Lecture 6 Objectives: Biomechanic of the Shoulder Stability of G-H Joint Glenoid fossa and humeral head incongruent No pure rotation combined with rolling and gliding Follow concave-convex rule Static Stabilization Arm at side superior joint capsule and coracohumeral ligament provide translatory component vs. Gravity Rotary component toward the joint compression Supraspinatus becomes active with heavier loads G-H subluxation is common in post-CVA patients secondary to loss of rotator cuff function (most notably supraspinatus) Muscles: 1. Move the humerus 2. Provide intra-articular gliding 3. Maintain apposition of joint Dynamic Stabilization Prime movers (abduction) Deltoid and supraspinatus Prime movers (flexion) Anterior deltoid Deltoid – most of force translates humerus superiorly – small proportion rotation Unopposed the deltoid cause impaction of the humeral head in the coracoaromial arch rotator cuff is the opposing force Rotator Cuff (SITS – supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis) Tendon blends with G-H joint and reinforces capsule Provides rotary force that provides compression/stabilizing force (infraspinatus, subscapularis, TM) Inferior translatory force (infraspinatus, subscapularis, TM) offsets superior translatory force of deltoid Supraspinatus (steerer)– significant abductor and along with gravity produces downward sliding of humeral head on glenoid. vertical steerers 1 Stability Other RTC muscles are steerers (horizontal and vertical) – subscapularis offsets anterior dislocating forces Anterior subscapularis Posteriorly infraspinatus and TM Equilibrium is a function of : 1. Force of prime movers 2. Force of gravity 3. Force of compressors and steerers 4. Joint reaction force / friction force Supraspinatus – susceptible to degenerative changes secondary to: 1. Elevated subacromial bursal pressure 2. Poor vascularization tendon tear with trauma Supraspinatus is always working Rotator cuff lesions painful arc 60-120 degrees Disruption of strength balance excessive mobility of humeral head Predisposition to dislocations 1. Anterior tilt of glenoid fossa 2. Excessive retrotorsion of humeral head 3. Weakened RTC Biceps tendon Reinforces anterior G-H joint Wearing of bicipital tendon sheath – transverse humeral ligament Poorly vascularized. Musculature Since G-H is unstable, muscles exerting force on the humerus must act in synergy with other muscles to avoid dislocating. Methods of testing: EMG – what is EMG? – analyze electrical activity Nerve block – look at kinematics Nerve stimulation – look at kinematics 2 Elevation Deltoid Resting position when arm is at side Maintenance of optimal length-tension is dependent on scapula motion. Based on orientation – best suited for superior translation With counterforce to the superior translation: Anterior and middle deltoids are effective prime movers Posterior deltoid small moment arm joint compression At the G-H joint, > elevation > joint compression RTC (oblique – infraspinatus, supraspinatus, & teres minor) combines with deltoid to form a force couple that produces elevation of the UE. Has demonstrated that the deltoids (middle) peaks at ~ 90 degrees of abduction – anterior deltoids peak later during flexion. EMG activity increases with elevation even though the MA increases and the effect of gravity decreases. Why? Active insufficiency – muscle is in a shortened position – requires more motor units to be recruited for same magnitude of force. NOTE: Axillary n. innervates deltoid Scapula plays major role in determining/maintaining the proper length/tension relationship for the deltoids. Without the RTC deltoid mainly translates the humerus (40 degrees abduction) Supraspinatus (suprascapular n.) Major abductor and flexor Can bring G-H joint through full ROM without assistance of deltoid. Functions: 1. Compresses G-H joint 2. Steers humeral head vertically 3. Maintains stability in the dependent arm 4. Prime mover for abduction and flexion 3 Infraspinatus (suprascapular n.), teres minor (axillary n.), subscapularis (subscapular n.) Greater activity in flexion than abduction Assists in depressing the humeral head initially later externally rotates humerus which is necessary for elevation Subscapularis Medial rotation Compresses joint Stabilizes Trapezius and Serratus Anterior Two force couples: 1. Upper segments of traps and SA 2. Lower segments of traps and SA With weakness of the SA and full trapezius function FULL ABDUCTION With trapezius weakness and full SA function 75 degrees of elevation Actually get a downward rotation of scapula Note: SA is more critical during shoulder flexion and conversely the trapezius is more critical during shoulder abduction. e.g. with SA weakness – 130-140 degrees of flexion only get 20 degrees of upward scapula rotation as opposed to the normal 60 degrees. Middle traps and rhomboids synergists for scapula stability – work eccentrically to control upward rotation. SEE GRAPHS OF ABDUCTION AND EXTERNAL ROTATION Depression Pull-downs – free UE Pull-ups – fixed UE Latissimus dorsi Adduction, medial rotation, extension, depression Seated push-ups, crutch walking 4 Pectoralis major Sternal portion parallels the latissimus to depress the shoulder complex Pectoralis minor Depresses and rotates scapula downward Teres major Adduction, medial rotation, extension, depression – active only in static positions of the humerus Rhomboids Counteract pull of teres major and contribute to depression SHOW EMG LINEAR ENVELOPES FOR ABDUCTION AND FLEXION (NORDIN) 5