Word Wizard (Robust Vocabulary)

Dear Mr. Blueberry
By Simon James
Vocabulary Lessons for Shared Reading
facts or pieces of information about something
(Gesture: squeeze index and thumb together)
(Synonyms: facts, information)
(Antonym: vague)
facts or details that tell you something about a situation, person,
event, or thing
(Gesture: turn imaginary pages in a book)
(Synonyms: knowledge, news, lowdown)
(Antonym: out of the loop)
to make someone unhappy because something does not happen
(Gesture: swing arm towards you – like “shucks”)
(Synonyms: failure, letdown)
(Antonyms: victory, win)
using physical strength or strong influence on someone or something
(Gesture: pushing out with both hands)
(Synonyms: strongly, powerfully)
(Antonym: weakly)
to move your hands gently over something
(Gesture: pet one hand with the other)
(Synonyms: caress, brush, rub, pat)
(Antonyms: slam, beat)
Day 1:
Read Story to Students
Introduce Word Wizard chart. Read aloud parts of the story
containing the vocabulary word(s). Say each word on the chart. Have
students repeat the word after you and then turn to their partner and
tell them the word. Read the definitions have the students repeat the
definition and then have them turn to their partner and tell them the
definition. If you can use a jester to describe a word this is always
helpful. Let the students know that they will be learning about these
words all week. You will record a tally mark on the chart when you hear
students correctly using one of the vocabulary words or if they find it
in a book or use it in their writing.
Day 2:
Word Association:
After reviewing explanation for each vocabulary word, ask students to
associate one of their new words to the following: Turn and tell your
Which word goes with a time you were supposed to do something and
then did not? Why? (disappoint)
Which word goes with reading the newspaper? Why? (information)
Which words goes with telling all about something? Why? (details)
Which word goes with grabbing your little brother so he doesn’t walk
into the street? Why? (forcibly)
Which word goes with petting a soft fluffy bunny? Why? (stroke)
Day 3:
Making Choices:
Point to the word details on the chart
Say: If what I say describes details, squish your finger and thumb
together and say details. If not do nothing:
- Biting a juicy red apple
- Playing a video game
- Feeling the cold wet mud squish between your toes
- Look at that thing
Point to the word information on the chart
Say: If what I say describes information, turn your hands like pages in
a book and say information:
- Reading a book about whales
- Reading the newspaper
- Checking the time a movie starts
Point to the word disappoint on the chart
Say: If what I say describes disappoint, swing your arm towards you
and say disappoint.
- Not getting homework for the day
- It’s raining on your trip to the zoo
- Your mom is taking you to Toys R Us
- You have no more quarters left at Chuck E Cheeses
Point to the word forcibly on the chart
Say: If what I say describes forcibly, push both your hands out in
front of you and say forcibly:
- Your mom telling you to eat spinach
- Trying to wear clothes too small
- Sharpening a pencil
- Opening a jar of jelly
Point to the word stroke on the chart
Say: If what I say describes stroke, use one hand to pet the other and
say stroke:
- brushing your hair
- holding a cat
- hammering a nail
- giving someone a hug
Questioning, Reasoning, and Examples: QRE: students turn and talk
with partner
What word goes with a friend bring you a new puppy? Why? (stroke)
What word goes with when something happens to one of your toys and
it no longer works? Why? (disappoint)
What word goes with when you have to do a report on animals for
science? Why? (information and detail – could be disappointed too.)
What word goes with your father carrying your little sister out of a
store crying? Why? (Forcibly)
Day 4:
Word Wizard Chart:
Say each word on the chart; students repeat the word after you.
Review student friendly definitions.
Synonym Stretch:
Create and then show the students the Synonym stretch chart. Read
aloud the words at the top of the chart. Read one synonym. Write
synonym’s on index cards. Students work in partners to identify which
synonym matches the vocabulary word doing turn and talk.
facts, information
knowledge, news, lowdown
out of the loop
failure, letdown
victory, win
strongly, powerfully
caress, brush, rub, pat
slam, beat
Day 5:
Vocabulary Graphic Organizers:
Review the words on the Word Wizard Chart. Reread the sentences
from the text to the students. Hand out paper or have students work
in their Vocabulary spiral/notebook.
Students make a 4 square. Choose 1 of the 5 words that you have been
using and do the following activity as a whole group. Then on the back
of their sheet have them choose a word and do it on their
own…depending upon your group, you could also have partners do a word
Write the word
Read the definition
Write a sentence using the word
Draw a picture
Word Wizard
facts or pieces of information
about something
facts or details that tell you
something about a situation,
person, event, or thing
to make someone unhappy
because something does not
using physical strength or
strong influence on someone or
to move your hands gently over