Report of Student Learning and Achievement For Semester: Spring

Report of Student Learning and Achievement
For Semester:
Spring 2011
Student Learning Information School of Business and Technology
Mission of the School of Business and Technology
The mission of the School of Business and Technology is to prepare thoroughly educated graduates for professional success and further study in
business, computer science, and technology.
Intended Student Learning Outcomes:
Graduates can communicate effectively both orally and in writing in an organizational setting.
Knowledge and Decision Making
Graduates will have an integrative knowledge of fundamental business topics, systems, and processes. Students can appropriately use the
frameworks from relevant business functional areas to analyze business situations, synthesize information, and develop potential solutions.
Ethical, Legal, Societal and Global
Graduates understand the ethical framework in which organizations operate and have the ability to comprehend, describe, and explain the social,
legal, and global influences facing our world today.
Leadership, Teamwork and Collaboration
Graduates should demonstrate a knowledge of modern leadership theories and practice that prepares them to assume leadership positions
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes – Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning
Direct Measures BBA-Accounting
Written report and presentation from the Accounting and
Information Systems course
Direct Measures BBA-Accounting
Comprehensive Business Exam (CBE)
Direct Measures BBA-Accounting
Capstone course: either Team presentation/business simulation game
Performance Targets/Criteria for Direct Measures:
Students will score an average of 70% or better on the written
paper/presentation from the Accounting and Information Systems
 Students will score an average of 70% or better on the CBE
Accounting Domain
 Students will score an average of 60% or better on each of the
CBE Legal, Social, and International and Global Domains
 Students in the capstone course will either score 70% or better
on their presentation or
 beat the international average on the overall score for the last
year of competition using the BBA Capstone Business Strategy
Game by GLO-BUS Software, Inc.
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning
Performance Targets/Criteria for Indirect Measures:
Indirect Measures BBA-Accounting
1) Question 5a “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
BBA Exit Questionnaire
Indirect Measures BBA-Accounting
Course Instructor Evaluation
“Preparation for a Career”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good,5=Outstanding)
2) Question 5b “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Intellectual Challenge”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
1) Question 9 “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehension
and/or skills”
a) The School of Business & Technology faculty will rate
consistently at less than 2 (lower scores are best)
Student Learning Information for Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
Twelve BBA Accounting students took Accounting and Information Systems course scored an average of 96% on the
written paper/presentation
Eighteen BBA-Accounting students (two out of the Eighteen were double majors, Accounting/Finance) took the CBE
exam scored an average of 71.35% on the CBE Accounting Domain
Eighteen BBA-Accounting students (two out of the Eighteen were double majors, Accounting/Finance) took the CBE
exam scored an average of 62.96% on the CBE Legal Domain
Eighteen BBA-Accounting students (two out of the Eighteen were double majors, Accounting/Finance) took the CBE
exam scored an average of 69.44% on the CBE Social Domain
Eighteen BBA-Accounting students (two out of the Eighteen were double majors, Accounting/Finance) took the CBE
exam scored an average of 72.84% on the CBE International and Global Domain
5 out of 7 BBA-Accounting student who took the capstone course exceeded the international average on the Capstone
Business Strategy Game.
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
Not Met
Performance Target Was…
Not Met
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA-Accounting students rated Question 5a: “How do you rate your business
degree in terms of Preparation for Career” mean rating at 3.6 out of 5.
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA-Accounting students rated Question 5b “How do you rate your business degree in terms
of “Intellectual Challenge” mean rating at 3.67 out of 5.
On the Course Instructor Evaluation, Question 9, the School of Business & Technology faculty rated 1.78 out
of 5 (lower scores are best) on the Question “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehensive and/or skills
Proposed Courses of Action for Improvement in Areas for which Performance Targets Were Not Met:
Our faculty are very concerned that the students feel that the programs do not help them prepare for their careers, faculty will seek to implement in
their courses to show the importance of this material of preparing for the career.
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes – Bachelor of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning
Direct Measures BBA-Entrepreneurship
Written paper/presentation from the Entrepreneurship and New
Venture course
Direct Measures BBA- Entrepreneurship
Comprehensive Business Exam (CBE)
Direct Measures BBA- Entrepreneurship
Capstone course: either Team presentation/business simulation game
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning
Indirect Measures BBA-Entrepreneurship
BBA Exit Questionnaire
Indirect Measures BBA-Entrepreneurship
Course Instructor Evaluation
Performance Targets/Criteria for Direct Measures:
Students will score an average of 70% or better on the written
paper/presentation from the Entrepreneurship and New Venture
 Students will score an average of 70% or better on the total
 Students will score an average of 60% or better on each of the
CBE Legal, Social, and International and Global Domains
 Students in the capstone course will either score 70% or better
on their presentation or
 beat the international average on the overall score for the last
year of competition using the BBA Capstone Business Strategy
Game by GLO-BUS Software, Inc.
Performance Targets/Criteria for Indirect Measures:
1) Question 5a “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Preparation for a Career”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good,5=Outstanding)
2) Question 5b “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Intellectual Challenge”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
2) Question 9 “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehension
and/or skills”
a) The School of Business & Technology faculty will rate
consistently at less than 2 (lower scores are best)
Student Learning Information for Bachelor of Business Administration - Entrepreneurship
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
Seven BBA-Entrepreneurship students took the CBE exam scored an average of 60.23% on the total CBE
Seven BBA- Entrepreneurship students took the CBE exam scored an average of 66.67% on the CBE Legal Domain
Not Met
Seven BBA- Entrepreneurship students took the CBE exam scored an average of 61.71% on the CBE Social Domain
Seven BBA- Entrepreneurship students took the CBE exam scored an average of 61.90% on the CBE International and
Global Domain
1 student team of BBA- Entrepreneurship students who took the capstone course exceeded the international average on
the Capstone Business Strategy Game.
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA- Entrepreneurship students rated Question 5a: “How do you rate your
business degree in terms of Preparation for Career” mean rating at 4.0 out of 5.
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA-Entrepreneurship students rated Question 5b:“How do you rate your business degree in
terms of “Intellectual Challenge” mean rating at 4.0 out of 5.
On the Course Instructor Evaluation, Question 9, the School of Business & Technology faculty rated 1.78 out
of 5 (lower scores are best) on the Question “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehensive and/or skills”
Not Met
Proposed Courses of Action for Improvement in Areas for which Performance Targets Were Not Met:
Our faculty are very concerned that the students feel that the programs do not help them prepare for their careers, faculty will seek to implement in
their courses to show the importance of this material of preparing for the career.
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes – Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning
Direct Measures BBA-Finance
Written paper/presentation from the Financial Management course
Direct Measures BBA- Finance
Comprehensive Business Exam (CBE)
Direct Measures BBA- Finance
Capstone course: either Team presentation/business simulation game
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning
Indirect Measures BBA-Finance
BBA Exit Questionnaire
Indirect Measures BBA-Finance
Course Instructor Evaluation
Performance Targets/Criteria for Direct Measures:
Students will score an average of 70% or better on the written
paper/presentation from the Financial Management course
 Students will score an average of 70% or better on the CBE
Finance Domain
 Students will score an average of 60% or better on each of the
CBE Legal, Social, and International and Global Domains
 Students in the capstone course will either score 70% or better
on their presentation or
 beat the international average on the overall score for the last
year of competition using the BBA Capstone Business Strategy
Game by GLO-BUS Software, Inc.
Performance Targets/Criteria for Indirect Measures:
3) Question 5a “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Preparation for a Career”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good,5=Outstanding)
4) Question 5b “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Intellectual Challenge”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
3) Question 9 “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehension
and/or skills”
a) The School of Business & Technology faculty will rate
consistently at less than 2 (lower scores are best)
Student Learning Information for Bachelor of Business Administration - Finance
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
Twenty-four BBA Finance students took Financial Management course scored an average of 84% on the written
Thirteen BBA Finance students (Two out of the Thirteen were double majors, Accounting/Finance) took the CBE exam
scored an average of 63.46% on the CBE Finance Domain
Not Met
Thirteen BBA Finance students (Two out of the Thirteen were double majors, Accounting/Finance) took the CBE
exam scored an average of 53.85% on the CBE Legal Domain
Thirteen BBA Finance students (Two out of the Thirteen were double majors, Accounting/Finance) took the CBE
exam scored an average of 64.10% on the CBE Social Domain
Thirteen BBA Finance students (Two out of the Thirteen were double majors, Accounting/Finance) took the CBE
exam scored an average of 74.36% on the CBE International and Global Domain
2 out of 3 BBA-Finance student teams who took the capstone course exceeded the international average on the Capstone
Business Strategy Game.
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
Not Met
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA-Finance students rated Question 5a: “How do you rate your business degree
in terms of Preparation for Career” mean rating at 3.69 out of 5.
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA-Finance students rated Question 5b “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Intellectual Challenge” mean rating at 3.69 out of 5.
On the Course Instructor Evaluation, Question 9, the School of Business & Technology faculty rated 1.79 out
of 5 (lower scores are best) on the Question “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehensive and/or skills
Proposed Courses of Action for Improvement in Areas for which Performance Targets Were Not Met:
Our faculty are very concerned that the students feel that the programs do not help them prepare for their careers, faculty will seek to implement in
their courses to show the importance of this material of preparing for the career.
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes – Bachelor of Business Administration - Management
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning
Performance Targets/Criteria for Direct Measures:
Students will score an average of 70% or better on the written
Written paper/presentation from the Human Resource Management paper/presentation from the Human Resource Management course
Direct Measures BBA- Management
 Students will score an average of 70% or better on the CBE
Comprehensive Business Exam (CBE)
Management Domain
 Students will score an average of 60% or better on each of the
CBE Legal, Social, and International and Global Domains
Direct Measures BBA- Management
 Students in the capstone course will either score 70% or better
Capstone course: either Team presentation/business simulation game
on their presentation or
 beat the international average on the overall score for the last
year of competition using the BBA Capstone Business Strategy
Game by GLO-BUS Software, Inc.
Direct Measures BBA-Management
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning
Indirect Measures BBA-Management
BBA Exit Questionnaire
Indirect Measures BBA-Management
Course Instructor Evaluation
Performance Targets/Criteria for Indirect Measures:
5) Question 5a “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Preparation for a Career”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good,5=Outstanding)
6) Question 5b “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Intellectual Challenge”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
4) Question 9 “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehension
and/or skills”
a) The School of Business & Technology faculty will rate
consistently at less than 2 (lower scores are best)
Student Learning Information for Bachelor of Business Administration - Management
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
Not Met
Nine BBA-Management students took the CBE exam scored an average of 67.41% on the CBE Management Domain
Nine BBA-Management students took the CBE exam scored an average of 48.15% on the CBE Legal Domain
Nine BBA-Management students took the CBE exam scored an average of 62.96% on the CBE Social Domain
Nine BBA-Management students took the CBE exam scored an average of 65.43% on the CBE International and Global
4 out of 7 BBA-Management student teams who took the capstone course exceeded the international average on the
Capstone Business Strategy Game.
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA-Management students rated Question 5a: “How do you rate your business
degree in terms of Preparation for Career” mean rating at 3.78 out of 5.
Not Met
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA-Management students rated Question 5b:“How do you rate your business degree in
terms of “Intellectual Challenge” mean rating at 4.11 out of 5.
On the Course Instructor Evaluation, Question 9, the School of Business & Technology faculty rated 1.79 out
of 5 (lower scores are best) on the Question “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehensive and/or skills
Proposed Courses of Action for Improvement in Areas for which Performance Targets Were Not Met:
Our faculty are very concerned that the students feel that the programs do not help them prepare for their careers, faculty will seek to implement in
their courses to show the importance of this material of preparing for the career.
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes – Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning
Direct Measures BBA-Marketing
Written paper/presentation from the Services Marketing course
Direct Measures BBA- Marketing
Comprehensive Business Exam (CBE)
Direct Measures BBA- Marketing
Capstone course: either Team presentation/business simulation game
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning
Indirect Measures BBA-Marketing
BBA Exit Questionnaire
Indirect Measures BBA-Marketing
Course Instructor Evaluation
Performance Targets/Criteria for Direct Measures:
Students will score an average of 70% or better on the written
paper/presentation from the Services Marketing course
 Students will score an average of 70% or better on the CBE
Marketing Domain
 Students will score an average of 60% or better on each of the
CBE Legal, Social, and International and Global Domains
 Students in the capstone course will either score 70% or better
on their presentation or
 beat the international average on the overall score for the last
year of competition using the BBA Capstone Business Strategy
Game by GLO-BUS Software, Inc.
Performance Targets/Criteria for Indirect Measures:
7) Question 5a “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Preparation for a Career”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good,5=Outstanding)
8) Question 5b “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Intellectual Challenge”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
5) Question 9 “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehension
and/or skills”
a) The School of Business & Technology faculty will rate
consistently at less than 2 (lower scores are best)
Student Learning Information for Bachelor of Business Administration - Marketing
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
Twelve BBA Marketing students took Services Marketing course scored an average of 86% on the written
Five BBA-Marketing students took the CBE exam scored an average of 75.00% on the CBE Marketing Domain
Five BBA-Marketing students took the CBE exam scored an average of 50.00% on the CBE Legal Domain
Not Met
Five BBA-Marketing students took the CBE exam scored an average of 53.33% on the CBE Social Domain
Five BBA-Marketing students took the CBE exam scored an average of 62.22% on the CBE International and Global
2 out of 2 BBA-Marketing student teams who took the capstone course exceeded the international average on the
Capstone Business Strategy Game.
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA-Marketing students rated Question 5a: “How do you rate your business degree
in terms of Preparation for Career” mean rating at 3.8 out of 5.
On the Exit Questionnaire, BBA-Marketing students rated Question 5b“How do you rate your business degree in terms
of “Intellectual Challenge” mean rating at 3.8 out of 5.
On the Course Instructor Evaluation, Question 9, the School of Business & Technology faculty rated 1.79 out of 5 (lower
scores are best) on the Question “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehensive and/or skills
Not Met
Proposed Courses of Action for Improvement in Areas for which Performance Targets Were Not Met:
Our faculty are very concerned that the students feel that the programs do not help them prepare for their careers, faculty will seek to implement in their
courses to show the importance of this material of preparing for the career.
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes – Master of Business Administration
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning
Direct Measures Master of Business Administration
ETS Master of Business Administration Exam
Direct Measures Master of Business Administration
Pre- and Post Program Exam
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning
Indirect Measures Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration Exit Questionnaire
Indirect Measures Master of Business Administration
Course Instructor Evaluation
Performance Targets/Criteria for Direct Measures:
Meet or exceed the National Average on the ETS Exam
Students will show a 30% improvement on their Post-test vs. Pre-test
scores or score an 80% on the Post-test.
Performance Targets/Criteria for Indirect Measures:
1) Question 4a “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Preparation for a Career”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
2) Question 4b “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Intellectual Challenge”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
3) Question 4c “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“If employed, enhancing your career”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
6) Question 9 “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehension
and/or skills”
a) The School of Business & Technology faculty will rate
consistently at less than 2 (lower scores are best)
Student Learning Information for Master of Business Administration
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
Ten Master of Business Administration students took the ETS exam with a mean score of 245; the national mean was
248.9 so therefore our students scored 98.43% of the national average.
Master of Business Administration students showed a 40% improvement on their Post-test vs. Pre-test scores or scored
an 75% on the Post-test
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
Began Summer 2011 No
Results yet
Performance Target Was…
On the Exit Questionnaire, Master of Business Administration students rated Question 4a: “How do you rate your
Not Met
Not Met
business degree in terms of Preparation for Career” mean rating at 3.88 out of 5.
On the Exit Questionnaire, Master of Business Administration students rated Question 4b“How do you rate your business
degree in terms of “Intellectual Challenge” mean rating at 4.13 out of 5.
On the Exit Questionnaire, Master of Business Administration students rated Question 4c “How do you rate your
business degree in terms of “If employed, enhancing your career” mean rating at 3.88 out of 5.
On the Course Instructor Evaluation, Question 9, the School of Business & Technology faculty rated 1.70 out of 5 (lower
scores are best) on the Question “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehensive and/or skills
Proposed Courses of Action for Improvement in Areas for which Performance Targets Were Not Met:
Our faculty are very concerned that the students feel that the programs do not help them prepare for their careers, faculty will seek to implement in
their courses to show the importance of this material of preparing for the career.
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes – Master of Science in Management
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Direct Measures of Student Learning
Performance Targets/Criteria for Direct Measures:
Direct Measures Master of Science in Management Program
Case Study Exit Exam
80% will score average or above on knowledge and communications
rubrics on the Case Study Exit Exam
Direct Measures Master of Science in Management Program
Pre- and Post Program Exam
Students will show a 30% improvement on their Post-test vs. Pre-test
scores or score an 70% on the Post-test
Assessment Tools/Methods for Intended Student Learning Outcomes—
Indirect Measures of Student Learning
Performance Targets/Criteria for Indirect Measures:
Indirect Measures Master of Science in Management Program
Master of Science in Management Exit Questionnaire
1) Question 5a “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Preparation for a Career”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
2) Question 5b “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“Intellectual Challenge”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
3) Question 5c “How do you rate your business degree in terms of
“If employed, enhancing your career”:
a) The responses will have mean of at least 4. (1=Poor,
2=Below Average, 3=Average, 4=Good, 5=Outstanding)
Indirect Measures Master of Science in Management
Course Instructor Evaluations
Question 9 “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehension and/or
The School of Business & Technology faculty will rate
consistently at less than 2 (lower scores are best)
Student Learning Information for Master of Science in Management
Summary of Results from Implementing Direct Measures of Student Learning:
Performance Target Was…
Case Study Master of Science in Management, scored 80% average or above on knowledge and communications rubrics.
Master of Science in Management students showed a 40% improvement on their Post-test vs. Pre-test scores or scored
75% on the Post-test
Summary of Results from Implementing Indirect Measures of Student Learning:
Not Met
Begins 2011 No Results
Performance Target Was…
On the Exit Questionnaire, Master of Science in Management rated Question 5a: “How do you rate your business degree
in terms of Preparation for Career” mean rating at 4.0 out of 5.
On the Exit Questionnaire, Master of Science in Management students rated Question 5b:“How do you rate your business
degree in terms of “Intellectual Challenge” mean rating at 4.0 out of 5.
On the Exit Questionnaire, Master of Science in Management students rated Question 5c “How do you rate your business
degree in terms of “If employed, enhancing your career” mean rating at 4.0 out of 5
On the Course Instructor Evaluation, Question 9, the School of Business & Technology faculty rated 1.7 out of 5 (lower
scores are best) on the Question “Course expanded my knowledge, comprehensive and/or skills
Proposed Courses of Action for Improvement in Areas for which Performance Targets Were Not Met:
Our faculty are very concerned that the students feel that the programs do not help them prepare for their careers, faculty will seek to implement in their
courses to show the importance of this material of preparing for the career.