Paul S. Lietman Global Health Travel Fellowship for Residents and Fellows Application and Commitment Form (This form must be accompanied by a completed “Request for Elective Rotation” form with required attachments. GHPP Students must complete all *asterisked items*) Part 1 - Background Information 1.1 Identifying Information Applicant Name Last: First: Citizenship Citizenship: Select Citizenship If “Other” please specify VISA Type: Local Address Street: City: MI: State: Contact Information Zip: Email: Phone: 1.2 Rotation Related Information Training Program Status Department JHH Resident Fellow JHBMC Other, spec. Other, spec. NPI Employee Number Rotation Dates From: To: Rotation Location City: Global Health Pathways Program* If you are applying through the GHPP, please indicate your track: Select Track Country: Name, Title: Address: Faculty Reference: Email: Phone: 1.2 Please list any relevant publications and honors: 1.3 Previous overseas travel to developing countries for reasons other than vacation/tourism. -1Lietman Travel Fellowship Email questions to: Emily Combs Country Reason for travel Year Total Time -2Lietman Travel Fellowship Email questions to: Emily Combs Part 2 - Personal Statements 2.1 Career goals. Please describe your career goals/plans. (Maximum of 250 words) 2.2 Training goals. Please describe what you will be doing during your elective how you believe will help you achieve your training goals. This must be narrative and not a copy/paste of your ACGME training goals. (Maximum of 250 words) Part 3 – Funding Budget. Please identify the funding you will need to conduct the fellowship in your selected location. Note: Paul S. Lietman Global Travel Fellowships are capped at $5000. Please: 1) the sum of expenses in large categories should total the amount you are requesting; expenses beyond $5000 should not be included; 2) Use lines marked “Other” to present other required expenses, enter category in left column; 3) cite your source for estimating the amount; 4) enter expenses in USD. Budgets submitted indicate to reviewers the expected expenses but do not influence decisions regarding award amount. The primary consideration for award amount is duration of rotation. Typically, awardees in country for 4 weeks or less receive $3,500, 5-6 weeks can receive $4,000 and 6+ weeks are eligible to release the maximum of $5,000 (however, these are merely guidelines). Total Request Item Transportation Housing Food Other Other Source of Estimate Amount -3Lietman Travel Fellowship Email questions to: Emily Combs Part 4 - Other Funding Have you submitted an application for funding of this rotation from additional sources other than the Center for Global Health? No Yes If you have selected YES, please list and describe all. Source of Funding Amount Requested Status (Select) (SelectOne) (SelectOne) (SelectOne) -4Lietman Travel Fellowship Email questions to: Emily Combs Part 5 - Commitments Applicant: 4.1 Applicant agrees that if selected for this placement s/he will prepare a report within three months of his/her return from the rotation. Yes No 4.2 Applicant agrees that if selected for this placement s/he will present on their experience at the next Global Health Day following the completion of their rotation provided that they are still in training at Hopkins. Yes No 4.3 Applicant agrees that if selected for this placement s/he will submit a personal reflection statement and 5 high-resolution photos no later than 1 month after returning to Hopkins, and agrees to allow CGH the rights to publish said photographs along with appropriate photo credit attribution. Yes No 4.4 Applicant certifies agrees that if selected for this placement all appropriate vaccinations and other health requirements will be completed before departure to the field. Yes No 4.5 *GHPP applicant certifies to complete all Global Health Pathways Program specific requirements.** Not applicable for regular Lietman applicants. Yes No APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Signature of Application ______________ Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Application Instructions: Complete and save this application Print and sign this application form. Download (see web page), complete, and save the “Request for Elective Rotation” form as an electronic file; print the “Request for Elective Rotation” with all the required attachments. Have your residency director sign the RER form. Obtain one recommendation from your mentor or other faculty member at Hopkins. (see form) Please send: o Electronic, signed copy of the completed “Housestaff Travel Grant Application Form” and completed “Request for Elective Rotation” in MS Word. o Separate Word file with your rotation objectives as outlined in the “Request for Elective” o You or your recommender may send an electronic version of the recommendation form. GHPP applicants, are also required to submit approval from the Osler Medical Residency (S. Desai or N. Aggarwal) and an email to the GHPP Director, Yuka Manabe ( from: o Track 1: the country director (see webpage) o Track 2: the research supervisor Send all application materials by the due date to: -5Lietman Travel Fellowship Email questions to: Emily Combs