
10g New Features (R)
Partner Solutions
320 (CC)
313 A (CC) T200
This is a technical update on 10g RDBMS New Features. With a focus on
Administrative Features that will be of use to the Banner DBA.
Erica Daniel, Technical Team Leader, Oracle
5.1/3.1 Enhancement - Admissions
307 A (CC) M130
Learn the latest about EPS Codes, Applicant Interest Level, Duplicate Checking,
Inquiry and Applicant Stage Tracking, and how these features can enhance your
recruitment! Admissions Roundtable Discussion
Jennifer Taylor, Consultant, SunGard SCT
7.0 Reporting Services [624]
307 A (CC) T730
Explanation of how reporting services will be used in the PowerCAMPUS 7.0
release to transform the user experience with reporting.
Daniel Mongeluzi, Development Manager, SunGard SCT; Steven Wlodarczyk, Senior
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
A Beginner's Introduction to SQL
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge II (H)
SQL is often the quickest and most flexible way to retrieve information from the
Oracle tables underlying Banner. It also forms the basis for most reporting
software, which often allows the user to edit the SQL that the software
generates. This session will help a user with no previous experience using SQL
understand the way that SQL works and learn how to create and edit simple SQL
scripts. Beginning with a basic "SELECT FROM WHERE EQUALS" script, this session
will then discuss other comparison operators such as IN, NOT IN, LIKE and NOT
LIKE. The use of EXISTS and NOT EXISTS will also be shown.
Bob Marr, Senior Data Analyst, Michigan Tech Fund
A Culture of Accountability
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
306 B (CC) M1100
How is your institution responding to increased demands for accountability? Can
you prove your institutional effectiveness? Are faculty documenting student
learning outcomes? Is assessment a critical activity on your campus? In this
session, the external pressures affecting academic assessment processes on your
campuses will be examined, and a model for aligning assessment efforts will be
Peggi Munkittrick, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
A Leader's Learning Agenda
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
320 (CC)
There are certain roles, skills, and abilities required for campus leaders to be
successful. These characteristics will be reviewed with the audience.
Participants will be asked to (individually) assess their performance in these
crucial areas. A key element of this session is the identification of pitfalls
that must be avoided as one moves up in an organization. The session is
targeted to mid- and higher-level managers and directors who wish to have a
positive impact within their campus and beyond. The content will describe a
"learning agenda" for campus representatives who are in, or aspire to, positions
of greater responsibility and influence.
Larry Goldstein, President, Campus Strategies
A Leap to Banner in 18 Months [301]
Coral Lounge I (H)
Northwest Missouri State University leaped to Banner in 18 months without
conversion kits and with very little conversion consulting help. In most ways we
found that the SCT Banner project was like working with a totally different
vendor than the one we knew as our SCT Plus vendor. Of course the Oracle
database software was a new and very different environment. Since Northwest had
a mandate not to modify any purchased code there were expectations that that
many business practices would have to be modified to fit Banner. This hasn’t
been the case and efforts were completed to build peripheral modules to continue
old business practices. In most cased they were justified to keep student and
alumni friendly processes.
Jon Rickman, VP of Information Systems, Northwest Missouri State University;
Girija Chavala, CIS Manager, Northwest Missouri State University; John Clayton,
Co-Project Manager, Northwest Missouri State University
A Look Inside eLearning Integration [522]
SCT Plus
Iolani Suites V, VI & VII (H) M730
Learn about the Plus LDI events, consolidated extract process, and on demand
synchronization process and how they are used to update e-Learning systems. A
technical overview will be given on the Learning Message Gateway and Luminis
Message Broker.
Paula Owlett, Development Manager, SunGard SCT; Kirk Bunte, Consultant, SunGard
A Real-time Data Exchange Solution
Partner Solutions
309 (CC)
Last year, a solution for real-time data exchange between the WebCT Vista™
academic enterprise system and SunGard SCT student information systems was
announced. The solution dramatically eases customers’ administrative burdens,
fosters scalability, and gives students seamless access to their important
campus systems. SunGard SCT achieves the integration with its Luminis Data
Integration Solution for e-Learning. In this session, attendees will hear about
the benefits of the SunGard SCT and WebCT Vista integration. We will discuss how
real-life institutions, including Marshall University, are reaping the
efficiencies and effectiveness that real-time data exchange can deliver,
including automatic class roster assembly and grades transfer
Jose Cabrera, Senior Director Strategic Alliances, WebCT; Allen Taylor, Director
IT Research Planning & Standards, Marshall University
A Student's History At-a-Glance
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
326 B (CC) T730
As it implemented its Matrix SSS 2.4.3 module this last year, the University of
Chicago needed to accommodate its policies of tracking and administering a large
and diverse population of doctoral students. Because of the unique nature of
these policies, a customized solution was designed to be integrated with the
Matrix SSS product. This solution allows all University students, not just
doctoral students, to be tracked on a term by term basis, from the point of
application through graduation, with detailed coding on their statuses each
term. As the first client to go-live with Matrix SSS, the University of
Chicago's customization of its "Term Record" provides an example to other
clients of how the product can be enhanced.
Andrew Hannah, Sr. Assoc. Univ. Registrar, University of Chicago
A Top Down Approach to e-Procurement
Partner Solutions
318 A (CC) M730
This session will identify ways for finance and procurement professionals to
have a profound influence on the way procurement is done on campus, resulting in
large savings as well as advancing customer service for faculty, staff and
researchers. It will speak to the difficulties of influencing change,
particularly automation, on a campus environment and the ways that technology
could be used as a “carrot” and not a “stick”. It will also show how senior
executives can play a meaningful role in making the automation initiative
successful, and how senior managers can use that support to effect positive
change. Finally, it will speak to how automation can be used to further
strategic goals, including better spend management, reporting, analysis and
information sharing.
Dorrian Porter, Vice President-Higher Education, SciQuest; Tim Gibney, Asst Vice
President Procurement Services, University of Notre Dame
ABC's of PowerFAIDS Report Writer
Financial Aid/PowerFAIDS
307 A (CC) U330
This training session would instruct the user in creating standard and custom
reports in order to keep a pulse on the students needs/awards while staying
within the awarding guidelines of the institutional policies. Audience: Neophyte
to casual report writer user. Version: PowerFAIDS 10.1 Experience: Have used
PowerFAIDS since its inception in 1997.
Tamara Christopher, Product Consultant, SunGard SCT
Academic Standing Award Wizard
Academic Records
303 A (CC) M130
This session is designed to assist the new user in obtaining a better
understanding of the functionality of the Academic Standing Tree wizard. The
initial setup and then subsequent management of the Academic Standing Tree can
for the new user appear to be a daunting task that may be left to the IT
department. Academic Records Roundtable
Kenneth Foshee, Senior PowerCAMPUS Consultant, SunGard SCT
Accessing Admissions Data in Plus
SCT Plus
Coral Lounge V (H)
This session will show attendees how to access and gather Admissions data from
SIS Plus using a common database program, Microsoft Access 2003. The SIS data
is reached by using the Connx 8 software. Attendees will see how to link tables
from SIS into Access, how to utilize Make Table and Select queries to gather
large amounts of Admissions applicant data for reporting purposes, how to import
and export data into and out of Access for mass mailing and emailing purposes
and how to create and modify user requested reports.
Darin Junck, Director of Technology & Systems Analyst, College of Charleston
Account Creation Management
303 A (CC) T730
Account creation across the platforms. How we (mis)manage Win2003 (Active
Directory), IQ.Web, and PowerCAMPUS account creation.
Michael Extine, Account Creation Management, Saint Martin's College
Action Rules to Automate Your Shop
307 A (CC) T1130
SCT PowerCAMPUS: Actions Rules to Automate you office and their contact with its
constituents. After you have set up your scheduled actions what is the next
step to automatically add those scheduled actions to specific people or
Kathy Thomas, Director of Financial Aid and Admissions Records, Saint Paul
School of Theology
Adapt Banner to OpenEAI Messaging (HOT)
SCT Banner SCT Luminis Data Integration Suite
319 B (CC) W900 & W1030
This session we will discuss SunGard SCT's deployment and orchestration
framework to make Banner message-aware, for an OpenEAI enterprise. LDI for eProcurement is built on the OpenEAI protocol and foundation software. The
session will include an interactive workshop on adding a new message to banner,
AppGen EO customizations for the new message, adding the new message sets to LDI
services and/or LDI configurations and synchronizing with a sample enterprise.
This session is a continuation of 'e-Procurement Integration - Technical
Overview. This session will be given in two back-to-back segments, with a 30
minute break in between.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Ajay Yeluri, Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Adapt Behavior for Team Performance 
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
Honolulu III (H) T200
This workshop will explore how the major goals, fears, decision styles,
strengths and limitations of four different behavioral styles of members in a
group relate to team performance. Actual experiences, behavioral styles and
team dynamics of an implementation team working with a SCT SunGard product will
add true life application to how one can effectively adapt behavior to improve
and accelerate a team’s performance.
Kim Momballou, Registrar, Gloucester County College; Gwen Burbank, Practice
Director, SunGard SCT
Add Housing to Student Self Service [502]
SCT Plus
Honolulu II (H)
College of Charleston recently purchased and implemented SCT's Housing module
for SIS Plus. The Housing Office immediately recognized a need for web access by
students to several Housing features. We made local modifications to Student
Self-Service to add submission of the Housing Application and display of the
students' housing assignments.
Sylvia Burwell, Programmer/Analyst III, College of Charleston; Richard Moss,
Programmer/Analyst III, College of Charleston; Tavia Sessoms, Director of
Housing Assignments, College of Charleston
Add PL/SQL + SQLLDR script 2 jobsub [018]
SCT Banner General
316 A (CC) W1030
How CSUMB has added PL/SQL scripts to job submission. These jobs use Banner
Security. These jobs can be printed on any Banner printer. These jobs can obtain
run time parameters. How CSUMB has added SQLLDR scripts to job submission.
Steven Rubin, Banner Guru, CSU Monterey Bay
Adhoc Reporting Using Access (HOT)
SCT Banner Financial Aid
319 A (CC) T200
The purpose of this session is to show you how you, as an office, can be as
self-sufficient as possible and not rely on other departments when you need
information. For example, Access allows Financial Aid to track students through
the process without looking at all the student’s paper documents that have
applied. Another example would be to verify information like who has graduated
in a particular major. Access allows you to get the information you need to
make an informed decision based on facts.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Eric Priest, Asst Director of Information Systems-F/A Office, The University of
Admission Weekly Recruiting Rosters [546]
SCT Plus
317 B (CC) T1130
Share one institution's version of reporting from a manual process to an
automated process which includes:
1. Printed and web/html recruiting rosters, database, and email distribution
for each admission counselor, sport, and academic department.
2. Weekly report of statistics by recruiting term, admission application, and
Hilary Seif, Admission Technology Coordinator, Otterbein College; Debbie Crouse,
Administrative Computing Specialist, Otterbein College
Advance Registration by Bidding
SCT Matrix Advanced Registration Mgmt
302 B (CC) T900
The University of Chicago has used the Advance Registration Management and its
predecessor, Course Bidding System tools for enrolling its Undergraduate
students for the last four years.
This session will explain how this tool was
chosen for the University of Chicago including the then uncommon plan to use the
interest expressed by students in the courses they wished to take to manage and
arrange the course offerings. Included will be examples of the reports and logs
prepared by the system for consideration by senior University administrators,
screen shots of the tools as implemented at Chicago, and a list of enhancements
we are working on as the new version of the tool, ARM 2.4.3 is brought on-line.
Andrew Hannah, Sr. Assoc. Univ. Registrar, University of Chicago
Advance Use of Scheduled Actions
307 A (CC) T900
This session will examine how the Registrar's Office can make use of Scheduled
Actions to enhance communication with not only students, but also faculty. To
identify target populations, the Registrar's Office needs to use Vista Views
rather than just system defined Mailing Lists. In addition, the Registrar's
Office should incorporate the use of MailMerge to Email as an efficient means of
targeting communication with students and, especially, faculty. This will be an
advance discussion to demonstrate concepts and techniques. Attendees should
have a basic understanding of Action ID setups and MailMerge setup within
Microsoft Word.
Kenneth Foshee, Senior PowerCAMPUS Consultant, SunGard SCT
Advanced Oracle SQL Reporting [216]
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge IV (H)
Expand your reporting capabilities when using native Oracle SQL syntax and
functions. Attendees will learn to use SQL's built-in total and sub-total
functions, as well as how to display nearly any set of rows as columns. In
addition, a closer look will be given to aggregate and analytic functions to
explore sub-group computations and the ability to access more than one row of a
table at the same time. For entry/intermediate users of Oracle SQL.
Daniel Branch, Programmer/Analyst, Hawaii Pacific University
Advanced Templating in Luminis CMS [398]
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
307 B (CC) W1030
Discuss advanced topics in web page templating using the Luminis Content
Management Suite. Web developers and IT staff will see how complex, interactive
sites can be developed using Luminis Content Management. Two template
applications will be demonstrated: accessing relational databases in realtime
from web sites and managing news articles campus-wide. Relevant technologies in
HTML, PHP, and JSP will be discussed.
Travis Jensen, Architect and Development Manager-Luminis Content Management
Suite, SunGard SCT
Advancement Best Practices
SCT Banner Advancement
317 A (CC) W1200
Advancement users share best practices and lessons learned.
Kevin Davidson, Technologist, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Advancement Business Content in ODS [305]
SCT Banner Advancement
326 A (CC) W1200
Discuss the business content of Advancement and it's representation in the
Operational Data Store (ODS) and Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW).
Look at how
information is represented in ODS and EDW and how it got there from Banner.
look at sample types of reports that can be generated from ODS & EDW based on
the business content.
Look at how the ODS & EDW can be enhanced to support
additional operational reporting needs. (Information Access Maturity Level: 3)
Pam Rollins, Product Manager-Banner Advancement, SunGard SCT
Advancement Extract & Load Process
SCT Banner Advancement
318 B (CC) M730
This session will review the utilization of the Advancement extract and load
processes. The process steps and review forms will be included in the session.
Carla Norris, Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT; Scott Geiser, Senior Advisory
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Advancement New Clients & First-time Attendees
SCT Banner Advancement
320 (CC)
Banner Advancement new clients or if you are attending Summit for the first time
join SunGard SCT Advancement team and your peers to learn more about services
and resources available to you as a SunGard SCT client. Learn the variety of
opportunities provided during Summit as we share ideas and tips on how to
traverse your first Summit conference.
Pam Rollins, Product Manager-Banner Advancement, SunGard SCT
Advancement Self-Service at WSU
SCT Banner Advancement
328 (CC)
This session will include a live demonstration and technical step by step
instructions on how to develop an Advancement Self-Service environment. This
“One Stop” information environment will not only focus on SCT’s search tools,
but also provide examples of additional resources that can be embedded into this
site such as: user guides, development website links, forms, archived reports
and custom built search queries. With all resources centrally available, easily
accessible and in a simple user format, this “One Stop” Self-Service Environment
is a beneficial tool for all Development users. The intended audiences for this
session are SCT Banner Advancement users and Luminus 6.0 developers.
Bissy Boby, Systems Integrator, Wayne State University; Christine Andrews,
Director of Information Services, Wayne State University
Advancement Tips and Tricks
SCT Banner Advancement
Tapa III (H)
This session will feature a panel of SunGard SCT consultants sharing their tips
and tricks to help you get the most out of you Banner Advancement system. This
session is designed for all Advancement attendees. Every participant is sure to
leave with at least one good tip that can be instituted at their institution.
Andy Kearney, Product Lead Consultant, SunGard SCT
Advancement Workflow Differences (BOF)
SCT Banner Advancement
Iolani Suites V, VI & VII (H) T1130
When you think of workflow you immediately think about systematic, diagrammable,
easy to configure behaviors that work like a machine in lock-step. But, fund
raisers and fund raising do not operate in that kind of environment. So, to
anticipate workflow as a viable application, Advancement has to identify work
functions that require a different approach. This BOF will suggest some ideas
about what the differences are and seek your ideas about what the differences
are and how you are using workflow. This session will be mutually beneficial to
colleagues and Banner developers.
Jonathan Lindsey, AVP-Donor & Information Services, Baylor University
Advancement's VSE Report
SCT Banner Advancement
304 B (CC) M730
The Voluntary Support of Education (VSE) report is the standard for benchmarking
advancement results. The report is prepared so that the institution may
establish a fundraising history and use the compiled fundraising data to compare
itself to its peer institutions. This session will give the attendee an
understanding of the structure of the VSE report and will cover the Banner setup
needed to produce an accurate report.
Gay Donohoo, Director of Development Information Services, Texas Christian
Advising Early Warning System [017]
SCT Banner Student
316 B (CC) T730
As a first step toward reengineering the student advising process at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, we set out to establish an early warning system to make
it easy for faculty and staff to identify students at potential risk, in order
to provide additional learning assistance or other assistance, and notify
resources that can help. This presentation is aimed at both the functional
staff responsible for the Faculty Self Service product as well as the technical
staff which supports it. This session will cover the functional requirements
considered in building the system, a live demonstration and a technical
description of how the system was implemented.
Mark Sullivan, Associate Director, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Jason
Glose, Applications Analyst/Programmer, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Algorithmic Packaging Requirements (BOF)
SCT Banner Financial Aid
Tapa III (H)
This session will review the requirements for Algorithmic Packaging within the
SCT Banner Financial Aid solution.
Rhonda Allen, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Aloha Fitness Class (R) ♥
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Hilton Beachfront
Hilton Beachfront
Hilton Beachfront
Talk about fun! This is dynamic, motivational movement class that includes a
combination of aerobic exercise, resistance training, balance exercise, agility
drills, and lots of chants. Regardless of your fitness level, emphasis is placed
on exercising safely, having fun, and completing the challenge. This class will
also teach you how to effectively exercise in the great outdoors without
equipment. We finish with gentle stretching exercises to incorporate the
complete mind/body experience. Do not miss this one-of-a-kind workout and you
will be energized all day!
Todd Durkin, Fitness Expert, Todd Durkin Enterprises
An Enlightening Experience
SCT Banner Technical
303 B (CC) W900
SCT Banner enlighten by CAST is an application warehouse created by SCT using
the CAST Application Mining Suite. The warehouse contains an automated analysis
of baseline Banner including database objects such as tables, views, functions,
and packages, and application objects such as forms, C and COBOL programs, and
HTML files. The tool provides a technical view of the Banner infrastructure. We
will demonstrate the use of Enlighten and discuss how we have used it to analyze
the Advancement system as part of our conversion and to gain a better
understanding of all the Banner systems
Mark Noll, Senior Systems Analyst, Pacific Lutheran University; Chris Sanders,
Director of Computing, Pacific Lutheran University
An Overview of PowerCAMPUS 6.0 Beta [634]
Finance/Great Plains
307 A (CC) T200
This presentation will include an overview of PowerCAMPUS 6.0 Beta and it's
functionality in both the traditional and nontraditional college environment.
question and answer session will follow.
Carol Carrere, Project Chair, Mount Olive College; William Canuette Jr., Project
Vice Chairman, Mount Olive College; Gary Cox, Data Base Administrator, Mount
Olive College; David Bourgeois, Registrar, Mount Olive College; Heather
Turlington, Manager of Information Processing, Mount Olive College; Diane
Graham, Manager Student Accounts, Mount Olive College
Application of Payments Explained  [156]
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
The purpose of the session is to explain and educate users about the accounts
receivable application of payments process and the possible consequences of
certain decisions. This process has a profound affect on the balancing of A/R
and billing. It continues to confuse clients and cause issues for them. The
session should help users to better understand what's happening behind the
scenes in Banner A/R. I will also cover the unapplication of payments process
and the affect of how detail code set up affects both of these processes. This
session is for new and existing functional users.
Dennis Wilson, Principal Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
Approval Queues Made Easy 
SCT Banner Finance
312 (CC)
In this session, we will discuss a step-by-step process for establishing
approval queues in Banner 6.0. We have effectively been using them since July
2001 and have over 2,000 queues utilizing both rule class and fund/org security
for requisitions and journal entries. We will provide screen shots and
explanations for various forms discussed.
Ann-Marie Gabel, Manager-Fiscal Affairs, North Orange County CCD; Lexi Donovan,
Campus Accounting Manager, North Orange County CCD
AR - The Student/Finance Connection 
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
Overview: 1. Present the areas of Banner Accounts Receivable where Student and
Non-Student data are intermingled. 2. Discuss the impacts of this on Student and
Finance business and Banner processes. 3. Discuss alternatives that WSU
considered to resolve issues we encountered. 4. Discuss how Wayne State resolved
issues we encountered.
Lyndia Oudeh, Applications Project Leader, Wayne State University; Carmen Coon,
Applications Project Leader, Wayne State University
AR Recon and Non-Banner Finance 
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
314 (CC)
Banner provides standard reports that can be used to reconcile the accounts
receivable system. This session will discuss those reports, using them for
reconciling the AR system and then using those to match with finance. This
session will walk-through the TGRRCON report column by column so the audience
will understand what they are working with. It will review the parameters for
the job and what they mean. The presentation will then review the relationship
between TGRAGES and TGRRCON and the General Ledger and TGRRCON. How TGRAGES can
be used to assist in researching discrepancies. The session will also review
the circumstances under which the jobs should be run. Also, this session will
highlight common reconciliation issues that occur and methods of troubleshooting
and resolving out of balance conditions.
Rose Most, Principal Student Consultant, SunGard SCT
Are You Ready for Banner 7.0? [285]
SCT Banner SCT Services
316 B (CC) W1030
The main focus of the presentation is to highlight SunGard SCT services to
support the release of Banner 7.0. With this presentation, we wish to reinforce
the position that SunGard SCT is a complete solutions provider, not just an ERP
software provider for the HE market. Banner 7.0 is an evolutionary change in
product direction, and while the main technology changes are transparent to the
end user, there are features and functions that would affect the way
institutions utilize Banner within the UDC. Services have been built and
developed to assist our clients in taking advantage of the Banner 7.0 changes.
Reuben Gatmaitan, Project Director, SunGard SCT
Ask the Financial Aid Experts [144]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
316 C (CC) M730
Please join other SCT Banner Financial Aid users and SunGard SCT Banner
Financial Aid employees in an open sharing forum. We all have differing levels
of expertise and can help each other by answering questions. It is also the
opportunity to network and find other schools that may be able to help you
throughout the year.
Rhonda Allen, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Assessment Made Easy!
All Solutions
SCT TracDat by Nuventive
306 B (CC) T200
The intended audience is for those higher education professionals who are
struggling with planning and assessment practices for their institution. The
product that this session will highlight is SCT Trac DAT Nuventive. Delgado
Community College has 16,600 students with close to 1500 faculty and staff. The
efforts to implement and maintain planning and assessment in an environment of
this size has been difficult. SCT SunGard provided our college community with a
very practical solution. An online asssessment platform. The product provides
a database rich with all of the assessment plans of the programs and departments
at the college.
In addition, the database provides several reports that
affords the institution valuable documentation to indicate the college embraces
continuous quality improvement. This presentation will provide practical
application of assessment using the SCT SunGard Trac Dat software.
Iva Bergeron, Director of Institutional Effectiveness/Accreditation Liaison,
Delgado Community College
Assessment Rules In-Depth  [635]
Billing and Cash Receipts
303 A (CC) T1130
This is an advanced session on designing and implementing assessment rules in
PowerCAMPUS. A “behind-the-scenes” look at the Assessment Rule Setup will
describe how the interface options affect the calculation of student bills.
Discussion will include the default tables, fields, and joins involved when
assessment rules are created through the interface, as well as the use of Custom
SQL to create institution-specific rules. Testing and troubleshooting will also
be covered
Chrissy Wheeler, Applications Programmer/Analyst, Hood College
Assignments to USOE
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
306 B (CC) T1130
The primary purpose of this session will be to provide an insight to identifying
Perkins Student Loan accounts to assign to the Dept. of Education. The session
will provide procedures in assigning accounts and the process for completing the
Federal Perkins Loan Program/NDSL Assignment Form.
Vicki Schulhauser, Student Services Supervisor, Washington State University;
Nichelle Stevens, Loan Analyst, Fayetteville State University
At Your Service - Plus Web Emp & Alum
SCT Plus
Honolulu II (H)
This session will provide an overview of the features of the Plus Employee Self
Service and Alumni Self Service applications, and how they interface with the
Plus HRS and ADS systems. The Plus Self Service applications enable your
employees and alumni to access their information at any time, and free your
administrators from having to enter this data. You'll see how easy it is to use
the Self Service applications, which information you can choose to allow people
to view and update, and where the information can be viewed in the HRS and ADS
systems. This session is for anyone who wants to learn about the features
provided by the Plus Employee and Alumni Self Service applications
Sandy Cummings, Principal Technical Writer, SunGard SCT
At Your Service - Plus Web Stu & Fac
SCT Plus
304 B (CC) M130
This session will provide an overview of the features of the Plus Student Self
Service and Faculty Self Service applications, and how they interface with the
Plus SIS system. The Plus Self Service applications enable your students and
faculty to access their information at any time, and free your administrators
from having to enter this data. You'll see how easy it is to use the SelfService applications, which information you can choose to allow people to view
and update, and where the information can be viewed in the SIS system. This
session is for anyone who wants to learn about the features provided by the Plus
Student and Faculty Self Service applications.
Sandy Cummings, Principal Technical Writer, SunGard SCT
Automate Banner Jobs Using AppWorx
Partner Solutions
325 B (CC)
This informative presentation will show you how automating Banner (v5, v6, v7)
batch jobs eliminates manual effort, resulting in faster, more accurate
processing with reduced latency and less downtime. Learn how to streamline and
error-proof tasks like Disbursements, Payroll, Letter Generation, etc. Automate
output distribution, so the data arrives in the hands of the person who needs
it, when they need it. View job status online from any web browser; no more
logging-in to check files to determine process completion. Create complex
dependencies between Banner jobs, so that a job runs only after another has
completed. Find out why so many institutions rely on AppWorx to automate,
integrate and accelerate their Banner processing.
Reeve Fernades, Application Solutions Specialist, AppWorx Corporation
Automated Payroll Gift Deductions
SCT Banner Advancement
Honolulu I (H)
This integrated process saves time, resources and reduces errors by
automatically creating a gift and applying it to a pledge in the advancement
module once it has been deducted by payroll. This session will outline the
steps needed to implement the Automated Payroll Gift Deduction process in SCT
Banner. Target Audience: Includes both Advancement and Payroll users who are
in the process of or thinking about implementing this process.
Christine Andrews, Director of Information Services for Development and Alumni
Affairs, Wayne State University
Automated Telecounseling on Banner
SCT Banner Student
301 B (CC) M1100
This year, the University of St. Francis was faced with converting its’
automated telecounseling data and scripts from the Exeter system to the Banner
6.0 system for the Call Center. We will show you how we used the SOAAPPT,
SPACMNT and SRARECR screens to implement the automation of the Call Center
telecounseling in Banner 6.0. We also noted that everything we did in Banner
6.0 had to be user friendly for the admissions counselors since they would be
working in the same screens in their recruiting efforts. We accomplished this
task through a joint effort of the user group from the Call Center and the
university’s Banner IT group working together. We met both the inbound and
outbound Call Center telecounseling needs, in addition to the admissions
counselors’ requirements
Nancy Clodi, Director-Call Center, University of St. Francis;
Automated Test Harness For API
SCT Banner Technical
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
As part of the Banner 7.0 API project, SunGard SCT developed an in-house
automated API unit test harness that provides a robust, repeatable, portable
testing methodology that can be used by developers and technically-savvy
consultants. The test cases for the SCT Banner API Create, Update and Delete
signatures are created using a Microsoft Word template. The session will
include a demonstration of the test harness using APIs delivered in Banner 7.0
and will cover test case construction, execution, analysis of results and
identification and correction of problems. While the API unit test harness is
not a supported SCT tool, SCT is making the test harness available to clients
who may find it helpful in the development and testing of their own custom APIs
Ganesh Shanmuganathan, Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Automating Your Communication Plan
SCT Banner Student
301 A (CC) W1200
Does the size of your office staff make it impossible to send follow up letters?
Would you like certain types of communications to automatically be sent to
Kimberly Saving-Sherman, Senior Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Automation of Contracts and Appts
SCT Banner Human Resources
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
As part of ongoing development efforts with SCT Banner, SunGard SCT is
investigating bridging the gap between Banner Student class schedule assignments
and Banner HR for the creation of contract/compensation/job assignment records.
In this open discussion, we will brainstorm potential requirements and needs for
this functionality.
Charles Westfall, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT;
Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Autopackaging for the Adventuresome [612]
Financial Aid/PowerFAIDS
307 A (CC) M930
Ellen Jetto, Senior
This training session would instruct the user in streamlining their awarding
process by utilizing the power of Automatic Packaging of financial aid awards
including institutional awards which could entail multiple requirements for
eligibility. This is a process that is often embraced in the second or third
year of using the financial aid solution. Audience: Average to Advanced
PowerFAIDS user. Version: PowerFAIDS 10.1 Experience: Have used PowerFAIDS
since its inception in 1997.
Tamara Christopher, Product Consultant, SunGard SCT
A-Z of Banner Upgrade Planning
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge II (H)
Over the course of 6 years, McGill has implemented numerous upgrades, moving
from version 3.x to the current 6.2. We have developed a comprehensive
methodology covering all aspects of the upgrade process. This session will cover
such key points as selecting a reasonable upgrade date, organizing teams,
selecting versions, creating the technical infrastructure, re-applying local
modifications, testing, and the actual go-live. A common factor throughout the
process is a detailed communication plan.
This session will be of interest to
anyone involved in managing or implementing Banner upgrades. Of special note, we
will outline how our methodology is expanding to handle the additional
challenges posed by Banner 7.
Tony Pfarrer, Manager-Change Control and Quality Assurance, McGill University
(ISR); Shelly Feran, Enterprise Architect, McGill University (NCS)
Banner & Kronos - Data Interfacing
SCT Banner Human Resources
301 A (CC) W1030
This presentation will provide an overview of the tools and techniques used to
exchange employee data between SCT Banner HR and Kronos at The George Washington
University. Payroll administrators, application development professionals,and
managers who are currently using or considering the use of Kronos with Banner
will benefit from this presentation. We will discuss Banner baseline and custom
objects that are necessary for the exchange as well as the Kronos Connect 5.0
application and how it is used as a bridge for data transfer. A process model
currently being used at GWU will be shown with a breakdown of its components
such as Banner jobs, connect links, interfaces, and error reporting processes.
The presentation will contain working examples with a live demonstration of a
data exchange between the two systems. Finally, some tips and tricks will be
provided that can be used to facilitate the exchange of data.
Vipul Patel, Jr. Enterprise Resource Planning Developer, The George Washington
University; Roderick Wolfe, Jr. Enterprise Resource Planning Developer, The
George Washington University
Banner 7 - Beta Test and Beyond
SCT Banner General
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
Banner 7 beta test results at the University of Richmond (conducted Oct 18 - Nov
26) will be presented. All Banner modules were tested. We'll share lessons
learned (both technical and functional) and provide views into what you can
expect with the Banner 7 upgrade.
Troy Boroughs, Director of Systems & Networks, University of Richmond; Lee
Parker, Manager of Administrative Systems, University of Richmond
Banner 7 Migration (BOF)
SCT Banner Technical
315 (CC)
Birds-of-a-feather to discuss aspects related to Banner 7 Migration.
Kamakshi Mallikarjun, General Manager, SunGard SCT
Banner 7.0 Documentation Overview
SCT Banner General
Coral Lounge III (H)
This session will feature the comprehensive, re-architected SCT Banner 7.0
online help. In addition, documentation that supports the new APIs (application
programming interfaces), channels, and user interface will be presented.
Session includes: Online help (delivery schedule, navigation, features, demo,
etc.); API documentation; API Developer Guide; Channel Handbook; Banner appendix
in Luminis Channel Developer Kit; UI Methodology Handbook; Fine Grained Access
Control with VBS Handbook; Getting Started With Banner
Jesse Piersol, Advisory Technical Writer, SunGard SCT
Banner 7.0 Enhancements [296]
SCT Banner General
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
This session will provide details of the release 7.0 Banner General
Enhancements. Topics include: Changes to Basic Person, the new User Interface,
new features on the Main Menu Form, changes to User Preferences and the new
Channels for accessing the Personal Menu and Reports submitted to the database.
Also included: a high level overview of Fine-Grained Access and Multiple PIDM
prevention through Common Matching
Cindy Szkaradnik, Senior Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT
Banner 7.0 FGAC for VBS and PII
SCT Banner Technical
315 (CC)
The Banner development team completed a major security project with Banner 7.0
to implement Value Based Security (VBS) and Personally Identifiable Information
(PII) using Oracle’s Fine Grained Access Control (FGAC). While other Summit
sessions focus on VBS for particular Banner products, this session deals with
the technical details of the project, and will review the FGAC technical
architecture and then how Banner has harnessed FGAC functionality for
implementing VBS and PII across the product lines. The review will include a
demonstration of developing a VBS policy. Best practices and implementation
tips, with an emphasis on avoiding poor performance and unintended side effects,
will be pointed out during the demonstration.
John Morgan, Advisory Technical Architect, SunGard SCT; Margy Hockett, Sr.
Development Manager, SunGard SCT
Banner 7.0 Infrastructure Requirements
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge III (H)
Is your IT infrastructure ready for Banner 7? Is it time to revise your
network, servers, data center, operations and/or helpdesk? This session will
discuss specific technical requirements for Banner 7 as well as best practices
for any data center. This session is appropriate for technical professionals
and management.
Andrew Nagorski, Senior Practice Director, SunGard SCT; Kelly Irwin, Practic
Manager, SunGard SCT; Bob Hardcastle, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT; Adam Blair,
Senior Network Architect, SunGard SCT
Banner 7.0 UI Methodology Overview
SCT Banner Technical
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
A brief overview of some of the technical modifications implemented when
applying the UI methods when upgrading a Banner 6.x Oracle Form to Banner 7.0
Tom Kinderman, Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Banner 7.0 Upgrade
SCT Banner Technical
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
Will present the upgrade process and approach that the University of Illinois
will employee to upgrade the entire Banner system from 6.x to Banner to 7.0.
The target audience will include the technical team responsible for upgrading
Amin Kassem, ERP Specialist, University of Illinois
Banner Advancement 7.1- What's New
SCT Banner Advancement
328 (CC)
This session will highlight the changes scheduled for the Banner Advancement 7.1
Scott Geiser, Senior Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Banner Advancement and Luminis
SCT Banner Advancement
327 (CC)
The combination of Banner Advancement and Luminis provide a powerful tool for
internal staff and your external community. Real-time, immediate personalized
information at a single click is realized. Learn how SCT Luminis helps to
fulfill the needs you face through tools for campus collaboration,
personalization of content, web content management and channels. SCT Luminis
Platform combined with SCT Banner Suite, including your Advancement solution,
plays a significant part in delivering the Unified Digital Campus. See how the
portal experience available for your staff, and your external communities can
enhance the way you achieve goals.
Pam Rollins, Product Manager, Banner Advancement, SunGard SCT
Banner Advancement Night at the Lab (HOT) [227]
SCT Banner Advancement
319 B (CC) T430
Banner Advancement Night at the Lab will give you the opportunity to test drive
the Banner Advancement 7.0 Release and network with your fellow users and
SunGard SCT employees in a relaxed environment.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Scott Geiser, Senior Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Banner Advancement Product Update
SCT Banner Advancement
316 A (CC) U330
Join your SCT Banner Advancement team for a review of the past year and a
preview of what to expect in 2005 and beyond in the annual product update! This
session will highlight SCT Banner Advancement accomplishments in 2004, provide a
roadmap of future releases, and will update you on other Advancement initiatives
that are taking place.
Pam Rollins, Banner Advancement Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Banner Common Business API
SCT Banner Technical
310 (CC)
This technical session covers the architecture and implementation of the new
Banner APIs.
Ed Delaney, Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Banner DBA Survival Guide
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge I (H)
A session geared toward the Oracle DBA who supports Banner databases. A must
for a DBA working with an implementation as they will be able to obtain an
overview of both startup and on-going tasks for which they will be responsible
during the go-live process. Also a good choice for a DBA supporting a site that
is already in production with Banner modules. Attendees will obtain a break
down of recommended tasks to be preformed weekly, monthly, or quarterly, as well
as a set of scripts to support their Banner systems, and the opportunity to
network with their peers.
Kathleen O'Donnell, Principal Technical Specialist, SunGard SCT; Eveline Taylor,
UNIX Admin/DBA, SunGard SCT
Banner eLearning for Techies [115]
SCT Banner SCT Luminis Data Integration Suite
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) W1200
Learn about the Banner LDI events, consolidated extract process, and on demand
synchronization process and how they are used to update e-Learning systems. A
technical overview will be given on the Learning Message Gateway and Luminis
Message Broker.
Paula Owlett, Development Manager, SunGard SCT; Kirk Bunte, Consultant, SunGard
Banner Finance & AR Product Update 
SCT Banner Finance
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
Join your SCT Banner Finance and AR Team for a review of the past year and a
preview of what to expect in 2005 and beyond.
This session will highlight the
accomplishments of the past year, provide a road map of future releases, and
share other initiatives that are taking place.
Elsa Everling, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Banner Finance & Luminis 
SCT Banner Finance
316 C (CC) M1100
In today’s Web world, you and your campus administrators expect real-time,
immediate, personalized information at a single click. Come learn how SCT
Luminis Platform can help fulfill the needs of your staff through its tools for
campus collaboration, personalization of content, Web content management, and
channels. Banner used with SCT Luminis platform helps your institution enable a
Unified Digital Campus for the ultimate in personalized constituent services and
campus collaboration.
Elsa Everling, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Banner Financial Aid - New Year Start
SCT Banner Financial Aid
310 (CC)
Discover Processes and Strategies designed to get your new financial aid year
started off on the right foot. The New Year is a great time to review your
business practices, keep what you like, and adjust what you want to change.
Learn which tables and rules can be automatically moved from one year to the
next and which forms must be set up each year.
Jim Bradsher, Senior Functional Consultant-Banner Financial Aid, SunGard SCT
Banner Financial Aid A to Z
SCT Banner Financial Aid
314 (CC)
This overview session will introduce new users to the Banner 6.x Financial Aid
Product. Topics will range from loading student applications to disbursement of
aid as well as communication between institutional offices, with students, and
with regulatory and loan agencies. The presenter, who has used Banner Financial
Aid as a client and as an SCT consultant since its inception in 1990, will
address major features of each Banner Financial Aid module.
Audrey Clay, Senior Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
Banner Financial Aid Product Update [136]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
315 (CC)
Join the SCT Banner Financial Aid team for a review of the past year and a
preview of what to expect in 2005 and beyond in the annual product update! This
session will provide highlights of SCT Banner Financial Aid past year
accomplishments, a roadmap of future releases, and updates for other initiatives
that are taking place.
Rhonda Allen, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Banner Fixed Assets (BOF)
SCT Banner Finance
303 A (CC)
Round table discussion of business process challenges and solutions using Banner
Fixed Assets. Bring your questions, your thinking caps & your business card to
exchange with your peers using Banner Fixed Assets!
Robin Wagner,
Financial Systems Analyst, Washtenaw Community College
Banner for Non-Credit Curriculums
SCT Banner Student
301 B (CC) T730
This session will focus on integrating Georgia Tech’s Distance Learning and
Professional Education non-credit curriculum in with the existing Banner Student
for credit environment at Georgia Tech. Discussion will include: goals of the
project, evaluation of technologies, use of Oracle’s Virtual Private database
functionality to accomplish required “separation” of data, the pros and cons
associated with this approach, business process evaluation, project management
approach and structure, timelines and issues and challenges to consider in a
non-traditional implementation of Banner into an environment that already
exists. The intended audience is anyone that has an interest in the Oracle
Virtual Private database technology and those interested in the possibility of
“combining” credit and non-credit curriculums in the same physical database
Nelson Baker, Associate Vice Provost - Distance Learning Professional Education,
Georgia Institute of Technology; Lori Sundal, Director - Enterprise Information
Systems/Office of Information Technology, Georgia Institute of Technology
Banner General Person Localization
SCT Banner General
325 A (CC) W1030
This session describes modifications made to Banner 6.2 by the
(Internationalization) Solution Center which make it easier for Banner to be
used at international institutions in a number of languages concurrently. The
modifications cover the ability to store longer names and extended address
information in more than one language. Items discussed include sorting and
Short descriptions of some of the main tools used to aid this
process are also presented. Institutions wanting to use Banner with non-US
student information or store content in two or more languages will find the
approach described here useful.
Mike Agnew, Director, SunGard SCT
Banner HR and the Luminis Platform
SCT Banner Human Resources
320 (CC)
In today’s Web world, you and your employees expect real-time, immediate,
personalized information in a single click. Come learn how the SCT Luminis
Platform can help fulfill the needs of your staff. When utilized with the SCT
Luminis™ platform, data integration, channelization, and content management
capabilities, SCT Banner helps institutions enable a Unified Digital Campus for
the ultimate in personalized constituent services and campus collaboration.
Laura Weathersby, Product Manager-SCT Banner HR, SunGard SCT
Banner HR Benefits - Vast and Varied
SCT Banner Human Resources
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
Do you know what all those items on the Benefit/Deduction Rule Form (PTRBDCA)
are? Setting up and maintaining benefits and deductions in the system can be
challenging. It can be confusing to understand the many calculation rules
provided, how to utilize inclusions, exclusions, and chaining, as well as how to
enter future dated actions. In this presentation, you will get an understanding
of what impact multiple payrolls and adjustments play in the management of
employee benefits and what can be done for more complicated benefit offerings.
This session is intended for individuals who may be new to Banner, or want a
refresher on Benefits in the system.
Sara Goodman, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
Banner HR Encumbrance Recasting 101 
SCT Banner Human Resources
327 (CC)
Discover the benefits of salary encumbrance tracking via the Encumbrance
Recasting process that was part of the SCT Banner HR 6.1 release. In this
session, you will learn how to process encumbrances, track encumbrances, post
and review encumbrances, as well as increase communications between the Banner
HR and Finance products. The system set up and system processing required to
successfully utilize this functionality will be demonstrated. A business
process discussion as to when and how encumbrances may be processed will also be
included in this session.
Sara Goodman, Principal Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Banner HR Salary Planner-Part 1 
SCT Banner Human Resources
Coral Lounge II (H)
Banner Salary Planner was delivered as part of Employee Self-Service release
6.1. Part 1 of the two part Salary Planner presentations will include an
overview of the potential use and applications of the Salary Planner. The forms
and processes within Banner HR needed to set up and utilize position budget and
employee job information will be reviewed with suggestions for set up.
Additionally, this session will look at the new security forms needed to be set
up to access Salary Planner, how data is identified for extract, and how data is
uploaded back into Banner. This presentation is geared towards those that have
control over access and distribution of position budget and job information.
Barbara Bates, HR Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT; Susan Jennings, Principle
Consultant, SunGard SCT; Amy Poliski, Lead Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Banner HR Salary Planner-Part 2 
SCT Banner Human Resources
Coral Lounge II (H)
Banner Salary Planner was delivered as part of Employee Self-Service release
6.1. Part 2 of the two part Salary Planner presentations will demonstrate the
use of the web pages to review and modify position budget and employee job
information. This session will look at creating and copying budget scenarios,
modifying data and using 'what-if' scenarios with multiple versions of budgets,
as well as selecting the final fiscal year budget to be approved. Evaluation
and modification of job salary information will also be demonstrated showing how
changes can be made related to job detail, hours, and labor distributions at
anytime during the fiscal year. This session is geared towards those that are
responsible for position budget development and/or job information updates.
Barbara Bates, HR Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT; Susan Jennings, Principle
Consultant, SunGard SCT; Amy Poliski, Lead Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Banner Integration in Oracle Portal [072]
SCT Banner Technical
316 B (CC) M730
This session will provide an overview of portal methodology and design,
especially what Banner data an authenticated portal user would desire to see,
then focus on technical methods for developing PL/SQL "portlets" containing
useful Banner data, and additionally show a method for creating a link from
within the authenticated user's portal which will provide transparent
authentication into Banner Web, providing a single sign-on type experience
requiring only a slight modification to a single baseline package.
examples have been implemented within an Oracle Portal, but could be applied to
any portal system that supports PL/SQL portlets and remote database calls.
Note from SunGard SCT : This presentation represents the efforts of the
University of TN at Martin. Please be advised that this is not a sanctioned nor
supported Sungard SCT solution. SunGard SCT offers the Luminis Platform as our
robust portal solution that can span not just Oracle applications like Banner
but also other applications you have on campus. However, what University of TN
at Martin has done is quite interesting and we would like you to hear about it
so you can compare their approach to our solution.
Tim Taylor, IT Administrator II, University of TN at Martin
Banner Letter Generation Processes
SCT Banner Advancement
317 A (CC) W1030
This session is intended for those clients who are are using Banner Letter
Generation in the Advancement office. Our advancement office went live with
Banner on July 1, 2004.
It is my intention to share what steps we took from
planning to implementing letter generation. In addition, I would like to share
how we use letter generation with receipts, acknowledgement letters, recognition
letters, etc. Secondly, I would like to hear from other clients on what
procedures they use in this area. Lastly, I would like to encourage new clients
to start on letter generation procedures early in their planning.
Cathy Lammons, Director of Donor Relations, Mississippi State University
Banner Lifecycle and Governance
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
301 B (CC) M130
This session will detail part of Miami University's new Strategic Plan for
Information Technology that is dedicated to ensuring Banner is used to its
fullest capabilities and is also governed in a fair and equitable fashion on
campus. As part of this project, features of Banner that were not implemented
at Miami, such as Online Requisitioning, Imaging, and Workflow will be examined
and scheduled for implementation. A secondary goal of this project is to
examine local and SCT-contracted Banner modifications for current relevance and
make attempts to return to baseline code wherever possible. Lastly, the
governance of Banner is an important issue, in order to make sure that effort
expended by IT Services and others meets institutional priorities and also
advances important unit goals. We are at a perfect juncture to begin this
examination, as we brought Banner 6.2 live in the fall of 2004, and are looking
forward to Banner 7 and the many planned changes.
John Goerke, Senior Director of Information Systems and Services, Miami
Banner Procurement Card Processing  [208]
SCT Banner Finance
310 (CC)
This session will review the set up and processing of Procurement card
transactions in the Banner Finance PCard enhancement. It will review the
options available, the set up required and how to process the transactions.Gary
Houck, Senior Process Consultant, SunGard SCT; Andrew Unger, Senior Process
Consultant, Professional Services, SunGard SCT
Banner QAC - A Voice
SCT Banner General
305 B (CC) W1030
Meet the members of the Banner Quality Advisory Council. Learn about their
charter and the initiatives being worked on by the Banner organization.
Matthew Riley, QA Manager, SunGard SCT; Ken Williams, Quality-Training and
Support Coordinator, Virginia Polytechnic Institution and State University; Des
Dougan, Director or Information and Computing Services, Vancouver Community
College; Charlie Young, Executive Director, SICAS Center; Cynthia Rolfe, VP of
Information Technology, University of Central Oklahoma
Banner Security - Behind the Scenes [063]
SCT Banner Technical
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
You’ve used GSASECR to set up Banner accounts and security. But what’s REALLY
going on behind the scenes? This session discusses and explains the pieces that
make up Banner security – Profile, Object, Role, Class, User, and Module. We’ll
talk about Banner-delivered security and local additions; seed numbers; default
Oracle roles; user classes; and creating and deleting Banner accounts. This
session is geared towards the staff responsible for creating and maintaining
Oracle user accounts. It is also helpful for those who may not administer
security, but could benefit from an understanding of it.
Penny Ginn, Associate Director of Information Technology, Presbyterian College
Banner Student 7.0 Common Matching [218]
SCT Banner Student
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
Common Matching provides a mechanism to minimize the creation of multiple
records for the same person in SCT Banner while performing data entry. In
addition, its matching algorithm is used by most Student data load processes to
also prevent the creation of multiple records for the same person. Come learn
how to set up and utilize Common Matching when creating new person records on
SPAIDEN, SRAQUIK or SAAQUIK, and when resolving suspended records from data load
Michael Galella, Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT; Cindy Friend, Advisory
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Banner Student 7.0 Extreme Makeover [112]
SCT Banner Student
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
The new look and feel of SCT Banner 7.0 is one of the most exciting aspects of
our latest release. However, forms that fill up your entire computer screen are
only a small portion of the new features designed to help you achieve better
results in your everyday tasks. Come discover how some forms have been
reorganized with folder-like tabs to help you find information and data items
you seek more easily. Learn about new and enhanced functionality that makes
navigating the Student System more user-friendly. See how simple it is to
customize the appearance of SCT Banner to suit your personal tastes. This
session is appropriate for Banner beginners as well as seasoned users.
Bill Zimmer, Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT; Pat Lawler, Advisory Software
Engineer, SunGard SCT
Banner Student 7.0 Implementing VBS [099]
SCT Banner Student
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
The Banner development team has transformed value-based security processing to
implement a new and more flexible Value- Based Security (VBS) using Oracle FineGrained Access Control (FGAC) in Banner 7.0. This presentation will review the
changes to Student to accommodate the new VBS and will walk through the basic
process for performing an analysis of the requirements to set up VBS for
specific business cases. Business cases covered in the session will include
curriculum, admissions, general student (learner) and catalog and schedule
Margy Hockett, Sr. Development Manager, SunGard SCT; Linda Jessup, Banner
Student Consultant, SunGard SCT; Danielle Lindblom, Senior Advisory Consultant,
SunGard SCT
Banner Student and Luminis - Achieve
SCT Banner Student
316 A (CC) W900
In today's Web world, your students, faculty and staff expect real-time,
immediate, personalized information in a single click. Come learn how SCT
solutions help fulfill those expectations. When utilized with the SCT Luminis
platform, data integration, channelization, and content management capabilities,
SCT Banner Student helps institutions enable a Unified Digital Campus for the
ultimate in personalized constituent services and campus collaboration.
Danielle Lindblom, Senior Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT
Banner Training for Faculty Members 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
316 B (CC) M1100
A trainer’s greatest rewards sometimes come from users who pose the greatest
challenges. At higher education institutions, faculty members often present
these challenges. Come share one trainer’s experience in training faculty
members at a large university, where Banner training for faculty was transformed
from almost non-existent to an integral part of the Banner training program
within a year. Learn how to overcome hurdles in training people whose schedules
thwart traditional classroom training. Hear how, with the right tools, trainers
can transform technology-skeptics new users into technology advocates. Learn
how to market your technology, training, and support to faculty members.
Discover how to engage the Deans and department chairs, who can often be the
best salespeople for technology. There will be plenty of documentation and
techniques to share. After the presentation, the floor will be open for
discussion in which other trainers are invited to discuss their own experiences.
Joe Brewer, Banner Trainer, The George Washington University
Banner Upgrades and Project Mgmt
SCT Banner General
316 A (CC) W1200
Miami University has upgraded to Banner 6, 5 and 4 since going live with Banner
3 in 1999. This session presents both technical tips and Project Management
advice based on these 3 major upgrades and the initial Banner implementation.
Technical tips range from change control strategies and recovery strategies to
automation scripts based on a source code management system and a work request
system. Included will be a general discussion of how to startup and organize the
project, the communication plan, testing plans, participation by campus offices,
management of local and SCT coded modifications and details of the countdown
week. Project documents will be available.
William Custer, Manager of Data Administration, Miami University; Scott Herman,
Applications Analyst, Miami University
Banner/Sun Infrastructure at WSU
SCT Banner Technical
309 (CC)
Wayne State University is a Sun Center of Excellence for SunGard SCT Banner
Systems. We are currently involved in the load and functional testing of Banner7
Beta, using QA Load and Vantage suites, load testing of Banner6, upgrades to
Developer6i and moving Internet Native Banner from a Windows platform to Sun
Solaris. This presentation is designed for IT staff involved in recommending,
selecting and implementing hardware and software to the Banner infrastructure.
Scotia Roopnarine, Database Administrator, Wayne State University; Laura
Hendrick, IT Director, Wayne State University
Baseline Admissions Curriculum
SCT Banner Student
312 (CC)
Using BASELINE WEB application curriculum rules and user defined questions- the
session will show how to setup banner forms SOACURR, SOAXREF, SAAWCUR and
SOAXCUR to provide the maximum flexibility in the baseline web admission
application. It will cover how to set up Banner to accept majors that require
multiple concentration/research area/department/college options with a single
CIPC code, How to customize the major list for each application type, and how to
use SOACURR. Examples and issues from the graduate and undergraduate level will
be addressed. The session will also show how user defined questions can enhance
each application form and how to create “additional information” pages that can
enhance the appearance and information gathered. Target Audience:
Functional/Technical staff in admissions that may start using Banner baseline on
line application.
Bruce Correll, Registrar, Lehigh University; Dana Stow, Assistant Director,
Lehigh University
Basic Perkins Loans
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
Honolulu I (H)
This session is good for the new administrator and certainly a good review for
seasoned professionals. It reviews the life of a Perkins Loan from the awarding
phase up through a paid in full status. Focus will be on how Perkins Loans are
maintained in the LMS/CLM systems. We will also discuss loan fund system
controls, interfaces, reports, and regulatory expectations.
Kathy Rosa, Manager-Campus Based Loans, Boston College
Believing in Banner  [225]
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
301 A (CC) M730
Are you faced with questions about why you chose Banner? Do you face people who
don't think that Banner will make a difference? Explore ways to make believers
out of the doubters, converts of the curmudgeons. Two implementations and
seeing Banner grow from version 1.0 to 7.0 has made me a believer, you can be
one too!
Bev Blackwood II, Acting Banner Project Manager, San Jacinto College
Benefits of a Luminis Users Group
Common Interest Topics
326 A (CC) W900
This session will be lead by 3 veteran Luminis schools that have been working to
organize a strong Luminis Users Group. They will report on their progress to
date, the benefits of joining the effort, as well as the challenges that have
been faced. There is a need for Luminis Schools to have an organized voice to
express concerns, conduct advocacy and provide a community where knowledge and
solutions are shared. Come and find out how you can participate.
Keith Platte, Director of Instructional Computing, Kalamazoo Valley Community
College; Morris Reynolds, Director of E-services and Strategic Technologies,
Wayne State University; Richard MicKool, Executive Director-Information
Services, Northeastern University
Beta Testing Banner 7
SCT Banner Student
304 B (CC) M1100
This is intended for institutions considering beta testing new releases of
Banner for SCT. This will be a panel discussion of the beta testing of Banner 7
for SCT. We will discuss the organization of the beta test, both from a SCT and
a Georgia Tech perspective. We will discuss the technical issues we encountered
and the functional testing issues we encountered with regard to Student and
Financial Aid. We will also discuss why an institution should consider being a
beta tester for SCT.
Sonny Monfort, Banner Technical Director, Georgia Tech; Debbie Williamson,
Assoc. Registrar, Georgia Tech; Mark Gravitt, Banner DBA, Georgia Tech OIT/EIS;
Dan Looby, Systems Analyst, Georgia Tech OIT/EIS; Charlie Sheldon, Assoc Cir
Student Fin Planning & Svcs, Georgia Tech
Beyond Basics to Maximize Return
Common Interest Topics
307 A (CC) W1200
North Shore Community College implemented its campus portal four years ago and
has continually developed and integrated available online services. This
presentation will cover the more recent evolution of our digital campus and
newer services. Specific internally developed tools and integration components
will be discussed and presented with a live demo. Examples of measurements and
outcomes to track return on investment / value and lessons learned will be
included, as well as future directions.
Gary Ham, Chief Information Officer, SunGard/Collegis; Janice Forsstrom, CFO/VP
Admin and Finance, North Shore Community College
Beyond Luminis Platform III
SCT Luminis Platform
318 A (CC) W1200
Come learn what is beyond the Luminis Platform III.x series. We will discuss the
future direction of Luminis Platform in the areas of portal, enterprise
applications and infrastructure. This session will be valuable to any SunGard
SCT client currently using the SCT Luminis Platform or Campus Pipeline (Web
Platform) products.
Rhett Burnham, Product General Manager, SunGard SCT
Billing - Cash Receipts 
Billing and Cash Receipts
303 A (CC) T900
This session will show how unique tuition pricing plans, special fees, and
programming can be made without modifications or customizations being made to
the core baseline product. Showing how easy it is using this product regardless
of the special requests of tution calculations or billing procedures. Target
Audience for new users or future new users.
Cathy Blickley, Bursar, Our Lady of Holy Cross College
Billing with IQ.Web  [607]
Billing and Cash Receipts
305 A (CC) M130
This session will cover billing and online payments within IQ.Web. Areas of
IQ.Web that may incorporate payments include Request Forms, Online Registration,
and student payments. During the session, we will look at the functionality
aspect of how payments work with IQ.Web and Shift4. In addition, the session
will briefly cover how IQ.Web payments appear in the PowerCAMPUS Billing
Setflow. The session is designed for both users and administrators at
institutions that currently use or are considering use of IQ.Web.
Mandy Matern, Senior Quality Assurance Analyst, SunGard SCT; Len Lipkin, Product
Manager, SunGard SCT
Billings for Non-Enrollments 
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
320 (CC)
Johnson County Community College uses separate ID numbers to bill companies for
various goods and services not related to student enrollments. These billings
include Contract training, Catering services, Facility rental, Copy Center
services, Bookstore purchases, etc. The session will describe how we set up the
ID, bill the account, print bills and view the aging. The session will address
recurring receivables as well.
Gayle Callahan, Manager-Billing & Accounts Receivable, Johnson County Community
College; Suzanne Henkle, Systems Specialist, Johnson County Community College
Book Vouchers - Fin Aid to AR [058]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
304 B (CC) W900
With many guidelines on financial aid book vouchers, we needed to automate the
process. With four campuses, our goal was to provide as many vouchers as
possible and work within Barnes & Nobles POS (Point of Sale system). We will
explain how we create the initial load and update the file on a nightly basis to
provide as many vouchers as possible. The process goes from Financial Aid to the
Bookstore to an AR feed of charges.
Rosemary Bratsch, Technical Support Coordinator, Brevard Community College;
Connie Tawney, Accounting Coordinator, Brevard Community College
Boost Content Value with Luminis
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
309 (CC)
This session shows how to use the Luminis Content Management Suite, the Luminis
Platform, and other technologies to maximize the value of your web content
through personalization, automatic channel publication, and content linking.
This is a technical session, targeted at IT managers, Luminis Platform
administrators, and web developers who are looking to get the most out of their
content with the least effort. We will show how to share content between the
public website, intranet, and the Luminis Platform through content linking, and
expand on how content linking can be used to personalize content for different
roles in the Luminis Platform. We will also demonstrate how content owners can
publish content directly into the Luminis Platform through automatic channel
Joel Weight, Lead Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Bugs- Slugs & Other Thugs
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge I (H)
This session will focus on how to identify, de-bug and resolve issues in the
Oracle/Banner database. We will discuss how to use the following Oracle supplied
tools: sql trace, tkprof, dbmstrace and explain plan. Investigative methods
using alert logs, trace files, and dump files will be covered. Known issues,
work-arounds and error handling will be discussed. Special attention will be
paid to Banner processes such as Job Submission and Sleep/Wake.
Eveline Taylor, UNIX Admin/DBA, SunGard SCT
Building a Banner Training Program 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
316 C (CC) T730
Is your institution struggling to convince users to “buy into” Banner? Is your
help desk always running to put out fires? Training, communication, and
documentation are the keys to a successful software implementation and ongoing
development of your IT endeavors. Come learn how McGill University developed a
comprehensive training strategy for over 4000 Banner Finance, Human Resources
and Student users.
Our current focus is preparing for the release of Banner, Version 7. Version 7
has a simplified interface - easier to train in the long term – a challenge to
prepare users in the short term. See how our training model allows us to adapt
training materials quickly.
This session should help any size institution.
Katherine Wilmot, ICS Communications Manager, McGill University; Dan O’Connell,
ICS Trainer/Instructional Designer, McGill University
Building a Student System in 1 Year [476]
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
Nautilus I (H)
The presenters will explain how the University of Chicago was able to bring up
its Matrix SSS module, from the point of contract completion in August 2003 to
going live with official student records, enrollments, reporting, and
transcripts in less than one year. The session is targeted to prospective and
existing matrix clients who are planning the logistics of their implementations.
As Chicago is the first Matrix client to go live with the SSS 2.4.3 module, the
experiences and lessons learned during the implementation process are now
benchmarks for both the product and other clients. Discussion topics will
include the requirements gathering, needs/gaps analysis, reliance on
consultants, training, documentation, migration of legacy data, and
customizations leveraging the open architecture format of the matrix product."
Andrew Hannah, Sr. Assoc. Univ. Registrar, University of Chicago; Alex Henson,
Director-SDA, University of Chicago
Building the Campus Portal
SCT Luminis Platform
306 B (CC) T900
Lehigh’s campus portal has been developed to provide faculty, staff and students
with an evolving personalized view of the Lehigh experience. The integration
with administrative systems, our course management system, and our library
databases have been driving factors in our deployment strategy. Ultimately, the
portal will support and enhance community building and communications from the
time a student first shows interest in Lehigh until he/she has graduated and
joined the ranks of Lehigh Alumni. This presentation will cover the key
selection factors, implementation strategies and channel development that was
required for the successful roll out of the Luminis portal.
Lehigh’s content
and channel development will be outlined as well as our recently implemented
MyLibrary portal which integrates with Luminis to provide faculty, staff, and
students the up to date personalized library resources.
Timothy Foley, Director-Client Computing & Library Services, Lehigh University;
Bruce Taggart, Vice Provost-Library and Technology Services, Lehigh University
Building the Digital Campus
Partner Solutions
302 B (CC) M1100
Today’s big IT management challenge is to provide “always-on” web based services
to demanding user communities. A shared-services architecture provides the
foundation for leveraging existing applications and infrastructure, in order to
provision content, manage identity, and provide customized, portal-based
services to a diverse user community.
Jay Visvanathan, Market Development Manager, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Bulletproofing- Backups- & Recovery [247]
SCT Banner Technical
316 A (CC) T200
Learn the step-by-step details of recovering your Oracle database from almost
any disaster scenario, and the steps you can take, including archiving and
backups, to prevent, lessen, and prepare for those heart-stopping Oracle errors,
and be the DBA hero at your site. Although some UNIX commands are included, the
focus is on using SQL here, without RMAN. Please download the session outline
from the Summit web site so that you can take notes during this fast-paced mindnumbing technical romp.
Stephen Rea, Oracle Database Administrator, University of Arkansas Cooperative
Extension Service
BusinessObjects XI: Extreme Insight
Partner Solutions
302 B (CC) T730
Join Business Objects at this interactive and accessible session to learn how
its newest release, BusinessObjects XI, enables you to easily create and deliver
information for extreme business insight. With specialized end-user tools on a
single, trusted business intelligence (BI) platform, BusinessObjects XI includes
the industry’s best reporting, query and analysis, and performance management
products. Demonstrating major new advances in Crystal Reports, BusinessObjects
Enterprise, WebIntelligence, Performance Management and more, this action-packed
session will focus on showing you how you can get the information you need for
extreme insight. Suitable for all audiences.
Jason McCafferty, Sr. OEM Sales Consultant, Business Objects; Christine De Melo,
Business Development Manager OEM, Business Objects
BXS - Return on Investment
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
318 A (CC) M130
With all due respect to accounting principles, the cliché is that accountants
know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. In this session, we will
look at ROI and VOI calculations and variables; concepts and terminology for
your institutions review of Document Management and Imaging with Banner using
Xtender Solutions. Concepts and Standards will focus on: AIIM (The Association
for Information and Image Management) and the American Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). We will look at ROI and VOI
calculations and variables both seen and unseen. This is intended for anyone
using or planning on using BXS and is based on numerous years with Imaging and
the past 3-years with Xtender Solutions (Legato 4.6 & BXS 6.2)
Richard Gegg, Document Management & Imaging Project Manager, University of
BXS Imaging and Financial Aid [224]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
317 A (CC) W900
The University of Illinois is a second year Banner client. Within a relatively
short period of time, we have been able to implement a bare bones Banner imaging
system. The scope has been to batch scan, index, and to automatically track all
verification, special condition, and accepted award letter documents. During the
presentation, we will discuss the process, procedures, and demonstrate the
system features and several tricks we learned to assist us in workflow. During
the second year, we have been able to enhance the process and utilize more of
the internal BXS imaging capabilities. Yearly the University receives
approximately 22,000 FAFSA applications and we have currently scanned in over
200,000 documents. The session is intended for Financial Aid Offices who wish to
implement the Banner Xtender Solutions (BXS) imaging system.
Robert Andersen, Senior Associate Director, University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign
BXS Imaging Technical Architecture
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
318 A (CC) T900
Recent releases of Banner XtenderSolutions have brought forth an evolution in
the underlying technology, making it a more powerful and flexible solution. This
session will provide a technical overview of the BXS architecture, allowing
participants to gain a better understanding of its different components and how
they interact. Topics will include XSAdmin, Rendering Server, AX,, WX
Java Edition, LDAP, and the integration with SCT Banner. Target Audience:
technical staff and system administrators.
Xin Zhou, Lead Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Campus Engagement = Project Success [370]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Nautilus I (H)
Seven years ago Bucknell began implementing Banner. The original implementation
included only the Student, Financial Aid, Finance, Admissions and Human
Resources modules. During that time the Advancement area was using a different
system, which had gone live in 1995. There was no expectation during the Banner
implementation that Advancement would ever need to be integrated with the rest
of the system. Times change and we are now implementing the Advancement module.
Learn how the project has coalesced over 80 staff members from a dozen
departments and motivated them to look afresh at processes, procedures and even
Banner tables to improve our University-wide communication and information
exchange. At the same time we are using this Advancement conversion initiative
as a springboard to launch tools like Luminis, Workflow and document imaging
Cindy Bilger, Senior Associate Director-Human Resources, Bucknell University;
Carolyn Hoyt, Director of Advancement & Information Services, Bucknell
University; Brian Hoyt, Director of Technology Integration, Bucknell University
Campus Risks of Cyberterrorism
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Tapa III (H)
The threat and scale of attacks on campus technology resources, along with the
potential scope of destruction, has greatly increased in recent years. This
session will provide insights into current risk mitigation practices, with a
focus on cyberterrorism prevention.
Bob Hardcastle, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT; Adam Blair, Senior Network
Architect, SunGard SCT
Campus-wide Reporting Tool Selection
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
313 B (CC) W1030
Implementation of a campus-wide reporting solution was identified as a highpriority need for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in 2004. Campus
users previously were not able to readily obtain data from Banner due to the
lack of a user-friendly reporting option. This session will cover the process
used to identify campus reporting needs, potential reporting solutions to meet
those needs and the selection process to identify the best fit for our campus.
The discussion will include our evaluation of several available reporting tools.
This non-technical session is intended for all users. (Information Access
Maturity Level: 2 & 3)
Brett Powell, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance, University of Arkansas at
Little Rock
CAPP Extreme Makeover
SCT Banner Student
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
Configuring CAPP successfully is an accomplishment in and of itself. Now that
you have degree audits up and running, it is a great time to take advantage of
the wealth of information that CAPP can provide beyond merely tracking degree
requirements. This session will provide a unique perspective on understanding
CAPP configuration and ways to effectively manage accurate and timely degree
audit processing. We will focus on how to use degree audit detail as an
enrollment service tool. Topics discussed will include extracting CAPP data to
analyze student course demand, planning semester course offerings and using CAPP
to support additional institutional needs (e.g. national honor societies, premedical science requirements). Whether you need modest changes or an extreme
makeover at your institution, this session will help you to look at CAPP in a
whole new light.
Brian Williams, Dean of Enrollment Services, Providence College; Yvonne Arruda,
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Providence College
CAPP Implementation
SCT Banner SCT Services
328 (CC)
CAPP Implementation-Partner with SunGard SCT. The implementation of CAPP can be
drastically reduced by having SunGard SCT provide direct functional and
technical support. By “partnering” with SunGard SCT the implementation of CAPP
is reduced to a very small amount of time, resulting in substantial savings to
the client. In addition, trained consultants can quickly determine the most
efficient encoding options, thus ensuring that the hardcopy and the WebCAPP
displays are easily readable and that the best logic choices are always found.
The speaker will discuss the various SunGard SCT options which are available to
assist the client in having a smooth implementation.
John Ellis, Senior Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
CAPP Tracking System
SCT Banner Student
310 (CC)
Once CAPP was up and running, we recognized the importance of keep the
curriculum in CAPP current. Yet, how do we keep track of the new programs,
changes in programs, courses changes, changes in prerequisites etc? Purdue
University Calumet has implemented a curriculum tracking system to help manage
these on-going changes. This presentation will describe the process we use to
identify these changes and the methods we use communicate the changes once they
are made.
Sample tracking sheets and correspondence will be shared at this
Linda McClaughry-Erwin, Assistant Registrar for Curriculum Development, Purdue
University Calumet
Capture the Movement: Banner7 and Beyond
SCT Banner General
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
The world of higher education is not standing still and neither is SCT Banner.
Everyday hundreds of institutions rely on SCT Banner to deliver mission critical
services and solve mission critical problems. Banner has demonstrated a
remarkable ability to evolve as higher education needs have evolved enabling
continuity in services provided as institutions upgrade. Join Deborah EliasSmith for an update of SCT Banner - a review of Banner7 as a core component of
your Unified Digital Campus and its value as described by some of SCT's early
adopter clients. Hear what is planned in future releases of the Banner 7
platform with enhancements and integration that will enable an institution to
further build-out their Unified Digital Campus. As an SCT Banner client, this
is a session you will not want to miss.
Deborah Elias-Smith, Vice President-SCT Banner, SunGard SCT
Cashiering & E-payment Integration (BOF)
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
Tapa I (H) M130
SunGard SCT has several partners that provide payment cashiering activities in
support of Banner Accounts Receivable. Join SunGard SCT staff to discuss the
aspects of integration with these types of partners. The BOF will focus on
employing SunGard SCT’s integration strategy for delivery and deployment of the
Elsa Everling, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Centralized Mgmt of Banner-Sys Office
SCT Banner General
326 B (CC) W1030
The University of Alaska serves a geographic region approximately 1/5 the size
of the entire United States. Using a single instance of Banner, deployed
through a Citrix network, UA reaches three main campuses, and 14 more rural
centers in communities as large as Anchorage (pop. 250, 000), to villages like
McGrath (pop 401). Managing Banner centrally while serving such a widely
dispersed and complex a user community is a daily challenge to both the
technical and functional sides of the house. Join us to hear how centralized
management of Banner has allowed the university to leverage resources—both human
and fiscal across an entire system—while still responding to the needs of users.
Hear both the positives and the not so positives of centralized technology
Saichi Oba, Director of Enrollment Services, Univ of Alaska (System wide
Offices); Steve Smith, CTO, Univ of Alaska; Mike Sfraga, Assoc. VP for Student
and Enrollment Services, Univ of Alaska; Mike Bates, Director of User Services,
Univ of Alaska; Janet Johnson, Sr. Lead Programmer/Analyst, Univ of Alaska; Mary
Gower, Manager-Student Services, Univ of Alaska
CEU - Continuing Education
SCT Banner Student
312 (CC)
The venue of CEU and non-CEU Continuing Education is a growing area within the
education arena. Presentation teaches how to organize and manage CEU/non-Credit
course & program delivery using vanilla Banner functionality. Session covers
managing of courses offered to general public, program suites designed for
special target populations, business & industry contract training and community
services delivery. Effective management and reporting of enrollment and revenue
generation by integrated use of all Banner Student System modules (including
A/R). By demonstrating the relationships of one part of Banner to another, and
how to structure your data to avoid bumping noncredit into credit, the session
illustrates how the “noncredit” and “credit” sides of the house can peacefully
coexist within the same database. This presentation showcases Banner management
of Continuing Education as it has been developed by and for the 12 Connecticut
Community Colleges who, in 1997 pioneered then-creative usage of Banner to
manage CEU/non-credit education & training.
Steve Gorman, Project Manager, Connecticut State University System
Changing Gears with e-Procurement 
SCT Banner Finance
312 (CC)
commerce has empowered the consumer of today to make informed decisions and has
put merchants on alert to be responsive to their customers. In this session,
we’ll discuss how this shift in mindsets can provide a powerful force for change
in a University setting, bringing phenomenal increases in efficiency for
research faculty and staff alike. The application of principles of electronic
commerce to the sometimes daunting challenges of institutional purchasing is
creating opportunities for savings, convenience, and speed that have previously
only been realized in corporate settings. We will examine the transformation
underway at the University of Notre Dame and the types of benefits its faculty
and staff are experiencing after over two years of real-world experience. A
primer on e-Procurement functionality will be provided, including shopping,
requisitioning, workflow, supplier integration and enablement, and the ordering
cycle. The session will include a demonstration of SciQuest’s HigherMarkets eProcurement application and will describe best practices when approaching Banner
Finance integration using the Luminus Data Integration (LDI) for e-Procurement
Vaibhav Agarwal, Senior Analyst-Procurement Systems, University of Notre Dame;
Charge Credit Import - The Basics 
Billing and Cash Receipts
307 A (CC) M1100
Beginning/New users will benefit from a look at the Charge Credit Import feature
of PowerCAMPUS Billing. The basic set up and procedures of the component will be
highlighted. The CCImport versions 97, 2000 & XP will be reviewed. NOBTS has
been using the CCImport for 6+ years.
Laurie Watts, Associate VP for IT, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Closing Breakfast and Keynote [683]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Exhibit Hall II & III (CC)
Please join SunGard SCT for the close of Summit 2005, where author and recording
artist Dan Clark will deliver a keynote address. This session also serves as the
official kickoff for Summit 2006 in Orlando, Florida, April 2-5, 2006. The
closing session will take place in the Hawaii Convention Center, Halls II & III,
on Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 am.
Dan Clark, Best Selling Author and Recording Artist
Coaching Skills 
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
313 C (CC) M130
Intended for all employees interested in using coaching techniques in the
workplace, this course uses a model for coaching. Examples of the main elements
of coaching, as well familiarize participants with the components of coaching
and coaching techniques.
Susie Higgins, Senior Training Consultant, SunGard SCT
COD Direct Loan Processing
SCT Banner Financial Aid
317 B (CC) T900
This session will provide the latest Direct Loan specific information in
conjunction with Common Origination & Disbursement (COD) full participant
processing within SCT Banner Financial Aid. In addition, there is also a COD
Full Participant session that is not program specific to allow generic
processing questions.
Dawn Rucker, Consultant, SunGard SCT
COD Full Participation [143]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
313 C (CC) M930
This session will provide the latest information about Common Origination &
Disbursement (COD) full participant processing within SCT Banner Financial Aid.
Gain an understanding of the current process and future plans. Additional
sessions are offered for Pell specific and Direct Loan specific processing with
the opportunity to ask program specific questions.
Dawn Rucker, Consultant, SunGard SCT
COD Pell Processing
SCT Banner Financial Aid
Coral Lounge IV (H)
This session will provide the latest Pell specific information in conjunction
with Common Origination & Disbursement (COD) full participant processing within
SCT Banner Financial Aid. In addition, there is also a COD Full Participant
session that is not program specific to allow generic processing questions."
Dawn Rucker, Consultant, SunGard SCT
Collections-Basic Skills & Practice [380]
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
Intended audience: Anyone who is presently doing collections, anyone overseeing
collections, anyone looking for ways to improve their collections. Goal of
presentation is to share proven strategies and proven tactics to help with the
collection function at your institution. Presentation will start with discussion
of the university billing, payment and delinquent policy. Presentation will
cover who should be do the collections at the institutions, collector and
institution attitude and image of and about collections. Listen to what is
really being said. Interpret the non-verbal signs. Will discuss people skills,
collector's differing styles and postures. What tools and remedies are available
to the collectors and the debtors. Collectors must make it clear what are the
positive or negative ramifications of payment or non-payment. Presentation will
include some real examples of collection challenges and invite audience
participation to discuss ways challenges can or should be resolved.
Ted Hilli, Collection Manager, Northeastern University
Comm. Plans-Where Do I Begin? [278]
SCT Banner Student
301 B (CC) W1030
This session is intended for those who have a desire to start using
communication plans but don’t know where to start. We will discuss prep work
needed for the communication process to begin. Then we will learn about the
different areas/form associated with communication plans. Finally we will walk
through the steps it will take to implement a communication plan. Concordia is
currently on Banner 6.0 and has been using communication plans for approximately
5 years. We use communication plans for our tradition undergraduate admission,
our non-traditional undergraduate cohort admission, and our graduate admission
Melissa Stepan, Administrative Computing Specialist, Concordia University - St.
Paul; Beth Peter, Director of Administrative Computing, Concordia University St. Paul
Common Matching - Financial Aid 7.0 [146]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
315 (CC)
SCT Banner Financial Aid 7.0 in conjunction with the SCT Banner General provides
new functionality for data load processing common matching (batch and online).
Come and see the new streamlined Common Matching and understand how this will
enhance your day-to-day processing in the financial aid office with duplicate
PIDM prevention functionality.
Sue Laird, Consultant, SunGard SCT
Common Matching in Advancement
SCT Banner Advancement
328 (CC)
This session will review the new common matching practices specific to
Advancement. Review of basic setup, implementation, and a demo of the results
will be presented.
Carla Norris, Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT; Scott Geiser, Senior Advisory
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Common Matching/IDEN/PII from a Finance Perspective 
SCT Banner Finance
317 A (CC) T730
Release 7.0 includes enhancements for identifying persons or non-persons before
a new identification number is assigned; thereby eliminating potential duplicate
records. It also includes changes to the identification forms, so that
information is consistent and localized for further modifications. 7.0 also
includes PII (Personally Identifiable Information) Security to restrict access
to records based on the existence of data in key locations. We will review
these changes from a Finance perspective, in this session.
Denise McGarry, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
Common Matching-Avoid Multiple PIDMs
SCT Banner General
Tapa II (H) M130
This session will describe the new Common Matching (CM) enhancement delivered
with Banner 7.0. Common Matching can be used to help your staff avoid the
accidental creation of Multiple PIDMs. CM can be employed for batch creation of
new student records from dataload processes as well as for online creation. It
can be used for both person and non-person records. Preventing multiple records
up front is much more effective than cleaning up the duplicates on the back end.
Join us to hear how you can use this new feature to improve efficiencies at your
Sue Laird, Consultant, SunGard SCT; Steve Ikler, Product Manager, SunGardSCT
Common Record - CommonLine
SCT Banner Financial Aid
316 B (CC) T900
SCT Banner Financial Aid FFELP loan processing will evolve into the new Common
Record: CommonLine (CR: C) format utilizing XML and opening the window for real
time processing in the future. The implementation of CR: C will provide new
functionality to help with the largest volume of processing incoming financial
aid dollars for most US clients!
William Womack, Consultant, SunGard SCT
Communication - A Catalyst for Change
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Coral Lounge IV (H)
Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!! As the implementation of Banner 6
progresses, communication plays a vital role in keeping the organization on
track. Effecting change in any system involves an extensive amount of
The proper utilization of these resources can determine whether
your implementation winds up in the winners circle or pit row. Learn how one
university has engineered an effective model of campus-wide communication and
support for the Banner deployment.
Located in San Angelo, Texas, Angelo State
University is in year two of a three year Banner implementation. Knowing the
importance of organizational communication, this 6,000 student strong school has
assembled a solid project team able to sustain the momentum generated by the
school administration. Employing best practices to establish various avenues of
interaction with the campus, Angelo State has maintained a high level of
production while ensuring a smooth transition to the new Banner system.
Discover the ins and out's of a successful communication and training campaign
for your campus. If you are in the beginning stages of Banner implementation, or
just looking for new ideas to enhance your own communication plan, and want to
capture the checkered flag, this session is for you!
Jeff Sefcik, ERP Technical Lead, Angelo State University; Brian Braden, Project
Manager, Angelo State University
Communication and Listening Skills 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
320 (CC)
Effective communication and listening skills are essential. This session covers
where the most frequent communications breakdowns occur and discusses the
importance of active listening. Learn the roles of non-verbal communications
and questioning techniques to improve your communication skills.
Tasha Butler, Education Center Coordinator, SunGard SCT
Complex Letters at the Right Time
SCT Matrix Financial Aid
326 B (CC) T1130
Tulane University wanted to use the Matrix/Microsoft Word functionality to
produce complex letters, such as the Award Letter and Missing Information
Letters in SAS. Where possible, Tulane wanted to use the functionality in
Matrix and Word to mark letters as sent and to be able to regenerate letters
within Matrix.
Tulane needs to define specific time frames for specific
groups of students and to control the number and frequency of communications to
students. Our solution is a table controlled by the end user. Rules access a
single table with rows to identify each group of students. The table sets start
and end dates for the communication item for that group of students and the
limit and frequency of communication. The intended audience is both functional
and technical Matrix implementation team members. The presentation is based on
Matrix version 2.4. Tulane has been working on the Matrix implementation for 1
Anita Dinwiddie, Functional Lead-Financial Aid, Tulane University; Kenneth
Whitelaw, Principal Consultant-Matrix, SunGard SCT
Complex SCT Banner HR RuleTables (HOT) - Part 1 [064a]
SCT Banner Human Resources
319 A (CC) W900
SCT Banner HR, like the rest of Banner, is dependent on the correct set-up of
rule tables. Generally, one person on a staff takes primary responsibility for
the building and maintenance of these complex tables. However, staffing changes
do occur and many times knowledge transfer may not take place on how to update
and maintain the rules.
This hands-on session for new users of Banner HR will
provide information on the establishment and maintenance of these tables. This
session will be given in two back-to-back segments, with a 30 minute break in
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Suzanne Schuelke, HR Consultant, SunGard SCT
Complex SCT Banner HR RuleTables (HOT) - Part 2 [064b]
SCT Banner Human Resources
319 A (CC) W1030
SCT Banner HR, like the rest of Banner, is dependent on the correct set-up of
rule tables. Generally, one person on a staff takes primary responsibility for
the building and maintenance of these complex tables. However, staffing changes
do occur and many times knowledge transfer may not take place on how to update
and maintain the rules.
This hands-on session for new users of Banner HR will
provide information on the establishment and maintenance of these tables. This
session will be given in two back-to-back segments, with a 30 minute break in
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Suzanne Schuelke, HR Consultant, SunGard SCT
Concurrent Curricula Futures (BOF)
SCT Banner Student
326 B (CC) W900
This session will be an open forum working session for clients to work
collaboratively with the Banner Student Development by reviewing requirements
for Concurrent Curricula and providing guidance on prioritizing those
requirements for future releases.
Margy Hockett, Banner Student Sr. Development Manager, SunGard SCT
Concurrent Curricula Hands-on (HOT) (R)
SCT Banner Student
321 A (CC) T730
319 A (CC) T1130
This session will provide hands-on training using the Concurrent Curricula
handbook and supporting training materials. This is an opportunity to learn how
to use the new data entry user interface and understand how curriculum has
changed from 6.x to 7.0 from an administrative user perspective.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 40 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Pam Berry, Banner Student Business Analyst, SunGard SCT; Cindy Friend, Advisory
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Configuring Crystal Rpts/Enterprise (HOT) [495]
SCT Matrix Technical
321 A (CC) M130
This hands on session provides an overview of Crystal Reports/Crystal Enterprise
and it's use within the SCT Matrix suite of products. Attendance at this session
will be limited to 40 attendees. Seating preference will be given to registrants
who used the online schedule builder to sign up for the session. Additional
seating may be available on-site on a first-come, first-served basis.
Ken Barnewall, Sr. Technical Consultant, SunGard SCT
Conflict Resolution the Healthy Way 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
Coral Lounge I (H)
This session will explore the functions and dynamics of conflict and enable
attendees to assess their style of dealing with conflict. In addition to
learning the importance of assertive behavior, participants will learn how to
use a model to facilitate collaborative conflict resolution. Finally, this
session will look at ways to get beyond conflict and improve the quality of work
Gwen Burbank, Practice Director, SunGard SCT; Rhonda Geddis, General ManagerConsulting Practices, SunGard SCT
Continuing Education Registration
Academic Records
307 A (CC) M730
This session will discuss one of the newest features of IQ.Web 4.0; Continuing
Education Online Registration. This session will describe how schools can allow
prospective students to register for continuing education courses online without
completing the formal application process. IQ.Web Administrators will learn how
to setup their systems to enable Continuing Education online registration for
prospective students as well as existing students. Along with a PowerPoint
presentation; IQ.Web Administrators will also be able to see Continuing
Education Online Registration from a student’s perspective via a live
demonstration. Session Agenda: -An overview of the new Continuing Education
online registration module in the upcoming IQ.Web 4.0 release.
overview/demonstration of the administrative tasks to setup Continuing Education
online registration in IQ.Web. -A demonstration of Continuing Education online
registration in IQ.Web.
Steven Wlodarczyk, Senior Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Contract Billing for SIS Plus B/R 
SCT Plus
Accounts Receivable
Nautilus II (H)
Come learn how the SIS Plus B/R system handles billing of external Contracts and
Governmental programs. Setting the system tables and adapting institutional
procedures will be the main focus of this session. Ken's experience over the
past decade will help get your started serving your students and contracts
better in short order.
Ken Roush, Principal Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Control Web Content w/ Luminis CMS [420]
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
303 B (CC)
This session will introduce Luminis Content Management Suite functionality to
control content generation, modification, and presentation. Show how to define
and maintain branding using page templates and layouts. Describe how to share
content between multiple web pages and ensure data consistency using components.
Introduce site structure and access control mechanisms. This session is
designed for a technical audience.
Kevin Butler, Software Architect, SunGard SCT
Cost Savings Anyone?
SCT Plus
Coral Lounge II (H)
SCT Plus EFT! 
This session will present the SCT Plus FRS solutions for EFT (Electronic Funds
Transfer) payment processing and include the SIS interface for handling student
refunds via EFT. This session will detail the changes that were made to FRS to
accommodate EFT; originally for EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) payment
handling and subsequently for ACH (Automated Clearing House) use. This session
details the SIS changes to support the direct deposit function for students as
well as the core changes with FRS that support EFT. This session is appropriate
for functional and technical staff of FRS and SIS.
Dale Sauro, Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
CPE Integration into SCT SIS Plus
SCT Plus
Coral Lounge V (H)
This session is intended to share with you how multiple units at New Jersey
Institute of Technology (NJIT) collaborated to integrate the non-credit
/professional development system and operations into the SIS Plus system. The
benefit of attending our session is that you can generate ideas and take back to
your institution suggestions on how to add this functionality into the SIS Plus
product. The session goes into detail on the operational logic and the concepts
to make these programmatic and database changes to SIS Plus. This session is
for administrations who would like to consolidate student registration
information and for both functional and technical clients. NJIT worked with
SCT's Consulting staff on the enhancements.
Prema Teklinski, SIS Project Leader, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ellen
Schreihofer, Director-Division of Continuing Prof. Educ., New Jersey Institute
of Technology
Create New Request Forms in IQ.Web
305 A (CC) T900
Request Forms in IQ.Web users to submit standard web-based forms to directly
update PowerCAMPUS. IQ.Web comes with the following forms--Online Application,
Online Inquiry, Online Donation, Transcript Request, and Demographics Change.
This session will describe how schools can take advantage of these built-in
Request Forms and how they can create their own. During the session, we will
discuss how Request Forms work, how they are administered, and how custom forms
can be created with little technical skills. During the session, we will build
and modify a brand-new form.
Len Lipkin, Product Manager, SunGardSCT
Create Training for Developers 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
308 A (CC) W900
Are your Banner programmers up to date with the latest technology? With the
major changes coming with Banner 7 as the impetus, the University of Idaho set
out to create a self-sustaining training program for our technical gurus. This
session goes through the design, development, and implementation of training for
developers by developers.
Jason Mayer, Programmer/Analyst, University of Idaho; Tanya Denison, Assistant
Database Administrator, University of Idaho
Create Your Own API
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge III (H)
This is a demonstration of how to create and implement your own API. We will
demonstrate the use of the various SunGard SCT code generation scripts and the
methods for integrating these API calls into your code.
Ed Delaney, Software Engineer, SunGard SCT; Steve Quigley, Advisory Technical
Architect, SunGard SCT
Creating a Personal User Experience (HOT) (R)
SCT Luminis Platform
321 A (CC) T900
321 A (CC) W1200
The Luminis Platform provides ways for users to create their own personal portal
experience. This workshop will give attendees hands-on experience with these
capabilities that empower users to create their personal user experience. It is
intended for general audiences. Attendance at this session will be limited to 40
attendees. Seating preference will be given to registrants who used the online
schedule builder to sign up for the session. Additional seating may be available
on-site on a first-come, first-served basis.
Clint Peterson, GM-Luminis Development, SunGard SCT
Creating Connectivity with a Portal [406]
Common Interest Topics
310 (CC)
This session will describe the "cradle to grave" approach La Salle University
has taken in building a comprehensive portal that serves essentially every role
at the University: Prospective Student, Student, Faculty, Employee, and Alumni.
While each role will be highlighted, emphasis will be placed on the role of the
portal, the components that are integrated, and the philosophy associated with
the University's proactive approach to portal development. Our newest portal
role, "the Explorer Connection" (Alumni portal) will be featured in this
James Sell, Director of Portal Communications, La Salle University
Creating Custom Reports with SQR
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
309 (CC)
This presentation is directed for institutions that are looking at or have
purchased SQR for report generation. Any individuals that are responsible for
creating custom reports that Banner does not provide will find this information
helpful. SQR is a very effective and easy to use tool that works well with a
Banner/Oracle environment. Sample code will be provided. (Information Access
Maturity Level: 2)
Marsha Nemer, Database Analyst, Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Creating Your Own Banner Web Pages [001]
SCT Banner Technical
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
This session will discuss, using examples, how to create custom Self-Service web
pages. Topics will include package creation, PL/SQL code to use, the htp/htf
objects, creating custom user roles, Webtailor and downloading data to an Excel
Robert Nitsos, Assistant Registrar-Student Records Systems, Loyola Marymount
University; Jim Keene, Associate Registrar-Systems Administrator, Loyola
Marymount University
Creative Training for Tech Audiences 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
326 A (CC) M930
Does technical training have to be dry, dull and boring? Transform your
techical training to actively involve participants. Learn how the impact of
effective training can affect performance results. Increase the impact of
technical training by using new ways to present the same content and improving
participant involvement.
Rhonda Geddis, General Manager-Consulting Practices, SunGard SCT
Credit Bureau Reporting Update [392]
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
304 A (CC) U330
This session will cover the regulatory changes made to the FCRA (Fair Credit
Reporting Act) by FACTA (Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003),
reporting Metro 2 credit data to the credit bureaus using LMS/CLM, and reading
credit bureau files. Product: current LMS/CLM versions
Julie Trussell, Manager-Student Loans, Auburn University
Cross Enterprise Reporting
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
314 (CC)
This session will identify some of the issues associated with cross-enterprise
reporting, and provide tips and techniques for reporting across the various
business areas that support colleges and universities. It will follow an
example of calculating revenue and expenses by course through the process,
addressing business as well as technical considerations along the way.
Attendees will be better equipped to integrate related information across the
enterprise, and in doing so present a more complete picture of business activity
and related dependencies and associations. The intended audience includes
Institutional Researchers as well as those who support curriculum development
and budget decision makers. (Information Access Maturity Level: 4)
Paul Stormo, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
Custom Billing Statements Using MS Access 
Billing and Cash Receipts
303 A (CC) M730
This session will describe how PowerCAMPUS billing statements are stored in the
database and describe innovative ways to extract that data to create customized
billing statements. This session is designed for IT Staff and/or users of the
Billing and Cash Receipts module of PowerCAMPUS. Some experience with MS Access
or another database reporting tool is strongly recommended.
Quinn Brueckmann, Assistant Director of Institutional Research, Georgian Court
University; Len Lipkin, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Customizing Object Access
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
312 (CC)
The Object Access (OA) views provided with SCT Banner are intended as templates
to be used for designing client-specific reporting views. Pacific Lutheran
University has implemented a number of modified OA views, as well as a number of
custom views based on the OA methodology. The presentation will focus on a
thorough discuss of these views, as well as the logic behind them. (Information
Access Maturity Level: 2)
Erik DeBower, Systems Analyst, Pacific Lutheran University
Data Integrity - Testing Reports
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Coral Lounge V (H)
An upgrade, a report or an extract for which the integrity of the information
content has not been validated is a dangerous tool in any hands. However, the
process of validating that information, particularly for complex information
that has been transformed to address complex business issues often involves a
mix of business and technical skill. This session will offer tips and
techniques for supporting that testing for traditional reports as well as
complex reports crossing business functions, between distributed databases or
between pre-production and production databases, and between OLTP databases and
reporting platforms such as the SunGard SCT Operational Data Store and
Enterprise Data Warehouse. (Information Access Maturity Level: 3 & 4)
Paul Stormo, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
Data Warehouse - Changing Culture
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
316 C (CC) W1200
More than three years ago Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute launched a Data
Warehouse initiative to address the reporting and analytical needs of campus
leadership. Data warehouse architecture combined with web-base Executive Dash
Board application accessible via Portal was built to facilitate better access to
information by a broader population of campus users who are not familiar with
where data is stored or how it’s coded in the operational systems. The data
warehouse contains consistent, integrated, cleaned, transformed, detailed, and
summarized information derived from the operational systems. The data warehouse
implementation was far more than just a technical solution of supplying
information to the decision makers and their staff, it brings the cultural
changes that promote analytical culture placing value on information and
analysis as opposed to “gut feelings”. In this presentation we will review some
fundamentals of the data warehouse architecture, campus rollout strategies
deployed, discuss changes and effects on policies, processes, and people. We
will conclude with live demonstration. (Information Access Maturity Level: 4)
Ora Fish, Data Warehouse Program Manager, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Delivering e-Procurement Success  [291]
SCT Banner Finance
306 B (CC) W900
E-Procurement is live at several Banner institutions. Come hear a panel of
clients, SCT, and SciQuest representatives discuss their experiences
successfully implementing the SciQuest HigherMarkets for SCT Banner eProcurement solution.
Vaibhav Agarwal, Senior Analyst-Procurement Systems, University of Notre Dame;
Elsa Everling, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
De-mystifying Moves Management
303 A (CC) M1100
This session will provide an introduction to the concept of Moves Management in
today's fundraising offices. The session will discuss the basic tenants of this
approach to raising funds as well as how this information can be tracked in
PowerCAMPUS Advancement.
Sara Barnett, Project Manager, SunGard SCT
Deploying Luminis CMS at UVSC [430]
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
305 A (CC) W900
Utah Valley State College (UVSC) is deploying Luminis Content Management Suite
(Luminis CMS) 3.1 to manage its public and internal (portal) web content.
Through their extensive search for a solution, UVSC considered a wide range of
CMS solutions before choosing to implement Luminis CMS. With a diverse set of
business objectives and strategic directions in the educational arena, choosing
a CMS can be a daunting task. The presenters of this session will discuss the
college's goals and directions surrounding the need for a CMS, the decision to
use Luminis CMS as the answer, the implementation process including do's and
don'ts, and the results to date. This non-technical session is intended for both
IT and functional decision makers who are considering using Luminis CMS to
manage portal and/or public web site content.
Nathan Gerber, Director - Web Development Services, Utah Valley State College;
Judith Amsel, Luminis CMS Services Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
Deploying the Checklist [608]
305 A (CC) M1100
You've started to create some Action Rules for mailing purposes. You may even
use them to identify missing requirements from applicants. Come and learn about
the power of the Checklist in PowerCAMPUS and IQ.Web to notify individuals of
applicable tasks. Configuration of Checklists, available Checklist capabilities
for scheduling, completion and follow-up in both PowerCAMPUS and IQ.Web and also
available standard reports related to complete Checklist items will all be
covered in this session.
Jennifer Taylor, Consultant, SunGard SCT
Detail Codes - Finance Perspective 
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
315 (CC)
Learn how to set them up, categorize and test your detail codes to insure
successful AR feeds to finance every time. The following topics will be
TFADETC form as it relates to Banner Finance
Setting up the GL Interface window and how it affects Banner Finance
Rule codes used in the interface
Refund codes
Clearing accounts
Testing techniques
Tips and Traps
James Keches, Principal Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
Developing Luminis CMS Templates
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
325 A (CC) T1130
This session will introduce users to developing JSP page templates for the
Luminis Content Management Suite. Describe features and behavior of standard
Luminis Content Management Suite tags. Demonstrate best practices for
developing templates and describe how to avoid common problems in creating and
refining templates. Show how to use the template lifecycle to manage indevelopment and production templates. This session is designed for a technical
Kevin Butler, Software Architect, SunGard SCT
Developing Workflow Applications
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
Coral Lounge I (H)
In the current economic climate, institutions have to do more with less. The
need to improve efficiency and effectiveness has never been more important.
Using Workflow to automate, simplify, and direct the flow of information
throughout the campus results in better business practices and more controlled
processes. The effective implementation of Workflow will result in more
efficient operations, increased automation and visibility of processes, process
consistency, and enhanced exception handling. This session will guide you
through a structured approach to identifying, defining, developing, and
implementing Workflow applications.
Coleen Santee, Director of Information Technology, Northeastern Ohio
Universities College of Medicine
Direct Depositing Excess Aid-Refund 
SCT Plus
Accounts Receivable
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
Step by step instructions on how to implement a direct deposit program including
student participation, information gathering, processing excess aid and refunds,
explaining new screens involved, using banking software, etc.
Tim Guffey, Bursar, Tennessee Technological University
Do You Have SCT Workflow?
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
Nautilus I (H)
Have you been a Banner client prior to January 2002? If the answer is yes, you
own the software license for SCT Workflow. Clients that have been using Banner
for a good number of years are prime workflow candidates. You have your
processes in place. Let workflow help you enhance your business. Target
Audience are "mature" Banner clients interested in improving their processes
that are not currently using the workflow product. Come find out what you are
missing by not using SCT Workflow 4.0.
Carol Didio, Workflow Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
Don't Reinvent the Wheel
All Solutions
SCT TracDat by Nuventive
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
During this session you will see how Mercy College uses TracDat for institutionwide assessment, both administrative and academic. This presentation will
emphasize how the collection and management of institutional data in TracDat
eliminates the need to repeat this time-consuming exercise each time we prepare
for an external assessment. Learn how Mercy College uses TracDat to gain greater
efficiencies, realize cost savings, and increase faculty participation in our
assessment process.
Deborah Landes, Web Manager, SunGard SCT
Duplicate Resolution
SCT Banner General
Coral Lounge III (H)
Person and Non-Person Duplicates: Our Institute and many others have and are
struggling with the problem of duplicates in our databases. We have been live
on Banner since 1999 and have learned some lessons the hard way for minimizing
the mistakes made in data input both by data loads and by the users. I presently
research and resolve all duplicates in our database. During this time I have
developed some guidelines for data input and audited the database to locate
possible duplicates. Rose-Hulman is live in Banner with all modules therefore we
resolve the duplicate in all modules at the same time. We have an in house
written program that reports all the tables a given PIDM resides in as well as
how many records carry that PIDM in each table.
Although my primary
responsibility in Banner is to the Finance area I work closely with the users in
the other departments to resolve the duplicate to everyone’s satisfaction. This
has worked very successfully for us. It allows for consistency in resolution and
one place for duplicates to be reported. I presented this at Summit 2003 and
still receive requests for the information.
Betty Reece, Financial Systems Analyst, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
Dynamic Developments from the ESC
SCT Banner Student
325 B (CC) T1130
This session will provide an insight into two recent developments from the
European Solution Centre, focusing on dynamic, user configurable software
solutions. These solutions take the form of the Progression Process Engine, a
dynamic, 3 layer, rules engine approach to Academic Progression and the
Prospects Self Service Enhancement, which provides dynamic page building and
context sensitive page content for new and returning Prospects.
Richard Forrest, Manager, SunGard SCT
E-directories and Banner Support (BOF)
SCT Banner Advancement
307 A (CC) W1030
Whether it's Banner Advancement's e-directory or a third-party e-directory there
are issues of support that need to be addressed. This BOF will seek to identify
what the common issues are for e-directory support. For instance, how do you
maintain data standards among multiple sources of electronic information and
multiple internal and external users? There are other common issues that will be
identified via the BOF that can lead to stronger individual campus solutions and
effective system solutions.
Jonathan Lindsey, AVP-Donor & Information Services, Baylor University
e~Print (BOF)
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
Iolani Suites V, VI & VII (H) W900
SCT e-Print
This is an open session for current users of e~Print to discuss/present their
ideas on how they use e~Print and what modifications they would like to see in
the product.
Gerard Modzel, Director, SunGard SCT; Frank Mangione, Principal Systems Analyst,
SunGard SCT
e~Print - Report Distribution [040]
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT e-Print
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) W1030
How would you like to be able to send departments their reports via the Web?
e~Print is an affordable, easily deployed, and secure web-based system for
presenting reports to end-users. e~Print utilizes your existing Banner or Plus
security, provides “virtual bursting”, creates Acrobat PDF files, generates
email notification, and archives reports to CD's. With e~Print you will save
paper, time, and money.
excited about e~Print.
Come and see why over 140 colleges and universities are
Frank Mangione, Principal Systems Analyst, SunGard SCT
e~Print Product Update
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
Honolulu III (H) M730
SCT e-Print
This session is intended for users of Sungard SCT’s e~Print report distribution
software or those about to implement the package. The session will be divided
into three parts – first, highlights of the latest release will be presented;
second, the annual satisfaction survey results will be reviewed; third, users
will be asked to share their experience and suggest areas for improvement.
Gerard Modzel, Director, SunGard SCT
e~Print Single Sign on Protocol
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT e-Print
Honolulu II (H)
e~Print supports a shared signon protocol which can be used instead of the
standard e~Print authentication. This session will describe the history of the
current e~Print single-signon protocol and describes it in detail for schools
considering implementation of e~Print single signon in addition.
Rita Locke, e~Print Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
e~Print -What Does that Error Mean? [043]
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT e-Print
Tapa I (H) M930
We will examine the most common errors encountered by customers in dealing with
e~Print. Where to find them, what caused them and how to correct them. Go thru
the steps of determining what the problem is and how to correct it. We will
also examine what information is needed by the e~print help desk to help you
resolve your probelms.
Frank Mangione, Principal Systems Analyst, SunGard SCT
e~Print+Banner Optimizing Security
SCT Banner SCT e-Print
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) M1100
This session will define the three levels of security e~Print implements and
define how these levels are integrated with Banner Finance; General; Human
Resource; and Student.
Optimization of security with each module will be
discussed and demonstrated. The session will be geared towards new Banner
customers or customers leaping from Plus/IDMS to Banner. Existing e~Print
customers will find value in the second half of the presentation where
optimizing Banner security is presented. The security components are integrated
into Banner 5; 6 and 7 and I have been responsible for these components since
their deployment in Banner 5 over three years ago.
Rita Locke, e~Print Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
E-Advising Tools to Ride the Waves
SCT Banner
324 (CC)
This session will focus on using multiple tools to enhance the efficiency and
quality of your distance academic advising system. This session will demonstrate
how using such practical tools as, an Advising QuickFlow, Luminis, imaging and
simple Microsoft applications, can help deliver a unifying experience for
students such that, they almost feel like they where with you face to face. With
the wave of demands for distance advising, schools are forced to develop smarter
ways to provide quality online services. This session will cover the unifying
processes of incorporating software tools into the online Developmental Advising
Model. Discussion will include the evaluation of the e-Advising services and
future enhancements of the online Developmental Advising Model at Butler
Community College.
Paul Kyle, Dir. of Enrollment Management, Butler Community College
Early Adopter (BOF)
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
Nautilus I (H)
SCT Operational Data Store
This Birds-of-a-Feather session will provide a face to face meeting opportunity
for the Information Access early Adopter institutions. For those early adopters
of ODS & EDW, share with SunGard SCT how the early adopter program has been
effective and how it can be improved to support your implementation.
(Information Access Maturity Level: 3 & 4)
Thomas Chaves, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Easy Custom Acknowledgement System
SCT Banner Advancement
328 (CC)
Evergreen State College uses a custom-built acknowledgement system that creates
acknowledgements and updates Banner with the letters that were sent via the
single click of a button. This does not modify baseline Banner and works with
baseline Banner acknowledgement rules. It is technically easy and customizable
per institution and easy for end users. The presentation will start with an
overview of the baseline Banner acknowledgement process followed by a high level
discussion of the development work to create the system. Then I plan to provide
information on how to customize the system for their own use. We currently are
using Banner Advancement 6.1.1 and the acknowledgement system was created using
MS Access 97 and has been in place since July 1, 2003.
Jo Songalia, Information Technology Applications Specialist, The Evergreen State
EDW Future Direction
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
327 (CC)
SCT Enterprise Data Warehouse
The SCT Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) solution gives deans, provosts,
presidents, and other decision makers secure, online access to reliable
historical data transformed into formats to support ease of analytical reporting
and analysis. This session will look at the future direction of the EDW and
layout a roadmap for the next two years. (Information Access Maturity Level: 4)
Thomas Chaves, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Eliminate Manual Data Entry
Partner Solutions
317 A (CC) M930
SSD, Inc, is excited to demonstrate the next generation of their Automated Data
Capture Software, Axiom (formerly Easy Admit & Easy Apply). With this upgrade
colleges & universities are able to fully integrate data from hand-printed
applications, e-forms and tape loads directly to SCT Banner and SCT Banner
XtenderSolutions. The system will validate data to ensure database compliance,
as well as identify potential duplicate records and update existing records.
SSD's Axiom gives the college or university the power to automate their forms
processing, while being more user friendly than previous versions. SSD has been
providing automated solutions to Higher Education since 1995.
Michele Myers, Director of Sales & Marketing, SSD Inc.
E-Mail and Paper Letter Generation
SCT Banner General
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
Presentation of a newly developed letter generation system, designed to support
generation of electronic and paper mail. Built to coexist with Banner's letter
generation system and designed to allow more flexibility and power in design and
creation of letters, including support for dynamic content. The system
integrates seamlessly with Banner's existing population selection system,
pending letter functionality, and published material lists. Dynamic content is
programmed using PL/SQL, providing considerable power and control of dynamic
generation and allowing the programmer to leverage existing SCT packages and
Karl Riley, Programmer/Analyst, University of Idaho
Emerging Document Imaging Technology
Partner Solutions
325 A (CC) M930
Learn about the latest emerging technologies in the document imaging, report
management, and records management market. Find out how XtenderSolutions from
EMC documentum can help you gain control over information overload, better
control access to sensitive information, and help facilitate reduced operational
expenses, proper retention of critical information and improve overall knowledge
worker productivity.
Don't miss out on learning why hundreds of Banner users
rely on ApplicationXtender to help them better manage their information."
Mike Ball, General Manager, EMC Corporation
Empower Users and Consolidate Rules [471]
SCT Matrix Financial Aid
Nautilus I (H)
Tulane University wanted a highly flexible approach to rule writing that would
give end users a wide range of control over variable data that will change from
year to year. Two examples in SAS are values of cost of attendance components
and criteria used in packaging strategies. Hard coding changeable values in
rules would mean extensive rewriting of rules every year. Tulane and SCT’s
solution is to build tables containing the variable data and write rules to
access the data from the tables. End users update the values on the tables each
year and re-upload the tables. The intended audience is both functional and
technical Matrix implementation team members. The presentation is based on
Matrix version 2.4. Tulane has been working on the Matrix implementation for 1
Anita Dinwiddie, Functional Lead-Financial Aid, Tulane University; Kenneth
Whitelaw, Principal Consultant-Matrix, SunGard SCT
End User Reporting: A Case History [124]
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
This workshop is designed for both technical support, training staff, and end
users. It will present a case study on how the University of Maryland Baltimore
went about implementing end user reporting. The ultimate goal was users that
were self sufficient and comfortable with reporting from Banner. UMB embarked
on an ambitious campaign to provide their diverse end user community with
reporting tools and training. From technical design considerations to training
delivery, from creating “Oracle Views” to facilitating user groups, from
teaching end users “technical jargon” (and technical people “users jargon”) to
teaching users how to design their own queries, UMB successfully taught their
users “how to fish” AND how to better ask for fish to be caught for them!
Please note that UMB uses Crystal Reporting and MS Excel solutions, but the
lessons here are targeted less on the reporting solutions than on how these were
created and carried out. UMB used a combination of technical and training
strategies to meet our customer’s needs and it is the goal of this workshop to
share these with others so they can learn from our experience and come away with
ideas for their own institutions. (Information Access Maturity Level: 2 & 3)
Byron "Buzz" Merrick, Banner Trainer, University of Maryland Baltimore
Engaging the Prospective Student
Common Interest Topics
317 B (CC) M930
In February 2004, the University of Nottingham made a decision to build a
prospective students portal (PSP) as an integral part of its portal strategy.
Working in partnership with SunGard SCT the first phase of this development was
completed in October 2004. The presentation will discuss the strategic business
need for a PSP, the scope of the project and the formulation of the project
team. It will incorporate both the business and technical processes used for
building the solution and the benefits to date in addition to the future goals.
The session is of interest to all those considering a PSP development from both
the business and technical perspective as it explores all the issues related to
the development.
Graham Moore, Head of Web Services, The University of Nottingham; Tom
Chamberlin, Practice Manager-Luminis Integration Solutions and Services, SunGard
Enhancing End-of-Term Processing
SCT Banner Student
312 (CC)
End-of-Term processing can be an opportunity to manage many aspects of the
Registrars Office at grade processing time. While still using the multiple
steps in the delivered Banner vanilla product, we have been able to achieve
checks and counter-checks by adding our own developed processes helping to
maintain current policies such as repeats, pre-requisite requirements, grade
substitution and graduate level academic standing. In addition, we now have ten
EKU developed checks to accomplish prior to and prepare for the start of the
Banner E-O-T processing. Eastern Kentucky University implemented Banner in 2000
and has regularly installed the released upgrades. Current level is Banner 6.2.
Jill Allgier, Registrar, Eastern Kentucky University
Enhancing Job Sub - Sequencing Jobs [126]
SCT Banner General
320 (CC)
Dealing with how to run resource intensive jobs in off peak hours, or running a
series of jobs in sequence has always been a problem. We have developed a
simple method of using the Banner job submission process to do just this. Any
job, either Banner baseline or locally developed can be set up to run this way.
Along with sequential, conditional execution of Banner jobs, a scheduling tool
and job status monitoring tool were also developed.
Steve Weinberg, Application Systems Manager, Western Washington University; Jim
Kelly, Senior Analyst, Western Washington University
Enrollment and Degree Verifications [343]
Partner Solutions
317 A (CC) T1130
The National Student Clearinghouse, the nation’s largest provider of enrollment
verification services, has optional services to assist Registrar’s Offices in
the elimination of unnecessary and time-consuming paperwork.
EnrollmentVerify service provides verifications for credit cards, health
insurance, student service/product suppliers, and others. The DegreeVerify
service provides an efficient, reliable and secure method of certification of
college degrees earned by students. There are SCT Plus and SCT Banner interface
programs that allows institutions to create the degree files necessary for the
DegreeVerify service. Also a free Student Self-Service Enrollment Verification
Certificate is available for students on the web 24/7.
James Bundy, Regional Director, National Student Clearinghouse; Melanie Bell,
Regional Director, National Student Clearinghouse
Enterprise Architecture Services
All Solutions
SCT Services
302 B (CC) T1130
This session will articulate how employing an enterprise architectural approach
can assist higher education institutions in achieving the Unified Digital Campus
vision. A transitional framework and process will be described that provides a
roadmap to achieving the vision. SunGard SCT has developed a series of services
to assist clients in the development of an enterprise architecture, including
assessing the current architecture, facilitating the development of a target
architecture, guiding and facilitating the development and execution of the
transition plan and assistance in evaluating the effectiveness of the plan. The
goals of enterprise architecture include achievement and support of strategic
goals, alignment of business and IT initiatives, maximizing technology
investments and assurance that the enterprise is agile and adaptable to changing
needs and requirements. Attendees will learn how SunGard SCT provides guidance
and knowledge in achieving those goals.
Rob Bailey, General Manager-Field Operations, SunGard SCT
Enterprise Identity Management
SCT Matrix Technical
326 B (CC) T900
Identity management needs to be able interoperate in a federated digital
identity landscape. This session will cover the concepts, technology and
scenarios for integrated identity management and how SCT Matrix will operate in
a "community" of identity management services.
Scott Tucker, Chief Architect-Matrix Solution, SunGard SCT
Enterprise Job Scheduling & Banner
SCT Banner Technical
304 A (CC) W1200
This session will provide a brief overview of the standard AppWorx Enterprise
Scheduler. The AppWorx Banner extension product will be described, and its
interconnections with Banner will be discussed. The architecture of Banner job
capture inside of AppWorx will be illustrated, as will the configuration of jobs
for direct submission via AppWorx. While this discussion will be technical at
times, it will also highlight the advantages of integrating AppWorx and Banner
from an enterprise perspective. A review of Dartmouth College’s requirements of
a job scheduler will be used to guide attendees through the series of decisions
that have resulted in a new Banner system architecture that maximizes both
flexibility and security. The session will conclude with a real-time live
demonstration of Banner job scheduling, ad hoc submission and monitoring using
AppWorx. This presentation is targeted toward a technical audience which may
include database administrators, developers and technically-oriented managers.
Attendees will learn how the AppWorx Enterprise Scheduler has been configured
and customized at Dartmouth College to capture, submit, and execute Banner jobs
in a secure yet flexible manner.
Rik King, Senior DBA, Dartmouth College
EPAF & Workflow - No More Paper
SCT Banner Human Resources
Currently not available at this time
The SCT Banner Human Resources module provides an EPAF (Electronic Personnel
Action form) solution for submitting personnel actions that utilize the Employee
(PEAEMPL) and Employee Jobs (NBAJOBS) forms to electronically process
terminations, changes to fund distributions, salary adjustments, and leaves of
absence. Coupled with SCT Workflow, both tools can leverage Banner’s full
potential to maximize services offered by Human Resources. The presentation
will provide an overview of UMDNJ’s analysis and identification of those
processes that could utilize EPAFs and SCT Workflow, how we developed the
identified processes for EPAFs and with the incorporation of SCT Workflow as
determined by business process analysis, our establishment and development of a
training program to facilitate the rollout of the created EPAF and SCT Workflow
processes, and the determination of a rollout schedule and team. The session
will also cover specific EPAF and Workflow transactions that are used by UMDNJ.
Margorie Michele-Smalling, Manager-Human Resources Information Systems,
University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey; Patricia Kelly, Senior
Functional Consultant - HR, SunGard SCT at UMDNJ; Daisy Maxwell, Human Resources
Information Technology Coordinator, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New
Jersey; Brandon Singer, Project Leader, University of Medicine and Dentistry of
New Jersey
E-sign Web Forms [363]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Coral Lounge II (H)
A simple, highly portable approach to converting paper forms into Web-based
transactions with routing and approval functionality. The code on which E-sign
is based stores and updates form data in a database, routes the form to the next
approver in a sequence, and digitally signs the form. New forms can easily be
created using any HTML editor to create a basic Web page, and include a
reference to the prescribed routines. This is an application that all clients
can use to streamline form completion on their campus and greatly reduce
paperwork. This compliments, it does NOT replace, SunGard's electronic
Bob Schneider, Director-Admin. Computing Svcs, Western Washington University
Evaluation - Beyond the Smile Sheet 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
Nautilus II (H)
This session will present a methodology to capture and measure training
effectiveness, success and value. It will explain the levels and dimensions of
A methodology to conduct a training benefit/cost analysis will
also be presented. Participants will receive sample course development and
training evaluations representative of Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Evaluation
as well as tools to demonstrate training's value. Participants will walk away
with the tools to develop a training evaluation strategy in their organization.
Maria Myers, IT Training Coordinator, University of the Pacific; Heidi Meyers,
Director of Development-Education Practices, SunGard SCT
Event Management Success Story
SCT Banner General
313 B (CC) M930
Learn how we have become successful users of the Event Management Module for
student events. This presentation will go through the setup of events, tracking
of registration and attendance. How we then built the Self-Service package to
allow students to register for events. At the end we provide users with reports
to show event attendance to help with their planning. We did not modify baseline Banner, but we did add on functionality.
Maura Woods, Director-Applications Development, St. John's University
Everywhere E-Pay [461]
Partner Solutions
304 B (CC) T730
Electronic payments aren’t just for the web. This session will include a
discussion on developing a complete electronic payment strategy. Discussion
points include online credit card payments and an understanding of how schools
can take advantage of new electronic check classifications and begin offering
check payments via the web (WEB) and your cashiering system too, including
Accounts Receivable (ARC) and Point of Purchase (POP) checks. Learn the latest
payment strategies for reducing paper checks, improving efficiency, and lowering
transaction cost with in the business office.
Dianne Fanning, Director of Marketing-Product Management, TouchNet Information
Systems Inc.
Evisions Product Update [681]
Partner Solutions
324 (CC)
See the latest from Evisions, developers of FormFusion and IntelleCheck. With
more than 700 Banner clients worldwide, there's a lot going on! See pre-release
versions of their exciting new 2.0 versions of both products, and catch a client
case study to model best practice strategies. There's information here for
clients and prospects alike!
Jennifer Vernacotola, National Solutions Manager, Evisions, Inc.; Kevin Jones,
President, Evisions, Inc.
Excel for SunGard SCT Users
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
This session demonstrates some of the most efficient and easy-to-learn features
of MS Excel - the “cool tools.” A Summit 2002, 2003, and 2004 favorite! Learn
about Excel’s automated data selecting feature and how Excel’s analysis tools
can help you write/request better queries. Learn to use: AutoFilters, Custom
Filters, Subtotals, Sort data with the Toolbar and the Menu Bar, Copy
Worksheets, Freeze Panes, Chart Sheets/Chart Templates, and Pivot Tables. Split
text into multiple columns and how to identify duplicates. Many tips and
tricks. A 20 page handout is included.
Byron "Buzz" Merrick, Training Specialist, University of Maryland Baltimore
Exploring 10G Enterprise Manager
SCT Banner Technical
313 B (CC) M1100
I will explore and show you the experience I gathered installing and using the
new 10G Enterprise Manager in a LINUX environment.
Emilio Mejares, Analyst/Programmer/DBA, Cal State San Marcos
Extend the Unified Digital Campus with SunGard SCT Partner Solutions
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
308 A (CC) W1030
Through the SunGard SCT Partner Program, SunGard SCT works with leading industry
vendors to offer a complete range of Unified Digital Campus solutions. At this
session, we will review current SunGard SCT partner solutions and preview our
future partnership plans.
Jeff Jones, General Manager Business Development, SunGard SCT
FA Integration With all of Banner
SCT Banner Financial Aid
Tapa I (H) T1130
Financial Aid Integration with all other Modules. How when and where does
financial aid touch other Banner systems in the configuration of the financial
aid system. The intended audience is financial aid functional staff.
Gary Doll, Senior Process Consultant Financial Aid, SunGard SCT
Faculty Load Reports and Extracts
SCT Banner Student
313 B (CC) T900
The CT Community-Technical College System uses the Faculty Load module to track
full and part-time faculty who are members of four different bargaining groups.
This presentation will provide an overview of our use of the module as well as a
review of approximately 20 custom reports that were created to support the FL
users within our 12 College System. This presentation is based on version 6.2
and we do not at this time use Open Learning Registration (OLR). Attendees
should have familiarity with the Faculty Load module and its relationship to
Banner Catalog and Schedule.
Nancy Melnicsak, Senior Functional Support Analyst, Connecticut CommunityTechnical College System
FASB and You - FASB 116 and 117
303 A (CC) U330
This session will explore the many wonders of FASB and how FASB 116 and 117 are
critical to sound financial accounting of Advancement operations. Discussion
will focus on how this data can be tracked and reported upon in PowerCAMPUS
Sara Barnett, Project Manager, SunGard SCT
FBM070 - The FRS Plus Report Writer 
SCT Plus
318 A (CC) T200
Learn more about one of the standard reporting tools at your disposal for
financial statements and schedules from FRS Plus. Find out how the features of
this program have helped scores of institutions over many years prepare their
annual reports and many internal schedules that are sometimes difficult to
construct using other tools. Ken's 20 years of experience can help answer your
questions about optimal usage of this report writer and help solve your FBM070
Ken Roush, Principal Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Featured Workshop (#1)
All Solutions
310 (CC)
Common Interest Topics
SunGard SCT is delighted to welcome back noted author and lecturer Dr. Bertice
Berry. At Summit 2005, Dr. Berry will host three professional development
workshops. More detailed information about these sessions will be provided at a
later date. All sessions will be held in the Lili’u Auditorium (room 310) in the
Hawaii Convention Center. Attendance at these sessions will be limited to 450
attendees. Seating preference will be given to registrants who used the on-line
schedule builder to sign up. To learn more about Dr. Berry, please visit her Web
Bertice Berry, Sociologist - Author - Lecturer – Educator
Featured Workshop (#2) [661]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
310 (CC)
SunGard SCT is delighted to welcome back noted author and lecturer Dr. Bertice
Berry. At Summit 2005, Dr. Berry will host three professional development
workshops. More detailed information about these sessions will be provided at a
later date. All sessions will be held in the Lili’u Auditorium (room 310) in the
Hawaii Convention Center. Attendance at these sessions will be limited to 450
attendees. Seating preference will be given to registrants who used the on-line
schedule builder to sign up. To learn more about Dr. Berry, please visit her Web
Bertice Berry, Sociologist - Author - Lecturer – Educator
Featured Workshop (#3) [662]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
310 (CC)
SunGard SCT is delighted to welcome back noted author and lecturer Dr. Bertice
Berry. At Summit 2005, Dr. Berry will host three professional development
workshops. More detailed information about these sessions will be provided at a
later date. All sessions will be held in the Lili’u Auditorium (room 310) in the
Hawaii Convention Center. Attendance at these sessions will be limited to 450
attendees. Seating preference will be given to registrants who used the on-line
schedule builder to sign up. To learn more about Dr. Berry, please visit her Web
Bertice Berry, Sociologist - Author - Lecturer – Educator
Federal Perkins Update [362]
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
306 B (CC) M130
This discussion will cover the latest policy changes covering the Perkins
Student Loans.
Pam Moran, Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education
Fee Assessment Tools and Tips [220]
SCT Banner Student
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
This session will provide an overview of the basic principles of Banner Student
Fee Assessment with some functional and technical methods for querying results,
troubleshooting and problem solving. We will look at some ways to modify rules
to help take advantage of the new features provided since the Banner 6.0
The overview will cover common questions about fee assessment, and
will review basic rules, forms and processes, highlighting enhancements made in
the past year and those in development.
Some examples and discussion of best
practices will be included. Representatives of the Banner Student Development
team will be present to assist with questions and troubleshooting tips.
Tim Johnson, Senior Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
FERPA - It Impacts the Institution [352]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
With an institution wide information system such as Banner/Plus/PowerCAMPUS
there can be FERPA covered data which is accessible to any person with access to
the system. A presentation as to how FERPA impacts the information employees of
educational institutions can release about a student/alum to parents.
Richard Carpenter, University Registrar, Ohio Northern University
FinAid New Clients & First-time Attendees [139]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
301 B (CC) U1000
Are you new to the SCT Banner Financial Aid family? Is this your first time at
Summit? Join SunGard SCT and your peers to learn more about resources available
to you from SunGard SCT as a new client. For the first time attendee, we’ll
share some ideas and tips on how to get the most of your first Summit
Audrey Clay, Senior Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
Final Exam Scheduling - Our Solution
SCT Banner Student
314 (CC)
Final exam scheduling is a serious issue and merits a session all by itself.
This is it! See how the University of California, Davis campus created a Final
Exam Scheduling Process. With 30,000 class sections per term a process was
necessary! We will discuss new tables and columns we added to Banner and new
forms and processes we created to schedule Final exams. Banner 5.x/6.x 12 years
Banner experience (beginning with Banner 1.8)
Kenneth Komoto, Programmer VI, University of California-Davis
Finance Business Content in ODS 
SCT Banner Finance
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) T1130
Discuss the business content of Banner Finance and it's representation in the
ODS and EDW.
Look at how information is represented in ODS and EDW and how it
got there from Banner.
A look at sample types of reports that can be generated
from ODS & EDW based on the business content.
Look at how the ODS & EDW can be
enhanced to support additional operational reporting needs.
Deb Colella, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
Finance New Clients & First-time Attendees 
SCT Banner Finance
316 B (CC) U1000
Are you new to the SCT Banner Finance and AR family? Is this the first time you
are attending Summit? Join your SCT Banner Finance and AR team and your peers
on Sunday morning to learn more about the services and resources available to
you from SunGard SCT as a new client. And, if you are a first time attendee,
we’ll share some ideas and tops on how to traverse your first Summit conference.
Elsa Everling, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Finance Self Service Budget Planner 
SCT Banner Finance
313 A (CC) W1030
The session will review the set up and use of the Finance Self Service Budget
Planner released in version 6.0. Topics to be covered include enabling users,
security, processing budget scenarios, locking and unlocking access to proposed
budgets, and review of proposed budgets. Session is intended for Finance and/or
Budgetary personnel responsible for annual budget development and end user
interfaces. The presenter was involved in the development of the enhancement
from start to finish.
Gary Houck, Senior Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
Financial Aid Business Content in ODS
SCT Banner Financial Aid
318 A (CC) W1030
Introduction to SCT's Information Access Solution targeted specifically for the
Financial Aid report writers. Introduction to ODS/EDW Architecture ODS Views
GTVSDAX Reporting templates Demonstration of ODS with MS Access 2000.
(Information Access Maturity Level: 3)
Julie Poulin-Handy, Financial Aid Consultant, SunGard SCT
Financial Aid Deferments via Web
SCT Banner Financial Aid
325 A (CC) W900
Reduce your financial aid lines during the weeks leading up to final payment by
offering students the opportunity to request a financial aid deferment via the
web. Using a home-grown application that is integrated into the self-service
environment Purdue University Calumet students were able to complete the
deferment process via the web in a matter of minutes. During this session we
will demo our successful web-based Financial Aid Deferment process.
Mary Bishel, Director-Financial Aid and Student Accounts, Purdue University
Calumet; James Stange, Web Project Leader, Purdue University Calumet
FISAP [152]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
Tapa II (H) T1130
This session will provide detailed level information about FISAP processing
within the SCT Banner Financial Aid software for annual US reporting
Kathy Blattner, Consultant, SunGard SCT
Fixed Asset from Set Up to Disposal 
SCT Banner Finance
314 (CC)
The session will review the Banner Finance Fixed Asset module from establishment
of Chart elements to disposal of assets. Other topics will be purchasing,
invoice, adjustments (including non-invoice transactions via journal voucher,
stores issue tickets) and write offs. The session is intended as
review/overview of the most common fixed asset transactions.
Gary Houck, Senior Process Consultant, SunGard SCT; Treee Kreutz, Finance
Consultant, SunGard SCT
Fixed Assets and GASB Reporting 
SCT Banner Finance
313 C (CC) M1100
The session will review several options to consider to record and adjust Banner
Finance to comply with the full accrual accounting required in GASB reporting.
Topics covered include Fixed asset set up, GASB attribute associations, and GASB
adjustments using FGARCLE using Banner Finance 6.x. This is intended for persons
responsible for preparing the GASB Financial statements.
Gary Houck, Senior Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
FOCUS Dialogue Manager - The Basics [509]
SCT Plus
Reporting and Distribution Tools
325 B (CC) M130
FOCUS Dialogue Manager Statements provide an extremely useful tool to make
flexible FOCUS programs that are easy for the end user to submit and run without
needing to modify the program itself. However, there are some key
considerations that must be kept in mind when using the FOCUS DM statements.
This session will describe what FOCUS Dialogue Manager Statements are, key
considerations to keep in mind when using FOCUS DM statements, and how your
programs can be more flexible by incorporating FOCUS DM statements. This session
is intended for FOCUS users with little or no FOCUS DM statement experience.
While FOCUS DM statements will cross different platforms, examples and
experiences will be based on an IBM/MVS system.
Alan Shryock, Director-HRIM, Oklahoma State University
Formatting Reports in FRx  [578]
Finance/Great Plains
307 B (CC) M130
Tools/Tips/Tricks for preparing Financial Statements using the FRx Reporting
application to achieve optimal results. Using Advanced Features of FRx Reporting
Tools to develop Financial Reports linking data from multiple sources.
Michael Peck, Senior Consultant, SunGard SCT
From Naught to 3 In One Jump
SCT Plus
325 A (CC) T200
This session will review the steps needed and the considerations given in our
decision to go from pre-Option 1 to Option 3 in one jump. Additionally, Mike
will present the roadmap used by Hobart and William Smith Colleges on how it was
accomplished in one weekend. A similar approach was taken by New Jersey
Institute of Technology, which will be presented by Prema Teklinski.
Michael McGuire, Systems Administrator SIS, Hobart and William Smith Colleges
From the Mouths of Babes
325 B (CC) M930
A study conducted over 7 semesters teaching 180 students each semester supports
undergraduate students’ preference regarding learning with technology is the
hybrid (blended or augmented) approach. Students want the personal connection in
the classroom yet understand the benefit technology can bring to the learning
experience. Luminis offers a robust environment that enhances the reach,
timeliness and effectiveness of human communication in every aspect of
instruction, research, public service and institutional management. This session
will present an executive summary of the research conducted and demonstrate how
the Luminis environment tools support the hybrid learning environment and the
adoption trends of teaching and learning with technology.
Karen Peters, Account Manager Michigan, SunGard SCT; Ted McAleer, Sr. Practice
Director-Luminis Technical Services, SunGard SCT
Funds Integration & Reconciliation
SCT Banner Financial Aid
313 C (CC) T730
Financial Aid funds integration and reconciliation, from Financial aid to
Accounts Receivable and Finance. Also explore the links to advancement, this
session will benefit the financial aid staff understanding the movement of money
from financial aid to accounts receivable and finance and back.
Gary Doll, Senior Process Consultant Financial Aid, SunGard SCT
FUPLOAD'n Your Way to Success 
SCT Banner Finance
314 (CC)
This session will demonstrate how to generate and load journal vouchers as flat
files for application in areas such as general encumbrances, cross-campus data
entry, monthly JV templates, and endowment conversion. An Excel template and
the FUPLOAD process will be combined to upload data into Banner Finance. Setup
issues and technical issues will be addressed.
Andrew Unger, Finance Consultant, SunGard SCT
Generic Interfaces
SCT Matrix Technical
326 A (CC)
Explain the concept of generic imports/exports and how they simplify interface
requirements. Provide details about the SMS generic import and the SBS
transaction imports as well as our plans for SSS.
Barbara Shaffer, ISIS Executive Project Director, Johns Hopkins University
Get Integrated with SCT Workflow
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
317 B (CC) T730
This session highlights integration touch points between SunGard SCT Workflow
and other SunGard SCT solutions. Most notably, Luminis (portal) and BXS
(document management) integration will be covered. Attendees will gain a
functional understanding of how to high-value SunGard SCT components combine to
create a solution greater than any single part.
Mike Brzycki, Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Get Your Hands on SCT Workflow (HOT)
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
319 B (CC) T200
In this hands-on session attendees will get to interact and work with the SCT
Workflow solution. Whether you are a seasoned Workflow user or just curious
about the product - join us to learn and play with SCT Workflow. An experienced
instructor will take you through exercises designed to introduce you to the
functionality of the SCT Workflow product. You will learn how to build and run
a Workflow process and much more!
Note: attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating
preference will be given to registrants who used the on-line schedule builder to
sign up for the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a firstcome, first-serve basis.
Anita Desai, Business Analyst, SunGard SCT
Getting More from your SCT Banner Systems [297]
SCT Banner SCT Services
313 B (CC) T200
Are you certain that your institution is using all the features of your
administrative systems in the most efficient manner, and that you're keeping
pace with all the new capabilities? Join us as we present real-life examples of
the use of system features that are commonly under-utilized, and discuss tips to
help you to get the most from your investment.
Charlie Page, Principal Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
Getting Ready for Data Integration
SCT Banner SCT Services
317 A (CC) T200
Data integration supports a number of SunGard SCT and third-party products and
is a central component of building the Unified Digital Campus. Whether you will
implement data integration in Banner 6.x or 7.x, for Luminis alone, e-learning,
e-procurement or e-whatever, there are a number of common issues and decisions
to be made. This session will address preparation and readiness for data
integration, whether as a new data integrator or one moving from an older data
integration technology to the latest and greatest (Banner 7.1 and beyond)!
Randy Nichols, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT; Suzanne States, Sr. Technical
Consultant, SunGard SCT
Getting the Most Out of Magic Easel [580]
305 A (CC) T1130
Learn how to hide fields; move them around; change their name; get them to
default; and more using Magic Easel!
Jennifer Taylor, Senior Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Gift Processing
303 A (CC) M930
This session will focus on one way to do gift processing with different examples
of some gifts.
Lisa Sipe, Records and Research Manager, Saint Martin's College
Gift Societies are Easy!
SCT Banner Advancement
318 B (CC) M930
Gift Societies make donor recognition easy by allowing an institution to define
precisely what criteria will be used for each Society, including gift amounts,
designations, donor codes, campaigns, xref, gift types, preferred class, etc.
This session will go through all the steps necessary to build a Gift Society (or
Societies) from the ground up. No computer programming knowledge is necessary;
the module is designed to be used by any Banner user. Those who have not yet
started using the Gift Society module will benefit most, but other users will
probably pick up some useful tips as well.
Bob Marr, Senior Data Analyst, Michigan Tech Fund
Going Live with PocketRecruiter
SCT Banner SCT PocketRecruiter
308 B (CC) W1030
Oakland University recently implemented the Sunguard SCT PocketRecruiter
environment. PocketRecruiter allows recruiters to download prospective
student's information from Banner and update or create new prospective students
which would then be uploaded into Banner at a later time. This presentation
will provide information on the installation, implementation and the Admissions
experience using the iPAQ pocket pc's. Both Admissions and technical clients
will benefit from this presentation.
Lori Tirpak, Sr. Systems Analyst/Team Leader, Oakland University; Mary Alore,
Enrollment Management Systems Analyst, Oakland University
Graduate and Professional Schools (BOF)
SCT Banner General
306 A (CC)
This is the second BOF for the GPBUG user group (BGRADPROF listserv). This BOF
is a good opportunity to ask questions and share information with other Graduate
and Professional Schools. If you have issues that you want to discuss or wish to
meet your peers, please plan to attend the Graduate and Professional Schools
Deno Tufares Jr., SIMS Functional Analyst, University of Maryland Baltimore
Grant Accounting Overview & Billing 
SCT Banner Finance
Coral Lounge V (H)
This session provides an overview of the area of Grant Management. It will
address the creation of grants and grant budgets to the set-up and calculations
of F&A. Event reminders and notifications will also be reviewed as well as the
creation of bills, the entry of payments and the execution of grant reports.
Denise McGarry, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
Growing Banner Trainers 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
327 (CC)
When preparing for your Banner implementation, where do you find the experts to
Banner trainers don’t grow on trees! But, the good news is they can be
found all around you.
This presentation will explore a variety of approaches
to select and develop Banner trainers in a cost effective way that will
contribute to building internal Banner expertise. From all the methods we
review, you will be able to find an approach for you. Come and discuss this
common problem and takeaway solutions for your Banner roll-out.
Susan Flanagin, Associate Director of Training and Organizational Readiness,
University of Illinois; Karen Oliver, Associate Director of University Human
Resources, University of Illinois
GTVSDAX - How it Affects Reporting [295]
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
315 (CC)
This session will discuss the use of the ObjectAccess views and how the proper
completion of GTVSDAX is KEY to obtaining the correct information on your
reports. ObjectAccess concepts and GTVSDAX will be discussed. Also a
discussion of how GTVSDAX affects the MGRSDAX that is used in the Operational
Data Store will take place. A few basic views will be looked at to show how the
components of a view and how you can modify existing views to suit your
institutions needs. Also the ODS composite views that exist in Banner Base line
will be discussed and how they can be used for reporting will be discussed.
This will relate to Banner 6.x and is applicable to all persons who will be
working with the ODS or the ObjectAccess Views and reporting from Banner.
(Information Acess Maturity Level: 2 & 3)
Joanne Keys, Principal Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Handling Legacy Data in Matrix
SCT Matrix
326 A (CC)
Financial Aid
This session will discuss the concept of handling legacy data in Matrix 2.4.x
for a staged modules development and implementation in order to support rules
writing and business process for SAS without SMS, SSS and SBS modules. This is
intended for technical people but is beneficial for functional users in
understanding the concept of using legacy data in Matrix. The topic covered
will be technical concept of legacy data, not in-depth detail of technical
Van-Ha Tran, SAS Technical Team Lead, Tulane University; Bryan Stroebel,
Applications Developer II, Tulane University
Hands-on Great Plains Integration (HOT) 
Finance/Great Plains
321 A (CC) T1130
A practical lab on setting up; using; monitoring; and troubleshooting
PowerCAMPUS 5.0 and 6.0 integration(s) with Great Plains (7.0 – 8.0). Business
office staff will have the opportunity to test drive the workflow process and
see integration in action. System Administrators can use the lab to walk
through setup and activation of the Chart of Accounts; People/HR Payroll (5.0)
and Payroll Deduction (6.0) Integrations and learn how to use SQL Enterprise
Manager to troubleshoot replication/integration problems. System Administrators
will get a first-hand overview of the tools and resources available for
maintaining the integrations; and gain confidence as they experiment with
integration on a test database before they implement at their home campus.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 40 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Trent Schneider, Integration Developer, SunGard SCT
Hands-on Imaging - XtenderSolutions (HOT)
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
319 B (CC) M130
An opportunity to work with Banner XtenderSolutions, under the guidance of
SunGard SCT staff. Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees.
Seating preference will be given to registrants who used the online schedule
builder to sign up for the session. Additional seating may be available on-site
on a first-come, first-served basis.
Stephen Grim, Sr. Business Analyst, SunGard SCT
Hands-on the SCT EDW! (HOT)
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT Enterprise Data Warehouse
319 A (CC) W1200
This session will allow participants to have hands on experience with SCT's EDW
(Enterprise Data Warehouse) and see how this solution can assist an institution
meet it's trend and analytical reporting needs. Attendance at this session will
be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference will be given to registrants who
used the online schedule builder to sign up for the session. Additional seating
may be available on-site on a first-come, first-served basis.
Access Maturity Level: 4)
Thomas Chaves, Product Manager, SunGard SCT; Bruce Reed, Senior General Manager,
SunGard SCT
Hands-on the SCT ODS! (HOT)
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT Operational Data Store
319 A (CC) M730
This session will allow participants to have hands on experience with the SCT
ODS (Operational Data Store) and see how this solution can assist an institution
meet it's reporting needs and set a foundation for expanding who can generate
reports. (Information Access Maturity Level: 3) Attendance at this session will
be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference will be given to registrants who
used the online schedule builder to sign up for the session. Additional seating
may be available on-site on a first-come, first-served basis.
Thomas Chaves, Product Manager, SunGard SCT; Bruce Reed, Senior General Manager,
SunGard SCT
Hang Ten with Luminis Portal & CMS [442]
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
304 B (CC) T900
Taylor University is a small, private Christian liberal arts university located
in Upland, Indiana. At the administration’s request, the Information Technology
group began deployment of the CMS Version 2 during a major redesign of Taylor’s
public website. Thinking outside the box, we attempted to implement a highly
technical solution that met our needs but, unfortunately, proved less than user
We soon learned why very few schools had attempted this task. As
our redesign continued, we considered migrating our website to the current CMS
Version 3, thereby achieving a more decentralized publishing model. In the
midst of all this, we also began the deployment of the Portal to our on-campus
constituents, as well as prospective students and alumni.
Ian Blair, Manager of Online Services, Taylor University; Michael Rivera, Lead
Analyst/Developer, Taylor University
Hardware Load Balancing for INB
SCT Banner Technical
306 B (CC) W1200
This session will present a discussion of basic principals of hardware load
balancing as it applies to the implementation of Internet Native Banner. The
presentation will cover general concepts such as SSL termination/acceleration,
mechanisms for session tracking, failover scenarios, and implications for
configuring INB. While these concepts will be discussed in a general manner
applicable to many different environments, examples will be specifically taken
from the application of a Cisco CSS11000 series load balancer in a small school,
~4000 FTE environment. The information covered will be specific to our
implementation for Banner 6.x on Oracle Application Server but the core
concepts should be equally applicable to later versions.
James Gutholm, Systems Specialist-DBA, The Evergreen State College
Help! I Need to Train a University 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
316 A (CC)
So, you need to train an entire university on Banner? Don't know where to
start? Come to this session to see the training model that the University of
St. Thomas has implemented. This presentation will cover the training model
from committee meetings to the training lab. This is a repeat session from last
year's Summit with GREAT enhancements including previewing some of our online
training videos, quick reference sheets and documentation.
Linda Dorn, Department Systems Specialist, University of St. Thomas
Helpful Hints for new PCUG Users  [588]
Billing and Cash Receipts
305 A (CC) U330
LCU uses PowerCAMPUS 5.1. I have been a user since 2001 and a setflow
administrator for billing/cash receipts for over a year. I hope to show new
users some shortcuts and pitfalls to help them use PowerCAMPUS to its best
potential. I also want to include a sharing time at the end so that we may
benefit from each others' experiences using PowerCAMPUS.
Lorna Smith, Student Accounts Advisor, Lubbock Christian University
Helping to Ensure Employees Privacy [505]
SCT Plus
Human Resources
Tapa I (H) T900
Join us for a discussion of the Alternate ID (CWID) enhancement for Plus HRS
(planned released 1st Qtr 2005). This discussion will address the use of a
Campus Wide ID (CWID) that can be implemented to protect the SSN of your
employees. Discussions will include overall design considerations.
Les vonHolstein, Plus Development, SunGard SCT
Highlander Pipeline-The Why and How [463]
Common Interest Topics
304 B (CC) T200
This session looks at both the business case and technology strategy for
Highlander Pipeline, New Jersey Institute of Technology’s campus portal, now
supported with the Luminis product family. NJIT was an early adopter of the
Campus Pipeline portal under its initial sponsorship program. Quickly
recognizing the community building power of a portal with single sign-on and
personalization capabilities, NJIT positioned Highlander Pipeline as the
centerpiece for building its unified digital campus.
Today Highlander Pipeline
now provides role-based portal services for admitted and enrolled students,
faculty, staff, and alumni. Luminis content management technologies allow for a
unified representation of content among internal and external websites, building
a stronger, and more unified brand presence. Repurposing content among internal
and external websites and other applications saves web publishing time and best
targets content to its appropriate audiences. Integration technologies allow
home grown and third-party applications to be easily added to the Highlander
Pipeline experience.
This session is intended for both functional and
technical managers looking for ways to leverage portal and content management
technologies at their respective institutions.
David Ullman, Associate Provost, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Hints for Success in Banner Implementation
SCT Banner General
312 (CC)
This session is intended for those who are wondering what they can do to help
their institution prepare for a migration. Join me for a review of the things
that Ramapo College did to inform and get input from their users about a move
from Plus to something new. From Project Team Organization to technical
training, I will share our experience with you. I'll point out the things we
did absolutely right! and discuss How to stay focused and understand everyone's
Donna Singer, Director of Admin and Critical Systems, Ramapo College of New
Hiring New Employees with Workflow
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
320 (CC)
La Sierra University is implementing a workflow to hire new university staff and
faculty, using electronic (paper-less) rate slips. This presentation describes
the process of gathering the requirements, designing the business process, and
testing the workflow.
Denny Lin, Workflow Programmer/Analyst, La Sierra University
Householding in Advancement
SCT Banner Advancement
Honolulu III (H) T1130
Pacific Lutheran University, working with SunGard SCT, modified baseline Banner
to allow users to update addresses tied to a particular address type for all
household members with a click of a button. One no longer has to manually visit
the address record of each family member to update an address. From any family
member's address record of a given type, one can view the corresponding
addresses and primary phone numbers for the other household members. Records
are clearly marked to show which addresses differ from the current address.
Users select with a checkbox whether or not to update differing records. Since
the new address and telephone APIs are available in our current version of
Banner 6, all address and telephone inserts and updates are made using these
APIs. Anyone using Banner Advancement who is interested in householding and
address/phone number maintenance is invited.
Lennie Sutton, Systems Analyst, Pacific Lutheran University
How Banner 7.0 Impacts Advancement
SCT Banner Advancement
312 (CC)
This presentation provides an overview of the deliverables of Banner 7.0 within
the Advancement solution. Examples and details regarding the effects of common
matching, value based security, the new user interface, channels and on-line
help enhancements will all be highlighted in this session. How Luminis Platform,
ODS/EDW, Xtender Solution and Workflow enhance the Banner Advancement 7.0
product to provide a robust, flexible and dynamic Advancement Solution. If you
need a big picture view of the changes delivered with Banner Advancement 7.0
this is the session to attend. Reference to more detailed functional sessions
provided at Summit will be provided.
Pam Rollins, Product Manager-Banner Advancement, SunGard SCT
How to Build SCT Plus Rate Tables 
SCT Plus
Accounts Receivable
Honolulu I (H)
This session will show how to build SCT Plus B/R Rate Tables, and will discuss:
Overview of Rate Tables; Rate table arguments; How Calendar Table relates to
tuition calculation; How Rate Tables are Loaded; Rate Table Modeling.
Paul Strom, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
How to Harness an Octopus!
SCT Banner Student
302 B (CC) W1200
The Graduate Admissions process has been described as an octopus whose unwieldy
tentacles seem to be unmanageable. At Georgia Institute of Technology, we have
developed new business processes for managing graduate applications and data
that have, to a large extent, put a "rubber band around the octopus".
Controlled flexibility best describes our new system. This session will provide
information about the issues that lead to the development of our new system, the
overall plan and subsequent campus-wide implementation. Also, we will discuss
the use of several products and software solutions which have been adapted for
integration with Banner to streamline these processes not only in the central
office, but in program offices across campus. The cost-effectiveness, ability
to provide better customer service to our program offices and applicants, and
the ability to better manage enrollment through these processes will also be
Gail Potts, Director-Graduate Admissions, Georgia Institute of Technology
How to Modify the SunGard SCT ODS
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT Operational Data Store
306 B (CC) M730
This session is designed for technicians wanting to know details of how to apply
enhancements to the SunGard SCT Operational Data Store (ODS) for the Oracle
database and the Banner administrative systems. A thorough technical definition
of the architecture will be reviewed to include topics about triggers in the
Banner system; incremental refresh; Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) ETL mappings
and the tables; packages and views of the physical ODS itself. Other items
discussed will include SunGard SCT's recommended methods for applying
enhancements and ways to prevent any overlay of client applied code by Banner
and ODS upgrades. (Information Access Maturity Level: 3)
Mike Clouser, Senior KS Developer, SunGard SCT; Deborah Yates, Sr. Programmer
Analyst, SunGard SCT
How to Plan Your Move from Plus to Banner [103]
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
Moving from a legacy system to Banner raises all kinds of issue. An important
topic to consider is how to “retool” you IT department to meet the new
challenge. From Hardware required, software licenses, staff training, user
training to institutional culture changes, we will discuss the many different
things that need to be considered. Planning and a pro-active approach to what
you should consider will be discussed in this session. Presenters are Donna
Singer, Project Lead for Ramapo College of NJ and Eveline Taylor SCT remote DBA
for that site. Donna has significant experience in Project management and in
Information system implementations/migrations and Eveline is a recognized expert
in DBA management. Ramapo College is a PLUS user migrating to Banner, they are
currently live on Banner 6 for Finance, HR and Advancement. Student/ Financial
Aid will be coming live for Fall 2006. This session will benefit Project
Managers, Technical Managers, and IT staff.
Donna Singer, Dirctor of Admin Computing/Critical Systems, Ramapo College of New
Jersey; Eveline Taylor, UNIX Admin/DBA, SunGard SCT
HP’s BCS: Still Exceeding Expectations!
Partner Solutions
304 B (CC) M930
Business Critical Servers (BCS) and its partners support education
customers' most demanding business requirements -- creating innovative
products and solutions that provide campuses with the lowest total cost
of ownership through giving them better choice and flexibility and
assuring stability and security in the places that matter most. During
this session, we'll review the Integrity Server Roadmaps for Linux,
HP-UX 11i, OpenVMS and Windows.
Bob Blatz, Director of Marketing for BCS, HP
HR Business Content in ODS
SCT Banner Human Resources
318 A (CC) W900
Looking to pull more meaningful information from your SCT Banner HR system
through reporting? SCT’s Information Access initiative offers a number of
solutions for your reporting needs. This session will focus on the business
content of SCT Banner HR and it's representation in the Operational Data Store
(ODS) and Enterprise Date Warehouse (EDW).
Attendees will see how information
is represented in ODS and EDW and how it got there from Banner, sample types of
HR and Payroll reports that can be generated from ODS and EDW, and how the ODS
and EDW can be enhanced to support additional operational reporting needs.
(Information Access Maturity Level: 3)
Charles Westfall, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
HR New Clients & First-time Attendees
SCT Banner Human Resources
313 B (CC) U1000
Are you new to the SCT Banner HR family? Is this the first time you are
attending Summit? Join SunGard SCT and your peers on Sunday morning to learn
more about services and resources available to you from SunGard SCT as a new
client. And, if you are a first time attendee, we’ll share some ideas and tips
on how to traverse your first Summit conference.
Laura Weathersby, Product Manager-SCT Banner HR, SunGard SCT
HR/Finance Grants Management
SCT Banner Human Resources
318 B (CC) M1100
As part of ongoing development efforts with SCT Banner HR and Finance, join
SunGard SCT Development staff in an open, brainstorming session regarding
requirements and needs for Grants Management within HR/Position Control.
Charles Westfall, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT; Denise McGarry, Principal
Consultant, SunGard SCT
HRSA Campus Based Program Update
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
An overview of the HRSA campus based programs: HPSLs, SDS, LDS, NSL, PCL, etc.
Discussion will also cover the latest policy changes.
Tyson Nakashima, Acting Chief, Campus Based Branch-Dept of Health and Human
Identity Management During LEAP
Tapa I (H) T730
During a LEAP; mangaging identities in Luminis can present some challenges. This
session presents an overview of the Identity Management issues involved in
integrating Luminis with both Plus and Banner during a LEAP; and what SunGard
SCT can do to assist you in making sure these challenges don't become
overwhelming. This session is intended for all Plus clients who are either
considering or have begun a LEAP to Banner. Both functional and technical
members of your LEAP team will benefit from this session.
Robert Coon, Technical Consultant, SunGard SCT
Imaging - McGill's Admission Solution
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
Nautilus II (H)
A key ingredient in creating a top-notch educational institution is attracting
and retaining outstanding students. Driven by a desire retain the best
applicants and improve customer service, McGill University’s central admission
office moved from a paper file admissions process to the Xtender Imaging
solution. The Xtender Solutions technology facilitated a rapid change in
processing of admissions applications. Turnaround time for decisions improved
dramatically and communication with the applicant was enhanced. Vast spin-off
operational benefits to the internal functioning of the institution resulted.
This session will take the audience step-by-step through the project process
from pre-implementation to post-implementation.
Laura Lavergne, Manager-Admissions System, McGill University; Dan O’Connell, ICS
Trainer/Instructional Designer, McGill University
Imaging - Physical to Functional
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
324 (CC)
Moving to a digital imaging environment cannot be done overnight. For the past
two years, Graduate Admissions at Georgia Institute of Technology has been
progressing toward a paperless environment which largely involves the use of
SunGard SCT's Xtender Solutions products. This session will provide information
concerning considerations such as work areas, equipment and training tools.
Additionally, structural considerations such as timelines, flowcharts, and the
examination of business practices will be discussed. Finally, an overview of
managing campus-wide "buy-in" will be given.
Gail Potts, Director-Graduate Admissions, Georgia Institute of Technology; Brian
Williams, Information Systems Coordinator, Georgia Tech
Imaging - SCT BXS Product Update
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
Honolulu III (H) M1100
Come learn what is new and exciting in SCT Banner XtenderSolutions! New
enhancements along with coming capabilities within the imaging and document
management module for SCT Banner will be discussed. This session will be
valuable to any SunGard SCT clients using or considering document imaging on
Michael LaFortune, Product Manager - Enterprise Solutions, SunGard SCT
Imaging in Financial Aid and Beyond [277]
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
325 B (CC) W1030
When we implemented Xtender Solutions in early 2004, the initial goal was to
improve the process flow within our office. After having become more accustomed
to the product and our use of it, we have now extended its use in our office to
include the ability to view documents we need from other offices, such as
transcripts and Social Security cards. The end result is that our office, with
minimal initial growing pains, is utilizing the imaging system to maximize our
own efforts, as well as the efforts of other departments. The planning and
testing portions of implementing Xtender Solutions were critical to our ability
to use the product well when we went live, but one of the biggest advantages of
it is an ability to make changes to our imaging procedures as we went along.
For example, although we initially only started with two routing statuses, we
now have 5, which we found better enables us to properly route incoming and
outgoing paperwork. Anyone who currently runs Xtender Solutions, or someone who
may be considering it as an imaging solution for their office, can see how the
functional side of imaging can be implemented and used to their benefit.
Charlie Sheldon, Associate Director-Financial Aid, Georgia Institute of
Imaging in the Bursar's Office 
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
313 A (CC) M1100
JCCC has created two Imaging Applications for Accounts Receivable, one to image
the checks and a second to image all documents related to billing third parties.
We will discuss the documents imaged, the indexes used and the required indexes.
We will also discuss the process we went through to develop the applications.
Additional plans and ideas for using imaging in the Bursar's Office will also be
addressed. We are currently on BXS 4.61.016
Gayle Callahan, Manager-Billing & Accounts Receivable, Johnson County Community
College; Suzanne Henkle, Systems Specialist, Johnson County Community College;
Karen Langtry, Systems Specialist, Johnson County Community College
Imaging Made Easy [534]
SCT Plus
324 (CC)
The University of Toledo has implemented the Legato imaging software in the
Registrar's office. Our plan calls for the office to become "paperless" within
the next 2 years. We will share our plan, the SIS Plus integration that took
place and the success college advisors have had in accessing information faster.
Lorinda Bishop, University Registrar, University of Toledo
Imaging- What Can It Do for Me?
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
Tapa II (H) M730
If you are curious about the potential of document imaging at your campus, you
will want to attend this session. We will cover the basics of the technology,
uses within Higher Education, and show live examples of using SCT Banner
XtenderSolutions for imaging of documents within, and outside of, SCT Banner.
This session will benefit any technical or functional staff who would like an
introduction to the use of imaging on campus.
Stephen Grim, Sr. Business Analyst, SunGard SCT
Implementation - Lessons Learned
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
The ISIS project has been on-going for 3 years, with full implementation in
2006. Three of the four Matrix modules are live at JHU. What lessons have we
learned? What were some of our successes and failures? How do you keep
everybody moving forward in a lengthy implementation process?
Barbara Shaffer, Executive Director-ISIS Project, Johns Hopkins University
Implementation of the EMS 
SCT Banner Finance
307 B (CC) W900
This is to show how Concordia University implemented the EMS for its Foundation.
The intended audience is for those who are looking to implement EMS as a unique
Marc Gauthier, Director Restricted Funds and Finance, Concordia University
Implementing Banner HR: A “How-To” Guide
SCT Banner Human Resources
304 A (CC) T730
If you are planning your Banner HR/Payroll implementation or are even just
thinking of moving in that direction, you won’t want to miss this informative
session. You’ll learn what’s involved, what to expect, and get important tips
and advice from experienced Banner HR/Payroll consultants. Clients who have
completed their implementation are also encouraged to come and share their
Hector Dezayas, HR Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT; Sara Goodman, Principal
Consultant, SunGard SCT
Implementing CMS Enterprise Wide
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
305 A (CC) W1200
After joining the SunGard SCT Content Management Suite (CMS) beta program in
January 2004, the University went live with Luminis CMS version 3 and some
specific customizations in September 2004. The University of Nottingham case
study highlights the key issues in implementing CMS across the university.
presentation will discuss the benefits of a CMS solution, the challenges that
impact upon the development and the key steps to take to ensure the success of
the project The session is of interest to all those considering CMS development
or who are in a phase of implementation or considering the next steps of
development. It is a practical experience of implementation that will benefit
both those new to and those experienced with CMS.
Graham Moore, Head of Web Services, The University of Nottingham
Implementing Direct Deposit 
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
Coral Lounge I (H)
In Spring 2004 Chemeketa implemented direct deposit for student financial aid
refunds. Through a partnership between Business Services, Financial Aid and
Information Technology the college processed 45% of its student refunds through
direct deposit that first term. We continue to have a high participation rate 3
terms later. This session will cover the marketing strategy, the process of
student data collection and input, the set-up of Banner forms, the use of EVisions software to e-mail direct deposit notifications to students, and lessons
learned during implementation and beyond.
Julie Huckestein, Assistant Chief Financial Officer, Chemeketa Community
College; Miriam Rozin, Manager-Business Services, Chemeketa Community College
Implementing EE Self Service at UMDNJ
SCT Banner Human Resources
301 B (CC) M930
The implementation of Employee Self Service has been a great success at UMDNJ.
Immediately following the rollout, employee participation exceeded 20% and
quickly expanded to 40%, doubling capacity within 3 months. Client feedback has
been extremely positive and our user base continues to grow. The presentation
will provide tools for planning a successful implementation, developing a
project plan, running a pilot program, and coordinating an institution-wide
rollout. It will provide further information on developing a timeline and
rollout strategy. A live demonstration of the product will follow.
Angela Palumbo, Manager of Financial Information System Support, University of
Medicine and Dentistry of NJ; Alexis Rean-Walker, Management Assistant,
University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ
Implementing Web Time Entry 
SCT Banner Human Resources
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
This session will review the implementation and rollout of Web Time Entry at
Wellesley College. We will discuss the project plan and steps taken to
implement this module. This session will provide an overview of the SCT Banner
HR and Employee Self-Service system setup, required technical support, and
training that was provided to all employees. Lessons learned, how we rolled out
the module on campus, as well as tips we learned in the process will also be
presented. Additionally, we will cover usage of Department Time Entry for some
of our departments on campus.
Bethann Coppi, Finance Information Systems Manager, Wellesley College; Heather
Germano, HR Information Systems Manager, Wellesley College
Implementing Xtender - Financial Aid
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
Honolulu I (H)
This session provides information regarding the implementation of
XtenderSolutions in the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid at Virginia
Tech. Come find out how Virginia Tech implemented XtenderSolutions and its
impact on managing tracking documents, what we would have done differently and
our plans for the future.
Teresa Gallagher, Associate Director, Virginia Tech
Improved Productivity with e~Print
SCT Banner SCT e-Print
317 B (CC) M130
This presentation will demonstrate how UMDNJ used e~Print to increase
productivity with reports from SCT Banner and other applications. We will also
show how e~Print eliminated the distribution of paper, decrease the time it
takes to get information to end users and how this information can only be
accessed by authorized end users. e~Print can be used to contain ad-hoc
reports, electronic files converted to text such as telephone bills, and other
internal reporting which assists in improving productivity. The process of
transferring (FTP) reports to e~Print leads to a more streamlined efficient
operation. SCT e~Print is version 2.0 and UMDNJ has being using it four (4)
years. SCT Banner is on version 6.x and UMDNJ has been using it for 10 years.
The intended audience would be functional SCT e~Print and SCT Banner users
(Finance, Human Resources/Payroll and Accounts Receivable).
Mark Perlman, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
Improving Time Management  [375]
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
315 (CC)
Do you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Sometimes working more is
not the answer! Instead, review some techniques to help you work smarter, not
harder. This session provides business professionals with a framework for
focusing time on activities that deliver the greatest value. Expect to learn
some easy-to-use tools to manage your time effectively and efficiently.
Jon Rodibaugh, Client Education Coordinator, SunGard SCT
Information Access and ODS
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT Operational Data Store
318 B (CC) W1200
Are you tired of the costs, pains, and inconsistency of data as a result of your
institution’s current "reporting" strategy? Have you been shopping around for a
new strategy? Well, has SunGard SCT have a solution in store for you: The
Operational Data Store (ODS). This session will provide instruction and
demonstration to show attendees how to build and use this higher education
specific data model to facilitate your ad-hoc reporting for institutional
performance data. "Better Data for Better Decisions". (Information Access
Maturity Level: 3)
Andy Kearney, Product Lead Consultant, SunGard SCT
Information Access Strategy Update [037]
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
316 C (CC) U330
It has been observed that the need for information and the way information is
used in an institution change over time. The Information Access Maturity Model
illustrates the typical progression of an institution's information access needs
from the time the institution adopts an administrative solution through the
proactive use of business intelligence applications. This session will provide
an update on how SunGard SCT is meeting the varying needs of the information
access maturity model, from a level 1 maturity (standard reports) all the way
through a level 5 (business intelligence). (Information Access Maturity Level:
1,2,3,4 & 5)
Judy Luzeski, General Manager, SunGard SCT
Information Protection in BXS [334]
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
308 B (CC) W1200
Join us for this special session and learn about what you can do or what you
should watch out for when deploying the BXS and managing informaton in the
system. We will do overview of BXS Solution and then we'll discuss security
configuration and deployment options. We review Client/Server and Web based
system settings. Creation of Users Profiles, Users Groups and Group Policies, as
well as using Annotation Groups and License Server features will be discussed.
We'll also look at some system components you can use to manage security and
some of the best practices that will give you a more reliable security
Anatoli Berman, Technical Consultant, SunGard SCT
Innovative Advising Solutions [107]
SCT Banner Student
301 A (CC) M930
At UTSA all freshmen and freshman transfers with 29 or fewer college credit
hours are required to participate in an Orientation to register for their firstsemester classes, and these new students pre-register for these programs.
We have developed and adapted a method of using Banner to collect pre-registered
student data, and Crystal Reports in Banner to query, sort and create “prepsheet” reports for advisors. These “prep-sheets” serve the purpose of providing
the advisors student information regarding test scores, previous college credit,
and contact information like address and phone number. Individual students are
then divided into small groups of a single major. During the Orientation
process, a group is assigned to a particular advisor specializing in that
college. The result is an orderly, cohesive, and much more valuable orientation
session for students, as well as a much more efficient course selection and
schedule creation for inexperienced students.
Michael Wallen, Information Analyst, University of Texas at San Antonio; Sally
Bench, Director of Advising College of Engineering, University of Texas at San
Instances and Changes
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
Describe how our environments, build promotion process and change control
workflow meet the challenges of the Matrix implementation.
Stephen Hellen, ISIS Project Manager, Johns Hopkins University
Institutional Change thru Datamart [345]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
316 B (CC) T200
Mercy College's development of a Datamart for the Plus environment has resulted
in a fundamental shift in terms of information access and accountability within
the institution. This presentation discusses how to implement a Datamart,
manage the resulting impact on both administrative staff and IT staff and change
the institutional culture towards data and data access. Program is intended for
mid to upper level administrators and functional managers as well as IT
Julie Ouska, CIO/VP of Administrative Services, Mercy College
Institutional Research (BOF)
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
325 B (CC) W900
This session will provide an opportunity to continue discussion with your
Institutional Research colleagues. It’s an open forum for the purpose of
exchanging ideas, seeking help and providing assistance. Come with your
questions AND your answers. All institutional researchers – whether veteran or
novice users – are encouraged to attend. It's an opportunity to meet your IR
colleagues at Summit. (Information Access Maturity Level: 3 & 4)
Mary Lelik, Director of Institutional Research, Saint Mary's College
Integrating Banner and WebFocus Security [690]
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
Reporting and Distribution Tools
304 A (CC)
This presentation will detail how VCU is integrating the security scheme in
Banner with WebFocus reporting against the Operational Data Store. It is
relevant to new Banner customers evaluating their reporting and query tool
options, and will provide information on Virginia Commonwealth University's
solution. (Information Access Maturity Level: 2)
James Thomas, Banner Project Manager, Virginia Commonwealth University
Integrating Campus Cards to Banner [311]
SCT Banner SCT Luminis Data Integration Suite
301 A (CC) T730
Campus Card integrations touch all parts of your institution and impact
students, faculty, staff, alumni, community members and visitors. From a
functional perspective learn how SCT Campus Card Integration with Banner
provides accurate and timely information throughout your network. Enabling
information to be maintained and shared, as needed, throughout your digital
Joseph Peffer, Product Manager Integration Solutions, SunGard SCT
Integrating E-Procurement
Partner Solutions
324 (CC)
In 2003, SCT and SciQuest partnered to deliver HigherMarkets for SCT Banner, a
fully integrated e-procurement solution for SCT Banner Finance users.
HigherMarkets for SCT Banner allows you to extend your SCT Banner Finance system
to manage key procurement processes including catalog management, product
selection, requisitioning and order management with a best-of-breed solution
from the leading provider of procurement solutions for higher education.
HigherMarkets for SCT Banner delivers these benefits and more, through a
seamless integration with SCT Banner Finance and the Luminis Data Integration
Suite, ensuring the integrity of your financial data while leveraging your
existing technology investments. In this session, we’ll introduce you to the
HigherMarkets for SCT Banner solution from a functional perspective, including
an introduction to the SciQuest platform and a review of the most common
integration points between the HigherMarkets solution and SCT Banner finance.
We will also discuss how to integrate and develop your project plans to roll out
HigherMarkets for SCT Banner in unison with your Banner Finance implementation.
Anthony Rotoli, Channel Sales Manager, SciQuest
Integrating INAS into Matrix
SCT Matrix Financial Aid
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
This session will discuss the technical aspects of integrating the College Board
INAS EFC calculations into Matrix 2.4.1 without modifying or customizing the
Matrix code.
Bryan Stroebel, Applications Developer II, Tulane University; Van-Ha Tran, SAS
Technical Team Lead, Tulane University
Integrating SCT Plus - New Services [548]
SCT Plus
Honolulu III (H) W1200
Integration of application systems is important for delivering new and improved
services across the digital campus. This session will look at several major
features added to the SIS, HRS, FRS and other systems to support crossfunctional campus processes dependent on data that is traditionally stored in
only one of the Plus product lines. Topics to be discussed include the
coordination of campus-wide ID changes and feeds to all affected systems,
tracking employee assignment changes and integrating them with ZSS security to
identify individuals who no longer should be authorized for application access;
expanded faculty work load management in SIS; data cleansing of FCWS earnings
for FISAP reporting; detailed employee labor distribution in FRS by account
number. The session will focus on the business need for integration in each
case and the resulting technical design to achieve business objectives.
Carmen Marici, Project Leader HRS/FRS, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Prema
Teklinski, Project Leader-SIS, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Integrating User Accounts
303 A (CC) T200
How Grace University uses Perl scripts to read PowerCAMPUS data and create new
Active Directory/Microsoft Exchange, Blackboard, and IQ Web accounts for new
employees, faculty, and students. The script also creates a list of accounts
that may need to be deleted.
Greg Litchfield, Computer Systems Manager, Grace University
Integration at Your Request (BOF)
SCT Banner SCT Luminis Data Integration Suite
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
As SunGard SCT builds out the Unified Digital Campus we strive to address client
priorities for integration to third-party products. This is your opportunity to
let the product managers hear about integration issues on your campus and to
make suggestions for future solutions. Whether your hot button is Facilities
Management, Parking, or Portfolios, let us know how we can help solve your most
pressing integration needs.
Joseph Peffer, Product Manager Integration Solutions, SunGard SCT
Integration Strategy and Roadmap
SCT Banner SCT Luminis Data Integration Suite
317 B (CC) M730
Managing the integration of multiple software systems requires a significant
expenditure of institutional resources. The SunGard SCT integration strategy
removes that burden from the IT staff and replaces it with a network of
standardized integration solutions from pre-qualified partners. Students,
faculty, and staff across the campus will benefit from products that integrate
at the presentation, data, and process layers. Our solutions provide you with
current technology that reduces your cost of integration, enhances efficiency,
and provides a consistent level of support and accountability across the entire
institution. Both new and experienced users will find value in this session,
which deals with technical issues at a high level only.
Richard Lander, General Manager, SunGard SCT
Integration to Scheduling Systems (BOF)
SCT Banner Student
304 A (CC) W1030
Integrating Banner to Scheduling and Timetabling Systems is a frequent listserv
topic. Come tell SunGard SCT product management first-hand how we can make life
easier for you by identifying your integration requirements for this critical
Joseph Peffer, Product Manager Integration Solutions, SunGard SCT
Integration with Housing Solutions
SCT Banner Student
313 B (CC) T1130
This session will describe in detail the functional integration touchpoints that
are provided between housing solution partners and SCT Banner.
Joseph Peffer, Product Manager Integration Solutions, SunGard SCT
Integration with MS Biztalk
Partner Solutions
325 A (CC) T900
This session will focus on integrating applications such as SCT Matrix and SCT
PowerCAMPUS within the institution's enterprise.
Rob Curtin, Industry Solution Manager, Microsoft Corporation
Intelligent Reporting with Cognos
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
316 C (CC) M130
This session will cover the functionality of Cognos Report Net and its use in
administrative reporting at Wayne State University. Cognos Report Net is a web
based application with zero footprint interface. This presentation is intended
for University employees, management, and IT staff who want more information on
reporting tools and their value to the institution. There will be a live product
demonstration at the end of the session.
(Information Access Maturity Level: 2 & 3)
Wanda Dixon, Systems Analyst, Wayne State University; Laura Hendrick, IT
Director, Wayne State University
Interdenominational Worship Service [707]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
315 (CC)
Taylor University will host a time of worship and fellowship at the beginning of
this important week. Our time together will include singing, prayer, a
devotional message, and sharing with each other about the goodness of God. This
worship time is informal and interdenominational. Please plan to join us.
Rod Eib, Director of Applications and Integration Services, Taylor University
Intermediate MS Access Reporting
313 B (CC) M130
Would you like to further your understanding of MS Access? In this session we
will explore the steps to creating a fully functional reporting database. Learn
how to link tables, write complex queries, design intelligent navigation into
your forms, and create powerful reports. Find out how to use Access to
communicate via paper, web, and email. Pick up the keys to designing a reporting
database before you turn on your computer. Discover how to put information at
the fingertips of those who need it, when they need it.
Ray Keen, Executive Director of Advancement, Multnomah Bible College and
Intro to Luminis CMS Services [431]
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
303 B (CC) W1030
The Luminis Content Management Suite (Luminis CMS) provides powerful yet easyto-use tools for creating and managing web content that have been designed in
accordance with the specific needs of higher education. The ease of use for nontechnical content stakeholders comes with a tradeoff, however: Successful
deployment of Luminis CMS 3.x involves a variety of individuals in multiple
activities over the course of the implementation. These include a thorough
analysis of your institution's web content needs and business processes,
designing the configuration of the Luminis CMS system to support those needs,
training and communication to prepare Luminis CMS users to work with the system,
and planning for ongoing extension and expansion of the system. This session,
which is intended for institutional project team leaders (both technical and
organizational), will provide an overview of the implementation process and how
the Luminis CMS services team will support you in achieving your CMS objectives.
Judith Amsel, Luminis CMS Services Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
Introduction to Campus Loan Manager [447]
All Solutions
SCT Campus Loan Manager
Honolulu I (H)
This session will provide session attendees with an introduction and overview of
SCT Campus Loan Manager 1.2.9. Topics will include various processes,
transactions and screens in CLM. This session will help current and potential
CLM end-users. I have 2 years experience with LMS and 1 year with CLM.
Coretta Peel, Director of Student Loans, East Carolina University
Introduction to SCT Enterprise Data Warehouse
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT Enterprise Data Warehouse
316 A (CC) T900
An overview of the SunGard SCT Enterprise Data Warehouse. (v 1.1) This session
will show the functionality of the EDW and discuss its position within SCT's
Information Access Strategy. (Information Access Maturity Level: 4)
Sean Collins, Technical Lead, SunGard SCT
IQ.Web - Simplify an Advisors Life
Academic Records
305 A (CC) M930
In this session, we will explore several options to make an advisor’s life
easier using IQ.Web. The session will cover topics including Advisor
Authorization to register on-line and Advisor Approval of course schedules, as
well as how to dynamically generate an up-to-date list of your advisees to
export to a spreadsheet. We will also discuss how the Department Chair can use
the Delegates feature to oversee and advise all students. This session will
focus mainly on the functionality but will include a high level overview of how
to implement the features discussed at your institution. The session is
designed for both users and administrators at institutions that currently use or
are considering use of IQ.Web. The session will include functionality in IQ.Web
Mandy Matern, Senior Quality Assurance Analyst, SunGard SCT; Steven Wlodarczyk,
Senior Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
IQ.Web & QuestionMark
Academic Records
307 B (CC) T900
Join representatives from SCT PowerCAMPUS, The Master’s College, and
QuestionMark Corporation as they discuss how they have collectively partnered to
develop an integration between SCT’s IQ.Web application and QuestionMark’s
Perception application. During this session you’ll hear how this partnership
formed, learn about the Perception application, and see how this integration
will provide your faculty using IQ.Web’s course manager with the ability to
write, deliver and run reports from exams, tests, surveys, and quizzes.
Daniel Mongeluzi, Development Manager, SunGard SCT; Steven Wlodarczyk, Senior
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
IQ.Web 3+ New Reg Functionality
Academic Records
305 A (CC) T200
The session will discuss the newest features of PowerCAMPUS and IQ.Web, from the
5.0/3.0 release to 5.2/3.2. This session will describe how schools can best
utilize Registration Groups and Prerequisites in IQ.Web to control how students
are able to register online. Schools will learn about how to set up in
PowerCAMPUS and IQ.Web to take advantage of Instructor Permission (3.0) and
Advisor Approval of Course Schedules (3.1) functionality. The session will
include a PowerPoint presentation in conjunction with a live demonstration.
Len Lipkin, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
IQ.Web 4.0 Billing Overview
303 B (CC) T900
In this session we will cover the new IQ.Web 4.0 features that will affect
billing. Included in the presentation will be Billing by Year/Term/Session and
Sponsor Billing. The session is designed for both users and administrators at
institutions that currently use or are considering use of IQ.Web.
Mandy Matern, Senior Quality Assurance Analyst, SunGard SCT
IQ.Web 4.0 Student & Faculty Overview
Financial Aid/PowerFAIDS
307 B (CC) T200
In this session we will cover the new IQ.Web 4.0 features that will affect
students and faculty. Included in the presentation will be Continuing Education
Registration and Narrative Grades. The session is designed for both users and
administrators at institutions that currently use or are considering use of
Mandy Matern, Senior Quality Assurance Analyst, SunGard SCT; Steven Wlodarczyk,
Senior Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
IQ.Web Course Homepage & Gradebook
Academic Records
307 B (CC) T1130
This session - created for PowerCAMPUS clients - is designed to highlight the
functionality of SunGard SCT's Course Management tools. The presenter has used
both the Course Homepage and Gradebook components extensively in his World
History classes for several semesters and will demonstrate the benefits of
integrating these powerful tools into the educational experience. The
presentation will include a description of the setups involved and a real-life
demonstration, followed by a discussion of strategies to encourage your faculty
to take advantage of these functions.
Jeff Jensen, Assistant Professor of History, The Master's College; Len Lipkin,
Product Manager, SunGard SCT
IQ.Web Public and Private Forums
303 B (CC) T1130
This session will discuss Public, Private, and Private Course Forums in IQ.Web.
The different user, forum, and category types will be discussed and how to
combine each of these to provide the forum solution for each of your needs. The
session will show how Administrators can assign moderators and individual access
to Private and Private Course Forums. The presentation will show how faculty
members are able to create a Private Category and Forum for every course they
teach so that only students registered for that course can access the forum.
Along with a PowerPoint presentation, attendees will also be able to see Public,
Private, and Private Course Forums from a student and faculty’s perspective via
a live demonstration.
Steven Wlodarczyk, Senior Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
IQ.Web Training for Faculty
Academic Records
307 B (CC) U330
This session will present an overview of the different training methods Saint
Paul School of Theology has used to introduce and train faculty on IQ.Web. We
will present a timeline and outline of the training opportunities employed and
the faculty response to those opportunities. Time for discussion will be
included, so please come with questions or comments related to your own
experience. This session is appropriate for new users and anyone who is
preparing to introduce IQ.Web to their faculty. This session is based on
PowerCAMPUS 4.6/IQ.Web 2.6. I have been working with the PowerCAMPUS product
for 3 years.
Melissa Casper, Electronic Services Librarian, Saint Paul School of Theology;
Nicole Schoenhals, Associate Dean and Registrar, Saint Paul School of Theology
Is it Bigger Than a Breadbox? [497]
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
Nautilus I (H)
This session will discuss the approach taken by the Tulane University in scoping
extensions and interfaces to the SCT Matrix Student Marketing System. Topics
include approaches to categorizing based on life-cycle and type of extension;
identifying skills; measuring level of effort and resourcing. In addition, the
presentation drills into effective techniques in communicating with nontechnical stakeholders.
Scott Zitzmann, Application Developer, Tulane University; David Paolino,
Technical Consultant, SunGard SCT
It's an Integrated World After All
SCT Banner Advancement
Honolulu II (H)
This session will cover all of the points in which the Banner Advancement System
integrates/Interfaces with each of the other Banner components; Student,
Finance, Financial Aid, Endowment Management, and Human Resources. In discussing
and demonstrating each of the facets of integration between Advancement and the
other Banner systems, this session will also review and address each of the
Forms and validation tables affected, issues to consider, and ways to completely
take advantage of the integration. Although this session focuses on Banner
Advancement, representatives from each of the Banner systems are encouraged to
attend, as we will be reviewing forms and tables associated with each of the 5
Banner components.
Andy Kearney, Product Lead Consultant, SunGard SCT
iWebfolio & TracDat Software
Partner Solutions
309 (CC)
Nuventive, a leader in technology and services for assessing, managing and
improving education, understands the information/organization imperative, and
how it fuels the engines of learning and quality improvement. Our enterprise
solutions -- including the iWebfolio electronic portfolio system and TracDat
assessment management system -- equip individuals and organizations to meet
these demands efficiently and effectively. The combined solutions create a
structured framework for continuous quality and academic program improvement,
and for personal growth. During this presentation, the presenter will show
these products and discuss the integration with SunGard SCT solutions.
Gary Choban, Chief Technology Officer, Nuventive, Inc.
iWebfolio Showcase
All Solutions
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
iWebfolio, an electronic portfolio management system, allows individuals and
institutions to create any number of portfolio types in order to meet the varied
demands of faculty and students. In this session, you will see how easy it is
to create a portfolio template, and then see an example of a finished portfolio
that was created from that template. Additionally, examples of different styles
of portfolios being used in higher education institutions today will be shared.
Peggi Munkittrick, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
iWebfolio/TracDat Users (BOF)
All Solutions
Iolani Suites V, VI & VII (H) W1200
An opportunity for technical, functional, and administrative representatives to
convene to discuss implementation strategies with iWebfolio and TracDat.
Royce Robertson, Coordinator, Plymouth State University; Gary Choban, CTO,
NuVentive, Inc.; Deborah Landes, Web Manager, SunGard SCT
iWebfolio Year Two - Three P's
All Solutions
327 (CC)
Beginning in the Fall of 2003, two departments at Plymouth State University,
began making incremental transitions from traditional paper-based portfolios to
electronic portfolios using NuVentive’s iWebfolio. The speakers will share
planning, support, and technical tips to help your institution begin successful
electronic portfolio endeavors. Areas currently needing development include
fiscal sustainability models, institutional acceptance, standard review models,
and marketability after graduation. The outcomes of the project have
ramifications on individual students, faculty, departments, employers and the
accountability of the programs offered. Overall, the intention of the program
has been to provide future teachers with the opportunity to model effective use
of technology as an assessment tool for measuring personal and professional
growth while in an undergraduate teacher education program.
Royce Robertson, Coordinator, Plymouth State University; Kenneth Kochien, MIS
Manager, Plymouth State University
Java UI Components in Oracle Forms
SCT Banner Technical
315 (CC)
How to build Java UI Components (PJC and Java Beans) and to use them within
Oracle Forms. Target Audience is from Managers to developers.
Michael Hitrik, Technical Architect, SunGard SCT
Job Sub to FTP to e~Print at UMDNJ
SCT Banner SCT e-Print
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
This session will describe the automated FTP report transfer from Banner to
e~Print developed by UMDNJ. UMDNJ shared this solution with other e~Print
clients and since then it has grown to support Sun/Solaris and Windows 2000
servers. UMDNJ is also working with the e~Print team on a secure transfer
solution. We would like to describe in non-technical terms, what the script is
actually doing, and share with the audience trouble shooting tips and tricks. We
would like to introduce and describe the new secure transfer solution for
clients who want a more secure method of file transfer. The intended audience
are e~Print users with SCT Banner. The e~Print version being is 2.0 and UMDNJ
has been on e~Print for 4 years.
Mark Perlman, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
Just Enough Java [243]
SCT Banner Technical
310 (CC)
This presentation will shows the steps necessary to: install a Java Development
Environment on a PC; Create an app to connect to an Oracle database and retrieve
data; Package this app in a JAR; deploy this JAR in another JVM. This
presentation is intended to demystify Java and provide a concrete and
independent foundation on/by which more complex apps can be written.
Lee Parker, Manager-Administrative Systems, University of Richmond
Lasso Maverick Purchases 
Finance/Great Plains
308 A (CC) T1130
Maverick Purchases. Every organization has to struggle with the need to control
spending within budget without creating an administrative hurdle that their
responsible managers and employees cannot clear. Learn how to use new
technologies and applications that eliminates the administrative burden and
actually encourages budget compliant purchasing activity.
Michael Peck, Senior Consultant, SunGard SCT
LDI for e-Learning - A Success Story
Coral Lounge I (H)
Marshall University participated in SCT’s Early Adopter Program and successfully
“connected” Banner 6.x, Luminis III, and VISTA 3.x in August 2004. Join us as
we discuss the components of the system and how they work together. We will
also discuss several obstacles we encountered and illustrate how LDI for eLearning enhances our business processes.
Terri Tomblin-Byrd, Assoc. Dir-UCS: Database Administration & Shared Systems,
Marshall University; Gary Weis, Application Systems Analyst/Programmer-Lead,
Marshall University
LDI for e-Learning - An Overview
SCT Banner SCT Luminis Data Integration Suite
Coral Lounge II (H)
The new LDI for e-Learning solution provides reliable data integration between
Banner/Plus administrative systems and WebCT, Blackboard and other e-Learning
systems. LDI for e-Learning simplifies administrative tasks and reduces dataentry redundancies for faculty, decreases grading policy errors for
administrators, and provides students with seamless, timely access to data
stored in the student information and e-Learning systems.
Joshua Horner, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
LDI for e-Procurement Architecture [181]
SCT Banner SCT Luminis Data Integration Suite
309 (CC)
This session will provide a technical overview of e-Procurement integration.
This session will not cover e-Procurement or Banner Finance functionality, but
instead concentrate on the architecture that makes enterprise-wide integration
possible in Banner.
We will cover the underlying Banner architectural changes
that have enabled Banner to become a messaging aware product, the various LDI
integration components (gateway, transrouter, logging service, relay, and error
manager) and how they interact with each other, as well as running the AppGen
tool to customize the various artifacts that are required by the LDI components.
This session is a recommended pre-requisite for the 3-hour session on Installing
and customizing your LDI for e-Procurement installation session.
Brian Bell, Principal Technical Specialist, SunGard SCT
LDIS Implementation Case Study at PSU
SCT Banner SCT Luminis Data Integration Suite
Nautilus II (H)
Plymouth State University is starting to reap the rewards of its integrated
campus portal strategy. PSU started its Banner migration in 2001, deployed
Campus Platform III with its legacy SIS in 2002, publicly deployed Banner in
2003, and, in 2004 with the migration to Luminis and implementation of LDIS, has
finally reached 'critical mass.' Luminis provides the infrastructure and LDIS
provides the glue that connects Banner, WebCT, the Library, and other services.
The presentation details Plymouth State University's implementation and
discusses the problems and solutions we faced along the way, with an emphasis on
LDIS and Luminis.
Zach Tirrell, Lead Web Developer and Portal Administrator, Plymouth State
University; Casey Bisson, Library Systems Liaison, Plymouth State UniversityLamson Library
Tapa II (H) T730
Last March (while at Summit 2004) Auburn signed it's leap agreement ... this is
a presentation (from the TECHNICAL viewpoint) of the first year of that process.
I want to discuss the retooling of our MVS based Plus system to an AIX/Oracle
shop. The other items will be working through a new way to think of
installation, specifically, an installation led by the user, not the IT
department. Some attention will be addressed towards the project management, but
mostly I Want to address how this impacts the technical staff.
William Lester, Information Technology-Master, Auburn University
LEAP for Flight - Not to Crash
SCT Banner
301 B (CC)
Planning and executing the Plus to Banner LEAP without the "gotchas" that others
have gone through AND little WTBW's (Wouldn't That Be Wonderful) that help take
advantage of the SCT Converter Tool. Emphasis will be placed on the Financial
Aid and Student modules.
Joe Belnap, Senior Programmer Analyst, Utah Valley State College; Denise Young,
Programmer Analyst, Utah Valley State College; Marilyn Cobb, Programmer Analyst,
Utah Valley State College
LEAP Your Data from Plus to Banner
Tapa III (H)
Discuss steps in the Data Conversion Process and SunGard SCT's Keys to
Conversion Success, Data Extraction Efforts, “cross-walking” and Data
Manipulation, What tools, services we can provide, “Tips and Tricks” for Data
Kristine Rokosz, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT; Andrew Nagorski, Senior Practice
Director, SunGard SCT
Lessons Learned - Banner 7 Beta
SCT Banner General
316 C (CC) W900
Wayne State University participated in beta testing for the Banner 7 major
release. This session will cover the advantages, disadvantages, time
commitments, and benefits for participating with SCT in a testing program. A
description of what was done, what went well, and what didn’t. Would we do it
again? And if so what would we do differently? The presentation will include a
detailed description of the environment, tools, and strategy used to test this
exciting new release of Banner.
Laura Hendrick, IT Director, Wayne State University; Scotia Roopnarine, Database
Administrator, Wayne State University
Letter Generation – Look Like a Pro (HOT) [259]
SCT Banner General
319 A (CC) M130
Come and learn simple steps through a hand-on session to work with Banner letter
generation utilizing Microsoft Word merge fields, word fields, and text boxes to
create low maintenance and high impact letters. This session is designed for
any user wishing to produce top quality letters. A basic understanding of
Banner letter generation set-up will be helpful but not necessary.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Teresa Gallagher, Associate Director, Virginia Tech
Letter Generation - Working for You [196]
SCT Banner General
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
Learn the basic steps necessary to create successful letters in Banner. Select
your recipients, build your letter, capture Banner data, extract necessary
information, merge your letter, and Mail (or E-mail) it. Make Banner Letter
Generation a part of your effective communication strategy.
Jim Bradsher, Senior Functional Consultant-Banner Financial Aid, SunGard SCT
Leverage TouchNet with Plus and Banner
SCT Plus
Tapa II (H) T900
This session will identify the interplay of TouchNet with SCT solutions.
TouchNet connectivity is used with Plus applications for all web processing and
also for payment processing. TouchNet solutions are also employed for Banner
and used by LEAP clients. It will include examples of reimplementation options.
Pat Coyle, Sr. Technical Architect, SunGard SCT
Lickety Split Payroll at Year End 
SCT Plus
Human Resources
Coral Lounge I (H)
HRS PLUS 4.12 produces one bi-weekly paycheck at fiscal year end that results in
many impacts to both HRS (screens/reports) and FRS 3.00 (labor distribution).
This session will offer our successful approach and helpful hints to make your
fiscal year end payroll go "lickety split!"
Alan Katz, Controller, Broome Community College; Jeanette Tillotson, Assistant
Controller, Broome Community College; Francine Raffa, Payroll, Broome Community
Life is Better with Workflow
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
Tapa III (H)
Our session will walk attendees through some basic applications of workflow in
various administrative office settings. We will explain the processes that we
improved by using workflow in conjunction with Banner and e mail. The examples
will include work study student placement and hire, tuition remission processing
through the bursar’s office and financial aid, and the hire and processing of
graduate assistants. We will discuss the “business process review” that is such
an important part of each project and tips on how to make that successful. We
will also discuss the skill sets required among the project participants as well
as the institutional resources needed. We will then discuss future directions
with workflow such as using Luminis and Imaging to further improve information
sharing and processing on campus.
Edward Steinmetz, Associate VP For Finance, University of Scranton; William
Buckley, Financial Systems Coordinator, University of Scranton
Loading Search 101
SCT Banner Student
320 (CC)
Have you been putting off loading Search? Come learn how simple it can be.
We’ll go through the forms you need to set up step by step, and simulate the
loading process. We’ll also cover SRIPREL and triggering the recruits into your
regular database. Come see how loading Search is worth it even for small
Jasmine Bryan, Associate Director of Admission / Information Systems
Coordinator, Mills College
Loading Test Scores via PowerUP
308 A (CC) T900
Learn how PowerUP can load the test score information for both prospective
students and current students!
Ardan Sharp, Lead QA Testing Analyst, SunGard SCT
Loan Management Update [396]
All Solutions
SCT Campus Loan Manager
304 A (CC) U200
This session is intended for clients using or considering the implementation
SCT's loan management products. It will review the development and support
activities of the past year. Development direction and priorities for the
upcoming year will be discussed so that our users can plan for future upgrades.
Tom Echter, Director-Loan Management Products, SunGard SCT
Loan Payments using ACH [410]
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
Honolulu I (H)
Are student loan borrowers wanting to set up an automatic draft from their
checking or savings account to pay their student loan payments? Offer this
service to your student loan borrowers through the automated clearinghouse
process through LMS/CLM. Focus will be on what you need to get started through
your bank. Procedures, sample forms, letters and how to use CLM and LMS to
create files to be sent to the bank will also be discussed.
Vickie Floyd, Loan Accounting Coordinator, Tennessee Technological University
Loans Management Welcome
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
304 A (CC) U1000
Come meet and greet your colleagues in the loan management industry.
brief overview of the conference and enjoy the scheduled activities.
Get a
Julie Trussell, Manager-Student Loans, Auburn University; Kathy Rosa, ManagerCampus Based Loans, Boston College
Localizations in Latin America - Present & Future
SCT Banner Student
325 B (CC) T200
During the last four years a set of localizations has been developed in the
Latin American Solution Center, in order to address the needs of the region in
terms of new functionalities. In this presentation we will review the
functionality of the current available localizations for Latin America
including: Course Projections, Conflict Matrix, Faculty Evaluation and Block web
Registration, discuss the positive impact in the student services and establish
the requirements to implement those localizations. We will present future
possible localizations and ask for comments from clients.
Salvador Montellano, Solution Centre Manager, SunGard SCT
Luminis - Integrate It All
SCT Luminis Platform
317 A (CC) M730
The Luminis technology is so much more that a web front-end to Banner or Plus.
This session will cover Northeastern University's experiences with integrating
various services within Luminis and the types of integration approaches taken.
Technologies and services discussed include; SunGard SCT Luminis, CPIP and LDIS,
LDAP, Blackboard, IBM Websphere, Lotus Domino, PeopleSoft, PowerFAIDS (College
Board), and others.
Richard Mickool, Executive Director-IS, Northeastern University
Luminis CMS for Content Providers (HOT)
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
319 B (CC) T730
This is a hands-on course walking participants through common web content
management functions using the Luminis Content Management Suite. Attendees will
learn content creation using templates, in-context editing of content,
customizing pages using components, content workflow and approval processes, as
well as sharing existing content on separate pages. The target audience is nontechnical editors, approvers, and coordinators of web content on campus.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Jesse Empey, Senior Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Luminis CMS for Non-Tech Audience
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
325 B (CC) T730
Come find out how the Luminis Content Management Suite empowers those outside of
the IT department to easily add and update content on the institution’s Web
pages while those inside the IT department can still retain all the control that
they need of the institution’s Web sites. This session is meant for a nontechnical audience and will show the value and benefits of using a Web content
management system at an institution of higher education.
Alan Hansen, Sr. Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Luminis CMS for Technical Audience [397]
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
302 B (CC) M930
Provide an overview of the Luminis Content Management Suite 3.0 for a technical
audience. This session will provide an overview of the technologies involved in
the Luminis Content Management Suite, including site management, ACLs,
templates, components, and publishing. The intended audience is technical
managers and web developers interested in learning how Luminis Content
Management can enable better management and control of their web sites while
enabling business users to own the content. Audience members will leave with a
basic technical understanding of Luminis Content Management that can be expanded
on in other presentations.
Travis Jensen, Architect and Development Manager-Luminis Content Management
Suite, SunGard SCT
Luminis CMS for Web Developers (HOT)
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
319 B (CC) T900
This is a hands-on course walking participants through the creation and
customization of Luminis Content Management Suite templates that are used to
control the look and feel of an institution's internal and external web sites.
Attendees will gain hands on experience creating powerful templates with
overridable components in mind, using the Luminis CMS template tags. The target
audience is technical creators of web pages, web templates, and web sites on
campus. Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating
preference will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to
sign up for the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a firstcome, first-served basis.
Jesse Empey, Senior Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Luminis CMS Product Roadmap
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
304 A (CC) M730
The Luminis Content Management Suite development team, working closely with
SunGard SCT customers, is evolving and growing the feature set of this already
powerful product. Come find out what new features are being developed and what
timeframe you can expect to see them. This session is meant for a general
audience and will not be technical. Nevertheless, it will assume that the
audience members do have some prior general knowledge of the product line.
Alan Hansen, Sr. Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Luminis Platform 101
SCT Luminis Platform
314 (CC)
Come receive a high level orientation of the Luminis Platform from a nontechnical point of view. We will define Luminis Platform, provide an overview of
how Luminis Platform fits into the overall Luminis product family, describe its
role in unifying the digital campus, review its features and functionality as
well as identify key processes associated with the product including Luminis
Customer Support and Services processes. This session is intended for new
clients with little to no experience with the Luminis Platform and for those
interested in receiving a general functional overview of the product.
Rhett Burnham, General Manager-SCT Campus Pipeline Products, SunGard SCT
Luminis Platform SDKs! [467]
SCT Luminis Platform
313 C (CC) T200
Learn how the Luminis Platform Software Development Kits can offer flexibility
to your institution above and beyond the functionality provided in the baseline
platform. This session is an introduction to the software development kits
relevant for CIOs, IT Directors and Engineers seeking a high level overview of
the SDK value.
Tom Chamberlin, Practice Manager-Luminis Integration Solutions and Services,
SunGard SCT; Joshua Horner, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Luminis Policy & Process Planning
SCT Luminis Platform
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
This session focuses on essential policies to consider prior to, during and
after the implementation of the SCT Luminis Platform to accentuate the portal’s
flexibility in meeting the institution’s unique needs. We will discuss key
issues like what policies and processes are needed prior to implementation as
well as for ongoing portal management. How will the institution resolve
differences on placement of content in the portal? What policies, processes, or
incentives are needed to keep the portal alive, rich with content, and engaging
or students, faculty and staff? How can existing policies be applied or amended
to address portal issues? These questions as well as, best practices and
strategies for using features like groups and email will be shared through case
studies and live school examples. This session will help project team members
better prepare for the Luminis Platform implementation, or better maintain the
relevance and value of the existing portal.
Jennifer Mulholland, Senior Director, SunGard SCT
Luminis Product Family Main Session [457]
Common Interest Topics
312 (CC)
Over the past year, Luminis product family technologies have experienced rapid
adoption and have continued to evolve to meet institutional needs. This session
will explain how the Luminis product family relates to other SunGard SCT product
offerings, including Banner 7.0, and will showcase institutions that have used
Luminis product family technologies to unify their digital campuses. It is
designed for general audiences.
David Murray, VP-Luminis Solutions, SunGard SCT
Luminis Technical Initiatives [388]
Common Interest Topics
313 A (CC) W900
This session will cover technical initiatives currently being developed as part
of the Luminis Platform. Topics covered will include:
* Change User ID - The topic will discuss enhancements to allow an external
system or administrative user to changes a person's user id.
* High Availability/Scalability - This topic will cover Luminis Platform
deployment in a multiple server environment to provide high-availability (HA)
and system scalability.
* Multiple Instance Deployment - This topic will discuss the capability of
installing multiple instances of Luminis on a single server.
* Internationalization - This topic will cover details of the
Internationalization work being performed on the Luminis Platform code base.
* Granular Application Access Control - This topic will discuss enhancements to
the Luminis Access Controls in the area of administration, content targeting,
* New Channels - This topic will discuss new channels being released as well as
channel specifications such as JSR 168 compatibility, WSRP, etc.
Clint Peterson, General Manager-Luminis Development, SunGard SCT
Luminis- WebCT & Banner Integration [454]
313 A (CC) W1200
This session will describe Mississippi State University's implementation of the
Luminis Message Broker to connect SunGard SCT Luminis, SunGard SCT Banner and
WebCT. Mississippi State integrated Banner and WebCT in the Fall of 2003, added
Luminis integration the following spring and upgraded from MMB to LMB during
summer, 2004. We will discuss our experiences in making Luminis our integration
platform and in managing the technical and business process requirements for
successfully deploying an academic and administrative software solution. Topics
addressed will include the project plan, marketing strategy, technical model and
lessons learned in developing the organizational culture required for an
integrated WebCT, Luminis and Banner enterprise system.
Deborah Fulton, Director of ITS Information Systems, Mississippi State
(MABUG) MidAtlantic Banner Users (BOF)
SCT Banner General
313 B (CC) M1215
Mid-Atlantic Banner Users Group birds-of-a-feather meeting to bring the members
up-to-date and discuss future MABUG business.
Troy Boroughs, Director of Systems & Networks, University of Richmond
Make Open Enrollment More Efficient [238]
SCT Banner Human Resources
324 (CC)
Have you wanted to use Open Enrollment through SCT Banner HR Employee Self
Service but hesitated because you weren’t certain where to start? This session
will provide an overview of a medium-sized university’s experience as we used
the Open Enrollment feature for the first time in 6.0. Weber State will discuss
setup in Banner and Self Service, our communication/training plan, the open
meetings we held, correspondence we provided to employees, details on the actual
open enrollment process, electronic transmittal to insurance companies, lessons
learned, areas of confusion, our future plans, and questions/answers. This
session is for anyone considering using SCT Banner HR Employee Self Service Open
Cherrie Nelson, Director-Quality Support and Training, Weber State University;
Ben Read, Manager-Payroll, Weber State University; Ron Jensen, Application
Project Leader/Lead Analyst, Weber State University; Travis Hampshire,
Compensation and Wellness Supervisor, Weber State University; Royan Smania,
Programmer/Analyst, Weber State University
Making Learning a Memorable Event 
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
304 A (CC) W900
Wondering how to make your instruction more engaging and memorable? In this
session, you’ll be introduced to Robert Gange’s events of instruction. Learn how
to apply this nine-step approach to make your training and instruction more
effective. Case studies and examples will be used to illustrate the concepts
presented in this session. This session is appropriate for both trainers and
Heidi Meyers, Director of Development-Education Practices, SunGard SCT
Making Self Service a Success [172]
SCT Banner Student
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
Banner Self Service for Students and Faculty, version 6.1, 2 years exp. A
college wide Banner implementation has broad reaching effects, but none so
visible as Self Service for students and faculty. If you are using self
service, more people will become familiar with Banner through the self service
piece than through the database itself. This session will demonstrate some of
the basics for set up, and some strategies and hints to make self service useful
and accepted by the campus community. Topics covered include getting “buy in”,
setting up what/how things display (or not), informing and “training” users and
those assisting users with problems, using Banner “ambassadors,” the importance
of a good web tailor and tailoring hints, and documentation for both faculty and
students. Our presentation will include how we integrated with our Luminus
portal, lessons learned, and suggestions for managing all the multitude of
pieces that make up self service.
Dorothy Osborne, Associate University Registrar, College of William and Mary
Making the Most of OpenVMS (BOF)
SCT Banner Technical
302 B (CC) W1030
This session is designed to be a discussion oriented toward sharing ideas for
making the most of the unique features on OpenVMS for running Oracle and Banner.
James Gutholm, Systems Specialist-DBA, The Evergreen State College
Making Web Tailor Work for You
SCT Banner General
Tapa I (H) T200
This session provides an overview of WebTailor components as they relate to
roles and functions that govern web menus and web procedure access. Session
also provides an explanation of where to make modifications to add additional
web roles thus providing more personalized access to web functions.
will also explain additional WebTailor procedures, such as procedure copy, menu
and procedure find functions,
added by Villanova to make Web Tailor more user-
Susan Hill, Assistant Director-Enterprise-wide Systems, Villanova University
Manage Labor Budgets via PosnCtrl 
SCT Banner Human Resources
316 B (CC) W900
This presentation will provide Miami University’s solution to managing permanent
and temporary budgets for personnel. The target audience is Human Resource
managers, Finance managers, and Budget managers that are interested in
identifying funds that have been designated for personnel budgets, both
permanent and temporary. Our solution utilizes the Banner Position Control and
Banner Finance modules without modifications to baseline. Permanent personnel
budgets are maintained in Position Control and interfaced to Finance. Temporary
personnel budgets are maintained in the Finance module only. We have created a
process that analyses the utilization of the permanent budgets on a monthly
basis relative to payroll expenditures against each permanent position. Through
this process, we post transactions to the finance ledgers that reflect
availability of temporary personnel funds. Temporary funding that is available
as a result of position vacancies is made available and reported in a timely
manner to financial managers.
Celia Reuss, Personnel Budget Analyst, Miami University
Managing Mailings Automatically
SCT Banner Advancement
306 B (CC) T730
We share the design and a demonstration of a Mailing System for Banner 6.x that
acts as the link between populations, the mailings they drive, and the results
they achieve.
Chad Yates, IT Manager/Software Developer, University of Idaho
Managing Parent Data
SCT Banner Advancement
309 (CC)
The Advancement area at WWU is responsible for the creation and maintenance of
parent records. Find out how we have created a workable solution with the help
of the Admissions and Student area of the University.
Donna LeBlonde, Information Services Manager-University Advancement, Western
Washington University
Managing Training Staff Performance 
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
325 A (CC) M730
This session will look at a process for creating a complete performance
management system for managing your training staff. We will look at the role of
setting expectations from the beginning with the job description and performance
standard, on-going evaluation practices for development and coaching
opportunities, and documenting performance for positive and effective annual
Cherie Whipple, Instructional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Managing your Workflow System [165]
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
317 A (CC) M130
This session will cover:
Architectural overview of the product
Workflow and Banner Integration
Oracle 10g Application Server
Clustering Workflow using Oracle 10g
Routine system maintenance
Targeted Audience includes IT directors, system administrators, developers and
DBAs who will play a role in the implementation and administration of SCT
Robert Rullo, Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT; Michael Bryzcki,
Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Mandate for Information Security
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
312 (CC)
Higher Education faces significant challenges in implementing IT security,
including resource constraints, ever-increasing threats, a changing legal
landscape, and rapid technology advancements. This session will outline these
challenges, and will outline a foundation for an information security program to
address them.
Bob Hardcastle, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT; Andrew Nagorski, Senior Practice
Director, SunGard SCT
Mastering the Change Order Process 
SCT Banner Finance
Tapa III (H)
How to successfully use the On-Line Change Order and the Approval Queue process
to accomplish all necessary changes to an existing purchase order. The overview
will include many things from the effective use of Modified Clauses for standard
changes, to how to liquidate the remaining balance when closing standing and
regular purchase orders with partial payments. New users, experienced users,
and functional users, will gain valuable insight that can be easily adapted to
their own systems. Wayne State University is currently on version 6.0 Internet
Native Banner (INB) environment, vanilla. Which is what my presentation is based
on, I have been using Banner for 3 years.
Grace Hill, Manager-Purchasing Department, Wayne State University
Maximizing and Managing Enrollment
SCT Matrix Student Services
326 B (CC) T200
This session will focus on demonstrating the various features within SSS
and ARM that assist schools in managing and maximizing their enrollment
counts. Existing Matrix clients will benefit most from this session. Discussion
topics will include; enrollment forecasting through the ARM bidding engine, preenrollment, waitlisting, enrollment restrictions, seat breakdown rules and
conditional drop/add.
Paul Anderson, Senior Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Me Design Training? No Way! 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
301 B (CC) W900
So, you’re a subject matter expert getting ready to use Banner, and suddenly
you’re asked to train others on using the Banner modules that you know by heart.
Where do you start? You know the product, but how do you translate that into
teaching it to others? How do you wear the hat of a “trainer?” How do you
begin? When should you start this ball rolling? How do you design and
implement training materials? Why you?
Barbara Coleman, Administrator IT Customer Service Center, Saint Louis
Microsoft ODS
307 B (CC) M1100
An overview of the Microsoft version of the ODS available to the PowerCAMPUS and
Matrix customers. This is a new solution that will be available during calendar
year 2005 and will be based on the Oracle ODS. This is both a functional and
technical overview.
Bruce Reed, Senior General Manager, SunGard SCT
Migration - Banner and Oracle [237]
SCT Banner Technical
313 B (CC) W900
This session will be graded toward to the Oracle and Banner DBA. Giving
opportunity to choose the right path that will fit to their environment
different possible migration path. Address different issues that happen
both Banner and Oracle migration. What and how to test after migration?
tricks to add and utilize the new features after migration.
Tips and
S.M. Ziaur Rahman, DBA, Owens Community College
Mind Your Body Class (R) ♥
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Hilton Beachfront U800
Hilton Beachfront M600
Hilton Beachfront T600
This therapeutic class is a hybrid of yoga and pilates. The Yoga portion will
bring profound peace and balance to the physical and mental aspects of the body,
while the Pilates portion focuses on increasing flexibility, improving balance,
and strengthening the core of the body. The movements and poses in this class
are used to treat low back pain, neck pain, arthritis, and more. You will
increase body awareness and gain focus for the rest of the day.
Todd Durkin, Fitness Expert, Todd Durkin Enterprises
Mission Based Technology Strategy
Common Interest Topics
301 B (CC) T1130
School administrators and technical support staff can discover the Blueprint for
Technology in the Learning Environment used at Punahou School. Punahou is an
independent K-12 school in Hawaii with approximately 3,700 students. Punahou
uses technology to enhance teaching and learning to meet the school’s core
mission of preparing students for college and beyond. Their Luminis III.2
online portal installation called ePunahou, has been used for the past 18 months
to foster communication and collaboration within the Punahou community between
students, faculty, staff, parents and alumni. ePunahou has become the gateway
to the school’s online resources and has been the catalyst for change in the
teaching culture at Punahou to one of innovation and leadership in the area of
instructional technology. Teachers are now pushing the envelope to find new
ways to integrate technology into curriculum in order to increase student
learning and understanding.
Wendi Takemoto, Director of Information Technology, Punahou School; Eric Brown,
Technical Counsel, Punahou School
Mobile Solutions for Education
SCT Banner SCT PocketRecruiter
305 B (CC) W900
Interested in understanding how mobility plays a role in education? Untether
yourself from your workstation as we explore the potential mobile technologies
in use in higher education. Learn about the opportunities mobility provides to
educators and staff as well as overcoming securities concerns to make mobility a
reality both on and off your campus. Come see what SunGard SCT’s Mobile
Solutions Group is currently doing with solutions such as SCT PocketRecruiter as
well as what you can expect to see next in mobility.
Joshua Aversa, Mobile Solutions Technical Lead, SunGard SCT
Modifying the New Plus Web UI [510]
SCT Plus
Coral Lounge V (H)
Updated for the New Plus Self Service UI released in 2004; this session will
cover the methods and issues involved in making local modifications to the SCT
Plus Self Service products; with special emphasis on the New UI components.
Examples of simple modifications of various types will be included in the
presentation. This presentation is intended for a technical audience.
Robert Coon, Technical Consultant, SunGard SCT
MS Access for the Advancement Office
SCT Banner Advancement
Honolulu II (H)
True title: MS Access for New Banner Users in an Advancement Office Setting.
This is an introductory session centered around MS Access and how it can be used
in the Advancement/Development office. Topics include: overview of Access,
creating a query, using/linking tables, running a query, types of queries, and
analyzing the results.
David Langemo, Development Support Services Manager, Concordia University
MS Access Reporting (BOF)
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
5-years of community - this year with chairs! Meet your peers, network, and
share MS Access Reporting tips and techniques. Share what works for you and
others trying to solve reporting issues. This is a continuation of the very
successful MS Access BOF's from previous years. The emphasis is on sharing of
solution approaches, problem solving, and the exchange of ideas. The session is
a moderated Q & A event on using MS Access as a Reporting Solution for Banner.
Most of us work alone on these products except for the help of our Banner Peer
Group of MS Access Users. (Information Access Maturity Level: 2 & 3)
Bruce Loving, Analyst, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
MS SQL Reporting Services
Partner Solutions
318 B (CC) M130
This session will focus on Microsoft SQL Reporting Services as a new alternative
for SCT Matrix and SCT PowerCAMPUS users for improved report authoring and
report distribution
John Dubois, Education Technology Evangelist, Microsoft Corporation
Multi-institutions - One Virtual Univ
Nautilus II (H)
The Tennessee Board of Regents is the sixth largest higher education system in
the nation; serving over 180,000 students. The Regents online degree program is
designed to provide statewide access to higher education using flexible,
technology-based delivery systems. The unique funding model and customized
technology driving the delivery of RODP has made it one of the top three virtual
programs in the nation as noted by The Center for Academic Transformation
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2003, by the Southern Regional Electronic
Campus (SREC) for online student services, and showcased as an exemplary system
wide model at the WebCT International Conference, 2003. This presentation will
highlight the customized technology, financial gains, coordination between IT
and the academic teams, and the collaborative partnerships with SunGard SCT,
WebCT, and Sun that make a successful seamless integrated system for
registration, uploading, grade distribution, hosting, course delivery and
student services.
Robbie Melton, Associate Vice Chancellor, Tennessee Board of Regents; Raja
Kodali, Director of Information Systems, Tennessee Board of Regents; Kenneth
Brooks, Senior Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT
My Digital Universe
SCT Luminis Platform
318 B (CC) T730
My Digital Universe: Strengthening the Pulse of Institutional Productivity with
the Sungard SCT Luminis Product Suite. The presentation illustrates how the
Luminis Product Suite radically improves institutional productivity for every
one of its constituents – students, faculty, administration and the general
public – through key features on its portal and content management offerings.
Audience: Institutions who are investigating the value of a portal and content
management solution.
Jennifer Mulholland, Sr. Director, SunGard SCT; Judith Amsel, Luminis CMS
Services Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
National Clearinghouse - Why Use It?
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
Iolani Suites V, VI & VII (H) M1100
This session will review what the National Student Clearinghouse is, why and how
your institution should be submitting your loan portfolio to automatically
process deferments.
Suzanne Traaseth, Director Loan Collections, Minnesota St Colleges &
Network Security - Best Practices (BOF)
303 B (CC) T200
Network Security: Best Practices for PowerCAMPUS and IQ.Web System
Administrators.” This presentation will alert IQ.Web and PowerCAMPUS system
administrators to significant potential security concerns within their domain
including passive and active packet sniffing on the LAN, IQ.Web password hacking
using dictionary-based attacks, SQL insertion attacks, and similar security
issues. The presentation will also reveal the best-practices designed to
prevent these attacks and administer a more secure system.
Trevor Wallis, Director of Internet Services, The Master's College
Network Tuning for Banner 7
SCT Banner Technical
313 C (CC) W1030
Your campus information highway is rapidly expanding beyond traditional LANs and
WANs. Uninterrupted access to core institution resources is highly dependent on
this resource. This session will review network best practices, common
problems, solutions, and services.
Adam Blair, Senior Network Architect, SunGard SCT
New DBA Survival Guide
SCT Banner Technical
327 (CC)
Tips and techniques valuable for DBA's starting out on Oracle and Banner,
gleaned from my own experiences.
Larry Holder, Database Administrator, Univ of Tennessee at Martin
New for 2.5.1 - Selected Features (HOT)
SCT Matrix Student Services
321 A (CC) U900
Hands-on training will be provided on selected new functionality in each Matrix
application: enhancements to GPA calculation, more Program Of Study options at
the Self-service, Prospect and Applicant Fast Entry level, new PROFILE Import
functionality in SAS, and new Payment Plan functionality in SBS. Note:
attendance at this session will be limited. Seating preference will be given to
registrants who used the on-line schedule builder to sign up for the session.
Madge Lewis, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
Payroll Pledges Integration (R) 
Finance/Great Plains
B (CC) M1100
B (CC) M130
A preview of the new Payroll Pledge Integration to be released with PowerCAMPUS
6.0 in 2005. Learn about the functionality and integration workflow; and see a
demonstration of paying a pledge using the payroll deduction methodology.
General setup requirements and messaging and posting options available with this
integration will be discussed. There will also be an opportunity for questions
and answers about this new feature. A high-level functional overview intended
for administrative; business and advancement office users as well as system
administrators who are interested in this new feature.
Trent Schneider, Integration Developer, SunGard SCT
New Trends in Strategic IT Planning [413]
All Solutions
SCT Services
313 A (CC) M130
When the rapids of changing technology meet the more practical constraints of
staff retention and budget availability, a classic rethink of strategic IT
planning can create a dynamic new flow of institutional thought. This “ReadyFire-Aim” process has become popular in the past year with many higher education
institutions’ re-aiming, or often creating, their strategic IT plan.
Andrew Nagorski, Senior Practice Director, SunGard SCT; Kelly Irwin, Practice
Manager, SunGard SCT; Bob Hardcastle, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
ODS & EDW Administration
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT Enterprise Data Warehouse
301 A (CC) W900
This presentation will cover the basics of administering the Enterprise Data
Warehouse; including movement of data from the ODS into the EDW; data cleansing;
and building of the EDW Cognos cubes. Related ODS Administration requirements
will be discussed also. (Information Access Maturity Level: 4)
James Carter, Sr. Technical Architect, SunGard SCT
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT Operational Data Store
Iolani Suites V, VI & VII (H) T200
Join us for an opportunity to discuss how your colleagues are using SunGard
SCT's Operational Data Store. What's working and what's not? What can we learn
from each other and where are things heading?
Level: 3)
(Information Access Maturity
David Trott, Administrative Liaison, College of William and Mary; Laura
Hendrick, IT Director, Wayne State University
ODS Future Direction
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT Operational Data Store
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
Discuss the product roadmap of ODS. Include product calendar items for upcoming
releases as well as release schedule.
Tom Chaves, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
OnCourse Insights [547]
SCT Plus
317 B (CC) T200
Understanding how the OnCourse degree audit works for more effective and
efficient degree requirement and degree program construction. Content is
primarily for intermediate and advanced SunGard SCT Plus Student 1.20 OnCourse
users. Presenter has 16 years experience with OnCourse.
Mark Simons, Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
One College- One Portal- So What?
Common Interest Topics
326 A (CC) W1030
Butler Community College implemented Luminis as a key element in our
transformation into a more student-centered learning environment. We moved from
disparate e-mail platforms to Luminis, a total communication package which
unites students, faculty and staff under one umbrella. Thus the motto was born,
“One College, One Portal”.
As change agents for Butler, the Pipeline Steering
Committee guided the implementation process. The challenge was moving users out
of their comfort zone and into the world of portal communication. In this
session we’ll discuss how our staff and students reacted in each of the stages
and what we did to help move them into acceptance - what worked, what didn’t,
and what we would have done differently. Butler moved to Luminis in March of
2003 and recently upgraded to Luminis 3.2. We’ve been a Campus Pipeline
institution since 1999. This presentation will give practical and valuable
advice to schools in the planning or implementation stages of Luminis.
Susan Gilliland, Banner/Pipeline Trainer, Butler Community College; Tom Erwin,
Chief Information Officer, Butler Community College; Connie Craft, Registrar,
Butler Community College; Rhonda Morrison, Associate Registrar, Butler Community
Online Admissions with Matrix SMS
SCT Matrix Student Marketing
Nautilus II (H)
Kellogg’s Executive MBA program launched its online application for admission in
January 2005, using the SCT Matrix Self-Service module. As one of the first
schools to use the online application functionality, we would like to share our
experience in the areas of:
Customizing the fields in the online application, including “Misc” and
custom fields
Customizing the look of web pages to match Kellogg’s standards
Integrating a custom credit card payment module
Printing the application in the Admissions Office
Communicating with applicants through the Self-Service portal
This session is primarily intended for IT staff, but may be of interest to
admissions staff as well. We will show the online application and how it is
integrated with the rest of Matrix, but we will also discuss how changes were
made to the out-of-the-box system. Products: SunGard SCT Matrix 2.4.3 SMS SelfService.
Espen Zachrisen, Project Manager, Kellogg School of Management; Matt Dusek,
Software Engineer, Kellogg School of Management
Online Communities and Advancement
SCT Banner Advancement
317 B (CC) W900
In our search for an integrated software solution that would fulfill the needs
of advancement: gift processing, alumni and student tracking, prospect research
and event planning we have identified SCT Banner Advancement self-service as a
key component for promoting the objectives and goals of our university. We are
pleased to find that every need that we identified could be satisfied with SCT
Advancement Self-Service! During this presentation, participants will have the
opportunity to learn how to apply the power within this module to create an
online community for current students, alumni and for external constituencies.
SCT Advancement also provides the user a range of user-friendly web-forms that
capture material that is required for a full-service, comprehensive development
office. Lastly, the user is offered the ability to upload, download and complete
queries using a seamless system interface – SCT Banner.
Chris Williams, Development Data Coordinator, California State University
Open Learning Registration - Fin Aid
SCT Banner Financial Aid
324 (CC)
This session will discuss enhancements to the SCT Banner Financial Aid 6.0
product in support of Student's Open Learning Registration (OL:R). An overview
of the impacts and enhancements will be included. Did you know that Financial
Aid can take advantage of these enhancements even if Student doesn't implement
Open Learning Registration?
Kathy Blattner, Consultant, SunGard SCT
Open Learning Registration from A-Z
SCT Banner Student
316 C (CC) W1030
This session looks at Banner Open Learning from scheduling, through registration
and grading. Attendees will learn how to set up open learning sections in the
class schedule, how to set up registration, refund, and extension rules, how to
register students in open learning sections, and how to auto grade sections
based on date ranges. Banner 6x, SS:Student 6x. I have worked with Open
Learning Registration for over a year.
Dorothy Marron, Student Consultant, SunGard SCT
Open Source Software & SunGard SCT
Common Interest Topics
316 A (CC) M730
Open source software is generating a lot of buzz in higher education today.
Projects like Linux, uPortal, and Sakai are catching headlines. This session
will provide a perspective on what open source is all about and why it is
important to higher education and SunGard SCT alike. We will talk about some of
the projects that SunGard SCT has been involved with such as uPortal and
OpenEAI, as well as examine other interesting projects emerging on the horizon,
like Sakai, OSPI and others. This session is intended to be educational,
thought-provoking and will perhaps provide some insights into SunGard SCT's
strategy for a future with open source.
Michael Zackrison, Sr. Product Manager, SunGard SCT
OpenEAI in Banner 7.x
SCT Banner Technical
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) T900
This presentation will cover: - What is OpenEAI? - Impetus for OpenEAI - How the
OpenEAI project was initiated - Some benefits of using OpenEAI today - Some
long-term and potential benefits of using OpenEAI and participating in the
project - Brief tour of the OpenEAI Sample Enterprise examples.
Steve Wheat, Enterprise Architect, University of Illinois
Oracle Application Server 10g [307]
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge V (H)
Unifying the Digital Campus. This means more than you can imagine. How do we
make it work and where do we start? It's all on the middle tier! This session
will explain the Oracle Application Server 10g new configuration challenges for
Banner 7.0. We will talk about the deployment of the Oracle Developer Suite 10g.
We will cover the installation and configuration of the new Banner 7.0 Online
Help in the Oracle AS 10g J2EE environment. Oracle Enterprise Manager and the
Oracle Grid computing environment will be discussed.
Julie Turnbull, Architect, SunGard SCT
Oracle Developer Suite – Forms10g
SCT Banner Technical
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
This session will be discussing the latest version of the developer suite and
what that means to you and your institution. New and obsolete features and
functionality will be discussed, as well as what the impact of the development
effort is on the environment and what to expect down the road. This is
technical in nature but not specific to the amount of experience using the
Steve Quigley, Advisory Technical Architect, SunGard SCT
Oracle Web Based Reports
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge I (H)
This session is intended for everyone interested in using Oracle Reports
Developer 9i/10G to develop and deploy Banner web based reports. One of the
major advantages of the web reporting system is that it allows you to retrieve
data dynamically; when properly used, you will be able to retrieve accurate, upto-the-minute information, when you need it. Information Access Maturity Level:
2 & 3)
Salah Dami, DBA/Programmer, Essex County College
Oracle10g and Banner
SCT Banner Technical
Coral Lounge III (H)
Oracle10g has a number of significant differences from Oracle9i, particularly in
the area of manageability. Manageability topics covered will include how to
build a 10g database, how to use the automated tuning and management tools, and
an overview of some of the available advisors and alerts. Other topics will
include tips on how to prepare for the migration to 10g, and lessons learned
from SCT testing of Oracle10g with the Banner database. This latter area will
address the implications of Oracle’s desupport of the Rule-Based Optimizer in
favor of the Cost-Based Optimizer.
John Morgan, Advisory Technical Architect, SunGard SCT
Overview of SCT ODS & EDW Services
All Solutions
SCT Services
318 A (CC) M930
This session discusses both the required and optional services available for the
SCT ODS and EDW. We will discuss each of the available services and how they
fit into your adoption of the ODS and EDW as a successful resource for reporting
and information access. This session is particularly beneficial for those
planning to implement the SCT ODS and/or EDW; including IT directors, project
managers, and members of the technical and functional teams. (Information
Access Maturity Level: 3 & 4)
Dave Sharman, Senior Practice Director, SunGard SCT; Jenny Campbell, General
Manager Application Practices, SunGard SCT
Packaging Theory - Manual or Automatic
Financial Aid/PowerFAIDS
305 A (CC) T730
This training session will discuss how, when and who could receive your limited
financial aid resources. We will look at different packaging theories including
merit and need-based aid as well as awarding the students manually or using
automatic packaging. Audience: All levels of PowerFAIDS Users. Version:
PowerFAIDS 10.1 Experience: Have used PowerFAIDS since its inception in 1997.
Tamara Christopher, Product Consultant, SunGard SCT
Parking and SIS Plus  [528]
SCT Plus
Accounts Receivable
Honolulu II (H)
Learning how Northern Kentucky University has interfaced Cardinal TickeTrak for
Parking with SIS Plus. A demonstration Cardinal Software and how NKU interfaced
Ticketrak with SIS will take place. Learn how a database has been created to
issue permits out of Student Self-Serve loading the Permit numbers and charges
into BR overnight. Also learn how NKU interfaced payments, waivers and other
information from SIS back to TickeTrak.
Beverly Beck, Lead Programmer/Analyst, Northern Kentucky University
Part Time Faculty Pay 
SCT Banner Human Resources
306 B (CC) W1030
Processing pay for hundreds of part time faculty is a problem many schools
struggle with. Portland Community College has successfully been using a process
we developed that uses information primarily from the Student side of Banner to
create Banner HR Employee Jobs (NBAJOBS) records for part time faculty for each
section of each term. With minor customization to Banner to accommodate our
union contracts, one person can enter over 6500 jobs records each term in less
than 5 days.
Julie Kinney, HR Systems Development Manager, Portland Community College
Pave the Way - Concurrent Curricula [169]
SCT Banner Student
316 A (CC) M130
The Concurrent Curricula project for Banner Student 7.0 introduces the
foundation that will support the recording and tracking of an unlimited number
of programs of study (curricula) for a student as well as unlimited majors,
minors and concentrations associated with a curriculum. This session will
review the foundation steps delivered with the 7.0 release, including the new
database structures, the new user-interface for data entry, technical processing
and an introduction of the Concurrent Curriculum APIs.
Pam Berry, Banner Student Business Analyst, SunGard SCT; Cindy Friend, Advisory
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Payment Processing with J-Point
Partner Solutions
326 B (CC) M1100
SalePoint’s payment processing tools increase productivity, efficiency and
constituent services. The J-Point software and IBM POS hardware allow for
greater speed of processing, shorter registration lines and accurate audit
trails. SalePoint has interfaced to SunGard SCT’s products for 17+ years and
continues to be a leader in the payment processing industry. The session will
focus on embracing available technologies and leveraging best practices in
processing all payment types. Some of J-Point’s features include:
* Real-time interfaces to Banner, Plus & Matrix (Student A/R and Financials)
* Student account detail displays in each transaction
* Validation of FOAPAL and other COA segmenting
* Web-based solutions for student payments and departmental deposits
* Integrated credit & debit processing
* Check & document imaging
This session is recommended for VP’s of finance, controllers, bursars,
accountants, auditors and business/cashiering office staff.
Thomas Tischer, Vice President-Client Services, SalePoint Inc.; Jeff Spunt,
Senior Sales Executive, SalePoint Inc.
Payments to Non-Resident Aliens
Partner Solutions
328 (CC)
A presentation on handling payments to foreign nationals including discussions
on using the new interface between Windstar's International Tax Navigator and
SCT Banner HR/Payroll System version 6.X Target Audience: Individuals who deal
with payments to foreign nationals.
Gary Singer, CIO, Windstar Technologies Inc.
PC - GPS Integrations Best Practices 
Finance/Great Plains
303 B (CC) U330
There are many ways to share data between PowerCAMPUS and Great Plains; Posting
to the GL, Chart of Accounts Integration (PC 5.0+), Payroll Integration (PC
5.0+), Refund Export/Check Generation, Bank Reconciliation (PC 5.1+). In this
session, each process will be demonstrated in both PC and Great Plains. For
each process, we will also discuss and demonstrate best practices.
Len Lipkin, Product Manager, SunGard SCT; Michael Peck, Senior Consultant,
SunGard SCT
PCUG Advancement Roundtable (BOF)
305 B (CC) T1130
Advancement Roundtable for SCT PowerCAMPUS clients
Rue Ann Michael, PowerCAMPUS Product Manager, SunGard SCT
PCUG Annual Business Meeting (BOF)
305 B (CC) M1215
This session is the annual business meeting of the PowerCAMPUS Users Group -- a
voluntary association of PowerCAMPUS clients. Attendance is limited to staff
from PCUG member schools. Please pick up a box lunch and join us.
Nicole Schoenhals, Associate Dean and Registrar, Saint Paul School of Theology
PCUG Finance Roundtable (BOF) [656]
Finance/Great Plains
307 B (CC) M930
Finance/Great Plains roundtable.
Len Lipkin, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
PCUG Financial Aid Roundtable (BOF)
Financial Aid/PowerFAIDS
305 B (CC) T900
Financial Aid Roundtable for PowerCAMPUS clients
Rue Ann Michael, PowerCAMPUS Product Manager, SunGard SCT
PeopleAdmin - Applicant Tracking
Partner Solutions
309 (CC)
During this session, PeopleAdmin will demonstrate their online employment
application, job requisition and position description management system uniquely
designed for the needs of Higher Education. Over 140 leading institutions
utilize PeopleAdmin to reduce the time, cost and paper associated with the
recruitment process.
Brandon Phipps, Sales Manager, PeopleAdmin Inc.
Perkins Due Diligence Requirement
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
Tapa II (H) W900
This session will cover the mandatory federal regulations governing the Federal
Perkins Student Loans for "Due Diligence”.
Suzanne Traaseth, Director Loan Collections, Minnesota St Colleges &
Perl Scripting for Report-Job Submission
SCT Banner Technical
324 (CC)
By modifying job submission output using Perl, custom reports can be created
without touching baseline code. New Mexico Highlands University has developed
our own custom reports in addition to the standard Banner reports designed by
SCT. Our goal is not to modify any Banner baseline code in order to do custom
report printing because we often receive patches and upgrades which would
overwrite our modification. Our solution is to write Perl scripts which act as
an interpreter between Banner and the C/COBOL job submission programs to create
report files, which are opened, read and modified to create custom report files
which can be saved or/and printed from Banner. Banner patches or upgrades do
not affect the Perl scripts. Perl scripts can also be used to retrieve
additional data from the Banner database which can be added to the report. Tips
for programming Perl will also be presented. (Information Access Maturity
Level: 2)
Kenneth Litherland, System Analyst/Programmer, New Mexico Highlands University
PL/SQL Libraries - Unit Test & Doc
SCT Banner Technical
320 (CC)
We share some of the decisions, standards, and design methodologies used in
building institution specific custom API’s and how to leverage utPL/SQL unit
testing and automatic plDoc reference documentation.
Chad Yates, IT Manager / Software Developer, University of Idaho
SCT Banner Technical
315 (CC)
This session will present a demonstration of how the performance of code using
PL/SQL cursor loops can be dramatically improved by taking advantage of BULK
COLLECT and FORALL. By avoiding the costly context switches associated with
traditional cursor loop techniques, execution speed can be improved by orders of
magnitude. Some practical applications of the technique will be demonstrated as
well as a discussion of the implications for overall system resource allocation
and usage.
James Gutholm, Systems Specialist-DBA, The Evergreen State College
Planning for Reporting Success
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
Coral Lounge IV (H)
Successful reporting doesn't happen by accident. It is most often the result of
good honest work by members of an institution's business and technical
community, all following a plan laid down after a critically honest assessment
institutional objectives, reporting assets, and current technology. This
session will identify a general approach that can be taken to develop a
Strategic Reporting Plan for your campus that considers all facets of reporting-for operational support, for management oversight and control, and for
strategic planning and research needs. It will touch on data storage issues as
well as presentation and training issues. The intended audience is
organizational business and technical leadership. (Information Access Maturity
Level: 2, 3 & 4)
Paul Stormo, Consultant, SunGard SCT; Dave Sharman, Senior Practice Director,
SunGard SCT
Pledges in Advancement and Finance
SCT Banner Advancement
328 (CC)
Many institutions use the Advancement module to record and keep track of pledges
but do not feed the data to Finance preferring to record the data manually.
This session will review how to feed the data by reviewing the two modules and
how they interact with rule classes and designations. Advancement and Finance
users should attend, especially new users. We have made no modification to our
system and we are in our fifth year of using the system.
Michael Dorner, Vice President for Finance, Concordia University-St. Paul
Plus Data Extract Process for ODS
SCT Plus
Reporting and Distribution Tools
Coral Lounge II (H)
This session will cover the Plus ODS Data Extract Processes. The session will
cover an overview of the ODS and the SCT Information Access Initiative. It will
cover the baseline modifications and processes involved in capturing data
changes on a daily basis. It will cover the automated generation of the Data
Extract I/O subroutine code based on the DBD. Lastly, it will cover the data
extract process itself and the data models used to prepare data for loading to
the ODS.
Jim Sexton, Advisory Technical Engineer, SunGard SCT
Plus Employee Self-Serv Enhance (BOF)
SCT Plus
Human Resources
Iolani Suites V, VI & VII (H) T730
Join us for a discussion of the future enhancements to the Plus Employee SelfService product. This session will address outstanding RPEs as well as SunGard
SCT's approach to implementing them. Client input is important; so this open
discussion is a joint effort between SunGard SCT personnel and clients. Take
advantage of this time with SunGard SCT personnel to "let your voice be heard".
Mary Ellen Cravotta, Lead Software Engineer, SunGard SCT; Les vonHolstein, Plus
Development, SunGard SCT
Plus FAM - E-Perkins
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
Tapa III (H)
NJIT is administering its Perkins Loan Program by utilizing electronic
processes, including electronic signature. We will demonstrate how we modified
SCT’s delivered system to implement E-Perkins, as well as, share with you all of
the other electronic business processes utilized in the Perkins Loan process
flow. The use of the electronic promissory note and disclosure statements
eliminates the need to interact with the borrowers on an individual basis. This
was a very time consuming process in the past. It also streamlines the paper
flow process which was also quite tedious. NJIT implemented E-Perkins since the
Summer of 2003.
Prema Teklinski, Project Leader SIS, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Kathy
Bialk, Director of Student Financial Aid Svcs., New Jersey Institute of
Plus FAM - ISIR/EDE Processing
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
Coral Lounge I (H)
This session provides an overview of OAR Cycle Processing with emphasis on
managing your SAR Reject Log.
This includes a discussion on bringing in new
ISIR data and using FAM processing to resolve conflicting information in light
of USDE's clarification on regulations for Title IV funding requiring an
adequate internal system for identifying differences.
Mary Fran O'Herron, Plus FAM-ActionLine, SunGard SCT
Plus FAM - The Technology Pyramid
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
304 A (CC) M130
The Technology Pyramid: Understanding Where You Are on the Pyramid and How High
You Want to Go. This session will explore the progressive implementation of
technology in a financial aid office. Using the "Technology Pyramid" that was
featured in NASFAA's Student Aid Transcript, presenters will demonstrate ways to
increase the use of technology in a financial aid office with an emphasis on
staffing and cost considerations. The “Technology Pyramid” is an illustration
that provides a road map for implementing various technologies while moving
toward a paperless environment, and is loosely based on Maslow's "hierarchy of
needs." The eight levels of the pyramid will be discussed along with the
“drivers of change,” and the internal and external pressures that aid offices
face. Learn how the staff from student financial aid and administrative
computing services have worked together to move the financial aid delivery
system up the technology hierarchy. This presentation will feature its process
of moving student application information from the Web to the mainframe (Plus
SIS/FAM), and processing information from SIS/FAM back to the Web. See some
electronic administrative initiatives beyond processing aid.
Mark Evans, Director Student Financial Aid, Kent State University; Barbara
Boltz, Director of Information Services, Kent State University
Plus FAM Business Content in ODS
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
301 A (CC) U330
Looking to pull more meaningful information from your SCT Plus FAM system
through reporting? SCT’s Information Access initiative offers a number of
solutions for your reporting needs. This session will focus on the business
content of SCT Plus FAM and its representation in the Operational Data Store
Attendees will see how information is represented in the ODS and how it
got there from SCT Plus, sample types of FAM reports that can be generated from
the ODS, and how the ODS can be enhanced to support additional operational
reporting needs.
Donna King, Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT; Mary Fran O'Herron, Plus
FAM-ActionLine, SunGard SCT
Plus FAM Client Forum (BOF)
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
308 B (CC)
SCT Plus FAM open client forum provides an opportunity for clients to ask
questions of SCT Plus FAM personnel, as well as brainstorm ideas and solutions
amongst client peer group.
Thomas Mack Jr., Product Manager, SunGard SCT; Mary Fran O'Herron, Plus FAMActionLine, SunGard SCT
Plus FAM COD - Direct Lending [555]
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
Honolulu III (H) W1030
SCT Plus FAM supports Common Origination and Disbursement Full Participation
Direct Loan Processing. This session provides more specifics of the SunGard SCT
Plus approach to supporting Common Origination and Disbursement Direct Lending
processing. A companion session provides a more general overview and specifics
about Pell Grant processing.
David Camera, Senior Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT; Donna King, Software
Engineer, SunGard SCT
Plus FAM COD - General & Pell Grants
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
Honolulu I (H)
SCT Plus FAM supports Common Origination and Disbursement Full Participation
Pell Grant Processing. This session provides a general overview of SunGard SCT
Plus approach to supporting Common Origination and Disbursement with emphasis on
Pell Grant processing. A companion session will address specifics for Direct
Lending processing.
David Camera, Senior Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT; Donna King, Software
Engineer, SunGard SCT
Plus FAM Financial Aid Systems Mgmt [568]
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
A panel of Plus FAM Users will discuss how they manage their financial aid
systems. Users will present samples of their systems operations calendars,
production schedules, job naming schemes, and documentation of systems
Kathy Bialk, Director of Student Financial Aid Svcs., New Jersey Institute of
Technology; Deborah Faust, Director of Financial Aid, Lake Superior State
University; Kay Dinkleman, U of Nebraska – Lincoln; Nazih Darwiche, ManagerStudent Financial Aid System, Kent State
Plus FAM Loans - Perkins/CommonLine [560]
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
Honolulu II (H)
This session will review the functionality added to Plus FAM to support
regulations regarding Federal Perkins Loan processing for the 2004-2005 award
year, along with upcoming enhancements to the process. In addition to
discussing Perkins Loans, this session will review the CommonLine School
Certification Request Loan enhancement released in September, 2004.
Debbie Balasano, Senior Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT; Judy Phillips,
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Plus FAM Self Service Demo & Discussion
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) M730
This session will provide a demonstration of the financial aid module of the SCT
Plus Student Self Service application. An overview of the self-service
financial aid module will be presented with an emphasis on the most recent
deliverables. The session will also provide an opportunity for clients to
participate in an informal discussion and provide input for future enhanced
Peggy Delaney, Senior Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT; David Camera, Senior
Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Plus FAM: XML Industry Overview- Tips and Tricks
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
309 (CC)
Plus FAM implemented XML processing a couple years ago. Please join us for
additional information regarding the XML structure, reference material, file
editing, and XML tools - along with an overview of how XML is being integrated
into financial aid processing. This session will also provide you an
opportunity to share XML tips and tricks with your peers.
Judy Phillips, Senior Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT; Debbie Balsano,
Senior Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Plus FRS Business Content in ODS  [550]
SCT Plus
317 A (CC) U330
SCT Plus Financial Records System (FRS) Business Content in ODS. Looking to pull
more meaningful information from your SCT Plus FRS system through reporting?
SCT’s Information Access initiative offers a number of solutions for your
reporting needs. This session will focus on the business content of SCT Plus
FRS and its representation in the Operational Data Store (ODS).
Attendees will
see how information is represented in the ODS and how it got there from SCT
Plus, sample types of FRS reports that can be generated from the ODS, and how
the ODS can be enhanced to support additional operational reporting needs.
Robert Ashcraft, Director - Plus Solutions, SunGard SCT
Plus HRS - Recalling What You Knew
SCT Plus
Human Resources
Coral Lounge II (H)
Remembering What You Forgot or Learning Something New. This session will cover
areas of Plus HRS that we use everyday but maybe never really learned some of
the options that are available. Whether you have been running HRS for a long
time or are new to Plus HRS.
Les vonHolstein, Plus Development, SunGard SCT
Plus HRS Business Content in ODS
SCT Plus
Human Resources
317 B (CC) U330
Looking to pull more meaningful information from your SCT Plus Human Resource
System (HRS) through reporting? SCT’s Information Access initiative offers a
number of solutions for your reporting needs. This session will focus on the
business content of SCT Plus HRS and its representation in the Operational Data
Store (ODS). Attendees will see how information is represented in the ODS and
how it got there from SCT Plus, sample types of HRS reports that can be
generated from the ODS, and how the ODS can be enhanced to support additional
operational reporting needs.
Les vonHolstein, Plus Development, SunGard SCT
Plus HRS Tips and Tricks
SCT Plus
Human Resources
309 (CC)
This session will cover some Plus HRS "tips" & "tricks" that can assist you when
trying to - find an employee's information in a quick; effective way using the
name search facility; view Check or Labor history; navigate through the online;
field or screen help search facility; resetting a field to its initial value in
batch or online; and many other tips and tricks. The goal of this session is to
share with you; and maybe others will too; the little tricks and tips we've
encountered over the years that make those Plus HRS tasks a little easier.
Mary Ellen Cravotta, Lead Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
PLUS Loan Refunds [022]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
301 A (CC) M1100
This session will show how WKU processes their PLUS loan refunds from RPAELAP to
the check process. By adding 2 scripts to the process we are able to print the
parent's name on the check with very little manual intervention by the user.
This did not require any change of Banner forms or processes. This presentation
is intended for both the user and the programmer. The Banner areas covered will
include Financial Aid, Accounts Receivables and Finance. WKU is on Version
6.3.3 in FAM, 6.0.1 in A/R and 6.0 in Finance. We have been on Banner Financial
Aid since 1999.
Doris Settle, Application & Programming Group Manager, Western Kentucky
Plus Moves to Banner
Honolulu II (H)
This session will provide a technical overview of requirements for Plus clients
leaping to Banner. Banner6/7 considerations will be discussed. Eveline Taylor
and Kathleen O'Donnell have over 20 years combined experience with Banner and
have worked with LEAP clients for the last 2 years. This session will benefit
technical users supporting their institutions in this move.
Eveline Taylor, Principle Technical Consultant, SunGard SCT
Plus Self Service UI Technical Info [535]
SCT Plus
318 B (CC) T200
Many technical changes were made to support the new User Interface (UI) for the
SCT Plus Student Self Service and Faculty and Advisor Self Service applications.
In this session we will review the types of changes made to support
accessibility and the new navigational flow and we will walk through some
Pat Coyle, Sr. Technical Architect, SunGard SCT
Plus Services Update
SCT Plus
Tapa I (H) W1030
This presentation will provide an overview of available Plus services. The
target audience includes all Plus users interested in available services and how
they can benefit your institution. If your institution is interested in
LEAPing, we will discuss how our services can be used to assist in the process.
Keith Hawkins, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
Plus SIS Business Content in ODS
SCT Plus
301 B (CC) U330
Looking to pull more meaningful information from your SCT Plus SIS system
through reporting? SCT’s Information Access initiative offers a number of
solutions for your reporting needs. This session will focus on the business
content of SCT Plus SIS and its representation in the Operational Data Store
(ODS). Attendees will see how information is represented in the ODS and how it
got there from Plus SIS, sample types of student systems reports that can be
generated from the ODS, and how the ODS can be enhanced to support additional
operational reporting needs.
David Killip, Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT
PM - Life in the Fast Lane
All Solutions
SCT Services
328 (CC)
Solutions are getting broader, time lines are getting shorter, this is the
reality of the Project Managers world. Effective Project Management can make the
difference in positioning your projects for success. This session will explore
creative ways to leverage process and innovation to meet the demands of today's
Steve McLoughlin, Senior Practice Director, SunGard SCT
PocketRecruiter for Banner
SCT Banner SCT PocketRecruiter
327 (CC)
Have you found that your ability to respond to prospective students is delayed
until recruiters have returned to the office from their recruiting events? Or
that while at a recruiting event your information is not quite as current as you
would like it to be? SunGard SCT can help you offer mobile access that will
enable recruiters to provide on the spot answers to prospective students
regarding their stage in the admissions process as well as the opportunity to
update their existing information; thereby decreasing the amount of follow up
required compared to historically manual processes. This session will provide
you an overview of how mobility connects staff to the various campus software
solutions such as SCT Banner; unifying their interactive experience among
systems on campus even while they are off campus.
Joshua Aversa, Mobile Solutions Technical Lead, SunGard SCT; Stephanie Connors,
Product Manager, SunGard SCT
PocketRecruiter Hands-on (HOT)
SCT Banner SCT PocketRecruiter
319 B (CC) T1130
Experience for yourself the ability to have mobile access to prospective student
information, update records and provide immediate responses to prospects all
while disconnected from the administrative system. Attendees will walk through
a typical recruiting scenario and explore the value of having up to date
information regarding prospective students available to them via a Pocket PC.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Joshua Aversa, Mobile Solutions Technical Lead, SunGard SCT; Stephanie Connors,
Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Policies for Luminis CMS
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
304 A (CC) T900
Implementations of the Luminis Content Management Suite (Luminis CMS) have the
potential to transform the ways that institutions of higher education publish,
share, and even think about their web-based information. These transformations
include, for example, the standards applied to web content and formatting; the
distribution of different aspects of the web content creation and maintenance
tasks to a variety of individuals; scheduled automatization of web content
publishing, updating, and archiving; and the easy repurposing of web content for
use in multiple presentation modes or contexts. This session addresses technical
and organizational policies, processes, and standards that permit a wide variety
of people to use the Luminis CMS in a coordinated fashion that takes into
account the unique needs of the institution and its stakeholders.
Judith Amsel, Luminis CMS Services Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
Portal Delivery: A Bold Approach
Common Interest Topics
313 A (CC) T730
The University of Saskatchewan serendipitously acquired the Luminis Platform 3
Portal as part of a package purchase of Banner Student and Banner Finance in
June 2003 and rolled it out that September. PAWS (Personalized Access to Web
Services) is still very much a work in progress, but we're already reaping the
benefits of having one electronic place for all of our campus community to go to
find information that's tailored to their individual needs. And, we think we may
have developed some new “best practices” in the process. In this presentation
we’ll discuss how we were able to put out our portal in two months and what
we’re doing with it. We’ll review our experience with both the Luminis product
and our project. We’ll talk about the challenges we faced (technical challenges,
organizational challenges, policy challenges) and how we addressed them. We’ll
talk about what worked well and what didn’t, what we learned and what we’d
recommend to others.
Rick Bunt, Associate Vice-President-ICT, University of Saskatchewan; Jonathan
Moore-Wright, Manager of Student Computing, University of Saskatchewan
POWER Your Integration Tools 
Billing and Cash Receipts
308 A (CC) T200
More effective use of the three integration tools will improve efficiency and
accuracy of MCNY's financial functions. These tools are: the Charge/Credit
Import, the PowerFaids Interface, and the Integration Manager. We have used
these tools for converting detailed historical billing data, importing EFT
download files, exporting accounts payable files and reconciling the PowerCAMPUS
Billing and PowerFaids. In the process, we learned valuable lessons, customized
utilities and discovered pitfalls that need to be resolved with technical help.
The Charge/Credit Import and PowerFaids Interface are easier to use. Yet, in
order to get the greatest advantage from them, it is helpful for users to
prepare data using Microsoft Access and/or Microsoft Excel before importing it
into these utilities. Integration Manager needs a lot of set-up on Great Plains
and PowerCAMPUS before use. In order for it to be the most flexible to the
user's needs, an SQL administrator should help customize it for maximum
Yihua Feng, Director of Financial Reporting, Metropolitan College of New York
PowerCAMPUS - New Doc on the Horizon
303 B (CC) M930
This session will provide a look at the new documentation that is being
developed for PowerCAMPUS clients. The PowerCAMPUS team has provided users with
a large amount of documentation. We are now organizing this information into a
feature-driven User Guide and Online Help system. You'll see how the User Guide
is being redesigned and made available as a PDF file, and how easy it will be
for users to locate information. This session is for any PowerCAMPUS users who
are interested in documentation. After learning about the future plans for
PowerCAMPUS documentation, you will have an opportunity to offer any comments or
suggestions you may have.
Sandy Cummings, Principal Technical Writer, SunGard SCT
PowerCAMPUS - Vista Views and Reports
308 A (CC) U330
The session will include a presentation, which will discuss the purpose of
Vista Views and Vista Reports. Presentation will include a discussion on how the
Vista Security works along with how the Vista View and Vista Reports tools work
together to provide flexible, reliable reporting. Participants will be able to
do the following after attending this session: Understand how to setup Vista
Security, Understand how the Vista View tool works with the Vista Report tool,
Create intermediate Vista Views and associated Vista Reports, Troubleshoot Vista
Views and Reports to get back the information they want. Session will include a
hands-on demonstration illustrating Vista Security, the creation of intermediate
views and how Vista Views are then used in Vista Reports. Target Audience for
this session is end-users or System Administrators that have intermediate
experience with the Vista Views and Vista Report tools in PowerCAMPUS.
Ardan Sharp, Lead QA Testing Analyst, SunGard SCT
PowerCAMPUS & Schools for the Arts (BOF)
Academic Records
305 B (CC) U330
Intended for individuals who work for independent institutions or schools which
occur within the context of larger institutions which admit and train students
in the visual, written and performing arts; discussion of how software may be
used to support our missions as well as ours shared issues and concerns.
Robert Winkley, Registrar, New England Conservatory of Music
PowerCAMPUS 7.0
305 A (CC) M730
PowerCAMPUS will be working toward a technical advancement of their solutions
with the 7.0 release. This session is intended for all PowerCAMPUS users to
explain some of the behind the scenes work that will result in a an improved
product experience for PowerCAMPUS users. I am a member of the program team
that is currently working on this version. I have worked on PowerCAMPUS since
May 2002.
Daniel Mongeluzi, Development Manager, SunGard SCT
PowerCAMPUS and Emergency Planning [630]
Financial Aid/PowerFAIDS
307 B (CC) T730
A "how to" primer on utilizing PowerCAMPUS in the development and exercising of
campus emergency operations plans.
William Canuette, Project Vice Chairman, Mount Olive College; Gary Cox, Data
Base Administrator, Mount Olive College
PowerCAMPUS Clients - Welcome [637]
304 B (CC) U200
This is a welcome session and introduction to Summit 2005 for PowerCAMPUS
clients. A brief presentation of what’s new in the PowerCAMPUS line of business
will be given, followed by a question and answer period.
Renee Pacini, General Manager-PowerCAMPUS Solutions Mgmt, SunGard SCT
PowerFAIDS Redevelopment
Financial Aid/PowerFAIDS
307 B (CC) M730
The College Board has partnered with SunGard SCT to offer PowerFAIDS as the
financial aid management system for PowerCAMPUS. This session will be
beneficial for PowerCAMPUS users and administrators of all experience levels and
will include an update on PowerFAIDS Redevelopment Activities including: project
goals, project schedule, features, benefits, and a brief demonstration of new
screens of the product.
Elizabeth Ende, Executive Director Financial Aid Software Products, The College
Practical Applications for Stress-Free Living ♥ [659]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
314 (CC)
Juggling work, family and other daily obstacles can lead to stress, which gives
way to loss of sleep, eating poorly and a weak immune system. This program is
designed to teach you the 10 most effective measures to stay stress-free and
enjoying life. We will look closely at topics such as exercise, nutrition, yoga,
massage therapy, pain management, meditation, as well as simple tools that can
be done right at your desk to make a difference in how you feel and act on a
daily basis. This is an interactive program that will allow you to set up a game
plan for your own health and stress-management based on recommendations and
ideas you discover in this workshop. This is a powerful workshop that will make
a difference in your overall health, vitality and energy.
Todd Durkin, Fitness Expert, Todd Durkin Enterprises
Predictable Partnership-Report Card [473]
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
326 A (CC) M130
Are we delivering on our promise to be a predictable partner? This session is
designed to report on changes within the SCT Matrix Line of Business, made to
address client concerns regarding the development process. SunGard SCT will
report on changes to quality assurance, development processes and client
communications. SunGard SCT will continue to solicit feedback from the client
base to foster an environment of continuous improvement.
Martin Schwartz, Director-Matrix Common/Student Finance Development, SunGard SCT
Prepping for CAPP Before Training
SCT Banner Student
313 A (CC) T1130
Are you itching to begin building CAPP? Do you want to know what you can do
before your CAPP training? This session will tell you what to begin
investigating and putting together before the training occurs.
Kimberly Saving-Sherman, Senior Consultant, SunGard SCT
Pre-reqs - Do You Mean What you Say?
SCT Banner Student
315 (CC)
Pre-requisites: they sound easy, but are they? The curriculum committee or
faculty member may list a course prerequisite that he/she feels is perfectly
clear and exactly what needs to be said. However, once we begin to translate
these “simple” pre-requisites into Banner, the picture may not be so clear. So,
how do you tell the chemistry professor that he needs to re-think his pre-reqs?
This session is for the person on campus who is responsible for entering the
catalog and/or deciphering pre-requisites. We will cover entering pre-requisites
into the Catalog Pre-Requisite and Test Score Restrictions Form (SCAPREQ) and
using CAPP to enter the more complicated pre-reqs.
Scott Manley, Systems Analyst/DBA, SMSU-West Plains; Scott Manley, Systems
Analyst/DBA, SMSU-West Plains
Priorities Setting with Executives [344]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
314 (CC)
The demand for custom programming or integration with administrative systems
usually far exceeds our programming staff's ability to provide it. If
programming priorities are not made at the highest levels of the university,
choices may be made that fail to take into account enterprise-wide funding
strategies, life cycle planning, support issues and integration opportunities.
Yet in order to get the university’s highest officials to take part in such a
process it must be consistent, succinct, and eventually beneficial to all
concerned. Consistent in that it is predictable and regular, succinct in that
it avoids involving decision makers at too low a level, and beneficial in that
each participant feels that his or her interests are being considered. One way
to deal with these issues is to formalize the programming prioritization
process. In this session we will demonstrate the difficulties of implementing
such a process, and the benefits to doing so. We will provide templates for
project submissions, calendars and communication approaches to be successful.
This session should be particularly beneficial to small or medium size
universities with a limited number of campuses.
James Trietsch, Associate Chief Information Officer, Abilene Christian
University; K.B. Massingill, Chief Information Officer, Abilene Christian
Projecting Student Enrollment [160]
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
315 (CC)
This session details methods used at the American University of Beirut
Institutional Research for projecting student enrollment by faculty Major and
class one year or more into the future. Prognostications are used in enrollment
management as well as fiscal budget estimation by faculty and department. Tools
used include MS Access and Excel. (Information Access Maturity Level: 4)
Nizar Jawhar, University Statistician, American University of Beirut
Prospect Management - Beginners
SCT Banner Advancement
304 B (CC) W1030
This session is intended for those interested in beginning to use the Prospect
Module in Banner Advancement. It will describe the basics of setting up the
module and initial reports that can be created for end-users.
Tammi Burkhardt, Information Resources Manager, Reed College
Purging FRS Files and Feel Good 
SCT Plus
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
Have you ever used FBX005, FBM003, FBM004, VBM010, PBM093? Do you know how to
keep and purge FRS data safely and when you want to purge. Do you know how to
retain historical data for future year comparison? This session will look at
each of these programs and discuss how to feel comfortable with the purging of
the FRS data at the right time. I have 20 yrs of working with this product.
This will discuss the 3.0 version of FRS jobs. Target Audience will be both
Functional and Technical users.
Joanne Keys, Principal Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Putting Waiver Funds to Work
SCT Matrix Financial Aid
Nautilus II (H)
Putting waiver/sponsor funds to work for you
Martin Schwartz, Director-Matrix Common/Student Finance Development, SunGard SCT
Quirks of the Adult Learner-Part 1 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
327 (CC)
... AKA the Zen of training adults. Your effectiveness of training adults is
directly proportional to your understanding of how adults that are different
from you, learn. If you train in only the style that suits you the best, you
will reach only those who learn like you learn. This session will introduce you
to several learning styles and demonstrate some of the ways to teach to specific
learning styles. An interactive class, plan to have some fun!
Ross Jackson, Administrative Systems Trainer, Oregon State University
Quirks of the Adult Learner-Part 2 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
318 A (CC) T730
... AKA the Zen of training adults. Your effectiveness of training adults is
directly proportional to your understanding of how to cope with adult
personalities that are different than yours. If you only know how to meet your
own defenses, you will reach only those who resist learning like you do. This
session will introduce you to several personalities and the participants find
the solutions! An interactive class, plan to have some fun!
Ross Jackson, Administrative Systems Trainer, Oregon State University
RAC Up Your Server Pool [252]
SCT Banner Technical
325 A (CC) W1200
This is a technical presentation on implementing an Oracle Real Applications
Cluster (RAC) environment using multiple database nodes for scalability and
performance. This session will provide detailed insights into the installation
and configuration of an Oracle RAC cluster.
Rick Clark, Senior Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT
Ratings- Rules- and Automation!
308 B (CC) T900
We will cover how PowerCAMPUS Advancement enables institutions to track detailed
information about donors and prospects and how some advanced features within
PowerCAMPUS can enable your institution to better communicate - even automate
personalized communication! - with these key constituents.
Sara Barnett, Project Manager, SunGard SCT
Real Life Experiences with ODS
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
SCT Operational Data Store
316 C (CC) M930
Wayne State University currently has over 2000 employees using customized SCT
Banner Data Marts. WSU is near completion of the transition from customized
data mart services to the SCT Operational Data Store. This presentation will
focus on the implementation and support for this product and its value to the
The target audience is University employees, management, and IT
staff who are interested in the ODS product. Information Access Maturity Level:
Laura Hendrick, IT Director, Wayne State University; Wanda Dixon, Systems
Analyst, Wayne State University
Re-aligning Roll Forward Schedules
SCT Banner Student
328 (CC)
The processes of academic scheduling, as practiced in the United States, has
traditionally been confined to a processes of rolling forward schedules from
“like” terms and assigning rooms to those activities still needing them. Eastern
Connecticut State University has been part of a collaborative team headed up by
SunGard SCT Partner Astra Schedule that has developed a schedule building
analytics tool set that helps refine academic schedules to better fit student
Schedule refinement consists of the following steps: student demand for
courses needed for their program of study, student conflict analysis (time
conflicts between two or more sections that they need to take), and a weighting
process that allows institutions to isolate a few high impact offering or time
changes in the roll forward schedule. The resulting schedule improves students’
ability to advance toward their degree attainment and the institution’s ability
to eliminate unneeded sections. In essence, these steps are a roll forward “realignment” that can be done every term or periodically as a prequel to the
traditional process of academic scheduling. Audience: Registrars and Schedulers
Brenda Whalen, Associate CIO, Eastern CT State University
Receiving and Matching from A to Z 
SCT Banner Finance
304 B (CC) W1200
This session will provide an overview of Banner Receiving and Matching
functionality of the Purchasing Module and its implementation, including initial
Banner setup, related forms, reports and processes, security and other issues as
well as the resulting organizational and procedural changes. In addition to
Regular Purchase Orders receiving and matching, we’ll briefly address
documenting receipt of services associated with General Encumbrances and
Standing Orders.
Ilia Moldavski, Senior Finance Officer, CT Community Colleges
Registration and Billing Overview 
Billing and Cash Receipts
308 A (CC) M930
This presentation will give a complete overview of the registration and billing
process, along with a number of different examples for how this can be done.
Nandita Arora, Student Services Officer, The Michener Institute for Applied
Health Sciences
Remote DBA Services
All Solutions
SCT Services
304 A (CC) T1130
A review of SCT remote DBA services and what the service includes. We now
provide the service for MATRIX clients. There will also be an explanation of
how the service can facilitate the training of a new on site DBA.
Timothy Tinkham, Manager of RDBA Services, SunGard SCT
Report Consistency - System Change [545]
SCT Plus
Reporting and Distribution Tools
Coral Lounge IV (H)
Consistency in data reporting is essential for meeting demands of external
reporting agencies and for providing reliable data/information for institutional
Cooperative relationships between NKU’s information technology staff
and institutional research have provided consistent and accurate statutory
reporting and internal management reporting across three different student data
systems and two different human resource systems. The current systems are SCT
Plus. The presentation describes the working structure of that relationship and
the current efforts to meet cost constraints through internally developed
procedures to provide paperless reports. The presentation is directed toward
administrators and technical professionals who must provide timely and accurate
reports within constrained and reduced budgets. It will include illustrations
of file design and report structures and our conceptual approach in the
transition to yet another system. Report examples will utilize IPEDS Enrollment
and Completions reports and internal enrollment and faculty instructional
activity reports. (Information Access Maturity Level: 3 & 4)
Gary Graff, Director of Institutional Research, Northern Kentucky University;
Beverly Beck, Lead Programmer/Analyst, Northern Kentucky University; Mary
Berkemeyer, Lead Programmer Analyst for Advanced Reporting, Northern Kentucky
Reporting - Impromptu Report Writing
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
Coral Lounge II (H)
This presentation is designed for anyone who is now working with Cognos
Impromptu, or is interested in using the tool in the future. There will first be
an introduction to the Impromptu product, including its meta data architecture.
Basic report writing techniques such as sorting, grouping, filtering, prompts,
and calculations will also be discussed and demonstrated. For those who are more
familiar with the tool, there will also be a discussion about how to improve on
the performance of your queries, tips and tricks, and a “gotcha” or two.
(Information Access Maturity Level: 2 & 3)
Marshall Johnson, Business Reporting Analyst II, Savannah College of Art and
Requisition Approval E-mail Notice 
SCT Plus
Coral Lounge I (H)
Using a modified Focus program and VMS DCL, daily e-mail notifications are sent
to operators with requisitions needing their approvals. Denied requisitions
also result in notification. This process can be modified and applied in
various situations similarly on a flag setting.
Carlton McNair, Financial Systems Manager, North Carolina Central University
Re-thinking IT Organizations [451]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
320 (CC)
In this featured session, IT consultant Warren Arbogast will discuss ways you
can maximize your operations without cutting into staff or critical information
systems. He will identify ways you can liberate yourself and your staff for more
relevant tasks by eliminating wasteful duplicate efforts. This presentation will
also cover the politics of technology initiatives on campus and how to deal with
industry-wide issues such as rising technology costs and decreasing government
Warren Arbogast, Founder & President, Boulder Management Group, LLC
Rule Building - Do's & Don'ts [480]
SCT Matrix Technical
Nautilus I (H)
This session will present our recommended standards for rule building within the
Matrix system. The session will have an open discussion with the clients about
approaches they have taken for rule building and management of the rules.
Keith Hawkins, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
Rules of the Road - Building Them 
SCT Banner Finance
313 B (CC) M730
This session will look at the rule codes of Banner and discuss the way they are
designed. We will also talk about special rules not provided in Banner and how
schools can build a rule themselves.
Charlie Page, Principal Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
Running Queries in CLM [387]
All Solutions
SCT Campus Loan Manager
Honolulu I (H)
Have you ever wished your data could be at the tip of your fingers? Come find
out how easy it is to create reports, pull data for reconciling or create files.
Texas A&M University currently uses the query function in Microsoft Excel to run
most queries. This presentation will discuss the tables and indexing in the CLM
databases and will be beneficial to anyone using Excel or Crystal reports.
Peggy Carey, Financial Management Supervisor, Texas A&M University
Save Time Employee Self Service  [613]
Finance/Great Plains
303 B (CC) T730
Employees, their supervisors and Human Resources staff all benefit by automating
the routine tasks involved in maintaining employee information; Profiles
Benefit Selections Time & Attendance Entry Pay Check Stub Inquiry Direct
Deposit & Tax Withholding Maintenance Skills and Training Inventory Maintenance.
Michael Peck, Senior Consultant, SunGard SCT
SBS Lessons Learned  [484]
SCT Matrix Billing and Accts Receivable
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) M930
Show how JHU approached the SBS implementation including fundamental changes
such as single accounts and common billing cycles.
Stephen Hellen, ISIS Project Manager, Johns Hopkins University
Scheduled Actions - Lessons Learned [633]
308 B (CC) U330
Scheduled actions for both traditional and non-traditional colleges.
Heather Turlington, Manager of Information Processing, Mount Olive College; Gary
Cox, Data Base Administrator, Mount Olive College
SCT Banner enlighten by CAST
SCT Banner Technical
301 A (CC) T200
This session focuses on an introductory use of the information present in the
CAST Application Warehouse through the graphical utility called AppInfo. CAST
AppWarehouse-based technical documentation allows AppInfo to graphically
navigate through the structure of the application by displaying relationships
among databases and client side code objects (Forms, ProC, Java, Cobol and JSP).
The session will show how to use the Application Viewer to create roadmaps to
study and gain more complete knowledge of the structure of your Banner modules.
Kimberly Johnson, Senior Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
SCT Banner Financial Aid Overview and Demo
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
Tapa III (H)
SCT Banner Financial Aid Overview and Demonstration is geared towards helping
educate SCT Plus FAM clients on the functions and features of the SCT Banner
Financial Aid application.
Christine McCormick, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
SCT Banner Financial Aid Wrap-Up
SCT Banner Financial Aid
312 (CC)
You've attended sessions and networked with everyone at the conference and still
have that one last question that you need guidance on to take back to your
institution. This session is intended to provide the opportunity to wrap up and
insure that you have gotten everything you need from the SunGard SCT Summit
Rhonda Allen, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
SCT Banner General Product Update
SCT Banner General
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
Join the SCT Banner General team for a look at the future of Banner post-7.0.
Learn how new enhancements will contribute to enhancing your Unified Digital
Campus. We will also look back on Banner 7.0 and the various operational
improvements that were introduced. All SCT Banner General users are welcome and
encouraged to attend.
Steve Ikler, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
SCT Banner HR 7.0 Release Recap
SCT Banner Human Resources
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
Join your SCT Banner HR Development team for a recap of changes made to SCT
Banner HR as part of the 7.0 release! Details will be provided on the new
Employee API as well as the new user interface, including which HR forms
received tabs. SCT Luminis channels targeted for employees and managers will
also be highlighted and explained. Additionally, the various 7.0 Operational
Improvements will be discussed from an HR perspective, including Common
Matching, Protection of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and Value
Based Security using Oracle Fined Grained Access.
Dolores Richie, Human Resources Consultant, SunGard SCT
SCT Banner HR Partner Update
SCT Banner Human Resources
306 A (CC) W1200
In this session, SunGard SCT will provide an update on the current partnership
activities related to SCT Banner HR. You’ll learn what integrations are
currently available and plans for future integration efforts.
Barbara Bates, HR Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
SCT Banner HR Product Update
SCT Banner Human Resources
310 (CC)
Join your
to expect
SCT Banner HR team for a review of the past year and a preview of what
in 2005 and beyond in the annual product update! This session will
SCT Banner HR accomplishments in 2004, provide a roadmap of future
and will update you on other HR initiatives that are taking place.
Laura Weathersby, Product Manager-SCT Banner HR, SunGard SCT
SCT Banner Student Product Update
SCT Banner Student
Kalakaua Ballroom B (CC)
Join your SCT Banner Student team for a review of the past year and a preview of
what to expect in 2005 and beyond in the annual product update! This session
will highlight SCT Banner Student accomplishments in 2004, provide a roadmap of
future releases, and will update you on other Student initiatives that are
taking place.
Ed Hauser, General Manager, SunGard SCT
SCT Luminis and Wayne’s World!
Common Interest Topics
317 B (CC) M1100
Wayne State University launched Campus Pipeline WebPlatform v2.1 in December of
2000 and is currently using Luminis Platform III.1 patch 1 to develop and
support evolving online services to meet the constantly changing demands from
students, faculty and employees. This session will identify various challenges
faced by Wayne State and highlight opportunities to develop "value add services"
to support and/or promote institutional acceptance of the Luminis platform. An
online demonstration of portal services will be provided (including our Group
Portal digest, automated process for using Group Maker and the Targeted
Messaging System, "CPIP Router", Single Sign-On with third party systems, and
many more). This session is intended for new, experienced and prospective
Luminis customers.
Genetha Smith, Lead Systems Integrator, Wayne State University; Eric Dau, Lead
Systems Integrator, Wayne State University; Morris Reynolds, Director of Eservices and Strategic Technologies, Wayne State University
SCT Luminis Channels for Banner
SCT Banner Technical
Iolani Suites V, VI & VII (H)
This presentation will provide an overview of the SCT Luminis Channels for
Banner architecture. In addition, it will provide insight into building
navigation channels for Banner.
Rajesh Kumar, Senior Advisory Technical Engineer, SunGard SCT
SCT Matrix Architecture Evolution
SCT Matrix Technical
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
This session will outline and detail SunGard SCT's plans for the architectural
evolution of SCT Matrix from its current Windows DNA 3-tier architecture to a
full Service Oriented Business Application build with a service oriented
architecture. SOBAs are an essential element in creating modern, unified
enterprise application architectures.
Scott Tucker, Chief Architect-Matrix Solutions, SunGard SCT
SCT Matrix Closing Session
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
Nautilus I (H)
An opportunity for clients to share their thoughts and comments on Summit 2005.
This session will be the beginning of planning for Summit 2006. Be sure to
attend and add your valuable comments.
Vasu Nagalingam, Solution Strategy, SunGard SCT
SCT Matrix Information Out
SCT Matrix Reporting and Distribution Tools
Nautilus II (H)
SCT Matrix has broad capability for getting information into the
application. Its capability for getting information out of the application is
undergoing significant expansion and evolution. This session for managers,
functional and technical attendees will explore the expanding and evolving SCT
Matrix information out arena, including expansion of its reporting capability
through connection to the SunGard SCT ODS and EDW, reporting infrastructure
evolution, and architectural evolution of the critical communications functions
of letters and e-mail. The presenter has over four years experience with SCT
Joseph Watters, Technology Director, SunGard SCT
SCT Matrix Opening Session
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
318 A (CC) U200
SCT Matrix organization had a successful 2004, with two new clients and a major
release of SCT Matrix Suite. In this opening session, Chris McNabb will
introduce the SCT Student Marketing solution, a new offering from the SCT Matrix
LOB. Additionally, Chris will provide an update on SCT Matrix business plan,
Predictable Partnership model, the SCT Matrix Collaboration initiative, SCT
Matrix product roadmap and objectives for upcoming releases.
Chris McNabb, Vice President, SunGard SCT; Vasu Nagalingam, Solution StrategySCT Matrix, SunGard SCT
SCT Matrix Product Update
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
318 A (CC) U330
This session will highlight significant enhancements delivered in as
well as present overall goals for the release. Join the SCT Matrix
Product Managers for this informative session.
Terry Powers, Senior Product Manager, SunGard SCT; Martin Schwartz, DirectorMatrix Common/Student Finance Development, SunGard SCT; Paul Anderson, Senior
Product Manager, SunGard SCT
SCT Matrix Usability Update
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
Sea Pearl I & II (H)
This session for managers, functional and technical attendees will give
attendees an update on SunGard SCT's progress to date and future plans to
improve SCT Matrix usability from both end user and system administrator
Paul Anderson, Senior Product Manager, SunGard SCT
SCT Plus FAM Product Update
SCT Plus
Financial Aid
301 A (CC) U200
This session will provide an overview of the SCT Plus FAM Product Line’s
successes over the past year, detail on current initiatives, and information
with regard to the future of SCT Plus FAM. The presentation will serve to
educate and inform as well as help enhance the exchange of information within
the SCT Plus FAM client base.
Thomas Mack Jr., Product Manager, SunGard SCT; Peggy Delaney, Senior Functional
Consultant, SunGard SCT
SCT Plus for DB2 [519]
SCT Plus
Honolulu III (H) T730
This presentation will reveal a leading edge technology platform for the SCT
Plus products to operate on which include DB2 for OS/390 and DB2 UDB for AIX.
This will give an introduction to SCT Clients of a relational database platform
to run the SCT Plus suite of products on. Topics covered will include:
- Introduction to DB2 for SCT Plus
- Architecture of the SCT Plus products on DB2
- Introduction to AIX operating system for SCT Plus
- Migration path for current customers to DB2
Jim Sexton, Advisory Technical Engineer, SunGard SCT
SCT Plus FRS Product Update 
SCT Plus
317 A (CC) U200
This session will provide an overview of the SCT Plus FRS product line’s success
over the past year and share the SCT Plus vision for the future. The
presentation will serve to educate and inform as well as help enhance the
exchange of information within the FRS client base.
Gerard Modzel, Director, SunGard SCT
SCT Plus HRS Product Update
SCT Plus
Human Resources
317 B (CC) U200
This session will provide an overview of the SCT Plus HRS product line’s success
over the past year and share the SCT Plus vision for the future. The
presentation will serve to educate and inform as well as help enhance the
exchange of information within the HRS client base.
Jan Dale, Development Director, SunGard SCT
SCT Plus Purchasing and AP (BOF)
SCT Plus
326 A (CC) T1130
This is a BOF gathering of those wishing to share experiences in the FRS
Purchasing and Accounts Payable area.
Frank Mangione, Principal Systems Analyst, SunGard SCT
SCT Plus SIS Product Update
SCT Plus
301 B (CC) U200
This session will provide an overview of the SunGard SCT Plus Student
Information System baseline and web applications’ successes over the past year;
and share the product line strategy and areas of focus over the upcoming year.
It will also identify sessions of presumed interest for SIS-focused conference
Dale Sauro, Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
SCT Plus
Honolulu III (H) T900
This session will present the SEVIS reporting options available to SCT Plus
clients, including the interface to fsaATLAS. It is anticipated that more
details on SEVIS 5.0 will be known by then and this session will share how that
activity relates to the SIS interface and SCT Plus base solutions. It is
suggested that attendees may also want to attend the fsaATLAS session for a full
functional disclosure of SEVIS activities.
Dale Sauro, Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
SCT PocketRecruiter for PowerCAMPUS [594]
305 B (CC) M930
Have you found that your ability to respond to prospective students is delayed
until recruiters have returned to the office from their recruiting events? Or
while at a recruiting event your information is not quite as current as you
would like it to be? SunGard SCT can help you offer mobile access that will
enable recruiters to provide on the spot answers to prospective students
regarding their stage in the admissions process as well as the opportunity to
update their existing information; thereby decreasing the amount of follow up
required compared to historically manual processes. This session will provide
you an overview of how SCT PocketRecruiter 2.0 connects staff to SCT
PowerCAMPUS; unifying their interactive experience among systems on campus even
while they are off campus.
Stephanie Connors, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
SCT Power Portal - Sharepoint [622]
308 B (CC) M930
This presentation will describe the architecture, demonstrate the features, and
outline the deployment options for the first release of the portal for SCT
PowerCAMPUS. The portal will provide single sign-on from Microsoft Sharepoint
Portal Server to our partner web applications and self-service application,
IQ.Web. Attendees will be provided with a demonstration of the portal's current
status and participate in a discussion of future requirements.
Chad Sexton, Technical Architect, SunGard SCT
SCT TracDat for IT Planning
All Solutions
SCT TracDat by Nuventive
302 B (CC) M730
SCT TracDat provides a Web-accessible, multi-user solution for defining,
coordinating and disseminating plans for Information Technology initiatives and
monitoring implementation accomplishments. TracDat provides essential planning
functionality not found in other applications such MS Project. SCT TracDat
procedures guide planning teams through the full cycle of goal setting, linking
unit objectives, to tracking accomplishments over time. The TracDat real-time
reporting functions provide effective documentation for IT department decisionmaking and reporting to the executive level. This presentation is intended for
IT management teams and IT project leaders. The presenters will summarize
experiences gained in the use of TracDat at SunGard SCT client schools over the
past three years.
John Grose, Project Director, SunGard SCT
SCT TracDat for Strategic Planning [350]
All Solutions
SCT TracDat by Nuventive
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) W900
A major criticism of strategic planning is the failure to follow through and
manage implementation. SCT TracDat provides a Web-accessible; multi-user
solution for defining; coordinating and disseminating plans for an institution’s
strategic initiatives and monitoring implementation accomplishments. Areas of
application include campus and unit-level operations; academic technology;
information technology; and student outcome assessments. SCT TracDat procedures
are grounded in Higher Education industry standards for strategic planning and
management; guiding planning teams through the full cycle of goal setting;
linking unit objectives; to tracking accomplishments over time. The SCT TracDat
real-time reporting functions provide effective documentation for executive
decision-making and reporting to external agencies. This presentation is
intended for executive teams and planning committees. The presenters will
summarize experiences gained in the use of TracDat at SunGard SCT client schools
over the past three years.
John Grose, Project Director, SunGard SCT
SCT TracDat for Strategic Planning (HOT) [450]
All Solutions
SCT TracDat by Nuventive
321 A (CC) M1100
This workshop will provide hands-on-training in the use of SCT TracDat in
strategic planning. PCs with live TracDat databases will be available. Sample
cases showing actual applications will be demonstrated. The participants will
have an opportunity to navigate the TracDat model and experience data-entry
procedures. Attendance at this session will be limited to 40 attendees. Seating
preference will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to
sign up for the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a firstcome, first-served basis.
John Grose, Project Director, SunGard SCT
SCT Workflow - Show and Tell
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
Clients are using SCT Workflow 4.0 to improve their businesses and enhance
customer service. See examples of how clients are using the workflow product at
their sites. Examples include interfacing with Banner products as well as manual
processes. Target Audience for this session is anyone interested in using SCT
Workflow to improve their processes - new and experienced Banner clients.
Carol Didio, Workflow Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
SCT Workflow Product Update
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
Tapa I (H) M730
Come learn what is new and exciting in SCT Workflow! New enhancements along
with coming capabilities within SCT Workflow will be discussed. This session
will be valuable to any SunGard SCT clients using or considering enterprise
workflow or business process management on campus.
Michael LaFortune, Product Manager - Enterprise Solutions, SunGard SCT
Seeking a Paperless HR via Imaging
SCT Banner Human Resources
313 A (CC) M930
McGill University is in the process of implementing Imaging in the Department of
Human Resources. The project’s primary goal is threefold: use SCT Banner Xtender
Solutions to reduce HR’s dependence on paper; take advantage of document
management; and provide secure and accurate access to employee and position
documents for a greater number of users. Another key objective was cutting down
on filing and recovering space in HR.
In this session, you will learn what
prompted us to take this route and we will walk you through our project as we
struggled with – and ultimately resolved – many of the issues that revolve
around implementing Imaging. We will cover how we selected the documents to be
scanned, revised the document handling, determined our document types, designed
new applications, dealt with retention issues, and how we decided to handle the
paper documents after they were imaged. We will also look at how we dealt with
back files and prepared those records for scanning as well as how we leveraged
this solution to share certain documents with other units, such as Student
Records. McGill is now well on its way to meeting its paperless objectives.
This session will be of interest to HR functional users, technical staff, and
other users looking to move towards Imaging.
Alison Verkade, HR Manager-Records & Systems, McGill University
Selecting Training Delivery Mediums  [355]
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
Nautilus II (H)
Meeting the challenge of training your institution’s staff as well as meeting
your business goals can sometimes become overwhelming. As part of your decision
making process, you’re probably asking yourself: Which is the right training
delivery medium for my staff? What are the alternatives to instructor-led
training that can be equally as effective? How can I use e-learning effectively?
Attending this presentation will assist you in making these decisions. This
session is appropriate for both trainers and faculty.
Heidi Meyers, Director of Development-Education Practices, SunGard SCT; Rich
Loftus, AR & FA Data Specialist, Georgia Board of Regents
Selecting your Strategy 
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
308 B (CC)
Battle of the Banner Trainers. Get ready for the seaweed, giant eels (and
training methods) to start flying as the excitement of Iron Chef meets the drama
of Banner Training! As the surprise ingredient is revealed, the Iron Trainer
and a Challenger Trainer will face off in a frenetic training battle to decide
once and for all which is the best training style: "Train the Trainer" or the
"Dedicated Trainer" method. The guest panel will judge the facts and determine
who is victorious and who is vanquished in developing a Master Training Method!
No matter who is crowned Iron Trainer in this session--you, the trainers, will
Gregory Casaus, Training Project Consultant, University of New Mexico; Bev
Blackwood, Acting Banner Project Manager, San Jacinto College; Debbie Howard,
Training Project Consultant, University of New Mexico; Yvonne Westfall, User
Services Consultant II, Teachers College-Columbia University; Ida Gropper,
Director-Center for Professional Development & Training, University of North
Selection Sets to Order Your World [616]
Financial Aid/PowerFAIDS
308 A (CC) M1100
This training session is for the new user who desires to organize their office,
keeping the student files in the file cabinet and reducing stacks of folders
with aid to be processed. Selection sets provide the tool to group students as
their need for aid to be process advances, ie. Ready to package, ready to
certify loans, ready to perform verification. Audience: Neophyte to casual
PowerFAIDS user. Version: PowerFAIDS 10.1 Experience: Have used PowerFAIDS
since its inception in 1997.
Tamara Christopher, Product Consultant, SunGard SCT
Self-Service EPAFs for Banner HR
SCT Banner Human Resources
305 A (CC) W1030
In this session, you will be introduced to a future development effort by the
SCT Banner HR team. Requirements and web page prototypes will be shared for
adding the current Banner Electronic Personnel Action Form (EPAF) functionality
to Employee Self-Service. Client input on the design is welcome in this session.
Dee Richie-Caffrey, Senior Consultant, SunGard SCT
Self-Service Functional Training (HOT)
SCT Matrix Self-Service
321 A (CC) W900
321 A (CC) W1030
This hands-on training session will look at self-service functionality available
in each of the Matrix applications and how they can be configured to enable your
business processes and improve student satisfaction. This session will be given
in two back-to-back segments, with a 30 minute break in between. Attendance at
this session will be limited to 40 attendees. Seating preference will be given
to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for the session.
Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, first-served basis.
Madge Lewis, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT; Greta Juzda, Sr. Functional
Consultant, SunGard SCT; Deanne Loftus, Sr. Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT;
Gary Martin, Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT; David Peat, Functional
Consultant, SunGard SCT
Self-Service Technical Training (HOT)
SCT Matrix Self-Service
321 A (CC) T200
This training session is a hands-on lab, detailing step-by-step, the process and
procedure of implementing SCT Matrix Self-service from a technical perspective.
Topics will include: security, user creation, password maintenance, OS group
assignment, SCT Matrix Student Marketing System on-line application
configuration, on-line payment processing setup, configuring targeted web
inquiry pages along with all technical configuration required throughout the
suite of products. Note: attendance at this session will be limited to 40
attendees. Seating preference will be given to registrants who used the on-line
schedule builder to sign up for the session. Additional seating may be available
on-site on a first-come, first-serve basis.
David Paolino, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT; Ken Barnewall, Sr. Technical
Consultant, SunGard SCT
Serving Students with Luminis [462]
Common Interest Topics
310 (CC)
In late 2003, Portland Community College, a long-term Banner client, embarked on
an implementation of SCT Luminis.
A major milestone was reached with our
college-wide roll-out of MyPCC in the fall of 2004. This session will cover:
the multi-year strategic planning that led to the decision to invest in Luminis,
the strategies used for our initial implementation, reflection on how the
current use of Luminis stacks up against our original vision and planning, and
plans for future expansion and development. Emphasis will be on use of Luminis
to provide online student services and support for online academic activities,
particularly in a large, distributed, community college setting. The session
will include the changes Luminis has had on the way the college communicates and
how we utilize and manage Banner. Intended audience would be clients
considering use and or expansion of a portal, Luminis specifically, to better
manage and leverage online services to students.
Tammy Billick, Manager/IT Systems Development, Portland Community College
SETA Annual Business Meeting {708]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
313 B (CC) T1245
An overview of the SETA organization, current and ongoing projects, presentation
of awards for service and leadership. Members are invited to attend this annual
business meeting; however, the meeting is open to anyone interested in SETA.
Judy Arnold, President, SETA Board of Directors
Setting Up Student and Faculty Web
SCT Plus
318 A (CC) T1130
This presentation targets clients who are responsible for implementing Plus
Student and Faculty & Advisor Self-Service, version 1.20. This covers the Wxx
screen setup in SIS and the settings on the Web server for tsrvweb.ini. I have
worked with the Plus Self Service products since their inception 10 years ago.
Lloyd Lunham, Team Leader, SunGard SCT
SEVIS Update & fsaAtlas Data Transfer (R) [339]
SCT Banner Student
316 B (CC) M130
318 B (CC) W1030
Major changes are occurring with the Student and Exchange Visitor Information
System (SEVIS) during 2005, and the first half of this session will provide an
overview of and timetable for those changes. The second half will address SCT
Banner and SCT Plus configuration and set-up for use with fsaATLAS, and the
current status of fsaAtlas integration with SCT Matrix and SCT PowerCAMPUS.
This includes the data transfers fsaATLAS needs to facilitate institutional
SEVIS compliance.
Jonathan Williams, Technical Consultant, SunGard SCT
SIAST’s Triple R for EE Development [125]
SCT Banner Human Resources
325 A (CC) T730
This session will describe SIAST’s multi-faceted approach to assist HR and
Finance in “Registering, Recording and Reporting” (Triple R) the multitude of
Professional Development occurrences for our Faculty and Staff via Banner.
Training activities are available to our employees through Human Resources,
Planning Research and Development, Individual Professional Development, Campus
wide Professional Development, and Virtual Campus courses.
These programs are
accomplished with a blend of baseline Banner Student functions in the HR office,
as well as locally developed programming modifications which link HR, Student
and Finance information in Banner.
Debbie Holtom-LaCharity, Manager-HR Information Systems & Administration, SIAST;
Ken Tanner, Senior Analyst, SIAST
SIS B/R Purge Cycle  [530]
SCT Plus
Accounts Receivable
326 B (CC) M130
This will be a technical discussion of the SCT Plus SIS Billing/Receivables
Purge Cycle. It will include: Overview, Purge Preparation, Purge Process, Purge
Verification, Merge Process, the B/R History File.
Paul Strom, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT
SIS Reg-Controls - Today & Tomorrow [540]
SCT Plus
Tapa III (H)
As announced in 2004 the Plus SIS Development team has embarked on a series of
enhancements related to course registration controls and processing. Your RPE
submissions and input at various client forums hosted this past year were
critical in launching this effort. Join us to see what’s been delivered, get an
update on what’s coming and also participate in the continuing discussion about
the enhancements you would like to see made to this core functionality moving
David Killip, Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT
Situational Leadership 
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
316 A (CC) M1100
Situational Leadership looks at managing your employees based upon their
development and your leadership style. This effective form of leadership will
allow you to adapt your leadership skills for success of not only individuals
but the team as well. This session is intended for managers looking to improve
their management skills and improve relationships with their employees.
Susie Higgins, Senior Training Consultant, SunGard SCT
Slicing and Dicing with Reports
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
Coral Lounge IV (H)
This session will focus on Miami’s development of highly parameterized ad hoc
reports that allow information consumers across the university to “slice and
dice” information with no knowledge of underlying data structures. Several
years ago, Miami recognized that most information consumers on campus are not
skilled in manipulating complex data structures such as those found in Banner.
Indeed, many information consumers are completely unfamiliar with the
terminology and concepts surrounding databases and report development. And we
recognized that most information consumers do not have the time to become
experts…nor should they have to. Our response was to create a series of highly
parameterized reports that we call “Point and Clicks.” These reports allow
information consumers to select information based on a wide variety of criteria
without knowing anything about the underlying data. This session will discuss
the design of the Point and Click reports (including a built-in help system),
the kinds of training needed, Miami’s support model for the reports, and both
the successes and pitfalls that we have encountered over the past two years in
deploying these reports. We will demonstrate the reports live through Miami’s
Web-based electronic report distribution system. (Information Access Maturity
Level: 3)
William Heck, University Data Administrator, Miami University
Small Schools - Tackling Degree Audit
SCT Banner Student
301 B (CC) W1200
We will present how we are implementing our Degree Audit System without making
modifications to the Baseline product. This will be a step-by-step approach,
from SHATAEQ entries to running SHARQCM for compliance. We will be using SCT
BANNER STUDENT 6.1. Target Audience is small school Registrars, Advisors, IT
Support, Deans, and Chairs.
Michelle Rable, Registrar, Lourdes College; Laurie Orzechowski, Director of
Administrative Systems, Lourdes College
So They Want Imaging In Student
SCT Banner
Tapa I (H)
Xtender Solutions
This is a technical presentation that highlights the steps required for an
administrator to implement XtenderSolutions with either a pre-defined or new BXS
application in the Student Module. We will discuss the design considerations,
document types, context rules, index fields and the shared key references
necessary to setup an application. There will also be a discussion of the
relationship between the ApplicationXtender, ApplicationGenerator, ScanXtender
and WebXtender products. Attendees will learn how to define and configure the
Banner Security model and assign security profiles to both applications and
Banner user groups. Tips will also be given on how to use the SCT-supplied rebaselining scripts to synchronize index fields.
Corren McCoy, Senior Software Engineer, Regent University
Spreadsheet Budgeting 
SCT Banner Finance
313 B (CC) W1200
I intend to show how useful a tool spreadsheet budgeting within Excel can be for
budget preparation, budget reporting, budget analysis and even can be used for
projections and analysis of actual expenses. Target Audience: for the finance
individual who is responsible for the budget preparation.
Robert Sullivan, Budget Supervisor, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic
Medicine; Ernest Ritacco, Director of Financial Reporting, Philadelphia College
of Osteopathic Medicine
Spreadsheet Budgeting for New Users 
SCT Banner Human Resources
301 B (CC) M730
Directed at budget users, this session will describe SCT Banner Spreadsheet
Budgeting and utilization of its functions and operations to budget both
employee positions and operations, either separately or together, in an
integrated manner. This presentation is based on Banner HR 6.1, current
documentation, and Montana State University’s experience over the last year in
testing, implementing, and utilizing Banner Spreadsheet Budgeting for a large,
complex, multi-level institution. We will describe the program from a user's
perspective, explaining how and why MSU utilized it, discuss the advantages of
the program over other budgeting methods or programs, describe its gaps, suggest
solutions to overcome the gaps, and give instructions on how to get started and
utilize Banner Spreadsheet Budgeting from beginning to end. We will also
provide access to a detailed step-by-step instruction manual and a SQL script
through our website.
Vicky Whitney, Budget Analyst, Montana State University; Kathy Attebury, Budget
Director, Montana State University
SQL Is a Friend - Scripts and Tips
303 B (CC) M730
PowerCAMPUS is great, SQL can make it better. Using scripts as jobs, a lot of
seemingly impossible tasks can become relatively easy. SQL scripts and jobs can
help greatly with various reporting solutions, as well as helping keep your
database duplicate free. We will discuss how to use SQL as a tool to aid
PowerCAMPUS in everyday database administration and reporting. At FreedHardeman University we are currently on PowerCAMPUS 4.6 and working on our last
migration - Advancement. Through the process of implementation and maintenance,
using SQL scripts has proven to be an invaluable asset.
Aaron Wood, Programmer/Analyst, Freed-Hardeman University
SQL Replication for Integration
302 B (CC) U330
An overview of SQL Replication Services as it pertains to the PowerCAMPUS (5.0+)
to Great Plains (7.0+) integrations. Replication methodology/topology and how
integration leverages this technology will be discussed. Details about the
integration architecture and the components of replication utilized for the
various integrations will be offered. Learn how to monitor and troubleshoot SQL
Replication using Enterprise Manager tools. General question and answer session
on SQL replication and integration will follow the presentation. This session
will increase System Administrator knowledge of SQL Server Replication services
and prepare them to better manage their system once integrated.
Trent Schneider, Integration Developer, SunGard SCT
SQL*Plus Reporting Basics (HOT)
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
319 B (CC) W1200
Information systems staff and technically inclined Banner users would benefit
from this hands-on introduction to reporting with SQL*Plus. Because SQL*Plus is
present with every installation of the Oracle Database, users from any Banner
client institution can immediately apply the skills learned in this session.
This presentation will introduce users to SQL and SQL*Plus. SQL-related topics
include the SELECT statement and its clauses, inner and outer JOINs, and SQL
functions such as SUBSTR, CONCAT, and TO_CHAR. SQL*Plus topics include the use
of reporting commands such as TITLE, BTITLE, COLUMN, BREAK, and COMPUTE. Handson examples will be drawn from several Banner Student tables, including SPRIDEN,
SPRADDR, SPRTELE, SFRSTCR, and SFBETRM. This presentation will be prepared
using the Oracle 9i Database and Banner Student 6.1.1. Attendance at this
session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference will be given to
registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for the session.
Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, first-served basis.
(Information Access Maturity Level: 1 & 2)
Keith Gaughan, Systems Analyst, Southwest Missouri State University - West
SRM Capabilities of SCT Matrix
SCT Matrix Student Marketing
Nautilus II (H)
Demonstrate and discuss the Student Relationship Management capabilities of SCT
Users will benefit from the core “Unifying the Experience” aspect of
Matrix per se – the CMN module and SRM advantages inherent in all Matrix
Terry Powers, Senior Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Standalone 10gAS Forms/Reports
SCT Banner Technical
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
Presentation of the newest Oracle Application Server 10g as the standalone
version which doesn’t require any middle tier or infrastructure components.
Intended for anyone interested in the implementation of 10gAS Forms and Reports,
as well as, the Self-Serve Products for SunGard SCT Banner 7.x. Topics will
include: Standalone vs. Enterprise Versions, Hardware Platforms Supported,
Licensing, Software and Technical Requirements and Recommendations,
Compatibility with other Oracle Products, Compatibility with SunGard SCT
products, Introduction to the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant, Timeline for Full
Implementation, Troubleshooting, Configuration of Forms/Reports, Configuration
for PL/SQL and Configuring SSL. Oracle Application Server 10g is for web
deployment of Forms and Reports only. It does not support runtime client /
server GUI or character mode. The advantage is that the architecture is more
lightweight, simple, and easier to configure and manage. On the other hand, by
its nature, this install type cannot deliver all of the features and
functionality of the full Oracle Application Server.
Available Features
include: Oracle Application Server Forms Services, Oracle Application Server
Reports Services, Oracle HTTP Server , Oracle Containers for Java (OC4J) ,
Oracle Application Server Web Cache, Oracle Enterprise Manager , Oracle Process
and Management Notification (OPMN), Distributed Configuration Management (DCM).
April Sims, DBA, Southern Utah University
Strategic EM with Matrix and Banner [492]
SCT Matrix Common Interest Topics
Nautilus I (H)
New Mexico State University (NMSU) adopted a strategic enrollment management
philosophy to retain more in-state students. NMSU has five colleges with 24,000
students at five campuses. A system-wide initiative must preserve the autonomy
of the college and campus to reflect their unique identity. NMSU is installing
SCT Matrix along with SCT Banner and SCT Luminis to provide the foundation for a
statewide system that can be used to understand enrollment patterns, identify
and prioritize target populations, power data-driven decisions, and offer better
service to our learners, and constituents. SCT Banner and Luminis provide the
campus-based components while SCT Matrix drives our University-wide Student
Relationship Management (SRM) efforts. This project leverages our existing
investments and connects each campus to a central recruiting and outreach
system. This presentation outlines NMSU’s enrollment management plan, our
strategy for implementation of Matrix with Banner, the expected outcomes, and
the current status of the project.
Michael Hites, Vice Provost and CIO, New Mexico State University; Natalie
Aranda, Director-Student Information Systems, New Mexico State University
Strategic Enrollment Management
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
324 (CC)
Enrollment Management is a data driven and research oriented management approach
that increases the likelihood that a college or university will realize its
enrollment objectives. Strategically, it lies at the heart of the effort to
improve the learning environment, to achieve financial stability and to improve
institutional performance. This session provides a comprehensive overview of SEM
concepts and is intended to help the attendee to develop an understanding of SEM
as well as the internal and environmental information required to mount an
effective SEM program.
Richard Whiteside, Vice President for Enrollment Management, Tulane University
Streamline the Way You Do Business
All Solutions
SCT Services
325 B (CC) T900
If you are like most, it has been some time since you completed a thorough
review of your business processes. Whether you're beginning an implementation
or you've been live for years, this Business Process Analysis session will
examine the importance of and ways to achieve:
Effective business practices that support the goals of your institution
Clearly-defined processes that support your organization
Cost-effective services to your students, staff and faculty
Consistent enterprise-wide procedures
Your administrative systems support your established processes
Moe Miller, Practice Manager-BPA Services, SunGard SCT
Streamlining the Process
308 A (CC) T730
This session will cover how to utilize PowerCAMPUS to streamline many of the
operations of the admissions process.
Kristine Kopecky, Vice President for Student Affairs and Admissions, Our Lady of
Holy Cross College; Donna Kennedy, Director of Admissions, Our Lady of Holy
Cross College
Stress Free and Loving Life ♥ [663]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
314 (CC)
Are you part of the rat-race that has a tough time balancing work, family time,
health priorities and living life to the fullest? Do you often find yourself
eating breakfast on the road, while talking on the cell phone, writing notes and
listening to the radio all while your beeper is going off? This program is all
about improving the quality of your life so that you can live more in the
moment. Topics to be explored include ways to combat stress and live more Zenfully, proactive ways to capture life at its best, and simple tips to make sure
that stress doesn’t ruin your own health. Don’t miss this exciting, dynamic,
self-exploratory, interactive workshop that will allow you to rate your stress
levels, measure how well you handle stress, and provide ways for you to fight
stress and its deleterious effects. Find out the specific aspects that cause
your stress levels to rise and fall. This is a can’t-miss, unique workshop that
will be sure to leave you feeling balanced, centered and in the “Aloha” spirit.
If you leave the island of Hawaii with one thing, make sure you leave with the
understanding of how to live with this spirit on a daily basis.
Todd Durkin, Fitness Expert, Todd Durkin Enterprises
Stress Management 
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
Tapa II (H) T200
Stressed because of your job, family, or life events? Who isn't?!?! Stress can
have a serious impact on your from health concerns to decreased productivity.
This session will reveal a process for dealing with stress in the workplace.
You will be introduced to ways to identify stressful situations and methods of
stress relief.
Jon Rodibaugh, Client Education Coordinator, SunGard SCT
Student APIs - What's the Fuss?
SCT Banner Student
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
What's all the fuss about with these APIs? This session will have a functional
focus on the Banner Student APIs and a portion of the presentation will be in a
“skit” format in which a functional user and technical support person figure out
together the benefits and value of the Banner 7.0 APIs and then apply what they
learn to a real-life need on their campus. By the end of the session you will
have a functional understanding of what an API is, how it can be leveraged to
facilitate integration and support the Unified Digital Campus, and see a
prototype of the application of an API.
Linda Jessup, Banner Student Consultant, SunGard SCT; Jan Craven, Advisory
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Student Business Content in ODS
SCT Banner Student
301 A (CC) T900
Discuss the business content of Student system and it's representation in the
ODS and EDW.
Look at how information is represented in ODS and EDW and how it
got there from Banner.
A look at sample types of reports that can be generated
from ODS & EDW based on the business content.
Look at how the ODS & EDW can be
enhanced to support additional operational reporting needs. (Information Access
Maturity Level: 3)
Dorothy Marron, Student Consultant, SunGard SCT; MaryAnn Correll, Consultant,
SunGard SCT
Student New Clients & First-time Attendees
SCT Banner Student
314 (CC)
Are you new to the SCT Banner Student family? Is this the first time you are
attending Summit? Join SunGard SCT and your peers on Sunday morning to learn
more about services and resources available to you from SunGard SCT as a new
client. And, if you are a first time attendee, we'll share some ideas and tips
on how to traverse your first Summit conference.
Linda Jessup, Banner Student Consultant, SunGard SCT
Styling with Cascading Sheets [110]
SCT Banner Advancement
Honolulu I (H)
Provide Overview of concept
Provide Overview of Components/Syntax
Provide specific HTML page example and walk through “Before” and “After”
Judson Matthews, Advancement Principle Consultant, SunGard SCT
Succeed & Survive an ERP Project
SCT Banner SCT Services
325 B (CC) W1200
An on-time, on-budget ERP implementation requires extensive pre-planning, as
well as continued planning and management during the implementation. We’ll
briefly discuss end-to-end planning and management for a project of this nature.
However, planning does not prevent unanticipated problems and the resulting
negative publicity that can occur. We’ll discuss how to respond successfully
when the unexpected – publicity issues, technology issues, environment changes,
etc. occur. This will draw on specific situations encountered over the course
of a five-year successful implementation of Banner.
Margaret Krol, Assistant Vice President-ERP Implementation and Administrative IT
Services, University of Illinois; Richard Mendola, Associate Vice PresidentAdministrative Information Technology Services, University of Illinois
Successful Web Grading
SCT Plus
Coral Lounge IV (H)
The University of Toledo went to mandatory online grading in fall 2003 and
mandatory class lists online in fall 2004. Learn how a team approach, minor
modifications helped the faculty feel more at ease with this move. We will
share our process along with our pitfalls. We will also share our updated
training materials.
Lorinda Bishop, University Registrar, University of Toledo
SunGard SCT Hosting Services [400]
All Solutions
SCT Services
Honolulu III (H) M930
This session is intended for executives responsible for the IT budget and
infrastructure at the campus. The session will describe SunGard SCT's new
Hosting Services offering using the world class "hardened" data center assets of
SunGard Availability Services as an operational alternative to having the data
center on campus. A variety of Hosting options will be discussed explaining the
benefits and due diligence methodology required to accurately configure a
Client-specific migration plan and Hosting Service Level Agreement. The
presentation will describe the various choices a Client can make in a Hosting
configuration. The "hardened" facilities, infrastructure monitoring, Help Desk,
Customer Care, and professional technical services provided by a combination of
industry leaders SunGard Availability Services and SunGard SCT will also be
Mike Makos, General Manager, SunGard SCT
SunGard SCT's ODS - One Year Later
SCT Banner/SCT Plus
318 B (CC) W900
SCT Operational Data Store
Curious to hear from an ODS school how things are going? After being an early
adopter of the Operational Data Store, William and Mary has been live since July
of '04. Come learn what we've learned in that time about the ins and outs of
the ODS.
Will focus primarily on the Student and Finance areas, and will
demonstrate reporting via Oracle Discoverer. (Information Access Maturity
Level: 3)
David Trott, Administrative Liaison, College of William and Mary
Supporting End User Reporting [054]
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
313 C (CC) W900
This session examines some issues encountered training end users to do their own
Solutions will be demonstrated with Hyperion Brio, but apply also
to SQL .
(Information Access Maturity Level: 2 & 3)
Lucy Price, Business Analyst/Trainer, Earlham College; Denise Crum,
Administrative Computing Manager, Earlham College
Symposium - The Gathering Place (HOT) (R) [685]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
319 B (CC) U1000
319 B (CC) M1215
319 B (CC) T1245
SunGard SCT is developing the Symposium environment to create a secure, online
environment that will streamline communications with our clients, partners, and
employees, while facilitating interaction and collaboration within, and between,
these groups. Our goal is to establish Symposium as the one-stop point of access
between SunGard SCT and our constituents. This session, designed for a general
audience of SunGard SCT customers, will provide attendees with an in-depth look
at the community we are creating and allow them to provide feedback that will
help shape the environment in the future. This session will be offered on Sunday
morning, and on Monday and Tuesday during lunch. Attendance will be limited.
Seating preference is given to registrants who used the on-line schedule builder
to sign up for the session.
Ryan Lufkin, Senior Marketing Manager-New Media Group, SunGard SCT
Tables - What do they Really Mean?
SCT Plus
Human Resources
Coral Lounge IV (H)
If you have ever needed to build a table in Plus HRS and wondered 'WHY'
Les vonHolstein, Plus Development, SunGard SCT
Team Dynamics  [405]
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
313 C (CC) T1130
Building Winning Teams examines the issues facing teams from a management and
team member perspective. This session will review the stages of team evolution.
We will also discuss how to adjust leadership style to coordinate with team
Susie Higgins, Senior Training Consultant, SunGard SCT
Team Work to Internationalize Luminis
SCT Luminis Platform
303 A (CC) W1200
In a context of increasing international competition, French departments of
education and research have launch successively in 2000, 2001 and 2002 three
project's appeal for the setting up of the project "French Digital Campuses".
7% of the projects aimed at proposing new educational services, commonly called
"online campus workspaces". An online campus workspace is an overall system
which gave to the participants of the higher educational system the access,
through the network, to almost the entire resources, services and online tools
dealing with theirs activities. The MONTECRISTO project brought in together,
the Mediterranean universities of Corsica Aix-Marseille, and Nice Sophia
Antipolis. The MONTECRISTO project has been adopted in the project's appeal
"online campus" section 2 from the department of higher education and research.
The University of Corsica, stake holder of the MONTECRISTO project, has set up
the Luminis system III.2 and has translated almost the whole part of the user
interface of the portal. At the present time, the Montecristo portal is in use
and the University of Corsica is one of the first French Universities to have an
online campus workspace. Other universities can now take advantage of the
experience concerning the successful collaboration with an American firm.
Caroline Bloin, Project Manager, University of Corsica – France
Technical Client Forum [108]
SCT Banner Technical
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
This is the technical client forum during which time questions previously sent
to the BORACLE list are addressed by members of the SunGard SCT development and
management teams.
Rod Hoekstra, Admin Systems Team Manager, Seattle Pacific University; Kathleen
O'Donnell, Principal Technical Specialist, SunGard SCT
Technology Today - Effects on Banner
SCT Banner Technical
313 C (CC) W1200
Today's technology landscape is evolving at a rapid pace. The fear of even the
most seasoned IT professional is that they will be leapfrogged quickly if they
don’t keep pace with these developments. Topical discussion on new technology
and its potential impact on the Banner environment. Topics include Linux,
Oracle 10G, Blade technology, etc.
Bob Hardcastle, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT; Adam Blair, Senior Network
Architect, SunGard SCT
Ten Business Practice Questions
SCT Banner Advancement
Honolulu III (H) M130
What are your top business practice questions that facilitate the implementation
and continuation of an effective information/management system? Over the past
decade I have observed that we often do not focus on business practice questions
in the implementation stage for online system, and we certainly spend a lot of
time with “system work-arounds” after the fact. So, I want to suggest that out
of this decade of “work-arounds” that there are some questions that I have begun
to focus on. For instance:
1. What are the data entry standards and who controls or negotiates any
modification in standards?
2. What are the implications of system changes on current business practice?
3. What are the reporting structures and end-user access to those reporting
4. What happens when you change senior administrators and they want to operate
differently, i.e., want information in different formats, than prior senior
5. How do you differentiate between a system issue and an institutional
political or local practice issue?
6. What are the differences in information-qua-information and information-quamanagement?
7. How integrated should integrated information really be?
And, there are more questions that each of us should focus. In this session I
will pose ten questions that I think are primary, provide responses that I think
are practical and adaptable to the Banner system, and provide opportunity for
you to critique my suggestions and add your questions.
Jonathan Lindsey, AVP-Donor & Information Services, Baylor University
The ABC's of Autopackaging
SCT Banner Financial Aid
313 A (CC) T900
In this session we'll review the basics of autopackaging, including the forms
and processes needed for a successful implementation. We'll also discuss some of
the business process changes our department had to make after 7 years on Banner.
Finally, we'll show a way to use baseline Banner to award aid when your
philosophy of packaging doesn't match Banner's.
David Richards, Associate Director of Financial Aid, Fuller Theological Seminary
The COA - Calling All Systems! 
SCT Banner Finance
313 A (CC) M730
This session will cover the basics of setting up the chart of accounts &
FOAPALs, including effective dating, effective date chaining, the structure of
balance sheet versus operating accounts, control accounts, and how to properly
back dating FOAPAL elements using SQL. The presentation will then cover the set
up forms in Banner Finance, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets, Student, &
Financial Aid that require FOAPAL information and control system interfaces.
Attendees are encouraged to bring copies of their chart of accounts to share
with others after the session or to bring plenty of business cards if they are
willing to e-mail their chart of accounts to Banner end users.
Robin Wagner, Financial Systems Analyst, Washtenaw Community College
The Future of Higher Education
All Solutions
320 (CC)
Common Interest Topics
How do you enhance learning in an environment of limited resources? In the next
eight to ten years, higher education faces substantial declines in funding. Many
institutions focus on short-term solutions to their budgetary problems and are
not focused on a long-term solution to the financial issues facing them. How can
you restructure your institution to enhance student learning and improve the
quality of work life for your faculty and staff while dealing with limited
financial resources? Educational delivery systems and technology are key aspects
of a long-term solution. In his presentation, Dr. Guskin will discuss the long
term resource issues facing higher education, and the need for changes in
organizational systems and integration of technology that are necessary to
address this critical issue.
Alan Guskin, Co-Director and Senior Scholar, Project on the Future of Higher
The HR / College Work Study Link
SCT Banner Financial Aid
313 B (CC) T730
Miami University completed an enterprise-wide implementation of Banner in 1999.
All University areas were impacted, including the Financial Aid and HR areas.
One of the challenges facing these two areas was the handling of college work
study earnings for approximately 1500 students. Listed below are highlights of
the planned presentation:
*Brief overview of the function and interrelationship of the Student Employment
and Payroll Offices at Miami.
*Development and set-up in the HR and Financial Aid modules to handle CWSP
earnings, including validation table set-up, building of jobs for college work
study, etc.
*Description of how Miami processes adjustments to work study earnings.
*How Miami’s Financial Aid Office handles CWSP account reconciliation.
Brent Shock, Associate Director, Miami University
The Integration of Banner & FAMIS
Partner Solutions
327 (CC)
In this session, FAMIS Software, Inc. will be discussing the key benefits of
integrating the procurement component of Banner with the FAMIS maintenance &
operations solution. This session will discuss the many integrations that have
already occurred between Banner & FAMIS, all while taking you through “a day in
the life” scenario of how a procurement process would occur by presenting the
touch points between the two systems.
Tim McLean, Director of Business Solutions, FAMIS Software Inc; Elsa Everling,
Product Manager, SunGard SCT
The Mathematics Behind BXS
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
305 B (CC) W1200
This session will take some of the fear out of planning and implementing BXS at
your institution by proving some insight into the math, tasks, tools and
concepts for deployment. Paper has been, and still is in many cases, the basic
information system within the Educational Institutions. Systems to manage paper
files are quite diverse and range from the technical and well researched to the
old “that’s the way we have always done it” method. Regardless of how simple or
elaborate the systems, it is estimated that in the average office, 3%-5% of
paper documents are lost, 1%-3% are misfiled and that on average $120.00 is
spent on labor researching a lost document (that figure doubles if it is unfound
and has to be recreated). Paper can be expensive! Undertaking a Digital
Imaging solutions like Banner Xtender Solutions, can seem like a nightmarish and
daunting task.
We will use CDIA & American Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) based standards & concepts, Legato,
Evisions, and Banner software.
This is intended for anyone using or planning
on using BXS and is based on numerous years with Imaging and the past 3-years
with Xtender Solutions (Legato 4.6 & BXS 6.2)
Richard Gegg, Document Management & Imaging Project Manager, University of
The Road to Portal Transformation
Common Interest Topics
307 B (CC) W1200
From CP to Luminis: Rock 'n Roll is Here to Stay... A panel discussion of
schools transitioning from Campus Pipeline 3.2 to Luminis Platform III v2. Come
hear about the successes, pitfalls and celebrations (at least the ones we have
found) in transitiong from our Campus Pipeline portal to the more complex
uPortal framework of Luminis. Aside from the technical, this experience
involved a content re-architecture, role and skill reassessment and many
continuing cultural shifts.
Ruth Gill, Manager-Applications Support, Montgomery College; Patricia Fenn, Sr.
Director/Organizational Consultant, SunGard SCT
The SCT Matrix Framework SDK
SCT Matrix Technical
326 A (CC) T730
This session for technical attendees will discuss the evolution of the SCT
Matrix application to include a programmable framework and software development
kit as part of its overall extensibility and integration strategy underlying SCT
Matrix' position as a hub of the Unified Digital Campus.
Joseph Watters, Technology Director, SunGard SCT
The SunGard SCT ActionWeb
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Coral Lounge V (H)
Learn about Sungard SCT's client-only web site - the ActionWeb, and provide your
feedback on future enhancements to make our web site even better. Also covered
will be Sungard SCT's listservers, and our ActionCenter.
Gerry Sander, Advisory Technical Specialist, SunGard SCT
The Web Application in Ten Steps
SCT Banner Student
316 A (CC) T730
Having students apply via the web can greatly increase the productivity of the
Admissions Office. This session will discuss how Raritan Valley Community
College implemented the self service Admission Application and the benefits
The session will present an introduction to the Banner validation
tables and forms necessary to set-up the web application. Come join us to learn
how you can implement the web application on your campus in 10 steps.
Richard Cole, Registrar, Raritan Valley Community College
Tips & Tricks for Portal Content
SCT Luminis Platform
324 (CC)
Creating, managing and maintaining relevant content in the portal environment is
critical to the success of any Luminis Platform implementation. By exploring the
full potential of Luminis targeted content delivery, this session will provide
strategies for avoiding the “empty portal syndrome” and other portal content
problems that can undermine the portal’s value to the institution and its
customers. This session will demonstrate how effective portal content
management can help SCT Luminis clients reduce internal communications clutter,
eliminate institutionally-generated spam, support the success of single sign-on
services, enhance their public web sites, and ensure they deliver relevant and
meaningful communications to their constituents. This session is targeted to
functional project team members and will include best practices and tips &
tricks from partnered institutions.
Jennifer Mulholland, Senior Director, SunGard SCT
TRA Reporting Regulations
Partner Solutions
309 (CC)
Michael Berberet of Pearson provides an update and review of Taxpayer Relief Act
regulations. Intended for student financial services professionals, Michael’s
presentation will cover background information on Hope Scholarship and Lifetime
Learning tax credits, explain exceptions to reporting, review the various IRS
penalties, and highlight what's new in 1098-T reporting for 2004.
Michael Berberet, Manager-Business Development, Pearson Government Solutions
TracDat - Unifying Process & Outcome
All Solutions
SCT TracDat by Nuventive
325 A (CC) M130
Accrediting agencies have begun to require colleges and universities to provide
evidence from student outcome measures when applying for new or continuing
accreditation. Teacher education is often the most extensive and exhaustive
accreditation undertaken by an institution. TracDat has provided a solution for
tracking student performance data to support accreditation, but it can provide a
structure for the accreditation process as well. This session will highlight the
use of TracDat to focus and manage the process of preparing for accreditation as
well as the management of student data used to support accreditation. In its
first year of implementation at Western Michigan University, TracDat 3.0 has
served to organize and represent outcome data on over five thousand students in
the College of Education. More importantly, TracDat has been used as an
organizer for the multifaceted process of preparing for NCATE accreditation and
as a means of increasing faculty awareness and involvement in accreditation.
The session will demonstrate the application of the TracDat interface to the
tasks associated with a large-scale accreditation effort.
Katharine Cummings, Associate Dean-College of Education, Western Michigan
University; Linda Delene, Provost, Western Michigan University; Eileen Evans,
Associate Vice President for Institutional Excellence, Western Michigan
Tracking Attendance at Events [576]
305 B (CC) T730
The session will focus on one way to be able to track Alumni attendance at
different events such as reunion, baseball games, tournaments, etc.
Lisa Sipe, Records and Research Manager, Saint Martin's College
Training after Implementation 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
313 C (CC) T900
Developing a functional approach to ongoing support and training after Banner
implementation. This overview will show how to support newly trained individuals
in their growth and development as well as, how to determine the right time and
type of additional training necessary to continue to strengthen and develop
subject matter experts within your institution.
Grace Hill, Manager Purchasing Department, Wayne State University
Training and PD Closing Session
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
326 B (CC) W1200
We want to hear from YOU! We'd like to invite all training and professional
development attendees to this closing session for a brief wrap-up, followed by
an important time of feedback from you. Your suggestions and comments are
invaluable to us as we endeavor to make the sessions offered in these two
categories relevant and effective sources of information. At the end of this
session, time will be provided for you to speak with Banner trainers and
attendees from other institutions. Making contacts is one of the most valuable
resources you will take away with you from Summit, so bring plenty of business
cards to exchange!
Yvonne Westfall, User Services Consultant II, Teachers College-Columbia
Training and PD Opening Session
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
313 A (CC) U1000
Now that you've donned your hula skirts and Hawaiian shirts, get ready to be
"enter-trained"! Enjoy classic Hawaiian tunes while listening to an
introduction to the Training and Professional Development sessions being offered
at Summit this year. We'll discuss the sessions based on topic and focus with
regards to documentation, multimedia, training techniques, specific training
topics and professional development. This session is open to all Summit
attendees. Don't miss this opening session and the surprise musical guest!
Yvonne Westfall, User Services Consultant II, Teachers College-Columbia
Training for Academic Departments 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
302 B (CC) W900
This session will focus on a training model developed for staff in the academic
departments. This model combines both navigational training in Banner and
functional training about the Banner forms and is jointly led by staff in the
Department of Computing and Information System and the Office of the Registrar.
This model allows us to train the users on how to navigate through a Banner form
as well as what the data in Banner means and how the Banner information may be
used in their daily work. The presentation will show how we address these 2
separate training needs by setting up a model that combines a PowerPoint
presentation and hands-on training. Though this session will focus on the
student module, this paradigm has been used throughout the college with finance
module and other training sessions.
Diana Maul, Registrar, Teachers College-Columbia University
Training the Culligan Way  [356]
All Solutions
Training/Professional Development
316 B (CC) T1130
It's the Culligan Man! This session will demonstrate how trainers can get
horses to drink without leading them to water! You can deliver easy-to-develop
manuals, movies, slides, and other information to the masses without high cost
or high tech resources. Basic computer skills and user-friendly, inexpensive
software is all you need!
A short training video will be developed during the
session to demonstrate just how easy it is to provide accurate, timely training
without anyone leaving their workspace.
Betty Dye, Director of Registration Services, Jefferson College
Training Your Campus
SCT Plus
Tapa III (H)
This session can be utilized by both beginners and experienced users. Stephen
F. Austin State University Registrar's Office has trained faculty and academic
support staff on SIS+ to the extent that the Schedule of Classes is created by
each department with a master file being retrieved and printed by the
Registrar's Office, faculty enter their own grades and advisors use degree audit
to advise students. This session will cover the process we used to move these
tasks from our office into a decentralized academic arena.
Sherry Wells, Registrar, Stephen F. Austin State University
Transcript Request via Banner Web
SCT Banner Student
310 (CC)
This session will focus on the topic: Implementing and processing Transcript
Request via Banner Web. I will focus on the following stages:
1) Identifying and Building the validation tables
2)Display Validation Pages on the Web
3)Requesting a transcript
4)Processing the transcript
The intended audience will be for new and functional users. I will be using
Banner 6.0
Dorcas Tedford, Programmer Analyst II, Howard University; Paul Thompson, Sr.
Functional Analyst, Howard University
Transfer Credit - Best Practices
Academic Records
308 B (CC) T730
Intended for new and potential users of the SCT PowerCAMPUS product, this
session will look at various ways of recording transfer credit in students
transcript records. The use of transfer equivalencies and application of credit
from previous programs/degrees at home institution will be discussed.
Robert Winkley, Registrar, New England Conservatory of Music
Travel & Expense Reporting (BOF)
SCT Banner Finance
314 (CC)
Travel and Expense Reporting is just one of many ways colleges and universities
are looking at as a way to provide improved services to their faculty and staff
as well as a means to control expenditures. Come to this BOF to share your
insights into the functional components of travel and expense reporting.
Elsa Everling, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Trends in Housing Web Applications
Partner Solutions
327 (CC)
In this session, we will discuss the latest trends in Residential Life software,
including platform independent solutions, Java applications, web interfaces,
handheld device applications, enterprise management solutions, and more. Web
based Online Applications, roommate selection, online damage reporting, billing
are some of the topics to be showcased.
David Kritz, President/Co-Founder, Adirondack Solutions
Try SCT PocketRecruiter Hands-on! (HOT)
319 A (CC) M1100
Experience for yourself the ability to have mobile access to prospective student
information; update records and provide immediate responses to prospects all
while disconnected from the administrative system. Attendees will walk through
a typical recruiting scenario and explore the value of having up to date
information regarding prospective students available to them via a Pocket PC.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Stephanie Connors, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
TSRCBIL and E-mailing Statements  [092]
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
Coral Lounge IV (H)
This session is intended for an Accounts Receivable audience and will deal with
the TSRCBIL monthly statements and Taylor University's process to e-mail the
statements to the student and secondary e-mail address. We have been on Banner
A/R since 1998 and converted to e-mailing the monthly statements in 2000. Taylor
has found the process beneficial in heightening communication as well as
lowering receivables and it has been well received by our students, parents, and
other entities. This session will be informational in nature. Technical
information regarding how the process was implemented will be made available.
Cathy Moorman, Bursar, Taylor University
Tune In - Banner Student Channels
SCT Banner Student
313 C (CC) M730
Tune into the power of the Unified Digital Campus and see it come to life with
Banner Integration Channels. Students, Faculty and Advisors can subscribe to
channels that provide 'At a Glance' information without all the 'clicks'.
Danielle Lindblom, Senior Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT; Luke Marinchak, Lead
Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Turning SMEs into ETs 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
318 B (CC) T1130
How UNF implemented training campus wide using a blended
centralized/decentralized solution. Telling Ain’t Training. This session will
focus on how to develop Expert Trainers from Subject Matter Expert’s by
providing leadership and support from a centralized training office. Topics
covered will include the strategic plan necessary to develop a Training Team,
implementing a Train the Trainer initiative, and the benefits of having a
central training unit providing overall direction.
Ida Gropper, Director, University of North Florida; Ronda Mitchell, Training
Coordinator, University of North Florida; Chèrie Whipple, Instructional
Consultant-Education Practices, SunGard SCT
UDC - Enterprise Architecture [407]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
301 A (CC) M130
Planning for the implementation of a Unified Digital Campus solution requires a
comprehensive strategic vision, a fixed point to which the entire project can
reference. Enterprise architectures provide the methodology and processes to
fix this point and provide a means to measure the impact of the changes that are
inevitable. When going on a long journey, everyone needs a map - Enterprise
Architectures offer a method for charting your course. This session is designed
for CIO's and strategic decision makers who are currently charting a course for
the Unified Digital Campus. Attendees will receive an introduction to the
SunGard SCT Enterprise Architecture reference model and an orientation to the EA
"Self-Assessment" Guide. Each participant will leave with their unique EA Self
Assessment after walking through the guide with the workshop presenters.
Brian Knotts, Chief Architect, SunGard SCT; Rob Bailey, General Manager-Field
Operations, SunGard SCT
UDC - Identity and Access Management
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
S. Pacific Lounge II (H)
Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a vast and complex subject, dynamic in
nature, and sometimes challenging to comprehend. Beginning an IAM project can
seem daunting at first, but there must be a way to achieve small, measurable
victories in what can seem like an overwhelming effort. The key to a successful
IAM initiative is to recognize how all the moving parts work together, and then
address the pain points one at a time. This session is designed to offer
information and security officers a method by which to classify IAM solutions
and begin to identify those areas that can benefit from immediate attention,
versus those that are longer term visionary steps. Attendees will be provided
with a common set of requirements with which to begin their own Identity
Management project and insight into some IAM projects that have been successful
this year.
Kathy Carmichael, Technical Architect, SunGard SCT
UDC - Integration with Web Services [130]
SCT Banner Technical
318 A (CC) M1100
Banner is expanding the integration capabilities by exposing services which will
allow simplified application to application process level integration. This
session will define and demonstrate the technical architecture for Banner Web
Daniel Sterling, Advisory Technology Architect, SunGard SCT
UDC Integration Technology Overview [101]
SCT Banner SCT Luminis Data Integration Suite
304 A (CC) M930
This session will provide a detailed technical look at the various integration
technologies being applied to Banner 7. In keeping with our integration
strategy, we use batch and real-time synchronization as appropriate for each
solution. Our integration toolkit includes open source solutions such as
OpenEAI, as well as standards-based Web Services. This session is recommended
for anyone attending the other technical sessions on integration presented at
Summit this week.
Charles Hardt, General Manager-Enterprise Integration, SunGard SCT
Under the Hood of Banner AR 7.0 
SCT Banner Accounts Receivable
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
A look at the changes to the Accounts Receivable module in release 7.0 from the
technical perspective. The session will include a review of the new APIs
(structure; features; user exits and use) and highlights of code consolidation
Bill Gourlie, Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Understanding VPD & Its Uses
SCT Banner Technical
306 B (CC) M930
This session is intended for institutions that wish to segregate data within one
database. This session will explain how SunGard SCT utilizes Oracle's Fine
Grained Access Control to VPD a database using the baseline product as well as
with customized solutions. The session will cover both functional and technical
aspects of a VPD solution.
Patrick Versace, Principal Consultant, SunGard SCT; Jennifer O'Brien, Senior
Student Consultant, SunGard SCT
UNF's Theory of Evolution ... 
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
326 A (CC) M1100
UNF's Theory of Evolution on Multi-Media Training. We will share with
participants the evolution of our decision to use Camtasia as our multimedia
software of choice. We will discuss lessons learned in use of e-learning
initiatives, including SCT CBT’s, Blackboard, Video, Robodemo, and Camtasia.
Intended audience: Those responsible for Banner training using differing
methodologies and/or blended learning solutions.
Ronda Mitchell, Training Coordinator, University of North Florida; Ida Gropper,
Director-Center for Professional Development & Training, University of North
Unified Cashiering with CORE
Partner Solutions
326 B (CC) M730
Today in the Higher Education environment, cashiering functionality and
financial solutions are an integral part of obtaining productivity and
efficiency. This informational session will illustrate how CORE Business
Technologies’ One-Step Payment Processing System, integrated web-based
departmental deposit module and the Online Payment Center will improve your
Cashiering, Revenue Processing and departmental revenue transactions. Features
Real-time interfaces to both SCT Banner™ and PLUS,
Detailed Account Review including available financial aid, adjusted
balances and individual charges,
Eliminate re-keying of departmental deposits with web-based solutions,
Detailed financial transaction processing,
Check Imaging and ACH conversion,
Student deposits, miscellaneous charges, targeted payments,
Online Web based student payments.
Jeffrey Saucier, Product Manager, CORE Business Technologies
University Catalog Implementation
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
307 A (CC) W900
Several years ago New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) implemented an webbased online university catalog using Apache Cocoon software. Separate schemas
were created for general information (i.e. introduction, history, admission
information, policies, etc.), degree programs, course descriptions, and the
university directory. Cocoon provided an xslt-based presentation, but proved
cumbersome in the day-to-day process of catalog maintenance. With the
availability of Luminis content management features such as version control,
content editing, and workflow, many of the problems with the initial catalog
implementation could now be handled much more smoothly. This presentation will
explain in detail how NJIT implemented its university catalog using LCMS3,
addressing both managerial and technical concerns.
Haresh Gopal, Project Leader, New Jersey Institute of Technology; David Ullman,
Associate Provost, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Use SCT Data to Communicate & Plan [312]
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
308 B (CC) W900
Banner contains a staggering volume of data. Winnowing these data down to a
group of factors that can be used to answer questions about institutional
effectiveness for internal and external audiences can be a daunting challenge.
We will lead a discussion that highlights data in Banner that is of the greatest
interest to constituents of higher education. Importantly, we will couch this
discussion in the context of data models that facilitate organization and use of
data. In particular, we will focus on the following questions: What data do we
have in Banner databases that can be used to address the informational needs of
our constituencies? How should these data be structured to answer the most
common and important institutional inquiries? And finally, how can core Banner
data be combined with other data from on- and off-campus sources to address
issues of concern regarding the value of higher education and the performance of
institutions of higher education? This session will be of particular interest
to anyone who needs to utilize data from Banner systems to answer questions
regarding institutional performance. (Information Access Maturity Level: 3, 4,
& 5)
Kristen Bush, Associate Director-Institutional Research, Virginia Tech; Deborah
Olsen, Director-Institutional Research, Virginia Tech
Using COAs and Orgs in Banner HR
SCT Banner Human Resources
316 C (CC) T900
When Finance decisions impact the use of Organization codes in Banner HR,
delivered HR functionality may be lessened. For example, if Finance decides to
use the Organization structure as a means to capture items that could
potentially be described as activities or programs within the FOAPAL, the
Biology organization (department) could have an extensive breakout resulting in
multiple departments within itself. Examples of breakouts have been for items
such as a visit to other institutions, a specific research program, overtime,
work study, and Restricted or Non Restricted Funds. What happens then? What
impact do these breakouts have on Positions and the viewing and reporting
challenges for departments and HR? Attendees will understand the relationship of
the Organization structure as determined by Finance and the areas of HR
(positions, jobs, timesheets, etc.) where this situation impacts processes and
the ability to view information on line.
Suzanne Schuelke, HR Consultant, SunGard SCT
Using iWebfolio (HOT)
All Solutions
321 A (CC) M730
This workshop will provide hands-on training in the use of iWebfolio for
electronic portfolio development. Sample portfolios will be demonstrated. The
participants will have an opportunity to build a portfolio from a template and
experience content-entry procedures. Attendance at this session will be limited
to 40 attendees. Seating preference will be given to registrants who used the
online schedule builder to sign up for the session. Additional seating may be
available on-site on a first-come, first-served basis.
Peggi Munkittrick, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Using Oracle Reports in INB
SCT Banner Technical
312 (CC)
Learn how to use Oracle Reports in an INB environment using the
RUN_REPORT_OBJECT command. Report server configuration changes, modifications to
GJAPCTL, report samples and documentation will be shared.
David Midgett, DBA, Eastern Kentucky University
Using Scheduled Actions [629]
305 B (CC) M1100
SCT PowerCAMPUS: Using Scheduled Actions to manage your letters, e-mails, and
phone calls to inquiries and applicants. The presenter will talk about setting
up scheduled actions that thru mail merged letters you can stay in contact with
your prospective students. Will also talk about phone calls and e-mails and how
to automate them to use with your checklist.
Kathy Thomas, Director of Financial Aid and Admissions Records, Saint Paul
School of Theology
Using Stores Inventory Effectively 
SCT Banner Finance
326 B (CC) M930
The intended audience for this session will be the Client/Accountant who hasn't
yet decided to use Stores Inventory and would like an overview of the processing
flow as well as a T-Account presentation of the entries made at each step of the
Mickey Hughes, Principal Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
Using Webcheck  [504]
SCT Plus
Tapa I (H)
Accounts Receivable
Session to include using Touchnet's webcheck from the student's perspective as
well as from the bursar's office perspective. It gives specific examples as to
how the product works from start to finish (from the student submitting the
payment to tracking the bank deposit). It would be beneficial to cashiers,
accounts receivable, bursars, money managers, etc.
Tim Guffey, Bursar, Tennessee Technological University; Lisa Maas, Computer
Programmer, Tennessee Technological University
Using Workflow in Student Services
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
314 (CC)
Come learn how you can use SCT Workflow to lower cost and improve your customer
services in key areas like Recruiting, Admissions, Financial Aid, Accounts
Receivable, Advising, and Student Records. We will share what other clients are
doing to improve Student Services, as well as detail solutions to common
problems available to many SCT Banner clients through the workflow tools often
already on their campuses today.
Michael LaFortune, Product Manager - Enterprise Solutions, SunGard SCT
Utilizing Position Control
SCT Plus
Human Resources
Tapa II (H)W1030
Are you using HRS position control to the fullest? This session will provide an
overview of the functionality of position control. The University of Memphis has
developed a process to capture on-line HRS budget entries and create FRS salary
budget transactions. Learn how entries made on HRS will look in FRS. This
session also includes topics on how adding expenditure data on the EP file
reflects true fund balances, utilizing the EBA520 program, Salary Lapse and
automatic budget updates for salary increase programs.
Deborah Becker, Associate Director - Budgeting, University of Memphis
Valuable Management Reports
SCT Banner Reporting and Distribution Tools
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) T730
This presentation is intended for all audiences. The session does not deal with
a SunGard SCT product. The session's main objective is to present the internal
management reports that the STC Business Office staff has developed to report
important information to management, including the Board of Trustees, the
President and the Vice-Presidents. Included in the presentation is a brief
description of the method the information is gathered using Focus reports,
Monarch and Excel. The management reports covers topics such as budget
variances, revenue, expenses, insurances, land acquisitions, student payment
methods and investments. The reports reflect trend analysis and historical data.
Management react very positively to the reports and use them extensive in making
decisions and familiarizing themselves with all aspects of the Business Office
functions. (Information Access Maturity Level: 3 & 4)
Mary Elizondo, Comptroller, South Texas College; Diana Pena, Vice President for
Finance and Adm. Services, South Texas College
VBS/FGAC from Finance & AR Perspective  [078]
SCT Banner Finance
317 A (CC) T900
Banner 7.0 introduces new capability for clients to implement Value Based
Security using Oracle's Fine Grained Access Control. We will look and some of
the possibilities that may be found in the Finance and Accounts Receivable
modules; as well as some of the pitfalls that may be encountered. The session
will include a demonstration of the implementation of the new VBS using FGAC in
Finance. However; administrators who expect to utilize this feature should also
plan to attend sessions regarding the creation of FGAC policies and set-up of
VBS rules which will only be touched upon here.
Bill Gourlie, Advisory Software Engineer, SunGard SCT
Vendor Payments with Direct Deposit (HOT) 
SCT Banner Finance
319 A (CC) T900
Are you tired of preparing payments to vendors or students on paper? Are you
ready to move to electronic payments? Well if so, her'es a hands-on session
tailored to help you get started. From the system setup requirements, to the
document processing options and the reconciliation results, we’ll address all of
the decision points you’ll need to cover for a prospective implementation of
Direct Deposit payments. We will not be covering the actual methods of data
transmission to your Direct Deposit partner or bank. You as a Banner user are
responsible for transmitting the payment records which are produced by Banner
according to the data standards of either the United States or Canada.
Attendance at this session will be limited to 80 attendees. Seating preference
will be given to registrants who used the online schedule builder to sign up for
the session. Additional seating may be available on-site on a first-come, firstserved basis.
Andrew Unger, Finance Consultant, SunGard SCT
Version 7 Training Strategy (BOF)
SCT Banner Training/Professional Development
316 B (CC) M1215
This Birds of a Feather (BOF) session will focus on strategies for training
Banner version 7. With a major upgrade on the horizon, are you prepared? How
will you retrain all your users? Will you need to update all your documentation?
Are you going to be faced with resistance? And… will you be ready in time?
Whether your institution is new to Banner or you already have a training program
in place, we face common challenges. Come discuss ways of adapting to a new
interface and exchange ideas for a smooth upgrade transition. We will brainstorm
to come away with a plan and template to respond to future upgrades and ongoing
technological change. Target Audience: Trainers, project managers, technical
writers, support and communications.
Kathy Wilmot, ICS Training and Communications Manager, McGill University; Dan
O’Connell, ICS Trainer/Instructional Designer, McGill University
VISTA Views and Admissions
305 B (CC) T200
Learn the basics of constructing VISTA Views for use in mail merge documents and
basic Admission reports. Show how to construct common VISTA views used for
Admissions Mail Merge documents, explaining the impact of views on the mail
merge form letter.
Jennifer Taylor, Senior Functional Consultant, SunGard SCT
Vista Views for Novices [615]
Academic Records
308 B (CC) M1100
This presentation is intended for beginning users of Vista Views and will
demonstrate information retrieval beginning with a navigation through setflows
to differentiate tables and columns using PowerCAMPUS tools. The demonstration
will include a live creation of a basic View with step-by-step instructions
ending with options for exporting the information into other applications.
Erin Durrance, Data Anaylst Coordinator, Ringling School of Art and Design
Vista views- Reports & Pivot Tables [631]
308 A (CC) M730
A discussion of the use of Excel pivot tables and data extraction in conjunction
with Vista Views and Vista Reports.
Gary Cox, DataBase Administrator, Mount Olive College; Carol Carrere, VP Office
of Institutional Planning and Support, Mount Olive College; William Canuette
Jr., Project Vice Chairman, Mount Olive College; David Bourgeois, Registrar,
Mount Olive College; Heather Turlington, Manager of Information Processing,
Mount Olive College; Diane Graham, Manager Student Accounts, Mount Olive College
VPD for Functional Users
SCT Banner Student
308 A (CC) W1200
This session will explain the possibilities of using Oracle's Virtual Private
Database (VPD) to segregate data at your institution for both Student and
Financial Aid. This session will explain different possible scenarios from a
functional standpoint.
Amy Daigle, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
Weaving the Self Service Web
SCT Plus
Honolulu III (H) W900
This session will show what we have done and how we have added local
enhancements to the SCT self service web for student and faculty products. We
will discuss self service web issues that would interest both Functional and
Technical staff. We will show how we have added the following functionality:
confirm your schedule, meal plan/parking permit selection, registration access
code, deferred payment plan selection, email your pin, midterm grading mods,
email to class. We are using SIS Plus version 1.20. We have worked with SCT
products since 1985.
Kay Hume, Systems Analyst, Tennessee Tech University; Lisa Maas, Computer
Programmer, Tennessee Technological University
Weaving the Web into Focus
SCT Plus
Reporting and Distribution Tools
Tapa II (H) W1200
We will show in this session how we have used WebFocus to provide a self service
reporting tool for the campus on the Intranet. We will show the security, the
focus code and the functionality that provides for self service on the campus.
Faculty, advisors and staff, can now generate their own email distribution lists
of class sections, advisees and majors, lists of class sections, advisees and
majors, excel spreadsheets of class sections, advisees and majors. They can also
generate reports of admitted students, deans lists, probation lists, midterm
grading lists. We will show how easy it is to create these lists on the fly in
Microsoft Excel. We will discuss WebFocus and how it imports regular Focus into
WebFocus. We will show some tips and tricks in Focus. We will show our Focus
users guide on the web that we have created for our Focus writers on our campus.
This guide can be used in WebFocus as well as mainframe Focus reporting writing.
We have experience in the IA/SCT products since the early 1980s. (Information
Access Maturity Level: 2 & 3)
Richard Cashion, Assistant Director-ITS, Tennessee Tech University; Kay Hume,
Systems Analyst, Tennessee Tech University
WEB ACDV/AUD Processing on E-Oscar [394]
All Solutions
SCT Loan Management System
302 B (CC)
The major credit bureaus now require the use of E-Oscar for ACDV (Automated
Consumer Dispute Verification) and AUD (Automated Universal Data) form
processing via the WEB. This session will cover everything you need to know to
perform ACDV/AUD processing over the WEB on E-Oscar including registration, user
administration, tutorials, help, reports, and ACDV/AUD daily processing.
Experience: 2 years using E-Oscar.
Vicki Schulhauser, Student Services Supervisor, Washington State University
Web Contract Management and HRS
SCT Plus
Human Resources
Honolulu I (H)
At Rider University we have developed a web-based application that works with
Plus2000 HRS in tracking and administering faculty contracts. The application,
called OACS (Overload/Adjunct Contract System), allows administrators and
academic departments to enter adjunct/overload course assignment information and
directly relates it to HRS department codes, position numbers and budgetary
accounts. The contract information is electronically sent to HR, converted into
an HRS file maintenance process and uploaded as HRS assignments. This process
expedites the faculty contract process and eliminates the need for manual data
entry. We will present the fundamentals, both functional and technical, of the
OACS system, how it integrates with HRS and a demo of OACS (via the web). This
presentation is intended for an experienced HR functional and technical
Theresa Hvisdock, Asst. Director, OIT-Application/Web Services, Rider
University; David Perry, Manager - HRIS, Rider University
Web Entry of Time - Technical View 
SCT Plus
Human Resources
304 A (CC) T200
The University of Memphis is using the Web Entry of Time module for exception
and positive paid employees. Topics of discussion will be setting up ECWETT.lib,
EBA306 - the parameter requirements, WTC screen setup, WTP screen setup,
including defining superuser (SIU & SUU) (we have ideas how to do it for a
various Administrative Departments if the nine limit isn't enough), EBC314 timing and how arrears processing is determined, and EBKte1 and EBKte2
Debbie Wooddell, Systems Support Specialist II, The University of Memphis
Web Entry of Time-Functional Users 
SCT Plus
Human Resources
301 A (CC) T1130
The University of Memphis is using the Web Entry of Time module (SunGard SCT HRS
Plus) for exception and positive paid employees. I will discuss the functions
which allow: an employee to enter time, a timekeeper’s role for entering and
completing time, and the approver’s role and approval process. I will include
topics on the programs used to pull and update data from the web into HRS; show
how L52 screen displays and identifies the web time entries vs. manual screen
entries and what takes place during the trial payroll process. Also, I will
show how the time entries appear after the final payroll process via HRS screen
LTT, and how the employees/timekeepers/approvers can view the online history
time records on the Web Entry of Time.
Debbie Wooddell, Systems Support Specialist II, The University of Memphis
Web for Finance re-Baseline School 
SCT Banner Finance
Honolulu II (H)
Lafayette College is a small Liberal Arts College located in Easton, PA. The
College has an approximate enrollment of 2, 285. We have limited staff in both
the Finance and AIS departments and are required to work in a strictly
“baseline” Banner environment (no modifications or customizations allowed). This
session is designed to walk the attendee through the process that we used to do
the following:
Set up procedures within Banner Finance to “turn on” access to the Banner
Web for Finance product including the assigning of PIN numbers,
Tailoring the Web Menus,
Creating a Banner On-line User Guide,
Create various job aids to help train the end user, and
Strategies to assist in training the end user (group trainings vs. one-onone sessions).
Jill Snyder, Assistant Controller, Lafayette College; Eileen Petula, Associate
Controller, Lafayette College
Web for Prospect Application
SCT Banner
324 (CC)
SCT Banner Student 6.1.1 General 6.2, this session will provide a “10, 000 foot
view” of factors involved in implementing Web for Prospect and Web for
Admission. An occational ground level view will be provided, tables and forms of
particular concern. Schools who are presently considering whether to implement
this Banner feature will benefit most from the presentation.” Concordia
University-St. Paul has been using Web for Prospect and Application for three
Scott Morrell, Director of Graduate Admission, Concordia University
Web Publishing at NJIT [455]
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
Nautilus II (H)
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) manages its primary web site and
portal content using the Content Management component of Luminis II suite. How
did NJIT make the new information architecture and the web site design possible
using Documentum? How did NJIT remove the bottleneck of publishing from the web
masters? We will discuss some of the templates, tips and tricks employed at
NJIT to empower individual departments to manage their websites without reliance
on the IS department.
David Ullman, Associate Provost, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Haresh
Gopal, Project Leader, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Web Reg - Steps to Success!
SCT Banner Student
316 B (CC) M930
This session will provide step by step instruction on setting up web
registration. Topics include time ticketing, error checking, and a demo of the
web reg pages and more. We will briefly cover catalog and schedule setup, CAPP
area pre reqs, and customized reports. Attendees will leave the session with
information for implementing web registration.
Tina Enoki, Systems Analyst, Hawaii Pacific University; Bonnie Saito-Manago,
Director-Management Information Systems, Hawaii Pacific University
Web Surveys -- What Works
SCT Banner General
315 (CC)
This session will review the steps in the implementation of Web Survey from
population selection to reporting the survey results and demonstrate the
effectiveness of this tool for institutional "intelligence-gathering." Emphasis
will be placed on the effective design, appropriate timing and essential
characteristics of successful online surveys. Examples will focus on student
and faculty surveys including detailed academic program evaluations, as well as
student elections and other "quick polls." The session will also demonstrate
the incorporation of a web survey into the work flow process to solicit
information from students at the time of withdrawal from the institution. The
intended audience is anyone interested in the potential application of web
survey at their own institution. No familiarity with the product is assumed.
The session combines a step-by-step description of the product with a discussion
of research considerations essential for the production of high quality results.
Mary Lelik, Director of Institutional Research, Saint Mary's College
Web Time Entry at NJIT 
SCT Plus
Human Resources
Tapa I (H) W900
New Jersey Institute of Technology began “web time entry” this fall for its
nearly 2,000 faculty, students, and staff on bi-weekly payrolls. This movement
from paper “RECAP Sheets” to an online form has been the largest campus-wide
process change for faculty and staff since introduction of online requisitioning
almost 20 years ago. Change is sometimes difficult to manage and is much easier
when the proper thought is applied to the customization and configuration
decisions that arose in our initial testing of the system. This session will
address the entire planning cycle for Web Time Entry at NJIT, including initial
exploration of system features and configuration options, decision paths,
protocol analysis by users to identify customization and training needs, and the
business rationale for incremental roll-out with continual risk analysis and
review. NJIT has been a long-time user of the HRS Plus product. Web Time Entry
has been implemented as an additional “self-service” feature within Highlander
Pipeline, NJIT’s implementation of the Luminis portal. The session is targeted
for both managerial and technical users of HRS and Luminis portal.
Carmen Marici, Project Leader HRS/FRS, New Jersey Institute of Technology;
Priscilla Scott, Director of Payroll, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Web Time Entry-A Recipe for Success 
SCT Banner Human Resources
Coral Lounge IV (H)
Concordia University - St. Paul, a small Lutheran university with an even
smaller HR and Payroll staff, successfully implemented Web Time Entry in 2004.
Our session will focus on the process we developed to set-up, implement, and
provide training to our students, staff, and faculty in version 6.1 of SCT
Banner HR and version 6.0 of Employee Self Service. The presentation will
include checklists for system/user set-up and diagrams for troubleshooting
Mary Arnold, Director of Human Resources, Concordia University - St. Paul;
Abraham Noel, Assistant Director of Human Resources, Concordia University - St.
SCT Banner Student
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
Come learn how students and faculty have the ability to request; review; and
print degree audit reports for primary and secondary programs; and what-ifs
using SCT Banner Student Self Service and SCT Banner Faculty & Advisor Self
Service. Learn how students have the ability to review and print previous degree
audit requests. You will also get a glimpse at the dynamic catalog.
Kimberly Saving-Sherman, Senior Consultant, SunGard SCT; John Ellis, Senior
Process Consultant, SunGard SCT
WebFOCUS for HR Reporting
SCT Plus
Human Resources
Tapa III (H)
This session will detail various parameter-driven WebFOCUS reports developed for
use by all administrators across campus. Human Resources, Payroll, Budget, and
indivisual employee types of reports were all developed to make adminstrators as
self-sufficient as possible.
John Goerke, Sr. Director for Information Systems and Services, Miami University
Welcome Lunch and Keynote Address
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Exhibit Hall II & III (CC)
The Aloha (welcome) lunch is the official start to SunGard Summit 2005. It will
take place in the Hawaii Convention Center, Halls II & III, on Sunday, March 6
at 11:15 am. The program will include: lunch for all attendees, and inspiring
“Hawaiian” welcome, highlights of the 2005 conference agenda, a brief SunGard
SCT company presentation, and the conference keynote address given by famed
photojournalist, author, and filmmaker Dewitt Jones.
Mike Chamberlain, President & CEO, SunGard SCT; Brian Maddocks, Executive Vice
President, SunGard SCT
What can VBS & PII Do for You?
SCT Banner General
317 B (CC) W1200
A walk through the new Value-Based Security, Personally Identifiable Information
and Masking forms in Banner. This will include step-by-step instructions and
examples for you to use when you return to your campus.
Cindy Szkaradnik, Senior Advisory Consultant, SunGard SCT
What the SCT Partner Program Means to You [448]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
303 A (CC) W900
SunGard SCT recently launched a new Partner Program and dual partner
classification system. At this session, we will discuss how your institution
can use the Partner Program framework to select the appropriate partner solution
for your technology and business needs. We will also introduce the SunGard SCT
Partner Network, an online community and portal designed to help you research
partner technologies and solutions.
Jeff Jones, General Manager Business Development, SunGard SCT
What You Can Do - Here's What We Did 
308 A (CC) M130
This is the second part of the first session "What You Can Do", and explains how
we modified pages and wrote custom pages in IQ.Web to interface with current
pages and the PowerCAMPUS database.
Steve Weir, Database Administrator/Support Specialist, Philadelphia Biblical
What’s New in Luminis CMS 3.1?
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
S. Pacific Lounge I (H) M130
Come see for yourself the many new features in the latest and greatest version
of the Luminis Content Management Suite, version 3.1, including automatic
Luminis Platform channel (portlet) creation and management. That’s right. You
will see how customers will be able to create and manage Luminis Platform
content easily from within Luminis CMS. You will also be able to see how easy it
is to link and share content between different Web pages at your institution.
Alan Hansen, Sr. Product Manager, SunGard SCT
What's Your Favorite Channel? [401]
SCT Luminis Platform
317 A (CC) M1100
This session provides a functional overview of the portal channels (also
sometimes called portlets, modules, etc.) available with SCT Luminis. These
include the channels delivered with the SCT Luminis Platform as well as the
Banner channels available for SCT Banner 7.0. Intended for a functional
audience, we will describe each channel in detail and demonstrate several
channels in a live SCT Luminis environment. We will conclude the session by
introducing new channel ideas that SCT clients might see delivered in the
future. Note: There will be other sessions available that describe technically
how portal channels are built and what tools portal administrators have
available to build channels unique to their institutions.
Michael Zackrison, Sr. Product Manager, SunGard SCT
When Lip Service Won't Do
All Solutions
302 B (CC) M130
In this session users will discover how Mercy College, an early adopter, uses
iWebfolio to ensure that the five competencies we require of our graduates are
attained and documented. iWebfolio allows for: Permanent evidence - with
feedback Multi-media Easy access Authentic assessment Flexibilty Team approach
across the curriculum.
Deborah Landes, Web Manager, SunGard SCT
Why Aren't You Using RMAN?
SCT Banner Technical
316 C (CC) T1130
Using Oracle's Recovery Manager (RMAN) utility at UC Davis, our 80 GB Banner
database “cold” backups complete in approximately three hours, compared to the
8-9 hours it used to take when the database was less than 40 GB! We use RMAN
for cloning, too. Refreshing PROD to create development environments is not
only a great test of our RMAN backups, but with minor modifications to the
script, takes only minutes to launch, less than 3 hours to finish--a completely
renamed and ready to use database! Learn how easy it is to implement the tool
you already have for backups and cloning. Step-by-step instructions will be
provided as well as sample scripts to have you quickly backing up and cloning
your Banner database.
Deborah Lorraine, DBA, University of California-Davis
Why Higher Ed Needs Web CMS
SCT Luminis Content Mgmt Suite
325 B (CC) M1100
While widely used in other industries, Web content management technologies have
not been implemented broadly in higher education. Most institutional external
(.edu) and intranet sites comprise hundreds, if not thousands, of pages, whose
authors reside across the institution. Managing the content on these pages,
while meeting institutional directives presents significant challenges. This
session will discuss Web content management technology generally and how it
helps institutions to address the Web content issues they face. It will not
cover the Luminis Content Management Suite, but will provide a good primer for
session that do. The session is designed for a general audience.
Ceri Jones, Marketing Director-Luminis Product Family, SunGard SCT
Why Should I Upgrade to Banner 7?
SCT Banner General
Coral Lounge V (H)
This session will explore the reasons for upgrading to Banner 7 from a client
perspective. The client panel will include beta test clients and institutions
planning to be early-adopters. We will discuss the factors that clients should
consider when deciding on a timeline for upgrading to Banner 7.0.
Steve Ikler, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Why Timetabling and not Scheduling? [459]
Partner Solutions
325 A (CC) M1100
Colleges and universities invest extensive resources and planning in the success
of their programs. Effectively timetabling these activities has become
increasingly important due to the growing and diverse needs of students, the
variety of programs, budget constraints, changes in curriculum and increased
demand on space. Students, Instructors and Rooms are the three main elements of
timetabling. An activity being scheduled must fit the timetables of each of
these resources. Coordinating the schedule, so that the needs of the students
and instructors are met while maximizing the use of teaching space is a huge
task. Ignoring any one of these timetabling elements can lead to
dissatisfaction and loss of revenue. Find out how and why a growing number of
SunGard SCT clients, both in North America and internationally, have adopted
Infosilem’s Timetabling solutions and learn about the benefits they have
Philippe Melis, Vice President, Infosilem Inc.
Windows Sharepoint Services
Partner Solutions
328 (CC)
This session will discuss Microsoft Windows Sharepoint Services and Sharepoint
Portal Server improve team collaboration and integrate with the server
technologies supporting SCT Matrix and SCT PowerCAMPUS.
Rob Curtin, Industry Solution Manager, Microsoft Corporation
Workflow - An Advancement How To
SCT Banner Advancement
301 B (CC) T900
Provide Overview of Work Flow (Concept, Process, Components,
Implementation Process, Benefits)
Provide overview of Work Flow Components (Parameters, Triggers, Modeler)
Provide specific step-by-step “how to” build a Work Flow (Update
Designation Status when Finance updates Fund status to “Closed/Inactive” and
also send notification email to Director of Advancement Services)
Provide potential Work Flow ideas
Benefits (Automation of manual processes, increase in accuracy,
Opportunity to objectively evaluate current processes, Decrease in dependency
upon others, Increased efficiency, Attendees will have learned specific step-bystep guidelines for building and implementing)
Judson Matthews, Advancement Principle Consultant, SunGard SCT
Workflow - Let's Get Real!
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
328 (CC)
The session describes why Cuyahoga Community College implemented Sungard SCT
Workflow and why the first workflows built were for Finance. Detailed examples
will also be discussed in this session as well as lesson learned. This session
will be of interest to Workflow as well as Finance users.
Bonnie Guyer, Director-Banner Projects, Cuyahoga Community College; Sharrie
Landers, Director-Finance Systems, Cuyahoga Community College; Carol Didio,
Workflow Practice Manager, SunGard SCT
Workflow - What Can It Do For Me?
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
Tapa II (H) M930
If you are considering or curious about the potential of enterprise workflow or
business process management on campus, you will want to attend this session. We
will cover the basics of the technology, uses within higher education and show
live examples of using SCT Workflow within and outside of SCT Banner. Realworld client successes will also be highlighted. This session will be
beneficial to any functional or technical staff who wants a primer on how best
to apply enterprise workflow on campus.
Anita Desai, Business Analyst, SunGard SCT
Workflow- Imaging- Data Capture (BOF)
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
316 B (CC) W1200
If you are using or considering using workflow, imaging, or data capture in your
operations, come to this session to share and listen to client experiences.
This session is meant for open discussion on the uses of these technologies,
along with related technologies such as records management, business process
management, output capture/COLD/ERM, and forms processing. We will be
encouraging discussion of uses within and outside of SunGard SCT administrative
systems, portal, and third-party systems on campus.
Michael LaFortune, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Workflow Installation and Migration [003]
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
327 (CC)
A comprehensive presentation on all of the steps needed to install Workflow
4.0.1 on a new system and also the steps to migrate an existing 3.1.x install to
4.0.1. Even though the presentation is technical in nature it will be suitable
for anyone needing to benefit from knowing the basic architectural framework
that SunGard SCT Workflow is built upon.
Scripts will be provided for common everyday tasks and proactive maintenance for
SCT Workflow.
April Sims, DBA, Southern Utah University
Workflow Start to Finish
SCT Banner SCT Workflow
Kalakaua Ballroom C (CC)
Come learn the robust aspects of creating a workflow process. We'll take you,
step-by-step, through resource planning, analysis, design, implementation, and
going "live" with a workflow. Some of the topics covered include: understanding
your process, identifying role players, utilizing SCT Banner pages, integrating
with your custom components, PL/SQL stored procedures, email integration, and
using database triggers with business events.
Melissa King, Director Enterprise Solutions, SunGard SCT
Working Together w/Luminis Platform [138]
SCT Banner Financial Aid
317 B (CC) W1030
In today’s Web world, you and your students expect real-time, immediate,
personalized information in a single click. Come learn how the SCT Luminis
Platform can help fulfill the needs of financial aid students. As a large part
of the Unified Digital Campus, the SCT Luminis Platform offers tools for campus
collaboration, personalization of content, Web content management, and channels.
The SCT Luminis Platform, combined with SCT Banner Financial Aid and the entire
SCT Banner suite, provide digital connectivity for students, faculty, and staff.
Rhonda Allen, Product Manager, SunGard SCT
Working Your A/R with CLM
All Solutions
SCT Campus Loan Manager
Honolulu I (H)
Come find out how Texas A&M University reduced their student account receivables
by 76% using CLM as a collection tool along with a few other initiatives
including implementing a process to begin withholding diplomas and providing
debt management to students.
Peggy Carey, Financial Management Supervisor, Texas A&M University
Writing Cursors For SQL Query [586]
305 B (CC) M130
If you need to update large numbers of records the SQL Update command can make
the system seem to lock up for other users. Using a cursor will allow you to
update those records one record at a time and avoid that risk. Cursors can also
be used to create group headings and summaries for reports in ways that simple
queries cannot. This presentation will show how to write both kinds of cursors
and provide some sample scripts.
Greg Litchfield, Computer Systems Manager, Grace University
XML Transcripts - Georgia Model
SCT Banner Student
316 C (CC) T200
Currently, most transcript exchanges within in the University System and with
outside institutions involve paper transcripts sent through traditional mail.
The Transferable Transcript solution, using the Postsecondary Electronic
Standards Council (PESC) XML Postsecondary Transcript schema and a secure
transport mechanism, provides a secure electronic means for sharing academic
transcript data among institutions via a point-to-point transport mechanism.
This session will provide an overview of the project and will review key
elements of the three major components solution including: functional process
flow into and out of SCT Banner, mapping of data elements between the official
PESC/XML schema and SCT Banner, and transport mechanisms among participating
Amy Daigle, Practice Manager, SunGard SCT; Tonya Lam, Associate Vice Chancellor
for Student Affairs, Georgia Board of Regents
XS Migration and Administration
SCT Banner Xtender Solutions
Tapa II (H) M1100
Savannah College of Art and Design has had rapid growth in its short 25 years of
existence. One major problem plaguing every module is the transportation,
retrieval and storage of paper documents. SCAD implemented SCT’s Xtender
Solutions last year with limited release to the Finance module. Since then,
there has been campus wide request for Application Xtender. We will discuss
SCAD’s implementation plan, including the set up of a test environment,
migration of image storage, creating and administering security profiles and
dealing with user issues. This session is intended for experienced users or
technical staff. SCAD is currently at Banner 6.x with a production Xtender
Solutions environment of 6.0 and a test environment of 6.2.
Melissa Hazelwood, Systems Analyst, Savannah College of Art and Design
Xtender for Finance Source Document [275]
SCT Banner
318 B (CC)
Xtender Solutions
A detailed look at implementing electronic filing in Financial Services and the
issues and an approach.
Louise Smith, Manager-Financial Systems & Information, Dalhousie University
Xtender Solutions & EPAF Integration
SCT Banner Human Resources
314 (CC)
Wayne State University will present SCT Banner Xtender Solutions scanning,
indexing, and document retrieval integration with Banner HR. This presentation
will highlight the use of Electronic Personnel Action Forms (EPAF) for various
business processes, including new hires, contract renewals, and job
terminations. This presentation is designed for the end user and will include
examples of EPAF transactions, EPAF approval queue setup, and SCT Banner Xtender
Solutions document level security with examples of document types, applications,
groups, restrictions on groups, and context rules. WSU will also discuss our
“EPAF add-on” modification to calculate retro salary payments and their
insertion into the payroll process.
Melinda Kaye Petrucco, Applications Project Leader, Wayne State University; Ravi
Gullapalli, Applications Technical Advisor, Wayne State University
Year End Processing  [178]
SCT Banner Finance
Kalakaua Ballroom A (CC)
This session will present SDSU Foundation's year-end processing procedures,
including Banner system paramter set-up, annual testing, departmental year-end
processing guidelines, pre-roll audits, data clean-up procedures and roll
balancing procedures. This session will help Banner users prepare for and
execute year-end processes in a methodical and timely manner.
Rachel Raynoha, Financial Systems Manager, SDSU Foundation
You Have to Modify Banner - Now What?
SCT Banner SCT Services
316 A (CC) T1130
If your organization has decided a modification to Banner is necessary, this
session is for you. In it you will learn the project management methodology
used by the Application Practices group of Professional Services. Also
techniques to design, code, and implement Banner modifications. This includes
project management approach, tools for analysis including Banner enlighten,
coding techiniques, and implementing the modification. This session is designed
for clients who desire to modify baseline Banner code and want to improve their
project management methodology and learn techniques for maintaining their
Bill Lee, Technical Advisory Specialist, SunGard SCT
Your Project...What Do You Monitor? [384]
All Solutions
Common Interest Topics
Coral Lounge V (H)
Are you planning or just beginning a project, or perhaps new to a leadership
role? Often, obvious, critical success factors are overlooked, or taken for
granted, in the overall implementation/project management process. You have
been schooled in the best practices of project management, have accepted the
role of moving your project forward and accepted leading a facet of your
organization’s “project office”, but do you know where to go from there?
Debra Treacy, Project Manager, SunGard SCT
ZSS Technical Update
SCT Plus
Coral Lounge III (H)
This session will provide information on recent and up-coming technical
issues/solutions for the SunGard SCT Plus products, from a ZSS 1.14 perspective.
Bring your ZSS questions for Q&A time. For intermediate and advanced ZSS
technicians. Presenters both have over 15 years experience with SunGard SCT
Plus products.
Mark Simons, Principal Software Engineer, SunGard SCT