General terms and conditions Provision of Courses Driving Academy s.r.o.; Registered office: Orechová Potôň , 930 02 Company registration number: 45 433 348 Registered in the Company Register of the District Court Trnava , Sec: Sro, Insert 25174/T (Hereinafter referred to as the ‘’DA’’) Is the legitimate user of the area of ‘’School of Safe Driving Orechová Potôň ‘’, whereas the DA is also eligible to allow a temporary use of the area by third parties. Relations between the DA (having the legal status of a ‘’Provider’’) and a third party (having the legal status of a ‘’Recipient’’) resulting from the Contract of Provision of Courses are governed by these following Terms of Conditions: I. Introductory Provisions 1. Pursuant to the Commercial Code § 273 Act No. 513/1991 of Coll. As subsequently amended (hereinafter referred to as ‘’CC’’), the following General Terms of Conditions of the Company ( hereinafter referred to as ‘’GTC’’) govern mutual rights and obligations of the contracting parties of the ‘’Contract of Provision of Courses’’ concluded between DA as a Service Provider ( hereinafter referred to as the ‘’Provider’’) and a natural person or a corporate entity as a Service Recipient ( hereinafter referred to as the ‘’Recipient’’) , (hereinafter referred to as ‘’Contract’’). The Contract governs the provision of Services specified in the Contract. 2. Derogating conditions of the Framework Contract take precedence over the Present GTC provisions. 3. GTC provisions are in integral part of the Contract. GTC is made in Slovak and English language. If there are any disputes regarding the understanding and interpretation of definitions and provisions of the present GTC, Slovak wording takes precedence. II. Definition of terms School of safe Driving (and/or area of School of Safe Driving) is a real estate and facility specified below which is necessary for motor/sport, sports, cultural and social events and activities. Driving Academy facilities include training rooms, each modules of the drill field, social facilities, parking area, facilities of stated objects including the area ‘’Automotodrome’’ of Slovakia Ring Orechová Potôň providing the course ‘’Racing’’. Services Services for the purpose of the GTC mean Services offered by the Provider to the part of the Recipient, other Services which are granted to the Recipient by the Provider and Specified in the Contract, as well as applicable extra Performance consisting of Provision of Services according to paragraph 1, article IV of the GTC. Provider For the purpose of the present GTC, ‘’Provider’’ is Driving Academy s.r.o.; Orechová Potôň, 9310 02; Corporate registration number 45 433 348, registered in the Company Register of the District Court Trnava , Sec: Sro, Insert 25174/T. Recipient For the purposes of the GTC, ‘’Recipient’’ is a natural person or a corporate entity having the legal status of a Recipient in accordance with Contract. Course is a single educational motor/sport event, competition, training drive/ride and testing organized or attending by the Recipient in the area of the Driving Academy on the basis of the Contract under the conditions stipulated in the Contract and these GTC. Start of Course For the purposes of the present GTC means the first entrance of the Recipient (or of a person authorized by the Recipient) and/or the first Course participant into the premises of the Driving Academy Orechová Potôň on the first day when the relevant Course takes place. Event Participant For the purposes of the present GTC means a natural person (referred to Contract) who as a Recipient directly takes place on the services of the Provider (of Courses) and /or attending the provided Services (Courses) by the Recipient ( as a person listed in the Enclosure of the Contract introducing the roster of the Participators). Price Is a total price to be paid for the provided Services/Courses agreed in the Contract. Reservation Contract For the purposes of the present GTC, means a Contract/Agreement on reservation concluded between the Provider and Recipient before the conclusion of the Contract with the purpose of obligatory reservation of the date of the course for the benefit of the Recipient. Other terms written in Capital letters which have not been specified in the present GTC are defined in the Contract. III. Rights and Obligations 1. On the basis of the Contract (Course), the Provider shall provide Services specified in the Contract. The Recipient accepts the Services and shall pay the price of the Course stipulated by the Contract (plus a possible additional payment, i.e. Price for extra Performance, according to article IV. of the present GTC). The Recipients shall obey all rules and provisions stipulated by Contract, the present GTC and by the Rules of Operation of the Provider. 2. The Provider shall stay in the area of the Driving Academy exclusively for the purpose of receive Services agreed in the Contract ( for the purpose of the participation of the Course) and is obligatory not to damage the area of the Driving Academy. The Recipient shall provide for the Participant of the course (and for participant of the course referred to Contract between the Provider and the Recipient) facilities only in a way that is not damaging for the area of the Driving Academy. 3. The Provider has the right to check, at any moment the usage of the area of the Driving Academy specified in the point 2 of this section. If the subject of the area of the Driving Academy damaged, for the Recipient and/or other Participant of the Course (and for participant of the course referred to Contract between the Provider 4. 5. 6. 7. and the Recipient) the Recipient shall provide a financial compensation to the Provider for the incurred damage and the lost profit, as calculated by the Provider. The Recipient shall not access the Driving Academy to a third party without a prior written consent of the Provider. Without a prior written consent of the Provider, the Recipient shall not provide any goods or services to third parties (including Course Participants). Throughout the period of usage of the area of the Driving Academy the Recipient shall fully follow the instructions of the Provider (or a person authorized by the Provider). The Recipient is obliged to ensure that all Course Participants (and for Participant of the course referred to Contract between the Provider and the Recipient) in the area of the Driving Academy shall fully follow the instructions of the Provider (or a person authorized by the Provider). The Recipient agrees and takes a responsibility for that the accession of the area of the Driving Academy is exclusively allowed by the Provider ( in a case that the Recipient as a natural person is in agreement providing Courses for himself/herself like an individual) or for person listed in a roster creating a part/enclosure of the Contract ( in a case that the Recipient is in agreement providing Courses for group of person) IV. Price and terms of payment 1. The price agreed in the Contract is expressed in Euro (EUR); its height depends on the scope of the provided services defined in the Contract. The Provider is entitled to offer other Services (Services agreed in the Contract), (hereinafter referred to as ‘’extra performance’’) for a price (hereinafter referred to ‘’ Price of extra Performance’’) and under conditions as agreed in Separate Agreement. 2. In harmony with regulations effective on the payment day, VAT shall always be added to the price of Course. 3. The price of the course (including a possible Price for additional performance in accordance with point 5 of this section of GTC) shall be paid in Euro exclusively, unless stipulated otherwise in the Contract. 4. Terms of payment The price of the course (100%) is payable up to 5 days before the first day of the appropriate course. Unless stipulated otherwise in the Contract and this by bank transfer or by cash. In a case of paying for the course by assignation the payment shall be put down to the Provider’s account specified in the Contract. 5. The price for extra services is payable by a bank transfer to the Provider’s account, unless the payment has been made on the spot with a credit card or in cash, before providing the extra services. The Provider is not bound to provide to the Recipient any extra performance (services). 6. Due to the Contract In case the Recipient’s payments are delayed, of these GTC the Provider is entitled to claim the payment of a contracted fine which equals 0.1% from the amount due for every single delayed day. 7. In case the Recipient does not fully and timely settle the Course price including VAT, the Provider is entitled to withdraw from provision of Services (Courses) which were agreed in the Contract. 8. The Recipient and the Provider have agreed that the Provider shall send invoices or possible unilateral credits and/or credit notes ( hereinafter referred to as 9. V. 1. 2. 3. 4. ‘’Documents for Accounting’’ ) by means of electronic mail to the e mail address of the recipient as specified in the Contract and simultaneously by means of registered mail. Following manners are considered as a delivery PF documents for accounting: (1) sending of a document for accounting purposes ( scanned with the signature of a person authorized by the Provider) to the mail address of the Recipient as specified in the Contract or (2) time limit of three days after a document for accounting purposes will have been sent by means of registered mail to the address of the Recipient which is specified in the Contract or to the address of the service Recipient representative who is stated in the Contract, depending which situation occurs first. The Provider is entitled to claim his right ( liability) for settlement of the contractual fine which arose consequence of the Recipient’s violation of provision which are stated in the Contract and/or GTC from any of the price (its part) for the course paid by the Recipient. The Recipient shall pay part of the price in case if shall be used by the Provider as settlement of the contractual fine in a manner stated in previous sentence within specified deadline. Liability and Insurance The Recipient is exclusively entitled to stay in area of the Driving Academy in case of receiving services specified in the Contract ( for the purpose of the participation on Courses) and is obligatory to behave in a way that is not damaging for the area of the Driving Academy. The Recipient shall obligatory ensure for participant of the course and all presented (for participant of the course referred to Contract between the Recipient and the Provider) (hereinafter ‘’ parties of the Recipient’’) to behave in a way that is not damaging for the area of the Driving academy. If the facility of the Driving Academy is damaged, parties for the Recipient the Recipient shall pay a full compensation for damage to the Provider (including repair costs paid for by the Provider to fix the damage), as calculated by the Provider. The Provider shall not take any responsibility for damages of property or health of the persons participating in the course. The Recipient takes in mind that third parties participating or not participating in the course can have access to the Driving Academy (or its parts). The contracting parties have agreed that the Recipient shall secure his/her property and the property of third parties against damage, theft, devaluation and destroying and/or devaluation of the property of the Recipient and/or third parties of the Recipient. The Recipient undertakes to inform the third parties about this liability of his/hers. If there are defects in the services provided by the Provider, the Recipient shall report the obvious defect to the Provider no later than during the provision of the service/course, (in case the deficiency of Service provision is obvious), other defects of Services shall be applied in writing by the Recipient to the service Provider no later than two days of the provision of services, otherwise any claims of the Recipient on the grounds of liability for defects terminate. If a course participant is injured in the area of the Driving Academy the Recipient shall at his/her own expense, provide a company to the injured person who will take care of his/her personal documents, payment, new clothing for the injured, who can arrange everything connected with the hospital treatment and his/her transport to his/her residential area. If the injured participant does not have a corresponding insurance cover and is not able to settle the hospital bill for the provided health care services, in cash or otherwise, the Recipient shall settle the costs. 5. In relation to the course which is taking place, the Recipient shall have a liability insurance cover (motor vehicle third party liability insurance) with minimum limit of 100 00,- EUR (one hundred thousand Euro). The Recipient shall furnish evidence of such effective insurance contract to the Provider no later than on the day prior to the first day of the course. 6. The Recipient may enter to those parts of the Driving Academy: training rooms, social facilities, social facilities, reception, places of the drill field and to those parts of the area of the Driving Academy that are available for the Recipient by the Provider (person authorized by the Provider) (hereinafter referred to as ‘’available places of the area’’). The Recipient shall ensure that all parties of the Recipient enter those parts of the area of the Driving Academy what creates the available place of the area, while the Recipient is responsible for the safety of the parties of the Recipient during the whole Course and this to the moment of leaving the area of the Driving Academy by all parties of the Recipient. The Recipient is liable for the damage and harm causing by duties violating pursuant to this section. The Provider has a prior to check if safety measures are observed, anytime during the Course. The Provider (or a person authorized by him/her) can expel from the area of the Driving Academy parties of the Recipient and/or the Recipient if in the eyes of the person authorized by the provider, any of the parties of the Recipient and/or Recipient endangers the security of other persons in the area of the Driving Academy and/or the security of other parties of the Recipient and/or if the security of other person or Participant of the Course in the area of the Driving Academy is in danger. 7. Provisions of access to and the operation of the control centre of each module are laid down in the Provider’s Rule of Operation. 8. If a violation of provisions of the Contract of the present GTC on the part of the Provider results in damage, the Recipient is entitled to get a compensation for the damage, which shall not be higher than the already paid part of the price stipulated by the Contract (in total for all violations). 9. At his/her own expense, the Recipient shall ensure patrolling of things brought to the area of the Driving Academy. 10. The Recipient shall ensure that all parties of the Recipient leave the area of the Driving Academy no later than 1 (one) hour after the end of the Course. Within the same time, the Recipient shall hand over all keys other things and equipments which he/she has been given to a person authorized by the Provider. VI. Broadcasting rights, Advertising 1. Without a prior written consent of the Provider, the Recipient shall not make, display, spread, make available, publish and/or audiovisual recordings from the Course and/or any other recordings showing also the area of the Driving Academy (or any of its parts) (hereinafter referred to as ‘’Recordings’’). The Recipient shall ensure that parties of the Recipient do not make or use, in any ways, recordings either. 2. Without a prior written consent of the Provider and without a prior written agreement with the Provider regarding remuneration for providing broadcasting rights, the Recipient shall not broadcast recordings by means of analogue and/or other similarly efficient broadcasting ways. 3. If an agreement is concluded as stated in the above point 2, the Recipient shall follow all Providers’ instructions when making recordings, and shall by no means endanger the safety of Driving Academy operation and/or Course participants and/or third parties present in the Driving Academy. The Recipient is at the same time obliged to make use of recordings made on basis of a written consent of the Provider only in a way as stated in the written agreement concluded between the Provider and the Recipient on the use of recordings. The recordings may at no time be used in a manner which would create the threat of harming or in a manner that would harm the good name, reputation and/or goodwill of the Provider and/or Driving Academy and/or the company Slovakia Ring s.r.o.; Registered office: 800 Orechová Potôň, 9310 02, Company Registration Number 44 154 992 (hereinafter referred to as ‘’Slovakia Ring’’) and may not be used in any connection to untruthful and/or negative and/or unconfirmed information regarding to Driving Academy, the Provider, Slovakia Ring and/or persons close to Slovakia Ring. The Recipient shall secure that no recordings will be used together with and/or in connection (not even as scene for illustration/animation accompanying texts and/or spoken word) with pieces of information, opinions, comments and other data (expressed in print and/or electronic and/or broadcasted version), which would create the danger of harming the good name (goodwill, reputation) of the Driving Academy, Provider or Slovakia Ring and/or would be able to bring about any kind of harm to the Driving Academy, Provider and Slovakia Ring regardless of the fact whether such information will be or will be not truthful. 4. The Recipient shall not cover advertising media (materials) placed within the area of the Driving Academy. Without a prior written consent and a written agreement with the Provider regarding a reward, the Recipient shall not place any advertising media of the Recipient and/or third parties within the area of the Driving Academy. The Recipient shall ensure that parties of the Recipient do not place advertising media in the area of the Driving Academy without a prior written consent with the Provider. 5. Without a prior written consent of the Provider and/or the company Slovakia Ring, it is not allowed to use the commercial name and/or the emblem (trademark) of the Provider and/or the company Slovakia Ring. The Recipient takes due note of the fact that the emblem of the Company Slovakia Ring as well as the emblem of the Provider is a registered designation protected by relevant provisions of the Act No.506/2009 Coll. on trademarks. 6. The Recipient entitles the Provider- with no limitations concerning time, territory or content- to make, display, spread, make available, (also by means of the internet), publish, adjust and/or otherwise use video, sound, video-sound, and/or audiovisual recordings from the Course containing also (i) the process of the Course, commercial name, brand name, trademark or an emblem of the Recipient and/or parties of the Recipient and/or (iii) displaying Recipients (photos of) Recipients and parties of the Recipient. In view of this point, the Recipient can cede the right to a third party. The Recipient declares that he/she is eligible to grant the rights to the Provider as stated in this paragraph. 7. If any of the Recipient’s statement proves false regarding the Contract or the present GTC, or the Recipient violates any of the obligations resulting from the Contract or the present GTC, the Provider has the right to claim damages from the Recipient incurred to the Provider as a result of truthlessness of the statement or as a result of violation of third party’s rights by the activity of the Provider or the Recipient in the amount as calculated by the Provider. If third parties make a claim to the Provider, the Recipient shall make every endeavor to reach an extrajudicial settlement of the existing cause, as well as to protect rights and interests of the Provider. The Recipient shall settle all financial claims raised by third parties upon the Provider in connection with the Course including claims regarding to recordings (and their consequent usage by the Provider) in accordance with the previous paragraph. 8. The Provider may settle his/her claim (liability) to compensate losses and/or other harm resulting from the violation of Recipient’s obligation and/or as consequence of untruthful declaration of the Recipient from the price paid by the Recipient (its parts). If the Provider claims his/her right for damage compensation in compliance with above sentence, the Recipient shall pay the part of the price which was used for the settlement of his claim. VII. Conditions of Cancellation 1. Obligations resulting from the Contract and the present GTC terminate upon due and timely fulfillment off all obligations resulting from the Contract. 2. The Recipient can cancel the Contract up to 5 (five) days before the first day of the appropriate Course only upon settling the compensation (cancellation fee) in accordance with paragraph 3 below in this section of the GTC. From its conclusion the Contract can be cancelled when the Recipient informs the Provider in writing that he/she is using his/her right to cancel the Contract and that he/she will pay the compensation to the Provider, calculated according to paragraph 3 below in this section of the GTC. 3. In view of the above paragraph 2, the compensation is calculated as 20% of the price of the course (including VAT). The obligation to pay the compensation already paid price of the Course (section Course price) are reciprocally calculated. In case when the present GTC and/or the Contract designates rights of the Provider towards the Recipient, for covering the Contract penalty, is not aggrieved by the rights of the Provider for the compensation of full claims. 4. The contracting parties have agreed that if the Recipient does not pay the full price no later than 1 (one) day before the day on which the Course takes place, the Contract, the entitlement for quittance of contracted penalty is not aggrieved by the termination of the Contract. 5. The Provider can withdraw from the Contract in cases if: 5.1 The Recipient uses parts of the area in contrariety to the Contract, the present GTC or with the Rules of Operation. 5.2 The Recipient breaks commitments as stated in section III. Paragraph 4 and/or 5 and/or 6 of the present GTC. 5.3 The Recipient has been delayed with the price of the Course for more than 3 days. 5.4 The recipient violates, in any way, the provisions of the Contract, GTC, Rules of Operation, Minimum Compulsory support, instructions of the Provider or a person authorized by the provider. 5.5 The Recipient fails to prove his/her meeting the conditions as stated in section V paragraphs 5 or 6 of the present GTC. 5.6 The recipient fails to prove his/her meeting the conditions as stated in section VIII paragraph 5 of the present GTC. 5.7 The right of Provider order out from the area of the Driving Academy for parties of the Recipient and/or the recipient occurs in compliance with section VIII paragraph 3 and/or section 6 of GTC or according to article V. section 8 of the GTC. 5.A) In all cases described in points 5.1 to 5.7 the Provider is at the same time entitled to claim a contractual penalty to be paid, in the amount equal to the price (part of it) for the relevant Course settled by the Recipient up to the moment of the Provider’s entitlement for contractual penalty. 5.8 If ‘’vis major’’ substantially inhibits the Provider from meeting his/her commitments on agreed dates. For the purposes of the present GTC, the following occurrences are considered to be ‘’vis major’’, impossibility to use the area of the Driving Academy (each parts) due to impossibility to use the area of the Driving Academy (each parts) for purposes stipulated in the Contract because of a failure to meet safety requirements or other requirements of sate administrative bodies or public authority bodies. In the stated cases the contracting parties will either agree on a different date of Services/Courses (in a written amendment to the Contract) or the Recipient will be given back all payments settled by the Contract. 5.9 If the area of the Driving Academy is impossible or unsuitable to use due to some defects (including technical defects). In this case all payments made by the Recipient will be given back to him/her on basis of the Contract, with the exception when the impossibility or unsuitability to use the area of the Driving Academy was caused by, or is a result of, an activity of the Recipient or parties of the Recipient (in this case the Provider can claim the contractual penalty to be paid, in the amount as stated in point 5.A) of this section, in addition to a full compensation of the damage. 5.10 In any time without stating the reason. In this case, (i) if the Provider withdraws from the Contract before the Course has begun, the Recipient will be given back all the payments (price for the Course) made by the Recipient based on the Contract, (ii) if the Provider withdraws from the Contract after the Course has begun, the recipient will be given back a proportional part of the price (price for the Course) based in the Contract, depending on the range of delivered Services. VIII. Safety 1. The Recipient shall comply with the conditions laid down in the Rules of Operation of the Provider. Before closing the Contract the Recipient confirms that he/she has read the Provider’s Rules of Operation. 2. The Recipient shall ensure that all parties of the Recipient are equipped with suitable and safe vehicles which are in good technical condition, with no substances leaking and adequately inflated tyres and clothing. The Recipient shall ensure that all parties of the Recipient have driving licenses during the appropriate Course for all the vehicles the Course is specialized. 3. The Provider may, anytime during the Course period, check motor vehicles and other machines, devices or clothing used by the Recipient and/or parties of the Recipient in the area of the Driving Academy. The Provider (or a person authorized by the Provider) may expel from the area of the Driving Academy parties of the Recipient or the Recipient if any of the parties of the Recipient brings a machines (or another device or a thing) to the area of the Driving Academy or takes/plans to take a ride/drive wearing clothes which, in Provider’s opinion (or in an opinion authorized by the Provider) are not suitable or safe to be used in the area of the Driving Academy and/or for the purposes laid down in the Contract. 4. The Recipient bears in mind that the area of the Driving Academy can be continuously monitored by video- or audio-recording (camera system). In view of the previous sentence, the Recipient agrees with making a video- or audio-recording and shall inform, and provide consent of all parties of the recipient regarding making the mentioned recordings. The participant agrees and shall provide consent of all parties of the Recipient regarding the use of such recordings (even if such recording will show the parties of the Recipient) for purposes of any judicial, criminal, administrative or other action (even as material of evidence), as well as proceedings lead by bodies of public authority. 5. The Recipient shall furnish a written consent of all parties of the Recipient declaring that they are aware of the existence of objective dangers, contingencies and an overall danger connected with motor-sports, that their machines and clothing meet all safety requirements, that they are in a good health and able to participate in the Course and driving, and that they know the technical parameters of the drill field of Driving Academy. The participant shall obey all instructions and order of the Provider and of persons authorized by the Provider with the operation of the Driving Academy. A template of such declaration of parties of the Recipient is a part of the present GTC as annex 1. Anytime the Provider (or a person authorized by the Provider) may expel parties of the Recipient and/or the Recipient from the Driving Academy if he/she suspects that parties of the Recipient and/or the Recipient has not met the conditions stated in the declaration, as detailed in this point and/or has not confirmed with his/her signature the mentioned declaration. 6. The Recipient shall ensure that all parties of the Recipient respect all instructions and orders of the Provider or of persons authorized by the Provider with the operation of the Driving Academy including safety instructions. Further, the Recipient shall also ensure that all parties of the Recipient shall drive in the parking area of the Driving Academy with a maximum speed 30 km/h and at the same time to refrain from sudden braking (with the exception of need for sudden braking or sudden braking out of reason of a sudden obstacle in the driving direction of the vehicle), to refrain from sudden acceleration, intentional slipping and drifting. The Provider (or a representative authorized by the Provider) is entitled to expel the parties of the Recipient and/or the Recipient from the area of Driving Academy in case any of the parties of the Recipient does not respect/perform and/or follow the instructions or orders of the Provider (or persons authorized by the Provider). 7. If a Recipient is expelled, in accordance with paragraphs 3 and/or 5 of this section, and/or section V .paragraph 8 of the present GTC, the Recipient is not entitled to be given back the price paid (nor any of its parts). IX.Final Provisions 1. The Recipient agrees with enlisting his name, surname, birth number, address (or company name, company registration number and personal data of a statutory body of the company and/or other authorized persons from the company), telephone and email contact into the database which is administered by the Provider for purposes regulated by legally binding provisions. The Recipient at the same time gives permission to processing the stated data for the purposes of (I) provision of services and execution of deals of the Provider and/or of mediators in the scope of the Contract (II), elaboration of internal analysis and statistics of the Provider, (III) contacting (providing information), reminding and/or informing about events and/or services offered by the Provider in the form of writings, electronic communication, mostly via phone calls, fax messages MMS to the above stated contact data as well as to other data provided to the Provider in relation with the Contract and in compliance with the law and individual legal provisions. 2. The Provider is entitled to publish in his own promotion materials (instruments) and/or promotion materials of the company Slovakia Ring information about Courses and participant of the Courses (including the recipient) as well as to publish recordings (parts of it) of the Courses namely of the web page of the Provider and/or the company Slovakia Ring (no limited by time or territory). 3. The Recipient declares with his signature that providing Services (Courses) (I), there will be no harm on a state of health of the Recipient, parties of the Recipient or any other natural person, (II) neither will be done any damage to the property of the Provider, the Recipient, parties of the Recipient or third persons and that (III) there will be no intrusion to the rights of third persons including the right for protection against unfair competition, general personal rights, industrial rights and rights for designation. Pursuant to § 725 of the Commercial Code, the Recipient as the promissory is obliged to pay damages to the Provider as the promisee for damages caused by any eligible financial claims of third persons towards the Provider as the Provider of the Services by reason of providing Services pursuant to the Contract and this mainly but not exclusively by settling any payment or other fulfillment applied towards the Provider. The Recipient as the promissory thus confirms that he asked the Provider as the promisee to rely on the promise of damage compensation of Recipient, meanwhile the Provider as the promisee was not obliged to enter neither a Contract. Contracting parties have explicitly agreed that the provisions of the Contract and of GTC relating to contractual penalty or damage compensation do not limit the claim of the Provider for compensation resulting hereto. 4. All notifications (including withdraw of the provider) made between the contracting parties referring to the Contract and/or GTC or such which should be made by the Provider based on the Contract and/or present GTC can be made by the Provider only in written form and sent by registered mail to the address of the Recipient which is stated in the Contract or to the address of the Recipient’s Representative stated in the Contract (in such notifications relate to the Course which is defined in the Contract). They are considered to be delivered if it can be clearly proved that they have been sent in compliance with the conditions stated hereto. Sending of any writing is considered fulfilled even if the address/domicile of the Recipient and/or his/her Representative has changed but he/she has not informed to the Provider in writing about this state of fact. 5. General Terms and Conditions, Contract as well as the rights and obligations resulting from the Contract and the present GTC are regulated by Slovak law and order, namely by provisions of Act. no 513/1991 of Commercial code (together with the liabilities which are not subject of relations as stated in § 261 of Civil Code). 6. Integral part of the present GTC: Annex no.1-Declaration of Participant of the Course If there are any disputes regarding the provisions of the present GTC and Rules of Operation of the Provider, Provisions of the GTC take precedence. 7. GTC come into effect on November 18, 2010. 8. Controversies or discrepancies concerning the interpretation or fulfillment of obligations from the Contract and/or these GTC will be solved during mutual discussions. In case the controversy cannot be thus settled, it will follow exclusively the jurisdiction of Slovak courts. 9. The Provider is entitled to alter these GTC at any time. New GTC come into force and fully replace previous GTC at the end of the 15th (fifteenth) day from the day when the new wording of GTC has been published on the web page of the Provider on The Recipient is obliged to traceably inform the Provider in writing in case the Recipient does not agree with the change of the wording and the content of GTC; no later than on the day the new wording of GTC comes into effect. If that case is applicable, the Recipient is obliged to respect the GTC in their previous (original) wording and content (effective for the Recipient are GTC which approval of comprehension has been given by the Recipient through signing of the Contract as amended and if the disapproval of the Recipient has not been announced to the Provider in the form and deadline as requested by the provisions of present GTC). In the time of the Course duration, the Recipient shall respect those GTC which are effective at the respective time spam. Driving Academy s.r.o. In Orechová Potôň, November 18th , 2010 General terms and conditions Provision of Courses Annex No.1 To General terms and conditions for providing Courses of the Company Driving Academy s.r.o.; registered office 800 Orechová Potôň, 930 02, Company registration number: 45 433 348 Declaration of participant of the Course (Hereinafter referred to only as ‘’GTC’’) Under mentioned persons (independently hereinafter referred to as ‘’Participant’’) assert below mentioned actuality and commit to fill duties of the Participant mentioned below. 1. The Participant takes part in rides of the Course in the area of the Driving Academy at his own risk. The Participant takes due note of and confirms that Driving Academy s.r.o.; registered office 800 Orechová Potôň, 9310 02, Company registration number: 45 433 348, (hereinafter referred to only as ‘’DA’’) does not bear any liability for damages caused on health and property which may arise for the Participant or to a third person due to the participant’s ride during the Practical part of the training Course. The participant declares to be fully liable for any damages and losses caused by him/her. The Participant is obliged to act in a way that there will be no harm caused to the health, property, nature or environment with his/her ride and that he/she will behave with respect to the other riders/drivers in the area of the Driving Academy – Orechová Potôň (hereinafter referred to as ‘’Driving Academy’’). The Participant declares that he/she fully bears liability for the damages and harms caused by him/her during the ride or use of vehicle on the drill field and other part of the premises of the Driving Academy. The Participant declares to make all necessary precautions in order to reduce danger of injuries to him/herself as well as other persons and that he will follow the instructions of the DA representatives. The Participant confirms to have been instructed on the drill field characteristics where the rides take place including safety, health and any other risks and dangers connected with the use of the drill field. 2. The Participant takes due note of the fact that the drill field is not a public road communication and that the legal or indemnity insurance/accident insurance does not apply for the rides on the drill filed of the area of the Driving Academy. 3. The participant declares to be holder of a valid driver’s license for the type of the vehicle, for which the Course is specialized and participated in, that he/she is not and will not be during the ride under influence of alcohol or any other psychotropic substance, as well as not in state of impaired attention or concentration. The Participant agrees that the DA is at all times of the Participant’s presence entitled to carry out an alcohol test within the area of the Driving Academy and the Participant may not refuse such test. The Participant guarantees that the vehicle which will be used for rides on the drill field is in good technical state, that no liquids leak out of the vehicle and that the tyres are appropriately inflated. The Participant takes notice and agrees that DA has the exclusive right no to admit the vehicle or the Participant on the drill field or to disqualify the rider/driver without compensation. 4. The Participant declares to be aware of the existence of objective danger unpredictable circumstances and general danger of the motor traffic and sport. Further the Participant declares that his/her vehicle and his/her outfit meets all safety requirements and that he/she is able to take part in the ride/drive with good health condition and with the knowledge of all technical parameters of the drill field. 5. The Participant agrees that DA(or its authorized representative) is at all times entitled to banish the Participant from the area of the Driving Academy if there is a doubt that the Participant has not respected all conditions and provisions stated in this Declaration. 6. The Participant takes notice that the area of the Driving Academy may be monitored with a camera system (i.e. video or audio recordings can be made). The Participant agrees with these recordings in compliance with previously stated sentence as well as with the use of such recordings (in case such recording will show the Participant’s person) for purposes of any judicial, criminal, administrative or other action (even as material of evidence), as well as proceedings lead by bodies of state administration and bodies of public authority. The participant issues his approval to the DA and Slovakia Ring s.r.o.; 800 Orechová Potôň, 930 02, company registration number:44 154 992 (hereinafter referred to as ‘’Ring’’) to make visual (photographic) and audiovisual recordings of the Participant within the area of the Driving Academy and the permission to use such recordings by DA and/or Ring within/for promotion materials of the company and their distribution via all communication media (including internet). The Participant is at the same time obliged to respect rules as follows: 7. Car drivers are obliged to use a seat belt. On motorcycle rides, the Participants are obliged to wear an overall with protectors, riding boots, gloves and a helmet. The outfit has to be designed for motorcycle rides. 8. The drill field of the Driving Academy may be accessed only on designed places. The Participant is obliged to follow the instructions of DA employees who are in charge of the drill field operation and to ride on the drill field only in the defined direction. 9. The Participant is obliged to adjust the ride on the drill field to the representatives of the DA, to his/her abilities, the vehicle state and to current climatic conditions. Provisions of Act. no. 725/2004 Coll. on conditions of vehicle operation for transportation on road communications as amended are valid for driving of the race track. 10. The Participant must not slow down on the drill field abruptly or without reason. In case of necessity the Participant has to leave the drill field safely. 11. In case of a crash the Participant is obliged to present the vehicle for a technical check, otherwise he/she will not be again admitted on the drill field. 12. The Participant shall respect the start and the end of the ride as instructed by employees of the DA in compliance with signaling. 13. The Participant is obliged to drive/ride in such manner as not to threaten or limit other Participators on the drill field. 14. During the whole time of stay within the premises of the DA, the Participant is obliged to follow the instruction of the DA employees. The Participant takes over the responsibility for the accompanying persons and for their behavior and possible damages and losses caused by them. 15. The Participant takes notice that he/she is entitled to enter only the parts of the area of the Driving Academy which have been explicitly specified as accessible by the DA (or its entitled representatives), for the Participant, i.e. the Participant gained explicit approval for entrance. 16. The Participant is not entitled to make visual (photographic), audio or audiovisual recordings during his/her presence in the area of the Driving Academy. He/she may not make an open fire during the presence of the area of the Driving Academy, bring in and/or hold weapons (including shooting and thrust weapons and explosive substances or materials, bring and use alcoholic or other narcotic or psychotropic substances. 17. The Participant is obligated to attend debates (instruction) before riding in the area of the Driving Academy. 18. The Participant declares to have attended a meeting regarding instructions on the safety of rides on the drill field and on the organization of rides of the drill field. He/she also declares to be aware of all technical parameters of the drill field. 19. The Participant is obliged to respect all instructions and orders given by the DA as well as persons authorized by the DA for the operation of the Driving Academy including the prohibition of ruthless driving and safety instructions. The Participant is further obliged to respect the maximum speed limit of 30km/h at the parking area which forms part of the Driving Academy (hereinafter referred to as ‘’parking area’’) and at the same time the Participant will refrain from rapid braking in the parking area, (with exception of sudden braking out of reason of a sudden obstacle in the driving direction of the vehicle), to refrain from sudden acceleration, intentional slipping and drifting. In case any of these obligation specified in this Declaration (including point 19) will be violated by the Participant, the Participant shall pay a fine of 500,- EUR (five-hundred euro) for each violation of obligations separately. The Participant shall immediately pay this fine (before leaving the area of the Driving Academy) when asked (also verbally) by the company DA (or by a person authorized by the DA) to settle the contractual fine. In case of birth of damage DA has right for compensation of the incurred loss in full charge. The Participant declares and confirms his/her approval that the DA (or its authorized representative) is at any time entitled to ban entrance into the area of the Driving Academy if there is a suspicion that the Participant has not respected all Participant obligations as specified in point 19 of this declaration. 20. The Participant is obliged to respect all instruction and orders of the DA and RPA (Rapid Technical Aid) when removing broken vehicles. DA does not take over the liability for possible damages which may arise through this action. 21. The Participant agrees that the DA processes his/her name, surname, date of birth, permanent address and email address with the purpose of: (a) verifying his/her identity and authorization to ride vehicles, (b) registering the list of Event Participants, (c) enlisting this information into the database (informational system) which is administered by the DA (d) providing services and execution of transactions of the company DA, (e) elaborating internal analysis and statistics of the company DA, (f) contacting (providing information), reminding and/or informing about Events and/or services offered by the company DA in the form of writings sent to the above stated contact data, (g) using the specified data by the company DA for marketing and providing them to third parties which will cooperate with the DA on the organization of Events and which will be assigned by the DA to carry out marketing activities for the benefit of the DA, as well as for the purposes (h) which are stated by the generally valid legal provisions and for the purpose of archiving this Declaration. Pursuant to this point, the Participant declares his/her approval with the facts stated herein for the period of 10 years from the date of signing this Declaration. The Participant may withdraw his consent to use the information by means of a written cancellation of consent which shall be delivered to the company DA. 22. Arguments or disagreements during the interpretation or fulfill assignations of this Declaration, as well as all arguments from/related providing Courses for Participant and/or altering ridings on the drill field of the Driving Academy for the Provider and/or whatever demands of the Participant or DA concerning for driving and/or providing Courses and/or validity of this Declaration and/or relation to based on this Declaration will be liable exclusively jurisdiction of the Slovak court of justice. Relations based on/arose/related to practicing/practicing riding of the Participant on the drill field of the driving academy, as well as relations based on this Declaration and/or receiving Services provided by the company DA regulated in the Slovak body of lows. Participants: Name: Surname: Date of birth: Permanent address: Number of ID: Number of Driving License: Signature and date of signing : Driving Academy s.r.o. 800, 930 02 Orechová Potôň, Slovak Republik ICO: 45 433 348, DIC 2023000507:, IC DPH: SK2023000507 Company registered in the Commercial Register in the County Court in Trnava Insert number: 25174/T, Segment: Sro