Math 158 Online Syllabus

Math 158 Syllabus
Fall 2012
Course: MTH 158 N12B (46585)
Dates and Times: Wednesdays 7:15 pm – 9:50 pm
Instructor: Rick Pugsley
To contact instructor: E-mail
When you email me, I will usually respond in less than 24 hours. I will expect the
same courtesy.
Important Dates
August 30
September 10
November 1
December 5
December 12
Last day to add or change a course
Last day to drop for tuition refund
Last day to withdraw w/o academic penalty
Last day of instruction
Final Exam
Math 158 reviews the fundamental ideas of algebra including polynomials, rational
expressions, graphing, equations and inequalities, relations and functions, and systems
of first degree equations and inequalities. It is designed to review and enhance the
fundamental ideas and skills of algebra. It is designed for the liberal arts and education
student and as a transition from developmental courses to other college credit courses.
Placement test or successful completion of MTH 4, MTE Unit 9 or equivalent.
There are SEVERAL textbook options available. Choose the one best
suited for you.
Algebra for College Students, Custom Edition, by Lial, Hornsby and
McGinnis with MyMathLab (access code), 2012; ISBN 1256130116; Pearson.
This is a 3-hole punch that can be placed in a notebook.
Algebra for College Students, Custom Edition, by Lial, Hornsby and
McGinnis without MyMathLab (access code), 2012; ISBN 1256130116;
Pearson. This is a 3-hole punch that can be placed in a notebook.
Algebra for College Students, Custom Edition, by Lial, Hornsby and
McGinnis 2012; ISBN 0321760166; Pearson. Hardback edition. Does not contain
with MyMathLab access code
Purchase ONLY the MyMathLab access code for this book, and use the
online eBook.
Scientific or Graphing REQUIRED (no cell phone calculators)
Note: Any calculator that does algebra is not allowed and their use for any graded assignment is
considered cheating. TI-83 and TI-84 are OK but TI-89 is not. Cell phones calculators are never
If you choose to use MyMathLab
TO REGISTER: Course ID for MyMathLab (use this along with your MyMathLab Access
Code to register for MyMathLab by the first day of classes): pugsley01226
Textbook on MyMathLab: Click on Multimedia Library tab. Select chapter and section in
pulldown menu. Click box for Multimedia Textbook. Click Find Now
Tools for Success in MyMathLab: Math/Algebra review cards, TI graphing calculator help,
videos, etc.
There are NO GRADED MyMathLab exercises. I have setup ungraded homework
assignments for each section as well as ungraded media (powerpoints, podcasts,
animations, videos) for each section. Both the undgraded homework and ungraded
media information is accessed by clicking on the Homework tab in MyMathLab.
TESTS account for 60% of your grade. I do NOT drop test grades!
ASSIGNMENTS account for 25% of your grade
Includes quizzes, in class assignments, MML Homework and other designated
Missed quizzes and in-class assignments can not be made up.
I do drop 15% of your lowest assignment grades!
FINAL EXAM accounts for 15% of your grade.
90 – 100 A
80 – 89.99 B
70 – 79.99 C
60 – 69.99 D
0 – 59.99 F
A grade of ‘W’ will be awarded to students who withdraw or are withdrawn from the
course after September 10 but before November 1. After November 1, a grade of
‘F’ will be entered.
In class quizzes are typically unannounced. If you miss a quiz, you WILL NOT be
given a makeup.
Grades will available online within 24 hours of the last final examination time. I will
be glad to email your grade to your TCC email account if you request it via email at
the end of the semester.
Turn off cell phones and pagers prior to class beginning. If I hear your cell phone
ring or vibrate, you will lose 2 points off your next test for each offense (You would
be surprised how fast they add up!).
There will be several opportunities to earn extra credit. Extra Credit must be turned in on
time. Late Extra Credit will not be accepted.
Contact me if you need help.
Office Hours … my office hours are listed on the addendum sheet.
You can also contact me via email:
We will work together to find an appropriate time to meet. Keep in mind … the only way I
know you need help is if you let me know.
I check my email account … if you have a question email me the page number and
problem number (or what concept you need help with) I will be more than happy to send
you a hint or the solution.
I am more than willing to call you and walk you through a problem or concept … to do that I
will need a phone number where I can reach you. Send me your phone number and give
me an idea what you need help with and I will call you!
Help is also available in the TCC Math Lab. Our Math Lab is staffed with friendly,
knowledgeable instructors who can provide assistance with questions from basic arithmetic
through calculus and differential equations. Computer tutorials, solution manuals, and
integrated mathematical software programs are available for student use.
Math hotline 822-7176
Tutor Lab. Students needing tutoring for a variety of subjects may make appointments with
staff of the Tutor Lab. Call (757) 822-7338 for further information.
Online tutorials and practice exercises
 TCC Virtual Math Lab:
 TCC Math Lab: VB Campus Bayside Building 2nd Floor: 822 – 7176
You are required to keep up with email and to use a subject line for correspondence,
such as “MTH 158 LAST name Reason”.
If you choose to use MyMathLab, your TCC email is the email you must use to register
for MyMathLab.
Your TCC email is the only email I will respond to or email to.
Proper online etiquette should be observed, including being careful with comments.
Unacceptable “behavior” will be addressed and may result in removal from the course.
When you email, I will usually respond in less than 24 hours. I will expect the same
If you have special accommodations documented by Disability Services, contact me via
email to discuss those needs.
In the event of a bomb threat, tornado, fire, or other emergency, students and staff may
be asked to evacuate the building, move to a secure location within the building, or
“stand-fast” in our room. Evacuation routes for movement to an external location or to a
shelter within the building are posted in the classroom. Students should review the maps
and be aware of the exit route and assembly location for the building are clearly
understood. If you have a disability that may require assistance during an evacuation,
please let your faculty know at the end of the first class. If evacuation is necessary,
please bring all your belongings with you, and stay with the class until all are accounted
for and given the “all clear”.
Chapter 1: Review of the Real Number System
Review as needed when the material is used in the course.
Chapter 2: Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Applications
2.1 Linear Equations in One Variable
2.2 Formulas and Percent
2.3 Applications of Linear Equations
2.4 Further Applications of Linear Equations
2.5 Linear Inequalities in One Variable
Chapter 3: Graphs, Linear Equations, and Functions
3.1 The Rectangular Coordinate System
3.2 The Slope of a Line
3.3 Linear Equations in Two Variables
3.4 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
3.5 Introduction to Relations and Functions
3.6 Function Notation and Linear Functions
Chapter 4: Systems of Linear Equations
4.1 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables
Chapter 5: Exponents, Polynomials and Polynomial Functions
5.1 Integer Exponents and Scientific Notation
5.2 Adding and Subtracting Polynomials
5.3 Polynomial Functions, Graphs, and Composition
5.4 Multiplying Polynomials
5.5 Dividing Polynomials (monomial divisors only)
Chapter 6: Factoring
6.1 Greatest Common Factor and Factoring by Grouping
6.2 Factoring Trinomials
6.3 Special Factoring
6.4 A General Approach to Factoring
6.5 Solving Equations by Factoring
Chapter 7: Rational Expressions and Functions
7.1 Rational Expressions and Functions: Multiplying and Dividing
7.2 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
7.3 Complex Fractions
7.4 Equations with Rational Expressions and Graphs
7.5 Applications of Rational Expressions
7.6 Variation
Chapter 8: Roots, Radicals and Root Functions
8.1 Radical Expressions and Graphs
8.2 Rational Exponents
8.3 Simplifying Radical Expressions
8.4 Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions
8.5 Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions
8.6 Solving Equations with Radicals
8.7 Complex Numbers
Chapter 9: Quadratic Equations and Inequalities
9.1 Omit
9.2 The Quadratic Formula
9.3 Equations Quadratic in Form
9.4 Formulas and Further Applications
9.5 Polynomial and Rational Inequalities
Chapter 10: Additional Graphs of Functions and Relations
10.2 Graphs of Quadratic Functions
Chapter 11: Inverse, Exponential, and Logarithmic Functions
11.1 Inverse Functions
11.2 Exponential Functions
11.3 Logarithmic Functions