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Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________ Period: ________
Chapter Ten: Launching the New Ship of State
1789 to 1800
1. What vision did Washington have for the creation of the Cabinet? Who was a
part of George Washington’s first cabinet?
2. Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution? Describe the significance
of #9 & #10.
3. What role did the Judiciary Act of 1789 play in shaping our judicial system?
Who was our country’s first Chief Justice?
4. What was Alexander Hamilton’s advice in regards to the national debt? What
was Hamilton’s rationale for this plan?
5. How did the states respond to Hamilton’s plan? What was the plan that was used
to entice Virginia to support Hamilton’s plan?
6. Describe the rationale for the Excise Tax.
7. Compare Jefferson’s and Hamilton’s view in regards to creating a national bank?
Which side did Washington eventually support?
8. What issues contributed to the Whiskey Rebellion? How did the federal
government respond? What was the overall significance of the aftermath of the
Whiskey Rebellion?
9. What factors led to the development of a multi-political party system?
10. How did the US (more specifically Jefferson and Hamilton) view the French
11. Describe the significance of George Washington’s 1793 Neutrality Proclamation.
How did the Proclamation lead to the Genet Affair?
12. What was Great Britain’s role with the conflict between the Miami Confederacy
and the Colonists around the Great Lakes? What was the significance of the
Treaty of Greenville?
13. Describe the pros and cons of the Jay Treaty. What role did it play in regards to
the Pinckney Treaty? Explain the significance of the Pinckney Treaty?
14. What two important pieces of advice did Washington offer in his Farewell
15. 1796 Presidential Election
John Adams
Thomas Jefferson
Generalizations on how Adams won:
# of Electoral Votes
16. What issues led to the XYZ affair? Explain its significance in regards to relations
with France.
17. How was the Convention of 1800 agreement beneficial to both the US and
18. Explain the role of each of the following acts in hopes of increasing support for
the Federalists Party.
-Alien Act
-Sedition Act
-Naturalization Act
19. Explain the significance of the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. What was the
Compact Theory? What does nullification mean?
20. List characteristics of the Federalist and Democratic-Republican political parties.
Democratic Republicans