Abe Schecter Graduate Scholarship Contact: Karen Jackson-Bullitt 1600 K Street, NW Washington, DC 20006 e-mail: karenb@rtndf.org Major: Electronic Journalism Deadline: The first Monday in May Requirements: Applicants must be an incoming or full-time graduate student with the career objective of electronic journalism. Instead of a tape, submit a one-page essay detailing your merits and career objectives. Applicants must be officially enrolled in college and be in good standing. All scholarships are paid in semiannual installments for one year of study. If you wish to apply for multiple scholarships, please include a complete application package for each scholarship to which you are applying. http://www.rtnda.org/pages/media_items/graduate-student-scholarships538.php Academy of Television Arts and Sciences- Fred Rogers Memorial Scholarship Contact: Award: Majors: Requirements: Deadline: Visit: http://www.emmys.org/foundation/rogersscholar.php 4 Scholarships of $10,000 each Early Childhood education, Child Development/Child Psychology, Film/Television Production, Music, Animation upper division undergraduates (Juniors and Seniors) and graduate students (Masters or Ph.D.) of accredited colleges or universities. Particular attention will be given to applicants from inner city or rural communities. Applications are available on the Television Academy Foundation's site. Background information about the applicant and the applicant’s plan for the use of the scholarship money are required. The applicant’s plan must include project goals and milestones that will help the committee in the selection of a mentor and help the mentor to guide the awardee. The applicant must also include recommendations from two persons, either faculty members from two of the above referenced fields or professionals from the children’s media industry who have worked with the applicant. Feb. 28 http://www.emmys.org/foundation/rogersscholar.php AGC Education and Research Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships Contact: AGC Education and Research Foundation Floretta D. Slade, Director of Programs 2300 Wilson Boulevard Suite 400 Arlington, VA 22201 e-mail: sladef@agc.org Major/Requirements: College sophomores and juniors enrolled or planning to enroll in a full-time, four or five-year ABET or ACCE accredited construction or civil/construction engineering program. Amount: $2,500.00 (min. 2000, max. 8000) Visit: http://www.agc.org/cs/career_development/foundation/scholarships The AIA/AAF Minority/Disadvantaged Scholarship Requirements: High School Senior or College Freshmen who will study architecture at a NAAB school and have financial need. Amount: $500-$2500 Deadline: Nomination due by December; Application due by January http://www.aia.org/ed_arched_minoritydisadvantagedsch Air Force ROTC Scholarships Amount: Requirements: Vary Deadline: Contact: Up to the full cost of tuition December 1 Recruiter, or apply online at http://www.afrotc.com/scholarships Alpha Kappa Alpha- Educational Advancement Foundation Contact: AKA-EAF 5656 South Stony Island Chicago, IL 60637 http://www.akaeaf.org/undergraduate_scholarships.htm Deadline: January 15 Requirements: College students. Variety of scholarships, some based on merit, others on financial need, some endowed. American Hotel & Lodging Educational Foundation Contact: 1201 New York Avenue, NW; Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005-3931 (202) 289-3100 fax: (202) 289-3199 http://www.ahlef.org/content.aspx?id=19468 Majors: Hospitality-related (i.e., Hotel Management, etc.) Requirements: Undergraduates who have completed their sophomore year at a four-year college or university. Candidate must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA and be US citizen or permanent resident of the U.S. Deadline: May 1 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants scholarship Contact: Academic and Career Development Director 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036-8775 (212) 596-6223 http://www.aicpa.org Amount: up to $5,000 Requirements: Undergraduates studying accounting—must have 30 credits completed. ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program Contact: 225 Main Street Newington, CT 06111 Amount: Varies (500-5,000) Deadline: February 1, no exceptions Requirements: Scholarships of various amounts awarded to licensed ham radio amateurs. Majoring in Radio. ARTS (Arts Recognition and Talent Search) Program Requirements: Awards offered in dance, music, jazz, photography, theater, film and video, voice and writing and visual arts. Eligible applicants must be 17 or 18 years of age. Amount: $100-$3,000 Deadline: June 1 ($25.00 application fee), after that, the fee is $35.00. The deadline is in October. Fee waivers available. Contact: National Foundation for Advancement in the Arts 800 Brickell Avenue, Suite 500 Miami, Florida 33139 (800) 790-ARTS (2787) www.nfaa.org nfaa@nfaa.org The ASM Materials Education Foundation Contact: Attention: Scholarship Program ASM Materials Education Foundation 9639 Kinsman Rd. Materials Park, OH 44073-0002 Application online at www.asminternational.org Majors: Metallurgy and materials Requirements: Varies for different scholarship programs Amount: Varies Deadline: May 1 Big 33 Scholarships What is a Traditional Big 33 Academic Scholarship? Big 33 Scholarships provide financial assistance to high school seniors who exhibit excellence in a well rounded educational and extracurricular program. The scholarships are made possible by the Annual Big 33 Football Classic and its scholarship sponsors, and are administered by the Big 33 Scholarship Foundation. Who is eligible? Current high school seniors: enrolled in a public or accredited private school in Ohio or Pennsylvania who have attained a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (GPA on a 4.0 scale) for the previous two academic years (grades 10 and 11) planning to continue his/her education beyond high school in an accredited institution of higher education or technical school Amount: $1,000 Deadline: February 1-866-518-0473 http://www.big33.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73&Itemid=74 BMW/SAE Engineering Scholarship Contact: SAE Scholarships and Loans Program 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096 USA scholarships@sae.org Toll Free: 1-877-606-7323 Majors: Engineering Student Eligibility Requirements: U.S. citizenship (not permanent resident). 3.75 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale (required). Rank in the 90th percentile in both math and critical reading on SAT I or composite ACT scores. Pursue an engineering or related science degree through an ABET accredited program Amount: One scholarship will be awarded each year for $1,500 per year. Scholarship may be renewed at $1,500 a year for three additional years (total award $6,000). http://students.sae.org/awdscholar/scholarships/bmw/ Bob East Scholarship Contact: Chuck Fadely The Miami Herald One Herald Plaza Miami, FL 33132 (305) 376-2015 Major: Photojournalism Amount: $2,000 Requirements: Must be an undergraduate student; portfolio must be included as well. Deadline: March 1 http://nppf.org/ Carol Simpson Scholarship Contact: RTNDF Scholarships 1000 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 615 Washington, DC 20036-5302 (202) 467-5218 http://www.rtnda.org/pages/media_items/carole-simpson-scholarship1899.php Major: Electronic Journalism Amount: $2,000 Deadline: March 1 Requirements: Applicants must be a fully-enrolled college sophomore, junior or senior whose career objective and major is electronic journalism. Applicants must have at least one full year of college remaining. To receive the full award, applicants must be officially enrolled in college and be in good standing. All scholarships are paid in semi-annual installments for one year of study. If you wish to apply for multiple scholarships, please include a complete application package for each scholarship to which you are applying. (Awarded through the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation. Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria: To be eligible to apply for a Chick Evans Caddie Scholarship, all applicants must meet the following requirements: strong caddie record, excellent academics, demonstrated financial need, and outstanding character. 1. Strong caddie record: Applicants must have caddied, successfully and regularly, for a minimum of two years and are expected to caddie at their sponsoring club the year they apply for the scholarship. 2. Excellent academics: Applicants must have completed their junior year of high school with above a B average in college preparatory courses and are required to take the ACT. 3. Demonstrated financial need: Applicants must clearly have a need for financial assistance. 4. Outstanding character: Applicants must be outstanding in character, integrity and leadership. Deadline: Contact: By the end of September after Junior year in High School Western Golf Association Attn: Scholarship Committee 1 Briar Rd., Golf, IL 60029. (847) 724-4600 http://www.wgaesf.org/site/c.dwJTKiO0JgI8G/b.7512567/k.47CB/Evans_Scholarship_Application.htm Coalition of Higher Education Assistance Organizations (COHEAO) Requirements: Undergraduate students attending COHEAO member institutions with a minimum 3.5 GPA. Freshmen not eligible. Candidate must also be a U.S. citizen. One scholarship per family per academic year. Amount: $1000 Contact: via http://www.coheao.com/about-2/scholarship/ Coca-Cola Scholars Scholarship Applicants Must Be: CURRENT high school (or home-schooled) seniors attending school in the United States (or select DoD schools); U.S. Citizens; U.S. Nationals; U.S. Permanent Residents; Temporary Residents (in a legalization program); Refugees; Asylees; Cuban-Haitian Entrants; or Humanitarian Parolees; anticipating completion of high school diploma at the time of application; planning to pursue a degree at an accredited U.S. post-secondary institution; carrying a minimum 3.00 GPA at the end of their junior year of high school. Deadline: Initial Applications are accepted Aug - Oct 31 of the senior year in high school. https://www.coca-colascholars.org/sslpage.aspx CollegeSTEPSsm Sweepstakes Contact: Wells Fargo Education Financial Services Attention: CollegeSTEPS Program 301 East 58th Street, North Sioux Falls, SD 57104 1-800-658-3567 (6am-10pm Central) Majors: All fields of study Amount: $1,000 Deadline: May 28 https://www.wellsfargo.com/student/planning/scholarships http://wfefs.wellsfargo.com/jump/csrules.pdf David Stivison Appalachian Scholarship Fund Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, an applicant must meet all of the following criteria: 1. Be a resident of the 30-county COAD service area for at least one year before the application deadline. 2. Reside in a household with a total annual income at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines (see Attachment #1). 3. Have obtained or will obtain a high school degree or GED. 4. Show proof of acceptance by an accredited 2-year or 4-year institution of higher education. Contact: Allyssa Mefford, Operations Manager Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development 1 Pinchot Lane P.O. Box 787 Athens, Ohio 45701-0787 740-594-8499 (phone) 740-592-5994 (fax) E-mail: amefford@coadinc.org Educational Advancement Foundation Scholarships http://www.akaeaf.org/undergraduate_scholarships.htm Majors: All areas of study Amount: $75=1,500 Deadline: April 15 Requirements: Merit Scholarship Eligibility To be eligible for this one-year one-time only scholarship, the applicant must: Be a full-time, sophomore or beyond; Be currently enrolled in an accredited degree-granting institution; Have a minimum GPA of 3.0 ("B" average); Demonstrate community service and involvement. Educational Communications Scholarship Foundation Scholarship For: Undergraduate Amount of Scholarship: $1000 Number of Scholarships: 150 Scholarship Deadline: June 1 Majors: all Applicant must be: US Citizen; GPA 3.00 For application and more information: Sponsor Educational Communications Scholarship Foundation 721 N. Mckinley Rd. PO Box 5002 Lake Forest, IL 60045 Web: http://www.free-4u.com/educational_communications_scholarship_foundation.htm Elks “Most Valuable Student” Competition Deadline: The second Friday in January Requirements: Any high school senior who is a citizen of the United States is eligible. Applicants need not be related to a member of the Elks. College students are not eligible to apply. Applicants must be citizens of the U.S. on the date their applications are signed; resident alien status does not qualify. Applicants will be judged on financial need, leadership and scholarship. The Elks National Foundation will award 500 four-year scholarships to the highest-rated boys and girls in the competition. Students must be pursuing a 4-year degree, full time (minimum of 12 credit hours), in a U.S. American college or university. Amount: $1,000- $15,000 per year Contact: Chairman of local Lodge or of the Elks Association of the state in which applicant is a resident. (to locate your local lodge go to: http://www.elks.org/ENF/scholars/ Future Farmers of America Scholarships Contact: National FFA Center Scholarship Office P.O. Box 15160 Alexandria, VA 22309 e-mail: scholarships@ffa.org https://www.ffa.org/Programs/GrantsAndScholarships/Scholarships/Pages/default.aspx# Majors: Agriculture Deadline: February Gates Millenium Scholarships Contact: Gates Millennium Scholarships P.O. Box 1434 Alexandria, Virginia 22313 1-800-690-GMSP (4677) Website: http://www.gmsp.org Amount: Will cover room, board and tuition Deadline: see details at website Requirements: High School students who have financial need. Must also be African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American, and meets PELL Grant criteria. General John A. Wickman Scholarships Contact: AFCEA Educational Foundation Administrator of Scholarships and Awards 4400 Fair Lakes Couty Fairfax, VA 22033-3899 Norma Corrales: (703) 631-6149, (800) 336-4583, ext. 6149 e-mail: emailscholarship@afcea.org Majors: Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Mathematics, Physics, Photometrics, Communications Engineering or Technology, Computer Science or Technology, or Information Management Systems. Amount: $2,000 Deadline: May 1 Requirements: U.S. citizens who have good moral character, demonstrated academic excellence, have good leadership qualities, and demonstrate financial need. Include a self-addressed stamped envelope when writing to the above address. Applicant must also have a GPA of 3.5 or better. Website: http://www.afcea.org/education/scholarships/undergraduate/pub2.asp GTE Foundation Scholarships Contact: Society of Women Engineers 120 Wall Street, 11th Floor New York, NY 10005-9577 Majors: Electrical Engineering of Computer Science Amount: $1,000 Requirements: Open to undergraduate women Applicant must be a woman with a minimum 3.0 GPA. Applicant must be in an ABET-accredited engineering program, engineering at SWE-approved institution, or computer science in a CSAB-accredited program or at an ABET-accredited or SWE-approved institution. Deadline: February 1 http://www.aie.org/scholarships/detail.cfm?id=10112 Harry Truman Scholarship Foundation Requirements: Juniors nominated by their respective colleges Majors: Political Science, public service or government Requirements: LEGAL REQUIREMENTS (must be met) At the time I apply, I will be a full-time student pursuing a bachelor's degree with junior-level academic standing; I have senior-level standing in my third year of college enrollment; or I am a senior and a resident of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a Pacific Island. Note: Students who have completed their bachelor's degree or are already attending graduate school are not eligible for the Truman Scholarship. I am a U.S. citizen (or a U.S. national from a Pacific Island) or I expect to receive my citizenship by the date the Scholarship will be awarded. CAREER AND GRADUATE STUDY INTERESTS I hope to be a "change agent," in time, improving the ways that government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or educational institutions serve the public. There are conditions in our society or the environment which trouble me. I want to work in government, education, the nonprofit sector, or the public interest/advocacy sector to improve these conditions. I am comfortable committing to work in public service for three of the first seven years after I complete a Foundation-funded graduate degree. I would like to get a master's degree, a doctorate, or a professional degree such as a law degree or a Master of Public Administration, Master of Public Health, Master of Social Work, Master of Education, Master of Public Policy, or Master of International Affairs. To see other requirements, visit the website. Website: http://www.truman.gov/for-candidates/how-to-become-a-truman-scholar Hispanic Scholarship Fund Requirements/Deadlines, etc.: Varied. See list of various scholarships at: http://www.hsf.net/innercontent.aspx?id=424 Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative Scholarship Requirements: Applicants must be a son, daughter or legal ward of a Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative member. They must be receiving service at the time of the application. 3.0 or better average. All applications must be typed. Amount: $1,300-2,500 Deadline: January 31, 2012 Web: http://www.hwecoop.com/index/Scholarship.html Jackie Robinson Education & Leadership Development Scholarship Contact: http://www.jackierobinson.org/apply/programs.php Deadline: March 31 Requirements: To be eligible for a Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship, an applicant must: Be a graduating, minority high school senior; Plan to attend an accredited and approved four–year institution within the United States; Show leadership potential; Demonstrate a dedication to community service; Present evidence of financial need; Be a United States citizen; A minimum SAT score of 1,000 combined on the math and critical reading sections or a composite ACT score of 22; and Not possess a degree from a 2 or 4–year College when applying for the scholarship. Kruaik, Wilkens, Griffiths & Dougherty Co. L.P.A. Law School Scholarship Requirements: Current Law School student. Must have resided in Wayne, Holmes, Stark, Summit, Tuscarawas, Carroll, Columbiana, or Mahoning County at some point in their lifetime. Applicants must possess a strong academic record, participate in extracurricular activities, and have a desire to practice law in the Stark County region. Amount: $1,000 Deadline: April 1 (contact first to confirm) Contact: Kelly Osborn (330) 497-0700 e-mail: kosborn@kwgd.com website: http://www.kwgd.com/indexnewsevts.htm Most Valuable Student Awards Contact: ELKS National Foundation 2750 N. Lakeview Ave. Chicago, IL 60614 Website: http://www.elks.org/enf/scholars/mvs.cfm Amount: $4,000-60,000 Deadline: March Music Scholarships/The Music Program at the University of Bridgeport Requirements: For students demonstrating superior academic achievement and musical talent. No financial need is required. Amount: Varies Deadline: Varies Website: http://www.bridgeport.edu/admissions/undergraduate/tuitionandfinaid/scholarships.aspx Ohio Academic Scholarship Program Requirements: Student must attend an Ohio college. Award formula consists of ACT test scores and high school grades. One award per school. Amount: $2,000 four-year renewable Deadline: February 23 Contact: Guidance Counselor or Ohio Board of Regents State Grants and Scholarships Department P.O. Box 182452 Columbus, OH 43218-2452 888-833-1133 or (614) 466-7420 website: http://www.regents.state.oh.us/sgs/OAS.htm Ohio American Legion Scholarship Requirements: Must be a descendant of a Legionnaire Deadline: April 15 Contact: The American Legion Department of Ohio P.O. Box 8007 Delaware, OH 43015 ATTN: Scholarship Committee Phone: (740) 362-1429 e-mail: legion@ohiolegion.com website: http://www.ohiolegion.com/scholarships/application.htm# Ohio 4-H Scholarships (Variety of scholarships available) Requirements: Must be involved in 4-H. Amount: Varies Deadline: varies Contact: Local 4-H Organization, Guidance Office or (330) 674-3015 Poland Spring/Boston Red Sox Environmental Service Scholarship Program Contact: (617) 375-0976 Amount: $10,000 Requirements: Must be a high school senior with an average of 75% or better. Minimum of 10 hours spent monthly on volunteer-based environmental service for six months. Scholarships for Survivors Requirements: Applicant must be under the age of 25 Must have been diagnosed with and/or been actively treated for a life threatening disease within the past 5 years. Must be pursuing an Associate's Degree as a bridge to a Bachelor's degree or higher. Complete Scholarship for Survivors application in full (Part A-E) Applicant must write an essay on how their diagnosis has impacted their lives and their future goals (1000 word maximum). Applicant must submit a copy of an acceptance letter from the college or university the applicant is planning to attend. If you are unsure of where you are going and have received multiple acceptance letters, please include all of them Applicant must submit written documentation from your treating physician stating your medical history Applicant must provide two letters of recommendation from non-related persons (examples: teachers, coaches, community leaders). Reference must include their name, address and phone number within the letter Applicant must provide an OFFICIAL high school and/or current college transcript (to include school seal); which ever is applicable Must submit completed financial form that will demonstrate financial need and include a copy of the first two pages of tax return Amount: Deadline: Web: $3000 March 30 http://www.patientadvocate.org/index.php?p=69 The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards Requirements: Awarded for projects in fine arts, design, crafts, art portfolios, writing, and writing portfolios. Amount: Varies Deadline: varies Web: http://www.artandwriting.org/Scholarships/AllianceScholarships Service Merchandise Scholarship Program Contact: local Service Merchandise store Majors: Business, Merchandising, Marketing, Economics, and Accounting Amount: Maximum of $500 Deadline: January 15 Website: http://thebluezero.com/scholarship_details.php?id=1326 Society of Automotive Engineers Scholarships Requirements: Varies Deadline: Varies Contact: SAE Scholarships and Loans Program 400 Commonwealth Drive Warrendale, PA 15096 USA scholarships@sae.org Website: http://students.sae.org/awdscholar/scholarships/ Society of Women Engineer Scholarships Website: http://societyofwomenengineers.swe.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=222&Itemid=229 Deadline: Requirements: Varies Women majoring in engineering or computer science Talbots Women’s Scholarship Fund Requirements: Women who earned their high school diploma or GED at least 10 years ago. Financial Need and previous achievements. Amount: $1,000-$10,000 Deadline: January Website: https://www.scholarshipamerica.org/talbotswomen/instructions.php TMS Presidential Scholarship Majors: Amount: Deadline: Website: Metallurgical engineering, materials science and engineering, minerals processing/extraction. Varies Varies http://www.tms.org/Students/Scholarships.aspx Tylenol Scholarship Fund Website: http://www.tylenol.com/page.jhtml?id=tylenol/news/subptyschol.inc U.S. Bank Internet Scholarship Program Website: http://www.usbank.com/studentlending/scholarship.html?ecid=EM_1443&WT.mc_id=r1443&original_ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.usba nk.com%2Fscholarship%2F Amount: $1,000 Vaughan/NAHWW Scholarship Contact: Frank Burgmeier, Scholarship Coordinator 7501 Woodstream Terrace N. Syracuse, NY 13212 Majors: Do-it-yourself journalism or related. See Requirements. Amount: $1500 Website: http://www.hammernet.com/scholar.htm Wal-Mart Foundation Scholarship Website: http://walmartstores.com/communitygiving/8736.aspx Women in Defense HORIZONS Scholarship Foundation Website: http://wid.ndia.org/horizon/Pages/default.aspx Amount: $500+ Deadline: July 1 Requirements: Applicants must meet the following criteria. No exceptions will be considered. 1. Be currently enrolled at an accredited university or college, either full-time or part- time. 2. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible; undergraduates must have attained at least junior level status (60 credits). 3. Demonstrate interest in pursuing a career related to national security or defense. 4. Demonstrate financial need. 5. Have a minimum grade point average of 3.25. 6. Be a woman. 7. Be a citizen of the United States.