Name: _______________________ Period: ____ Sophomore English November 2015 Roll Assignments Monday, November 2nd Word of the Day: ruefully Definition: Part of speech: (adverb) Root word of the day: teg, meaning: __________________________________ Examples: integrity, integrate, disintegrate Fill in the correct information about To Kill a Mockingbird: The three main characters who are kids are (include the characters’ real FULL names and their nick-names): ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ The book takes place in the town of ____________________, in the state of Alabama, in the 19_____’s Write what titles you would give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 1: _________________________________________________________ Chapter 2: _________________________________________________________ Chapter 3: _________________________________________________________ Tuesday, November 3rd Word of the Day: dry Definition: Part of speech: (adjective) Root word of the day: firm, meaning: ____________________________________ Examples: infirmity, infirm, confirm, confirmation, affirm, affirmative Fill in the blanks correctly based on what you know from the overview of the novel and what you’ve read: Scout’s father is named: ______________. His job is that he is a ________________. To help him raise the children since his wife (Scout and Jem’s mother) died, the family has a black housekeeper, cook, and nanny who is named ________________. The mysterious neighbor who fascinates Jem and Scout in Part I of the book has the real first name Arthur, but his nick-name is ________ and his last name is ____________. Atticus is going to defend an innocent black man named _______ ________________ in Part II of the book, who was falsely accused of raping a white girl named ________________ Ewell. Her father, _____________ Ewell, also claims he saw Atticus’s innocent client commit the crime. Wednesday, November 4th Word of the Day: furtive Definition: Part of speech: (adjective) Root words of the day: val, valid, meaning: ____________________________________ Examples: invaluable, evaluate, invalid, validate, valor Write what titles you would give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 4: _________________________________________________________ Chapter 5: _________________________________________________________ Thursday, November 5th Word of the Day: infantile Definition: Part of speech: (adjective) Root word of the day: put, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: reputation, compute, computer, computation, impute, dispute Friday, November 6th Word of the Day: statute Definition: Part of speech: (noun) Root words of the day: sent, sens, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: sentimental, sensation, sensible Write what title you would give to this chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 6: _____________________________________________________________ Monday, November 9th Word of the Day: vehement Definition: Part of speech: (adjective) Root word of the day: fid, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: confident, confidante, fidelity, infidel Tuesday, November 10th Word of the Day: wary Definition: Part of speech: (adjective) Root words of the day: cred, creed, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: creed, credible, incredible, credit, discredit, incredulous, incredulity Write what titles you would give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 7: _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 8: _____________________________________________________________ Thursday, November 12th Word of the Day: wryly Definition: Part of speech: (adverb) Root word of the day: milita, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: military, militarize, militant, militia Write what titles you’d give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 9: _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 10:_____________________________________________________________ Friday, November 13th Word of the Day: apprehension Definition: Part of speech: (noun) Root word of the day: soc, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: social, asocial, socialize, sociable, antisocial, society, associate, association Monday, November 16th Word of the Day: chiffarobe Definition: Part of speech: (noun) Root word of the day: compan, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: company, companion, accompaniment Write what title you’d give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 11: _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 12: _____________________________________________________________ Tuesday, November 17th Word of the Day: constructionalist Definition: Part of speech: (noun) Root word of the day: capita, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: capital, capitalize, decapitate Write what titles you’d give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 13: _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 14: _____________________________________________________________ Wednesday, November 18th Word of the Day: ground-itch Definition: Part of speech: (noun) Root word of the day: ora, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: oral, oratory, orator, oration, oracle Thursday, November 19th Word of the Day: lavations Definition: Part of speech: (noun) Root words of the day: man, manu, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: manufacture, manual, emancipate Write what titles you’d give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 15: _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 16: _____________________________________________________________ Friday, November 20th Word of the Day: mollified Definition: Part of speech: (adjective) Root word of the day: ling, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: multilingual, linguistic Monday, November 23rd Word of the Day: neutrality Definition: Part of speech: (noun) Root word of the day: jubil, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: jubilee, jubilant Write what titles you’d give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 17: _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 18: _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 19: _____________________________________________________________ Tuesday, November 24th Word of the Day: perpetual Definition: Part of speech: (adjective) Root word of the day: hilar, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: hilarity, exhilarating Write what titles you’d give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 20: _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 21: _____________________________________________________________ Wednesday, November 25th Word of the Day: pilgrimage Definition: Part of speech: (noun) Root words of the day: frug, frugi, meaning: ______________________________ Examples: fruitful, frugal, frugivore, frugivorous Write what titles you’d give to these chapters of To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapter 22: _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 23: _____________________________________________________________