2013 DISTRICT FFA KNOWLEDGE TEST - Key 1. What does one tap of the gavel mean? a. Sit b. Stand c. Call the meeting to order d. Restore order to the meeting 2. How many sections are there in Article VIII about the emblem? a. 3 c. 5 b. 4 d. 6 3. In what year did the National Agricultural Education Headquarters Operations office open its doors in Alexandria, Virginia? a. 1988 c. 1996 d. 1998 b. 1994 4. This leadership conference event will take students a full circle in chapter leadership development. a. 212° leadership c. I believe leadership b. 360° leadership d. Washington Leadership Conference 5. What Does POA stand for a. People of Adventure b. Program of Achievements c. Program of Activities d. People Organizing Activities 6. Who is the BLAST Off conference designed for? a. Chapter officers b. State officers c. College sophomores d. Seniors 7. How many times a year is FFA New Horizons published? a. annually b. bi-annually c. quarterly d. monthly 8. In the meeting room where is the Vice President stationed? a. The front right corner of the room b. The center back of the room c. The center front of the room d. The back left corner of the room 9. What Does WLC stand for in relation to FFA? a. Washington Leadership Center b. Washington Leadership Conference c. Writing Leadership Center d. Worthy Leadership Community 10. How many essential elements of a successful FFA Chapter are there? a. 7 c. 13 d. 10 b. 11 11. What is the purpose of the Chapter Banquet? a. To showcase the accomplishments of the chapter and individuals. b. To increase interest in the chapter. c. To introduce students parents to the advisor. d. To showcase the accomplishments of outstanding members. 12. The Star Greenhand award is given to: a. The 2nd year member who is active, has a good SAE, and has demonstrated leadership. b. The top applicant for the State FFA Degree. c. The first year member who is most active, has a good SAE, and has demonstrated leadership. d. The FFA member with the top production agriculture program. 13. Which of the following is not part of official Chapter equipment? a. 1 gavel and block c. 1 Scrapbook d. 1 laptop b. 1 Official FFA Flag 14. Which is the correct order of business that should be followed at an FFA meeting? a. Opening Ceremony, Unfinished Business, Officer Reports b. Opening Ceremony, Special Features, Minutes of the Previous Meeting c. Opening Ceremony, Minutes of the Previous Meeting, Officer Reports d. Minutes of the Previous Meeting, Officer Reports, Opening Ceremony 15. The FFA member with the top production agriculture program each year at the National Convention is recognized as the _________________________. a. American Star in Agribusiness b. American Star Farmer c. Diversified Agriculture Production Proficiency Award d. National FFA President 16. What is the website for the National FFA Organization? a. http://www.agriculture.com b. http://www.agriculture.org c. http://www.ffa.com d. http://www.ffa.org 17. The National FFA Convention is limited to ___________ delegates. c. 475 a. 100 b. 250 d. 550 18. Officers and members find it much easier to conduct and take part in meetings when supported by _____________? d. A background of parliamentary a. Official FFA Manual knowledge b. Robert’s Rules of Order c. The chapter advisor 19. In what year did the FFA merge with the NFA? a. 1960 b. 1965 20. Which officer assists the president in maintaining order? a. Vice president b. Secretary 21. c. 1969 d. 1970 c. Sentinel d. Parliamentarian What president did FFA members meet with in 1933 on the White House Lawn? c. Franklin D.Roosevelt a. Abraham Lincoln b. George Washington d. Harry S. Truman 22. Which catalog would a FFA Chapter order plaques and banquet supplies from? a. National FFA Blue c. National FFA Core b. National FFA Gold d. National FFA New Horizons 23. What does a series of sharp taps of the gavel means? a. Sit b. Stand c. Call the meeting to order d. Restore order to the meeting 24. Which of the following motions requires a two-thirds vote to pass? a. Adjourn c. Recess b. Limit or Extend Debate d. Lay on the Table 2013 DISTRICT FFA KNOWLEDGE TEST - Key 25. Which is not a responsibility of the Secretary? a. Collect dues and issue receipts. b. Be responsible for chapter correspondence. c. Prepare and present the minutes of each chapter meeting. d. Maintain member attendance. 26. In what year where there 2 National FFA Presidents? a. 1942-43 b. 1949-50 c. 1965-66 d. 1988-1989 27. Proficiency awards are based primarily on the member’s _____. a. Leadership c. Career objectives b. SAE d. POA 28. Which is not a division of POA? a. Student Development b. Chapter Development c. School Development d. Community Development 29. What does the acronym “CDE” stand for? a. Career Decision Evaluation b. Career Development Event c. Creating Devine Educators d. Career Development Education 30. Who sits directly across from the treasurer in an FFA meeting? c. Advisor a. Reporter b. Secretary d. Vice-President 31. This officer is in charge of preparing and posting the agenda of each meeting. a. Secretary c. Vice-President b. Reporter d. Advisor 32. FFA makes a positive difference in the live of students by developing their potential for premier leadership, personal growth & career success through agricultural education is the: c. FFA Mission a. Agricultural Education Mission b. FFA Vision d. FFA Strategy 33. Which part of an SAE program has members explore possibilities? a. Investigate c. Coordinate b. Plan d. Program Improvement 34. In what state was the FFA organization originated? a. Missouri b. Virginia c. Alabama d. California 35. Who is in represents NASAE on the National FFA Foundation Board of Trustees? a. Greg Curlin c. Ray Nash d. Leon Busdieker 73 b. David Miller 36. In the National FFA organization chart, what does FCR stand for? a. First Colligate Reward c. Foundation of Corn b. First Call Resolution d. Fish Conservation Resources 37. What does three taps of the gavel mean? a. Sit b. Stand c. Call the meeting to order d. Restore order to the meeting 38. In 1935, the NFA held it first National Conference in what city and state? c. Tuskegee, AL a. Kansas City, MO b. Charlotte, NC d. Oklahoma City, OK 39. How many National FFA Presidents have been from Missouri? a. one c. three b. two d. four 40. The chapter banquet should not last longer than __________ hours. a. 3 ½ c. 1 ½ d. 2 ½ b. 3 41. 42. Which National NFA President resigned? a. Adolphus Pinson b. David Simmons c. James Bryant d. Oliver Hunter Which act established Agricultural Education? a. Smith-Hughes b. Morrill c. Brown-Case d. Rowe-Wae 43. How many delegates were at the first National FFA Convention? c. 33 a. 31 b. 32 d. 34 44. Carlton Patton, the first Star American Farmer was from: a. Missouri b. Iowa c. Arkansas d. Georgia Who is entitled to wear the official gold owl pin? a. Advisors b. Collegiate members c. Honorary members d. A & B Who was the first female National FFA President? a. Jan Eberly b. Hillary Smith c. Kelli Evans d. Jackie Mundt Which part of the FFA emblem symbolizes knowledge? a. Plow b. Eagle c. Sun d. Owl 45. 46. 47. 48. In what year did the U.S Post Office issue a special stamp for the FFA? c. 1953 a. 1951 b. 1952 d. 1954 49. A motion to fix the time to which to adjourn requires what type of vote? a. 2/3 vote c. Officers vote b. Majority vote d. No vote taken 50. How many divisions are there on the National FFA Agriscience Fair? a. 4 c. 8 b. 6 d. 12 51. Who was the first African American elected as a National FFA President? a. Corey Flournoy c. Steven Offer b. Javier Moreno d. Nicholas Streff 52. The Pledge of Allegiance is also known as the: a. FFA Motto b. FFA Creed c. FFA Salute d. FFA Mission 53. What grade are students in that are eligible to receive the Discovery Degree? a. 5-6 c. 8-9 b. 7-8 d. 9-10 54. The National FFA Organization is located in: a. Indianapolis, IN b. Washington, D.C. 55. 56. 57. c. Alexandria, VA d. Kansas City, MO Twenty-eight point five acres of land were purchased from whose estate to house the first FFA Headquarters? a. George Washington c. Ely Whitney b. John Deere d. J.I. Case What is the name of the official FFA member magazine? a. Sports Illustrated b. FFA New Horizons c. Future Farmer d. Vogue Who was the last state chartered by the National FFA? a. Hawaii b. Alaska c. New York d. California 58. What does the abbreviation I-CAL stand for? a. International Collegiate Agricultural Leadership b. I Can Always Lead c. International Corn Association League d. None of the above 59. What does two taps of the gavel mean? a. Sit b. Stand c. Call the meeting to order d. Restore order to the meeting 60. What does Article V talk about? a. Membership b. FFA Activities c. FFA Protocol d. Official Dress 61. When was Public Law 105-225 passed? a. 1980 b. 1929 c. 2011 d. 1998 62. What task is Relations Management charged with? a. Handling special needs requests c. The cultivation of potential new partnerships d. All of the above b. FFA outreach activities 63. What article of the FFA Bylaws talks about duties of national officers? a. Article I c. Article X b. Article V d. Article VIII 64. What does NCF mean? a. New Century Farmer b. New Cooperation Foundation c. National Corn Farmer d. National Collegiate Foundation 65. What does Section 70913 in Public Law 105-225 talk about? a. Service of process c. Specific policies d. Liability for acts of officers and agents b. Records and inspections 66. What region is Arkansas in? a. Western b. Southern 67. When was the Food for America program launched? a. 1968 b. 1972 c. Central d. Eastern c. 1975 d. 1978 68. There are _____ different National FFA Career Development Events. a. 25 c. 34 b. 32 d. 38 69. Where is National FFA Headquarters Operation office located? a. Washington DC c. Houston TX b. Alexandria VA d. Sacramento CA 70. What does LPS stand for? a. Leadership Partner Services b. Local Participation Staff 71. c. Local Program Success d. Leading Partners in SAE The first winner of the National Public Speaking contest was: a. Edward Drace c. Ken Dunagan b. Larry Case d. Spencer Peel 72. How many Star Awards are there? a. 14 b. 16 c. 12 d. 13 73. What does Article I cover in the National FFA Constitution and Bylaws? a. Name c. Dues b. Organization d. SAE 74. What is the minimum number of years you must be an FFA member to receive the State Degree? a. 1 c. 3 b. 2 d. 4 75. Where is Tracy Kitchel of the National Board of Stakeholder Representatives from? a. Washington DC, Maryland c. Boston, Massachusetts d. Columbia, Missouri71 b. New York, New York 76. Which of these must you achieve before being eligible for a Discovery Degree? a. Have a satisfactory SAE c. Earn 200 dollars from your SAE d. Submit a written application b. Participate in at least 3 chapter activities 77. In the Greenhand ceremonies, which officer says “A good attitude and a respect for the rights of others are essential for success in life.”? a. Treasurer c. Reporter d. Sentinel b. Advisor 78. When preparing articles or news releases for publication they should be all of the following except: a. Chronological c. Edited for sentence structure b. Double spaced d. Approved by chapter advisor 79. When utilizing Social Networking sites how often should you update? c. 2 or 3 times a day a. 1 time every day b. 2 or 3 times a week d. 4 or 6 times a day 80. The third paragraph of the creed starts with? a. “I believe in less dependence…” b. “I believe in leadership…” c. “I believe that to live and work….” d. “I believe in the future…” 81. What are the five degrees of active membership? a. Active, Greenhand, Chapter, Honorary, American b. Active, Collegiate, Honorary, Alumni, American c. Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State, American d. Discovery, Greenhand, Chapter, State, Honorary 82. 83. “I shall call the roll of officers, determine if they are at their stations and report back to you, Mr./Mdm. President” is stated by which officer during opening ceremonies. a. President c. Secretary b. Vice President d. Treasurer The FFA Creed was revised at what FFA Conventions? a. 3rd & 38th b. 33rd & 63rd c. 38th & 43rd d. 38th & 63rd