LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER MAARRCCHH / APPRRIILL 2006 NEEW WS SLLE ETTTTE ER R PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS By: Gavin Gautreau, P.E. Thanks to all those involved in making the 2006 Engineers Week a success. The banquet was held at Baton Rouge Country Club and celebrated middle school, college, and professional accomplishments. Thanks to all our contributors and sponsors. Special thanks to Robert Degeyter, P.E. for planning the event, and Wilfred Barry, P.E. our Host. The Engineering Selection Board Task Force presented the Draft Report to the Finance and Executive Committee on March 15, 2006. It was recognized that the Task Force has had two meetings and covered many items during their detailed discussions. The Draft Report was submitted to show that the Task Force has made progress and to allow the F&E Committee members a chance to comment on the draft. The F&E Committee Members generally felt that the Task Force was on track with their recommendations. Since there were some remaining issued to be addressed, and the Task Force still needs to meet again, the item was forwarded to the full council without recommendation, and will be held from the agenda until the Task Force recommendations are complete. This would allow the item to stay on schedule, reducing delays towards implementation of the recommendations. Two more meetings were held to finalize the scoresheet items. The Task Force worked diligently on the recommendations which will include a trial implementation period. After the process has been utilized for several selections, we will solicit comments from the board members as to potential modifications. These potential modifications, if any, would be brought back to the task force for consideration before presentation to the council. The recommendation report will be brought to the full council on April 12th 2006. Please plan on attending. Sincerely, Gavin P. Gautreau, P.E. Baton Rouge Chapter President Louisiana Engineering Society APRIL LUNCHEON JOINT MEETING WITH ASCE When: Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:30 a.m. Where: Ralph & Kacoo’s Restaurant Bluebonnet Blvd. Speaker: Mayor-President Melvin “Kip” Holden City of Baton Rouge East Baton Rouge Parish Cost: $20.00 RSVP: Meg Sheats 769-0546 or sheats@csrsonline.com Make Checks Payable to “ASCE – Baton Rouge” M ARCH/APRIL 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 1 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER E-WEEK BANQUET: FEBRUARY 23, 2006 February 19-25, 2006 was recognized as National Engineers Week. Our annual E-Week Banquet was held on February 23, 2006, with a great time had by all. LES would like to especially thank all of our sponsors, Mr. Wilfred Barry for hosting the event, and Robert Degeyter for planning the banquet. SPONSORS Forte & Tablada, Inc. PEC Corporation Sigma Consulting Group, Inc. SJB Group, Inc. Co-Sponsors Boyd Holmes Engineering, Inc. Civil Design and Construction, Inc. ENGlobal Engineers, Inc. GEC, Inc. Hartman Engineering, Inc. HNTB Corporation LA Asphalt Pavement Assoc., Inc. Contributors Soil Testing Engineers, Inc. Wilbur Smith Associates, Inc. William A. Wintz Scholarship Winners ($1500 each) Bryan Burnham – Electrical Engineering - LSU Jeoffri Davis – Electrical Engineering – Southern Louisiana Engineering Society Auxillary Scholarship ($1000) Daniel Nelson – Construction Management - LSU M ARCH / APRIL 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER 2006-2007 OFFICER ELECTIONS AT APRIL LUNCHEON LES Baton Rouge Officers for the 2006-2007 year will take place at the April Luncheon. Ballots will be issued prior to the meeting and nominations heard during the meeting. Ballots will be cast after the meeting. The results will be announced at the May Luncheon. Please plan to attend the April Luncheon to support LES and to have your voice heard. MATHCOUNTS NEWS Glasgow Middle School in Baton Rouge is proud to send defending national champion Neal Wu, along with teammate Davika Balachandran and coach Claudia Allums to the national competition in Washington DC. They will be joined by Lake Castle Private School (Madisonville, LA) students Daniel Cooper and Jacob Griffin to represent Louisiana in the 2006 national MathCounts competition. The competition takes place on May 11-14. The team will compete against 224 competitors from all 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, District of Columbia, State Department, Department of Defense, Northern Mariana Islands, and US Virgin Islands. The LES Baton Rouge Chapter sends our support and good luck wishes to the Louisiana team. FUTURE CITY COMPETITION NEWS This year’s statewide winner and defending national champions, St. Thomas More School, Baton Rouge, returned to Washington D.C. to compete in the 2006 national competition. The team placed 5th nationally out of 34 schools. The Baton Rouge Chapter congratulates the St. Thomas More team for their hard work and exceptional representation of the Baton Rouge area. 2006 NSPE MILTON F. LUNCH ETHICS CONTEST All current NSPE individual members, NSPE state societies, and NSPE Chapters are invited to participate in the 2006 NSPE Milton F. Lunch Ethics Contest. Match your wits with experienced professional engineers and engineering students throughout the country. NSPE’s Board of Ethical Review will furnish you with a real FACT situation that involves a government engineer who has been offered gifts from time-to-time from consulting engineering companies and contractors. Given the FACTS, you are asked a QUESTION about the ethics of the engineer. Contestants are encouraged to read and discuss the FACTS of the case and answer to the QUESTIONS. Then contestants are to develop DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS using the format of the NSPE Board of Ethical Review. Contestants are also to give REFERENCES citing only specific sections of the NSPE Code of Ethics for Engineers. Other materials should not be cited. All entries must be 750 words or less (DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION section only) and received by Friday, April 14, 2006. The winning entry will receive an award of $1000 ($500 to the NSPE State Society or NSPE Chapter and $500 divided among the authors) provided by the NSPE Education Foundation, a certificate, and recognition in PE Magazine. Visit www.les-state.org/brchapter and click on Ethics Contest for a full set of rules and FACTS. M ARCH / APRIL 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 3 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER IN MEMORIUM – BLAISE CARRIERE, P.E. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Mr. Blaise Carriere, P.E. Blaise has been a lifelong contributor to the engineering profession in both the public and private sector, as well as to the Louisiana Engineering Society. Our deepest sympathies are sent to the Carriere family. Carriere, Blaise Marvin A resident of Baton Rouge for 20 years, he died Wednesday, March 29, 2006, at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. A civil engineer for 45 years, he was 67 and a native of New Orleans. Mr. Carriere began his professional career as a bridge design engineer with the Louisiana Office of Highways. He was involved in structural design of major highway bridges, including a movable vertical lift bridge over the Intracoastal Waterway in Louisiana. He returned to the Department of Transportation and Development in 2000 as a deputy secretary. He was named assistant to the secretary for policy in 2004 and special projects assistant in the fall of 2005. In between his stints with the state, Carriere spent 18 years with HNTB Corp., including serving as vice president of HNTB's Baton Rouge office. Prior to his association with HNTB, he served for 12 years as director of the New Orleans Department of Streets and was principal engineer for seven years with Waldemar S. Nelson and Co. of New Orleans. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn deMahy Carriere; daughter, Angele Romig; two sons, Daren Carriere and Christopher Carriere; sister, Helena Carriere Morvant; and nine grandchildren. He is also survived by two daughters-in-law, Catherine Spedale Carriere and Julie Roloff Carriere; and son-in-law, Gregory Romig. He was preceded in death by his parents, Blaise and Etheldreda Carriere. He was a member of St. Aloysius Parish, having served as a lector and a member of the Knights of Columbus. He was an avid golfer at Sherwood Forest Country Club. Mr. Carriere was involved in engineering organizations throughout his life. He was past president of the Louisiana Engineering Society and state president of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He was a member of the Rotary Club of Baton Rouge and a graduate of Jesuit High School, New Orleans, and LSU. Visitation at St. Aloysius Catholic Church, 2021 Stuart Ave., on Saturday, April 1, from 10 a.m. until funeral Mass at noon, with the Rev. Gerald Burns, celebrant. Interment in Greenoaks Memorial Park, 9595 Florida Blvd. The family wishes to thank the doctors and nurses at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to Jesuit High School, 4133 Banks St., New Orleans, LA 70119. Published in The Advocate on 3/31/2006. M ARCH / APRIL 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 4 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY BATON ROUGE CHAPTER WELCOME NEW MEMBERS The following individuals are new members of LES. If you see these individuals, please welcome them to the Society. Adeyemi A. Adenariwo, EI Nathan M. Braud, EI Kristina K. Harper, EI Sushil K. Jain David J. Kirkwood, Jr., EI William P. Ledet, EI Jeffery S. Miller, EI Nicholas J. Olivier, EI Karla E. Weston, P.E. Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Environmental Engineering Sustaining Member Electrical Engineering Civil Engineering Petroleum Engineering Civil Engineering Civil Engineering CDI Engineering Dow Chemical Company J & J Engineers, Inc. Georgia-Pacific Turner Environmental LA Dept. of Natural Resources Civil Design & Construction, Inc. Civil Design & Construction, Inc. UPCOMING CPD OPPORTUNITIES The Louisiana Professional Engineering and Surveying Board have posted on their website a list of CPD opportunities within the next few months. Click your browsers to http://www.lapels.com to see what’s coming up. Remember, your membership in LES counts as 1 PDH per biennial renewal period!!! ASCE Seminar - HEC-RAS Computer Workshop for Unsteady Flow Applications September 20-22, 2006, Chateau Sonesta Hotel, 800 Iberville Street, New Orleans, LA 2.4 CEU’s available $1185 for ASCE members / $1385 non-members Visit www.asce.org/conted/seminars for registration information LES BATON ROUGE CHAPTER 2005-06 OFFICERS President: Gavin Gautreau, P.E. GavinGautreau@dotd.state.la.us 225-767-9110 Secretary / Treasurer Dan Rosenquist, P.E. drosenquist@hntb.com 225-368-2800 President Elect Robert Degeyter, P.E. rdegeyter@harteng.com 225-387-6222 1st Director Robbie Lear, P.E., L.S.I. rlear@sigmacg.com 225-298-0800 Vice President Ken Robichaux, P.E. krobicha@dps.state.la.us 225-925-4920 2nd Director Geoff Wilson, E.I. geoffatbhe@bellsouth.net 225-757-0558 Visit us on the web http://www.les-state.org/brchapter/ M ARCH / APRIL 2006 NEWSLETTER PAGE 5 LOUISIANA ENGINEERING SOCIETY M ARCH / APRIL 2006 NEWSLETTER BATON ROUGE CHAPTER PAGE 6