Creating Common Ground Se p tember 29 - October 1, 2004 Albuquerque, New Mexico ...we focus too often on what divides us. At the Southwest Conference on Disability, we explore what we have in common, and how we can create a mutual agenda that goes beyond a particular perspective, group or disability... Dear Conference Participant: On behalf of the dozens of people who have conference, Conference o n Disability! Each year, we meet to focus on and explo common. One of the driving fo rces behind ou us to learn from each other, to talk with each o There’smoretotheconferencethansesions,however.Stopbytheartexhibitonorganized by VSA / North “Hands-On” will feature music honoring peopl but what we have in to provide an opportunity for as, concerns and hopes. ista del Norte ro razos Room on the second floor. Our lunches and receptions Mexi co’s best musicians, and we’ll be presenting awards signifi cant co ntributions to disability studies or advocacy. This year, we’re pleased to acknowledge o ur many national and stat contributed time, money or other resources to m ake the conference a success. They are listed in the program and also on banners in the Anasazi B allroom. We thank them for their support. We also have some big news for the 2005 confe rence: we’re moving to the Albuquerque Conventi on Center. We’ll miss the Wyndham Hotel - for four years the hotel staff has truly gone the extra mile to understand what it takes to hold a conference on disability and work wit h conference staff. However, the conference has outgrown the hotel. The goo d news is that the cial conference hotel for 2005, the Doubletree, is owned by the same company that owns the Wyndham. Look for more details on the conference in your conference bag. Anthony G. Cahill Center for Development and Disability Susan Gray Office on Disability and Health Mary Beresford Governor’s Commission on Disability Need Information or Help? Conference staff are wearing green name badges and yellow and red Zia lapel pins. If you need help or information, just look for one of these people. They’ll be glad to help! Fragrance Free Event The conference is a fragrance free event to accommodate those with chemical sensitivities. For the safety and comfort of those with chemical and environmental sensitivities, please refrain from wearing perfumes, colognes, or scented products such as after-shave, hair spray, etc. Thanks! Conference Evaluation Please help us improve the conference by completing the evaluation form included in the registration packet and depositing it in the box at the registration desk. Audio-Visual Equipment If you’re a speaker and need assistance with audio-visual equipment, please see a member of the conference staff. They’ll direct you to the conference technology support staff person who can help. Accommodations We have available Braille programs, large type programs, sign language interpreters, raised tables to accommodate wheel chairs, and accessible parking. Please see a member of the conference staff if you would like assistance with any of these accommodations. CEUs / CRCs For information about obtaining continuing education units (CEUs or CRCs), please stop at the conference registration desk. James Conroy, Ph.D. Center for Outcome Analysis What Have 10 Years of Self-Determination Experience Taught Us About Quality? James Conroy is the President and Executive Director of the Center for Outcome Analysis, Inc. in Havertown, Pennsylvania, which specializes in disability, health care, and long term care studies. He received his Ph.D. in Medical Sociology from Temple University, a Master of Arts in Sociology from Temple University, and a Bachelors degree in Psychology from Yale University. Scott J. Modell, Ph.D. California State University, Sacramento Disability & the Criminal Justice System: A World Apart Scott J. Modell is an Associate Professor at California State University, Sacramento. He is an expert in disability and has presented at numerous international and national conferences on a variety of disability issues. Dr. Modell has been researching and publishing on disability for the past 8 years. His current research focus is on dependent adults and their interactions with the criminal justice system. Arnold W. Thomas, M.S.W. Shoshone-Paiute Tribes I Want to Live! Arnold William Thomas is a member of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Indian Reservation of Idaho and Nevada. For the last 10 years, he has been speaking to communities in the United States and Canada on social issues that directly affect people on a daily basis. He combines personal experience and research data to convey his message. James H. Rimmer, Ph.D. National Center on Physical Activity & Disability Striving to Bring People with Disabilities to the Forefront of Fitness & Health Jim Rimmer is a Professor in the Department of Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Director of the National Center on Physical Activity and Disability, and is currently directing a federally funded Center on Health Promotion Research for Persons with Disabilities. He is also a member of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Board for LifeFitness Academy. “Celebrating Access and the Arts,” sponsored by VSA’s North Fourth Art Center, will feature work by some of the best New Mexico artists with disabilities. Eight artists have been chosen to exhibit their works during the conference, including Jemez Springs artist Linda Vi Vona, whose graphic image was chosen as the representation of the conference theme. Ms. Vi Vona has been a working artist for over 35 years. Her work is included in private, corporate and museum collections throughout the country. The exhibition will be open daily in the Vista del Norte room. Artists: Brooks Bedwell Dee Martinez No.B.Coe Adam Smith Angeler Tripajayakorn Fran Whiteside Linda Vi Vona Dana Van Westrienen Experience the Arts! Celebrating Access and the Arts All ages, all abilities VSA’s North Forth Art Center Americorps Members are hosting a hands-on art activity space daily in the Brazos room on the second floor. Create a colorful treasure for yourself or stop by to see and contribute to the collaborative “Creating Common Ground” work in progress being created during the conference. North Fourth Art Center nurtures and celebrates the creative spirit of people of all abilities through education, outreach, exhibits and performances. It is dedicated to inclusivity and promoting contemporary art with a social message. Map of Hotel Meeting Rooms N otes The entrance to the Valle Grande II breakout room is through the service hallway next to the Chaco Ballroom. Meals and receptions will be held in the Anasazi Ballroom. Tuesday September 28th 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Pre-Conference ADA Training Workshop (prior registration required) Sponsored by the Governor’s Commission on Disability 4:00 – 8:00 PM Early Bird Registration Wednesday September 29th 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Registration and Conference Check-in (Pick-up conference materials and name badge) 8:15 AM – 9:15 AM Continental Breakfast 9:15 – 9:45 AM Welcome and Introductions Anasazi Ballroom 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Vista del Norte Art Exhibit: Celebrating Access and the Arts Sponsored by VSA’s North Fourth Art Center Brazos Room “Hands-On Art” Workshop With VSA / North Fourth Art Center 9:45 – 11:15 AM Anasazi Ballroom Opening Plenary Address What Have Ten Years of Self-Determination Experience Taught Us About Quality? James W. Conroy President, Center for Outcome Analysis, Havertown, Pennsylvania 11:15 AM – 12:45 PM Lunch – Awards Presentations The Outstanding Student Award The Charlotte Toulouse Award for Contributions to Communication Between People with Disabilities and Disability Researchers 12:45 – 2:00 PM Concurrent Sessions Chaco Three-Part Series - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at Fourteen: How Is the Law Being Applied? Part I – The ADA: Current Issues & Hot Topics (Part II – Wednesday at 4:15 PM / Part I I I – Thursday at 8:45 AM) J. Aaron McCullough Legal Specialist, Disability Law Resource Project, Houston Rachel Kosoy Deputy Director, Disability Law Resource Project, Houston Tijeras Valle Grande II Valle Grande I It’s a Deaf, Deaf World Lisa McNiven Client Services Coordinator, Community Outreach Program for the Deaf Bonnie Smith Lavender Light Formations Including People with Disabilities in Survey Research: Nothing About Us Without Us Sharon Durant Bureau of Transportation Statistics, US Department of Transportation, Washington, DC In Consideration of People with Environmental Illnesses: Discovering the Common Ground Don Shapiro President, New Mexico Healthy Housing Coalition 2:00 – 2:30 PM Break 2:30 – 3:45 PM Concurrent Sessions t Forces – DanceAbility Project Alito Alessi Chaco Join Director, DanceAbility Project, Eugene, Oregon Emery Blackwell Dancer and Co-instructor, DanceAbility Project, Eugene, Oregon Valle Grande I Universal Design – Changing the Way We Design Homes Gil Yildiz Executive Director, Independent Living Resource Center, Albuquerque Elizabeth Dwyer Housing Planner, City of Albuquerque, Family & Community Services Rebecca Ingram Rebecca Ingram Architect Valle Grande II Tijeras 3:45 – 4:15 PM Partnering with People with Disabilities and Communities Moderator: Judith Liddell Associate Director, University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability Judith Stevens Director, Community Support Alliance, Center for Development and Disability Jon Peterson Self Advocate Sandra Skaar Program Coordinator, Information Center for New Mexicans with Disabilities Alvino Sandoval Program Coordinator, Project Pueblo Connections Tanya Baker McCue Director, Family Support Services, Center for Development & Disability Tobacco and Secondary Disability Prevention Coletta Reid Director, STOMP (Stop Tobacco on My People), New Mexico Debbie Vigil Coordinator, STOMP, New Mexico Kay Wilson San Juan Center for Independence Carla Baron Special Projects Coordinator, Independent Living Resource Center, Albuquerque Mathew Herrera Peer Mentor, San Juan Center for Independence, Farmington, New Mexico Break Concurrent Sessions 4:15 – 5:30 PM Chaco Three-Part Series - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at Fourteen: How Is the Law Being Applied? Part II – All About Reasonable Accommodations: What Are They? Who Is Entitled to Them? What Is the Process to Provide Them? (Part II I – Thursday at 8:45 AM) J. Aaron McCullough Legal Specialist, Disability Law Resource Project, Houston Rachel Kosoy Deputy Director, Disability Law Resource Project, Houston Tuesday September 28th 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM 4:00 PM - 8:00 PM Pre-Conference ADA Training Workshop (prior registration required) sponsored by NM Governor’s Commission on Disability Early Bird Registration Wednesday September 29th 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM 8:15 - 9:15 AM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Registration and Check-In Continental Breakfast Art Exhibit: Celebration Access & the Arts - Vista Del Norte 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9:15 - 9:45 AM 9:45 - 11:15 AM 11:15 - 12:45 PM “Hands-On Art” Workshop - Brazos Room (2nd Floor) Welcome and Introductions Opening Plenary Address: What Have Ten Years of Self-Determination Experience Taught Us About Quality? Lunch & Awards 2:00 -2:30 PM Break 12:45 - 2:00 PM Concurrent Sessions ADA at Fourteen: Part 1 - Current Issues & Hot Topics It’s a Deaf, Deaf World Including People with Disabilities in Survey Research In Consideration of People with Environmental Illnesses 3:45 - 4:15 PM Break 2:30 - 3:45 PM Concurrent Sessions Joint Forces - DanceAbility Project Universal Design - Changing the Way We Design Homes Partnering with People with Disabilities and Communities Tobacco and Secondary Disability Prevention 5:30 - 7:00 PM Opening Reception 4:15 - 5:30 PM Concurrent Sessions ADA at Fourteen: Part 2 - Reasonable Accommodations Self-Direction and Guardianship Alternative Approaches to Stress Management Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention Efforts in New Mexico 7:00 PM Disability Advocates Meeting Thursday September 30th 7:45 - 8:45 AM 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Continental Breakfast / Registration and Check-in Art Exhibit: Celebrating Access & the Arts 8:45 - 10:00 AM Concurrent Sessions ADA at Fourteen: Part 3 - Native Americans & Disability Law Community Means All People (MAP) Project Personal Safety and Violence Prevention Training for People with Disabilities Successful Transition to College for Youth with Disabilities Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center Disability and Health Team, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention American Association on Health and Disability State of New Mexico Public Education Department Division of Vocational Rehabilitation New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Planning Council New Mexico Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons New Mexico Statewide Independent Living Council Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services - University of New Mexico Thursday September 30th (Continued) 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 10:00 -10:30 AM 10:30 - 11:45 AM 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM 1:15 - 2:30 PM 3:45 - 4:15 PM “Hands-On Art” Workshop Break Plenary Session: Disability and the Criminal Justice System: A World Apart Lunch & Awards Plenary Session: I Want to Live! Break 2:30 - 3:45 PM Concurrent Sessions Defining “Disability” Living Single and Independent with Paraplegia A Best Practices Action Plan for Children with ASD Facilitating Job Retention for Direct Support Professionals 5:30 - 7:00 PM 4:15 - 5:30 PM Reception and Student Research Poster Session Concurrent Sessions Working Disabled Individuals How to Be Successful As a Person with a Disability Disability and Abuse: What Can Be Done? Accessible & Universal Technology Friday October 1 st 7:15 - 8:15 AM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Continental Breakfast / Registration and Check-in Art Exhibit: Celebrating Access & the Arts 8:15 - 930 AM Concurrent Sessions SMILEY - Yoga Healthy Transition: A Team Approach Building Social Skills IT Accessibility - 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM 9:30 - 10:00 AM 10:00 - 11:15 AM “Hands-On Art” Workshop Break Concurrent Sessions Voces de Transicion (Voices of Transition) Finding Quality Health Information on the Internet Preserve & Expand Home & Community-Based Services Crisis Response: A Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach 11:15 - 11:45 AM 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM Break Concurrent Sessions Special Programs - Can Fill in the Gaps in Service Delivery My Mentors - My Map Traumatic Brain Injury: From Early Childhood to Adulthood Breast Cancer Awareness - Women with Physical Disabilities 1:00 - 2:45 PM Lunch & Closing Plenary Address: NCPAD: Striving to Bring People with Disabilities to the Forefront of Fitness and Health 2:45 PM Adjournment Valle Grande I Tijeras Self-Direction and Guardianship Ling Faith-Heuertz Guardianship Program, The Arc of New Mexico Alternative Approaches to Stress Management for People with Disabilities Moderator: Carla Baron Special Projects Coordinator, Independent Living Resource Center, Albuquerque Cathleen Cain Psychotherapist Melissa K. Stockton Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncturist Maurice Martin Advocate for Disability Rights, Martial Artist Valle Grande II 5:30 – 7:00 PM Anasazi Ballroom 7:00 PM Valle Grande I Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention Efforts in New Mexico: How You Can Help Prevent This Birth Defect Jerome Romero Director, New Mexico State Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Prevention Program University of New Mexico Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions Opening Reception Music by Mariachi Nuevo Sonido Disability Advocates Meeting Come join us to discuss a disability agenda for the 2005 New Mexico Legislative session including; Medicaid, Long Term Services, Independent Living, Accessible and Affordable Housing and other issues. Thursday September 30th 7:45 AM – 4:15 PM Registration and Conference Check-in 7:45 – 8:45 AM Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Vista del Norte Art Exhibit: Celebrating Access and the Arts Sponsored by VSA’s North Fourth Art Center Brazos Room “Hands-On Art” Workshop With VSA / North Fourth Art Center 8:45 – 10:00 AM Concurrent Sessions Chaco Valle Grande I Three-Part Series - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) at Fourteen: How Is the Law Being Applied? Part III – Native Americans and Federal Disability Law: Which Laws Apply When and Where? Rachel Kosoy Deputy Director, Disability Law Resource Project, Houston Julie Ballinger Organizational Consultant, Region VI Rehabilitation Continuing Education Center Community Means All People (MAP) Project Moderator: Randy Costales Project Director, The Arc of New Mexico Rebecca Shuman Executive Director, The Arc of New Mexico Priscilla Salinas Anthony Coalition Coordinator and Parent, The Arc of New Mexico Phyllis Shingle Farmington Coalition Coordinator and Parent Trish Gull Roswell Coordinator and Parent, The Arc of Roswell Darlene Hunter Socorro Coordinator and Parent Tijeras Personal Safety and Violence Prevention Training for Individuals with Disabilities Tanya Doriss Executive Director, IMPACT Personal Safety, Santa Fe Valle Grande II Making the Successful Transition to College for Youth with Disabilities Moderator: Ginger Blalock University of New Mexico School of Education Students with Disabilities Preparing for Post-Secondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities Mike Sentel Attorney, US Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Denver Patty Perez Equal Opportunity Specialist, US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights, Denver College Transition for Students with Disabilities Julie A. Yindra Director of Disability Services, Greensboro College, North Carolina 10:00 – 10:30 AM Break 10:30 – 11:45 AM Anasazi Ballroom Plenary Session Disability and the Criminal Justice System: A World Apart Scott J. Modell Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Health Science California State University, Sacramento 11:45 AM – 1:15 PM Lunch – Awards Presentations The Community Involvement Award The David J. Jackson Distinguished Research Award 1:15 – 2:30 PM Anasazi Ballroom Plenary Session I Want to Live! Arnold W. Thomas Shoshone-Paiute Tribes, Duck Valley Reservation, Owyhee, Nevada 2:30 – 3:45 PM Concurrent Sessions Valle Grande I Defining “Disability:” How Do We Define It and What Difference Does It Make? Moderator: JoAnn Thierry Disability and Health Program, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention A Service-Based Approach to Defining Disability Pat Putnam Executive Director, New Mexico Developmental Disabilities Planning Council Gary Haug Gary Haug Consulting A Population-Based Approach to Defining Disability: Health Inequalities and People with Disabilities Heidi Fredine Associate Scientist, Disability and Health Policy Resources Unit University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability Jennifer Daniel Survey Epidemiologist, New Mexico Department of Health Valle Grande II Living Single and Independent with Paraplegia Wesley R. Bayless Engineer and architectural designer, Rio Rancho, New Mexico Chaco A Best Practices Action Plan for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Promoting Health Systems Change Catherine McClain Director, University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability Patricia Osbourn Director, Neurodevelopmental Division University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability Patricia Peebles Research Information Specialist University of New Mexico Center for Development and Disability Tijeras Facilitating Job Retention for Direct Support Professionals: Exploring Effective Statewide and National Interventions Alejandro Moralez Health Educator, University of New Mexico School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics, Continuum of Care Project Clara Holguin University of New Mexico Graduate Student in Public Administration Clark Hardgrave Developmental Disability Direct Care 3:45 – 4:15 PM Break 4:15 – 5:30 PM Valle Grande II Tijeras How Concurrent Sessions Working Disabled Individuals Orlando Vasquez New Mexico Human Services Department Medical Assistance Division, WDI Program Mark Lailes New Mexico Human Services Department Medical Assistance Division, WDI Program John Fullinwider New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to Be Successful As a Person with a Disability RoseMarie Sanchez Disability Advocate and Parent Marilyn Martinez Disability Activist Nannie Sanchez Disability Activist Chaco Disability and Abuse: What Can Be Done? Scott J. Modell Associate Professor, Kinesiology and Health Science California State University, Sacramento Valle Grande I 5:30 – 7:00 PM Accessible and Universal Technology from Work Station to Distance Education Andrew Winnegar Director, New Mexico Technology Assistance Program Evelyn Martinez New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) Reception and Student Research Poster Session Anasazi Ballroom Celtic music by Eagle’s Whistle Student Research Poster Presentations Friday October 1s t 7:15 – 11:45 AMRegistration and Conference Check-in 7:15 – 8:15 AM Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Art Exhibit: Celebrating Access and the Arts Sponsored by VSA’s North Fourth Art Center Vista del Norte Brazos Room 8:15 – 9:30 AM Chaco “Hands-On Art” Workshop With VSA / North Fourth Art Center Americorps Members Concurrent Sessions SMILEY: Sensory Motor Integration and Language Enhancement with Yoga Moderator: April Merrilee Pediatric Occupational Therapist Diann Tator Pediatric Speech and Language Pathologist Tijeras Healthy Transition: A Team Approach Vickie Chapman New Mexico Commission for the Blind Pam Stafford Connections LLC Nick Saavedra Self Darlene Saavedra Advocate Parent John Bastian Michelle Lopez Transition Specialist VI Teacher, Albuquerque High Albuquerque High Michael Grange Lillian Jaramillo ACCESS, Transition Teacher ACCESS, Community Support Liaison Valle Grande II Valle Grande I Building Social Skills: Social Stories as a Way to Restructure Current Social Knowledge in People with an Intellectual Disability Ian Gilmour Clinical Services Manager, Counseling Services of Belleville & District, Ontario, Canada IT Accessibility – is a Tool to Help with Information Technology (IT) Accessibility and Policy J. Aaron McCullough Attorney, Disability Law Resource Project, Houston 9:30 – 10:00 AM Break 10:00 – 11:15 AM Chaco Concurrent Sessions Voces de Transicion (Voices of Transition) From Albuquerque Public Schools Transition Services: Marilyn D’Ottavio, Transition Services Coordinator Donna Crockett, Resource Teacher Wesa Ramsey, Resource Teacher Jana Murphy, Job Developer Tish Tyler, Work Study Coordinator Albuquerque Public School Students Valle Grande I Information for Everyone: Finding Quality Health Information on the Internet Ingrid Hendrix UNM Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center Tijeras Freedom Now: Why We Should Preserve and Expand Home & Community-Based Services Moderator: Migdalia Macsam People with Disabilities Independent Living Resource Center Panelists: Valle Grande II Crisis Response: Collaboration from a Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach Lucas O’Connell Ling Faith-Heuertz Assistant Director, OptiHealth, Inc. The Arc of New Mexico 11:15 – 11:45 AM Break Chaco 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM Concurrent Sessions How Special Programs and Services Can Fill in the Gaps in Service Delivery for New Mexico Residents New Mexico Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) New Mexico Technology Assistance Program (NMTAP) Carmen Endlich Program Manager, Transition into Registered Apprenticeship Program (TRACE) Alice King Leveraged Integrated Networks of Consumer Support (LINCS) Lorie Gulley, NMTAP Connie DeHerrera, NMTAP Karen Peterson, CASA Network Denise Valle Grande II Tierney, CAREERS Olga Alvara, Migrant Assistance Program (MAP) Karen Wiley, Benefits Services Coordinator, Project WIN Mary Modrow, NEON, Early Intervention, ESP, SUCCEED John Fullinwider, DVR Valle Grande I My Mentors – My Map Karen Kinnett Hyatt President, Harbor, LLC Traumatic Brain Injury: From Early Childhood to Adulthood Michael F. Shaughnessy Professor of Special Education, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales Judy Madewell University of New Mexico Family Development Project and the Baby Amigo Project Larry Gnadt New Mexico Brain Injury Advisory Council Tijeras Developing Concepts, Messages & Health Promotion Materials to Increase Breast Cancer Awareness Among Women with Physical Disabilities JoAnn Thierry Research Scientist, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta 1:00 – 2:45 PM Anasazi Ballroom Lunch Presentation of Awards The Outstanding Student Researcher Award The Justin Dart Disability Advocacy Award Closing Plenary Address The National Center on Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD): Striving to Bring People with Disabilities to the Forefront of Fitness and Health James H. Rimmer Director, National Center on Physical Activity and Disability University of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Disability and Human Development 2:45 PM Adjournment 2004 Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta Early Saturday morning, nearly eight hundred hot air balloons from around the world will lift off from the banks of the Rio Grande to open the 33rd annual Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Stay and enjoy one of the world’s most spectacular sights! Saturday’s Event Schedule at Balloon Fiesta Park Saturday, October 2 5:45am - 6:45am Dawn Patrol Show presented by Nextel Communications 6:45am - 7:00am Opening Ceremonies 7:00am - 8:30am Mass Ascension 12:30pm - 7:00pm Fiesta del Vino - Wine Tasting 2:00pm - 5:00pm America’s Challenge Gas Balloon Race inflation begins 5:00pm - 7:00pm Fiesta Challenge Competition Flight 6:00pm - 7:15pm America’s Challenge Gas Balloon Race presented by Warsteiner Beer Mariachi Nuevo Sonido (Wednesday Reception ) is an authentic Mariachi band based in Albuquerque. This seven piece ensemble is composed of third-generation brothers and cousins from Chihuahua, Mexico. Please don’t be surprised if they come strolling to your table to perform your favorite requests. Eagle’s Whistle (Thursday reception) is composed of Dan McDermott and Andy Moss, who began playing together in the early 1990’s. The name Eagle’s Whistle is the title of an ancient Irish march. The groups repertoire contains numerous traditional Irish and Scottish dance tunes. Currently, they play weekly at Albuquerque’s Café Riviera. Randy Torres (Lunch Wednesday and Thursday) is an accomplished musician who has a developmental disability. He excels at playing the guitar and singing. Mr. Torres was born and raised in Albuquerque’s north valley and graduated from Valley High School. This culturally rich environment has influenced his music which reflects his deep Chicano roots. Practicing for more than two hours a day, Randy is so dedicated to his music that his friends, family, and people in his community call him “Guitar Randy”. Randy recently won a national award and is receiving $2000 to record his first CD! Quality of Life: Making it Real September 28 - 30, 2005 Albuquerque Convention Center ...we focus too often on what divides us. At the Southwest Conferences on Disability, we explore what we have in common, and how we can create a mutual agenda that goes beyond a particular perspective, group or disability...