HORTICULTURE ONLINE PUBLICATION LINKS COMPOSTING FORMS FRUITS/PECANS VEGETABLES GARDEN EQUIP OTHER PESTS CONTROL GUIDES (INS/DIS/WEED) PESTICIDE TRAINING/SAFETY ORNAMENTAL/TREES/SHRUBS TURFGRASS/LAWNS WEB SITES COMPOSTING 1 BACKYARD COMPOSTING SERIES ............................................................................................................................. 1 Basic Principles of Composting .................................................................................................................... 1 Cinder Block Bin.............................................................................................................................................. 1 Cinder Block Multiple Bin ............................................................................................................................... 1 Compost Mound .............................................................................................................................................. 1 Composting Mulch .......................................................................................................................................... 1 Garbage Can Composting .............................................................................................................................. 1 Static Pile Backyard Composting .................................................................................................................. 1 Troubleshooting Your Compost Pile ............................................................................................................. 1 Wastes to Resources ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Wire Mesh Bin .................................................................................................................................................. 1 Wood and Wire Three Bin Turning Unit ........................................................................................................ 2 Wooden Box Bin .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Worm Composting Bin ................................................................................................................................... 2 Back to Top FORMS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 2 GENERAL PUBLIC .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Nematode Advisory Form ............................................................................................................................... 2 Plant Tissue Request Form ............................................................................................................................ 2 Potting Mixes Request Form .......................................................................................................................... 2 Soil Test Request Form .................................................................................................................................. 2 Water Test Request Form ............................................................................................................................... 2 RESEARCH/DEMO .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Plant Tissue Request Form ............................................................................................................................ 2 Potting Mixes Request Form .......................................................................................................................... 2 Soil Test Request Form - Demonstration ..................................................................................................... 2 Soil Test Request Form .................................................................................................................................. 2 Water Test Request Form ............................................................................................................................... 2 Soil Test Request Form .................................................................................................................................. 2 Back to Top FRUITS/PECANS ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 BERRRIES................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Berry Pickin' Time in Louisiana ..................................................................................................................... 2 Blackberry: Enjoying Blackberries for Pleasure and Profit ........................................................................ 2 Blueberry - Home Blueberry Production in Louisiana ................................................................................ 3 Commercial Blueberry Production ................................................................................................................ 3 Enjoy Louisiana Blueberries .......................................................................................................................... 3 CITRUS: LOUISIANA HOME CITRUS PRODUCTION ...................................................................................................... 3 FIGS FOR COMMERCIAL & HOME PRODUCTION IN LOUISIANA..................................................................................... 3 THE LOUISIANA HOME ORCHARD ............................................................................................................................. 3 PECANS................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Homeowner's Guide for Fertilizing Pecan Trees in Louisiana ................................................................... 3 Selection and Care of Pecan Varieties for Louisiana Yards ....................................................................... 3 SATSUMA - 'EARLY ST. ANN' .................................................................................................................................... 4 SATSUMA - 'LOUISIANA EARLY' - A NEW EARLY M ARKET SATSUMA .......................................................................... 4 Back to Top Page i EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................................................................. 4 HOME GARDENING ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Lawnmowers: Selection, Use Maintenance & Safety .................................................................................. 4 COMMERCIAL GARDENING........................................................................................................................................ 4 Back to Top INSECT/DISEASE ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 CAMELLIA FLOWER BLIGHT...................................................................................................................................... 4 CONTROL GUIDES .................................................................................................................................................... 4 Insect Pest Management Guide ..................................................................................................................... 4 Plant-Disease Management Guide................................................................................................................. 4 Chemical Weed Control Guide ....................................................................................................................... 4 DOWNY MILDEW ON CUCURBITS ............................................................................................................................... 5 FOLIAR DISEASES OF WATERMELON ........................................................................................................................ 5 INSECT M ANAGEMENT IN HOME VEGETABLE GARDENS ............................................................................................. 5 INSECT PEST M ANAGEMENT IN LOUISIANA SWEET POTATOES ................................................................................... 5 NONCHEMICAL WEED CONTROL FOR HOME LANDSCAPES ......................................................................................... 5 PHYTOPHTHORA BLIGHT OF PEPPERS ...................................................................................................................... 5 ROSE DISEASES ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Back to Top ORNAMENTALS/TREES/SHRUBS .......................................................................................................................... 6 AZALEAS ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 BEDDING PLANTS FOR LOUISIANA LANDSCAPES ....................................................................................................... 6 BUTTERFLY GARDENING FOR LOUISIANIANS ............................................................................................................. 6 CAMELLIAS .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 COLEUS: THE COLOR OF COLEUS ............................................................................................................................ 6 CRAPE MYRTLES FOR LOUISIANA LANDSCAPES ........................................................................................................ 6 DOGWOODS ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 GROUND COVERS AND VINES FOR LOUISIANA ........................................................................................................... 6 HANGING BASKETS .................................................................................................................................................. 6 HIBISCUS ................................................................................................................................................................. 7 IRIS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 LANDSCAPE BED PREPARATION FOR ORNAMENTAL PLANTS ..................................................................................... 7 LANTANA................................................................................................................................................................. 7 LOUISIANA SELECT .................................................................................................................................................. 7 LOUISIANA Y ARDS & NEIGHBORHOODS .................................................................................................................... 7 NATIVE TREE GROWING GUIDE FOR LOUISIANA ........................................................................................................ 7 POINSETTIA ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 PONDS - ENJOYING ORNAMENTAL PONDS IN LOUISIANA............................................................................................ 7 ROSES - SELECTION, PLANTING AND CARE ............................................................................................................... 7 TREES FOR LOUISIANA LANDSCAPES ........................................................................................................................ 8 Back to Top OTHER PESTS .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 ANTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Ants: Broadcast Baits for Fire Ant Control .................................................................................................. 8 Fire Ants ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Managing Argentine Ants in Louisiana ......................................................................................................... 8 Managing Imported Fire Ants in Urban Areas .............................................................................................. 8 The Pest Ants of Louisiana ............................................................................................................................ 8 BEES....................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Beginning with Bees ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Africanized Honeybees ................................................................................................................................... 9 Carpenter Bee .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Removing Bees from Wall .............................................................................................................................. 9 BLACKBERRY (RASPBERRY) CROWN BORER ............................................................................................................ 9 Back to Top Page ii CATERPILLARS ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 Stinging Caterpillars ....................................................................................................................................... 9 Eastern Tent Caterpillar .................................................................................................................................. 9 Forest Tent Caterpillar .................................................................................................................................... 9 Walnut Caterpillar ............................................................................................................................................ 9 MOLE CRICKETS .................................................................................................................................................... 10 TERMITES .............................................................................................................................................................. 10 Formosan Subterranean Termite Identification & Biology ....................................................................... 10 Formosan Subterranean Termite Control & Prevention after Hurricanes and Flooding ....................... 10 A Guide for Integrated Pest Management of Termite ................................................................................ 10 Formosan Subterranean Termite Damage and Detection ......................................................................... 10 TWOSPOTTED SPIDER MITES IN STRAWBERRIES ..................................................................................................... 10 THE FALL WEBWORM ............................................................................................................................................ 10 WIREWORMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 10 Back to Top PESTICIDE TRAINING & SAFETY ......................................................................................................................... 11 AGRICULTURAL PEST CONTROL ............................................................................................................................. 11 AQUATIC HERBICIDE APPLICATORS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN US............................................................................... 11 INDUSTRIAL, INSTITUTIONAL, STRUCTURAL & HEALTH RELATED PEST CONTROL ..................................................... 11 INSTITUTIONAL, INDUSTRIAL, STRUCTURAL & HEALTH RELATED PEST CONTROL ..................................................... 11 NATIONAL PESTICIDE APPLICATOR CERTIFICATION CORE M ANUAL ......................................................................... 11 ORNAMENTAL & TURF PEST CONTROL (CAT. 3) ..................................................................................................... 11 ROADSIDE RIGHT-OF-WAY VEGETATION M ANAGEMENT .......................................................................................... 11 Back to Top TURFGRASS/LAWNS............................................................................................................................................. 12 LOUISIANA LAWNS BMPS ...................................................................................................................................... 12 LOUISIANA LAWNS FACT SHEET ............................................................................................................................. 12 Centipede Decline Problem .......................................................................................................................... 12 Lawn Maintenance......................................................................................................................................... 12 Turfgrass for Louisiana Lawns .................................................................................................................... 12 Managing Lawns in the Shade ..................................................................................................................... 12 DON'T BAG IT LAWN CARE ..................................................................................................................................... 12 IRONING YOUR TURFGRASS.................................................................................................................................... 12 MUSHROOMS - FAIRY RINGS AND MUSHROOMS IN LAWNS ....................................................................................... 12 SLIME MOLD CRUST ON YOUR TURFGRASS ............................................................................................................ 12 SOD PRODUCTION IN LOUISIANA............................................................................................................................. 13 STUMP REMOVAL FROM HOME GROUNDS ............................................................................................................... 13 TURF M AINTENANCE FOR ATHLETIC FIELDS ............................................................................................................ 13 Back to Top VEGETABLES ......................................................................................................................................................... 13 COMMERCIAL GROWING OF GREENHOUSE TOMATOES ............................................................................................ 13 COMMERCIAL VEGETABLE PRODUCTION RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................... 13 COMMODITY BUDGETS ........................................................................................................................................... 13 GREENHOUSE: GROWING VEGETABLES IN A HOBBY GREENHOUSE.......................................................................... 13 VEGETABLE PLANTING GUIDE – (LOUISIANA) .......................................................................................................... 13 MINI GARDENS AND CONTAINERS FOR VEGETABLES ............................................................................................... 14 SHIITAKE: THE FANCY FOREST MUSHROOM............................................................................................................ 14 SELLING YOUR GREENHOUSE TOMATOES ............................................................................................................... 14 SWEET POTATO BEST M ANAGEMENT PRACTICES ................................................................................................... 14 TUNE UP YOUR PRODUCE MARKETING ................................................................................................................... 14 VEGETABLE PEARS ................................................................................................................................................ 14 VEGETABLE GARDENING TIPS SERIES .................................................................................................................... 14 Allium Crops -Onions, Shallots, & Garlic ................................................................................................... 14 Beans .............................................................................................................................................................. 14 Chinese Cabbage .......................................................................................................................................... 15 Cole Crops ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Page iii Corn ................................................................................................................................................................ 15 Cucumbers ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Eggplant ......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Peppers .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 Potatoes, Irish ................................................................................................................................................ 15 Squash and Pumpkins .................................................................................................................................. 15 Sweet Potatoes .............................................................................................................................................. 15 Back to Top WEB SITES ............................................................................................................................................................. 16 COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE (ALL STATES) ................................................................................................. 16 HORTICULTURE HINTS ............................................................................................................................................ 16 LOUISIANA NURSERY & LANDSCAPE ASSOCIATION ................................................................................................. 16 LOUISIANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & FORESTRY........................................................................................ 16 ONLINE PLANT GUIDE ............................................................................................................................................ 16 USDA FARMERS' MARKETS ................................................................................................................................... 16 Back to Top Page iv COMPOSTING BACKYARD COMPOSTING SERIES Basic Principles of Composting Description: This publication explains the basic principles of composting including information on nutrients, oxygen, temperature, odors,and recipe calculations. Publication #: 2622 Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Cinder Block Bin Description: A cinder block bin is sturdy, durable and easily accessible. Materials list and instructions are included. Publication #: 2610-C Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Cinder Block Multiple Bin Description: A cinder block multiple bin looks like three cinder block holding units in a row. It is sturdy, and if you can find used cinder blocks, it is relatively inexpensive to build. Materials list and instructions included. Publication #: 2610-D Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Compost Mound Description:Yard wastes can be composted without a bin if you don’t mind the appearance of an uncontained compost mound in your yard. The only costs are your time and effort. Publication #: 2610-E Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Composting Mulch Description: Mulch material does not have to be finished compost. But you can also mulch with compost. Materials list and instructions are included. Publication #: 2610-F Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Garbage Can Composting Description: A garbage can composter is inexpensive and easy to build. It can be used for food or garden wastes. You do need to turn the wastes. Publication #: 2610-B Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Static Pile Backyard Composting Description: Follow these 12 easy steps to make and maintain your compost pile. Publication #: 2516 Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Troubleshooting Your Compost Pile Description: Troubleshooting: Symptoms, possible causes and prescriptions for your composting problems. Publication #: 2517 Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Wastes to Resources Description: Which composting system is right for you? Find the answers and more in this helpful guide to composting. Publication #: 2610-A Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Wire Mesh Bin Description: A wire mesh bin is inexpensive and easy to build out of either galvanized chicken wire or hardware cloth. Materials list and instructions are included. Publication #: 2610-G Point of Contact: Bill Carney (Back to Top) Page 1 Wood and Wire Three-Bin Turning Unit Description: A wood and wire three-bin turning unit can be used to compost large amounts of yard, garden and kitchen wastes in a short time. Construction requires basic carpentry skills and tools. Materials list and instructions included. Publication #: 2610-I Point of Contact: Bill Carney Wooden Box Bin Description: A wooden box bin can be built inexpensively by using wooden pallets. Or you can use lumber to make a nicer bin. Materials list and instructions are included for making a compost box bin. Publication #: 2610-H Point of Contact: Bill Carney Worm Composting Bin Description:.This composting system actually works. Materials list and instructions included. Publication #: 2610-J Point of Contact: Bill Carney Back to top FORMS Forms - General Public Description: A list of all forms for water, plant tissue, potting mixes for general public use. Nematode Advisory Form Plant Tissue Request Form - General Public Potting Mixes Request Form - General Public Soil Test Request Form - General Public Water Test Request Form - General Public Forms - Research/Demo Description: A list of all forms for water, plant tissue, potting mixes for Research/Demonstration use. Plant Tissue Request Form - Research/Demo Potting Mixes Request Form - Research/Demo Soil Test Request Form - Demonstration Water Test Request Form Back to Top FRUITS/PECANS Berries Berry Pickin' Time in Louisiana Description: Wild blackberries and dewberries have long been treasured for cobblers, jellies, jams and other tasty dishes. Learn how to pick, use, freeze, can and make syrups, jellies and jams. Recipes included. Publication #: 2483 Point of Contact: Elizabeth Reames (Back to Top) Enjoying Blackberries for Pleasure and Profit Description: Blackberries and dewberries are native to Louisiana, and many commercial varieties are well adapted to growing conditions of the state. They can be profitable commercial fruit crops. Blackberries also can be grown in the home garden with few or no pesticides. Types, recommended varieties, location of site, soil preparation, fertilization, pruning, and weed, disease and insect control included. Publication #: 1553 Point of Contact: John Pyzner Back to Top Page 2 Home Blueberry Production in Louisiana Description: Blueberries fit into any general home landscape design and can serve as hedges, borders or backgrounds. The blueberry’s native adaptation to both the soil and the climate of the Southeast makes it a productive fruit for Louisiana. Use these guidelines to successfully add blueberries to your home landscape. (PDF Format Only) Publication #: 1978 Point of contact: David Himelrick Commercial Blueberry Production Description: Commercial blueberry production in Louisiana had its beginning more than 40 years ago with the introduction of improved varieties of rabbiteye blueberry (Vaccinium ashei). Commercial blueberry potential in Louisiana can be measured in terms of how well you select a site, choose cultivars and plan for cultural practices. This publication includes information on soils, site preparation, fertilization and pruning. Publication #: 2363 Point of Contact: John Pyzner Enjoy Louisiana Blueberries Description: Blueberry breeding programs throughout the Southeast have developed several highly productive varieties of large, juicy, aromatic berries. Learn how to select the perfect berry for eating, the nutritive and medicinal values, and how to freeze and can blueberries. Recipes are included. Publication #: 2209 Point of Contact: Heli J. Roy (Back to Top) Louisiana Home Citrus Production Description: The different types of leaves, abundance of blooms, aroma of flowers and color of mature fruit of different types of citrus add to the aesthetic value of the landscape. Citrus in the landscape also can provide excellent quality, nutritional fruit. So citrus is the ideal fruit for the homeowner. Recommended varieties and descriptions, as well as tips on site selection, planting, spacing and pruning, are included. (Rev Feb 2007 ) Publication #: 1234 Point of Contact: James E. Boudreaux (Back to Top) Figs for Commercial and Home Production in Louisiana Description: Figs are tasty and can be eaten fresh, made into preserves and jams, or used in baking. Figs are commonly grown in all areas of Louisiana. All fig varieties discussed in this publication produce a main crop. Learn cultural practices and fertilization, disease and insect control and how to handle and process your fruit. Publication #: 1529 Point of Contact: John R. Pyzner (Back to Top) The Louisiana Home Orchard Description: Growing your own fruit can be profitable and satisfying, and many fruit trees can add beauty to your landscape. But you can't expect to grow quality fruit without caring for the plants. This publication explains how your success will depend largely on variety selection, soil management, pruning, fertilization, pest control and other cultural practices. Publication #: 1884 Point of Contact: John R. Pyzner (Back to Top) Pecans Homeowners' Guide for Fertilizing Pecan Trees in Louisiana Description: The most important cultural practice the homeowner with pecan trees needs to consider is proper fertilization. This publication includes information and guidelines for fertilizing pecan trees. Publication #: 2075 Point of Contact: John R. Pyzner (Back to Top) Selection and Care of Pecan Varieties for Louisiana Yards Description: The pecan tree is prevalent in Louisiana as a shade tree in the landscape and also as a source of nuts for home use. The recommended varieties for home planting are listed and described in this publication. Publication #: 2074 Point of Contact: John R. Pyzner (Back to Top) Page 3 'Early St. Ann' - A New-Early Maturing Satsuma Mandarin Description: ‘Early St. Ann’ is the product of the LSU AgCenter’s citrus research program whose function is to develop fresh market lines of citrus cultivars such as navels, oranges, satsuma mandarins and others with improved quality and production. This improved quality, early maturing satsuma mandarin ripens in early September to midOctober and should complement the market of early satsumas for commercial production. Publication #: RC- 141 (Back to Top) 'Louisiana Early' - A New Early Market Satsuma Description: ‘LA Early,’ a new early maturing satsuma mandarin cultivar, is a product of the citrus breeding program of the LSU AgCenter, whose function is to develop fresh market lines of citrus (navels, satsumas and other cultivars) with improved quality, fruit characteristics and production. This high-quality satsuma mandarin ripens in early September to mid October. Publication #: RC-140 (Back to Top) EQUIPMENT Home Gardening Description: A selection of topics on tools, safety, problem solving, maintenance, etc for home gardening. Contact: Dick Parish Lawnmowers: Selection, Use, Maintenance and Safety The objective of this publication is to provide information that will help you select the best lawnmower for your needs, as well as to use it correctly and safely and maintain it properly. This publication is limited to information on consumer-oriented, walk-behind lawnmowers. Riding lawnmowers, lawn/garden tractors and compact utility tractors with mower decks are covered in other publications. Publication #: 2935 Point of Contact: Dick Parish Commercial Gardening Description: A selection of topics on tools, safety, problem solving, maintenance, etc for commercial use. Contact: Dick Parish (Back to Top) INSECT/DISEASE Camellia Flower Blight Description: This publication outlines some options for design, operation and maintenance of ornamental ponds and discusses basic environmental requirements of fish and plants commonly grown in these ponds. 20 pages. Publication #: 1547 Contact: Don Ferrin CONTROL GUIDES Insect Pest Management Guide Description: This 2008 guide was compiled by LSU AgCenter experts and includes regulations, precautions and suggestions for pest control in Louisiana. Detailed topics include drift of pesticides, hazards of pesticides to beneficial insects and wildlife, phytotoxicity and using beneficial insects to control pest populations. A section on organic gardening also is included. Plant Disease Management Guide Description: This guide for 2008 contains suggestions for management of the most important or more prevalent diseases of Louisiana plants. It includes information on fungicides, bactericides and nematicides, as well as safety precautions for using them. Louisiana Suggested Chemical Weed Control Guide Description: This guide includes helpful information on herbicides and weed control with detailed suggestions for aquatics, commercial nursery stock, field crops, forestry, fruit crops, home gardens, lawns and many other Louisiana crops. It includes information on different types of herbicide registrations, as well as information on herbicide labels and restricted uses. Also included are sprayer calibration techniques, suggestions for reducing herbicide drift and a guide to proper spray tip selection. Back to Top Page 4 Downy Mildew on Cucurbits Description: Downy mildew is a potentially devastating disease of all cucurbits. Disease symptoms, development, control measures and color photographs of symptoms on pumpkin, cucumber and watermelon are included. Publication #:3044 Contact: Don Ferrin (Back to Top) Foliar Diseases of Watermelon Description: Proper identification is the key to successful disease management. This fact sheet is intended to aid in distinguishing among three common foliar diseases of watermelon. Publication #:3046 Insect Management in Home Vegetable Gardens Description: Louisiana is blessed with long growing seasons which make year round gardening possible. To be successful, however, you must have an insect management program. Learn how to tell if the insect is beneficial to your garden, or if it is a pest and determine what to use if controls are necessary. Publication #: 2341 Point of Contact: Dale K. Pollet (Back to Top) Insect Pest Management in Louisiana Sweet Potatoes Description: Soil insect pests can be extremely problematic in Louisiana sweet potato production. The majority of insect damage in sweet potato occurs on the root surface and consists of unattractive scars and holes. The market tolerance for this cosmetic injury is very low, and minimal insect damage can drastically affect the marketability of the crop. Publication #: 2620 Point of Contact: Tara Smith (Back to Top) Managing Cucumber Beetles (Rootworms) in Louisiana Sweet Potato Production Description: Cucumber beetles (rootworms) are significant insect pests of sweet potatoes in Louisiana. Adults and larvae of these insects feed on sweet potatoes, but larvae are the most damaging. Descriptions of the banded cucumber beetle and the spotted cucumber beetle, as well as management strategies for these insects, are included in this publication. (PDF Format Only) Publication #: 2960 Point of Contact: Tara Smith (Back to Top) Nonchemical Weed Control for Home Landscapes Description: Louisianans take pride in the appearance of their lawns and landscapes. Weeds, however, can detract from that appearance and frustrate homeowners. Information on adaptation, light, soils and mulch can be found in this publication. Publication #: 2778 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Phytophthora Blight of Peppers Description: Proper identification is the key to successful disease management. This fact sheet is intended to aid in the identification and management of phytophthora blight on peppers. Publication #:3047 Contact: Don Ferrin (Back to Top) Rose Diseases Description: Louisiana's warm, humid weather encourages the development of several serious diseases that can damage rose bushes. This publication describes the major rose diseases found in Louisiana and offers disease management tips. Publication #: 2613 Point of Contact: Don Ferrin Back to top Page 5 ORNAMENTALS/TREES/SHRUBS Azaleas Description: Azaleas, the major ornamental plants in Louisiana’s residential and commercial landscapes, are available in many flower colors, growth habits and foliage characteristics. This publication includes information on planting and maintenance, pest control recommendations and details on popular varieties. Publication #: 1295 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Bedding Plants for Louisiana Landscapes Description: In addition to flowers, bedding plants may be grown for their colorful foliage or interesting forms or textures. With proper selection, they can be used to provide color throughout the year. Use this publication to help you with bedding plant selection and proper care. Publication #: 2747 Point of Contact: Dan Gill (Back to Top) Butterfly Gardening for Louisianians Description: Many Louisiana gardeners are expressing their desire to attract butterflies to their yards. Learn how to create a butterfly-friendly environment with a few simple requirements: food, water, shelter and a place to reproduce. Publication #: 2583 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Camellias Currently, not online. In the process of revising. The Color of Coleus Description: Not many plants can take Louisiana’s summer sun and heat like coleus. Information on soil conditions and preparations, watering, fertilizing, planting and blooming and recommended varieties is included. (PDF Format Only) Publication #: 2677 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Crape Myrtles for Louisiana Landscapes Description: This publication includes information on the planting, fertilization, pruning, failure to flower, insects and diseases, and varieties of crape myrtles. Publication #: 1466 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Dogwoods Description: The flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) is native to much of the eastern United States. Dogwood is a very versatile ornamental tree. This publication includes information on plant selection, watering, fertilization, disease and pest control for dogwoods. Publication #: 2665 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Ground Covers and Vines for Louisiana Description: Selection, cultural practices, fertilization, pruning and recommended varieties of vines and ground covers are included. Publication #: 2641 Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Hanging Baskets Description: This publication includes information on growing plants in hanging baskets and caring for them. It includes the best time to plant hanging baskets, types of linings for them, details on watering and care, as well as information on winter protection and insect and disease control. Publication #: 1555 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Page 6 Tropical Hibiscus Description: Summers in Louisiana are warm and humid, perfect conditions for growing tropical hibiscus. Information on soil and bed preparation, fertilization, culture and insect control included. Publication #: 2662 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Louisiana Iris Description: The Louisiana iris continues to be a popular plant for landscapes in the Southeast. This publication provides information on culture, watering, fertilization and several other topics. PDF format only. Publication #: 1969 Point of Contact: Dan Gill (Back to Top) Landscape Bed Preparation for Ornamental Plants Description: Several factors need to be carefully considered when you’re developing landscape beds for ornamental plants. Learn about soil texture, what to do for poorly drained soils and soil amendments. Publication #: 2670 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Growing Lantana in Louisiana Description: Information on culture, watering, fertilization and several other topics of Lantana camara (common lantana), Lantana hybrids and Lantana montevidensis (trailing lantana). Publication #: 2663 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Louisiana Select - Outstanding Ornamental Plants for Louisiana Landscapes Description: Information on Mayhaw, New Orleans Red Coleus, Homestead Purple Verbena, Bald Cypress, New Wonder Scaevola, Watchet Azalea, Telstar Dianthus, Henry’s Garnet Virginia Willow, Lady in Red Salvia, Goldsturm Rudbeckia and Lantanas. Publication #: 2993 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) A Guide to Louisiana-friendly Landscaping - Louisiana Yards & Neighborhoods Description: Information on how to reduce nonpoint source pollution using research-based horticultural best management practices. (PDF Only) Publication #: 2993 Point of Contact: Bobby Fletcher (Back to Top) Native Tree Growing Guide for Louisiana Description: The selection, planting and care of urban trees in Louisiana. Includes full-page poster of native landscape trees, their leaves, tree height and spread comparisons. 16 pages. Publication #: 2926 Point of Contact: Hallie Dozier (Back to Top) Poinsettia Care and Selection Description: Poinsettias (Euphorbia pulcherrima), the leading floricultural crop in the United States since the mid 1980s, are one of the primary trademarks of the Christmas season. This publication includes information on plant selection, varieties, placement and care in the home, and care after Christmas for poinsettias. Publication #: 2664 Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings (Back to Top) Enjoying Ornamental Ponds in Louisiana Description: Outlines some options for design, operation and maintenance of ornamental ponds and discusses basic environmental requirements of fish and plants commonly grown in these ponds. 20 pages. Full color. Pub #: 2586 Contact: Charles G. Lutz (Back to Top) Roses - Selection, Planting and Care Description: It would be hard to find a flower more universally loved than the rose. Over humanity’s long history with this plant, the rose has found its way into our gardens, cuisine, medicine, art and cultures. It is easier than ever to find undemanding, reliable roses that will enhance your landscape. This publication will help you decide what types of roses to grow, as well as explaining how to plant and take care of them. (revised 4/07) Publication #: 1587 (Back to Top) Point of Contact: Allen D. Owings Page 7 Shrubs for Louisiana Landscapes Description:This publication includes information on shrubs commonly grown in Louisiana including watering, planting, pruning, size, form and varieties. Publication #: 1638 Point of Contact: Daniel Gill, Allen Owings Trees for Louisiana Landscapes Description: This publication includes information on conserving existing trees, planting and transplanting, pruning, tree fertilization, street and parking area plantings, tree evaluation, tree lists and a quick tree selection guide. Publication #: 1622 Point of Contact: Dan Gill Back to Top OTHER PESTS Ants Broadcast Baits for Fire Ant Control Description: A Southern IPM Center publication. When choosing a broadcast bait to control imported fire ants, consumers and professional pesticide applicators face a confusing array of brand names and active ingredients with varying product performances. This guide addresses common concerns about broadcast baits to help consumers and professionals choose products that best fit their needs and situations. Publication #: B 6099 Point of Contact: Linda Hooper-Bui (Back to Top) Bug Biz: Fire Ants Description: The red imported fire ant, a Louisiana resident since the early 1950s, can be a painful pest or a useful, beneficial friend. Depending on your situation, you may want to manage these ants or simply let them go about their helpful way. Eradication vs. management of the fire ant is discussed in this fact sheet. Publication #: 2360 Point of Contact: Dale K. Pollet (Back to Top) Bug Biz: Managing Argentine Ants in Louisiana Description:The Argentine ant, an exotic species brought to New Orleans from South America in the late 1800s, is found throughout the state after being transported in nursery stock and by cars, boats and RVs. Their huge colonies, with millions of workers and hundreds of queens, extend for miles. Identifying characteristics, areawide management and cultural controls incuded. Publication #: 2916 Point of Contact: Linda Hooper-Bui (Back to Top) Managing Imported Fire Ants in Urban Areas Description: Properly identifying the ant species is the first step in determining whether and how to control them. In this publication there are options for managing various kinds of imported fire ant problems. Publication #: 2817 Point of Contact: Dale K. Pollet (Back to Top) The Pest Ants of Louisiana: A Guide to Their Identification, Biology and Control Description: Ants range from mildly to highly annoying. Knowing the species, biology and control can help you manage them. This is a useful reference for pest management professionals, extension personnel and homeowners. A key to ants, color photographs, diagrams and a glossary are included. Spiral bound copies are available for $10 each. To purchase using a check, use the pdf order form. To purchase with a credit card, click on "order publication." (Back to Top) Page 8 Bees Beginning With Bees Description: Keeping bees can be a fascinating and profitable hobby in Louisiana. Start with one or two colonies and as you learn the mechanics of beekeeping, establish additional colonies. Publication #: 2875 Point of Contact: Dale Pollet Bug Biz: Africanized Honeybees Description: Africanized honeybees were brought to Brazil in 1956 to improve local strains. In 1957, several colonies escaped. Once established in Brazil, the Africanized honeybees (AHB) moved north up the east coast of South America and into Central America. During the next few years, they increased their northward expansion through central Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, reaching Southern California in 1994. Publication #: 2346 Point of Contact: Dale Pollet Bug Biz: Carpenter Bees Description: This publication includes information on the identification and management of carpenter bees. Publication #: 2875 Point of Contact: Dale Pollet Bug Biz: Removing Bees From Walls Description: The process of removing honeybees from walls in a house is complex. This publication explains how to safely and properly remove the bees from your walls. Publication #: 2874 Point of Contact: Dale Pollet (Back to Top) Bug Biz: Blackberry (Raspberry) Crown Borer Description: Blackberries are a favorite springtime fruit in Louisiana. The blackberry (raspberry) crown borer is a serious pest of blackberry plantings and causes loss of plant vigor, loss of yield and plant destruction. Damage, life cycle, monitoring and control recommendations included. Publication #: 2383 Point of Contact: Boris A. Castro (Back to Top) Caterpillars Bug Biz: Stinging Caterpillars Description: If you touch a stinging caterpillar, you will likely soon feel a burning and itching pain. The reason is that the caterpillar’s spines have punctured your skin and have released a venom. Control measures, life cycles and color images included. Publication #: 1979 Point of Contact: Dale Pollet (Back to Top) Bug Biz: Eastern Tent Caterpillar Description: The conspicuous webs make infested trees unsightly, and the eastern tent caterpillars become pesky invaders when they search for food or a place to spin a cocoon. Descriptions and control measures included. Publication #: 2047 Point of Contact: Dale Pollet (Back to Top) Bug Biz: Forest Tent Caterpillar Description: Forest tent caterpillars have voracious appetites and consume the foliage of several tree species. Descriptions and control measures included. Publication #: 2046 Point of Contact: Dale Pollet (Back to Top) Bug Biz: Walnut Catepillar Description:The walnut caterpillar attacks a variety of deciduous trees, with a preference for walnut, pecan, butternut and hickory. Descriptions, control measures and color image included. (PDF Format Only) Publication #: 1959 Point of Contact: Dale Pollet (Back to Top) Page 9 Bug Biz: Mole Crickets Description: Mole crickets cause millions of dollars in turf and grass damage each year. Their burrowing in the soil breaks up the soil and causes roots to dry out. Identification, life cycle and control included. Publication #: 2347 Point of Contact: Dale K. Pollet (Back to Top) Termites Formosan Subterranean Termite Identification & Biology Description: One important key for successful management of a pest is to identify it. This publication can help you differentiate between ants and the dry-wood and subterranean termites that are pests in Louisiana. It also contains specific information on Formosan subterranean termites. Publication #: 2841 Point of Contact: Alan Morgan Formosan Subterranean Termite Control & Prevention After Hurricanes and Flooding Description: Is Retreating for Termites Necessary? Also find information on preventing formosan subterranean termites from spreading, disposing of termite infested wood and debris, transporting mulch and other wood debris, inspecting and retreating, signs of infestation and differences between termites and ants. Publication #: 2953 Point of Contact: Alan Morgan A Guide for Integrated Pest Management of Termites Description: There are about 2,500 species of termites worldwide. Although only about 2% are frequent invaders of wood structures used by humans, termites must be managed because they can and will cause great damage. This publication includes information on how to manage them. Only available in pdf format. Publication #: 2797 Point of Contact: Alan Morgan Formosan Subterranean Termite Damage and Detection Description: Most people are aware of the damage fire and severe weather can do to their homes, but many overlook the threat of termites. Photos of termite damage and signs of termite infestation are included in this publication, which covers Formosan subterranean termites and other subterranean termites. Publication #: 2840 Point of Contact: Alan Morgan (Back to Top) Bug Biz: Twospotted Spider Mites in Strawberries Description: The twospotted spider mite is one of the most persistent and damaging pest problems affecting strawberry production in Louisiana. Damage, description, life cycle, monitoring, control information and color photos included. Spanish version also included. Publication #: 2934 Point of Contact: Dale K. Pollet (Back to Top) Bug Biz: The Fall Webworm Description: This publication includes a description and information on the distribution and hosts, life cycle, types of injury to your trees and control of the fall webworm. Publication #: 1975 Point of Contact: Dale K. Pollet (Back to Top) Bug Biz: Wireworms - Worldwide Destructive Pests Description: Wireworms are found throughout North America and most of the world. They are among the most difficult and destructive pests to control and the most widespread pests of corn, sod, small grains, sugarcane, potatoes, root crops and vegetables. Descriptions, life history, habits and control measures included. Publication #: 2326 Point of Contact: Dale K. Pollet .Back to Top Page 10 Pesticide Training and Safety Agricultural Pest Control Description: This manual is intended to provide information to the pesticide applicator so that the applicator is able to meet minimum EPA standards for commercial applicators in Category 1 - Agricultural Pest Control. Publication #: 1918 Point of Contact: Mary L. Grodner Cost Hard Copy: $5 (no free copies) Back to Top Training Manual for Aquatic Herbicide Applicators in the Southeastern United States Description: The purpose of this manual is to provide necessary information to demonstrate competency as a certified aquatic herbicide applicator. Aquatic herbicide technology and safety, specialized applicaton techniques used in aquatic herbicide application, calibration for aquatic herbicide applications, environmental considerations in aquatic habitats and recognition of common aquatic plants are emphasize d. Publication #: 2506 Point of Contact: Mary L. Grodner Cost Hard Copy: $5 (no free copies) Back to Top Industrial, Institutional, Structural & Health Related Pest Control Description: Subcategory 7b: Pest Control In, On or Around Institutions, Motels, Hotels, Hospitals, Government Subsidized and Administered Housing, Multiplex Housing and Like Places as the Owner or in the Employ of the Owner. (No Free Copies) Publication #: 2958 Point of Contact: Mary L. Grodner Cost Hard Copy: $5 (no free copies) Back to Top Institutional, Industrial, Structural and Health-Related Pest Control Description: Subcategory 7c (Spraying around food in warehouses, grains, flour mills, food processing plants, commercial grain elevators.) Publication #: 2294 Point of Contact: Mary L. Grodner Cost Hard Copy: $5 (no free copies) Back to Top National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual Description: This manual is intended as a study guide for preparing to take the Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Exam. This manual satisfies the basic applicator training requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Louisiana Pesticide Laws and Regulations. (No Free Copies) Publication #: 2959 Point of Contact: Mary L. Grodner Cost Hard Copy: $10 (no free copies) Back to Top Ornamental and Turf Pest Control (Category 3) Description: This manual and the core manual (AgCenter pub. 2537 and supplement pub. 2560) will provide information necessary for applicators to pass the core examination and the ornamental and turf category examination to be certified to use restricted-use pesticides in the ornamental and turf area in Louisiana. Publication #: 1933 Point of Contact: Mary L. Grodner Cost Hard Copy: $5 (no free copies) Back to Top Roadside Right-of-Way Vegetation Management (Category 6) Description: This manual contains information on the use of chemicals to manage roadside vegetation. Publication #: 2508 Point of Contact: Mary L. Grodner Cost Hard Copy: $5 (no free copies) Back to Top Page 11 TURFGRASS/LAWNS Louisiana Lawns Best Management Practices (BMPs) Description: Following the best management practices (BMPs) given here should help keep your lawn in good condition. A healthy and properly cared for lawn will resist weeds and other pest problems; thus, a minimum of pesticide products will be needed. Basic lawn care consists of proper fertilizing, watering and mowing and appropriate pest management, as needed. Publication #: 2940 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Louisiana Lawns Fact Sheet The Centipede Decline Problem Description: Centipedegrass is a popular lawn grass in Louisiana. Although centipede is a low maintenance grass, proper management is still important. This publication covers factors that contribute to centipede decline: improper plant nutrition, cultural practices, and soil and water conditions. Publication #: 2236 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Lawn Maintenance Description: Following the tips given here should help keep your lawn in good condition. A lawn that is healthy and properly cared for will resist weeds and other pest problems! Publication #: 2293 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Turfgrass for Louisiana Lawns A lawn can be as functional as it is beautiful if planned properly. Recommended varieties, degree of shade, planting and establishment and other site considerations are included. Publication #: 2230 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Managing Lawns in the Shade Description: Having a lawn under shade trees is not always a compatible mix. Even so, you may be able to choose shade-tolerant grasses and manage them to get the best turf cover for that level of shade. Use this publication to choose the best variety and cultural practices for your lawn. Publication #: 2909 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Don't Bag It Lawn Care Description: If we manage our lawns correctly and use proper cutting practices, we can have nice lawns and rarely be bothered with clippings. Learn how to leave clippings in place without creating problems for your lawn. Publication #: 2378 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Ironing Your Turfgrass Description: This publication deals with iron deficiency in plants and includes tips on how to care for your turfgrass. Publication #: 2895 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Fairy Rings and Mushrooms in Lawns Description: We often see lawns with mushrooms or doughnut rings of dying or dark green grass. These are referred to as ‘fairy rings.’ This publication includes information on how to control fairy rings in your lawn. Publication #: 2887 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Slime Mold Crust on Your Turfgrass Description: This publication includes information on the life cycle, damage and control of slime mold on turfgrass. Publication #: 2896 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Page 12 Sod Production in Louisiana Description: Interest in commercial sod production has risen because of increased demand for an instant turf by many building contractors and their customers. This publication discusses basic cultural practices and equipment required to produce quality sod. (PDF Only - Rev 04/08) Publication #: 2904 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Stump Removal from Home Grounds Description: Most homeowners enjoy the presence of beautiful trees in their yards; however, when these trees must be removed, unsightly stumps remain. Quick, easy and cheap methods to remove these stumps do not exist, but here are some helpful tips on what can be done. Point of Contact: Hallie Dozier (Back to Top) Turf Maintenance for Athletic Fields Description: A properly constructed and maintained playing surface is an important component of the overall athletic facility. This publication includes information on the construction and maintence of athletic field turfgrass. Publication #: 1989 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske Back to top VEGETABLES Commercial Growing of Greenhouse Tomatoes Description: This publication includes information on soil preparation, fertilization, training, pruning, nutrient solutions, pollination, harvesting, marketing, and insect and disease control for greenhouse tomatoes. Publication #: 1808 Point of Contact: Thomas Koske (Back to Top) Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations Description: Number of seed/pound, seeding rate/acre, spacing, planting dates, optimum soil temperature range for germination, depth to plant seed, days to germinate, days from planting to harvest begins, approximate time from pollination to market and recommended varieties included. Publication #: 2433 Point of Contact: James E. Boudreaux (Back to Top) Commodity Budgets 2007 Projected Costs for Selected Louisiana Vegetable Crops Description: Cost budgets are reported for 20 vegetable crops, with combinations of crop, machinery size and market channel. Each cost budget is supplemented with a table where net returns are calculated over a range of prices and yields. Crops include butter beans, snap beans, broccoli, fall cabbage, spring cabbage, cantaloupe, cauliflower, sweet corn, cucumber, eggplant, mustard, okra, southern peas, bell pepper, Irish potato, sweet potato, shallots, squash, strawberries, tomatoes and watermelon. Roger A. Hinson and James E. Boudreaux (Back to Top) Growing Vegetables in a Hobby Greenhouse Description: Many Louisiana homeowners have small greenhouses for growing potted plants and for starting annual flower and vegetable plants. You can also grow high quality fresh vegetables in a home greenhouse during the cold months to add variety and interest to the family diet. Recommended varieties, temperature requirements, pest control and hobby greenhouse diagrams are included. (PDF Format Only) Publication 2169 Point of Contact: Thomas Koske (Back to Top) Louisiana Vegetable Planting Guide Description: Use this guide to plant a successful vegetable garden. The information has been developed after considerable research and practical experience Publication #: 1980 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Page 13 Mini Gardens and Containers for Vegetables Description: Mini gardening is an intensive type of agriculture using a small space or containers to produce vegetables and plants. The main benefits derived from mini gardens are that they take much less space and require much less work. This publication includes information on constructing and maintaining a mini garden. Publication 2779 Point of Contact: Tom Koske (Back to Top) Producing Shiitake: The Fancy Forest Mushroom Description: Farming of exotic mushrooms offers another opportunity to add to farm cash flow or supplemental income. It is also popular among home gardeners and organic farmers. Shiitake (pronounced she ta key) is the most popular of the exotics. This publication includes information on the fruiting, harvesting, pest problems, and cost and returns for shiitake mushrooms. Publication #: 2492 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Selling Your Greenhouse Tomatoes Description: Greenhouse tomatoes are about a $2.2 million business in Louisiana, assuming growers can sell what they produce for a profit. Learn the secrets of turning a profit from your tomatoes. Publication #: 2872 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Sweet Potato Best Management Practices Description: Sweet potatoes are an important commodity in Louisiana. Best Management Practices (BMPs) provide sweet potato growers guidelines on what practices they can implement to reduce the impact agricultural practices may have on the environment Publication #: 2832 Point of Contact: Fred Sanders (Back to Top) Tune Up Your Produce Marketing Description: Good marketing is the process of fulfilling the objectives of both the buyer and the seller. The factors you have some control over are the 4 Ps of product, price, placement and promotion. Here are some tips to help you tune up your produce marketing plan. Publication #: 28773 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Growing Vegetable Pears Description: This publication has information on the varieties, pollination, soil preparation, planting and cultivation of vegetable pears. Publication #: 2032 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Vegetable Gardening Tips Description: This series provides a variety of information for home vegetable gardeners. Topics (and links) include beans, cabbage, corn, cucumbers, eggplants, potatoes, squash, tomatoes, peppers, onions, shallots, garlic and many more of the favorites of home gardeners. Allium Crops - Onions, Shallots, and Garlic Description: Onions are the most popular of these crops in much of our country, but in Louisiana, shallots and garlic are at least as important. Recommended varieties, culture, pest control, harvest and use are included. Publication #: 2318 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Beans in the Home Garden Description: Learn how to grow lima, snap and other beans in your home garden using the latest cultural practices, pest control and harvesting techniques. Publication #: 2309 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Page 14 Chinese Cabbage in the Home Garden Description: New hybrids of Chinese cabbage being grown in Louisiana make an excellent substitute for head lettuce in salads and sandwiches. You'll find varieties, culture and pest control recommendations and other uses for Chinese cabbage in this publication. Publication #: 2153 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske Cole Crops: Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage and Cauliflower Description: These cool-season crops are somewhat hardy and will tolerate various degrees of frost. They grow best in the fall when the weather turns from warm to cool. Recommended varieties, soil preparation, fertilization and pest control are included. Publication #: 2310 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Corn - Sweet Corn Description: This publication tells home gardeners the recommended varieties and cultural practices to use when planting sweet corn. Publication #: 2152 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Cucumbers Description: This publication includes information on cucumber varieties, slicing and pickling types, insects and disease, and other useful information. Publication #: 1981 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Eggplant Description: This publication includes information on varieties, culture and pest control for eggplants. Publication #: 1986 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Peppers Description: Peppers are a popular crop in the home garden, especially in Louisiana. This publication includes information on varieties, culture and pest control for peppers. Publication #: 2132 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Potatoes, Irish Description: Irish potatoes are a cool-season vegetable grown in the late winter and spring in Louisiana and, to some extent, in late summer and fall. This publication includes information on varieties, insects, diseases, harvesting and storing of Irish potatoes. Publication #: 1903 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Squash and Pumpkins Description: Squash and pumpkins are among the most popular and productive warm- season vegetables in Louisiana. This publication includes information on the varieties, culture, pollination and pest problems of both squash and pumpkins. Publication #: 2054 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske (Back to Top) Sweet Potatoes Description: Sweet potatoes (or yams) are a popular vegetable in the South. Many home gardeners in Louisiana plant this crop successfully. It requires plenty of room for the vines to run, a relatively light-textured soil and only a moderate amount of fertilizer. Publication #: 2144 Point of Contact: Thomas Koske (Back to Top) Tomatoes Description: The tomato is one of the most popular vegetables grown in home gardens. This publication covers varieties, cultural practices, soils, planting, pests and problems dealing with homegrown tomatoes. (PDF format only) Publication #: 1902 Point of Contact: Thomas J. Koske Back to top Page 15 Web Sites Cooperative Extension Service Descripton: Links for Cooperative Extension Services for each state. Horticulture Hints Description: Pecans, Summer Pruning of Peaches, Blueberries, Figs, Pears, Roses, Great Heat-tolerant Plants for Colorful Summer, Longer Life for Cut Flowers, You Really Should Use Mulch, Dividing Bromeliads, Bark Lice Harmless, Reducing Summer Pest Problems, Prepare Trees for Hurricane Season, Checklist for Summer, Turfgrasses and Vegetable Gardening for June, July and August. Louisiana Nursery & Landscape Association Description: Professional organization. Severn Doughty, Exec. Secty. http://www.lnla.org Louisiana Department of Agriculture & Forestry Online Plant Guide - Pope & Odenwald New Web site with 2,000 plant entries and 8,000 pictures from retired personnel Dr. Tom Pope and Dr. Neil Odenwald. USDA Farmers’ Markets Back to top Page 16