, exact
evaluation and judgment 3) having the nature of a turning point; decisive
Origin: "to pass judgment on something" (usually unfavorable),from critic + -ize
Synonym: condemn, blame, appraise
Antonym: approve, compliment, praise
1) n – a discussion involving differing points of view; debate
2) n – a statement or fact for or against a point
Related words: arguing, argumentation
Origin: Middle English (< Old French ) < Latin argūmentum.
Synonym: dispute, controversy, account
Antonym: agree, harmonize,
Week 4= October 7th
1) v – to urge a person to do something
2)v – to cause to believe
Related words: persuadable- adj, persuadability- n
Origin: Latin persuādēre
Synonym: influence, entice, convince
Antonym: dissuade
1) v – to examine and judge carefully; appraise
2) v – In math: to calculate the numerical value of; express numerically
Related words: evaluation (n) / evaluator (n)
Origin: back formation from evaluation
Synonym: assess, check, take account of
Antonym: guess, estimate
1) v - to engage in thought or reflection
2) v – to form an opinion without knowing the complete facts
Related words: speculated, speculating
Origin: Latin speculātus, past participle of speculārī
Synonym: think, reflect, guess, theorize
Antonym: ignore, neglect
Week 5= October 21st
1) v – to drive off or scatter in different directions
2) v – to separate (light) into spectral rays
Related words: dispersion- n, dispersing- adj
Origin: Middle English dispersen, disparsen (< Middle Frenchdisperser ) < Latin dispersus
Synonym: scatter, sow, disappear
Antonym: combine, collect
1) v – to examine in detail
2) v – to learn the facts about something hidden
Related words: investigator (n), investigative (adj)
Origin: Latin investīgātus “to follow a trail, search out”
Synonyms: search, explore, question
Antonyms: ignore
1) v – to combine to form a new, complex product
2) v – to form or produce by chemical combining
Related word: synthesized-adj, synthesis-n
Origin: especially British , syn·the·sise; synthes(is) + -ize
Synonym: blend, harmonize, manufacture
Antonym: divide, separate
Week 6= October 28th
1)v – to separate into parts or basic principles to determine the nature of the whole
2)v – to examine methodically
Related words: analysis (n), analyst (n), analytical (adj)
Origin: Greek ana "up, throughout" + lysis "a loosening,"
Synonyms: scrutinize, figure out
Antonyms: synthesize
1) v – to restate in other words
2) n – a restatement of a text or passage in another form or other words, often to clarify meaning
Related words: paraphraser(n)
Origin: Greek para "beside" + phrazein "to tell”
Synonyms: rehash, reword
Antonyms: quote
1) n – passage or phrase from one form, state, style, or place to another
2) n – a word, phrase, sentence or series of sentences connecting one part of a conversation or written work to another
Related words: transitional(adj), transitionally(adv)
Origin: Latin transitionem "a going across or over"
Synonyms: evolution, progress, transformation
Antonyms: stagnation
Week 7= November 4th
1) v – to place apart
2) v – to quarantine a person suspected of having a contagious disease
Related words: isolation
Origin: Latin insulatus "made into an island," from insula "island."
Synonyms: segregate, divide
Antonyms: integrate, mingle
1) v – to set or determine the amount of (a payment, such as a tax or fine)
2) v – to determine the significance or extent of; appraise
Related words: assessment(n), assessor(n)
Origin: Latin assēssus “seated beside (a judge)”
Synonyms: compute, determine, gauge
1) adj – corresponding ; appropriate or harmonious
2) adj – In Math: coinciding exactly when superimposed; having the same measure
Related words: incongruent(adj), congruence(n)
Origin: Latin congruere “to come together, fit in, agree”
Synonyms: compatible, identical
Antonyms: disagreeable
Week 8= November 11th
1) adj – capable of being believed
2) adj – worthy of confidence; reliable
Related words: incredible(adj), credibility(n)
Origin: Latin crēd “to believe”
Synonyms: conceivable, dependable, rational
Antonyms: impossible, incredible, unlikely
Intrinsic (only 1 definition)
1) adj – belonging to a thing by its very nature
Related words: intrinsically
Origin: from Latin intra "within" + secus "alongside,"
Synonyms: natural, innate
Antonyms: extrinsic
1) adj – of or being on or near the surface: a superficial wound
2) adj – concerned with or comprehending only what is obvious; trivial; insignificant
Related words: superficiality(n), superficialness(n)
Origin: Latin super "above, over"+ facies "form, face" meaning "not deep or thorough"
Synonyms: external, apparent, shallow
Antonyms: careful, deep, thorough, detailed
Week 9= November 18th
1) v – to throw back or bend back (light, for example) from a surface
2) v – to think seriously; to express carefully considered thoughts
Related words: reflectable(adj), reflection(n), reflector(n), reflective(adj)
Origin: Latin reflectere “to bend back”
Synonyms: mirror, meditate, contemplate, ruminate
Antonyms: absorb
1)n – a comment on some problem or subject
2)v – to review or analyze
Related words: critic(n), critical(adj)
Origin: Greek kritikḗ “critical, skilled in judging”
Synonyms: comment, judgment, review
Antonyms: compliment, praise
1) n – the technique of representing three-dimensional objects and depth relationships on a two-dimensional surface
2) n – a viewpoint or opinion of a subject
Related words: Can be confused with prospective meaning anticipated, potential
Origin: Latin from per "through" + specere "look at"
Synonyms: standpoint, angle, position, attitude
Week 10= December 2nd
1) v – to reconsider and change; to modify: I have revised my opinion of him.
2) v – to correct or improve a version of a text
Related words: revisable(adj), unrevised(adj)
Origin: Latin revīsere re “again” + visere “to see”
Synonyms: change, ammend
Antonyms: original (adj)
1) v – to reach (a conclusion) by reasoning
2) v – to trace the course of (a thought process)
Related word: deducible (adj); adduce- means to cite as proof or evidence; deduct- means to take away from
Origin: Latin dēdūcere
Synonym: have a hunch, analyze, assume, figure
Antonym: induce, confuse
1) v – to separate; to divide into categories; to classify
2) v – In math: to multiply out the parts of an expression
Related words: distribution- n / distributive- adj
Origin: late Middle English < Latin distribūtus
Synonym: assign, dispense, break down
Antonym: disarrange, jumble, mix, misclassify, combine
Post test= Week of December 9th- In class determined by team. Item analysis will need to be entered on data
spreadsheet (see Kim for location)