Medical Emergencies Policy - OLC Head Start

Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program
Medical Emergencies
To ensure that a medical emergency is handled promptly, effectively and appropriately.
The OLC HS/EHS Program Center staff will provide, to the best of their ability, emergency
first aid to the children and staff until emergency medical personnel can continue treatment.
1. Emergency medical procedures for choking, stopping bleeding and head injuries are
posted in visible locations in each center
2. All of the staff at the Center has received training in emergency first aid, infant CPR, and
3. The Health Coordinator will ensure, to the extent necessary for the staff to provide care
that the Center staff are made aware of the medical needs of special needs children.
4. When an immediate response is required, the following emergency procedures will be
a. A staff member trained in First Aid or CPR shall provide appropriate emergency care to the person
or persons.
b. If directed by the Teacher, the Bus Driver (or other designated person) will call “911" to contact the
Emergency Medical System and will provide the following information:
 Name of caller
 Directions to the Center
 Name of Center
 Exact location of injured person or
 Nature of the emergency
 Condition of person injured
 Telephone number of the Center or
where they are calling from
 Emergency medical care being
 Address and physical location of
the Center
The person making the call will stay on the line until Emergency Medical System personnel arrive.
c. Emergency transportation for necessary medical care will be determined by the Emergency Medical
System operator or the parent/guardian. In the event center staff must transport an injured child or
staff member, the center bus will transport the injured person to the nearest emergency medical
facility. The Teacher or other appropriate classroom staff for the child’s group will go with the child
and remain with the child until the parent/guardian arrives.
d. The Teacher will implement the Emergency Contact Procedures.
e. Emergency phone numbers will be located near each of the phones at the Center and be included
with the Emergency Contacts Information File for taking on field trips and outings. The following
phone numbers will be included:
5. At least one staff member with current training, in age-appropriate Cardio-Pulmonary
Resuscitation (CPR) and First Aid, shall be present at the Center at all times and be
present on all field trips. The Bus Driver/Maintenance staff is responsible for assuring all
first aid kit(s) are fully stocked.
6. When on field trips, the teacher is responsible for taking the first aid kit.
Revised: 03/16/12
PC Approval: 10/23/06
BOT Approval: 11/21/06
Oglala Lakota College Head Start/Early Head Start Program
7. The following conditions will also be treated as medical emergencies:
a. An infant under the 4 months of age has an axillary temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or
higher or a rectal temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
b. A child over 4 months of age has a temperature of 105 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
c. An infant under 4 months of age has forceful vomiting (more than once) after eating.
d. Any child looks or acts very ill or seems to be getting worse quickly.
e. Any child has neck pain when the head is moved or touched.
f. Any child has a stiff neck or severe headache.
g. Any child has a seizure for the first time.
h. Any child acts unusually confused.
i. Any child has unequally sized pupils (black centers of the eyes).
j. Any child has a blood-red or purple rash made up of pinhead-sized spots or bruises that are not
associated with an injury.
k. Any child has a rash of hives or welts that appear quickly.
l. Any child breathes so fast or hard that he or she cannot play, talk, cry or drink.
m. Any child has a severe stomachache without vomiting or diarrhea after a recent injury, blow to the
abdomen or hard fall.
n. Any child has stools that are black or have blood mixed through them.
o. Any child has not urinated in more than 8 hours, and the mouth and tongue look dry.
p. Any child has continuous clear drainage from the nose after a hard blow to the head.
8. The Teacher will document medical emergencies on the appropriate Health Referral or
Injury Report forms.
9. Death of a Child
a. If a child dies while at the facility:
The Teacher will immediately notify the emergency medical personnel
The Teacher will immediately notify the child’ parent/guardian.
The Teacher will notify the Head Start Director/Assistant Director.
Provide age appropriate information to the parent/guardian of the other children.
Provide appropriate grief and other support information to the parent/guardian of the deceased
 Arrange for student and staff grief counseling.
10. If a child dies while not at the Center, the Teacher will provide age appropriate information
to the parent/guardian of the other children.
a. Provide appropriate grief and other support information to the parent/guardian of the deceased
b. Arrange for student and staff grief counseling.
Health Referral
Injury Report Form
Family Contact Form / General Contact Log
Head Start Performance Standards
Environmental Health Standards
Revised: 03/16/12
PC Approval: 10/23/06
BOT Approval: 11/21/06