UNIT 9 SYLLABUS Prosperity & Depression (1919

Prosperity & Depression (1919-1939
Goal 9: Prosperity and Depression (1919-1939)-- The learner will appraise the economic,
social, and political changes of the decades of “The Twenties” and “The Thirties”.
 9.01: Elaborate on the cycle of economic boom and bust in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
 9.02: Analyze the extent of prosperity for different segments of society during this period.
 9.03: Analyze the significance of social, intellectual and technological changes of lifestyle in the United States.
 9.04: Describe challenges to traditional practices in religion, race, and gender.
 9.05: Describe Assess the impact of the New Deal reforms in enlarging the role of the federal government in
American life.
Stations Activity
Normalcy-Harlem Renaissance
Watch Great Gatsby
Watch Great Gatsby
Finish Vocabulary Flashcards
Causes of Great Depression Activity
Finish Vocabulary Flashcards
Great Depression
Finish Vocabulary Flashcards
New Deal
Finish Vocabulary Flashcards
New Deal
Finish Cornell Notes
New Deal
Watch Cinderella Man
Unit 9 Cornell Notes Due
Unit 9 Vocabulary Flashcards Due
Unit 9 Test
People (pink)
1.Albert Fall- Secretary of Interior arrested for selling government lands to private interests in the Tea Pot Dome
2.Langston Hughes- Harlem Renaissance poet
3.Louis Armstrong/Duke Ellington- Harlem Renaissance Jazz Musicians
4.F. Scott Fitzgerald/ Ernest Hemingway/ Sinclair Lewis - Authors that criticized the 20’s lifestyle; considered
The Lost Generation because they came of age during WWI
5.Babe Ruth- Famous baseball player from the 20’s and 30’s
6.Charles Lindbergh- First to fly solo across Atlantic Ocean
7.Zora Neal Hurston- Harlem Renaissance writer
8.Marcus Garvey- African American politician who founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association & “Back
to Africa Movement”
9.(Put these 2 people on the same circle)Aimee Semple McPherson- Fundamentalist preacher—drove around the
“Gospel Car”; Billy Sunday- Fundamentalist preacher, former baseball player
10.John Maynard Keynes- Believed in deficit spending—FDR did this to fund the New Deal
11.Bootleggers- Sold alcohol illegally
12.Father Charles Coughlin- Critic of FDR’s New Deal—said we needed to tax wealthy
13.Huey P. Long- Critic of FDR’s New Deal—said every man should be a King—SOCIALIST
14.Frances Perkins-first woman in the Cabinet (FDR’s)—Secretary of Labor
15.Janette Rankin-first woman in Congress—Pacifist who voted against US entry into WWI
16.Flapper-20’s woman—short hair, short dresses, no stockings, drank, smoked, danced to jazz; symbolized the
changing woman post-WWI
17.Al Capone-1920’s gangster and bootlegger
18.Amelia Earhart- First woman to fly solo across the Atlantic
19.Henry Ford-perfected the assembly line; Creator of Ford Motor Company and the Model T; increased his workers
wages and reduced the workday to keep his workers satisfied, productive, loyal, and minimized union organizers
20.Wilbur & Orville Wright-first Americans credited with building the first successful airplane & making the first
21.Ohio Gang-President Harding’s group of poker playing, friends that he appointed to government positions
22.Sacco & Venzetti-2 Italian immigrants, believed to be Anarchists, accused of murder, and executed; symbolized
the nativism post-WWI
Literature/Supreme Court Cases (yellow)
23.Lost Generation- Referring to authors from the 1920’s—Hemingway, F Scott Fitzgerald, John Steinbeck
24.Great Gatsby-written by F Scott Fitzgerald criticizing the frivolous lifestyles of people in the 1920’s
25.Grapes of Wrath-written by John Steinbeck about the hardship that farmers faced during the dust bowl and their
migration to California to work in the fruit industry
Economics (Orange)
26.Deficit Spending- Government should spend money it does not have to jumpstart the economy—FDR did this to
fund New Deal
27.Speculation- Buy low sell high
28.Buying on the Margin- only pay part of share of stock—get loan from broker
29.Bank Holidays- Close banks and reopen once government inspectors said they were stable
30.“Black Tuesday” 10/29/29- Day when stock market took steepest dive
31.Credit/Installment Plan-Buy now pay later; pay back in small sums each month
32.Overproduction- Making more than people are buying which means you are not making money and have to lay off
your workers
Laws/Policy (green)
33.Volstead Act-law to enforce the 18th Amendment
34.Social Security Act 1935- Provided pension for unemployed, disabled, elderly—started by Dr. Francis Townsend
35.Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)- Insured your deposits at the bank—to restore confidence in
36.Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)- Regulates the stock market—no more buying on the margin
37.Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)-put men to work in conservation jobs Ex: planting trees in dustbowl areas,
restoring parks
38.Public Works Administration (PWA)/ Works Progress Administration (WPA)- Put lots of people to work
Ex: artists, photographers, historians
39.Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)- Paid farmers to kill livestock/crops to raise prices-- Found unconstitutional
40.Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)- Power energy to Southern regions
41.National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)- Set work hours and created more jobs
42.National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)- Said workers could join unions-- Kept employers from breaking up
43.Emergency Banking Relief Act-closed banks (bank holidays); sent in government inspectors to make sure banks
were stable to reopen
44.New Deal-FDR’s plan to end the Great Depression; set the precedent for the federal government to intervene in
times of economic depression (Big Government)
Other Important Vocabulary (Blue)
45.“Return to Normalcy” - Time period following WWI—return to normal
46.Teapot Dome Scandal 1922- Secretary of Interior Albert Fall leased out Naval Oil Reserves to private interests
47.Mechanization- Machines start taking over tasks in factories
48.Rugged Individualism- Term used by Hoover saying individuals could succeed with minimal government aid
49.Hoovervilles- Shantytowns named because people blamed Hoover
50.Soup Kitchens/Breadlines- Places people went for food
51.Jazz- Popular music in the 20’s
52. “The Jazz Singer” –First talking movie
53.Speakeasies- Secret bars
54.Automobiles- Very popular in 20’s because of mass advertising and mechanization—Henry Ford
55.FDR’s “Fireside Chats- FDR’s radio talks with the American People reassuring them
56.United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA)- Founded by Marcus Garvey to work for Civil Rights
57.Fundamentalism- Christian movement in the 1920’s that fought against the “Roaring Twenties” culture
58.Scopes Monkey Trial 1925- Convicted teacher of teaching evolution which was illegal in Tennessee at the time;
represented the clash of values in the 20’s; William Jennings Bryan was the prosecuting attorney (remember him from
the Populist Movement?)
59.Eugenics- Scientific movement to limit “bad traits” in people
60.Bonus Marches- WWI vets march on Washington demanding their bonuses during Depression
61.Roosevelt’s First 100 Days- Where he puts in place his first New Deal programs and reorganizes the bank
62.Court Packing Plan-Because Republican justices were finding his New Deal programs unconstitutional, he wanted
to up the number of Justices and appoint Liberal (Democrat) justices
63.Dust Bowl-result of drought conditions in the Great Plains & wind storms stirred up the dust, burying farms;
occurred during the Great Depression
64.Impact of the Automobile-allowed for new businesses like garages and gas stations; growth of suburbia,
connected rural America to the cities
65.Impact of the Radio-people could hear the President’s voice for the first time
66.“The Business of American is Business” & “The man who builds a factory builds a temple and the man
who works there, worships there”-President Coolidge quotes that reflect the focus on business through the 1920’s
67.“A Chicken in Every Pot and a Car in Every Garage”-President Hoover quote that reflects prosperity of 20’s
68.“The Only Thing we have to Fear is Fear Itself”-part of FDR’s Inaugural Address to bring hope and prompt
action to deal with the Depression
69. The Great Depression (1929-1941)-deepest depression of the 20th Century, starting with the Stock Market Crash
in 1929; ended with US entry into WWII
70.Harlem Renaissance-flowering of African American Arts
71.Prohibition-evolved from the temperance movement to make alcohol illegal—resulted in the 18th Amendment