Mar00Envoy - Town & Gown Players


Town and Gown Players


March/April 2000

Comments, suggestions, or questions regarding the newsletter or membership?

Contact Eric Wagoner at 795-0205

Visit our website at

Upcoming Events

March 31, April 1-2, 6-9

Athens Community Theater

Much Ado About Nothing

Curtain at 8:15 with a 2:15 Sunday matinee. Call 208-TOWN for reservations, and see the feature story on this page.

April 3-4

Athens Community Theater

Auditions for Postmortem

Open auditions for the next Main

Stage show. See the story on this page for more information.

April 9

Athens Community Theater

Cleaning Day!

Come help "Spring Clean" the theater and enjoy a potluck picnic. 5pm, immediately after the final performance of Much Ado .

April 14-16

Athens Community Theater

Waiting For Godot

Second Stage presentation. No reservations required, but come early to get a seat.

April 10

Courtyard by Marriott

T&G Board of Directors Meeting

7:30pm. Open to all T&G members.

May 21

Athens Community Theater

T&G Membersip Meeting

5pm. Open to all T&G members.

A newsletter for Members of the Town and Gown Players

Much Ado About Nothing

In one of his more familiar yet controversial plays, Shakespeare explores trust between the sexes in Much Ado About Nothing .

This story was made into a blockbuster movie last decade by Kenneth Branaugh, and first time T&G director Bob Ives is sure to do the same for us on our stage. Bob Ives has both directed and acted in countless Shakespearian productions across the country, and was last seen at Town & Gown as "Stage Manager" in Our Town . He has assembled some of Athens' best talent to perform this story of love, comedy, brotherly betrayal, and a jostling pair determined to remain single.

The show runs March 31, April 1-2 and 6-9. Curtain is at 8:15 Thursday through

Saturday and 2:15 on Sunday. Tickets are $10 and under, and are available now by calling 208-TOWN for reservations.

Godot'll Be Here!

A country road. A tree. Evening.

So begins what the Royal National

Theater of London has proclaimed the most significant English language play of the last hundred years. It's been praised and despised, discussed and argued, but it's never been performed on the Town and Gown stage. The Second

Stage series will change that when it presents Waiting For Godot on Friday through Sunday, April 14-16.

This play requires superb actors, and of course Town & Gown is blessed with talent. Estragon and Vladimir will be played by Hue Henry and Bill Akin.

Pozzo and Lucky will be played by

Pamela Mitchell and Eric Wagoner. Bob

Harris is The Boy.

Eric's also directing the production, and his theme word is "accessible". Many interpretations have been written of this play, leading to many incomprehensible productions. Eric & company plan on presenting the play in an easy-to-follow open way to allow you to interpret it for yourself or simply enjoy it for what it is.

Curtain is 8:15 Friday and Saturday,

2:15 on Sunday. Reservations are not required and the box office will open an hour before curtain, so arrive early.

Auditions for Postmortem

Auditions for Postmortem will be held at the Theater Monday & Tuesday evenings (7:00 p.m.), April 3 & 4.

This mystery requires a cast of seven

(four women, three men). Various ages to be depicted--young adults, middleaged, and "advanced."

Both cold and "warm" (i.e., text available to be "looked over" before auditioning) readings. No singing or dancing; so wear constrictive clothing if you like.

Be willing to share the spotlight with

THE SET (a Neo-Gothic castle).

Strange things will happen.

Postmortem (by Ken Ludwig, author of

Lend Me A Tenor ) is set in early 1920's and deals with, *gasp*, ACTORS, of all things--those who perform staged versions of Sherlock Holmes Mysteries.

Other than the seven cast members, diector John Vance also needs a crackerjack backstage person, who will have many fun things to do during performances.

For further information, call John at 543-


Calling all Directors

Anyone interested in directing a

Mainstage show next year should get in contact with a member of the Play

Reading Committee. The committee is currently choosing a slate of plays to recommend to the board of directors for the 2000-2001 season. The committee will also be recommending directors to the board. To direct a T&G play you must have experience either as an assistant director of a Mainstage show or as director of a 2nd stage show or commensurate experience with another theater group. Please contact Allen

Rowell at 543-1199 or

The committee has its own website at

where you can view the plays under consideration and send emails to the committee members.

Renovation Report

The re-roofing of the building by the A-

CC Government began on Monday,

March 20 and is scheduled to be completed by the beginning of Much

Ado . This will mean that we will - or should - be leak free for the first time in several years! The canopy was removed on Saturday, March 18 and Crawford

Coal and Mattress Company is working on a new one, thanks to the generosity of the Town and Gown Guild. The new canopy should be up in three to four weeks. Please support the fine craftspersons who have done the renovation thus far: Bedell Construction,

Arnold's Abbey Carpets, MiriamWages

Wallpapering, and Thea Ellenberg


Spring Means Cleaning

The theater's getting cluttered and disorganized again, so it's time for our annualish Theater Cleaning Day. We invite everyone out for a potluck picnic dinner and a little manual labor on

Sunday, April 9 at 5pm (just after the last performance of Much Ado ). Many hands will make light work of organizing the storage sheds and loft and cleaning the stage and backstage and leave plenty of time to enjoy the Spring evening.

We'll arrange for hamburgers and hotdogs, so bring a little something else and come help make your theater shine.

The BoD has a seat for you!

Do you want to participate in your community theatre in a different way?

Are you organized and able to see the

"big picture"? Then T&G Board of

Directors wants you!! The Nominating

Committee, chaired by Jenn Webber, would like to hear from you if you wish to run for an elected position: President,

Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer.

Just email or call 227-1926 and let Jenn know of your interest.

The committee, composed of Jenn, Hue

Henry, Robin Taylor, Lynn Geiger, and

Mike Smith, will publish its nominees at the May membership meeting. Town &

Gown members may place other names in nomination then or at the July business meeting. Voting takes place in

July. Because of past difficulties with the hand-over of duties, current board members will stay near the job until late

September and incoming ones will do an

"internship" starting right after the elections.

Town & Gown Players

PO Box 565

Athens, GA 30603

Return Service Requested

La Bayadere

UGA Dance Department presents this ballet of love, passion, and treachery

(including a snake and a ghost) April 13-

16. Tickets are $10.00 adults; $5.00 for students and seniors. Town and Gowners

Janet Robertson (as Aya), Allen Rowell

(as The High Brahmin), and John Vance

(as The Pasha) appear. Thursday through

Saturday at 8:00 p.m.; Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at Tate

Center or at door one hour before curtain.

Membership Notes

A big welcome goes out to all of our new members! You will notice, old and new members alike, that your expiration date is on the mailing label of this

Envoy. Some of you will notice that your membership has expired, and if so, please take the time to renew. Dues are

$10 per year, and can be sent to Eric

Wagoner, 1105 Johnnie Chandler Rd,

Colbert 30628, or can be dropped off at the theater box office during Much Ado or Waiting For Godot . Besides this newsletter, being a member gets you discounts to shows, a free concession item with any ticket purchase, and voting rights at our July membership meeting.

Also, membership directories will be going out in a couple weeks (I mean it this time!), so if you have contact corrections or additions, please contact

Eric at 795-0205 or at

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